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NorOrJune16,2015,No.24(1)_N.O. Blank 6/15/16 3:12 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 24, Thursday, June 16, 2016

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Thursday, June 16, 2016 Vol. 94, # 24


Genocide Education Bill in Michigan Signed into Law On Monday, House Bill 4493, Genocide Education: Governor's Advisory Council & Curriculum and Assessment, was signed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. "Our next generation of leaders needs to have the wherewithal to recognize and help prevent widespread harm to their fellow men and women," Snyder stated. "Teaching the students of Michigan about genocide is important because we should remember and learn about these terrible events in our past while continuing to work toward creating a more tolerant society." Thanks to the leadership and efforts of the Armenian Genocide Education Committee (AEGC), Assembly Michigan Director John Jamian, and the entire community, HB 4493 Genocide Education bill is now law. Jamian, an active member of the AEGC, was also a former Representative in the Michigan legislature as well as past Executive Director of the Armenian Assembly. Jamian, upon reflecting on this achievement, recalled his colleague and former Assembly Board Member Edgar Hagopian's tireless advocacy in championing genocide affirmation both at the state and federal level. Hagopian, who passed away in 2011, served as a Board Member from 1998 to 2003. "I am elated we finally accomplished making this important genocide educational program into Michigan law," Jamian said. "This success demonstrates that when our community leaders all work together we can accomplish great things. I give special credit to our AEGC Chairman Edward Haratounian for his leadership and all of the members in getting to this important milestone," he added. HB 4493, sponsored by Representative Klint Kesto, amends the Revised School Code and requires that the Michigan's social studies curriculum in high school and state-wide assessment program include instruction and testing about genocides, including the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide. In addition, the bill establishes the Governor's Council on Genocide and Holocaust Education as a temporary commission. The 15-member council, set up by Governor Snyder, would be advisory and privately funded. "The

Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust cannot be forgotten," said State Senator Marty Knollenberg (RMI), son of former Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chair Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI). "I'm proud to stand with both Democrats and Republicans to ensure they are remembered by Michigan's next generations." The official legislation states: "Beginning in the 2016-2017 school year, the board of a school district or board of directors of a public school academy shall ensure that the school district's or public school academy's social studies curriculum for grades 8 to 12 includes age- and grade-appropriate instruction about genocide." The state assessment for social studies will "include questions related to the learning objectives in the state board recommended model core academic curriculum standards concerning genocide, including, but not limited to, the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide." According to this bill, a combined total of 6 hours of genocide instruction will be mandatory during grades 8 to 12. Furthermore, the Michigan school board will promote "engendering and coordinating events, activities, and education that will appropriately memorialize the victims of the Armenian Genocide, such as observance of the Michigan Days of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide." In addition to the legislation in Michigan, this year the AntiDefamation League (ADL) included the Armenian Genocide in its planned curriculum as part of its mission to develop materials and lesson plans for genocide education in elementary, middle, and high schools. The Assembly reached out to ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt in appreciation of the background material regarding the Armenian Genocide and the resources provided in the ADL's Spring 2016 high school lesson plan entitled "The Struggle to Prevent Genocide: Genocide and the Global Response." Michigan follows six other U.S. states that have approved genocide curriculum mandates, including Illinois, California, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey.

17% of Armenians Think Russia Provoked 4-day War in Karabakh

UNICEF Says Children Face Beatings, Rape, Forced Labor on Way to Europe

PanARMENIAN.Net - 17% of Armenians think Russia instigated the 4-day clashes in Nagorno Karabakh in early April, a survey conducted by the Gallup International showed. The respondents had the opportunity to choose one or multiple options from a list of possible answers. According to the majority of respondents, the 3-day war in early April was provoked by a 3rd-party nation. 81.3% believe that Turkey instigated the hostilities, 33% said Azerbaijan started the war on its own initiative, while some 14.5% blamed the United States. According to Gallup International's Armenia office chief Aram Navasardyan, 86.4% of Armenians think that the purchase of new military equipment can eliminate the recurrence of April hostilities. Some 38.1% said that the recurrence can be avoided by fighting corruption in the army, 29% called for raising the soldiers' combat readiness, while some 20.5% said that more contract servicemen were needed in the armed forces. The vast majority – 85.1% - learned about the military hostilities from television, some 44% from Facebook, another 43.8% from the general public, 19.7% from Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan's Facebook page, and only 15.1% of the respondents got the information from news websites. The survey was conducted after the four-day war – between May 13 and 24 – and included 1106 adults from around Armenia.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Migrant children making the perilous journey to Europe to escape war and poverty face possible beatings, rape and forced labor in addition to risk of drowning in the Mediterranean, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said on Tuesday, June 14, according to Reuters. Minors account for a growing percentage of migrants and refugees, particularly those trying to reach Italy by sea from Libya, it said in a report, "Danger Every Step of the Way". Of the roughly 206,200 people who arrived in Europe by sea this year to June 4, one in three was a child, it said, citing figures from the U.N. refugee agency. "Every step of the journey is fraught with danger, all the more so for the nearly one in four children traveling without a parent or guardian," UNICEF said, according to Reuters. That ratio was far higher on boats from Libya, where more

than nine out of ten children were unaccompanied. UNICEF said there were almost 235,000 migrants and refugees in Libya and 956,000 in the Sahel, many or most hoping to go to Europe. UNICEF said that there was "strong evidence that criminal human trafficking networks were targeting the most vulnerable, in particular women and children. "Italian social workers claim that both boys and girls are sexually assaulted and forced into prostitution while in Libya, and that some of the girls were pregnant when they arrived in Italy, having been raped," it said. The U.N. refugee agency has said the flow of people from Turkey to Greece has slowed hugely but dealing with migrants now stranded along the route remains a huge challenge, Reuters reports. UNICEF said many children had fallen between the cracks of overstretched asylum systems and their cases should be a priority.

Over Half of Orlando Shooting Victims were Puerto Rican More than half of the 49 victims shot in Orlando’s Pulse night club were of Puerto Rican descent, Rolando Padua, Deputy Secretary of State for the Puerto Rican government, stated Monday. "What they have informed us so far is that 90 percent of the victims are Latinos and that more than half of the dead victims are of Puerto Rican origin," Padua said. He also added that the Puerto Rican authorities are awaiting an official list of the victims, RIA Novosti reports. Fifty people were killed and 53 injured due to the largest shooting in the history of the US, which occurred on Saturday night at a gay club in Orlando. The suspect Omar Matin, according to FBI, called the emergency number and told that he was a supporter of the IP. The US President Barack Obama called the incident a terrorist attack.

U.S. and Azerbaijan Bring into Force Open Skies Agreement U.S. and Azerbaijan have agreed on the “open skies” regime for their air carriers, U.S. Department of State reports. “The U.S. Departments of State, Transportation, and Commerce announce that on June 14, the United States and Azerbaijan completed an exchange of diplomatic notes that brought into force the U.S.-Azerbaijan Open Skies Agreement, which was signed on April 6, 2016,” the statement reads, RIA Novosti reports.

Human Rights are Still Violated in South Caucasus The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human R i g h t s (OHCHR) has received information on violations of international law in the context of the upsurge in hostilities along the line of contact in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone, especially in April. The aforementioned is noted in a report on hatred, and by Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. He specifically noted that human rights are still violated as a result of the protracted conflicts in the South Caucasus, and that this has long been a concern of his office. “Significant efforts are needed to address the situation of displaced people,” added Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein. “My Office is ready to assist in the collection of objective information on human rights needs in the affected areas.”

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 16, 2016

Rhode Island Senate Bill Mandates Armenian Genocide Instruction in Public Schools The Rhode Island Senate on Wednesday approved a bill that would mandate the teaching of the Holocaust and other genocides, including the Armenian Genocide, in public middle schools and high schools across the state. The Providence Journal reported that the bill passed unanimously and along with the Armenian Genocide would include curriculum on the Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur genocides. If approved, teaching is required to begin in the 2017-18 school year. The House passed a duplicate bill in early May, reported the Providence Journal. A coalition made up of members of the Armenian community, Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island State Council of Churches, the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island and the Sandra Bornstein Holocaust Education Center have been meeting since last fall to research and draft the legislation. The lead sponsor of the bill is Sen. Gayle L. Goldin, D-Providence, who said on Monday: “When we look at what’s going on globally, the impact of war and strife, it’s important to place them in a larger historical context, so our children understand the long-term impact of genocides and the Holocaust, so we don’t repeat that history.” Sen. Donna M. Nesselbush, D-Pawtucket, North Providence, said her district was recently hit by anti-Semitism: a spraypainted swastika was found outside an Orthodox synagogue in Pawtucket. “There is no room for that kind of hatred in our communities,” Nesselbush said before the vote, “and we will do everything, in addition to this bill, to root it out of our communities.” Similar measures have been passed or enacted in California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

ARMOUNT TV - First 24/7 Armenian Language TV Channel in Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Armenian community achieved yet another new milestone with the establishment of the first all day Armenian language channel broadcasting on COX cable 274. Armount TV Network is owned and operated by Arman and Gayane Adamyan, whose TV association go back to Shirak TVRadio in Gyumri, Armenia and later working with ARTN-Shant TV in Los Angeles, California. Although Armount TV has been operating in Las Vegas since January 2016, the official Ribbon Cutting took place on Wednesday, June 1st by Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Las Vegas, Andy Armenian, Clark County Commissioner Susan Brager, Nevada Consular Corps Founder and City of Las Vegas Chief of Protocol Gayle Anderson, representatives of Nevada Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison, Senator Dean Heller, Congresswoman Dina Titus, Congressman Dr. Joe Heck and Congressman Cresent Hardy and over 100 invited officials, Armenian community representatives and local businesses. Also present was Mr. Robert Oglakhchyan, CEO and President of ARTN-Shant TV. The Ribbon Cutting was Emceed by Mrs. Lenna Hovanessian, Esq. Armount TV has an association with ARTN-Shant TV in Los Angeles where they rebroadcast Shant TV programs in Las Vegas. The association with Shant TV will continue while Armount TV Network strives to develop local and original Las Vegas programming such as coverage of Las Vegas community news, events, and

entertainment. Armount TV hosted and produced a local Las Vegas SARF fundraising telethon in February, which was broadcast live for two and a half hours prior to the SARF Los Angeles fundraiser. In April, Armount TV covered the April 23 Armenian Genocide Vigil at Sunset Park, the April 24 Commemoration at St. Garabed church, and the march for Justice on Las Vegas Boulevard. In May, Armount TV, as part of their community services, covered the third anniversary for the consecration of St. Garbed church and also the Consecration ceremony of St. Geragos church. Most recently Armount TV partnered with our local Chef Aram in producing “Spice It Up with Chef Aram", a weekly cooking program. Chef Aram Bakalian, owner of Lolik Catering has sponsored several local community catering events and during the Ribbon Cutting guests enjoyed offerings from the fresh seafood bar, fine cheeses as well as passed appetizers, including Armenian beef tartar (chee kufta) in mini sesame cones. Armount TV has invested over $300,000 in TV broadcasting and production equipment and has the capability to produce TV commercials in any language, 20-30 minute long infomercials, live broadcasting and events coverage. Additionally, Armount TV can help local businesses in expanding their reach into Social Media outlets, such as YouTube and FaceBook, by providing professional video production for either private or business events. !

Kim Kardashian West was Honored at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Kim Kardashian West was honored at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 for her longstanding friendship and support to the hospital. Kim was presented with a plaque by Children’s Hospital president and CEO, Paul Viviano, recognizing her as an ‘Honorary Armenian Ambassador’ during a reception of the Armenian Ambassadors of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Kim remarked how delighted she was to be recognized by CHLA and by her Armenian community. She shared that she has enjoyed visiting patients at the hospital for more than 8 years and that now, as a mother of two, her appreciation for having a world-class children’s hospital in her backyard has taken new meaning. The Armenian Ambassadors of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles are a group of Armenian supporters dedicated to creating hope and building healthier futures for all children. Their goal is to help ensure that Children’s Hospital Los Angeles has the best resources to care for all children.

Structural design of the Wilshire Grand Project by Peter Maranian Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 7:00 pm Armenian Society of Los Angeles 117 South Louise Street, Glendale, CA 91205 Please RSVP by e-mail to Areg.gharabegian@parsons.com

The lecture is free and open to the public

CINEMA: Berberian, Pirhamzei and Tokhatyan Collaborate. 3 Weeks in Yerevan Coming Soon If you were in Armenia last summer, you probably heard about the movie Hrant Tokhatyan, Vahik Pirhamzei and Vahe Berberian were filming. The post-production of the film is almost over now, and the three friends aim to open the film in August, first in Armenia, then in the US, followed by all major cities with Armenian communities. The Armenian language film “3 Weeks in Yerevan” tells the story of two friends, a Lebanese Armenian and an Iranian Armenian, who go to Armenia to make a movie with their partner in Yerevan. The two men arrive with great expectations, but soon realize that in Yerevan nothing goes as planned, and it was naive of them to believe all the promises given to them. The script, written by Vahe Berberian, based on a story by Narbeh Nazarian, recounts the two filmmakers’ experiences in Yerevan, as they desperately try to overcome hurdle after hurdle to realize their dream. The movie is rich with humor, witty scenes, and a slew of fascinating characters, performed by some of the best actors in Armenia, such as: Ashot Ghazaryan, Narek Duryan, Khoren Levonyan, and Levon Harutyunyan. The movie boasts many cameos by such luminaries as Tata Simonyan, Nune Yesayan, Inga and Anoush, Eric, Christine Pepelyan, Sushan Petrosyan ,Aramo, and others. The producer, Vahik Pirhamzei, who co-directed the movie with Berberian, explains that he had been planning

to work on a project with his friends Tokhantyan and Berberian for a long time, and “3 Weeks in Yerevan” turned out to be the ideal project for collaboration. “Even though the movie is in Armenian, it is subtitled, and we hope that as a foreign film it will find its audience in all of the major metropolitan cities,” says Pirhamzei, “we have been getting wonderful response so far because of the universality of its theme and its refined, subtle humor.» Tokhatyan, a well-known actor and one of the producers of the movie, says the film was the perfect vehicle to

bring together three characters from different backgrounds and present a complete, honest, and pleasant picture of the Armenian cultural identity. Interestingly, the actors who play the characters of the three friends in the movie are the same three friends who have made ‘3 Weeks in Yerevan.” Berberian, Pirhamzei and Tokhatyan are names that command respect both in Armenia and the Diaspora. Tokhatyan has appeared in numerous movies and theatrical productions, is widely respected as a cultural icon and has a huge fan base in Russia, where he starred in the TV series “The Last Mohican.” Pirhamzei, who is also known for the many characters he has portrayed on stage and in films, has previously produced and directed the movies “My Uncle Rafael” and “Guardian Angel.” Berberian, mostly known for his one man shows, is also a renowned playwright, novelist, director and artist. The three friends are very excited about their movie, and vow, that it is a meticulously shot, witty, beautiful film which will be appreciated by its audience, especially these days, when it is crucial for Armenians to create a united front and face the world with a proud, confident smile. “3 Weeks in Yerevan Movie Trailer" for theaters. 3 WEEKS IN YEREVAN - OFFICIAL Theatrical Trailer HD 4K (2016) https://www.facebook.com/3weeksinyerevan/

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 16, 2016


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

118 - Kazim Gundogan By Hambersom Aghbashian Kazim Gundogan (born in 1963 in Ovacik, Dersim-Tunceli,Turkey) is a Turkish historian, writer, social scientist and film producer. He left Dersim after the military coup of 1980 and moved to Istanbul. He was sentenced to a total of ten years imprisonment because of his political stands and was kept in different prisons. Finally he was released in 2002. His articles and researches appeared in various newspapers and magazines under different names. Kazim Gundogan continues his work as a researcher and has participated in many conferences concerning the Ottoman empire's late history, the Armenian Genocide, and especially the Armenians of Dersim, who were survived, converted to Islam and lost everything. Gundogan is the author of “Kesis`in Tourinlari: Dersimli Ermeniler, Grandchildren of the Priest: Dersim Armenians” and the co-author of "Dersim'in Kayip Kizlari- Lost Girls of Dersim-2012). Gundogan is also a film producer, and serves as executive producer. He produced "Two pinch Hair : The Lost Girls of Dersim," "Hay Way Zaman" movies. He was a nominee for "Golden Orange Award" for Best Documentary (National). He is married and has one child. According to "http://www.panarmenian.net", January 16, 2016, The book “Grandchildren of the Priest: Dersim Armenians” by Kazim Gundogan has been published in Turkey. The author unveils a collection of stories of Christian Armenians who lost their properties, culture, religion and language during the Genocide of 1915 and the massacres of 1895. Some of Dersim Armenians managed to survive but lost everything in the aftermath. Following the Genocide of 1915, the Armenians’ only place of worship, Surb Karapet monastery* of Halvor, was bombarded. The author has met and talked with the survivors who recalled their lives before the slaughter, the road of exile,

forced Turkification and Islamization.(1) "Hrant Dink Vakfı / Hrant Dink Foundation", organized a conference on Islamized Armenians: "Memory, Ethnicity, Religion: Dersim". Panel 7 of the conference was chaired by Murat Yüksel, participants

were Nezahat Gündo!an & Kazım Gündo!an, (Armenians in 1937-38 Dersim's Tertele), Hranush Kharatyan, "I am from Dersim": Avoiding Identity among Dersim Population and Alevized Armenians of Dersim, Gökçen B. Dinç," Protected but Discriminated: Dersim Armenians". The Conference, which was organized by Hrant Dink Foundation with the cooperation of Bo!aziçi University history department and MalatyaHAYDer , with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Chrest Foundation and Olof Palme International Center, took place at Bo!aziçi University's Albert Long Hall during 2-4 November 2013. It was intended as a gateway to amplify the academic research on the issue, consisted of eight panels in three days, one round table meeting, one forum and one workshop. Simultaneously with the conference, movie screenings were arranged. According to "http://www.hsozkult.de", October 28, 2015, "Ottoman Cataclysm: Total War, Genocide and Distant Futures in the Middle East (1915–1917)" symposium was held

in Zurich and consisted of seven panels and three roundtables including the screening of a documentary. A group of internationally renowned historians discussed the demise of the Ottoman Empire which is a breaking moment in the history of the Middle East and Europe taking its ethnic, religious and social fabric in the 1910s into consideration. The breakdown of the Ottoman Empire is also a period of massive destruction, human suffering, and squandered opportunities for peace. The conference discussed current debates on World War I in the Ottoman world and possible impacts of the revisionist historiography on the history-writing of wider Europe and the Middle East. The Dersim genocide of 1938 and the commemorations during the centenary of the Armenian genocide in April 2015 in Turkey were the last two topics of the conference. NEZAHAT GÜNDO"AN and KAZIM GÜNDO"A’s (both Istanbul) documentary "Children of the Monastery" deals with the genocide of the Alevis and Armenians of Dersim in 1938 and the experience of the surviving children. The documentary showed how Armenian children grew up in Turkish or Kurdish families, converting to Islam or to Alevism without their later families knowing anything about it. (2) * Surb Karapet Monastery (Armenian: !"#$ %#&'( )*'*+,- .*/0), was an Armenian monastery in the historic province of Taron, about 30 km (19 mi) northwest of Mush, in present-day eastern Turkey-Western Armenia). The name is translated to "Holy Precursor" and refers to John the Baptist, whose remains are believed to have been stored at the site by Gregory the Illuminator in the early fourth century. The monastery subsequently served as a stronghold of the Mamikonians, the princely house of Taron, who claimed to be the holy

warriors of John the Baptist, their patron saint. It was expanded and renovated many times in later centuries. By the 20th century it was a large fort-like enclosure with four chapels. It was considered the most important monastery in Western Armenia and the second most important of all Armenian monasteries after Etchmiadzin. From the 12th century the monastery was the seat of the diocese of Taron, which had an Armenian population of 90,000 in the early 20th century. The monastery was burned and robbed during the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and later abandoned. Its stones have since been used by the local Kurds for building purposes. 1.http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/ news/203640/ 2.http://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-6445

Washington hosts charity evening to benefit Syrian-Armenians The Armenian-American community organized a charity evening at St. Mary Apostolic Armenian Church in Washington, DC, all proceeds from which will go to the Armenian community in Damascus, Syria. According to one of the organizers of the event, Shoghik Sahakyan, the increasingly dwindling Armenian community in Syria is in huge need for help. Also, the Armenian community held a charitable concert and lottery in the U.S. capital, the Voice of America said.

Author Aris Janigian to Present New Novel at Abril Bookstore

Screening of the Armenian Rock Opera Taparum (Wandering)

Glendale, CA – Author ARIS JANIGIAN will present his new novel, WAITING FOR LIPCHITZ AT CHATEAU MARMONT in a special conversation with local actor/comedian LORY TATOULIAN on THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. WAITING FOR LIPCHITZ AT CHATEAU MARMONT is set in two iconic locales—Hollywood's legendary Chateau Marmont and Fresno's amazing Forestiere's Underground Garden. A bold and colorful critique of the California Dream through the perspective of screenwriter who has gone from riches to rags. A kind of Hollywood version of Waiting for Godot, Janigian's Lipchitz is a stunningly original take on the absent protagonist and what is illuminated in the void. ARIS JANIGIAN is author of three previous novels, Bloodvine, Riverbig, and This Angelic Land. A Ph.D. in psychology, from 1993 to 2005 he was senior professor of Humanities at Southern California Institute of

Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a screening of the Armenian Rock Opera, TAPARUM (WANDERING) on FRIDAY, JULY 1, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. Film is in Armenian with English subtitles and will be introduced by one of the performers, KAMI LIBARIDIAN. WANDERING (TAPARUM) is a rockopera about a Diaspora Armenian. As a victim of historic injustice, James becomes a victim of a car accident. The doctors find his situation hopeless and transplant his brain into another patient of a different nationality. As a result, James’s soul is not accepted into Heaven, for it is incomplete. He returns and participates at his own funeral, thus finding himself in tragicomic situations on the crossroads of Heaven and Earth. John Heral, who has the implanted brain, periodically expresses ‘absent-

Architecture. He has published in genres as diverse as poetry, social psychology, and design criticism. He was a contributing writer to West, the Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, a finalist for the William Saroyan Fiction Prize, and the recipient of the Anahid Literary Award from Columbia University. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril Bookstore (818) 243-4112, noor@abrilbooks.com

minded’ thoughts, about some genocide and his being a son of an expatriated family. The two sufferers provoke the wrath of the saints, and thus the promised flood begins for the intolerable sins of the humankind. However the rain in reality turns out to be for rectification. Director ARSHALUYS HARUTYUNYAN has acted as a stage performer in theatres in Yerevan and in several films. In 2000 he participated in Art Management Courses in Tbilisi. Since 2004 he has been the vice president of AskCultural Centre and the producer of YerkatCultural Club. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 16, 2016

Community Organizations Invited to Participate in the Development of the Armenian American Museum G!"#$%!"&'&Representatives from more than 60 Armenian American organizations active in Southern California met on June 8, 2016, at the Brand Library and Art Center in Glendale to learn about the current status of the project and provide input on the development and vision for the Armenian American Museum (AAM). The AAM Executive Committee chairman Berdj Karapetian greeted guests by giving an overview of the project initiated by the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of Western United States in 2014 and introducing the representatives of the 9 regional institutions and organizations responsible for the construction and operation of the museum complex at Central Park in Glendale. “The mission of the Armenian American Museum is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience,” remarked Karapetian, who has been serving on the Committee for more than 2 years. Zaven Kazazian, who has also served on the project since its inception, explained that the vision for the museum is “a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individu-

als to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice.” The mission and vision is articulated in the museum’s Concept Development Plan prepared by the leading global museum consulting firm Lord Cultural Resources. According to Governing Board CoChairs Archbishop Hovnan Derderian and Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, the organization is currently working diligently on the environmental assessments and studies required for the negotiation of a long term ground lease with the City of Glendale. Although the museum was initially slated to be located next to the Civic Auditorium and across from Glendale Community College, the feedback from Glendale residents and homeowner associations led the City Council to suggest placing the museum in the Arts and Entertainment District across from the Central Library and within walking distance of the Americana at Brand. The architect for the museum selected from 26 firms evaluated by the Governing Board was introduced to the attendees and invited to present the plans for the museum campus and plaza at Central Park. Aram Alajajian of Alajajian-Marcossi Architects described the impact and po-

German MP Calls for a Travel Ban on Erdogan Sevim Dagdelen has urged action after receiving death threats over the Armenian genocide vote in Germany's parliament. She said she wants Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be prevented from entering Germany. Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the Bundestag, demanded that "anyone in Turkey who calls for violence against members of the German parliament should get an entry ban" to Germany. "This includes President Erdogan," she told the German newspaper "Bild am Sonntag." The Duisburg-born politician has a 100,000 euro ($112,000) bounty on her head, the paper reported, following a resolution adopted by the German parliament on June 2 calling the massacre of Armenians genocide. German lawmakers voted to join 29 other countries in interpreting the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 as genocide. Turkey, which was formed out of the Ottoman Empire, insists the killings were a collective tragedy in which equal numbers of Turks and Armenians died but denies it meets legal requirements to be termed a genocide. Erdogan, personally, reacted furiously to the decision, taking ties between the Berlin and Ankara governments to new lows. Erdogan, personally, reacted furiously to the decision, taking ties between the Berlin and Ankara governments to new lows. Personal threats Since the vote, Dagdelen and 10 other German MPs of Turkish origin have faced the ire of Turkish nationalists, receiving death threats and even having their personal details published in newspapers and in mosques. Dagdelen, who is the Left party's migration policy spokesperson, told the paper that German Chancellor Angela Merkel

should respond more forcefully to Erdogan's attacks. The politicians are now under 24-hour police protection after Erdogan compared them to terrorists and demanded they have blood tests to prove their Turkish origins. The lawmakers have also been warned not to make trips to Turkey for the time being, as their safety cannot be guaranteed. Tolerance urged Aydan Özoguz of the Social Democrats (SPD) called on Turkish groups in Germany to unequivocally denounce the Turkish response. Özoguz, who is the government's integration commissioner, has also received death threats. "I expect Turkish associations in Germany to clearly condemn the threats against MPs," she told the "Bild am Sonntag" weekly paper, adding that Turks can remain committed to their origins without being an extension of Turkey. Her comments were backed up by Green Party leader Cem Özdemir, who was one of the initiators of the Bundestag's Armenian resolution. "You may not agree with the resolution, but Turkish organizations must issue unqualified denouncements of the death threats," he told the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung." Earlier, Özdemir had told the paper that Erdogan's response to the issue was "unworthy of a head of state," adding that he was worried: "What if someone goes crazy?" Özdemir asked, referring to threats against him and his family. Germany's Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB) supported German politicians and called the threats made against lawmakers inacceptable. "No one should be dehumanized or threatened," DITIB national spokesperson Murat Kayman said. "This is not up for discussion and there is no justification for it.

tential of the new location in light of creating an interactive space which shares the Armenian American experience and provides ongoing opportunities for cross-cultural exchanges among the Armenian diaspora and all community members in the heart of downtown Glendale. Alajajian highlighted several of the key features of the Museum which include both permanent and temporary exhibition spaces; an educational center; a performing art theatre; and outdoor plaza. In his closing remarks, Karapetian stated the Governing Board has initiated a fundraising drive to raise the funds for the environmental and economic studies as well as the master planning process essential to the success of the museum. He also announced that a proposal to receive funding from the State of California introduced by Assembly Member Adrin Nazarian and Senator Carol Liu was being considered by the Budget Conference Committee of the State Legislature. The AAM Governing Board and Executive Committee members expressed their willingness to provide presentations to the boards of community organizations and invited each organization to consider making a financial contribution and be part of this unprecedented community wide project in

Southern California. For more information about the Armenian American Museum visit www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org or call (844) 5864626. The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the following nine regional Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Relief Society – Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Four new Element Names Proposed for Periodic Table Welcome nihonium, moscovium, tennessine and oganesson. The periodic table will soon have four new names added to its lower right-hand corner. Element 113 is set to be named nihonium (Nh); element 115, moscovium (Mc); element 117, tennessine (Ts); and element 118, oganesson (Og), according to proposals outlined on 8 June by chemistry’s governing body, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The laboratories that were credited with the discovery of the elements — in Russia, the United States and Japan — got to propose the names, under the constraint that elements can be named only after one of their chemical or physical properties, a mythological concept, a mineral, a place or country, or a scientist. “Although these choices may perhaps be viewed by some as slightly self-indulgent, the names are completely in accordance with IUPAC rules,” said Jan Reedijk, president of IUPAC’s inorganic-chemistry division, in a media statement. Perhaps the most striking choice, although it was widely predicted, is for element 118, oganesson. It is named after Yuri Oganessian, an 83-year-old researcher at Russia’s Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, who has helped to discover numerous superheavy elements. It will mark only the second time that an element has been named after a living scientist. The first such occasion led to huge controversy, when in 1993, a team at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California, proposed naming element 106 seaborgium, after US nuclearchemistry pioneer Glenn Seaborg. At first, a IUPAC committee rejected the proposal after passing a resolution that elements should not be named after living scientists,

but it ultimately relented. Moscovium (115) — named after the Moscow region — honours “the ancient Russian land that is the home of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research”, says IUPAC. And tennessine (117) “is in recognition of the contribution of the Tennessee region, including Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, to superheavy element research”. A collaboration between the JINR, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California, and the Oak Ridge laboratory was credited with the discovery of these two elements. Element 113, nihonium, is the first artificial element to be named in East Asia. When its creation was first claimed 12 years ago by a team at the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science in Wako, near Tokyo, ‘japonium’ was suggested as a name. But the RIKEN group (which followed up with a more convincing report in 2012) chose nihonium instead: Nihon (!" ) is one way to say ‘Japan’ in Japanese. “The name is proposed to make a direct connection to the nation where the element was discovered,” says IUPAC. Before this, the most recent additions to the periodic table were flerovium (Fl, 114) and livermorium (Lv, 116). All such artificial elements, including the latest four, are created in trace amounts in the laboratory by smashing lighter atomic nuclei together — and last mere fractions of a second before they fall apart into smaller, more stable fragments. IUPAC is allowing five months for public comment on the suggestions, but unless there is an upswell of public protest, the names will be confirmed in November.

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“National Geographic” "

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