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Nor Or, May 26, 2016, N0. 21_N.O. Blank 5/25/16 4:50 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 21, Thursday, May 26, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. May 26:Layout 1 5/24/16 6:45 AM Page 1

Thursday, May 26, 2016 Vol. 94, # 21


Warlick: OSCE Minsk Group Hopes to Meet with Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs hope to meet with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, U.S. Co-Chair James Warlick told APA Tuesday. “The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have no immediate plans to visit the region. However, we hope to meet with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan to prepare for the summit which we expect to take place in June, as agreed by the presidents. Our aim is to lay the groundwork for negotiations that can lead to a comprehensive settlement,” Warlick said.

Armenian Cemetery Liberated in Deir Zor

The Syrian Arab Army’s 137th Artillery Brigade of the Republican Guard imposed full control over the Armenian Cemetery of Deir Zor after a violent battle with the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) on Sunday. The Syrian Armed Forces were able to liberate this site in western Deir Zor after repelling the Islamic State’s offensive at the Panorama Checkpoint. As a result of ISIS’ offensive at the Panorama Checkpoint, the Syrian Army took the opportunity to strike back and recapture the Armenian Cemetery. In 2014, ISIS destroyed the Armenian Genocide Memorial Church in Deir Zor where thousands of Armenians from Syria would gather every year on April 24 to commemorate the genocide.

Trump, Clinton Win in Washington State Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump each won primaries in Washington state Tuesday. Trump's win helps him inch closer to clinching the GOP nomination for president. He is within 41 delegates of the number needed to become the Republican nominee. Clinton's win might give her some momentum, but it won't get her any delegates. There were no delegates at stake in the Democratic primary. Washington De-

mocrats already awarded their delegates based on party caucuses. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders won Washington's caucuses in March, getting 74 delegates. Clinton got 27. Republicans in Washington will allocate all 44 delegates to their national convention based on the primary results. Trump won at least 27 delegates on Tuesday, with 17 still left to be allocated. The billionaire businessman has 1,196 delegates. It takes 1,237 delegates to win the GOP nomination.

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Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s “Humanitarian” Speech The World Humanitarian Summit, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23, 2016 I believe that the results of the summit will contribute to the improvement of the living standards of the people who suffer from humanitarian crisis. We Azerbaijanis know very good what it is like to be refugees and internally displaced persons. As a result of Armenian aggression, 20 per cent of our internationally recognized territories is under occupation, more than one million of Azerbaijanis became refugees and internally displaced persons. Armenia committed ethnic cleansing and genocide against Azerbaijanis. Khojaly genocide committed by Armenia in 1992 is recognized by more than 10 countries. As a result of Khojaly genocide 613 civilians were brutally killed, among them 106 women, 63 children and 70 elderly. More than one thousand people are missing. Armenia continues its policy of aggression against Azerbaijan. In April 2016, Armenia launched new attack on peaceful Azerbaijani citizens. As a result of this attack our soldiers and officers, as well as six civilians were killed. More than 30 civilians were wounded. As a result of the shelling of our citizens and villages more than 500 houses were damaged,

more than 100 houses were completely destroyed and burned. Armenian army used prohibited chemical weapons against civilians, particularly white phosphorus bomb. All the war crimes committed by Armenia are documented and presented to international monitors. In order to protect our civilian population Azerbaijani army conducted successful counter-attack and only after that aggressor was stopped. Armenia ignores four United Nations Security Council resolutions demanding immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from the territory of Azerbaijan. Nagorno-Karabakh and seven other districts of Azerbaijan are occupied. In some cases United Nations Security Council resolutions are implemented within days if not hours. But in our case they remained on paper for more than twenty years. This is a policy of double standards towards Azerbaijan. Armenia must implement these resolutions or be sanctioned. Territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored. Another serious threat to the whole region is an outdated Armenian nuclear power plant in Metsamor. There is information that Armenia is illegally using the radioactive waste. Former prime minister,

member of parliament and other officials of Armenia declared this April that Armenia has a nuclear weapon, so-called dirty bomb. This statement must be thoroughly examined by corresponding international organizations. Armenian nuclear threat and blackmail must be stopped. Azerbaijan does its best to overcome the consequences of humanitarian catastrophe caused by Armenia. More than six billion dollars were spent to improve living conditions of our refugees and IDPs. The level of poverty among refugees and IDPs dropped from 75 to 12 per cent. In general, poverty level in Azerbaijan dropped from almost 50 to 5 percent in the last 12 years. Azerbaijan provides and will continue to provide assistance to countries suffering from similar problems. We provided financial assistance to support United Nations Ebola response and recovery actions. We are also committed to promoting cooperation among relevant institutions and stakeholders for ensuring access of population to early warning system and disaster-risk information. Thank you. Ilham Aliyev

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 26, 2016

Philanthropist Edward Avedisian Receives Ellis Island Medal of Honor

Paramus, NJ - The Ellis Island Medal of Honor has been awarded each year since 1986. It recognize individuals who have made it their mission to share with those less fortunate their wealth of knowledge, indomitable courage, boundless compassion, unique talents and selfless generosity; all the while maintaining the traditions of their ethnic heritage as they embody the American Dream. This year, Edward Avedisian was not only one of the distinguished recipients of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, but was one of a very select few invited to give his personal remarks at the ceremony. The ceremony was held on Ellis Island on Saturday, May 7. The professional career of Mr. Avedisian spans four disciplines: a performing symphonic musician, teaching at the university level, arts administration, as well as investing and philanthropy. He retired after 30 years of service as clarinetist with the Boston Pops and 43 seasons with the Boston Ballet Orchestra. Outside of the United States, he has appeared as soloist with the Armenian State Philharmonic, the Armenian Radio and TV Orchestra and the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia, and was visiting artist to Boston’s sister city of Hangzhou, China, in 1998. His success as a private investor led him to establish endowments and award grants to a number of nonprofit organizations. At the American University of Armenia (AUA) he fully funded the Center for Health Studies & Research and the Center for Business Research & Development. He was principal benefactor and chair of the construction committee (2005-2009) of the new 100,000 sq. ft. Paramaz Avedisian Building and was appointed to the Presidential Search Committee for AUA by Dr. C. Judson King, former Provost of the University of California and Chair of the AUA Board of Trustees. Others of note include the founder and principal benefactor of both the Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian K-12 School and Community Center in Malatia-Sepastia, Armenia (a seven-building complex), and sole benefactor and chair of the AUA Oversight Committee for the Nork Marash Medical Center (bringing the Hospital up to U.S. standards in 2004-2005). Mr. Avedisian also serves as Trustee for the American University of Armenia, and as Board member of the Armenian Missionary Association of America. As a founder and sole supporter of the Friends of the American University of Armenia, his contributions include a complete renovation of the High School in Haghtanag Village (2008-2009) and the installation of a cluster of lights and trees at the Didzernaghapert Armenian Genocide Memorial.


EyeCare Project Hosts Glendale Event to Thank Supporters On May 12, the Armenian EyeCare Project hosted a small gathering in Glendale at the home of Michael and Mari Sahakian. The evening was a way of sharing the Project’s accomplishments with friends and donors and thanking those in the Glendale and Pasadena area for their longtime and loyal support. Dr. Roger Ohanesian, an ophthalmologist in Laguna Hills and Founder and Chairman of the Armenian EyeCare Project, talked to guests at the gathering as they looked out over a gorgeous view of the Los Angeles Basin and dined on hors d’oeuvres and dessert. Discussing the enormity — and the profound significance — of the Project’s accomplishments, Dr. Ohanesian talked about how, over the past nearly 25 years, the EyeCare Project has changed the landscape of eye care in Armenia, which has enabled them to transition from a Soviet system of centralized health care to a Western system with new funding and delivery systems. Dr. Ohanesian also discussed the organization’s many accomplishments in Armenia including seven subspecialty

eye clinics currently operating in Yerevan; the Center of Excellence for the Prevention of Childhood Blindness, which opened its doors in Yerevan in 2010; the cutting-edge Mobile Eye Hospital which travels throughout Armenia to reach those living outside the capital; and —!its biggest project yet — the five Regional Eye Clinics currently being developed hroughout Armenia so those living in remote regions of the country will have access to quality. As the Project implements each of its programs it is evident there is a common thread — enabling Armenians to have, within a few years, self-sustaining quality eye care throughout the “We’ve had the major areas covered and they’re covered very well,” said Dr. Ohanesian.

“The doctors in Armenia have become so skilled they have patients coming from other countries for eye care and doctors from other countries coming for training and to observe their highly skilled colleagues.” Dr. Ohanesian talked about some recent cases when patients from Georgia, Kazakhstan and Russia traveled to Armenia for eye care. Dr. Ohanesian also shared some impressive statistics with guests: Through the Mobile Eye Hospital alone, nearly 800,000 patients — 580,000 adults and 225,000 children — have been cared for of which more than 50,000 patients had surgery and 120,000 received eyeglasses at no cost. At the Project’s subspecialty clinics in Yerevan — Retina, Glaucoma, CornealUveitis, Pediatrics and more —

nearly 80,000 patients are seen each year and more than 5,000 infants have been screened and treated for ROP at the Center of Excellence for the Prevention of Childhood Blindness. “What the EyeCare Project has done in the past 25 years has been extraordinary,” said Aram Bassenian, a former board member of the Project. “Many people didn’t think bringing this level of quality eye care services to Armenia was possible. But we believed, we kept going, and here we are today.” With two of the five Regional Eye Clinics already funded —! the Haig Boyadjian Eye Clinic in Ijevan, Tavush and the John and Hasmik Mgrdichian Eye Clinic in Spitak, Lori —!the EyeCare Project is 40 percent of the way toward its “Five-for- Five” goal — five clinics in five years for If you would like to be a part of this exciting program to bring quality eye care to the people of Armenia there are several naming opportunities and ways to contribute. For more information, call the AECP office at 949-933- 4069 or visit www.eyecareproject.com.

Merdinian School Dedicates the Bezjian Family Building On Sunday, May 15th, 2016, the C & E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School held a dedication and ribboncutting ceremony for the newly constructed Bezjian Family Building. Rev. Dr. Ron Tovmassian, Moderator of the AEUNA, offered his blessings for the new building. Erection of this state-of-the-art facility was made possible by a generous one million dollar donation by benefactors Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Terry Bezjian. Mr. Bezjian is the founder of Indo-European Imports, a wholesale distributor of imported Middle Eastern specialty foods. This modern building houses a library, a science lab, an art room, five spacious classrooms, and the athletic coach’s office. It provides the school with greater flexibility in serving its growing student population. Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, the guests attended a gala banquet cochaired by Mrs. Helga Sarkis and Mrs. Seta Nalbandian. The event was held in a beautifully decorated tent on the school’s courtyard. Mrs. Mariam Kuregyan-Krtotyan, an accomplished professional, served as the master of ceremonies. She began by expressing her heartfelt appreciation for the excellent quality of education and family atmosphere enjoyed by her children at

Merdinian School. Rev. Berdj Djambazian, Minister to the AEUNA, offered the invocation. Wonderful musical performances were offered by two young artists: Mrs. Mary Balian Saghbazarian, an accomplished singer and composer of Christian songs, and Ms. Marta Hovhannisyan, a promising young music student with a beautiful voice. Mrs. Saghbazarian is, both, a Merdinian alumna and parent. Dr. Nazareth Darakjian, the President of the AMAA, delivered greetings of the AMAA, after which the guests enjoyed a delicious dinner. Mrs. Lina Arslanian, principal, delivered her message highlighting the admirable qualities of the school and the accomplishments of its students. This was followed by recitations of Bible verses

He has twice been awarded the Movses Khorentasi Medal by Armenia’s President Sargsyan for Contributions to Education, Culture, Literature and the Arts in 2008 and 2014. In the United States, key endeavors are: established the Paramaz Avedisian Pharmacy Scholarship at the University of Rhode Island, Boston University Medical School (Chobanian Professorship) and BU Tanglewood Scholarship, and an endowed chair for the Boston Ballet Orchestra. Mr. Avedisian was born in 1937 in Pawtucket, RI, where he attended public school and served as president of his graduating class. He furthered his education on a scholarship to Boston University where he earned his BM and MM degrees. Edward is married to Pamela Wood and they currently reside in Lexington, MA.

and Armenian poems by several students. Mrs. Juliette Abdulian introduced the guests of honor, Mr. & Mrs. Albert & Terry Bezjian. Dr. Vahe Nalbandian, Chairman of the Board of Directors, presented the guests of honor with commemorative gifts. Mr. Adrin Nazarian, a Merdinian School parent and State Assemblyman for the 46th district presented a certificate of recognition to Merdinian School on behalf of the State of California. Dr. Nalbandian read a congratulatory letter sent to the school by Mr. Zaven Khanjian, the Executive Director/CEO of the AMAA. Mr. Khanjian is a veteran of the school’s Board of Directors. He served the school for many years in various capacities including Board member, Treasurer, and Chairman of the Board of Directors. The wonderful and very special evening was concluded with a benediction offered by Rev. Dr. Ara Chakerian. Note: Opportunities for naming classrooms in honor of loved ones are available. For information, please call Dr. Ivan Shnorhokian at 412-759-2020, or Dr. Vahe Nalbandian at 818-507-9848. Thank you.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan Named Best Bundesliga player Midfielder of Borussia Dortmund and Armenian squad Henrikh Mkhitaryan has been named the best player of Bundesliga by Kicker.de. Earlier, Mkhitaryan had been named the best assist-maker of Bundesliga. The 27-year-old footballer has authored 15 goals. During the 31st match of Bundesliga, Mkhitaryan, who was named the best right midfielder of Bundesliga and included in the symbolic season squad by Goal.com " Whoscored.com, scored 11 goals. The Armenian footballer has been named the best player of the season also by DW.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 26, 2016

Syrian-Armenians: Hundreds Request Help to Leave Aleppo for Armenia Armenian Community in Despair New Jersey - May 24, 2016 – The breakdown of the most recent Geneva peace talks on Syria, also known as Geneva III, ended the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) sponsored ‘cessation of hostilities,’ prompting a new wave of destruction in Syria. At least three Armenians have been killed in Aleppo, and several others have been wounded since the resumption of hostilities on April 19. Since then, more than 200 Armenians have sought to be resettled from Aleppo to Yerevan, according to the Aleppo Compatriotic Charitable Organization (ACCO). In April 2015, following the heavy bombardment of the Christian neighborhoods in Aleppo, hundreds of Syrian-Armenians requested financial assistance from the ACCO to assist in leaving Aleppo for Yerevan. Consequently, the ACCO launched the ‘Save a Life’ initiative and began supporting Armenians to leave Syria, primarily Aleppo, for Armenia. “For the last five years, Armenian leaders in Syria and the diaspora have called for the preservation of the Armenian community in Syria,” said Talar Tcholakian, board member of the ACCO in the U.S. “But the time has come for all to realize that the best place to preserve the Syrian-Armenian

community is in Armenia.” Since March 2011, more than 50,000 Syrian-Armenians have become refugees in Lebanon, Armenia, Canada, Europe and beyond, while nearly 20,000 individuals are Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Moreover, at least 200 Armenians have been killed during the conflict, and more than a hundred others have been kidnapped, detained, tortured, and/or disappeared. The ACCO, since its creation in 2013 in Armenia, has supported Syrians of all ethno-sectarian backgrounds, including 6,000 Syrian-Armenians in Armenia through its ongoing humanitarian relief, integration, educational and cultural projects and initiatives. Through the ‘Save a Life’ initiative, the ACCO has rescued more than 208 SyrianArmenians by relocating them to Armenia. The ACCO urges the global Armenian community to join its life-saving mission by donating to the ‘Save a Life’ initiative to help remove Syrian-Armenians to safety in the motherland. The cost of saving one Armenian life is approximately $500, which includes: Ground transportation from Aleppo to Beirut; Exit visa to leave Syria and enter Lebanon; Transportation from the Lebanese border to Beirut International Airport; Flight from Beirut to Armenia; Transportation from Zvartnots Airport to Yerevan. “Once again, life in Aleppo has become unbearable,” said Carmen Gulbenkian, board member of the ACCO in the U.S. “We need to act now and save as many Syrian-Armenian lives as we can!”


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

113 - Mensur Akgün By Hambersom Aghbashian Professor Dr. Erol Katırcıo!lu was born in 1951 in Istanbul- Turkey. After graduating from Kabatas High School in 1970, he studied political science at School of Political Science- Turkey ( 1971-1975), and begun working as an assistant at the same school in 1971. Professor Katırcıo!lu was a "guest student" at the University of Wisconsin-US (1981-1986 ) then a "guest lecturer" . He returned home in 1987 and served as assistant professor at Marmara University- Economics Department, then as "associate professor of economics," and " professor of economics ". He served also as economic adviser for the Deputy Prime Minister Erdal "nön (Turkey). He also worked in the field of Industrial Economics, and published various studies concerning Turkey's economy monopolization and the problems caused by monopolization. Some of his studies were supported and published by organizations such as ISO and Frindirch Ebert foundation. Under the title "Turkish court drops charges against Lagendijk," (Turkish Daily News) wrote on April 2, 2006, that a Turkish court dropped charges against Dutch Green deputy Joost Lagendijk, who is a senior member of the European Parliament.Turkish prosecutors investigated prosecuting Lagendijk for insulting Turkey's armed forces. It added that In the meantime, a group of European Parliament members including Lagendijk are expected to travel to Turkey over the weekend to attend the trial of five leading Turkish journalists, Murat Belge, Hasan Cemal, "smet Berkan, Haluk #ahin and Erol Katırcıo!lu, who were critical of a court's banning a conference in Istanbul about the alleged Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in the last century and charged with insulting Turkish courts.As in the case of best-selling novelist Orhan Pamuk, the journalists are accused of insulting Turkishness. (1) According to" http://www.armeniapedia.org ", "In December 2008, two hundred

prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The brief text of the apology was " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Perihan Ma!den was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology. (2) According to "Today’s Zaman", September 2014, A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were exposed by Agos and Taraf newspapers. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups, Akçam said. He further wrote: “Standing with integrity in the face of history is the prerequisite for establishing the future on the foundations of friendship and peace. Erol Katırcıo!lu was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the statement. (3)

1.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com /turkish-court-drops-charges-againstlagendijk 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great 3http://www.todayszaman.com/news -241521-1915-tragedy-to-be-commemorated-for-second-time-in-turkey.html

Arsine Kaloustian Named Acting-Managing Editor of Florida Armenians Florida Armenians is pleased to announce the promotion of Arsine Kaloustian to Acting-Managing Editor of Florida Armenians, effective immediately. Kaloustian has served as Florida Armenians Public Affairs Director since the very beginning and has been instrumental in the media outlets’ launch and success over the years. “Florida Armenians started as an idea - the idea that an Armenian community should be tied together, move as one, and be united, regardless of politics or affiliations,” Kaloustian said. “Florida Armenians built upon that foundation, and as a result we have extended our reach to every Armenian community in the state. Today, we have more followers on Facebook than any other Armenian organization in Florida, and that is something we are so very proud of because it means we are actively achieving our goal of bridging our community in a meaningful way. I am honored to be stepping into this role, and am excited to discover what the future holds for Armenians in Florida,” she said. Kaloustian has been active in various Armenian American organizations for almost a decade. She previously served as the Chairperson of the Return to Asbury Armenian Kef in 2014 and 2015, and currently serves as the Chairperson of South Florida’s Armenian Genocide Commemoration (AGC, Inc.) and Florida Chairperson of the Armenian Assembly of America. Kaloustian will take over for out-going Editor Taniel Koushakjian, who launched Florida Armenians in 2011 to meet the needs of a growing non-partisan Armenian American readership.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 26, 2016

Bundestag Resolution on Armenian Genocide is Imminent By Wolfgang Dick In June, the Bundestag intends to approve a resolution condemning the century-old Ottoman massacre of Armenians by describing it as "genocide." The nomenclature would anger Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel meets Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday, she will presumably have to deal with his anger at plans by a broad Bundestag coalition to describe the crimes of the Ottoman Empire against ethnic Armenians as "genocide." For the first time, the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) parties and center-left Social Democrats and Greens look set to make the nomenclature official. There have been debates on the subject for years, and those ratcheted up in the context of last year's centenary of the events that left more than a million Armenians dead or deported from the land that would become Turkey. Bundestag President Norbert Lammert and German President Joachim Gauck have already used the term "genocide," which provoked protests from Ankara. However, several attempts to reach consensus on how to officially refer to the tragedy have been put off. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier remains skeptical as to whether the Bundestag's likely position will be helpful in regards to coming to terms with the past. A resolution that the Greens had wanted to put forward back in February was postponed in order not to sabotage negotiations as the European Union sought a controversial deportation deal with Turkey when refugees

continued to arrive in large numbers. In return, Volker Kauder, the parliamentary leader of the CDU-CSU bloc, shook hands with Greens co-chair Cem Özdemir and promised that a joint resolution would move forward in the first half of 2016. Though critics said Germany was caving on the issue once again, Kauder appears to have kept his word. "I'm going by the Bundestag's published timetable," Raffi Kantian, the chairman of the Hanover-based German-Armenian Society, told DW. And, indeed, the Bundestag website indicates that an hour has been set aside on June 2 for agenda item No. 5: "Remembrance and Commemoration of the Genocide of Armenians and Other Christian Minorities 101 Years Ago." A CDU-CSU parliamentary spokeswoman confirmed that the session would go ahead. After all, she said, the text of the resolution is ready, having been prepared by no less than three parliamentary working groups. However, there will not be a roll-call vote on the declaration on June 2. This means that members of parliament will not be obliged to attend. The resolution will be voted on by a show of hands. The majority of foreign policy specialists from the relevant parties have given a clear signal that they will support the resolution. "There may well be trouble with Ankara," Özdemir told the Sunday edition of the mass-circulation broadsheet Bild. "But the Bundestag does not allow itself to be blackmailed by a despot like Mr. Erdogan." CDU-CSU foreign policy spokesman Franz-Josef

AGBU Expands Education Innovation Platform to Improve English Proficiency in Armenia AGBU is pleased to announce the addition of ANI to its growing AGBU Education Innovation platform. The program—founded in September 2015 by Australian Armenian siblings Ray and Meline Nazloomian—joins English-speakers in the diaspora with English-learners in Armenia to help improve English proficiency in the country. Seeing their program grow exponentially in its first year, the Nazloomians chose to partner with AGBU to help further grow and develop ANI. This partnership is the latest initiative to reach the program’s goal of connecting students in Armenia with native English speakers across the globe. ANI connects coaches and students for a free, once-aweek, 30-minute to 45-minute, one-on-one Skype session, during which students have the opportunity to practice and improve their English outside the classroom. The curriculum is broken into 12-week blocks and students and coaches can continue their work together for as many blocks as they choose. “We were startled by the fact

that only 4% of Armenians in Armenia could speak English fluently. Knowing how important speaking English is in an increasingly globalized world, we were interested in leveraging modern technology to mobilize the over nine million Armenians in the diaspora to improve English proficiency in Armenia. Our vision is that by 2020, 100% of Armenian students can speak English fluently,” said Ray Nazloomian. By April 2016, the program included 60 students from across Armenia and 60 coaches from Australia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. ANI also has a rich connection with the AGBU New York Summer Internship Program (NYSIP), with co-founder Meline and many of the current coaches being NYSIP alumni. Now with the support of AGBU, the program is in the process of increasing its number of coaches and students. AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC) has already begun work in Armenia to encourage more students to participate in the program. To register as a coach or a student, please visit www.myani.org.

Jung and Bernd Fabritius, who represents the CSU in the human rights committee, both noted that Germany had historical responsibility in the matter. Germany culpable, too In 1915, the German Reich, a predecessor to the modern state, was military protecting the Ottoman Empire in accordance with a strategic wartime alliance. The German side received numerous indications of atrocities and ethnic cleansing by the Young Turk government of the day. According to scholarly estimates, as many as 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire were deported and killed. The German Reich did not intervene; furthermore, it guaranteed postwar asylum for the responsible parties after they had been stripped of their power. Germany now intends officially to apologize for this. Kantian, of the German-Armenian Society, hopes that this apology will be part of the final text to be approved on June 2. That much isn't certain yet, but the Left party and the Greens have both demanded not only that the term "genocide" be used but that Germany apologize. The Greens even put as much in writing back in February: "The German Bundestag regrets the inglorious role of the German Reich, which, despite unequivocal information, including from German diplomats and missionaries, about the organized expulsion and extermination of the Armenians, did not attempt to stop these crimes against humanity." !

Kassouny to Present New Book Showcasing Posters Depicting the Armenian Genocide

Glendale, CA – Author and illustrator DICRAN Y. KASSOUNY will present his new book-album, 100 YEARS STRONG: The Armenian Genocide in Posters 19152015 on THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Author and book will be introduced by ROGER KUPELIAN. Prints will be on display at Roslin Art Gallery. 100 Years Strong chronicles the art of the Armenian Genocide poster, examining and contextualizing the diverse commem-

orative, social, and political aspects of depicting the Genocide issue in images and words. Encompassing the century since the Genocide and global in scope, the posters reproduced in this volume run the gamut of poster design, from highly sophisticated works signed by renowned artists to Spartan, sometimes rudimentary, yet often striking notices produced by anonymous designers. Issued variously by governments, humanitarian organizations, political parties, and underground movements, the Armenian Genocide poster tradition provides an illuminating perspective on a profoundly sensitive subject, as it tells a complex, multilayered story of struggle, survival, and hope for justice. DICRAN Y. KASSOUNY was born in Beirut, Lebanon. He moved to the United States in 1988. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Haigazian University, Beirut; a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from University of La Verne, California; and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Graphic Design from California State University, Northridge. Kassouny is an art director and illustrator. He lives in Los Angeles. Presented by Abril Bookstore

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