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Vol. 94, # 22, Thursday, June 2, 2016

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Nor Or, June 2, 2016, No. 22 _N.O. Blank 6/1/16 9:27 AM Page 4


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NOR OR ENG. June 2:Layout 1 5/31/16 10:02 PM Page 1

Thursday, June 2, 2016 Vol. 94, # 22


Opening Ceremony of the 27th General Assembly of Delegates of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) On May 26, Tekeyan Cultural Association hosted the opening of the 27th General Assembly of Delegates of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar). RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan also participated in the assembly. Greeting the participants of the General Assembly of Delegates, the Minister presented the address of RA President Serzh Sargsyan, which particularly read as follows: “I cordially express my greetings to all the participants of the 27th General Assembly of Delegates of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar). I am pleased with the fact that it is taking

US Announced First Official Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson The US Libertarian Party is the first political party that nominated their candidate for the presidential elections in November. The political candidate is a former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, who participated in the elections 4 years ago. He garnered 55.8% of votes in the party congress. His 5 opponents received less votes together, reports Fox News reports. "I will work as hard as I can to represent everyone in this room," Johnson promised during the Congress in Florida. In general, the Libertarian Party does not have any chance to win, but this time, as the channel reports, Johnson gets more than 10 percent. Given that Donald Trump from the Republicans and Hillary Clinton from the Democrats do not enjoy a great

reputation, Johnson may have some prospects. The Libertarian Party this year celebrates the 45th anniversary of its establishment. The party advocates free market economy, free international trade, guarantees of citizens’ rights and freedoms, and non-interference policy in other countries' affairs. In 2012, Johnson received 1.27 million votes (one percent ) and took the 3rd place after the Democrat Barack Obama and the Republican Mitt Romney.

Erdo!an Urges Merkel to Exercise “Common Sense’ over Armenian Genocide Resolution

place in the heart of our independent state, that is, Yerevan. Being one of the traditional Armenian political parties, the ADLP has always had its special place in the organizing of Armenian public life. In the Diaspora, this structure has always laid strong foundations for the preservation and development of the Armenian identity, mitigating the risk of assimilation. After Armenia declared its independence, the ADLP was reestablished in the Mother Homeland as well. Being bearers of the rich political tradition, the historic political parties of the Armenian people play an important role in not only the Diaspora, but also in the homeland. Since the very first days of independence, what was very important was the fact that the establishment of the forcefully interrupted traditions of Armenian society helped lay foundations in Armenia that were as strong as possible. Over the past years, the political party has been one of the organizations carrying out this major mission. I am certain you will persistently continue your activities for the welfare of Armenia, Artsakh and all Armenians around the world. Today, more than ever, it is clear that the state can strengthen the future of the Armenian people. Armenia is strong and powerful with your efforts and solidarity. Your abilities and potential will always be in demand. I wish you more success and achievements that will help make the wishes of our nation come true.” Afterwards, Minister Hranush Hakobyan said she was pleased to add that the 95-yearold political party was holding its General Assembly of Delegates in the Homeland for the first time ever. “The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) has always made efforts for preservation of the Armenian identity in the Diaspora. Armenia is also strong with people like you. Today when the Homeland has a serious problem with resisting its enemy, it is very important for all Armenian political parties to set aside their differences and unite around one common goal, and that common goal is to ensure the security of Artsakh and Armenia. We need to continue efforts for the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. I am certain that this assembly in the Homeland will be effective and well-organized,” the Minister of Diaspora stated. Expressing gratitude to the Minister for her participation and her active steps to encourage the unity of the political party, Chairman of the Central Board of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) Mike Kharapian stated that the assembly in the homeland will be the start of future activities in a wide-format. “The war in Artsakh brought us all together in the homeland, and we respect all the Armenian soldiers who are sacrificing their lives for the free and independent Artsakh. We must also continue our struggle for recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide,” he said. Mike Kharapian granted the commemorative medal of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (Ramgavar) to RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan and stated the following: “We are certain that you will continue to support us in all of our initiatives for preservation of the Armenian identity.” The participants of the General Assembly of Delegates expressed certainty that all the challenges facing the Homeland will be solved through the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an called Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel for “common sense” in connection with the plans of Bundestag to discuss the draft resolution on the Armenian Genocide recognition. The leaders discussed that topic by phone. “We expect Germany to act from the positions of common sense,” the TV channel cites the President. According to the Turkish leader, the approval of the given document will “harm the bilateral ties”. On June 2, Bundestag plans to discuss the bill, which recognized the 1915 events in the Ottoman Empire as Genocide. This initiative is supported by the main political forces of Germany, including Merkel’s party. ! Erdo!an stated that conditions are needed to re-develop relations with Russia. Prior to his visit to Uganda, Erdo!an reminded about the relations with Russia at a press-conference, Turkish Cumhuriyet reports. “Turkey is not a country on a prisoners’ dock. At the same time, Turkey is not a country which spoils relations. We want to improve our relations with Russia. [But] Question arises as to why enormous Turkey has been sacrificed because of the mistake of a Russian pilot,” Erdo!an said.

Armenia to start international TV channel

NATO chief: I was not silent on Karabakh events

News.am - The public television and radio company of Armenia is preparing a new project for foreign audience, Chairman of the Council of Public Television and Radio Company of Armenia, Ruben Jaghinyan, said at the joint session of the Armenian parliamentary committees Friday. In his words, broadcasting news or programs only in Armenian is insufficient for the international audience. It is also necessary to understand what information to broadcast in Russian, English and French. The talks on the need of broadcasting from Armenia in Russian and English have activated after the April aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan. It’s already a long time Armenia has remained the only country in CIS where the public TV channel has no news broadcast in Russian. The private Armenian TV channels don’t have that either.

News.am - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said he was not silent on the April events in Karabakh. “I have strongly supported the initiatives to have a politically negotiated solution and also strongly supported the efforts to make sure that ceasefire is respected,” Mr. Stoltenberg said in response to a question by an Armenian student of the Warsaw University why all member states had been silent on brutal murders of civilians by Azerbaijan. NATO chief recalled he had issued a statement on Karabakh and on importance of the political solution to the conflict. “So, I do not believe in a military solution. I do not believe that what we need there is more troops or more military presence, but we need strong support,” he said, calling on all parties involved to make efforts to ensure that ceasefire is respected and the political process continues.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 2, 2016

New Executive Committee Elected at Ararat Home of Los Angeles Mission Hills, CA – As is customary every year following its annual membership meeting, the Ararat Home Board of Trustees recently elected its new executive committee. The committee members are Michael Surmeian as Chairman, Ron Nazeley as 1st Vice Chair, Nora Hampar as 2nd Vice Chair, Debbie Avedian as Secretary, Vahe Vartanian as Treasurer, Arthur Zabounian as Assistant Secretary, and Gary Kaloostian as Assistant Treasurer. Each of them has served on the Board for several years. Upon his election as Chairman, Mr. Surmeian thanked trustees for their support and confidence and conveyed his commitment to the mission of the Home and his optimism for continued growth. He gave special thanks to outgoing Chairman Joseph Kanimian for his leadership in guiding the Home to new heights of excellence as other past chairmen have. He acknowledged the love the executive committee members share for the Home and its residents. He recognized the dedication of employees and volunteers and expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the support Ararat Home receives throughout the community. In his turn, Mr. Kanimian congratulated Mr. Surmeian on his new responsibilities

and expressed his utmost trust and confidence in his abilities to continue leading Ararat Home to further achievements for the benefit and care of its precious residents. The Home has continuously been recognized for the exemplary service and care it provides its over 350 residents. The chairman said, “These positive results don’t happen by accident; they happen because of the tireless training and the hard work done day-in-and-day-out as well as the love given to our residents by our employees who are capably led by our administrators and Chief Operating Officer. And, with continued support, we owe it to the Armenian community to bring the Ararat Home Experience to as many of our mothers and fathers as we can.” The Home enjoys sustained support from its several guilds and Ladies Auxiliary, the Armenian Church and community-wide organizations, and from members of the community at large. Ararat Home relies heavily on donations in order to deliver this outstanding service to our community. It is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax-deductible. More information about the Home can be found at www.ararathome.org.

Ararat Home Board of Trustees Top row: Peter Darakjian, Roy Martinian, D.D.S., Shahe Boyadjian, Rafi Mardirosian Arthur Zabounian 2nd row: Armen Hampar, Joseph Ouzounian, M.D., Richard Jebejian, Gary Kaloostian, Raffi Balian, M.D., Joseph Kanimian, Esq. 3rd row: Sinan Sinanian, Vahe Vartanian, Michael Surmeian, Nazar Ashjian, CPA, Vatche Bardakjian, M.D. Bottom row: Nadya Verabian, Debbie Avedian, Nora Hampar, Kohar Mardirossian Pelter, MSN, Maggie Mangassarian-Goschin (not pictured): Harout Mesrobian, M.D., Edvin Minassian, Esq., Ron Nazeley, Berj Shahbazian

AGBU Gala in London Rouses Tremendous Support for Syrian Relief $325,000 raised for the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians

AGBU Central Board member Joseph Oughourlian addressing the guests at the Gala On May 21, AGBU brought together hundreds of supporters and friends for a Gala Benefit Dinner at the Landmark Hotel in London. The evening was devoted to celebrating the achievements of the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians and inspiring continued support for helping to alleviate the dire conditions that continue to persist in the region. Thanks to the generosity of AGBU Central Board member and CEO of Amber Capital Joseph Oughourlian and his wife Jenny, all the proceeds from the fundraising dinner were directed to the AGBU Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians. The highlight of the gala was the keynote speech by the Right Honourable Professor the Lord Darzi of Denham. Lord Darzi—the embodiment of success—captivated the audience with his wit and charm. Born in Baghdad to Armenian parents, Lord Darzi is known as one of the world’s leading surgeons, pioneering the keyhole surgery that has saved the lives of countless patients around the world. He has also served as a government health minister and became the first person of Armenian origin to become a member of the House of Lords. Speeches were also given by Camilio Azzouz of the AGBU London Trust and AGBU Europe Board; Mr. Oughourlian; César Alierta, the chairman of the Spanish telecommunications provider Telefónica; and AGBU President Berge Setrakian. All the speakers emphasized the importance of responding to global crises swiftly and instilled in the audience the great significance of their contribution to Syrian relief. In particular, Alierta—a friend and supporter of the Armenian community— encouraged

Lord Darzi and Lady Wendy Darzi at the Gala AGBU members to raise awareness about the crisis in Syria and outlined the way Armenians are exemplary in the world: “I’ve seen how resilient and strong the Armenian community is. It is part of your DNA. It is the most important community in the world because the Armenian community is the only one that can know how life is in the Middle East, Europe, Canada, the United States and Latin America and also serve Christian values.” Among the prominent guests were members of AGBU London, the AGBU London Trust, AGBU Europe, the AGBU Central Board and the clergy of the Armenian Apostolic Church along with members of the AGBU Young Professionals (YP) network. Special acknowledgment was given to AGBU Central Board member Vasken Yacoubian, who has been instrumental in organizing relief efforts in Syria and for Syrian Armenians living in Armenia. “From the bottom of our hearts, you are truly a hero to us and a big source of inspiration. If my generation puts so many hours of work into what we do, it’s because of people like you who have put everything they have into our community. We want to deeply thank you for that,” Azzouz said in recognition of Yacoubian. The gala closed with remarks by Mr. Setrakian, who sketched the formidable history of the Armenians of the Middle East over the past century and emphasized the perseverance of the Armenian people: “These are difficult times, but we will prevail. I remain optimistic. This vision of ours, created in 1906, has gone through many challenges, but we thank Armenians worldwide who have trusted this organization and we will continue the heritage of our founders and continue to reach out to every Armenian in need.”

New Film Encourages Youth to ‘Get Rooted’ with ATP in Armenia Pasadena - Armenia Tree Project (ATP) launched its latest educational film at an event hosted by the AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School in Pasadena on April 26. The film, titled #GetRooted with Building Bridges, was created by ATP’s Building Bridges environmental education program. This program launched in 2010 introduces ATP’s environmental education material to diasporan students, teaches them about Armenia’s rich natural heritage, and connects them to students in their ancestral homeland. The video launch at the AGBU school was notable because many of the students in the audience ac-

tually had roles in the film. They planted trees with their counterparts in Armenia during a class trip in 2015. The event was led by Patil Kaptanian and Peter Deirbadrossian, students who have been actively involved in raising environmental awareness at the school in recent years. Peter recited a moving poem called “The Tree”: “There was a huge tree, a centuries old tree. Bad people cut that tree, and a year after, that tree gave vines (new branch), fresh green branches. Dear friends, I felt that the tree is my ancient nation, and the vines are me and you, the new generation. Next year, when I go to Ar-

(L to R) ATP Environmental Education Program Manager Sarah Hayes, Western Region Development Associate Anahit Gharibyan, AGBU Manoukian High School Armenian teacher Norayr Daduryan and high school students Peter Deirbadrossian and Patil Kaptanian at the premiere of the new #GetRooted video

menia and plant a tree, I will bow down in front of that tree, because I will be granting new life to the next generation.” Several other leaders were recognized at the event including Principal Armine Movsisyan, Armenian language teacher Norayr Daduryan, science teacher Asdghig Yoghourtjian-Sepetjian and technology teacher Varant Chinchinian. In addition, popcorn was donated for the film screening by ATP supporter James Melikian, who is also known as “The Popcorn Man.” The premiere was organized by Anahit Gharibyan, who leads Cont. on p. 10

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

SAS Best Dissertation Award

116 - Ibrahim Betil By Hambersom Aghbashian Ibrahim Betil (born in 1944 in Istanbul - Turkey) is a Turkish banker and educator. After graduating from Robert College, he continued his higher education and earned University degree. Ibrahim Betil presided, chaired, and founded industrial and financial companies, and commercial banks, inside and outside Turkey for 25 years (1970-1994). After 1994, he has been closely involved in the educational life and civil society activities in Turkey. He has initiated the establishment of several foundations and schools and chaired them, lectured in universities, produced radio and TV programs. He has been a columnist for several newspapers and periodicals, and the author of a bestseller book. Ibrahim Betil has served as a member of the Board of Governors and (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region advisor for IBO*, and currently he is a Senior Fellow at ASHOKA*, and a Board Member at TOG*. He is one of the founders and a Board Member of ÖRAV*, and chairs ENKA* Schools network. According to "The New York Times", December 15, 2008, "A group of about 200 prominent Turkish intellectuals issued an apology on the Internet for the World War I-era massacres of Ar-

menians in Turkey. The group of academics, journalists, writers and artists avoided using the contentious term “genocide,” referring to the killings of more than a million Armenians by the Ottoman Turk government from 1915 to 1918 as a “great catastrophe.” While Turkey does not deny that many died, it has rejected the term genocide and has prosecuted people who have publicly acknowledged Turkish culpability for it. The statement said in part, “I reject this injustice, share in the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers, and apologize to them.” Ibrahim Betil is one of the Turkish intellectuals who have signed the statement. (1) According to (Today’s Zaman), A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting

hatred towards different religious and cultural groups, Akçam said. He further wrote: “Standing with integrity in the face of history is the prerequisite for establishing the future on the foundations of friendship and peace. I do hope that this signature campaign will be taken as a scream from all of us for the publication of textbooks that we would like to see.” The statement said: “The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students. This is where the path to Turkish-Armenian peace lies, at this time when we are approaching 2015.” Ibrahim Betil is one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the statement. (2) Ibrahim Betil is a member of Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme Selection Committee. The Turkey-Armenia Fellowship Scheme is established by The Hrant Dink Foundation and it is financed by the European Union, within the framework of the programme "Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process." The Fellowship Scheme offers 18 professionals from Armenia and Turkey the opportunity to live and follow a special programme at a specific Host Organization in the neighboring country for 4 to 8 months. (3)


IBO: International Baccalaureate Organization. ASHOKA: The largest network of social entrepreneurs worldwide. TOG: Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (Community Volunteers Foundation)- Turkey. ENKA: Network of schools established in 1994 in Istanbul- Turkey. ÖRAV: Ö!retmen Akademisi Vakfı (Teachers Academy Foundation) . 1.http://www.nytimes.com/2008/ 12/16/world/europe/16briefs-APOLOGYFORAR_BRF.html?_r=0 2.http://www.todayszaman.com/ national_group-of-intellectualscondemn-anti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359935.html 3.http://www.hrantdink.org/?De tail=1080&Lang=en

Correction In the last issue of “Nor Or” (May 26, No. 21, page 9), the title of the article 113-Mensur Akgün should be read as 115-Erol Katırcıo!lu.

The Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) announces that Dr. Shushan Karapetian has been chosen to receive the SAS Distinguished Dissertation Award for 2011-2014 for her dissertation “‘How Do I Teach My Kids My Broken Armenian?”’: A Study of Eastern Armenian Heritage Language Speakers in Los Angeles.” The SAS Award is accompanied by a $1,000 prize. Shushan Karapetian received a PhD in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures from UCLA in 2014, where she has taught Armenian Studies courses over the past six years. This year she began her tenure as the first Postdoctoral Fellow in the UCLA Armenian Studies Program, which entails the expansion of her research on ArCont. on p.10

Nagorno-Karabakh and the Fate of Azerbaijan’s Hydrocarbon Transport Pipelines By David Davidian* A negotiated settlement between the warring parties, taking into account realities on the ground, will allow the residents of NagornoKarabakh (NK) to live in peace and create regional stability ensuring unfettered transport of energy reserves to waiting markets. One need only look at a map of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh to see how close the recent fighting is to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil and the Baku-TbilisiErzurum (BTE, also known as the South Caucasus Pipeline) pipelines. A downhill stretch of about 40 km separates the current frontline from these pipelines, making them extremely vulnerable to attack. Numerous articles in the Armenian press and social media report that Azerbaijan is emptying villages of its residents along a track from the towns past the farthest northeast border of Nagorno-Karabakh towards Yevlakh (see top and upper right on the map). These pipelines are capable of transporting over a million barrels per day of oil and almost 9 billion cubic meters of gas per year from Azerbaijan’s Caspian hydrocarbon fields. They start at Baku and are laid across Azerbaijan from southeasterly to its northwest. After passing the Georgian border, the BTC pipeline passes near the Georgian capital, Tbilisi, continuing on to the Turkish Mediterranean coast. The BTE line goes to Erzurum, Turkey. A third, an updated Soviet-era pipeline, known as the Baku-Supsa pipeline, parallels these other two in Azerbaijan, diverging and passing north of Tbilisi and terminating at the Georgian Black Sea port at Supsa. Under construction is the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (expected operation in 2018). BP and its partners alone invested more than $50 billion in Azerbaijani energy projects and infrastructure.

Map showing the short distance between Nagorno-Karabakh (dark green), the front (stripped green) and to its northwest Yevlakh. The BTC pipeline generally follows the railroad (dashed) and road (yellow). Rumors continue to circulate in Armenia that these pipelines can and will be seriously damaged if the conflict intensifies beyond early April’s Four-Day war between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. While the cut-off of these hydrocarbon highways would not seriously impact world energy supplies, they would affect the coffers of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), reduce the gas supply to Georgia by at least 90%, and to a lesser degree (10%) Turkey. However, half of Israel’s crude is purchased from Azerbaijan, forcing it to secure spot contracts to make-up for the loss if Azerbaijani pipelines were destroyed. The vast majority of Azerbaijan’s economy is hydrocarbon based and a leading

characteristic of such economies is the low priority given to diversification, especially in the post-Soviet space. Even though Azerbaijan has already passed peak oil and today’s crude is less than one third its high market value of nearly $150/bbl, Azerbaijan’s leadership and oligarchs understand the impact of losing revenue that cannot be replaced if this pipeline infrastructure is severely damaged. This is perhaps one reason why Azerbaijani officials have stated they would rather engage in a battle of attrition against Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh than an all-out attack. This fact was noted during a December 5, 2014 conference at the Carnegie Center in Moscow by Senior Associate Thomas De Waal. However, political and economic con-

ditions have changed since the end of 2014 and the chance of serious damage to these pipelines has been raised. The average wage in Azerbaijan has just dropped below that of Armenia because Azerbaijan’s economic infrastructure is mainly indexed-off of hydrocarbons. Budgets have been lowered, and projects slowed or abandoned. Baku has issues paying Moscow for its heavy weaponry, noted in the Russian press. A policy that was once predicated on not seriously breaching the 1994 cease-fire between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, keeping the pipelines full above all else, appears to have been compromised. The latest fighting, known as the “4-Day War” was not a miscalculation or an accident waiting to happen, but rather a planned offensive across the eastern front streaking from close proximity to these pipelines in the north to nearly the Iranian border to the south. Initially, Azerbaijan captured tiny swatches of land in no-man’s land, several hundred square meters here and there, supported by hi technology weaponry. The result: basically a military draw that took the lives of many hundreds and wounded perhaps thousands. A negotiated settlement between the warring parties, taking into account realities on the ground, will allow the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh to live in peace and create regional stability ensuring unfettered transport of energy reserves to waiting markets.

*David Davidian is an Adjunct Lecturer at the American University of Armenia. He has spent over a decade in technical intelligence analysis at major high technology firms. “Eurasia Review”

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 2, 2016

The Inside Story of Steve Kerr and His Family’s Little-Known History of Altruism in the Middle East By JANO BOGHOSSIAN The 2015-16 Warriors rewrote history by concluding their record-breaking NBA regular season with an astonishing 73 wins. Golden State may have achieved basketball immortality, but it faced many challenges along the way, including playing without Steve Kerr, the 2016 NBA Coach of the Year, for half of the season. In an exclusive March interview with Kerr this year, he called this “the hardest year of my life.” Six weeks after the Warriors won it all last June, and following a 40year championship drought in the Bay, Kerr underwent back surgery. Unexpected medical complications were the result. He was forced to take a four-month leave of absence to recover, leaving his team in the hands of assistant coach Luke Walton. This was not Steve Kerr’s first challenge. He has experienced many extremes along the spectrum of emotions throughout his life. He won five NBA championships playing alongside Michael Jordan and Phil Jackson in Chicago, and with Tim Duncan and Gregg Popovich in San Antonio. However, during his freshman year at Arizona, he received a call from Beirut notifying him of his father’s assassination by an Islamic Jihad during the Lebanese Civil War. Steve and his father, Malcolm, were both born in Beirut, Lebanon. Malcolm, a Princeton graduate, lived in Lebanon and the U.S. while continuing to further his education. His life’s ambition was to return to Lebanon and lead the American University of Beirut (AUB), a dream realized in 1982 when he became its president. For over a year, Malcolm Kerr worked out of his office in College Hall, just outside of which he was killed on January 18, 1984. “His murder made me understand the pain that others experience,” Kerr says. “It’s made me realize that millions of people go through these things.” While Malcolm Kerr’s assassination has been well chronicled, the lesser-known story of his parents’ involvement in the first major American humanitarian effort initiated his family’s relationship with the Middle East. *** The Kerrs were on the frontline of American relief after World War I. Stanley Kerr arrived in Aleppo in 1919 and began photographing, documenting, and rescuing Armenian women and orphans. He then transferred to Marash to take charge of an American mission. His memoir, The Lions of Marash, is set at this location and describes how the armies of Mustafa Kemal eradicated the Armenians from the new Turkish republic. Private American charity reached the Armenians first. In response to the massacre of over 1.5 million Armenians, philanthropist Cleveland Dodge formed the Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. Former president Theodore Roosevelt advocated intervention, saying, “All Americans worthy of the name feel their deepest indignation aroused by the dreadful Armenian atrocities[a].” *** Ann Kerr is the coordinator of the Fulbright program at UCLA, where her husband Malcolm taught for 20 years as chairman of the Department of Political Science. A copy of her eldest son John’s Fulbright I.D. hangs in her office alongside the newspaper showing Steve Kerr’s 1997 NBA championship-clinching shot. Today, John Kerr serves on the board of the Near East Foundation, continuing the family legacy of involvement with the region. During my meeting with Ann Kerr, she

says Steve has his father’s self-deprecating sense of humor, most evident during his tenure as an analyst forNBA on TNT, while also possessing his passion and calm demeanor. Steve travelled the world with his parents, and gained many experiences overseas that shaped his world view. As a junior at Occidental College, Ann left to study abroad in Lebanon. Three days a week, she taught at a Catholic Armenian girls’ school — the Immaculate Conception. She met Malcolm at AUB while he completed his Master’s, and they were soon married in Santa Monica in 1956. Today, Ann continues her work with Fulbright to engage the Middle East with American higher education. *** On February 10, 1920, the French garrison at Marash withdrew abruptly, and thus abandoned more than 20,000 Armenians to the marauding insurgents of Mustafa Kemal. The Turks threw kerosene-doused rags on Armenian homes, and churches were put to flame. Sickened missionaries like Stanley Kerr could only observe helplessly through binoculars[b]. The “Marash Affair” gave rise to an irreversible tide that swept Kemal to power; for the Armenians of Cilicia, it marked the onset of a new round of devastation and the final exodus from their ancestral homeland into permanent exile. *** Unlike Armenians in Beirut, Steve Kerr was not raised on stories of genocide, but he was aware of his forefather’s humanity in the face of atrocity. “I was aware of my grandparents running an orphanage in Marash and eventually finding Beirut through their travels,” Kerr says. “I have a great deal of pride in knowing how much they helped.” Susan van de Ven, the daughter of Ann and Malcolm, has an exchange of letters with her grandparents about their experiences, which she used for her thesis at Oberlin College, and later presented at the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 1986 for the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Her grandmother, Elsa Reckman, volunteered as a schoolteacher in Constantinople, and later met Stanley Kerr while working in Marash. Elsa and Stanley ran an orphanage for Armenian children in Lebanon in the 1920s after leaving Marash until an outbreak of typhoid forced the orphanage to close. Elsa lost an unborn child when she contracted typhoid. They eventually married in Beirut in 1922, and Stanley became the chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at AUB, while Elsa served as dean of women. Following 40 years of faculty service, they retired in 1965. *** The American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief, later known as the Near

East Relief, is credited with helping preserve the Armenians in the face of the genocide that sought to destroy them. They pioneered the idea that all Americans, regardless of age, income or background, could help others. The Near East Relief campaign raised a staggering $19.5 million from private donations by 1919, and $117 million by 1930 — over $1.6 billion today when adjusted for inflation[c]. Despite the monumental efforts of the Near East Relief, the Armenian Genocide is not recognized by the United States. “Everybody learns about the Jewish Holocaust, but very few know about the Armenian Genocide,” Kerr says solemnly. “It’s not taught in schools, and obviously there are still the political issues of whether Turkey is willing to use the word ‘genocide.’” *** After Game 3 of the first round of the 2015 NBA Playoffs last April, Dr. Douglas Kerr, Malcolm’s younger brother, gave a presentation in Cleveland entitled “Witnessing the Genocide,” based on Stanley’s book. In May, after Game 2 of the Western Conference Finals, several members of the Kerr family received a posthumous award in Washington, D.C. on behalf of Elsa and Stanley during a national commemoration of the centennial of the genocide. In 1965, Antranig Chalabian uncovered a box at AUB containing Stanley’s copies of The New York Times, which eventually inspired Stanley to write his memoir. “Lots of Armenian names in my family history,” Kerr says before retelling when family friend, Vahe Simonian, called him and broke the news of his father’s assassination. “We’ve had so many Armenians at our house over the years. I felt like an honorary member of the Armenian community through my family.”

Passage of Charles Aznavour opens in Saint-Rémy de Provence Passage of Charles Aznavour has opened near the city hall building in France’s SaintRémy de Provence. Besides the great songwriter, the solemn opening ceremony was also attended by Aznavour’s friends - Michel Drucker, Dany Brillant, Didier Barbelivien, Alice Dona, Daniel Guichard, Antoine Duléry, Vincent Labrune and her daughter, Nouvelles d'Arménie reports.Considering the fact that during the WWII Aznavour’s family saved the Jewish families and helped the participants of the French Resistance, the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation (IRWF) will bestow medals of honor upon Charles and Aida Aznavor. Apart from this, in cooperation with the Israeli post, IRWF will issue a commemorative stamp with Aznavour’s parents – Knar and Misha Aznavuryans – depicted thereon.

SAS Best...

Cont. from p.9 menian heritage speakers and the development and instruction of an entirely new course entitled Language in Diaspora: Armenian as a Heritage Language. Her research interests focus on heritage languages and speakers, particularly on the case of Armenian heritage speakers in the Los Angeles community, on which she has presented and lectured widely. She is currently serving on multiple committees in the Los Angeles Armenian community aimed at reforming Armenian language instruction and promoting the use of the Armenian language. The SAS chose Dr. Sona Haroutyunian’s dissertation, “An Analysis of Dante’s Tenses in the Armenian Translations of the Divina Commedia,” for honorable mention. Dr. Haroutyunian is professor of Armenian language and literature at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Vahe Sahakyan was named as the recipient of the graduate student SAS Best Conference Paper, for his work “From Extra-Territorial Communitarianism to Ethno-Territorial Nationalism Emergence of Armenian Revolutionary Parties in the 19th Century.” Sahakyan is a graduate student in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The SAS Best Conference Paper award is accompanied by a $500 prize. The Society for Armenian Studies (SAS), founded in 1974, is the international professional association representing scholars and teachers in the field of Armenian Studies. The aim of the SAS is to promote the study of Armenian culture and society, including history, language, literature, and social, political, and economic questions. SAS is headquartered at the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno and its website can be found at societyforarmenianstudies.com.

New Film Encourages Cont. from p.8 ATP’s Building Bridges program on the West Coast. The film was introduced by executive producer Sarah Hayes, who heads the Building Bridges program. “Our film demonstrates the importance of caring for the environment and encourages youth to visit Armenia to plant trees with their peers. There are more than 100 Diaspora elementary, intermediate and high schools throughout the world. We seek to reach out to these schools and work with them to implement ATP’s Building Bridges environmental education program within their classrooms,” explains Hayes. “Such actions will encourage cross-cultural alliances which will advance a strong national appreciation.” The video was produced by CivilNet.TV in partnership with ATP’s staff in the US and in Armenia. The first Building Bridges video, “Something New,” has gotten nearly 25,000 hits on YouTube. The new #GetRooted video is available online at: www.tinyurl.com/getrootedarmenia The Building Bridges program provides a range of multimedia content to students in the diaspora including a website, Facebook page, videos, live presentations from ATP staff, and hosting visits with ATP in Armenia. There is also a printed newsletter created by Sarah Hayes and illustrated by Alik Arzoumanian. The sixth edition of the publication, which is available for free both online and in print, was released in the fall and the focus is on water globally and in Armenia. To request copies of the publication or other information about the Building Bridges program, contact Sarah Hayes at sarah@armeniatree.org.

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