Nor Or May 19, 2016, No. 20_N.O. Blank 5/18/16 2:20 PM Page 1
Vol. 94, # 20, Thursday, May 19, 2016
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Nor Or May 19, 2016, No. 20_N.O. Blank 5/18/16 2:20 PM Page 2
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NOR OR ENG. May 19:Layout 1 5/17/16 12:14 AM Page 1
Thursday, May 19, 2016 Vol. 94, # 20
Sargsyan: Azerbaijan President’s Assurances Inspire Little Faith During the Armenian-Azerbaijani meeting, which was held Monday in Vienna, the Armenian side had aimed to find out whether or not the NagornoKarabakh peace talks have met an impasse, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan told Armenian journalists on the way back from the Austrian capital city. “Our objective was to find out whether the negotiations have actually deadlocked and there is no other way but to war, or, nonetheless, we can solve the problem with minimal losses,” the President said. “Overall, me and my associates are satisfied with the results of the meeting, and we can say more clearly about this when the [respective] statement by the [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group] Co-Chairs is
An interview was conducted at the Beshgeturian center on Saturday, May 14 with Ara Najarian who has been endorsed by the ADLP for LA County Supervisor. Former Glendale Mayor and current Glendale City Councilman Ara Najarian is running for Los Angeles County Supervisor, District 5. On Saturday, May 14, 2016, an interview was held at the Tekeyan Cultural Association in Altadena, to get acquainted with the candidate and know his position on issues that concern the voters. The interview was conducted by Glendale resident Ara Aharonian.
made,” Sargsyan added. “The president of Azerbaijan assured that his country and he, personally, have no intention to reach the solution of a problem by way of hostilities (…). This is good, but it inspires little faith because there was such talk repeatedly, but in reality, the [respective] arrangement [to cease fire] is not kept for several years, now. “We [i.e. the Armenian side] are ready for any outcome. [But] of course, it is our wish that this outcome be through peace.”
Armenia Fund Raises $1.1 Million During Emergency Artsakh Telethon Funds will Help Restore Civilian Infrastructure and Provide Humanitarian Aid Los Angeles, CA – Armenia Fund U.S. Western Region is proud to announce that a total of $1,102,357 was raised during the 6 hours of its Help Artsakh! emergency telethon aired on May 14, 2016 in Los Angeles. “Armenia Fund is an organization that was born amidst a humanitarian catastrophe in Artsakh in 1992, when hundreds of thousands of Armenians from Artsakh and Azerbaijan became refugees with no shelter, food, heat or means to survive”, stated Maria Mehranian, Chair of Armenia Fund’s Board of Directors. “Armenia Fund stood by Artsakh through war and peace and will continue to do so. I would like to thank the world wide affiliates of Armenia Fund, specifically Armenia Fund in New York, Toronto, Paris, and Sao Paolo, for their participation in our Telethon with funds raised by their emergency fundraising activities that added $490,000 to the total raised,” added Mehranian. Airing on all major Armenian American television stations, the emergency telethon highlighted stories of bravery, courage, and hope through the destruction of war. The video segments produced in Artsakh showed the massive damage caused by indiscriminate shelling of villages as well as the valor and bravery of young Armenian conscripts who courageously withstood a
Ara Najarian for LA County Supervisor
massive military aggression of the Azeri armed forces along the entire border with Artsakh in early April. “Given the situation in Artsakh, this Telethon was organized to solely provide short term humanitarian relief to the victims of war. Artsakh’s needs are immense ranging from immediate medical care for the wounded to rebuilding destroyed housing and infrastructure. I want to thank all Armenians for their wholehearted support of Artsakh,” said Sarkis Kotanjian, Executive Director of Armenia Fund, U.S. Western Region. Representatives from the greater Armenian-American community and prominent members of Congress and government appealed during the Telethon, voicing their strong support for Artsakh. For the last quarter century Armenia Fund has been uniting the global Armenian community for the development of Armenia and Artsakh resulting in more than $350 million in large scale humanitarian relief and infrastructure development.
Q. Can you tell us about your experiences in the political Arena? A. Sure. For 8 years, starting 1995, I was on the City Transportation Commission, with 2 years as its Chairman. I have served on the Glendale Community College Board of Trustees from 2003 to 2005. In 2005, I was elected to serve on the Glendale City Council, then reelected in 2009 and 2013. Trice, I served as Mayor; 2007-08, 2010-11 and 2015-16. Since 2006, I have been on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, elected by the Mayors of the cities of L.A. County. Also since 2006, I have been on the Metro Link Board, which oversees the operation of 5 county commuter rail service. I have rendered my services for 10 years as a volunteer judge (Judge Pro Tem) in Glendale, Pasadena and San Fernando Valley. Q. Can you give us some information about District 5? A. Definitely. District 5 is the largest District in Los Angeles County. It includes urbanized cities like Glendale and Pasadena, small cities like Arcadia and South Pasadena, also many rural and unincorporated areas. District 5 has 2 million people of diverse ethnic backgrounds. We have 20% Hispanic, 10% Armenian, and 4% Middle Eastern. We also have African Americans, Greeks and Serbs. Q. How many people are running for this position held by Supervisor Michael
Antonovich, who will be termed out after serving 36 years? A. There are 8 candidates vying for this position, 3 of whom are elected officials; an LA City Council Member, a State Senator and myself. Q. What is the annual budget for the county? A. 28 billion dollars. Q. What is your message for the Armenian Community? A. Go out and vote on June 7. It is a very powerful position and we need to put a qualified Armenian in that position, who will be serving three 4-year terms. Q. What makes you qualified for that position? A. I am a lawyer and I have a degree in economics, which is very helpful in appropriating funds. I could create jobs and balance the budget, per my track record in the City of Glendale, and I will assist financially the many non-profit and cultural organizations. Q. Do you have any endorsements? A. Yes, as a matter of fact I have. My opposition to the extension of Freeway 710, has gained me endorsements from Diana Mahmud, Mayor of South Pasadena, Jonathan C. Curtis, Mayor of La Canada Flintridge and Bill Bogaard, former Mayor of Pasadena. I have also been endorsed by the Los Angeles Times. Here is what they had to say about me. “He has demonstrated creative thinking and a talent for problem-solving. Najarian and Barger are the two candidates best-suited to the job, and Najarian is the better of the two.” Good luck, Mr. Najarian and rest assured that we will all vote for you. Note: Ara Najarian is the son of Dr. Vartkes Najarian, the founder and Chairman of Medical Outreach, a non-profit organization that sent medical supplies and specialist to Armenia.
Azerbaijan Fired With Mortar and Rocket-propelled Grenade Stepanakert – The situation along Line of Contact between the Karabakh and Azerbaijani opposing forces was relatively calm from late Tuesday night to early Wednesday morning. The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army (NKR/Artsakh DA) informed Armenian that during this time, however, the Azerbaijani armed forces continued violating the arrangement to cease fire, and primarily by way of rifle
weaponry. In addition, the adversary made use of a mortar and a rocket-propelled grenade (hand-held antitank grenade launcher) in a northeasterly (Martakert) direction. “[But] the DA vanguard units maintained the ceasefire arrangement, and continued confidently carrying out their military task,” the respective statement reads.
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 19, 2016
PAI PRESS RELEASE #1 PAN-ARMENIAN IDEOLOGY (PAI) WORKSHOP #1 and the Diaspora; creating a strong bond between members of global Armenian communities; defending Armenian national interests; and making Armenia a selfreliant country, among other objectives.
The first Pan-Armenian Ideology (PAI) workshop took place on Saturday, April 30, 2016 at the Beshgeturian Center in Altadena, California. The workshop was organized by the Armenian Rights Council of America (ARCA), and was attended by leaders of Armenian political organizations, as well as representatives of the Armenian community of greater Los Angeles. Opening remarks were made by Dr. Raffi Balian, the chairman of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party’s Western USA District Committee, who emphasized the importance of implementing PAI objectives as a united Armenian nation, in order to enable Armenians to confront numerous challenges facing our people worldwide. Next, historian Gevork Nazaryan provided a detailed PowerPoint presentation through which he introduced an historical backgrounder on past efforts to unite Armenians with similar ideologies. Mr. Nazaryan then enumerated PAI’s objectives, as well as concepts aimed at implementing them. Some of the delineated objectives include: Increasing cooperation among Armenian organizations and fighting assimilation; pursuing the cause of a united Armenia; strengthening Armenia
Gevork Nazarian
1. Stable Government for Armenia A government that provides stability to the country and functions in a transparent fashion. A government that is responsive to the needs of its citizens, respects their fundamental human rights, and works towards the elimination of poverty, corruption and monopolies. A government that will develop a national policy for Islamized Armenians, and will earn the trust and respect of its citizens. Dr Raffi Balian many of the existing independent organizations, and with representation in the Armenian government. Another task of this body would include the management of a newly established Pan-Armenian fund.
Hagop Nazarian Mr. Nazaryan’s presentation was followed by a brief speech delivered by Dr. Garabet K. Moumdjian, who had spent a number of years researching and investigating the creation of an Armenian national ideology. Dr. Moumdjian spoke about the positive aspects of a Pan-Armenian Ideology, and emphasized that such an ideology would require persistent efforts, large financial resources, and the overcoming of Cold War-era mentalities. The next speaker was Mr. Hagop Nazarian, the chairman of the PAI workshop organizing committee. During his presentation, Mr. Nazarian introduced five critical subjects for consideration by workshop participants, who would be placed into five distinct workshop groups. After introducing the PAI workshop format, Mr. Nazarian proposed that the five groups follow specified guidelines in formulating their respective recommendations. Further, he proposed that recommendations and solutions ought to: 1) Serve or contribute to Armenian national interests. 2) Contribute to the strengthening of Armenia, Artsakh and diasporan communities. 3) Help to make Armenia a self-reliant country. Mr. Nazarian further classified PAI’s intent for each of the five critical subjects proposed for discussion and investigation. The five subjects are as follows:
Dr. Garabet Moumdjian 2. Repatriation First, a comprehensive repatriation policy must be developed by the government, in order to implement a well-planned repatriation program, and substantially reverse the migration out of Armenia. Only then can the repatriation of large numbers of diasporan Armenians be initiated, with priority given to communities in countries with insecure political conditions. 3. Homeland-Diaspora Unity To strengthen homeland-diaspora unity, PAI proposes the formulation of an ad-hoc committee composed of experts in various fields. The task of this committee would be to identify many of the existing problems and roadblocks, and propose practical solutions. After the implementation of the solutions, relations are expected to improve, thus benefitting both diasporan and homeland Armenians. 4. Pan-Armenian Governing Body A new Pan-Armenian governing body may have to be created in the diaspora, in order to implement PAI objectives. This body would function as an umbrella organization, coordinating and managing
Tufenkian Foundation Hires Raffi Doudaklian As New Executive Director After a thorough search and interviews with a number of qualified candidates, I’m pleased to announce the hiring of Raffi Doudaklian as TF Executive Director. He will be based in Yerevan, and will lead our operations in both Armenia and Artsakh, as well as our public relations. Originally from Lebanon, Raffi has been active in Armenian affairs his whole life – first in Beirut, later in Los Angeles, Toronto, and finally Yerevan. Since 2008, he has been the Armenia Country Director for Mission East, a Danish development organization which works to help vulnerable populations. We are fortunate to have Raffi with us. He has a great track record and skill set for doing the job at the high levels we expect, and a proven dedication to the causes we fight for. Raffi’s transition has already
begun on a part-time basis, and by July we expect to have him with us full-time. During the coming weeks, he will work closely with our Board and staff to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. In the meantime, please join me in welcoming him. Raffi will replace our long-time Executive Director, Antranig Kasbarian, who has played an instrumental
role in TF’s growth and development. I’m happy to report that Antranig will remain with TF as a Board member and as Director of Development, supervising partnerships, fundraising, and special projects. With these forthcoming changes, we look forward to expanding both our budget and our activities in support of Armenia and Artsakh. There is so much to do, and neither the urgency nor the needs seem to have diminished since we began almost 20 years ago. We thank you for partnering with us and the other great organizations we work with, as we enter this new phase of the Tufenkian Foundation’s work. In solidarity, James Tufenkian on behalf of the Tufenkian Foundation Team
5. Resolution of the Armenian Question Regarding this important national issue, special efforts must be made to develop step-by-step plans and preparations, in order to address a number of issues related to this subject. Among the important issues are Armenian Genocide recognition, restitution, reparations, applicable treaties, and requisite preparation for diplomatic initiatives. Of course, the recognition of the crime of the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey, and denied by the presentday Turkish government, is an important step to provide justice for our cause. After Mr. Nazarian’s comments and statements, participants joined their respective assigned groups, where discussions ensued on finding solutions to specific subjects addressed by each group. Upon the completion of discussions, representatives of the five groups gathered together to share their conclusions with one another. A question and answer session occurred during the summarized presentations by each group. Upon concluding remarks offered by Dr. Balian, the workshop came to an end with the understanding that a booklet would be issued documenting discussions and recommended solutions offered by each group at the workshop. Since not all PAI topics were covered by Workshop #1, additional workshops will be planned, in order to discuss more specialized subjects. HAGOP NAZARIAN
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 19, 2016
“I am a fighter. I have the ability to make change”
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
Gabriel Khanlian Fought for Porter Ranch and Now Ready to Fight for Armenians
By Hambersom Aghbashian
For the several months since October 23, 2015, we all followed the saga of the Aliso Canyon Porter Ranch gas leak and blowout on TV. Porter Ranch is a community with a sizable number of Armenian families. It’s not easy for families who settled and found a safe and decent life in a peaceful community to leave their houses and move to hotels or apartments avoiding the air pollution that was caused by the gas leak. It should come as no surprise then that one of the community defenders and activists was an Armenian. Gabriel Khanlian, carrying his posters while holding the hands of his sons went along, fighting and demanding to make sure that his family and community can live in a safe and clean environment. By joining his neighborhood’s HOA committee and “Save Porter Ranch” he wanted to be a voice in the community, and to force SoCal Gas to take responsibility for the blowout and ensure the safety of the residents. Gabriel held many protests, rallies and gave many speeches to the community and the news regarding the situation. Gabriel got the chance to meet with many politicians including the mayor, his congressman, and senators. He went to Sacramento to lobby, and spoke to many Assembly members to join the fight to see that Porter Ranch was safe again, and to shut down the facility and prevent a disaster like this from occurring again, which made hundreds sick and forced thousands of residents to flee their homes. The Porter Ranch gas leak and blowout is the biggest gas leak in the history in the United States. This opened his eyes and made him get more involved in politics. He is currently running for neighborhood council and also managing the election campaign for Mark Reed who is running for congress. Mark Reed is ready to fight with the Armenians, and do everything in his power to have the US government accept the Armenian Genocide once and for all. Gabriel was born in Lebanon. During the beginning of its civil war, his family escaped to America in 1979. He attended AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School and graduated high school in 1994. He studied electrical computer engineering at Cal. State Northridge and at the same time acted and worked for the movie studios. Eventually, he started his own business and married his wife Aleeza and established a lovely family. He is blessed with two wonderful boys, Jayden and Mason and one daughter, Tatiana. Due to his dedication and hard work, he became the man of a beautiful family that can live and enjoy the best. - To stand up and shout your voice high is nothing but strong determination and strong ability to hold on to your rights. Why did you decide to get involved while you could have not? - I believe that everyone has the ability to do anything they want in their life as long as they put their mind to it. Some take
the simple way, follow rules and live life, while others want to be the ones making the rules, laws and changes. I am a fighter. I have the ability to make change. I want to bring back safety into our lives. I want to make sure I do everything I can to make sure that our children grow in a stable environment. In the past 100 years, Earth has evolved by fossil fuels and technology that has been poisoning our lives and changing the future for the worse. Some changes are for the good and other changes are destroying innocent people, animals and trees. It is time for this generation to reevaluate the important things in life and use their mind to make change now for the future. We need to start looking at more clean air energy and renewable energy. We need to get rid of fossil fuels as it is changing the climate, poisoning and killing 1000s, and poisoning the atmosphere that our children will have to deal with in the future. Damage in time, cannot be reversed. We need to choose our wars carefully. We need to protect our country, heritage and borders before we can protect others. - As an activist, what are your principals? How do you define yourself? - I believe in change. One who says he or she will make change and one who tries to make or attempt change is completely different. There have been many politicians that jump into an historical event and make statements to make themselves look good and to gain support in elections and not choose to attempt to make change. I choose to fight for everything I want to change and encourage others to do so as well. I believe words are worthless compared to action. Action makes change for the better and for the people. For example, I want to fight for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. I want to encourage young educated kids that they can make change and only way to make change is to get involved. They are the future and with them, we can clean out the system and call out on facts and fix issues that our older generation has overlooked and or attempted and not succeeded. - Of course, after all, your efforts are serving great causes, what about your vision? What are you looking for? - My vision for the future is to make life more sustainable, safe and clean. I have 2 eyes and only see my surrounding. I have 2 ears to hear what is told. Social media has given me millions of eyes and ears, and now I realize how many issues arise in the world. Problems here are found on the other side of the world, but other problems that we do not see here can be avoided in the future. We need to learn from others’ mistakes. We need to make better use of what we have now and take advantage of. As technology advances, we have the ability to stop polluting the planet by emissions and start recycling the water supply to prevent water shortages. We need to conserve energy to prevent blackouts. We need to use solar and other renewable energy resources to prevent the poisoning of the environment at the same time save your hard earned assets. We should fight for our health to live longer and achieve more. We need to start shutting down oil and natural gas fields as the toxins released are shortening our lives and causing unknown health issues and cancers. Cont. on p.10
114 - Do!an Özgüden Do!an Özgüden (born 1936, Kalecik, Ankara) is a Turkish journalist and publisher. He completed his high school education in Ankara and got a license diploma from the Higher School of Economic and Commercial Sciences (YETO) in Izmir. After 1971 military coup in Turkey, he left the country and based in Belgium since 1974. Özgüden worked at a variety of Turkish newspapers from 1952 to 1964, before becoming the editor-in-chief of Turkish daily newspaper Ak"am (1964 - 1966). He was elected to the Workers Party of Turkey's (TIP), central committee in 1964. Together with Inci Tugsavul, Özgüden co-founded the Ant Publishing House in 1967, publishing the weekly Ant as well as a variety of books. After the banning of Ant by the junta of the 1971 military coup, Özgüden and Tugsavul established Info-Türk in Brussels in 1974. The founders were charged with over 50 opinion-related crimes for articles written or published in Ant, and were stripped of their Turkish nationality in 1984. In 2006 the Human Rights Association of Turkey awarded the 2006 Ayse Zarakolu Freedom of Thought Prize to Info-Türk co-founders Özgüden and Tugsavul. Do!an Özgüden is the author of many books and studies, mainly On Fascism (1965, Istanbul), On Capitalism (1966, Istanbul), File on Turkey (1972, France), Turkey, Fascism and Resistance (1973), Mass media and Turkish Migrants (1983), The Portrait of Turkish Migration (1984), Black Book on the Militarist "Democracy" in Turkey (1986 - 2010), Extreme Right in Turkey (1988), Stateless Journalist I (2010), Stateless Journalist II (2011) and others. The Istanbul Section of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (IHD) has decided to attribute the Ayse Zarakolu Price for Freedom of Thought (2006) to Info-Turk editors Özgüden and Tugsavul along with Kisanak, Yilmaz and Karaca. The price award ceremony took place in Istanbul on the International Women Day. Since Özgüden and Tugsavul cannot enter their country because of legal proceedings, publisher and human rights defender Ragip Zarakolu came to Brussels on February 24, 2006, and announced the IHD's decision at the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)* General Meeting held at the International Press Center. Later on, he presented Özgüden and Tugsavul the price. In the award announcement it was mentioned, " With the Info-Turk Agency that they founded in exile, they put in question many subjects considered taboos in Turkey. They took a clear position against anti-Semitism and opened debate of the question of Armenian Genocide. Still there is always an arrest warrant against Dogan Özgüden under Article 301 for having criticized putschist generals." (1) "I Apologize" (“Özür Diliyorum”) is an online campaign launched in December 2008 in Turkey by numerous journalists, politicians, and professors, calling for a col-
lective apology for the Armenian Genocide, which I Apologize calls "the Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915." The campaign was launched by Prof. Ahmet Insel, politician Baskin Oran, Dr. Cengiz Aktar, and journalist Ali Bayramo!lu. The campaign emphasizes regret on behalf of Turkey that Armenian requests for recognition of the 1915 genocide has been actively suppressed within Turkey. The campaign was signed by 5,000 people within the first 24 hours, and had collected over 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign created widespread outrage in Turkish society. Do!an Özgüden was one of the signees. According to, on May 13, 2015, a group of Armenian, Kurdish, Syriac , Alevi , Assyrian , Yezidi, and Turkish organizations in Brussels, Belgium, released an appeal titled " No to the lynching campaign against journalist Dogan Özgüden", where it mentioned that " Journalist Dogan Özgüden, humanist and defender of human and minority rights, has been target of a new lynching campaign launched by Turkish negationists and ultranationalists. On the occasion of the centenary commemorations of the 1915 Genocide, these circles develop a campaign of slander and aggression (as happened in 2008) whose target is again Dogan Özgüden. The democratic public opinion knows very well Mr. Özgüden, his work as a journalist for 60 years, his uncompromising struggle against injustice, his resolute stand against the powers in Turkey, his worthy attitude on the reality of the genocide of 1915, and is very well aware of the fact that this attitude makes him a prime target of the Turkish state and the negationists and nationalist circles." At the end the signatories stated "we tell them that Dogan is not alone. We the signatories of this appeal give him all our support and call the Belgian authorities to a greatest vigilance against these threats." (2)
* IFEX, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange, is a global network of over 100 independent non-governmental organizations working at the local, national, regional and international level to defend and promote freedom of expression as a fundamental human right. IFEX was founded in 1992 in Montreal, Canada, by a group of organizations responding to free expression violations around the world. 1. 2. !
NOR OR ENG. May 19:Layout 1 5/17/16 12:14 AM Page 4
Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 19, 2016
Armenian Pilot Inaugurates First Qatar Airways Flight to Yerevan On Sunday May 15, Qatar Airways inaugurated its maiden flight from Doha to Yerevan. The co-pilot for the flight was none other than Captain Raffi Keshishian of Beirut. He was given the honor of flying into Yerevan and also making the welcome announcement in both English and Armenian in flight and upon landing. In Captain Raffi’s words “The Company (Qatar Airways) gave me the privilege and the go ahead to make the public announcement in Armenian and English. When I did it, the entire cabin applauded and the hostesses came in and excitedly said once passengers heard an Armenian pilot on the PA they all celebrated. While in flight, I went out of the cockpit to meet the VIP on board, the Armenian ambassador to Qatar and UAE H.E. Mr. Gegham Gharibjanian, who said he felt so happy for this inaugural flight and for the fact that the pilot is Armenian.” Raffi Keshishian has been flying for the past 11 years, 4 of which have been with Qatar Airways flying their Airbus fleet.
Parajanov's "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a screening of SERGEI PARAJANOV's classic film SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS on FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors stunned world audiences in 1964. It is popularly known as the Romeo and Juliet of the Carpathians. The film is set among the Hutsul people of the Western Ukraine, an isolated ethnic group who live in the upper
reaches of the mountain range. Sergei Parajanov was born in Georgia to Armenian parents. After studying film and music, Parajanov became an assistant director at the Dovzhenko studios in Kiev. In 1964 he made Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. He followed this up with the even more innovative The Color of Pomegranates (1969) which explored the art and poetry of his native Armenia in a series of stunningly beautiful tableaux, but by this stage the authorities had had enough, and Paradjanov spent most of the 1970s in prison on charges of "homosexuality and illegal trafficking in religious icons". However, with the coming of perestroika, he was able to make two further films before succumbing to cancer in 1990.
Gabriel Khanlian Fought for... Cont. from p.9 What are your plans for the future? I know you didn’t stop acting loud since you started and you are not planning to give up. - “I am here as dad, as an activist, as a lobbyist, as a businessman and as a future politician to make our future better and our past recognized. I am here for the Armenians to bring peace to our future and place our ancestors at final rest once we fight stronger for the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide. I am here to call out all Armenians to join the fight in politics to get everything that was taken away from us back in our hands. Our rights, our lives, our assets, our churches, our past, our culture and our lands were all attempted to be taken away 101 years ago yet we have not forgotten. We are one and with our force, we will never forget! Our stories, pictures and history were never lost. Instead, our voices are being heard louder and clearer. Our ancestors who survived the genocide and ran away from Armenia were our voices from the past. We listened, we heard and we are getting stronger and more powerful, not only in Armenia but from all over the world. We won over the Turks by not letting them destroy and eliminate Armenians as their plans. They failed. The fact that our numbers are exponentially expanding daily, that is a win for us. We will stand up with a larger force worldwide and get our lands and past back!” - Do you think that your Armenian roots or Armenian Identity has the impact on you to fight and demand for your rights? - “I am a proud Armenian. I was born in Lebanon and live in USA. Not one day has passed that I have forgotten my heritage and what my great grandparents went through for me to be here today. We should never give up and never forget the
past. We, together, can educate ourselves to be role models for the future generation. My goal in life is to have a seat in congress or senate and make friends with all the other members, to talk to them one on one, and make them understand the past and why it is important to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Not only will I fight for the recognition of the Genocide, I will make sure our kids live in a safer, healthier, fearless life. Armenians have hearts made of doves. We rally and protest on every April 24 and remember the lost and cry for our past. Instead of raging anger and starting riots and trying to cause harm to others, even on our saddest day, we stand together and celebrate the future and our heritage. We rally and protest to get the message across at the same time we pray and listen to inspirational speeches, learn more about our history, and listen and dance to beautiful Armenian songs, sang by legendary Armenian singers. We set up stages and get permits for families to come together, talk to each other, make new friends and enjoy a day of culture. We stand tall and proud with fellow Armenians with flags and signs for the world to know, we are here and we will never be forgotten.” Gabriel, You made us proud by standing up and defending your community. I wish you the best in your political journey and hope that your voice can get louder to shout the truth and make a difference. I wanted for our Armenian community to know about you, learn from your experience, and stand by you if they believe in your mission to save your community. Thank you very much for your time!
Nor Or May 19, 2016, No. 20_N.O. Blank 5/18/16 2:20 PM Page 7
Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 19 Ø!ÛÇë 2016
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