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Vol. 94, # 27, Thursday, July 7, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. July 7:Layout 1 7/6/16 11:28 AM Page 1

Thursday, July 7, 2016 Vol. 94, # 27


Armenian Genocide issue not put on the vote in Knesset

Armenia ex-FM and Minsk Group US co-chair discuss new negotiation phase on Karabakh Consolidation Party Chairman—and former Foreign Minister of Armenia—Vartan Oskanian, who is on a working visit to Washington, DC, on Wednesday met with Ambassador James Warlick, US Co-Chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Minsk Group, at the US Department of State. The Consolidation Party informed Armenian News-NEWS.am they discussed the new phase in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace talks, and possible developments. Before this meeting, however, Oskanian on Tuesday met with Brittany Beaulieu, Legislative Aide at the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations - Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia. In addition to foreign affairs, the interlocutors conferred on domestic political developments in Armenia. !Former US Ambassador to Armenia John Evans, whose tour of duty was cut short for his recognition of the Armenian Genocide, visited the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, where he met with President Bako Sahakian and other officials and called for Karabakh to return to the negotiating table. This visit earned him a coveted spot on Baku’s notorious—and growing— list of foreign dignitaries visiting Artsakh. The Azerbaijani foreign ministry called his visit a “provocation,” engineered by the “Armenian lobby.”

Armenia marks Constitution Day On July 5, Armenia marks Constitution Day. The draft of the country’s Fundamental Law was put to a referendum on that day in 1995. The opposition of that time considered the results of the referendum falsified, but according to official data, the Constitution was adopted. It was the first Constitution of independent Armenia. On November 27, 2005, another constitutional referendum was held in the country, and as a result, amendments were made to the Constitution. With these amendments, powers of the National Assembly were broadened. The Constitution of Armenia has been amended in 2015, too. On December 6, a referendum on constitutional amendments was conducted, and pursuant to which, the country transitioned from a presidential to a parliamentary system of governance. Also under these constitutional amendments, the National Assembly will be formed solely by way of proportional election system. Pursuant to the Law on Holidays and Remembrance Days, July 5 is observed as Constitution Day and is declared a public holiday in Armenia.

“Serzh Sargsyan agrees to the version of the NKR conflict settlement, for which Ter-Petrosyan was dismissed from the post of a president” Journalist Tatul Hakobyan assures that the Kazan document is similar to Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s proposed phased solution option in 1997. Recall that a few days ago, journalist Tatul Hakobyan published the Kazan document on the Karabakh settlement, which until 2011 was a working document for those who were participating in the negotiation process on NagornoKarabakh conflict. “The Kazan document, yes, I think it is very close to Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s proposed status in 1997, which was aggressively rejected by the then Prime Minister Robert Kocharian, the then Minister of Interior Affairs Serzh Sargsyan, allmighty doomed Vazgen Sargsyan … Today, a new Kazan document is put on the negotiating table, which is worse than the Kazan document, which was refused by Azerbaijan. The similarity of Lavrov-Putin plan and Ter-Petrosyan’s offer is that in both cases the status of Karabakh is left to an uncertain future. It is true that there is some advantage in the Russian proposals in the sense that it is at least talking about a referendum, but it is obvious that Azerbaijan does not accept it and it is not feasible. Like in 1997, so as in this Putin-Lavrov plan, the issue of the status is again left to the future. The issue of the territories is solved as TerPetrosyan was suggesting to solve in 1997.

There are two big gaps, whether Armenia’s and Karabakh authorities will accept the Lavrov-Putin plan because unlike in 1997, at least in the written text, there was no word about giving Karvachar back, in this proposal, which has not been published but I know the contents of it, the issue of Karvachar was left to the future as Lachin, five regions are returned,”- told Tatul Hakobyan in an interview with us. The journalist noted that at least Ter-Petrosyan honestly told the public what the phased solution suggests, “In his “War or peace? Time to get serious” article, he clearly presented his position, and because of his being honest, he was deprived of his power. Serzh Sargsyan was not saying anything, no one knew that some five years ago he had agreed to the phased option in Kazan, and only after the war and losses he had to confess what document it is. In addition, Ter-Petrosyan was taking on the responsibility of the phased version, he was clearly presenting that it was his and PANM party’s choice. Unlike the year 1997, the current president could find the way of evading the responsibility.” ARPINE SIMONYAN Read more at: http://en.aravot.am/2016/07/01/178295/

France parliament voted to criminalize the denial of all crimes against humanity, including the denial of the Armenian Genocide Paris - French members of parliament voted unanimously Friday to criminalize the denial of all crimes against humanity, including the denial of the Armenian Genocide, reported Agence France Presse. The amendment, passed on the first reading, sets out penalties of up to a year in prison and a 45,000-euro ($50,000) fine for those who fail to observe it. Last month, the German parliament voted to recognize the Armenian Genocide, while last week while visiting Armenia, Pope France, reiterated the Vatican’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide. The French amendment, which must now go to the upper house Senate for approval, was a promise by President Francois Hollande during his 2012 electoral campaign. An earlier law against Armenian Genocide denial was struck down by the coun-

try’s constitutional court for obstructing freedom of speech. The new legal project covers all events which French law deems to be genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or slavery. Currently, French law only bans Holocaust denial. “This text will punish the challenge or the trivialization of all crimes against humanity and war crimes,” said Ericka Bareigts, the junior minister in charge of equality was quoted as saying by the AFP. She said that included the Armenian Genocide. “This is one of the greatest days of my political career,” enthused Henri Jibrayel, a member of parliament whose ancestors were Genocide survivors. The new law’s backers hope to see it enter into force before the end of the year. "

The Armenian Genocide issue has not been put to the vote during Knesset’s plenum on Tuesday, representative of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem told Armenian News-NEWS.am. “The Knesset members discussed the issue, but it was not put to the vote, since the government representatives proposed to discuss the issue at the education committee,” Fr. Koryun said. Several dozens of citizens held a protest action near the Israeli parliament’s building demanding recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

George Soros: Aliyev is responsible for many things and uses repression One of the countries the West , unfortunately , treats too courteously is Azerbaijan, where a rather unpleasant dictatorship prevails, said George Soros in a London club Open Russia. He said that he had to argue with the president of Azerbaijan several times. "He often pretends to be above the frays and is not responsible for repressions in Azerbaijan. However, in conversations with me he has demonstrated such a profound knowledge of what conditions in the prisons are where political prisoners are detained on some charges and so on ... So it's just a pretense. He (Ilham Aliev- ed.) is responsible for many things and uses repression. He is trying to appease the West, demonstrating new potential oil fields. And I think that supporting him the West makes a big mistake. I could go on and on, but the fact that the countries are so different from one another, supports the viewpoint that we need to have a serious approach towards them ", said Soros , adding that it is not just a postSoviet continuation of the Soviet system.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 7, 2016

Planning Artsakh Civil Protection By Z. S. Andrew Demirdjian, Ph.D We hope the below article is translated into Armenian by the authorities and civic groups in Armenia/Artsakh. Dr. Demirdjian studied civil defense during the five years he served in the U.S. Air Force.- Editor, Keghart.com A combination of events in recent years has brought to the fore the issue of civil defense or protection for Artsakh. Azerbaijan's constant violation of the 1994 ceasefire and the vulnerability of the Armenian villages along the line of contact are causing consternation to the Armenian people everywhere. Since the Four-Day War of April 2-5, civil defense has been the object of much concern, speculation, and controversy. There has been much talk of an upcoming full-court war as a result of Azeri aggression. A lot of resentment has been expressed toward the Armenian government’s complacency and lack of intelligence and vigilance, but nothing on the lack of civil protection planning of the government or the civil authorities. Proof of Azerbaijan's barbaric actions during the Four-Day War was the mutilated seniors journalists found in Talish after its recapture from Azeri forces. Similar incidents indicate that there was lack of planned civil defense and vigilance for villages along the border--despite the threat of war for years. As a result of the Four-Day War it became obvious that neither the government nor the municipal authorities had a civil defense contingency plan for the safety and protection of the villagers. In April and in May a number of senior army officers were arrested or fired for a variety of offenses including corruption and incompetence. Such a development has compelled me to advocate a civil defense plan for the Armenian border villages. The April incursion won't be the last one. Civil protection encompasses all civil measures and means available for the protection and survival of the population and their property, and for the safeguarding of the nation's patrimony in case of an armed conflict. It also aims to assist persons and to protect national treasures in case of disaster, catastrophe, and damage. The government of Artsakh and com-

munities at all levels should plan for the survival of our people in the event of war or other emergencies. But the survival of individuals also will depend upon the preparation each person makes. Persons ready to take the right action before and following an attack will increase their chances of survival. I suggest the following twelve steps for the survival of Armenians in Armenia and in Artsakh in case of an Azeri attack: 1: Know the warning signal and have a battery-powered radio. Border villages should be provided with sirens or a warning arrangement based on telephone, horns, or bells. 2: Know where the shelter is and how to take shelter. The municipal authorities should provide shelters in advance of emergency. It is important for each head of household to provide the family with a shelter. Shelters should have beds (bunks, folding beds, and cots), bedding, toilet, tables, chairs, kitchen ware, etc. Books, paper, pencils, playing cards, chess, etc. should be available. 3: Know how to evacuate women and children. Plans should be made to know in advance how to evacuate and reach the shelters in a time. Shelter can be a basement, bunker, or a building with thick concrete block walls designed to protect evacuees. 4: Know where to get your arms for self-defense. Arms for self-defense could be kept at each house or at a centralized and supervised place. In the event of an attack, some men may want to join the soldiers in fighting. Therefore, they have to be well trained to handle weapons given to them for self-defense. 5: Know how to contact Stepanagerd when shelling begins. Each community must know how and whom it should contact at designated centers to inform and warn of armed hostilities. When the government becomes informed of an attack, it would be in a better position to send enforcement at a short notice. 6: Know how to prevent and fight fires. Homes and shelters should be equipped with hoses and fire extinguishers. Household heads should be able to put out a small fire quickly. While saving lives comes first, protecting homes are also important

especially during the cold winter months. 7: Before evacuating, villagers must turn off the gas line to their houses in order to prevent and fight fires. The same knowledge will reduce fires caused by enemy explosions. Villagers cannot rely on the city fire department brigade to arrive instantly. 8: Have a week's emergency supplies. Attacks may last days or weeks. Those in shelter need supplies (food, water, batterypowered radio, first aid kit) and where necessary, medical supplies. In winter, heavy clothing would be necessary, especially for women and children. Extra changes of clothing should be considered, particularly stockings and underwear. 9: Know first aid and home nursing. If an emergency occurs, the care of the injured or seriously ill becomes a tremendous task for the organized health services which attend to wounded soldiers. Doctors and nurses may not be readily available. Therefore, the survival of the injured or sick members of the community may become the responsibility of the local villagers. The main objectives of training individuals in first aid and home nursing are to preserve life, minimize the effect of injury or illness, and to relieve suffering or distress. 10: Know emergency cleanliness. To avoid diseases those at the shelters should remain clean. Cleanliness requires water which should be rationed and used only for essential purposes. If the border community has had enough warning time before the enemy attack, they should fill all buckets and pans with water. Also, the problems of garbage and human waste disposal should be solved when the onslaught occurs. For an emergency toilet, human waste could be put in waterproof plastic bags and placed in garbage pails. 11: It is important that every village have a municipal plan for a war emergency. And it is just as important that each head of household know that plan. Over the years, the provincial and municipal governments have been steadily developing plans for the protection of the population and the continuity of essential services in wartime. For example, these plans include traffic arrangements to reception centers and medical facilities in nearby communities. There must be close cooperation be-

tween the villagers and the municipal authorities responsible for the protection of the border area people. 12: Each individual should have a plan for his family. If the individual knows what is contained in the first eleven steps, and if he knows his municipal plan for a war emergency, he should now make his personal and family survival plan. The success of his plan will depend on how many of the suggested recommendations he will carry out. When warning devices sound and the local broadcast station confirm an attack on his village has been detected, he must take immediate protective action. After recognizing the signal, he should turn on the radio or television and listen for instructions. Then, evacuate his family as quickly and dash to the designated shelter. A workable survival plan will include all of the preparations he can make in advance to meet those problems. The key word in the preceding sentence is "in advance." The municipal authorities should prepare a booklet to provide citizens with essential information on which people will base their plans. The individual villager must plan to take protective action when warned of an attack and take shelter against the enemy's shelling. Also, the individual should make sure that all members of his family know his plan and what to do when the time comes. The best way to arrive at a workable plan which will be remembered by an individual's family is to practice it. The Italian journalist, Simone Zoppellaro, Armenia correspondent and contributor for “Osservatorio Bacani e Caucaso” (“Balkan and Caucasus Observatory”) said after his visit to Artsakh: "I visited the village of Talish, which has become a ghost town after the April raids; the entire population is displaced; schools destroyed; homes destroyed; many dead, wounded, injured." He added that he was impressed by the trenches because they reminded him of the horrors in Europe during WWI. "We still have today, a hundred years after the First World War, and trenches in which young people, day after day, burn their lives and face death. And all this is a really forgotten war," said Zoppellaro.

Armenian EyeCare Project Opens Regional Eye Clinic in Spitak Marks Second Regional Eye Clinic in Armenia — Three More Will Open by 2020 Spitak - On June 27, 2016, while on its 52nd Medical Mission to Armenia, the Armenian EyeCare Project (AECP) celebrated the grand opening of its second Regional Eye Clinic in Armenia — and the first-ever eye clinic in the Lori province — the John and Hasmik Mgrdichian AECP Regional Eye Clinic in Spitak, Lori. The opening ceremony was attended by AECP staff, including Founder Dr. Roger Ohanesian; Deputy Health Minister to Armenia Vahan Poghosyan; Governor of Lori Province Artur Nalbandyan; AECP benefactors; and special guests — including the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of John and Hasmik Mgrdichian. The Regional Eye Clinic in Spitak is equipped with a state-of-the-art operating room, two exam rooms, multiple stations for doctors and nurses and the most advanced medical equipment— including cutting-edge telecommunications equipment that will enable local surgeons in Spitak to communicate in real-time with ophthalmologists in Yerevan for guidance and mentoring. “By establishing secondary level eye clinics, we foster accessibility and the continuity of eye care services in the regions of Armenia for all income groups,” Dr. Ohanesian said. “Centers like this will provide care at no cost for patients living in poverty, as the AECP Mobile Eye Hospital does, while simultaneously offering paid services to those who are not considered socially vulnerable. This operation

modality will enable the center to become self-sustainable in order to continue providing services at no charge for the socially disadvantaged [in Armenia.]” Before the opening of this Regional Eye Clinic in Spitak, the only access to eye care for residents in the Lori province was through the AECP Mobile Eye Hospital, which visited the region only once every two years. While 40,000 Lori residents have been screened and treated through the Mobile Eye Hospital since 2005, residents in the region will now have access to eye care throughout the year without having to wait two years for the Mobile Eye Hospital to visit

their region or having to travel to Yerevan for care. As part of the Armenian EyeCare Project’s Five-for-Five campaign — five Regional Eye Clinics for $5 million by 2020 —The John and Hasmik Mgrdichian AECP Regional Eye Clinic in Spitak is the second AECP Regional Eye Clinic in Armenia. The clinic was funded by a generous gift from the family of John and Hasmik Mgrdichian and developed through the Regional Eye Clinic public-private partnership, which includes the Armenian EyeCare Project, the Ministry of Health of Armenia, the office of the Lori Governor and the Malayan Ophthalmological Center in Yerevan. The first Regional Eye Clinic, the Haig Boyadjian AECP Regional Eye Clinic, located in Ijevan, Tavush, celebrated its grand opening last year, during the AECP’s 2015 Medical Mission to Armenia. The remaining three Regional Eye Clinics will be located in Gyumri, Shirak; Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor; and Kapan, Syunik. You can participate in the AECP’s programs to Bring Sight to Armenian Eyes by funding an operating room, an examination room or a piece of equipment in an upcoming Regional Eye Clinic. All donors will be honored on a special wall in each clinic. For more information or if you would like to contribute please contact the AECP office at 949-933-4069, or visit www.eyecareproject.com/donate-now/. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 7, 2016


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

121 - Özcan Mutlu By Hambersom Aghbashian Özcan Mutlu (born on January 10, 1968 in Kelkit - Turkey) is a Turkish-German Green Party politician. Mutlu moved to Germany in 1973, and became a German citizen in 1990. He finished his training as information electrician at the Berlin Institute of Technology (1985-1989). Afterwards, he studied electrical engineering at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (1989-1993) and graduated as engineer of communication and electronics. He combined an internship with a stay abroad in Omaha, (USA). After that, he worked in a telecommunication company as engineer from (1993-1999). Özcan Mutlu joined the Green Party in 1990, and was elected into the district assembly of Kreuzberg. He entered the regional parliament of Berlin in 1999 representing FriedrichshainKreuzberg district. He was re-elected in 2006 and 2011. During this period, he served in a number of parliamentary commissions, responsible particularly for policies of education, integration and migration as well as policies for Europe and Turkey. Following the 2013 federal election, Mutlu won a seat in the Bundestag. He is married and has two children. Q u o t i n g "REUTERS", "haaretz.com" wrote, "The president of Germany's parliament Norbert Lammert condemned threats against German lawmakers of Turkish origin after the Bundestag last week passed a resolution declaring the 1915 massacre of Armenians

by Ottoman forces a genocide. Ankara rejects the idea that the killings of Christian Armenians during WWI amounted to a genocide. Following the resolution there have been death threats and verbal attacks against German politicians with Turkish roots. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has said German lawmakers of Turkish origin who voted for the resolution have tainted blood and that their blood must be tested in a lab. The president of Germany's parliament commented saying "I wouldn't have thought it possible that in the 21st Century, a democratically elected president would link his criticism of democratically elected lawmakers in the German Bundestag with doubts about their Turkish descent and describe their blood as tainted,". (1) Özcan Mutlu is one of the Bundestag members of Turkish descent who voted for the resolution. "Bundestag’s Genocide Recognition: A First Step". This was MURIEL MIRALWEISSBACH's article concerning the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the German Parliament, posted on "anca.org" on June 5, 2015, where she described in details how the voting went through and quoted many German PMs and officials about the voting and Turkey's reaction to it. She added that most serious was the tone and thrust of remarks made by Turkish officials like “It is well known whose mouthpiece they are,” “They are the

New York author Samuel Armen to present new book at Abril Bookstore

Friends of HMADS gala dinner dance – An affair to remember

Glendale, CA – New York author SAMUEL ARMEN will be in town to present his fascinating new novel, WITHIN A DIMINISHING CARICATURE on FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Author will be introduced by JANO BOGHOSIAN. WITHIN A DIMINISHING CARICATURE is both a melancholy defeat and a quiet celebration of the vast intricacy of life. An increasingly human gust of wind, sixty-five vignettes, and an LSD-influenced suicide note only scratch the surface of the forces that reveal the cause of a young man’s suicide. Over the course of three years – drifting across New York, Boston, and the dreamscape of a feral imagination – ‘He’ pursues psychology at eighteen, writing at nineteen, and then nothingness at twenty. An ‘uncoming of age’ story, a necrography, and a psycho-social adventure exploring why we do the strange things we do. SAMUEL ARMEN was born in Gyumri, Armenia on October 12th 1988 - just prior to the Gyumri-Spitak earthquake in December 1988. By the age of five, he was adopted into an Armenian-American family in Long Island, New York. His first publications were as an intern journalist for the Armenian newspaper and website HetQ, where among other articles, he published a three-part cover-page narrative detailing his journey to find his biological ancestors. His undergraduate experience includes studying behavioral psychology at Boston University, screen-writing at NYU: Tisch, and English Literature at St. John's University. He received his Masters in Education in Adolescent English at CUNY: Hunter College. He currently teaches High School English and AVID in Brooklyn, New York.

On Saturday, May 21, 2016, the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) community joyfully gathered at the North Hills Country Club in Manhasset to celebrate its beloved school. The annual Gala Dinner Dance, a lavish affair organized by the Friends of HMADS fundraising committee, once again proved itself to be the school’s most significant fundraiser. Over 200 friends and supporters socialized and danced the night away at the bittersweet event, which would be the last under the school leadership of adored principal Zarminé Boghosian, whose retirement was recently announced. The was dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Armenia's Independence. Representing the Armenian Ambassador at the UN H.E. Zohrab Mnatsaganian was Mr. Tigran Samvelian. Guests were welcomed to North Hills Country Club by the Friends of HMADS Reservations Committee, a subcommittee

long arm in Germany of the separatist terror organizations in this country,” with reference to the PKK , "Their blood ought to be tested in a lab" etc., and people were called for violence against the Bundestag member's of Turkish descent. She mentioned also that " The parliamentarians are taking this seriously. Özcan Mutlu from the Green Party, told TV viewers on June 5 that he feared for his life, since “This quality [of threat] I have never experienced.” The danger is that some crazy nuts, hearing this talk, think that they’ve gotten some orders from above. “This way so many people have been killed in Turkey,” (2) On June 6, 2016 "DW.COM" wrote: Amid the ongoing row over Germany's decision to refer to the Armenian massacre as "genocide," Berlin has hit back at Ankara. German MPs with Turkish roots have called for action from Merkel after receiving death threats. Merkel's spokesman said the Bundestag "had reached a sovereign decision." and added "That must be respected," The comments from Berlin came in light of Turkey's reaction to Germany's decision to pass a resolution which refers to the mass deaths of 1.5 million Armenians under the Ottoman Empire as "genocide."As the successor state to the Ottoman Empire, Turkey officially denies that the events that started in 1915 amounted to genocide. During an interview with German news program "Tagesschau", fellow

of the dedicated group responsible for organizing the elegant evening. During cocktail hour, everyone mingled, sipped cocktails and sampled delicious appetizers from various hors d’oeuvres stations. The doors of the spacious ballroom then filled with guests of every facet of the HMADS family: benefactors, school board members, Friends committee members, staff, parents, alumni, and students from the current graduating class. Guests ranged in age from young to young-at-heart, all with a common bond – love and praise for their beloved school and Armenian community. The main festivities began as Friends of HMADS Chairman Mr. Hovannes Malikyan cordially welcomed everyone and expressed his appreciation for their continuous support. He then invited Mrs. Boghosian to the podium to proudly share the accomplishments of the school’s current students and alumni. Throughout the night, international singer Bartev enter-


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Green politicians Özcan Mutlu said he had received "hundreds if not thousands of emails with messages of hate or death threats." "As an MP, insults and threats have started to become normal," he said. "But this takes things to a new level." Mutlu, who also appeared on the tweet posted by Ankara's mayor, called on the German chancellor to take a stand against Erdogan and "make it clear that this has gone too far." (3)

1.http://www.haaretz.com/worldnews/europe/1.724099 2.https://anca.org/bundestags-genocide-recognition-a-first-step/ 3.http://www.dw.com/en/berlin-rebuffs-turkey-in-armenian-genocide-rowafter-green-mp-receives-death-threats/a-19 310281

tained guests with his vocals, luring them to the dance floor, especially for “shoorch bars.” During a brief interlude from dancing, Friends of HMADS committee members approached tables and encouraged diners to try their luck in the raffle drawings for prizes that are generously donated each year by school supporters. The 2016 Gala Dinner Dance, cochaired by Ms. Arpi Candan and Mr. Hagop Semerdjian, was once again a remarkable success, honoring Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School as the acclaimed academic institution that it is. O n behalf of the entire Friends of HMADS community, we appreciate the ongoing support of all those who attended and contributed, and we look forward to celebrating again next year. Congratulations, HMADS, and keep up the outstanding work! Arpi Arukian, Class of 1994

Armenia becomes European basketball champions of small countries for the first time The national basketball team of Armenia on Sunday became the winners of the 2016 FIBA European Championship For Small Countries, which was held in Moldova. In the final, Armenia defeated Andorra by a score of 79-71, and became champions for the first time. In addition, Armenian national team player Andre Spight Mkrtchyan was recognized the MVP of this competition, informed the press service of the Basketball Federation of Armenia.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 7, 2016

Rosemary Hartounian Cohen to give art workshop on thesecret of mixing colors Glendale, CA – Local author and artist DR. ROSEMARY HARTOUNIAN COHEN will present her new book followed by an art workshop, THE SECRET OF MIXING COLORS FROM ANGEL LIANA on SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016 at 5:00pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. THE SECRET OF MIXING COLORS FROM ANGEL LIANA teaches color and painting by taking the reader through a fantastical underwater world. By combining a fairy tale spiritual journey narrative with tips on how to paint, the author explores the art of mixing colors along with a wide variety of other art techniques that offer children an accessible way to learn how to make art. The ART WORKSHOP will start with the presentation, demonstration and teaching some of the secrets of mixing color. Dr. Cohen will take you step by step in teaching how to mix the three primary colors in order to achieve secondary and auxiliary shades easily. Painting kits will be available for purchase to use in the workshop and to continue to practice more at home. ROSEMARY HARTOUNIAN COHEN is a sociologist who earned her PhD at the Sorbonne in Paris. She is an accomplished and award-winning artist in various media — her specialty being silk painting — as well as a publisher, awardwinning author, and journalist. She is the founder and director of the Liana Cohen Foundation, a non-profit organization for the promotion of Music and Arts.

Alumni parents join AVC! Join Birthright Armenia's sister organization AVC, offering a 'Birthright' experience to all generations For the first time ever, AVC will welcome not one, but three alumni parents in 2016, to experience volunteering in Armenia for themselves! The first to arrive on May 31 was Patricia Levin (USA), mother of Birthright Armenia alumnus Devon Boutelle. Patricia has been a long-time professor of Art History at Saddleback College inMission Viejo, CA, where she developed the very first online course. It was so successful that it became the template for future online courses at the college, eventually leading her to become the online education coordinator. She is also an independent curator and has taught and curated projects throughout the USA as well as in Canada, France and Spain. Prior to coming to Armenia, Patricia shared her motivations for service: "I would like to bring my knowledge and experience as a Professor of Art History and as an independent curator to people working in similar disciplines in Armenia. I believe I could assist my Armenian colleagues at various arts institutions in any number of ways, perhaps teach critical curatorial

studies, help plan and develop art exhibitions, or teach various courses on western visual studies. I firmly believe in collaboration and I would hope to bring my experience developing cross-cultural projects to any institution at which I am fortunate to volunteer," says Patricia.

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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on August 4 and 11, 2016. Publication will resume with issue No.31 dated August 18, 2016. “NO OR” wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

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