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Vol. 94, # 26, Thursday, June 30, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. June 30:Layout 1 6/29/16 5:55 PM Page 1

Thursday, June 30, 2016 Vol. 94, # 26


Armenian president: Pope’s position will pave way for Armenian Genocide recognition by other nations


GLENDALE, CA - The Armenian American Museum Governing Board commends California Governor Jerry Brown for including a $1 million earmark for the Museum in the 2016-2017 California State budget. “The funding from the State of California at this early stage of the Museum project will give an important boost to securing the approvals and funding needed for the construction of the Armenian American Museum in Glendale,” explained Governing Board Co-Chair Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. “We are grateful to Senate President Pro-Tempore Kevin De Leon and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon for including funding for the Armenian American Museum in the compromised Budget negotiated with the Governor,” stated Co-Chair Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian.

Archbishop Mardirossian and other representatives of the Museum met with Speaker Rendon (D—Paramount) and worked with Senate President Kevin de Leon (D—Los Angeles) to include the funding request submitted by Senator Carol Liu (D—Glendale) and Assembly Member Adrin Nazarian (D—Sherman Oaks). Although the funding included in the compromised budget between the Legislature and the Governor is lower than the amount approved by the State Assembly, the Armenian American Museum’s Executive Committee Chair Berdj Karapetian described it as “a sizeable commitment by the State to make the Armenian American Museum a reality.” Karapetian additionally noted, “This is an important first step and we hope that more funding will be available as we move forward with this project.” The Armenian American Museum is working closely with the City of Glendale to complete the due diligence requirements and feasibility studies for building the Museum in the Arts and Entertainment District of the City. The mission of the Armenian American Museum is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience.

LARK IS AWARDED $500,000 BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA At 3:17 p.m. on Monday June 27, the Honorable Edmund G. Brown approved the $171-billion California state budget, including two projects that impact the Armenian American community: $1-million for the Armenian American Museum and $500-thousand for Lark Musical Society. As Armenian Americans we can take great joy in having the Governor’s seal of approval toward our projects. However, we cannot underestimate the importance of the work done to reach this level of endorsement, and for that, we thank Assembly Member Adrin Nazarian. We are grateful for his friendship and endorsement for the work that Lark does in our community. As the cultural stewards of the Armenian American diaspora, Lark will continue its legacy of service through education, performance and research so that we may preserve and add to our cultural imprint on Western society. The funds awarded to Lark will be used to transform a 4,000 square foot warehouse in the heart of Glendale into a cultural museum that will become a gathering place for the community. It will be a place where people visit to experience the beauty of the human spirit as captured through music, art and culture. It will tell the story of survival and evolution and allows us to better understand each other and begin to accept and celebrate our differences and walk away with enrichment. Let us take a moment to give thanks for this small miracle and use it as fuel to bring our vision to life. Let us work even harder to contribute our unique colors to the American quilt by investing in education and the arts that make up our heritage.

Pope’s acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide and the resolution by Bundestag “will pave the way for new recognitions by other nations,” President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said in an interview with Reuters. “Germany is a very important and significant actor on the international stage and this (decision) will serve as a good example for other nations to follow and to learn from it,” he said. President Sargsyan also spoke about Turkey’s ambitions to join EU, saying that in his opinion Turkey cannot impose its views or exert pressure on EU. “I don't honestly see any prospects that would pave the way for Turkey joining the EU,” he added.

ARMENIAN RIGHTS WATCH COMMITTEE CLOSELY MONITORING FORMER KARABAGH WAR COMMANDER’S COURT PROCEEDINGS IN YEREVAN The rule of law demands that the courtroom remain faithfully in the service of the law—not of political stratagem. The Armenian Rights Watch Committee (ARWC) of the Armenian Bar Association is closely monitoring the recent arrest and pretrial detention in Yerevan of the 1990s Karabakh War’s Shushi Battalion Commander, Jirayr Sefilian. Criminal charges, pursuant to Armenia’s Criminal Code Section 235, part 2, were reportedly filed against Mr. Sefilian on June 22, 2016. The timing of the imprisonment coincides with the June 20 trilateral meeting in St. Petersburg, behind closed doors, reportedly focused on “reaching a settlement to the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict.” To be clear, it is not lost on the ARWC that the former Karabakh commander, Mr. Sefilian, is a fierce critic of the ruling authorities in the Republic of Armenia. It is also not lost on the ARWC that the arrest of any outspoken critic of a political regime

raises concerns as to proper motive and requisite probable cause underlying the charges levied. Recent news that Mr. Sefilian will be detained prior to trial only heightens the ARWC’s attention to the matter. We expect that Mr. Sefilian will be afforded access to legal counsel and that any charges are adjudicated transparently, speedily and with full adherence to due process. If the Republic is to adhere to democratic principles and the rule of law, it is incumbent upon its ruling authorities to insure that allegations brought in a court of law, without more, neither serve as a muzzle for silencing policy critics nor as an instrument for suppressing political opposition.


Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund (AAEF)

New engineering laboratories in Armenian schools Recently, the Anoushavan Abrahamian Education Fund (AAEF) initiated the project of establishment of new engineering laboratories. These laboratories will be set up in each school sponsored by the AAEF. Within the framework of this project the AAEF cooperates with the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE). The UITE will furnish the laboratories and give permanent technical support with the financial support of AAEF. During the first phase of the project engineering labs will be established in Maralik, Shirak Marz and Armavir, Armavir Marz. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia will assist in providing the laboratories with qualified teachers. Through this project the students will study computer programming, 3-D printing and robotics design, development and management. The knowledge and skills gained in these areas are in high demand in

Armenia. The new project will also enable the rural youth to increase their participation in the development of vocational professions. The AAEF has more than 10 years of history. It was founded by Anoushavan and Ofik Abrahamians, in Los Angeles and aims to support rural youth in gaining vocational skills and professions for successful employment opportunities in their towns and villages. In this regard, during the past 10 years an education complex in each of 10 marzes of Armenia has been fully or partially reconstructed. Six vocational training classrooms were opened in each school enhancing the development of vocational training in Armenian marzes. For additional information please contact the AAEF at (877) 727-2828 and info@aaefund.org. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 30, 2016

Seeroon Yeretzian's "Four Seasons" on exhibit for the first time

MER DOON RESIDENTS PARTICIPATE IN U.S. EMBASSY WOMEN’S MENTORING PROGRAM Five Young Women From Mer Doon Assigned Mentors Echmiadzin, Armenia – Four residividual supporters help advance Mer dents of Mer Doon recently met their Doon’s mission. Advisory Board mentors as participants in the U.S. Emmembers are Chris Bohjalian, internabassy’s Women’s Mentoring Program. tionally acclaimed and bestselling auThey are Margarita Grigoryan, Alisa thor, and Vahan Zanoyan, global Harutyunyan , Nelly Shaghbatyan, energy expert and author. Mer Doon’s and Hayarpi Ghahramanyan. The corporate and organizational partners young women are either currently eninclude U.S. Embassy Women’s Menrolled as full-time university students toring Program, Embassy of Lithuania, or, as in Margarita’s case, has comMicrosoft Armenia, Megerian Carpet, pleted a master’s degree. Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), SociThe purpose of the U.S. Embassy ety for Orphaned Armenian Relief program is to engage professional (SOAR), Echmiadzin Municipality, women as mentors to provide career Gavar Orphanage, Vanadzor Orphanadvice, share personal experiences, and The Honorable Richard M. Mills, United States Ambassa- age, Armenia Tree Project, SOS Chilserve as role models to promising dor to the Republic of Armenia, welcomes all of its mentors dren’s Village, and St. John Armenian young students. In 2016-2017, 61 and mentees at the U.S. Embassy’s kick off of the Women’s Church – Detroit Women’s Guild. women from a variety of professional Mer Doon provides orphaned and Mentoring Program. fields will mentor 62 women who are disadvantaged young women (ages 18B.A. and M.A. students from different 24) a loving and nurturing place to call society. Its role is especially important and universities in Armenia. “home.” Our mission is to educate and emsignificant in the development of young Mer Doon’s participants attended the power them with skills to live independwomen”, said Sahakyan. kick off of the 4th annual Women’s Menently in mainstream society. The Lusine Mkrtchyan, a coordinator of the toring Program at a press conference held organization’s Co-Founder and Executive Mentoring Program, explained that each at the American University of Armenia Director, Tigranuhi Karapetyan, manages young participant has been paired with a (AUA). Keynote speakers were U.S. Amthe daily operations of the program. mentor whose professional experience and bassador to Armenia, Richard Mills, and Mer Doon is located in Echmiadzin, Arexpertise match the field of study and camentors Hasmik Sahakyan, President of menia. It is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit reer goals of the mentee. Women and Youth Development and Suporganization in the State of Connecticut The 2016-2017 mentoring program is port Center, and Shushan Doydoyan, Head and a nongovernmental organization regorganized in partnership with AUA PSIA of Personal Data Protection Department, istered in the Republic of Armenia. It has (Political Science and International Affairs) Ministry of Justice. Sahakyan highlighted no political or religious affiliations. Tax-deProgram and the Women and Youth Develthe importance of mentoring and said that ductible donations can be made by going to opment and Support Center. On May 18, Armenian students are very interested in www.Mer-Doon.com and clicking on “Dothe mentors assigned to Margarita, Alisa, getting mentoring experience. nate”. For information, please email merNelly, and Hayarpi visited Mer Doon for an “This program is meant to once again doonarmenia@gmail.com. Visitors are initial meeting and orientation. prove that mentoring also has a place in our always welcome! Many corporate, organizational, and in-

Friends of HMADS gala dinner dance – An affair to remember

On Saturday, May 21, 2016, the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) community joyfully gathered at the North Hills Country Club in Manhasset to celebrate its beloved school. The annual Gala Dinner Dance, a lavish affair organized by the Friends of HMADS fundraising committee, once again proved itself to be the school’s most significant fundraiser. Over 200 friends and supporters socialized and danced the night away at the bittersweet event, which would be the last under the school leadership of adored principal Zarminé Boghosian, whose retirement was recently announced. The was dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Armenia's Independence. Representing the Armenian Ambassador at the UN H.E. Zohrab Mnatsaganian was Mr. Tigran Samvelian. Guests were welcomed to North Hills

Country Club by the Friends of HMADS Reservations Committee, a subcommittee of the dedicated group responsible for organizing the elegant evening. During cocktail hour, everyone mingled, sipped cocktails and sampled delicious appetizers from various hors d’oeuvres stations. The doors of the spacious ballroom then filled with guests of every facet of the HMADS family: benefactors, school board members, Friends committee members, staff, parents, alumni, and students from the current graduating class. Guests ranged in age from young to young-at-heart, all with a common bond – love and praise for their beloved school and Armenian community. The main festivities began as Friends of HMADS Chairman Mr. Hovannes Malikyan cordially welcomed everyone and expressed his appreciation for their continuous support. He then invited Mrs.

Boghosian to the podium to proudly share the accomplishments of the school’s current students and alumni. Throughout the night, international singer Bartev entertained guests with his vocals, luring them to the dance floor, especially for “shoorch bars.” During a brief interlude from dancing, Friends of HMADS committee members approached tables and encouraged diners to try their luck in the raffle drawings for prizes that are generously donated each year by school supporters. The 2016 Gala Dinner Dance, cochaired by Ms. Arpi Candan and Mr. Hagop Semerdjian, was once again a remarkable success, honoring Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School as the acclaimed academic institution that it is. O n behalf of the entire Friends of HMADS community, we appreciate the ongoing support of all those who attended and contributed, and we look forward to celebrating again next year. Congratulations, HMADS, and keep up the outstanding work! Arpi Arukian Class of 1994

Glendale, CA – ROSLIN ART GALLERY presents local artist SEEROON YERETZIAN's masterpiece of Armenian motifs and patterns, FOUR SEASONS, on exhibit for the first time from JULY 12 - 26, 2016 at 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Gallery hours are from 10:00am to 7:00pm, Monday through Saturday. Opening reception will be on Thursday, July 14 at 7:00pm with the release of limited edition canvas prints and a special performance by VISHUP ENSEMBLE followed by a live DJ. The exhibit will close on Tuesday, July 26 at 7:00pm with a performance of Vivaldi's Four Seasons by VERDUGO QUARTET. Admission is free. Four Seasons was created during a three year span from 2003-2005. Composed of four 4'x4' oil paintings - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter this quaternary is Seeroon Yeretzian's artistic and celebratory ode to the age-old Armenian patterns and motifs apparent in medieval miniature art and architecture. Four Seasons is the culmination of Seeroon's decades-long mastery of the splendor of Armenian ornamental art - a vibrant and colorful display of natural elements, geometric shapes, and spiritual mandalas. As Seeroon writes, Four Seasons is "an homage to my super-talented, ancient forefathers, the Armenian illuminators, whom by virtue of their genius, skill and repetition, stroke by stroke by stroke, forged an identity of artistic beauty enclosed in memory. While painting these canvases, my head bent over, holding my breath for a steady hand, I!sensed I was giving birth, the genes of my ancestors flowing through my brush. I felt alive and complete – composed of four seasons." SEEROON YERETZIAN is an accomplished artist with diverse talents in painting, sculpture, and illustration. Born in 1951 at the Tiro refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon, Seeroon was exposed to both the beauty and suffering of the world. This dichotomy has emerged in her work in what she calls her “Sunshine” and “Moonshine” art. The “Sunshine” pieces are rich in color, showcasing many life-giving earthly elements and produced during daytime. Conversely, the “Moonshine” pieces reflect themes based on personal experiences ranging from the Armenian Genocide to homelessness and self identity. Recognized for reviving the art of prehistoric Armenian petroglyphs and medieval Armenian ornamental art, her masterpieces include the elaborate Four Seasons and her 17 alphabets of different languages executed in the tradition and style of the Armenian ornate initials. Seeroon received her Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts in 1985 from the Otis-Parsons Art Institute and School of Design. She has authored three books, her self titled art book, Seeroon Yeretzian, her book of poetry, Word Weaving & Black Seat Confessions, and her best-seller, Seeroon Darer: Armenian Ornate Initials. This book served as the artistic inspiration for the design of the Armenian American Rose Float Association’s award winning float in the 126th Annual Rose Parade, entitled, Cradle of Civilization. In 2014, the City of Glendale, California, bestowed upon her its “Lifetime Achievement Award” for the arts. Although she was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease in 2012, Seeroon continues to create to this day. She has exhibited in numerous solo and group shows and her art is found in private collections and major institutions. Presented by Roslin Art Gallery.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 30, 2016


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

120 - Sevim Dagdelen By Hambersom Aghbashian Sevim Da!delen (born in September 4, 1975 in Duisburg- Germany) is a German politician of Turkish origin and a member of the German Left Party (die Linkspartei). She is the Left party's migration policy spokesperson. Sevim Da!delen finished her high school in 1997, and studied law at the University of Marburg, then at the Adelaide University, Australia, and later at the University of Cologne. She worked as a journalist for the Turkish newspaper Evrensel and German publications Tatsachen and Junge Stimme. After joining the Left Party, Da!delen became a member of the regional-level party council of North Rhine-Westphalia and the federal student agency from 1996-1998. From 1993-2001, she was a member of the federal youth commission. In 2012 Da!delen faced criticism for signing a controversial pamphlet accusing the U.S. of preparing war against Syria and Iran. She is also the only politician to have visited Julian Assange where he remains at the Embassy of Ecuador in the United Kingdom. Since 2005, she has been a member of the German Bundestag, and was re-elected for the third time in 2013 election. Sevim Da!delen is one of the eleven politicians of Turkish descent, including seven women, who won a seat in the federal parliament. On May 20, 2016, "http://sputniknews.com" wrote : "A proposed resolution calling on the German government to recognize the early 20th-century Ottoman Empire’s violence against the Armenians as genocide is important, as it may put an end to Turkey’s policy of denial, lawmaker from Germany’s Left Party Sevim Dagdelen told Sputnik Turkey." Dagdelen was inter-

viewed by "sputniknews" where she said also "I believe that this resolution is very important, because it can play a major role in the rejection of Turkey's Genocide denial policy,"(1) In an interview with "news.am" on May 28, 2016, Sevim Da!delen said " During the last 100 years denial ( of the Armenian Genocide) was practically the policy of the state expediency in Germany. Ever since MP Karl Liebknecht raised the issue of the Armenian Genocide in Reichstag in 1916, it has been the policy of the state. The then Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg had the motto: “We need to keep Turkey with us until the end of the war, even if Armenians die because of it.” Nowadays, the arms supplies to Turkey continue, even if the Kurds are killed because of it. She added " Erdogan has turned himself into a mouthpiece of those who carried out the genocide in 1915. Thus, he wants to keep control over the Islamists and nationalists to make them approve his actions. " (2) On June 2, 2016, Rick Noack wrote in "The Washington Post" : The German Parliament recognized the Armenian "genocide" on Thursday, drawing harsh criticism from the Turkish government, which withdrew its ambassador to Germany "for consultations" after the parliamentary vote. The massacres and deportations of 1 million to 1.5 million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 has been described as a genocide by more than 20 nations, including Germany's neighbor France. Turkey has disputed the death toll and refuses to acknowledge the violence as a genocide. German lawmakers nearly unanimously voted to adopt the resolution

German newspaper "Bild am Sonntag." The Duisburg-born politician has a 100,000 euro ($112,000) bounty on her head, the paper reported, following a resolution adopted by the German parliament on June 2 calling the massacre of Armenians genocide. Since the vote, Dagdelen and 10 other German MPs of Turkish origin have faced the ire of Turkish nationalists, receiving death threats and even having their personal details published in newspapers and in mosques. (5)

1.http://sputniknews.com/world/201 60520/1039998209/genocide-turkeyvote.html 2.http://news.am/eng/news/329320. html 3.https://www.washingtonpost.com/ news/worldviews/wp/2016/06/02 4.https://www.turkishminute.com/20 16/06/13/11 5- http://www.dw.com/en/germanmp-calls-for-a-travel-ban-on-erdogan/a19324400

Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, Volume 24 released

Sold-out audience enjoys experimental multimedia installation and concert On May 4, the AGBU Performing Arts Department welcomed jazz prodigy Tigran Hamasyan and his Luys i Luso project at the Bric House Ballroom in Brooklyn. The project, Hamasyan’s rearrangement of 5th to 20th-century sacred Armenian music for piano and voices—in collaboration with the Yerevan State Choir—is a multimedia installation and concert that uses life-sized screens to project his 2,000-mile pilgrimage through historical Armenia, documented by filmmakers Alex Igidbashian and Emily Mkrtichian. The audio-visual installation uses Berlin’s Studio Ondè’s projection technologies, sound design, and animations that transform historic spaces around the world into living, breathing digital recreations. During the performance, Hamasyan improvised a live soundtrack to the installation and then invited his award-winning Mockroot trio—Sam Minaie on bass and Nate Wood on drums—to join the concert. “I was very glad to see that the audience was composed of Armenians and nonArmenians of all backgrounds and ages. Together we traveled to the places in Hamasyan’s installation through music and images, learning about Armenian history along the way. Hamasyan’s fusion of jazz, metal, electro, techno and alternative made traditional Armenian music modern and appealing to younger non-Armenian audiences. In a way, Hamasyan is a repre-

to recognize the massacre as a genocide. Only one MP, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Party, voted against it. Norbert Lammert, the president of the Bundestag, called the surprisingly clear decision "remarkable." Lammert said that the current Turkish government was not responsible for what had happened more than a century ago, but he also urged Turkey to nevertheless reappraise the past. The Turkish government "is jointly responsible for [how the matter is handled] in the future," Lammert said.(3) Sevim Da!delen was one the Lawmakers who voted for the resolution. According to " turkishminute.com ", June 13, 2016, "Eleven lawmakers of Turkish origin in German parliament have been put under police protection after receiving death threats over the recent “Armenian genocide” resolution, while one TurkishGerman politician called for an entry ban to Germany on President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an due to his provocative remarks against the lawmakers. According to BBC Turkish, the German Foreign Ministry warned the Turkish-German lawmakers who were targeted not to travel to Turkey, stating that their life safety cannot be guaranteed. The lawmakers were also placed under police protection.(4) Sevim Dagdelen is one those lawmakers. Under the title "German MP calls for a travel ban on Erdogan", "DW.COM" wrote on December 6, 2016: Sevim Dagdelen, a member of the Bundestag, demanded that "anyone in Turkey who calls for violence against members of the German parliament should get an entry ban" to Germany. "This includes President Erdogan," she told the

sentative of a new kind of Armenian culture,” said Hayk Arsenyan, director of the AGBU Performing Arts Department. Hamasyan is the winner of numerous prestigious prizes in music, including first prize at the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz and International Instrumentalist of the Year in Piano at Echo Jazz 2015 for his debut album Mockroot. The name Mockroot touches on a theme that permeates the music—one of the natural world always triumphing over human complexity. “It is inspired by the photograph on the album cover,” says Hamasyan. “It is a picture that my friend Karen Mirzoyan took of a tree— almost dead—emerging from a lake. It was taken in a part of the world where people had deliberately raised the water level to irrigate land. And yet this tree just carried on, defiantly. It’s the idea that nature is constantly mocking humanity. Whatever we impose upon it, nature will always win. Mockroot is a sort of longing and nostalgia for a human nature that’s more spiritual, more loving, more together with its roots. There is a sacrifice in it—sacrifice to try to elevate spiritually. Many of the tracks are inspired by poetry, in particular the flowering of Armenian and Russian verse in the late-19th and early-20th centuries.” !

The Society for Armenian Studies announces the release of Volume 24 of the Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies (JSAS), edited by Dr. Sergio La Porta. JSAS Volume 24 includes five articles, four communications, an addendum, a review essay, and three book reviews. The articles in this issue address topics in art history, the Armenian Genocide, Armenian identity, and contemporary church history. The volume begins with an essay by Cristelle Baskins that analyzes the representation of the Armenian merchant Khoja Sefer in the Quirinal Palace in Rome. Based upon a wide array of archival documents, Baskins provides a vivid depiction of Khoja Sefer’s travels to Italy as well as of the variety of identities he could embody. In his article, Dickran Kouymjian investigates the book illuminations of the somewhat overlooked book artist, Grigor Marzvanec‘i. Working in the first half of the eighteenth century, Grigor produced a number of large illuminated works that continued to be used and copied after the artist’s death. Khatchig Mouradian’s examination of the Meskeneh concentration camp presents the camp as a case study of how prisoners collaborated with, appeased, manipulated, or resisted the system in order to survive. In doing so, Mouradian explores the dynamics of camp life and restores agency to the deportees who inhabited them. In his essay, Daniel Fittante examines the theoretical debate surrounding the question of Armenian identity and argues that theorists of Armenian identity have borrowed the terminology of nationalists who often use rigid models of national

identity to describe a dynamic and fluctuating phenomenon. In the first part of his two-part study of the last three catholicoi of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Levon Petrosyan examines the policies of Vazgen I and Garegin I and how these two catholicoi faced the challenges of the end of Soviet rule and of the early years of the Republic of Armenia. In addition to these articles, vol. 24 contains four communications on a wide range of topics. The first, by Albert Stepanyan, is a reexamination of the famous passage in Plutarch’s Life of Crassus that describes the defeat of the Roman general at Carrhae. The second by Smbat Hovannisyan is a reflection on how Braudel’s theory of civilizations can be applied to Armenian early modern history. In his communication, Stefan Ihrig emphasizes the utility of German sources as evidence for the perpetration of the Armenian Genocide. In their study, Russell Kashian and David Luhrssen use the Armenian settlement in South Milwaukee as a case study to examine patterns of ethnic clustering and dispersion. Vol. 24 also contains a review essay by D. Kouymjian on the recently published catalogue of the Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum in Detroit and three books reviews. The Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies is a peer-reviewed journal and is published annually by the SAS. Copies of the latest volume, and back issues, are available by contacting the SAS Secretariat at 559-278-2669 or by email at barlowd@csufresno.edu. Copies may also be ordered online at societyforarmenianstudies.com.

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WBAMC, first DoD hospital to use new stent graft “We successfully placed the graft in our patient, preserving blood flow to the pelvis,” said Lt. Col. Gilbert Aidinian

Movie night of Fresno’s Armenian cultural conservancy

By Marcy Sanchez William Beaumont Army Medical Center became the first military treatment facility in the Department of Defense (DoD) to use the first “off-the-shelf” aortic branch device (stent graft) indicated for the endovascular treatment of common iliac artery aneurysms, April 18. Vascular surgeons at the hospital successfully performed Endovascular iliac artery Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) on a 60-year-old male patient who elected to employ the new stent graft for his surgery. “We successfully placed the graft in our patient, preserving blood flow to the pelvis,” said Lt. Col. Gilbert Aidinian, chief of vascular surgery, WBAMC. “It was the first time a military hospital was able to do such a thing.” The minimally invasive surgery was performed by Aidinian and Col. Patrick Cook, vascular surgeon, WBAMC. The aorta is a large artery that carries blood to the abdomen, pelvis and legs. An aortic aneurysm is when part of this artery becomes too large or balloons outward. Common iliac arteries are located just below the abdomen, in the pelvis. “Any type of aneurysm is when an artery is 1 ! times the normal size, if it dilates more the rupture rate increases,” said Aidinian, 43, native of Los Angeles. “Most aneurysms are abdominal aneurysms. As

many as 20 percent of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms also have iliac artery aneurysms, which are aneurysms in the pelvis.” Traditionally, abdominal aortic aneurysm repair involved open surgery with an incision through the abdomen resulting in extended recovery time. While the practice of deploying a stent graft through the inside of the aorta is still relatively new, prior EVARs treating common iliac artery aneurysms were not standardized, and often required occluding the internal iliac artery. “If you block the internal iliac artery, up to 50 percent of patients could develop buttock pain when they walk or develop sexual dysfunction,” said Aidinian. “I always

need to tell patients, ‘you’re going to have pain when you walk,’ but we treat them and prevent a rupture which is the main concern at the time. “Lifestyle is important, people having pain when they walk is a big problem,” added Aidinian. Because of the recent approval by the Food and Drug Administration of the iliac branch stent graft, doctors will be capable of preserving blood flow in the external and internal iliac arteries, which branch off from the common iliac artery, greatly reducing the possibility of pain and sexual dysfunction after surgery. “We now have another state-of-the-art technique to offer our patients,” said Aidinian. “This procedure allows the patient to go home the next day.” Fourteen days after the first patient’s one-day stay, Aidinian reports he is recovering well. “We’re very well trained and certified in using these types of grafts,” said Aidinian. “Since this is approved by the FDA and it will become the standard of care. We are the first ones (in DoD) offering it to our Soldiers, retirees, families and VA beneficiaries.” 05.09.2016 Fort Bliss, TX

On Monday, June 20th, the Heritage Fresno Project for an Armenian Cultural Conservancy hosted its fourth in a monthly series of “Armenian Movie Nights,” featuring films with Armenian content. The first four of these “Armenian Movie Nights” featured the documentary films of the late Dr. J. Michael Hagopian. On Monday evening, Dr. Hagopian’s film, The California Armenians was followed by an excellent presentation by Dr. Matthew Ari Jendian, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Sociologyand founder of the Humanics Program at Fresno State. Over a hundred Fresnans filled the Public Room at the Woodward Park Library to enjoy both the movie and Dr. Jendian’s presentation. Professor Jendian described the proposition demonstrated in his book Becoming American, Remaining Ethnic (LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2008) that successful integration into American life of immigrants and their descendants does not require the total abandonment ofprior ethnic identity, language, religion, music, and food. “Rather than viewing assimilation as only substitutive, we need to recognize that assimilation can be an additive process. After all, one is not required to forget how to speakArmenian or Spanish in order to learn English,” Dr. Jendian stated. The next “Armenian Movie Night” is scheduled on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 7pm at Woodward Park Library. Light refreshments will be served at 6:30pm. See http://accoa.net/ and http://www.heritagefresno.org/ for more information.

KRIKOR PIDEDJIAN REVEALS LOSS OF CONNECTION BETWEEN CHURCH AND PEOPLE NEW BOOK DETAILS HISTORY OF ARMENIAN CHURCH MUSIC By Florence Avakian NEW YORK CITY, NY - In a powerful and fascinating lecture recently, ethnomusicologist, composer and conductor Krikor Pidedjian revealed the disintegrating connection between the Armenian Church and its people. The event, sponsored by the Zohrab Information Center and held at the Diocese of the Armenian Church, was also the occasion to introduce his latest book, “The Music of the Armenian Church”, a first ever scholarly historical survey of the Armenian Apostolic Church’s music. Among the close to 100 in attendance were the Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Vicar General Very Rev. Fr. Simeon Odabashian, Zohrab Executive Director Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, St. Vartan Cathedral Dean Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian, and musicians, pianist Sahan Arzruni and choral director Rubik Mailian who introduced the speaker. Beginning his revealing talk, Maestro Pidedjian noted that “Church related issues were interwoven with the daily lives of the people in the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.” But this all changed after the dispersion of the Armenian people following the Genocide.” Though the survivors held tightly to their spiritual values and traditions, the Soviet regime’s persecution of the clergy and the forbidding of religious church activities in Armenia, as well as the need to survive and the lifestyles in the new world, took its toll. PASSIVITY AND INDIFFERENCE The music scholar defined “church” as not merely its physical structure, but also to the “ceremonial content created by our church fathers, the hymns and prayers. We build churches, and will continue to build them, but they have lost much of their past sacredness, because our people have little knowledge about the church’s ceremonial content. This lack of knowledge has resulted in passivity and indifference, and thus the church cannot transmit its essence and mission”, he explained. “Today, although Armenians go to church, how many of them walk in with knowledge and belief,” he asked. “To do so, the literature needed for this spiritual nourish-

ment is lacking. And the new world with its emphasis on material acquisition and the advantages money provides have taken away many of the values of our spiritual culture, and will continue to take more.” It is this spiritual “history” that links together the diasporan communities, and “in turn the diaspora to our fatherland, Armenia, he stated. Today in the new world, the church is not able to nourish our people’s spiritual inner life, and our people are not familiar with the spirited, sparkling, entrancing hymns and prayers created by our church fathers,” he lamented. CLERGY INDIFFERENCE To illustrate the indifference also permeating the clergy, the music scholar related the story of a retiring priest who told the new young pastor that he wished to take with him his hymnary which had always been on the stand throughout his long service to the church. To his shock, the young priest replied, “Der Hayr, take it. I don’t use it anyway.” His voice in a whisper, the speaker commented, “How can something like that be said. The church hymnary was created over the span of 1000 years, and contains 1812 hymns. It is the backbone of our church services. They are sung prayers, our spiritual legacy.” He pointed out that non-Armenians are familiar with, and highly evaluate these spiritual treasures, and quoted Russian scholar and poet Valery Brussov. “Medieval Armenian lyric poetry is the supreme and most unique accomplishment of the Armenian people in the realm of poetry creation. It is the true victory of the Armenian spirit in world history,” Brussov said, and far more advanced than the European poetry of the 13th and 14th centuries. “These treasures are ours and can be kept only by Armenians,” Maestro Pidedjian stated with emphasis. “We must approach them with understanding. If we don’t take care of them, and maintain them, who will”, he declared, and introduced his new book, a comprehensive history of Armenian church music. A LIFE DEVOTED TO MUSIC Krikor Pidedjian was born in 1935 in Alexandria, Egypt,

to a music-loving family. Throughout his education at the Boghosian National Scholl, the Armenian Theological Seminary in Antelias, Lebanon, and the Beirut National Conservatory, he was dedicated to learning and mastering the many dimensions of religious music. Coming to New York in 1962, he formed the Kousan Chorus which became the foundation of the Armenian Cultural Association, now Hamazkayin. Two years later, with Nevart Hamparian he organized the first Armenian song and dance ensemble with 120 members which performed at the World’s Fair that year, garnering him a Certificate of Commendation by Governor Nelson Rockefeller. Throughout the 1960’s, the renowned musician furthered his music education, graduating with a B.S. in choral conducting from the Mannes College of Music where he was assistant conductor of the school’s choir, an M.S. from Hunter College. He followed his education by teaching music in the New York City public school system for several years. In 1970, he established the professional choir at New York’s St. Vartan Cathedral, conducting it for 11 years. His arrangements and compositions of religious, patriotic and folk music have been heard by concert audiences in Armenia, Argentina, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and throughout the U.S., where he has also given lectures. Maestro Pidedjian is the author of four books in Armenian, and the recipient of numerous awards, plaques and a gold-plated baton. His honors include the encyclical and prestigious St. Nerses Shnorhali Medal by Catholicos Karekian II in 2007, a gold medal in 2008 by the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society, and membership in the Society of Composers and Musicologists in Yerevan that same year. In October 2010, his 75th birthday and 50th year anniversary of his musical contributions were celebrated in grand style by Yerevan’s Komitas State Conservatory, and he was awarded the Conservatory’s Honorary Professor Diploma, capping a long life dedicated to his musical heritage.

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