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Nor Or, July 21, 2016, No. 29_N.O. Blank 7/20/16 4:40 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 29, Thursday, July 21, 2016

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Nor Or, July 21, 2016, No. 29_N.O. Blank 7/20/16 4:40 PM Page 2


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Nor Or, July 21, 2016, No. 29_N.O. Blank 7/20/16 4:40 PM Page 5

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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on August 4 and 11, 2016. Publication will resume with issue No 31 dated August 18, 2016. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

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NOR OR ENG. July 21:Layout 1 7/20/16 3:02 PM Page 1

Thursday, July 21, 2016 Vol. 94, # 29


Kerry warns Turkey about possible loss of membership in NATO

Donald Trump is official US presidential candidate from Republicans

Most of the congress delegates from the U.S. Republican Party voted for Donald Trump's nomination as a presidential candidate, Reuters reported. Donald Trump who is officially approved as the U.S. presidential candidate is the only one from the Republicans. All his rivals have left the pre-election race even during primaries. At the congress which began on July 18 and will last for four days Trump's opponents from the Republicans were trying to achieve change of rules of vote not to allow him be a candidate. However, the national committee of Republicans ignored this protest. Trump chose Indiana Governor Mike Pence as a candidate for vice-president on July 15. According to Reuters, Pence's candidacy caused a positive reaction in the energy sector of the U.S and discontent among environmentalists. Both sides noted that the politician is a defender of the national coal-mining industry and the opponent of plans of the American president Obama for fight against climate change.

Greece urges Turkey to withdraw troops from Cyprus Greece will never become reconciled with the invasion of Cyprus by Turkey and demands from Turkey to withdraw the occupying forces from that territory , said the Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias . "Today is the 42th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. It was proceeded with the continuing illegal Turkish occupation of more than a third of the territory of Cyprus, a country that is a member of the UN and the EU , " said the statement. Kotzias expects that there will be a fairly strong , universally acceptable decision of the Cyprus issue based the UN resolutions. As earlier reported, the Turkish troops invaded the north of Cyprus and occupied 37 percent of the territory on the night of July 20 to 21 of 1974. In 1983, the occupied territory was declared the Turkish Republic of the Northern Cyprus which is recognized only by Turkey. Since 1975, the UN Secretary General performs his Good offices mission in Cyprus, which aims to influence the Greek and Turkish communities of the island to cooperate in the context of negotiations on the settlement of the Cyprus problem.

Armenia National Security Service: Law enforcement continues talks with armed group YEREVAN. – The Republic of Armenia National Security Service (RA NSS) on Tuesday issued a statement on the latest situation in connection with the recent armed attack on a police station in capital city Yerevan. “At this time, representatives of the RA law enforcement agencies continue conducting intensive negotiations with members of the armed group, with the objective of organizing their surrendering to the authorities and releasing the hostages, without carrying out special operations. “The RA law enforcement agencies are doing everything possible to keep the armed group away from new bloodshed, and they have sufficient capacity and capability to carry out the tasks set before them,” the NSS statement specifically reads. A group of armed men stormed into a

Yerevan police regiment, on early morning on July 17, and took several police officers hostage. Deputy regiment commander Artur Vanoyan was killed, and four other police officers plus one of the attackers were wounded during the ensuing gunfire exchange. Negotiations are still underway to release all hostages and end the armed resistance. The gunmen demand the release of Jirair Sefilian, an imprisoned radical opposition activist. – Police clashed with the citizens in one of Yerevan districts, not far from the police headquarters that are seized by an armed group. Three police officers were injured, said the officers guarding the territory near the seized police station. According to police reports, some people tried to find the way into the guarded territory. They started throwing stones and other objects at the police officers.

State Department: US strongly condemns use of violence to effect political change in Armenia The US strongly condemns the use of violence to effect political change in Armenia, and encourages Armenian authorities to handle the situation with appropriate restraint. Mark Toner, Deputy Spokesperson of the US Department of State, noted the aforesaid at Tuesday’s press briefing, as he commented on the seizure of a police station in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. In his words, Washington believes that the use of force to solve political problems is unacceptable, and that changes should be made in a democratic way. A group of armed men stormed into a Yerevan police regiment, on early morning

on July 17, and took several police officers hostage. Deputy regiment commander Artur Vanoyan was killed, and four other police officers plus one of the attackers were wounded during the ensuing gunfire exchange. Negotiations are still underway to release all hostages and end the armed resistance. The gunmen demand the release of Jirair Sefilian, an imprisoned radical opposition activist. Several hours after the seizure of the police station, however, the law enforcement began detaining people. Numeous activists reported about the use of violence by police.

“Armenia should understand that NATO will further enlarge toward East” YEREVAN. – Sooner or later, NATO will further enlarge toward the East, and the Republic of Armenia (RA) needs to realize this, political scientist Ruben Mehrabyan told reporters at a discussion on Tuesday. “NATO is strengthening its infrastructure in the East, and this means that, with time, it will be ready to accept new countries,” added Mehrabyan. “The idea of Eu-

ropean unification will end in the post-Soviet expanse. “[But] Armenia does not want to understand this irreversible course of history which has no alternative. Armenia, on the contrary, has declared war on history, and it serves the interests of Russia (…). The RA authorities have turned into the agents of Russia, and they don’t understand that NATO’s doors are open.”

Turkey’s actions of breaking democratic principles can lead to the fact that the country will lose membership in NATO, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated. During a joint press conference with the head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini, Kerry said that the U.S. is on the side of the elected leadership of Turkey, The Independent reported. Nevertheless, he stressed that the U.S. urges the Turkish government to support the highest standards of respect for the country's democratic institutions and the rule of law. The U.S. Secretary of State noted that they will certainly support bringing the coup perpetrators to justice, but they also warn against what is beyond it.

The Armenian Rights Watch committee condems the use of force Policing authorities in Armenia, once more, have brought our national dignity to the precipice of this unsavory abyss. Reports of Armenian riot police dragging Armenian citizens through the streets; evidence of Armenian officers beating detained protestors; and images of teams of armed police pounding protesters to the pavement of the very streets that the Armenian citizen liberated only a quarter century ago is an unbecoming reminder of just how unbridled the use of force has become in the hands of the ruling authorities. Genuine respect for the rule of law will require much more than simply the passage of time. Citizens in Armenia took to the streets after the siege of the Erebuni police station three days ago, many urging the authorities to exercise restraint in resolving the standoff. Clearly there is much percolating just beneath the surface of Armenian civil society. The Erebuni standoff itself suggests that, in some circles, there is even desperation. That said, it is the unhinged handling of peaceful protesters by policing authorities that concerns ARWC most acutely here. In democratic societies, calls for change are intended to find voice—indeed peaceful outlet and political effect—through the electoral process. However, in societies victim to widespread electoral fraud—as in the case of Armenia during the 2013 presidential election, the 2015 constitutional refCont. on p.9

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 21, 2016

Samuel Armen debuts novel at Abril Bookstore By Tenny Minassian Samuel Armen, a New York educator and author, presented his debut novel Within a Diminishing Caricature on Friday, July 15th, at the historic Abril Bookstore in Glendale, California. Born in Gyumri, Armenia, just prior to the Gyumri-Spitak earthquake in 1988, Armen was orphaned. He was brought to America by a series of kind hearts, where he was adopted into an Armenian-American family. Armen’s book tells the story of the last three years of the young protagonist’s life, prior to committing suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds, according to the Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE) organization. “I have to admit, when I read the flyer about Samuel Armen and Friday night's event I decided to attend because I was impressed and intrigued about his background and I wanted to meet him, hear him speak and read his book. I was very impressed how he presented his book. He has chosen a difficult subject, as he mentioned the book is a psychosocial adventure. Story of one's death,” said Glendale resident Tamar Amirian. Armen’s debut novel attracted a group, diverse in age and gender, to Abril bookstore.

“As you know, most of the Armenian books here deal with the genocide, so it’s always refreshing in a way to get a book that has a different subject and we like to encourage young authors. I like the style of it the energy of it, and a lot of young people go through similar things and it’s not talked about. I think even having something like that in our bookstore is important. It’s like an experience of us, growing up here, something that we can relate to,”

said Abril bookstore owner Arno Yeretzian. Armen wrote the book after searching for his own identity, trying to understand what makes life livable. After struggling with this question, he came up with two of his own; How much is a life’s worth? What is the cost of a human’s life? These are the questions that guide the novel. After researching suicide, and studying Adoloscent Pschology as part of his Master’s work, Armen continued to write this book. Believing that depression, mania, and suicide are mostly preventable by addressing hopelessness on an individual level, Armen says learning how to instill the feelings of hope and self-worth is a key approach to combatting suicide. Armen acknowledges the small percentage of suicides that are Physician-Assisted. “I’m all for the Dr. Kevorkian approach where if you are unable to walk, breath properly and your entire being is hurting, then I’m 100 percent for euthanasia in that sort of regard, but that is all. That is the absolute limit,” said Armen. Armen recalls the recent words shared with him by one of his readers. “ ‘What you wrote gave words to some of my thoughts and it is comforting to know I’m not alone’. That is a bull’s-eye for me; for feeling that welcoming - you’re worth something, and that’s one of the main reasons why I wrote the book,” said Armen.

Press release: Syrian Armenian Relief Fund - "SARF" A few months ago, many of you here in the United States, and particularly in southern California, participated in a successful telethon, the proceeds of which were earmarked to help our brethren in Syria and those taking refuge in Armenia overcome the burdens of a brutal war that has so far lasted for more than 5 years. The Board of Directors of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund "SARF" is hereby sharing with its supporters the results of the February 21, 2016 Telethon, during which we raised $1,210,830. Aggregate broadcast expenses were $216,461, and we still have $40,715 receivable from pledges made during the telethon. Although the bulk of the money is allocated for Armenians living in Syria, we have transferred $50,000 as housing subsidy to more than 16,000 Syrian Armenian refugees who have taken refuge in Armenia. This contribution is being channeled

through Ani/Narod Charitable Organization and OXFAM Armenia. Regrettably the situation in Syria, in particular Aleppo, is still very dire and far from a peaceful settlement. Injuries, fatalities and property loss occur daily, necessitating financial support to our folks more than ever. SARF leadership continues to be in touch with leaders inside Aleppo on an ongoing basis to inquire about the situation on the ground as well as to discuss arising needs. Syrian Armenian Relief Fund once again thanks its supporters in the United States for their contributions to relieve the pain and suffering of Armenians in Syria. We humbly ask that you continue to support them as they all are in dire circumstances. Your donations can be mailed to SARF P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91209.

British foreign secretary’s ancestor among righteous turks Great-Grandfather Ali Kemal Denounced the Armenian Genocide

Ali Kemal and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. WASHINGTON, D.C. - The newly-appointed British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is famous for his tenure as mayor of London, his colorful personality, and the leader of the Brexit campaign in the June referendum. Far less known was his personal background reflecting a wide mix of the British ethnic heritage, including a Turkish ancestor, Ali Kemal, who truly distinguished himself as one of the bravest voices opposed to the leaders perpetrating the 1915-1923 Armenian Genocide and was brutally assassinated by racist forces in 1922, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) reported. In 1909, for fear of his life as a journalist, Ali Kemal fled to England in exile with his wife Winifred and his daughter. But, shortly after giving birth to a son at Bournemouth, Dorset, his wife passed away from puerperal fever. A few years later in 1912, he returned to the Ottoman Empire and married again with Sabiha Hanim, the daughter of an Ottoman pasha. Ali Kemal's children from his first wife, still living in England, adopted their maternal grandmother's maiden name of Johnson. Ali Kemal's son, originally named Osman, later began to use his middle name of Wilfred as his first name, and is the grandfather of Boris Johnson. Johnson's great-grandfather Ali Kemal happens to be the most significant Turkish critic of the annihilationist policies of the Ottoman state. Ali Kemal was a journalist and public speaker, who even had a short stint as minister in the post-war Ottoman cabinet in 1919. Dr. Vahakn Dadrian, whose numerous publications have revealed the breadth of German and Ottoman evidence on the Armenian Genocide, provided a compelling description of Ali Kemal's role in Young Turk era politics. Ali Kemal was a proponent of liberal ideas that were suppressed by both the Young Turk extremists and Turkish Nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal. Ali Kemal, with a passion unequalled by any Turk, condemned the genocide against the Armenians and inveighed against the Ittihadist chieftains as the authors of that crime, relentlessly demanding their prosecution and punishment. In line with this attitude he campaigned also against the Kemalist movement which then was being propped up by the clandestine partisans of the defunct Ittihad. He was kidnapped from a barber shop at Tokatlyan Hotel in Istanbul, and was being carried to the Asiatic side of the city by a motor boat en route to Ankara for a trial on charges of

treason. The party was intercepted, however, at Ismit by General Nureddin, then Commander of the First Army which was aligned with Mustafa Kemal. Ali Kemal was lynched by a mob set up by the General. His head was smashed by cudgels and he was stoned to death. As described by Nureddin personally to Dr. Riza Nur, who with Ismet (Inonu) was on his way to Lausanne to negotiate peace with the Allies, "his blood-covered body was subsequently hanged with an epitaph across his cheat which read, "Artin Kemal.'" Through the bestowal of an improvised Armenian name to the victim, a blue-blooded Turk, was thus administered the supreme indignity of depiction as a member of a despised nation. Historically reviled in Turkey as a traitor, attempts were made to revisit Ali Kemal's legacy with the rise of Boris Johnson to prominence. He was recast as a dissident and advocate of minority rights. In 2004, the Turkish Journalists' Association listed Ali Kemal among the martyred journalists of the Republic of Turkey. That list was soon augmented by Hrant Dink, who was assassinated in 2007 for encouraging Turks to reconcile with the Armenian Genocide and whose murder investigations are still not closed because of clear official complicity. In 2011, the Turkish Journalists' Association added 10 names of Armenian journalists who were killed in 1915, including Krikor Zohrab, a prominent writer and lawyer who was a sitting deputy in the Ottoman parliament at the time of his execution. Kemal Ali was remembered by Armenians and mainstream historians as an extraordinary person who was truly one of the most righteous and brave Turkish notables during and after the Armenian Genocide era; the linkage to the new Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, Boris Johnson is remarkable.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 21, 2016


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

123 - Ekin Deligöz By Hambersom Aghbashian

Cem Ozdemir and Ekin Deligoz of the German Greens, both of whom are of Turkish origin, laid a wreath at the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan during a visit to the Armenian capital on 12 March 2015

Ekin Deligöz (born on 21 April 1971 in Tokat, Turkey) is a Turkish-German politician, member of Alliance '90/The Greens. She currently serves as a member of the German Bundestag. Ekin's family moved to West Germany in 1979. She attended school in Weißenhorn and afterwards partook in Administrative Studies in Konstanz and Vienna earning a degree in 1998. In February 1997, she acquired German citizenship. Deligöz joined the Greens as a student member and belonged to the Bavaria chapter of the Greens' youth organization. She entered the Bundestag in 1998, and was re-elected in 2002, 2005 and 2009. In 2009, she was appointed deputy spokesperson of her party's parliamentary group. Deligöz was re-elected following the 2013 election of Bundestag. She is a member of the Budget Committee and as deputy chairwoman of the Audit Committee, she serves as her parliamentary group's rapporteur on the budgets of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and

Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Office of the Federal President. Ekin Deligöz is married with two children. On April 6, 2015, German newspaper Tagesspiegel published an article analyzing Germany’s position on the Armenian Genocide, questioning “why would the term ‘Genocide’ disappear from the coalition’s petition?”, and it mentioned that the “Great coalition does not want to collide with Erdogan”. Co-authors Cordula Eubel and Hans Monnat confirmed that "ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) and Social Democrats (SPD) avoid using the term ‘Genocide’ in the Bundestag. Apparently, they are afraid of a conflict with Turkey, which denies the fact of the Genocide,” . The newspaper added that “Co-chairman of Alliance ’90/The Greens Cem Ozdemir considers the attitude of German coalition towards Turkey and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to be unacceptable. At the end the authors mentioned that Ozdemir also reminds of Germany’s complicity in the implementation of the Armenian Genocide, and they added that "Osdemir along with his fellow party member Ekin Deligoz has recently visited Ar-

menia and stated that April 24 was worth a visit by Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. (1) "en.qantara.de", published an article in April 2015 by Ceyda Nurtsch about the German Empire and the Armenian genocide titled "Turning a blind eye", where it wrote about a book published by Jurgen Gottschlich, who was long based in Istanbul as correspondent for the German daily newspaper "taz", and has contributed to scholarly research on the topic. His book "Accessory to genocide: Germany's role in the annihilation of the Armenians" was published in February 2015. Drawing mostly on German archive material, Gottschlich sheded light on this hitherto largely unknown chapter of the history of German diplomacy. "Few Germans are likely to be familiar with this chapter of German history," said the author at the launch of his book in Berlin. "For many, German-Turkish relations begin with the arrival of migrant workers in the 1960s. Hardly anyone knows that the German Empire was at the time involved in Turkey politically and militarily, and thus aided and abetted the genocide." Ceyda Nurtsch continued her article about the developments of the Armenian Genocide issue and mentioned that "To the surprise of many, German President Joachim Gauck condemned the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces a century ago as "genocide", " and added that "Cem Ozdemir and Ekin Deligoz of the German Greens, both of whom are of Turkish origin, laid a wreath at the Genocide Memorial in Yerevan during a visit to the Armenian capital on 12 March 2015." (2) According to "RT", June 11, 2016, "Eleven German MPs of Turkish descent, who voted for recognition of the Armenian genocide, have reportedly received a travel warning from the German Foreign Ministry. They were told not to visit Turkey –

Armenian Assembly of America co-chairs advance key priorities in D.C. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, Armenian Assembly of America Board of Trustees CoChairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian, having returned from an official visit to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, held a series of meetings with senior White House officials to discuss ongoing developments in the region. During their meetings at the National Security Council and

the State Department, the CoChairs raised the Assembly's ongoing concerns regarding Azerbaijan's war in April against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh and the barbaric attacks against civilians. "As long as Azerbaijan continues its intransigence and attacks innocent civilians, there can be no lasting resolution," stated the Assembly Co-Chairs. "Despite the incredible chal-

lenges, the people of Nagorno Karabakh continue to flourish and stand strong. They deserve our support, and any solution to the conflict must include them because they are the ones directly threatened and have to live with the consequences," the Co-Chairs added. Additional concerns were raised with respect to the treatment of minority communities in Turkey as well as the confis-

to exercise civil disobedience. The role of the police during peaceful public protest is not to curtail the right to assembly, it is not to silence the voices of the protestors and it certainly is not to beat its citizens into submission. The role of policing authorities is to protect the peace—and, yes, even to protect the peaceful protestors themselves, regardless of their political message. The last three days in Armenia have evidenced an unabashed escalation by policing authorities in the use of violence and brutality against peaceful protesters. The ARWC vehemently condemns these actions, urges prosecuting authorities to investigate violations of civil and human rights by policing authorities and encourages monitors on the ground to continue to document

1!http://armeniangenocide100.org/en /tagsspiegel-armenian-genociderecognition-bundestag/ 2.https://en.qantara.de/content/theg e r m a n - e m p i re - a n d - t h e - a r m e n i a n genocide-turning-a-blind-eye 3.http://www.newsjs.com/url.php?p= https://www.rt.com/news/346215-german-lawmakers-turkey-warning/

Upcoming Events cation of the Armenian church in Diyarbakir. The Assembly Co-Chairs also stressed the need for U.S. assistance to help the growing refugee population in Armenia, additional aid to Nagorno Karabakh to help in the aftermath of the war, and U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide which will help U.S. credibility in the region. !

The Armenian Rights Watch committee condems the use of force erendum and a myriad of local and municipal elections in between—the voice of democratic society is muzzled. In fact, it is silenced altogether, making public protest alone the natural expression of discontent within civil society. But for regimes sustained by the trampling of the electoral voice of its people, the impetus to do the same to their citizens assembled for political expression is almost unavoidable. We are here now—not because of radicalism or happenstance—but because of years of institutionalized insult to the rule of law. That said, we must again warn ruling authorities in Armenia that, where public protest is peaceful, there is no place for the circumscription of the people's right to assemble, to express political opinion or even

or face safety risks there. Eleven MPs of Turkish descent voted for a landmark resolution, sparking a barrage of accusations and threats from Turkey. Almost immediately after the vote, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the lawmakers’ blood must be tested in a lab for “Turkishness,” labeling them “the long arm of the separatist terrorists placed in Germany.” The resolution, titled “Remembrance and commemoration of the genocide of Armenians and other Christian minorities in the years 1915 and 1916,” received overwhelming support from the CDU and Social Democrats, as well as the opposition Greens. Ekin Deligöz is one of the Turkish descent Bundestag members who voted for the resolution and received many threats. (3)

Cont. from p.7

violations for use in criminal prosecutions. That ruling authorities have not yet learned that brutality is not a proper tool in the protection of citizens during peaceful protests is either the upshot of an absolute obliviousness to the progress of civil and human rights in this century or the untempered untouchability of a ruling regime increasingly emboldened by an army of NGOs and diasporan organizations that do know better but choose to look the other way. Either way, it is the Armenian citizen who is left staring into the abyss of a trampled civil society. ARMENIAN RIGHTS WATCH COMMITTEE - ARWC ARMENIAN BAR ASSOCIATION

The Greatest Escape Motorcycle Ride What: A motorcycle ride to raise funds and awareness of the rare cancer, Mesothelioma, presented by the non-profit organization Pacific Mesothelioma Center. When: Sunday, July 24th - Registration at 8:30 am, ride begins at 10 am. Where: Start location - 3717 San Fernando Rd., Glendale End location - Newcomb's Ranch Angeles Crest Highway 2, La Canada Fee: $40 for Riders & $30 for Passengers by 7/22/16 $45 for Riders & $35 for Passengers On-Site (includes ride pin, bandanna, BBQ lunch, entertainment and parking) $25 for Non-Riders (includes BBQ lunch, entertainment and parking) Children under 12 are FREE http://www.thegreatestescape.org/registration.html

Element Band Live Concert What: A debut of the latest album by the acoustic Armenian group, Element Band. When: Sunday, July 31st at 7:30 pm Where: Ford Theatres 2580 Cahuenga Blvd East, Hollywood, CA 90068 Fee: Tickets available for $28, $38, or $48. Stacked parking available for $5. http://artharoutioun.com/elementband/ http://fordtheatres.org/en/events/details/id/1028

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