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Nor Or, June 23, 2016, No. 25_N.O. Blank 6/22/16 7:45 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 25, Thursday, June 23, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. June 23:Layout 1 6/22/16 8:41 AM Page 1

Thursday, June 23, 2016 Vol. 94, # 25


Armenia Prepares to Welcome Pope Francis His Holiness Pope Francis will make a visit to Armenia from June 24 to 26. The Pope will be officially welcomed to Holy Etchmiadzin by His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patrirach and Catholicos of All Armenians. Themed “A Visit to the First Christian Nation,” the three-day journey will include a prayer service in Yerevan’s Republic Square and a stop at the Dzidzernagapert Genocide Memorial. Pope Francis and His Holiness Karekin II will also preside over a Divine Liturgy in Gyumri’s Vartanants Square. On June 26, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin and the two spiritual leaders will visit and pray at Khor Virab monastery— the site of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s imprisonment—prior to Pope Francis’s departure.

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, and Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the Diocese’s Legate and Ecumenical Director, will travel to Armenia to take part in these events. A group of pilgrims from the Eastern Diocese is heading to Armenia this weekend. Vatican Radio will offer livestream video broadcasts of the various events in Armenia. Click here to visit their YouTube channel for information. Last year, Pope Francis celebrated a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. In an exquisite service in the Armenian rite, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church offered prayers in memory of the Armenian martyrs of 1915, and expressed his profound solidarity with the Armenian people in their historic struggles and continuing aspirations.

Around the world

Azerbaijani MFA to Blacklist Russian Orientalist who Visited Karabakh The Azerbaijani MFA will put the Russian orientalist Yevgeny Satanovsky on the “blacklist” for visiting Karabakh, Spokesperson for the Azerbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Hikmat Hajiyev stated Tuesday. “The visit of the Russian orientalist Yevgeny Satanovsky to Nagorno-Karabakh was illegal. He will be added to the list of personae non gratae,” Hajiyev told Interfax-Azerbaijan. Last week Yevgeny Satanovsky visited Nagorno-Karabakh, where he held a number of meetings with the representatives of the self-proclaimed regime. The President of the Middle East Institute stated that he calmly perceived the intention of the Azerbaijani MFA to blacklist him, thinking that his contacts with the Azerbaijani colleagues will not suffer as a result. “I treat Azerbaijan and its president well. Azerbaijan has its rules, and even if these rules seem quite odd to me, they still exist, this meaning that Baku has to carry them out,” Satanovsky told Interfax. He expressed an opinion that this situation will have no significant impact on his contacts with the Azerbaijani colleagues. “I have a great number of Azerbaijani friends and colleagues, and the MFA decision in this case will hardly block my communication with them,” he said.

!Montenegro is temporarily cancelling the entry visa for Armenian citizens. The requirement for entry visa to Montenegro will be cancelled for Armenian citizens in the period from June 3 to October 10 of this year, Armenian MFA press-service reports. !Orthodox priest Father Michael was cruelly killed in Narva, Estonia. The police has detained the suspect, the Delfi portal reported on Tuesday. The statement says that the body of the 49-year-old priest with numerous knife wounds was found in the house around 05.00 in apartment in Narva. The police detained 20-year-old son of the killed as a suspect in crime. !The office of the UN human rights chief is decrying an "intensified crackdown" on freedoms and rights in Bahrain after the country's top Shiite cleric was stripped of his nationality and is urging authorities to "de-escalate" the situation, the Associated Press reports. Rights office spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani on Tuesday, June 21 appealed on Bahrain to ensure civil society activists won't face "undue pressure, intimidation or reprisals. Bahrain's Sheikh Isa Qassim was stripped of his nationality on Monday. The Interior Ministry says he played a key role in creating an extremist sectarian atmosphere. Thousands have protested in Qassim's mostly Shiite village of Diraz. !A man with a fake suicide belt was arrested after a bomb scare at a shopping center triggered a major anti-terror operation in central Brussels on Tuesday, June 21, federal prosecutors said, according to AFP. Tuesday's incident began at about 6:30 am after a report of a man acting suspiciously near the City 2 shopping center set off a bomb alert. "No bomb has so far been found. !Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lost a German court battle against a top media boss Tuesday, June 21 when his appeal in a bitter row over free speech was thrown out, The Local reports. Erdogan had sought a court order to stop the Axel Springer media group's chief Mathias Döpfner from repeating support for a TV satirist who insulted the Turkish leader in a now infamous “smear poem.”

Minister of Diaspora receives President of the Los Angeles affiliate of the Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA) On June 22, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received President of the Los Angeles affiliate of the Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA), member of the women’s council adjunct to the US Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Silva Katchiguian. Mrs. Katchiguian told the Minister that several members of the organization are currently in Armenia to witness and participate in the visit of Pope Francis to Armenia and do their best to help organize the visit, if necessary. As President of the Armenian International Women’s Association, Minister Hranush Hakobyan welcomed that initiative and stated that the visit of the Pope is not only a national, but an international phenomenon. The Minister especially appreciated the slogan of the Pope’s visit (“Visit to the First Christian Land”), which means that the Pope is stressing once again the fact that Armenia is of special significance for the Christian world. The sides expressed the view that, with his statements and the visit, Pope Francis is drawing the world’s attention to Armenia-something that will help spark more interest in Armenia and increase the flow of tourists in Armenia. During the meeting, the sides also touched upon the 25th anniversary of the Armenian International Women’s Association, which will be celebrated in late September.

AGBU Montreal Welcomes Canadian Foreign Minister at its Armenian Genocide Commemoration

On April 22, AGBU Montreal welcomed the Honorable Stéphane Dion, the foreign minister of Canada, to its Armenian Genocide Commemoration Ceremony at the AGBU Center. The event, which drew over 500 people, marked the first time a Canadian foreign minister attended the commemoration ceremony. “We preserve the memory of those who lost their lives and those who suffered during this genocide, and pay our deepest respects to their descendants, including those who now call Canada home,” said Dion on behalf of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The event began with a cultural program—including performances by the Alex Manoogian School Choir, the AGBU Marching Band, the Scouts and the Mashtots Choir—and was followed by the keynote speaker, Representative of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to the United States and Canada Robert Avetisyan, who spoke about the interrelation of the Armenian Genocide and Nagorno-Karabakh, the impossibility of Azeri rule and the hope for independence. “The unity our nation

has once again demonstrated during the most recent aggression by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, the bravery and heroism of our soldiers on the battlefield proved yet again that attempts of another Armenian Genocide would lead to unpredictable and tragic consequences for the aggressors themselves,” said Avetisyan. AGBU Montreal chairman Chahe Tanachian and Hagop Arslanian, AGBU Montreal board member in charge of the Canadian Armenian Political Affairs Committee (CAPAC), also met with Dion to discuss the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and bilateral relations between Canada and Armenia. Tanachian urged Dion to take a firm stance on the recent conflict in NagornoKarabakh and to not only call upon the sides to immediately establish a cease-fire, but to also condemn the military actions initiated by Azerbaijan. “Canada must firmly condemn any sort of violence and ask Azerbaijan to return to the negotiating table under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group in order to find a peaceful settlement to this conflict,” said Tanachian.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 23, 2016

USC INSTITUTE OF ARMENIAN STUDIES University of Southern California Support for Research on Karabakh

Electric Car built by AGBU Manoogian High School Receives Statewide Recognition in Michigan On Saturday, May 14, the Manoogian automotive team entered a statewide competition at M-City on the University of Michigan’s north campus in Ann Arbor. The team of 13 dedicated students built the Manoogian electric car from scratch, using recycled materials wherever possible. The main event at the competition was an hourlong oval track race for distance. Out of 25 high school teams, our students took the second place trophy, with an average speed of 13 mph, and we won the first place, all important, Public Relations and Presentation award. Monica Gharibyan, a sophomore, was the only female race driver in the competition. She is our ace pilot! We built our electric car in the high school student activities room, which was transformed to a machine shop. Our key advantage over the other competing schools was our ingenuity and our “Armenia” license plate. Of course, none of this would have happened without the leadership and guidance of our science

teacher, Mr. Steve Scott. We would also like to thank Mr. Levon Gharibyan and his mechanical expertise. The construction of the car and success at the race was a great accomplishment for the students, who acquired skills in electrical and mechanical engineering. “Building on this huge success this year, we are thrilled to announce that we will offer an Automotive Engineering course starting in September. Also, our next generation electric car has already been endorsed and sponsored by MVC, a renowned auto parts company, in the amount of $5000. We are grateful to MVC president Mrs. Linda Torakis for this great honor,” said high school principal Dr. Hosep Torossian. The AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School is a public charter school in Southfield, MI authorized by Central Michigan University and is the home for 400 students in Kindergarten through 12 th grade.

Analysis Research & Planning for Armenia - ARPA

ARPA Institute Presentation by Arsen Arakelian, Ph.D. On Biomedical Research in Armenia: Enthusiasm and Professionalism in the Institute of Molecular Biology Thursday, June 23, 2016 @ 7:30PM, In the Aram and Anahis D. Boolghoorjian Hall of the Merdinian School Abstract: The scientific community of Armenia has suffered during the last 25 years. Budgetary cuts, war and brain drain have significantly impacted the research and development sector. However, there still are enthusiasts that try to do their best to keep the reputation of Armenian science high. The Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Armenia is one such organization, where high quality research is carried out. The presentation will focus on the research of mechanisms driving the development of diseases in humans and animals. Another important study area is population genetics, where the Armenian genome is analyzed, from DNA samples collected from the general population, using a pathogenomics approach. Also presented will be the quality of the research reached using the large international collaborative network, which successfully brings forth funding and the publication of papers in well-accepted international journals. The presentation will also cover the main projects currently carried out in the Institute, the most interesting results obtained by the researchers, as well as the collaboration with the ARPA Institute. Arsen Arakelyan, PhD, is the director of the Institute of Molecular Biology of the NAS of Armenia since 2014. He started to work in the Institute as a second year graduate student in the Yerevan State University. He received his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology in 2004. Arsen has over 70 research published papers in international peer reviewed journals. His main research interests are in bioinformatics and computational biology. Moreover, he has more than ten years of “wet-lab” experience. Disclaimer: The Merdinian School is not the sponsor of this event and any opinions expressed during the event are not those of the School. For information please contact Dr. Hagop Panossian at (818) 453-0618 or info@ARPAInstitute.org 13330 Riverside Dr. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

The recent escalation of the Karabakh conflict – the worst since 1994 – marks a new phase in the three decades of the conflict and highlights the need for research on the region. To fill the scholarship gap on this issue and region, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies has announced a call for research on Karabakh to support new and ongoing research by junior and senior scholars. The call aims to provide an opportunity for original academic and policy research that focuses on the many topics surrounding Karabakh, including but not limited to International Law, Security Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Social Psychology, Sociology, History, Gender Studies, and Media Studies. Institute Director Salpi Ghazarian said, “The mission of the Institute is to support scholarship in all areas of Armenian Studies. Karabakh, its history, the conflict, are both important and urgent topics, deserving of serious study. The Institute is grateful to donor support for making this kind of programming possible. In the near future, there will be a call for research on Armenia, and the quarter century of transition – something that is becoming more critical, now, in this 25th year of independence. And of course, the Institute will also continue with our other programming, including post-Genocide research.” Scholars and practitioners from all backgrounds and regions of the world are encouraged to apply. The grants provided by the Institute in this first call will cover research costs including travel to Karabakh, if needed. The final research reports will be completed by January 30, 2017.

3501 Trousdale Parkway, Room 312, Los Angeles, California 90089-4355 • Tel: 213 821 3943 Those interested in applying should send application (with materials identified below) to research.armenian@usc.edu by July 1: 1. A proposal of 1,000 words which outlines the rationale and plan of research, presents a clear research question, reviews previous research and theory that form the basis of the study, describes the research methods that will be used to carry out the research, and summarizes what the research aims to uncover. 2. A detailed one-page budget indicating the items for which the applicant is seeking funding. 3. A curriculum vitae. In case of questions, please email research.armenian@usc.edu or call 213.821.3943. About the Institute Established in 2005, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies supports multidisciplinary scholarship to re-define, explore and study the complex issues that make up the contemporary Armenian experience – from post-Genocide to the developing Republic of Armenia to the evolving Diaspora. The Institute encourages research, publications and public service, and promotes links among the global academic and Armenian communities. For information: 3518 Trousdale Parkway VKC 351 Los Angeles, CA 90089 213.821.3943 armenian@usc.edu

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA ISSUES STATEMENT ON WORLD REFUGEE DAY Armenian Assembly Renews Call for Refugee Aid in Armenia WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) released the following statement in support of World Refugee Day: “Today, on World Refugee Day, the Armenian Assembly of America recognizes the plight of refugees around the world. They need a safe haven; they need support; and they need hope. To date, Armenia has welcomed some 20,000 refugees from Syria who have escaped with their families. As conditions worsen in Syria, Armenia continues to serve as a sanctuary for persecuted Christians and other at-risk groups escaping genocide and violence in the Middle East. For a small country like Armenia, this large number of new refugees poses a challenge. Armenia depends on international aid to ensure the settlement and integration of new refugees. Armenia’s good intentions

were tested this April when Azerbaijan started a full-scale war in Nagorno Karabakh, resulting in another wave of displaced women, children, and elderly from the border villages of Talish and Mataghis in the Martakert region. As more challenges arise, the Armenian Assembly is renewing its call for the United States Government to allocate $15 million to Armenia for refugee resettlement. The Assembly urges its members to contact their Representative and let them know that Syrian refugees deserve a sanctuary that is welcoming and safe. The Armenian Assembly of America remains dedicated to its fullest capacity to helping Armenian-Syrian refugees. To make a difference, visit the Assembly’s website, take action now, and share this message.” !

13% of Russians think Armenian Genocide facts are “exaggerated”

believe that a policy of extermination was implemented against Jews in Nazi Germany. "If someone does not know anything about something, the problem is most likely in school education," Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian History of the RAS Sergei Zhuravlev told Kommersant. Russians learn about the Holocaust from the school course of Russian history, especially because many of the Jews, "which had been destroyed, resided in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union." The issue of the Armenian Genocide is more difficult, Zhuravlev said.

PanARMENIAN.Net - A new poll suggests 50% of Russians believe that an entire nation was being exterminated during the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, 13% called this assessment “exaggerated,” 22% said they haven’t heard about the genocide, and 12% were undecided. Conducted by Levada-Center, the survey found that not all the Russian citizens

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

119 - Aydan Özo!uz By Hambersom Aghbashian Aydan Özo!uz is a German politician of Turkish descent (born in 1967 in Hamburg to Turkish parents who came to Germany in 1958). She finished her high school education in 1986. Following her studies in English Major and Spanish and Human Resources Management in minor, she completed a master's degree in 1994. During her university years, she was a member of the Turkish Student Society in Hamburg, and served as its chairperson for two years. Since 1994, Özo!uz was a research fellow in the Körber Foundation and Between 2001 and 2008, she was a member of the Hamburg Parliament. In 2004, Özo!uz joined the Social Democratic Party of Germany and was elected deputy chairperson of the party in 2011. Since 2009 , she is a member of the Bundestag (Germany parliament) for the Social Democratic Party of Germany. She currently serves as Minister of State in the German Chancellery and Commissioner for Immigration, Refugees and Integration (since 2013). Özo!uz is on the board of trustees of the "Muslim Academy in Germany" (Berlin), and since 2010, she is also a deputy member of the board of the trustees of the German Historical Museum and the Foundation for History of Federal Republic of Germany. Özo!uz was re-elected as a member of the Bundestag in the 2013. She is one of the eleven politicians of Turkish descent who won a seat in the Bundestag, including seven women. The German Parliament overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on Thursday

(June 2, 2016) declaring the killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks in 1915 a genocide, escalating tensions with Turkey at a diplomatically delicate juncture. The Turkish government angrily denounced the vote as “null and void,” and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called his ambassador in Germany back to Ankara for consultations. The issue is also fraught for Germany. At the time of the killings, Germany, led by Kaiser Wilhelm II, was allied with the Ottomans, in World War I. Acceptance of German responsibility for the atrocities of World War II has become an established part of the nation’s culture, and historians and activists have said that the Armenian resolution was an important step in acknowledging Germany’s indirect involvement in the 1915 killings. Ms. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and its coalition partners supported the resolution, which was originally proposed for last year, to mark the centennial of the start of the killings. But it was repeatedly delayed, most recently in February, over concerns about angering Ankara. The vote in the Bundestag, the lower house of Parliament, was nearly unanimous, with one lawmaker voting against and another abstaining. (1) Aydan Özo!uz was one of the Bundestag members of Turkish descent who voted for the resolution. Mrs Merkel was not in the Bundestag (lower house) for the vote (for the Armenian Genocide resolution). Her Christian Democrats (CDU), their coalition partners the

Social Democrats (SPD) and the Greens all supported the resolution, and the vote in favor was overwhelming. German MPs came under pressure from Turks in the runup to the vote, receiving threatening and abusive e-mails, German ARD news reports.(2) Parliament speaker Norbert Lammert said that "many threats were sent to colleagues (lawmakers), particularly those with Turkish backgrounds, including death threats". Aydan Özoguz of the Social Democrats (SPD) was one of the members who received many death threats and she called on Turkish groups in Germany to unequivocally denounce the Turkish response. “I expect Turkish associations in Germany to clearly condemn the threats against MPs,” she told the “Bild am Sonntag” weekly paper, adding that Turks can remain committed to their origins without being an extension of Turkey. Aydan Ozoguz, the government’s commissioner for integration, said that Mr. Erdogan and ultranationalist Turks “will get a huge boost,” “They will use the resolution as proof of a further attack by the West on Turkey”. “Reasonable, considered voices will be isolated and will have no chance to be heard for a long time.”(in Turkey). (3) On June 11, 2016, "Osman Orsal / Reuters" wrote that German MPs of Turkish origin have been recommended not travel to Turkey in the nearest future as “their security could not be guaranteed,” as Der Spiegel reported on Saturday, (June

Lawmakers Turned Over Gifts After Secretly Funded Trip to Azerbaijan By Megan R. Wilson Lawmakers who took a trip secretly funded by the government of Azerbaijan turned over jade earrings, tea sets, silk scarves, woven rugs and other gifts to the government after a watchdog report called the trip improper. The list of gifts returned to the General Services Administration (GSA), which was obtained by The Hill through a Freedom of Information Act request, fills in more details about the trip to a 2013 conference in the Azerbaijan capital of Baku. In all, nine current member of Congress and 32 staff members attended the conference, each receiving thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts, according to the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE). Some of the lawmakers also went to Turkey after the conference in Baku and received additional gifts on that stop. The OCE report on the trip was submitted to the House Ethics Committee on May 8, 2015, but was leaked to The Washington Post, which revealed the details of the report days later. The watchdog said Texas-based nonprofits filed false statements saying they were paying for the trip, when, in reality, the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic, known as Socar, helped fund the conference and trips by funneling $750,000 to the nonprofit corporations. Socar has denied all wrongdoing and said the nonprofit involved in helping lawmakers make arrangements, the Assembly of the Friends of Azerbaijan, failed to follow disclosure rules. Both the OCE and House Ethics Committee found lawmakers and aides had no way of knowing the trip was being funded improperly. Roughly a week before the House Ethics Committee released its report detailing its findings in July 2015, members of Congress who had taken the trip began returning the gifts they had received.

Reps. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.) and Rubén Hinojosa (DTexas) all turned over gifts to the House clerk, who then handed them over to the GSA in October 2015, according to records obtained by The Hill. Other gifts from the Azerbaijan trip that were returned include paperweights, pens, leather diaries, a DVD box set about the president of Azerbaijan and two rugs, one large and one small. Multiple lawmakers reported that the small rug appeared in their hotel rooms during the conference. In most cases, when a House member accepts a gift not allowed by ethics rules, they must either pay “fair market value” for it or return it to the person or entity that gave it to them. A member can also give gifts to the House clerk, who then transfers it to the GSA for disposal or sale. Ethics rules for members of Congress say members may, in some cases, accept gifts valued at less than $50. Gifts from foreign governments and international organizations are allowed if they are valued at less than $350. Several members told the OCE that they believed the gifts had fallen below those reporting thresholds. The GSA spreadsheet of the gifts provided to The Hill lists Oct. 13 and Oct. 20 as the dates the gifts were received by the agency, though the House clerk apparently received them from members’ offices months earlier. Lujan Grisham, whose fiancé had gone on the trip to Azerbaijan and Turkey with her, told the OCE during the investigations that many of the gifts she received were kept in her office. The earrings, a crystal tea set and a large rug were at her home in Washington, the report said, and another tea set was kept at her home in New Mexico. The congresswoman ultimately surrendered 34 items to the House clerk, by far

the most of any member, GSA records show. While her office said the gifts were given to the clerk on July 23, 2015, they did not arrive at the GSA until Oct. 13 and Oct. 20. Those items included three briefcases, two decorative plates, paperweights, multiple sets of teacups, a DVD box set about the president of Azerbaijan, earrings, a map of Azerbaijan, a scarf, leather notebooks and two bottles of cologne. According to the OCE report, Bridenstine had the two rugs he was given appraised and was told they had a value of $3,500 and $2,500. His chief of staff then found the source of the rugs and returned them to the donor in 2013. Bridenstine gave his six-cup tea set to the House clerk for disposal on July 17 last year, his office told The Hill. The OCE report says he looked up the cups online, finding them to be worth $84.99. The GSA did not receive them from the House Clerk until Oct. 13, records show. The GSA received a large rug from Hinojosa and, from Clarke, a small rug and a purple silk scarf. Two additional members — Reps. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Danny Davis (D-Ill.) — donated rugs they had received on the trip to a charity and a local school in his district, respectively, their offices told The Hill. The House Ethics Committee approved the donations because of the entities’ tax statuses. Davis also gave a leather briefcase from the trip to a volunteer in his office. Reps. Ted Poe (R-Texas), Leonard Lance (R-N.J.) and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Fla.) also went on the trip but did not talk to the OCE during the investigation, so it is not known what gifts they received. Lance’s office told The Hill that the congressman did not take any gifts. “The Hill” 06/16/2016

11,2016) citing an internal communication from the Foreign Ministry. Aydan Ozoguz, a Socialist Democratic Party MP told Der Spiegel, “It is unspeakable to know for the first time that it’s no longer possible to fly there,” “Erdogan needs to realize that we are not an extension of Turkey,” she said. (4)

1.http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/ 03/world/europe/armenian-genocidegermany-turkey.html 2.http://www.bbc.com/news/worldeurope-36433114 3.http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/ 02/world/europe/armenian-genocidegermany-turkey.html?_r=0 4- https://www.rt.com/news/346215german-lawmakers-turkey-warning/

Vartkes Yeghiayan to present new book about Armenians and the Okhrana Glendale, CA – Glendale attorney and author VARTKES YEGHIAYAN will present his fascinating new book, ARMENIANS AND THE OKHRANA: Documents from the Russian Department of Police Archives 1907-1915 on THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Author and book will be introduced by historian DR. GARABET K. MOUMDJIAN. ARMENIANS IN THE OKHRANA is comprised of more than fifty documents from the Russian archives which find the imperial security organs caught in a struggle against the empire’s ethnic Armenian subjects. Popularly referred to as the Okhrana, the Russian security services were perceived as the nefarious predecessors of the Cheka and the KGB and as early precursors to the security apparatuses of the totalitarian regimes that were to appear throughout the twentieth century. The book provides a vivid palette on law, politics, revolution and the dynamic environment Russia, Europe, the Middle East and the Armenians occupied in the years leading up to World War I. VARTKES YEGHIAYAN is an attorney in Los Angeles. He served as the assistant director of the Peace Corps under successive presidential administrations and has in recent years filed restitution cases on behalf of victims of genocide and other crimes against humanity. He is the author of several documentary compilations on the Armenian Genocide. Presented by Abril Bookstore

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 23, 2016

INSPIRATIONS FROM BIRTHRIGHT ARMENIA Internships for Working Professionals: That's BR Lite!

Local intel police officer warned of Dink murder ‘10 months in advance’ A former intelligence police officer on trial for negligence in the murder of slain journalistHrant Dink said in his defense on June 20 that he had notified the state of Dink’s imminent murder “10 months before the incident,” during the fifth hearing of a court trying some 35 suspected state officials. A public prosecutor demanded a life sentence for Muhittin Zenit, an officer at the provincial bureau of intelligence in the Black Sea province of Trabzon at the time of Dink’s murder, for “voluntary manslaughter” by withholding intelligence information that could have prevented the assassination. In his defense in the fifth hearing of the trial, Zenit denied the allegations and said he “performed his intelligence duties in the best possible way” while he was on duty in Trabzon. “I prepared reports stating that Yasin Hayal had a big grudge against Armenians and that he would kill Dink no matter what,” Zenit said, referring to the instigator of Dink’s murderer, Ogün Samast. Hayal was also responsible for a 2004 bomb attack targeting a McDonald’s restaurant in Trabzon for selling food during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, accompanied by his collaborator, Erhan Tuncel, who turned out to be a “deputy intelligence officer.” In his testimony, Zenit also referred to a European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling, suggesting that Trabzon police notified Istanbul police that Hayal was capable of murdering Dink but the latter failed to take action with regards to the information. “I notified my state of the [imminent] murder [of Dink] 10 months in advance,” Zenit said. “In which other way could I have stated in my reports that Dink was to be murdered?” he added, before apologizing to Dink’s wife Rakel Dink for failing to protect her slain husband “Hrant Dink was not a person who harmed this country, that’s why he was targeted. He was chosen as a target due to something he said and he was brought to death step by step,” Zenit told the court, saying he owed an apology to only one person – Rakel Dink. Meanwhile, a group of Hrant Dink’s

colleagues and rights activists named “Hrant’s Friends” once again gathered in front of the courthouse in Istanbul’s Ça!layan neighborhood and criticized as “hardly believable” the testimony of former Trabzon Police Chief Re"at Altay during the previous hearing of the trial. Trabzon’s police chief at the time of Dink’s assassination in 2007, Altay, denied the charges against him for “negligence in public duty” and demanded his acquittal during the fourth hearing of the trial on May 26, claiming that important information was withheld from him on purpose by other members of the police organization. Altay claimed important information was withheld from him on purpose, blaming the purported “parallel state” for allegedly keeping him in the dark. “We demanded nine years for the trial of the public official who had a responsibility in the murder,” journalist Pınar Ö!ünç said, speaking on behalf of Hrant’s Friends, adding they did not consider Altay’s testimony “believable.” Ö!ünç reiterated their determination to continue a legal battle against negligent state officials. Relatives and followers of the case have claimed government officials, police, military personnel and members of Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (M#T) played a role in Dink’s murder by neglecting their duty to protect the journalist. Turkey’s top court in July 2014 ruled that the investigation into the killing had been flawed, paving the way for the trial of the police officials. All the names of the suspects implicated in the investigation were reported to have been on duty in police departments in Istanbul, Ankara and Trabzon at the time of Dink’s murder. Dink, 52, was shot dead with two bullets to the head in broad daylight outside the offices of Agos in central Istanbul on January 19, 2007. Samast, then a 17-year-old jobless highschool dropout, confessed to the murder and he was sentenced to almost 23 years in jail in 2011. But the case grew into a wider scandal after it emerged that the security forces had been aware of a plot to kill Dink but failed to act. June 20, 2016

We often hear from young professionals of Armenian heritage who are gainfully employed, that they regret not having done the Birthright Armenia experience when they were younger, while still a student, in between undergrad and grad school, or before starting to work. We respond with "it's not too late!" Recognizing that working professionals have valuable experience to share but don't get much time off, we offer the BR Lite option. If you are 25-32 years old, work full-time, and have four weeks to devote to a professional internship in your field, our BR Lite program is just for you. BR Lite offers the same wide array of services as our regular program, including airport pickup, orientation, placements, excursions, homestay living, forums, and language classes, only it is a pay as you go program. BR Liters are responsible for covering their own airfare and homestay family or other lodging expenses. Dozens of working professionals have already applied to BR Lite for 2016.

First timer to Armenia, Marissa Kalashian, 30, of San Francisco, CA, joins us later this month to take a placement within a governmental agency that serves the public and to help a business find new markets for their products. Brought up in the Bay area in an Armenian/German-Irish household, Marissa says the time is right to take a break from her position as a logistics coordinator at a large law firm and delve head on into her heritage. She'd heard about BR a few years ago, but had totally nixed the idea thinking she was too old. But in late 2015, she saw a FB post about BR Lite, and figured it was a sign that this was her time.

Karabakh Army: Azerbaijan Fired with Machine Guns at Night The relative calm along the line of contact between the Karabakh and Azerbaijani opposing forces was mostly maintained, from late Tuesday night to early Wednesday morning. The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army (NKR/Artsakh DA) informed Armenian News-NEWS.am that during this time, however, the Azerbaijani armed forces violated the ceasefire in the eastern and northern directions of the frontline, and primarily by way of rifle weaponry, but they also made use of machine guns. “[But] the DA vanguard units maintain full control over the frontline, and continue carrying out a reliable protection of military positions,” the respective statement reads.

Joining Marissa will be fellow BR Lite applicant, Karine Papyan, 29, a native of Dushanbe,Tajikistan. A textile designer by profession, Karine wants to rediscover her ethnic Armenian identity that she feels sentimental about, but has not yet

had a chance to explore. She is the founder of her own business, and made the decision to spend the month of July working in textile design. "I was totally attracted to the structure of Birthright Armenia, which provides a very adventurous way to get to know and feel Armenia from the inside out," admits Karine.

Alex Artinian, 26, is from Sydney, Australia, has a degree in finance, and currently works as a senior analyst of risk management at a bank, where he has developed an interest in global markets. He applied to BR Lite requesting an economic development placement where he can contribute to marketing and promotions services. "Last year I visited Armenia for the first time with my parents-it was an amazing experience. I knew I had to return to Armenia soon after and do more than just travel as a tourist.This program aligns with my future goals which include improving a connection to my Armenian heritage and attaining more experience in life both personally and professionally," explains Alex.

"It has taken all of my 20s to figure out what I want do in life. And now, I feel it is a duty to get involved in Armenia," says Lucine Shahbazian, 32, from Sheffield, UK. Lucine is a social case worker, interested in volunteering in any area of social work be it with children, the elderly, a women's shelter, or adults with learning disabilities, as she has wide-reaching and relevant work experience in all sectors. She found four weeks in her rigorous schedule this August to fulfill her personal sense of duty. Come join Marissa, Karine, Alex and Lucine! For young working professionals interested in putting a 4-week break to maximum use professionally and for their own personal growth, BR Lite offers such a program. Come join volunteers from all over the globe to make your own impact in Armenia! Visit us at www.birthrightarmenia.org to apply! !

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