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Nor Or, July 14, 2016, No. 28_N.O. Blank 7/13/16 2:41 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 28, Thursday, July 14, 2016

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Nor Or, July 14, 2016, No. 28_N.O. Blank 7/13/16 2:41 PM Page 2


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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on August 4 and 11, 2016. Publication will resume with issue No 31 dated August 18, 2016. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

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Thursday, July 14, 2016 Vol. 94, # 28


Dallas shootings: Killer 'prepared larger attack'

The man who shot dead five police officers in Dallas and wounded seven more was planning an even larger attack, the city's police chief says. Micah Johnson, 25, was angry with the recent killings of black men by police and wanted to kill white officers, police say. Police chief David Brown said he was "convinced" Johnson had wider plans. He told CNN that Johnson, a military veteran, appeared to have practised detonating explosives. Meanwhile, Delphine Johnson, the gunman's mother, told US site TheBlaze.com that he had been "disappointed" by his experience in the US military. "The military was not what Micah thought it would be," she said. "He was very disappointed." Mr Brown also said police were trying to find the significance of the letters "RB" that Johnson had written in his own blood, near where he was killed by a remote detonation by police.

Officers were also reading a journal found in Johnson's house that Mr Brown said was proving "hard to decipher". Mr Brown also revealed that during two hours of negotiations last Thursday, the attacker taunted police. "He just basically lied to us - playing games, laughing at us, singing, asking how many [police officers] did he get and that he wanted to kill some more and that there were bombs there." "So there was no progress on the negotiation... I began to feel that it was only at a split second he would charge us and take out many more before we could kill him," Mr Brown added. Johnson launched his attack in Dallas as a protest was taking place against the deaths of black men at the hands of police. The deaths of Philando Castile in St Paul, Minnesota, and Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, last week led to more protests across US cities. Prominent activist DeRay Mckesson was among people detained in Baton Rouge on Saturday but was released on bail the next day. In Baton Rouge, up to 40 people were arrested on Sunday during a protest rally. Some of the demonstrators chanted "No justice, no peace!" during a stand-off with police in riot gear. In Virginia, protesters briefly shut down an interstate motorway in Portsmouth. They were marching in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In Detroit, Michigan, police arrested four men for posting threats against police officers on Facebook, urging people to kill white officers.

Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Armenia Fund team up to provide emergency medical supplies to Armenia and Artsakh Glendale, CA – Responding to the urgent medical and humanitarian needs of the civilian population affected by the four day war in Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh), the Glendale Adventist Medical Center and Armenia Fund recently partnered together to provide high quality medical supplies for emergency and trauma purposes. At a very short moment’s notice, the supplies were quickly assembled by a team of medical professionals at Glendale Adventist Medical Center and then transferred to Armenia Fund for clearance, transportation, and distribution to the areas in most need. The emergency and trauma supplies are designed to properly treat and stabilize civilians affected by gun shots, burns, and other life threatening trauma as a result of the war hostilities. They included critically needed items, such as bag valve masks to help patients breathe and surgical grade stitching staplers designed to immediately close bleeding wounds. The supplies are designed to be used in the field or at a hospital. The medical professionals treating civilians who were rushed to the hospital and nearby medical centers were extremely grateful for the supplies. Working in Armenia and providing assistance is not new for Glendale Adventist Medical Center. Last year, the hospital part-

Dorokhin: Russia will continue to supply weapons to Azerbaijan

Turkey ambassador to Azerbaijan: Ankara hopes that Karabakh conflict will be resolved pacifically U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan: We take Karabakh conflict settlement seriously

UK’s new PM Theresa May Theresa May promised to build a "better Britain" and to make the UK's EU exit a "success" after she was announced as the new Tory leader and soon-to-be PM. Speaking outside Parliament, Mrs May said she was "honoured and humbled" to succeed David Cameron, after her only rival in the race withdrew on Monday. Mr Cameron will tender his resignation to the Queen after PMQs on Wednesday. Mr Cameron, who has been UK prime minister since 2010, decided to quit after the UK's Brexit vote. It follows another day of dramatic developments in the political world, when Andrea Leadsom unexpectedly quit the two-way Conservative leadership contest, saying she did not have the support to build "a strong and stable government". Her decision left Mrs May - the front runner - as the only candidate to take over leading the party and to therefore become prime minister.

Turkey hopes that the Karabakh conflict will be resolved soon and peacefully, and within the framework of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and inviolability of its borders. Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan !smail Alper Co"kun told the abovementioned to reporters, according to APA news agency of Azerbaijan. “We welcome the [Karabakh peace] negotiations, if they are serving conflict resolution,” said the ambassador. “Turkey will support to the end the settlement option that will proceed from the interests of Azerbaijan, and which Azerbaijan will consider right.”

nered with Armenia Fund again for a medical mission to the remote rural hospital in Noyemberyan. The team of 35 surgeons, doctors, and medical professionals, treated more than 800 patients and performed 40 surgeries in less than one week. This is part of GAMC’s long term commitment in helping Armenia, specifically rural medicine in the borderline region of Tavush. “The bond between the descendants of diaspora Armenians and Glendale is inseparable. Therefore, when this tragedy occurred, Glendale Adventist Medical Center could not stand idle, knowing that these countrymen and women were suffering and in need of medical supplies. It was the least we could do, other than pray for peace, which has its own divine impact,” stated Kevin A. Roberts, RN - President and CEO of Glendale Adventist Medical Center. "I would like to thank Glendale Adventist Medical Center for their wholehearted support in a field where Artsakh needs all the help it can get. At a time of war sometimes minutes separate life from death for the critically wounded. Thanks to the advanced medical emergency kits supplied by the GAMC, lives will be saved,” stated Sarkis Kotanjian, Executive Director of Armenia Fund.

The U.S. takes the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement seriously, the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Robert Cekuta said in Baku Friday at the meeting with Ali Hasanov, the Chairman of the Azerbaijani State Committee on Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). According to the Ambassador, the recent growth of human losses makes them exert more efforts towards achieving peace. The most important thing for both countries is the necessity to act jointly for the fastest peaceful settlement of the NagornoKarabakh conflict, which has lasted for years, he noted. In Cekuta’s words, as one of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, the U.S. will exert more efforts in this direction together with the other Co-Chairs and Azerbaijan.

Russian arms supplies to Azerbaijan are carried out in accordance with the signed contracts, Russian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin told ANS TV of Azerbaijan, reported Haqqin.az news agency of the country. Dorokhin added that Russia and Azerbaijan will also be signing new contracts for the supply of arms. In addition, he commented on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s upcoming visit to Baku. The diplomat said the Russian leader visits Azerbaijan each year, and that this year there are numerous matters which he will discuss with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Ilham Aliyev. “Putin will not come with nothing in his hand,” noted Vladimir Dorokhin. “They will analyze what has been done, and what still needs to be done; new instructions will be given. Thus, the Russian president’s visit [to Azerbaijan] will not be demonstrative, but working.”

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 14, 2016


INTERSECTIONS Holocaust Scholarship, Genocide Research, and Histories of Mass Violence 5th Global Conference on Genocide The International Network of Genocide Scholars 20. Ümit Kurt - Harvard University Legal and Official Plunder of Armenian and Jewish Properties in Comparative Perspective: The Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust 21. Emre Can Da!lıo!lu - Clark University Revisiting the Ottoman Courts-Martial of 1919-1920 in Light of New Archival Documents 22. Yektan Türkyılmaz - Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin Writing the History of the Armenian Genocide

Here is a summery of my impressions and reflections from the five-day genocide studies conference which took place in the Hebrew University and Van Leer institute between June 26-30. The conference brought together 220 scholars from many countries in the framework of the annual conference of the Society of the International Network of Genocide scholars (about 170 internationals) and the rest locals. It comprised of 55 sessions, one plenary session (with an Armenian participant) and every day a key speaker. During the key speeches (where the term Armenian Genocide was often referred to) the amphitheater was packet where each time 200-300 locals attended. Among them were well-known scholars like Prof. Yehuda Bauer, Prof. Yair Auron who gave very impressive speeches, and among the participants also were present Israel Charni, Stefan Ihrig and many other prominent scholars. One can safely state that at least 20% of the papers were on the Armenian Genocide or touched upon it. Armenian speakers gave at least 20 papers. Turks (politically converted ones) gave six papers (of course on Armenian topics.) There were about five papers on the Armenian Genocide presented by Polish scholars and about ten non-Armenian independent scholars who submitted papers on the Armenian Genocide. I am glad to state that among the array of genocides the Armenian Genocide clearly occupied the second place after the Holocaust. In living memory in this country (for the first time) there was no hierarchy or completion of Genocides. The pervading feeling was that it is purely a scientific event where the Armenians were on the honour list. We had to move from session to session as many were parallel sessions or overlapping. One could feel the inroads made by the centennial and many non-Armenian scholars were mentioning it as central and major event. The sessions about Armenians were well-attended. All the experts participating in the conference were very familiar with the Armenian Genocide and asked questions which reflected that they knew the background well. It was surprising to discover that in Poland there is a keen interest in the Armenian Genocide. A speaker from Hungary created a lot of interest. The Armenian delegation from Europe Canada and the United States left a deep impact and were at hand in every discussion. Two scholars from Armenia currently at Clark University gave professional papers, two scholars from UCLA (former students of Prof. Richard Hovhannisian) were professional. It was a week of intermingling and as in any conference new contacts were made. Some scholars came to the Library for consultations and on Friday the 30th Mr. George Hintlian from the Armenian Patriarchate who was one of the key figures among the organizres gave a detailed tour of the Armenian Quarter and then they were received by His Beatitute Arch. Nourhan Manougian, Patriarch of Jerusalem. Needless to say that this week long conference was beneficial for the propagation of the Armenian Genocide. It also proved to Israeli scholars that the Armenian Genocide is well-known abroad. Unfortunately because of the resumption of Israeli-Turkish diplomatic relations the media (radio, T.V. newspapers) kept silent about this international event. 1. Here are the topics of the papers on the Armenian Genocide or referring to the Arm. Genocide. 2. Chen Bram - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Genocide, Holocaust, Deportations: Caucasian Intersections 3. Oded Steinberg – The Hebrew U-y of Jerusalem and Freie Universitat Berlin James Bryce and the Origins of the Armenian Genocide 4. Rotem Giladi - University of Helsinki 'Troubles of Our Own': Lemkin, the Genocide Convention, and the Jewish State 5. Katharina von Kellenbach - St. Mary's College of Maryland Visions of Purity and Purification in Genocidal and Post-Genocidal Societies 6. Melanie O'Brien - The University of Queensland Violations of the Right to Freedom of Religion in the

Holocaust, Armenian Genocide and Cambodian Genocide 7. Meral Avci - RWTH Aachen University Turkish Nation-Building and the Dersim Massacre 8. Minas Kojayan - Armenian Seminary of St. James, Jerusalem The Theme of Genocide in Armenian Literature, 19202015 9.- Avi Kay - Lev Academic Center The Representation of the Psychological Ramifications of the Armenian Genocide: A Voice Crying out in the Desert? 10. Doris Melkonian - University of California, Los Angeles Tattooed: A Comparative Analysis of Armenian Genocide and Holocaust Survivor Responses 11. Arda Melkonian – UCLA Untold Stories: Narratives Challlenging Gender Norms 12. George Hintlian – Gulbenkian Library, Jerusalem 13. Katarzyna Jarosz - International University of Logistics, Poland The Armenian Genocide in the European Press after 100 Years 14. Eldad Ben Aharon - Royal Holloway, University of London Suren Zolyan, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia The Semantics and Pragmatics of the 'Evasionist' discourse A Unique Denial: Israel’s Foreign Policy and the Armenian Genocide 15. Edita Gzoyan - Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Defending the Truth: Comparative Analysis of Holocaust and Armenian Genocide Denial 16. Asya Darbinyan - Clark University Armenian Refugees in Imperial Russia Collective Traumas and National Identities Panel in Honor or Prof. Yair Auron, The Open University of Israel and the American University of Armenia, Yerevan 17. Aida Boudjikanian – U-y of Lebanon and U-y of Montreal 18. Filiz Celik – Independent Scholar, Turkey Adapting the Danieli Inventory for Second Generation Survivors of the Dersim Massacre, 1937-38 New Perspectives on the Armenian Genocide 19. Ani Voskanyan - National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Heroes and Convicts: Destruction of Armenian Soldiers in the Ottoman Army

Legal Treatment of Negationism in Europe 23. Uladislau Belavusau - University of Amsterdam Armenian Genocide v.Holocaust in Strasbourg: Trivialization in Compariso 24. Alexandra Gliszczynska- Grabias – The Polish Academy of Sciences Banning Genocide Denial in Europe: Freedom of Speech versus Politics of Memory 25. Sévane Garibian – University of Geneva Perinçek v. Switzerland at the ECHR: Double Standard in European Human Rights Protection? 26. Clotilde Pégorier – University of Essex The Criminalization of Denial Revisited: Contemporary Reflections in the Wake of Perinçek 27. Michelle Tusan- University of Nevada, Las Vegas Armenians, the British Empire, and Ottoman War Crime Evidence 28. Peter Pal Kranitz – Pazmany Peter, Catholic U-y, Budapest _ Hungarian Receptions of Armenian in the Dual Monarchy and the Interwar Period with a Special Regard to Genocide Denial 29. Anna Aleksanyan - Clark University ‘Ritualized’ Rape and Body Destruction of Armenian Women during the Genocide 30. Elke Hartmann - Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich Gülizar and her Sisters: Girl Abduction in the Armenian Provinces of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century 31. Shushan Khachatryan - Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute The Syndrome of Cain: Ideologies of Genocide from a Comparative Viewpoint 32. Yair Auron - The Open University of Israel and the American University of Armenia, Yerevan The Attitude of Israel toward the Genocides in Rwanda, the Former Yugoslavia, Biafra, and the Armenian Genocide 33. Yaakov Achimeier - Israel Broadcasting Authority Israel's Moral Responsibility to Recognize the Armenian Genocide 34. Boris Adjemian - AGBU Nubar Library, Paris The Gathering of Armenian Victim Testimonies after World War I and their Uses in the Historiography of the Armenian Genocide 35. Charikleia Kefalidou - University of Paris-Sorbonne 'Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?': Multidirectional and Palimpsestic Memory in Armenian Genocide Survivors’ Narratives

The Armenian Genocide and Its Denial in Comparative Perspectives 36. Talin Suciyan - Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich Survival through Denial: Can the Survivor Speak? 37. Lilit Hayrapetyan – Yerevan State University Denial of the Armenian Genocide 38. Lilit Martirosyan – Yerevan State University Violence against Women during the Armenian Genocide and the Rwanda Genocide 39. Hasmik Grigoryan - National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Sexual Violence during the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust: A Comparison

Dr. MINAS KOJAYAN Participant

NOR OR ENG. July 14:Layout 1 7/13/16 7:03 AM Page 3

Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 14, 2016


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

122 - Cemile Giousouf By Hambersom Aghbashian Cemile Giousouf (born in May 5, 1978 in Leverkusen, Germany) is a German politician of Turkish ethnicity. She is the first ever Muslim member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), elected to the Bundestag in 2013. Cemile's parents immigrated in the 1970s from Greece, where they lived as Turkish minority in Western Thrace. The members of her Muslim family spoke Turkish at home, so she did. Following the completion of her high school in Leverkusen, she studied Political science, Social science and Islamic science at the University of Bonn. In 2008, Giousouf was employed as a consultant in the State Ministry of Generations, Family, Women and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia. From 2009 on, she served as a consultant in the Department of Integration at the Ministry of Integration and Social Welfare of the same state. During her university years, she was engaged in the German-Turkish Forum, a subordinate organization of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and in 2008, she was elected vice chairperson of the organization's North Rhine-Westphalia branch. She was also active in the CDU's several other local organizations as well as in the city administration of Aachen. Giousouf entered CDU's federal-level organization in 2011, where she served for "!ntegration" matters. On June 30, 2012, she was elected to the executive board of CDU state organization in North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2013, the local organization of CDU in Hagen nominated her for the Bundestagswahl. In the next two preliminary inner-party elections, she was able to make her way for the federal election as direct

candidate in the Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis District in September 2013. On June 6, 2016, "DW.COM" wrote "After Germany's Armenian genocide resolution, the Turkish head of state has railed against German parliamentarians of Turkish origin. In Germany, the move has met with dismay and resolute opposition. In actions that have sparked outrage in Germany, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has unleashed retaliatory statements against German parliamentarians with ethnic Turkish backgrounds. The reason? On Thursday they voted, together with nearly all their colleagues in the Bundestag, for a resolution recognizing massing killings in Armenia in 1918 as genocide. In addition, the resolution admitted the “complicity” of the German Empire in the crimes of Turkey's predecessor state, the Ottoman Empire. Over 1.5 million Armenians died in the events approximately a century ago under the Ottoman Empire, but Turkey has steadfastly denied it was a genocide. German members of parliament Özan Mutlu (Greens), Mahmut Özdemir (SPD), and Cemile Giousouf (CDU) have now had their Turkish identity called into question by Erdogan, who strictly rejects the crime being classified as genocide. Erdogan has now called for them to take a “blood test”, saying their Turkish identity should be checked as “their blood is impure”. Many of the MPs have also received death threats. (1) According to " Barnabas Fund-GB ", June 8, 2016, the national chairman of the Turkish Community (in Germny), Gökay Sofuoglu told the dpa press agency "We find death threats and blood tests abhor-

rent," and added "I thought that defining people by blood stopped in 1945." (2) That was a clear reference to the NAZI era the end of WW2, where the process of defining people by blood stopped. But it seems that Erdogan is trying to revive that process by calling on German members of parliament Özan Mutlu, Mahmut Özdemir , and Cemile Giousouf to take a “blood test”, saying their Turkish identity should be checked as “their blood is impure”. "Barnabas Fund-GB " mentioned also that "On the internet, MPs of Turkish origin who hold a German passport have become victims of hate speech and defamation. A 'wanted' poster featuring portraits of the parliamentarians is spreading rapidly and has attracted over a thousand likes. The image appears under the heading in Turkish, reading "SIRTIMIZDAN VURDULAR" (these parliamentarians have treacherously stabbed us in the back). The phrase recalls Nazi propaganda which claimed that Social Democrats, international Jewry, and 'Democrats without a fatherland' had been a 'stab in the back' to the German Empire in post-World War I Germany.” In his article title " Police Protection after Genocide Vote ", Heike Anger wrote on June 13, 2016 in "Global Handelsblatt", "German parliamentarians of Turkish descent have been placed under police protection and warned against traveling to Turkey, after voting for a resolution to officially recognize the Ottoman massacres of Armenians as genocide. Even in Germany, it’s dangerous to speak out about the massacres of the Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks at the end of World War I. Eleven parliamentarians of Turkish descent

have been placed under federal police protection after receiving death threats for supporting a German parliamentary resolution that recognized the massacres as genocide.(Last Friday, we received detailed information about how we should behave, how to categorize hate mail and the special protection we will receive during sessions), Cemile Giousouf, a parliamentarian with the center-right Christian Democrats, told Handelsblatt. Five Social Democrats, three Greens and two Left Party members are also under protection. The foreign ministry has warned the parliamentarians against traveling to Turkey, saying their security could not be guaranteed. (3)

1.http://www.dw.com/en/erdogantakes-aim-at-german-mps-on-armenia/a19310660 2.https://barnabasfund.org/operationnehemiah-news-update-236?audience=ES 3.https://global.handelsblatt.com/edition/448/police-protection-aftergenocide-vote

Vishup Ensemble to perform at Roslin Gallery on July 23

Panos Aghazarian, member of the Syrian armed forces, was killed

Los Angeles, July 10, 2016 – The Vishup Ensemble will perform a much-anticipated concert at the Roslin Art Gallery (415 E. Broadway, Suite 100, Glendale) on the night of Saturday, July 23, the gallery announced. Vishup was formed recently in Los Angeles by two acclaimed musicians: flutist, vocalist, and The Vishup Ensemble’s Areni Agbabian and Arik Grigoryan. guitarist Arik GrigoPhoto by Armen Janoyan. ryan of the acclaimed Bambir music collective; and vocalist and pianist Areni Agbabian. Other members of the ensemble include cellist Artyom Manukyan and drummer Vardan Duvendjian. Featuring original compositions as well as fresh takes on classics, Vishup’s music consists of richly evocative journeys through Armenian history, myth, folklore, and lyric poetry. The ensemble’s sound is driven by the exquisite lead vocals of Areni Agbabian and the soothing, folk-inflected voice of Arik Grigoryan, woven with lush textures of cello, flute, guitar, and drums. “The music of the Vishup Ensemble is wonderfully unique, and we’re very excited to present the band’s concert at the gallery,” said Arno Yeretsian of the Roslin Gallery.

Aleppo - Panos Aghazarian (b. 1994), an ethnic Armenian member of the Syrian Armed Forces, was killed in military clashes in Aleppo on July 10, according to a report by Aleppo-based Kantsasar news. Fighting between the Syrian Army and rebel forces in Aleppo has intensified in recent days, with some reports claiming as many as 40 dead and nearly 300 wounded, including two ethnic Armenians—Hripsimeh Chazarian and Sosi GhazarianHekimian—who were injured on July 9, according to Kantsasar. Aghazarian’s death comes a little more than a month after five ethnic Armenians were killed in a week. Aleppo’s Armenianpopulated Nor Kyugh and Zvartnots districts were attacked by more than 30 missiles on June 2, killing several civilians—including 4 ethnic Armenians. The

attack, which reportedly came from militant opposition groups, injured several others and destroyed many buildings, including homes and stores. Vazken Jabaghchourian, Levon Kelkhacherian, Hovsep Janessian, and Khatchig Aboulaboutian were among those killed in the June 2 attack. Less than a week earlier, on May 26-27, the Vergine Gulbenkian Birthing CenterHospital, which had served as a senior citizen’s home during the war, was extensively damaged in another rocket attack that killed Maral Guligian, a center employee. Der Zareh Shakarian, Jack Hadad, and one other employee suffered minor injuries in the attack. As a result of the attack, the senior citizens of the center were relocated for the third time since 2012. !

UEFA CUP! Portugal European Champions

though they almost won it at the end of normal time when substitute Andre-Pierre Gignac turned and hit the inside of the post. Raphael Guerreiro hit the bar with a free-kick for Portugal after 108 minutes, but seconds later they were ahead when Eder fired a low, 25-yard drive past keeper Hugo Lloris. Ronaldo, who had given his Portugal team-mates animated encouragement in the break before extra time, was offering as much tactical advice as coach Fernando Santos in chaotic closing moments - and he was reduced to tears once more at the final whistle before lifting the trophy that has eluded his country for so long. !

The concert will start at 8 pm. Tickets may be reserved by calling Abril Bookstore at (818) 2434112 or through itsmyseat.com/vishup. Space is limited.

Kerry to discuss Karabakh in Moscow U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will discuss Karabakh during his visit to Moscow this week, State Department spokesman John Kirby said on Monday. He will also touch upon Syria, Ukraine, and other issues with Russian officials. After Kerry will visit Luxembourg and Brussels where he will meet with EU foreign ministers.

Portugal overcame the early loss of captain Cristiano Ronaldo to beat hosts France in the Euro 2016 final and win their first major tournament thanks to substitute Eder's superb extra-time strike. Real Madrid forward Ronaldo was carried off in tears in the 25th minute at Paris' Stade de France, eighteen minutes after injuring his knee in a clash with France's Dimitri Payet. France, the firm favourites, were unable to capitalise on Ronaldo's absence, al-

NOR OR ENG. July 14:Layout 1 7/13/16 7:03 AM Page 4


Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 14, 2016

Armenian Genocide Billboards Welcome Delegates to Rupublican National Convention

Washington, D.C. - As the 2016 Republican Convention convenes in Cleveland, Ohio next week, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) embarked on an Armenian Genocide billboard campaign prominently displaying the statement of President Ronald Reagan affirming the Armenian Genocide. With nearly 50,000 people expected at the Convention in Cleveland, the billboards are part of the Assembly's ongoing public awareness initiative. They serve as a reminder about the need to affirm the truth and learn from the past so as to prevent future genocides. During his first term in office, President Reagan issued a proclamation which read in part: "Like the genocide of the Armeni-

ans before it, and the genocide of the Cambodians which followed it - and like too many other such persecutions of too many other peoples - the lessons of the Holocaust must never be forgotten." The first two billboards, located on I-77 northbound near Grant Avenue (close to where the Convention will be held) and Carnegie Avenue westbound, features an excerpt from President Ronald Reagan's proclamation on April 22, 1981. "The Cleveland Armenian community, and, particularly, our parishioners, are overjoyed with respect to the presence of both billboards," Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan, pastor of St. Gregory of Narek Armenian Apostolic Church, said. "The billboards are the talk of the Armenian community. Folks

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) welcomed the bipartisan expansion of the leadership of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues with the addition of Representatives David Valadao (R-CA) and Jackie Speier (D-CA) as Co-Chairs and Adam Schiff (D-CA) and David Trott (R-MI) as Vice Chairs, reported the Assembly. These Members of Congress join current Co-Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Robert Dold (R-IL). “Representatives Speier, Valadao, Schiff, and Trott have all proven to be dedicated and integral Members of the Armenian Caucus. We are excited to see them take on this new leadership role,” Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny said. “As more Members of Congress take the lead on Armenian issues, the more we can accomplish, especially in these challenging times. The Assembly welcomes the expanded Caucus leadership team and looks forward to working with them throughout the remainder of this Congress,” Ardouny continued. During a recent meeting with Congressman Pallone, Armenian Assembly Board Co-Chair Van Krikorian ex-

are simply ecstatic." The billboards' media campaign was overseen by the Assembly's Ohio State Chair Ara Bagdasarian, who is also a member of the Cleveland Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee. "Ronald Reagan, one of the most revered Republican leaders, is the only sitting president to recognize the Armenian Genocide and use the term genocide. With these billboards, we will reiterate Reagan's statement and help ensure that the next president - whether it be Republican or Democrat - reaffirms the Armenian Genocide," Bagdasarian said. "We wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to share our message about the Armenian Genocide with the visitors coming to Cleveland during the Republican Convention. The world's spotlight and media will converge

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY WELCOMES BIPARTISAN EXPANSION OF ARMENIAN CAUCUS pressed the importance of strengthening the Caucus in view of recent developments in the region as a result of Azerbaijan’s attacks against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Co-Chair Valadao serves on the House Appropriations Committee and is the Vice Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies. Co-Chair Speier, who participated in the U.S. delegation that traveled to Armenia last year for the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, also hails from California and serves on the House Armed Service Committee as the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Oversight and

here, and we have the chance to be heard." Donated by Debbie Abdalian-Thompson, owner of Cleveland Outdoor Advertising, the Assembly put up two of the billboards to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and to promote public awareness during the Convention. A third billboard was added following Germany's affirmation of the Armenian Genocide on June 2. The most recent billboard reads: "Truth vs National Interest" and "Thank You Germany for Recognizing the Armenian Genocide," designed by Peace of Art and located on I-77 southbound near mile marker 157. "I would also like to give special thanks Debbie Abdalian-Thompson and Cleveland Outdoor Advertising for her generous support," Bagdasarian added. !

Investigations and on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Vice-Chair Schiff, who met with the Assembly’s 2016 intern class today, has long been a leading Democratic sponsor of the House resolutions affirming the Armenian Genocide. Rep. Schiff previously served on the House Appropriations Committee, and presently serves as the Ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Republican Member Trott was also part of the U.S. delegation to Armenia for the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. He serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Committee on the Judiciary. The Congressional Armenian Issues Caucus has worked to strengthen the ties between the United States and Armenia and keep members engaged on Armenia-related issues. The Caucus continues to advocate for increased trade and assistance to Armenia, self-determination for Nagorno Karabakh and supporting U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide. !

German row with Turkey over military base escalates Germany on Monday insisted its lawmakers had the right to visit an airbase in Turkey despite Ankara's opposition, in an escalating row between the NATO partners. A German delegation this month was to travel to the Incirlik base in southern Turkey, used to launch coalition raids against Isis jihadists in Syria, but Turkey has blocked the trip. Germany in December agreed to send Tornado surveillance jets and tanker aircraft to Incirlik to aid the multinational coalition fighting Isis and currently has about 240 soldiers stationed there. Media reports said the ban was in retaliation for Germany's Bundestag lower house passing a resolution last month calling the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces during World War I a "genocide". But Turkish officials did not confirm this publicly.

"To us, it's a military issue," Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said Monday, referring to any visit to Incirlik. "On the German side, the issue of Incirlik or sending soldiers is under the auhority of the German parliament." He said because of differences in the two nations' laws, "the visit of the German delegation is not yet certain. Talks are continuing." Chancellor Angela Merkel held fruitless negotiations with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the planned visit at a NATO summit in Warsaw at the weekend but her spokesman said Berlin would keep up the pressure. "The goal is crystal clear: it must be possible for our deputies to visit our soldiers," the spokesman, Steffen Seibert, told reporters in Berlin. "Of course it is necessary for

our Bundestag deputies to be able to see our military in Turkey at Incirlik - it is a military under the control of the parliament. Merkel told ARD public television late on Sunday that she would press on in talks with Ankara. "It is not the first time in politics that the first conversation did not suffice," she said. No 'alliance of values' Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper reported that during their meeting, Erdogan expressed discomfort to Merkel about the German parliament's Armenia resolution and said he expected Berlin to distance itself from it. After the Bundestag vote, Erdogan had charged that the 11 German MPs with Turkish roots who backed the resolution supported "terrorism" by the banned Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), and demanded that

they undergo "blood tests" to see "what kind o Turks they are". Deputies from Merkel's ruling left-right coalition said that Berlin should consider pulling out of Incirlik if Ankara did not back down in the dispute. "Soldiers and bases of a parliamentary army must be able to be visited by lawmakers at any time and everywhere," Andreas Scheuer, a leading member of the co-ruling Christian Social Union, told the daily Tagesspiegel. Erdogan "is risking as a result the withdrawal of the German military". Social Democrat Niels Annen issued a similar warning. "We want to surmount these tensions but it must be clear: a permanent refusal by Turkey can lead to the

end of the German participation in the NATO mission." National daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the affair pointed to a deeper rift, just as Germany is relying on Turkey to implement a complex deal to stem the flow to the European Union of Middle Eastern asylum seekers. "With this ban, President Erdogan is once again showing his true colours," it said. "Turkey and Germany are both members of NATO but it has been a long time since there has been an alliance of values between Merkel and Erdogan."

Nor Or, July 14, 2016, No. 28_N.O. Blank 7/13/16 2:41 PM Page 7

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 14 ÚáõÉÇë 2016

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