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Nor Or July 28, 2016, No. 30_N.O. Blank 7/27/16 4:19 PM Page 1


Vol. 94, # 30, Thursday, July 28, 2016

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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on August 4 and 11, 2016. Publication will resume with issue No 31 dated August 18, 2016. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.


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Nor Or July 28, 2016, No. 30_N.O. Blank 7/27/16 4:19 PM Page 2


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Thursday, July 28, 2016 Vol. 94, # 30


Hillary Clinton makes history Democrats on Tuesday made Hillary Clinton the first woman to head a major party ticket and during an emotional night, her family and supporters asked voters to give her a second look. At the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, just three miles from Independence Hall where the nation was born, a sense of history is palpable as is Clinton's willingness to finally enjoy it. "What an incredible honor that you have given me, and I can't believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet," Clinton said via satellite after a video montage showed the faces of all 44 male presidents before shattering like glass to reveal Clinton waiting to address the convention from New York. - Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton named Virginia senator Tim Kaine as her running mate. Kaine, 58, is a former governor of Virginia, he is a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The expert believe that with working-class roots and a fluency in Spanish, Kaine will help Clinton secure victory over Donald Trump, The New York Times reported.

Egypt MPs call on parliament to recognise Armenian genocide A request submitted by independent MP Mostafa Bakri has called on parliament and the government to recognise the the death of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman state in 1915 as a 'genocide'. Independent Egyptian MP Mostafa Bakri said that he and 336 MPs have called on parliament to approve a draft resolution in favour of recognising the death of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman state in 1915 as a "genocide." "Parliament must hold a special session on this subject because it was a crime of mass extermination that should be condemned by all world parliaments," said Bakri. Talaat Khalil, an MP who supported

Bakri's draft resolution, told reporters that genocide should be condemned by all world governments and parliaments. "Egypt has always been a shelter for the Armenians since the 1915 massacre," said Khalil, arguing that "out of its political responsibility, Egypt’s parliament must move to recognise the [genocide] against Armenians."

Around the world Deadly IS blast rocks Kurdish city of Qamishli On Wednesday, forty-four people have been killed in a massive bombing in the Kurdish-controlled city of Qamishli in north-east Syria, Syrian state TV reports. The blast was caused by a truck bomb which struck near a Kurdish security headquarters, according to a UK-based monitoring group. So-called Islamic State (IS) has said it was behind the attack, in Hassakeh province, near the border with Turkey. IS has previously carried out bombings against Kurds in the area. A Kurdish-dominated militia, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), backed by air strikes from the US-led coalition, is spearheading the battle against IS in northern Syria.

Pope Francis warns world 'is at war' after Europe attacks Pope Francis has warned that a recent wave of jihadist attacks in Europe is proof that "the world is at war". However, he stressed he did not mean a war of religions, but rather a conflict over

"interests, money, resources". He was speaking ahead of his visit to Poland to reporters seeking his comments on the murder of a Catholic priest by French jihadists on Tuesday. Father Jacques Hamel was killed at a morning mass in his church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, northern France. The killing was the latest of a spate of attacks carried out in France and Germany over the past few days and weeks, many of them attributed to Islamist militants.

Turkey coup attempt: Nearly 9,000 soldiers joined plot Turkey says 8,651 members, or 1.5%, of the nation's armed forces took part in the failed coup on 15 July. Military officials also revealed that the plotters had 35 planes, 37 helicopters, 74 tanks and three ships. Meanwhile, detention warrants have been issued for 47 journalists as part of a crackdown that has already resulted in detentions of nearly 16,000 people. The government says USbased cleric Fethullah Gulen was behind the army-led attempted coup - a claim he denies.

Day 11: Situation in Yerevan’s Khorenatsi street was not calm at night, there are wounded YEREVAN. - More than 240 hours have passed since the incident in Yerevan’s Khorentasi street, where the armed group has seized the Armenian police regiment. However, yesterday evening and at night heated incidents took place there. - In Khorenatsi street the police, who were continuously detaining people, have arrested the Canadian actress Arsinee Khanjian , the wife of a famous film director Atom Egoyan. - Taking medical workers hostage is an unprecedented phenomenon in Armenia, Deputy Health Minister Vahan Poghosyan told journalists Wednesday, referring to hostage-taking of four doctors by the armed group seizing the Erebuni police station. - The police had issued a statement warning the protestors to change the place of their rally from Khorentasi street. However, the rally took place there. Alec Yenikomshian, Heritage Party Leader Raffi Hovannisian, President of the Union for National Self-Determination (UNSD), songwriter Ruben Hakhverdyan, political analyst Andrias ghukasyan, Heritage Party member Savit Sansaryan, Hayazn Party representative Armen Hovhannisyan and Gyumri’s Aparez Journalists’ Club President Levon Barseghyan spoke at the rally. Afterwards the protestors gathered in Khorentsi street launched a march along Yerevan streets to the police and National Security Service buildings. The number of the police was unprecedentedly large in the street. Later spokesperson for the police, Ashot Aharonyan, wrote on his Facebook page that a shootout had taken place, as a result of which a law enforcement officer, as well as the Sasna Tsrer armed group members Pavel Manukyan and his son Aram were wounded. All three have been hospitalized. “The shootout has stopped at the moment; negotiations are underway for completing the process of the surrender of the armed group members,” Aharonyan wrote. For its part, Sansa Tsrer armed group announced that “the police attacked the territory of the regiment; Pavel Manukyan, Aram Manukyan, Gevorg Iritsyan and probably other members of the group have

been wounded. The police have taken Pavel, Aram, Gagik Yeghiazaryan and one more member of the group.” At night the police detained numerous citizens in Khorenatsi street. Gyumri’s Asparez Journalists’ Club President Levon Barseghyan is among them. The task force police officers have torn away the poster installed in the street, which required Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation. Later Yerevan’s Erebuni hospital representatives informed that Pavel Manukyan and his son have been operated on. Their condition is critical, their life being endangered - The demonstrators gathered in Yerevan’s Khorenatsi street have launched a march along Yerevan streets. According to the organizers, the march will pass by the police and National Security Service (NSS) buildings, Armenian News - NEWS.am correspondent reports. The route has been announced by the political analyst Andrias Ghukasyan. In his words, the demonstrators will pass along Nar-Dos and Charents streets, then move to the Republic Square via Nalbandyan street and return to Khorenatsi street. Although the police had issued a statement requiring the demonstrators to change the place of their rally, quite a lot of people take part in it and the ensuing march. - Gagik Yeghiazaryan and Aram Hakobyan, two members of the armed group seizing the police regiment in Yerevan since July 17,have surrendered to the law enforcement authorities, spokesperson for the police, Ashot Aharonyan informs. In his words, a shootout took place, as a result of which a law enforcement officer, as well as the Sasna Tsrer armed group members Pavel Manukyan and his son Aram were wounded. All three have been hospitalized. Son of “Sasna Tsrer” member Pavel Manukyan has been arrested. Pavel Manukyan and his son Aram, members of the group that has been seizing the police regiment in Yerevan, are at Erebuni hospital. The father and son are charged with seizure of building and transport as well as illegal possession of weapons. News.am

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 28, 2016

Erdogan’s “Inner Stalin”

Prof. K.Erzingatsian was conferred an Honourary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland In recognition of his great contribution to surgery Professor Krikor Erzingatsian was conferred an Honourary Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, the highest honour this College has to offer. Great philanthropist Professor Erzingatsian has devoted his life to improving healthcare, to the education, training and mentoring of surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa. He was born in Ethiopia, in an Armenian family that had fled the Armenian Genocide. His secondary education was in North Wales, then he entered Medical School in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1963. During this time he won several prizes and undertook Higher Surgical Training in several hospitals in Dublin. Following surgical training in Ireland he returned to Africa where he spent most of his clinical career as a surgeon in Lusaka, Zambia. He held a number of key administrative posts and was appointed Professor of Surgery in the University of Zambia in 1999. He was also President of the Surgical Society of Zambia. His educational activities during this time are too numerous to mention but the thematic approach was to promote and advance the cause of surgery and surgical training in East, Central and Southern Africa. He has published extensively in topics very relevant to the local delivery of surgical practice including the importance of local anaesthesia and ketamine, the management of sepsis and trauma and also a recognition of the cancer burden in Africa. Professor Erzingatsian then entered into a remarkable new phase in his career.

The recognition of the need for a normal structure of surgical training in Africa resulted in the creation of the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA). Professor Erzingatsian was a driving force behind the creation of this College. He is the longest serving member of its Council and was its Vice-President, President and now is Registrar. His tireless energy helped nurture the young College and achieve success. For his great contribution to the rapid development of the College, Professor Erzingatsian was awarded an Honourary Fellowship of COSECSA in 2012. Thanks to the efforts of Professor Erzingatsian, the COSECSA started a deep collaboration with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 2007. It provides for staffing and resources, curricula, educational tools, accreditation and quality assurance processes. During the last number of years, a professional secretariat has been put in place, great numbert of surgical trainers have received training, a mobile skills training unit has been delivered and an Africa-centric surgical e-learning platform has been established along with a bespoke electronic logbook and a database of every surgeon in the region. There has been a very substantial increase in the number of surgeons trained across the region, along with nonphysicians, who have been trained in basic surgical techniques, in rural Zimbabwe, Zambia and Rwanda. Professor Erzingatsian goes to Armenia on a regular basis to do charitable surgical work.

Erdogan’s “inner Stalin” is unleashed. After last week’s failed coup attempt, Erdogan warned: “This latest action is an action of treason, and they will have pay heavily for that.” “This move is a great favor from God. Why? Because it will allow us to [purge] the armed forces, which need to be completely cleansed.” Erdogan is turning Turkey into a giant gulag. In the past 5 days, 50,000 military officials, police, judges, journalists, governors and civil servants have been detained, suspended, or fired. People are being arrested and jailed with no legal authority. Their whereabouts unknown. Every university dean - more than 1,500 - have been forced to resign; 15,000 educators have been suspended. People are prevented from leaving the country. No one with an official passport can travel. Employees at state institutions need special permission. Progressives and “oppositionists” are at-risk. Background checks are underway to investigate their ties to Fethullah Gulen, the Pennsylvania-based preacher who Erdogan accuses of plotting the coup. There is no end in sight. Erdogan declared a three-month state of emergency. The Obama administration rightly condemned the coup. Takeover by the military is not the path to democracy. Now US officials are speaking out against purges in Turkey, but they have little leverage. Secretary of State John Kerry warned, “There must be no arbitrary purges, no criminal sanctions outside the framework of the rule of law and the justice system.” Kerry said NATO would “measure” Turkey’s actions. “NATO also has a requirement with respect to democracy.” He raised the possibility of reviewing Turkey’s NATO membership. When Erdogan suggested Turkey might reinstate the death penalty, which it abolished in 2004, EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, cautioned: “No country can become a partner state if it introduces the death penalty.” She added, “We call for the full observance of Turkey’s constitutional order and we...stress the importance of the rule of law. We need to have Turkey

respect democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Mogherini’s warning has apparently fallen on deaf ears. Coup plotters are being tortured and paraded on television. Erdogan threatened to hang those involved in the coup. A young soldier was beheaded, his execution broadcast on social media. It is unknowable how many others have been tortured or killed. The fact of the matter: Erdogan could care less what is said. Exposing Erdogan’s corruption is the only way to influence his conduct. Reza Zarrab, a dual Turkish-Iranian national with close ties to Erdogan, was arrested at the Miami International in May. The US attorney in charge of prosecuting the case, Preet Bharara, has promised to expose Zarrab’s money laundering and gold sales, which sought to evade sanctions on Iran. Zarrab may testify against Erdogan, his son Bilal, and Erdogan’s inner circle. The US attorney should quickly publish Zarrab’s indictment, naming beneficiaries of his crooked business. After the indictment is unsealed, the US should impose sanctions on everyone implicated in the indictment. It should freeze their overseas assets and ban their travel and the travel of their family members. History teaches us that dictators ignore toothless warnings. Hitler and Mussolini were democratically elected, like Erdogan. They were oblivious to international pressure. Criminal indictments for corruption and targeted smart sanctions are the only available tools to mitigate Erdogan’s sweeping crackdown. Mr. Phillips is Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. He served as a Senior adviser and Foreign Affairs Expert to the US Department of State during the administrations of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

David L. Phillips Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights, Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Right “The World Post”

Armenian Assembly Supports High School Education on the Armenian Genocide By Mihran Toumajan, Western Region Bureau Chief CARSON, CA – On July 19, Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Board of Trustees Member Lisa Kalustian and Western Region Director Mihran Toumajan participated in a seminar hosted by the Los Angeles chapter of Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO), in partnership with the Dominguez Hills International Studies Project (DHISP), entitled “The Armenian Genocide and International Justice.” The workshop was designed for high school teachers to include the Armenian Genocide in their curricula. Under the leadership and professional instruction of FHAO Associate Program Director Mary Robinson Hendra, teachers of History, Social Studies, Government/Civics, Human Rights, and English Language Arts were able to learn about the “systematic murder of over one million Armenians, and the role of justice and judgement in the aftermath of

such an atrocity.” The educators, in turn, will share their acquired knowledge and teaching techniques on the Armenian Genocide with high school students throughout southern California. “Thanks to the generous invitation of FHAO Los Angeles Director Liz Vogel and the meticulously prepared presentations by Mary Robinson Hendra, Mihran and I were pleased to witness the impactful and grassrootsoriented work conducted by FHAO, aimed at educating educators on past and present cases of genocide, atrocity crimes, prejudice, and bigotry while imparting effective strategies in preventing and combating the recurrence of such horrors in the age of digital media,” stated Kalustian. The three-day seminar, which took place between July 18-20, was held on the California State University, Dominguez Hills campus in Carson, California. The first day of the seminar

L to R Mihran Toumajan, Nicole Selig, Mary Robinson Hendra, and Lisa Kalustian. featured a video welcome by Dr. Taner Akçam, the Robert Aram, Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University, as well as an historical overview of the Armenian Genocide by Dr. Richard Hovannisian, Armenian Educational Foundation Professor Emeritus of Modern Armenian History at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Subjects covered during the first day of the workshop include topics on identity and history, the significance of denialist memory, the meaning of justice, and the development of an “us and them” political dynamic in the Ottoman Turkish Empire, that ultimately resulted into genocide. The second day of the seminar had innovative and interactive sessions such as the “Rise of the

Young Turks,” “Survivor Voices,” and a range of responses to the Armenian Genocide by executioners, eyewitnesses, and righteous rescuers. Instructional themes on the third and final day of the seminar focused on case studies of humanitarian intervention during the Armenian Genocide, extant and available tools to recover from and confront contemporary injustices, and educational guidelines developed by FHAO on preventing present-day atrocities. “The Armenian Assembly of America looks forward to expanding its outreach and collaboration with Facing History and Ourselves’ Los Angeles chapter and with the Dominguez Hills International Studies Project, which is part of the California International Studies Project based at San Diego State University,” added Assembly Western Region Director Toumajan. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 28, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Armenian Assembly congratulates Rep. Jackie Speier on her Armenian caucus position

124 - Yusuf Alata! By Hambersom Aghbashian Yusuf Alata! (born in 1948 in MalatyaTurkey) is a Turkish lawyer and human rights activist. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Ankara University in 1971 and began practicing immediately. After a brief experience at the Radio and Television Corporation of Turkey, he returned in 1979 to his legal career with the Ankara Bar Association. In 1980, Turkey witnessed a military coup d'Etat and martial law was declared. During the years that followed, Yusuf Alata! took various cases in Istanbul's and Ankara's Emergency Courts. In 1986, he joined the Human Rights Association IHD in order to defend the people who were subject to human rights violation during the military regime. From 1990 until today, he has been an active member of the "HD, serving successively as a Board member, Deputy Secretary General and Deputy President. He was elected President of the "HD in 2004 and served until 2008. Moreover, Yusuf Alatas was elected Vice-President of FIDH for the first time in 2007 and was re-elected in 2010 and 2013. Beside his engagement with "HD, Yusuf Alata! continued to defend opposition leaders and institutions. In 1988, he was elected to the Executive Board of the Ankara Bar Association. He was involved in several cases launched against the People’s Labor Party , a party defending the political and cultural rights of the Kurds, the Democracy Party and the People’s Democracy Party. More specifically, he was very active in the defense of Leyla Zana and four other members of the Democracy Party (DEP) arrested in 1994. He became the leader and spokesman of the 100 lawyers who participated in the hearings at the State Security Court. By submitting cases to the European Human Rights Court, Yusuf Alata! facilitated the condemnation of the Turkish government on three occasions and contributed to the release of DEP members in 2004. There have been numerous cases launched against him in ordinary courts and State Security Courts. He was judged twice before the High Criminal Court but the sentences were converted into fines. Under the title " Turks Apologize for Armenian massacres", "NBCNEWS.Com" wrote on December 15, 2008, "A group of about 200 Turkish intellectuals on Monday issued an apology on the Internet for the World War I-era massacres of Armenians in Turkey. The group of prominent academics, journalists, writers and artists avoided using the contentious term "genocide" in the apology, using the less explosive "Great Catastrophe" instead. "My conscience does not accept that (we) remain insensitive toward and deny the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected in 1915," read the apology. "I reject this injustice, share in the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers, and apologize to them." The apology is a sign that many in Turkey are ready to break a long-held taboo against acknowledging Turkish culpability for the deaths. Historians estimate that, in the last days of the Ottoman Empire, up to 1.5 million Armenians were killed by Ottoman Turks in what is widely regarded as the first genocide of the 20th century. Armenians have long pushed for the deaths to be recognized as genocide. While Turkey does not deny that many died in that era, the country has rejected the term genocide, saying the death toll is inflated and the deaths resulted from civil unrest during the Ot-

toman Empire's collapse. Yusuf Alata! is one of the Turkish intellectuals who have signed the apology statement. (1) " https://www.fidh.org" , posted on April 17, 2014 a press release titled "Armenian Genocide : discussion between two human rights defenders from Armenia and Turkey", where it was mentioned that "Artak Kirakosyan, from Armenia, and Yusuf Alatas, from Turkey, both members of the FIDH* International Board, sat down recently at FIDH headquarters in Paris to discuss the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide and the prospect for reconciliation between the two countries". It quoted Yusuf Alatas saying "Turkey has to accept that a genocide was committed on a certain population and only after that can a fair solution be discussed that will satisfy the victims, at least morally." (2) "The Armenian Genocide: 100 years on A Manifesto for Memory and Justice" is the title of a Manifesto posted on April 23, 2015 by " http://en.aravot.am". The following are some abstracts : On the eve of the centenary of the Armenian genocide, the first genocide of the twentieth century, FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) and its member organizations in Armenia, CSI (Civil Society Institute) and in Turkey, IHD (Insan Haklari Dernegi), HRFT (Human Rights Foundation of Turkey), pay tribute to the memory of its victims. The organizations adopted a manifesto, where, after a preamble it says FIDH and its member organizations in Armenia and Turkey, CSI, IHD and HRFT: Pay tribute to the victims of the Armenian genocide which haunts the memory of humanity; Salute the role of the “just” who saved Armenian lives during the genocide; Solemnly call on Turkey to officially recognise its responsibility in the crime of genocide of Armenian populations, organized and perpetrated by the Young Turk government of the Ottoman Empire;etc.. Yusuf Alatas has contributed to the drafting of the manifesto with other members. (3) According to " www.tert.am" , April 23, 2015, " Yusuf Alata!, Vice-President of the Human Rights Association of Turkey, told reporters in Yerevan on Wednesday that genocide is a combination of a number of problems – human rights, political and other ones. Turkey must take serious steps without any preconditions. Turkey’s authorities must admit the Armenian Genocide at a state level, apologize to Armenians and start looking for ways to reconciliation, he said.This is a universal problem, and other nations’ approaches are of importance. However, Turkey must take steps of its own accord. Turkey has the necessary potential, and the two nations must immediately start a dialogue. A dialogue is sure to begin because Turkish society is changing. Turkey must prepare grounds for a dialogue, which requires admission of the Armenian Genocide and opening of the borders. Each state must be able to face its own history, Mr. Alata! said. " (4) On April 6, 2015, European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) released an announcement under the head line "Armenian Genocide : Sign the international call and Remember 24 April1915" where it said (1915-2015 : Let’s commemorate the Armenian Genocide in Turkey! Europeans, Armenians and Turks join together


and Remember 24 April1915. Sign the international call : www.remember24april 1915.eu). It mentioned that the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) is leading a delegation in Istanbul, along with its Armenian European partner AGBU, and its Turkish partner Durde! and its activists who courageously organize these commemorations for 5 years now, one century after its perpetration. The initiative was supported by numerous personalities (including Charles Aznavour, Bernard Kouchner, Dario Fo, BernardHenri Lévy, Adam Michnik, Ahmet Insel, Jovan Divjak, etc..) and representatives of European civil society, who have signed an appeal. A long list of Signatories were mentioned including Yusuf Alata!. (5) According to "armenpress.am", April 23, 2015, "The Turkish human rights defender recognizes the Armenian Genocide and urges his State to apologize to the Armenians. He is confident that the Armenian Genocide is not only a problem of the politics or human rights, but also a general problem. During the press conference, the Turkish human rights defender Yusuf Alata!, who is a member of the executive board of the International Federation for Human Rights Association in Turkey, announced that his State must not call the Genocide perpetrators heroes, but condemn them. "I share the pain of the Armenians and respect the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. Our Organization and fund had recognized the Genocide long time ago and work in that direction, so that the state can follow our steps. Turkey and the International community must recognize the Armenian Genocide, to prevent such acts in the future. The organizers of the massacres of the Armenians should not be heroized but condemned," Alata! underscored. (6)

*FIDH: The International Federation for Human Rights (French: Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme) is a non-governmental federation for human rights organizations. Founded in 1922, FIDH is the second oldest international human rights organization worldwide 1!http://www.nbcnews.com/id/28240840/n s/world_news-europe/t/turks-apologizearmenian-massacres/#.V00tiuR-NnQ 2.ttps://www.fidh.org/en/region/europecentral-asia/armenia/armenian-genocidediscussion 3.http://en.aravot.am/2015/04/23/169867/ 4.http://www.tert.am/en/news/2015/04/23 /alatash/1655398 5.http://www.egam.eu/armenian-genocidesign-the-international-call-remember 24april1915/ 6.http://armenpress.am/eng/news/803006/ turqian-chi-karox-pakel-akanjnery-erbashkharhy-bxavum.html

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last week, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) met with and congratulated newly minted Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chair Representative Jackie Speier (D-CA). Rep. Speier is now one of four co-chairs serving alongside Reps. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Robert Dold (RIL) and David Valadao (R-CA). “We look forward to Congresswoman Speier’s dynamic leadership as we work to strengthen the U.S.-Armenian relationship,” stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. During the meeting, Assembly Executive Director and the 2016 TerjenianThomas intern class covered a range of issues affecting the South Caucasus region, and recalled her historic visit to Armenia to participate in the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Rep. Speier encouraged the intern class to be active members of their respective communities and to also reach out to their Members of Congress about issues they care deeply about. The Assembly delegation thanked Congresswoman Speier for her steadfast support and looks forward to future actions by the Caucus. In a statement upon her appointment, Rep. Speier told the Armenian Assembly: “As one of only two Armenian members of Congress, I couldn’t be more proud to CoChair the Congressional Armenian Caucus. I was raised to take pride in my Armenian background, and learned at an early age the rich history of our Armenian people - including the horrors my ancestors and others suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Empire as part of the Armenian Genocide. I look forward to representing Armenian Americans and all Americans in building a robust U.S.-Armenia relationship. By celebrating our strong heritage, and ensuring atrocities of the past are never forgotten, we can ensure that America and Armenia will enjoy a peaceful and prosperous future.” Also last week, the Assembly’s 2016 intern class had the opportunity to meet with newly appointed Armenian Caucus ViceChair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). In addition to Rep. Schiff, Rep. David Trott (R-MI) also serves as Vice-Chair. The Armenian Caucus has worked to strengthen the ties between the United States and Armenia and keep members engaged on Armenia-related issues. The Caucus continues to advocate for increased trade and assistance to Armenia, self-determination for Nagorno Karabakh and supporting U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

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NOR OR ENG. July 28:Layout 1 7/27/16 12:29 PM Page 4


Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 28, 2016

Erdogan has military troubles of his own, but he still defends the Ottoman army over the Armenian genocide A new book exposes the slaughter of more than a million Armenian Christians a century ago. It’s quite a volume for the Turkish president to dip into, once he’s finished purging his broken country

By Robert Fisk If Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wasn’t so busy right now trying to emasculate his 600,000-strong Turkish army, he’d be raging about the contents of a new book that – with judicious research and painfully ironic timing – has just appeared in Australia with irrefutable proof of the 1915 Armenian genocide at the hands of Turkey’s (then) 500,000-strong army. The Turkish army, in the 1914-18 war, was intimately involved in the Nazi-like persecution and slaughter of one and a half million Armenian Christians. And it neither knew nor apparently cared that Australian prisoners of war were witnesses to the greatest war crime of the conflict. But now along comes a small Australian publisher with a highly researched volume, by Vicken Babkenian and Peter Stanley, in which the reader can find the testimony of Australian and other Allied prisoners who witnessed the dispossession and mass murder of the Armenians. Some were survivors of the 1915 siege and surrender of Kut al-Amara in presentday Iraq, whose death march to prisons in Anatolia matched in brutality if not in numbers the killing of the Armenian population of Ottoman Turkey. Other Australian troops were captured at Gallipoli. Several were submariners whose vessel was seized by the Turkish navy. They were Allied servicemen, not propagandists, and their attempts to help the doomed Armenians were as brave as they were innocent. Turks who still deny the knifing, beheading, mass executions and rape of the Armenians in a deliberate campaign of genocide – and Sultan Erdogan is one of them – will find it hard to challenge these witness statements. Though he has other worries on his mind right now, Erdogan is so strong a defender of the old Ottoman army that he rearranged the date of last year’s 1915 Gallipoli commemorations to obscure the anniversary of the start of the far bloodier destruction of the Armenian people on the same day. But when he’s eventually finished destroying the army, judiciary, civil service and academic freedoms of present-day Turkey – perhaps on a subsequent, more relaxing holiday at Marmaris – Erdogan should take a look at the 324-page Armenia, Australia and the Great War. Here, for example, is Lieutenant Leslie Luscombe of the Australian 14th Battalion at Gallipoli, captured by the Turks and sent to Angora province where he saw “a sad and depressing sight” on a railway station platform: “a considerable number of Armenian women and children were huddled together” while “Turkish soldiers armed with whips” drove them onto sheep trucks “to transport them to some distant concentration camp”. Just before Luscombe’s arrival, the monks of the Armenian monastery in which he was to be held “had doubtless been liquidated”. All the Australian prisoners were housed in abandoned Armenian houses. One of Luscombe’s colleagues, Corporal George Kerr, was sent to work on the uncompleted German Taurus mountain railway and lodged on the upper floor of a house whose occupants included “60 miserable creatures” (as he recorded in his secret diary), both Armenians and Greeks. Captain Thomas White of the Australian Flying Corps, arriving under Turkish guard in the Ottoman city of Mosul (now, of course, the Isis “capital”), saw “Armenian women, reduced to beggary”, pleading for food. He was marched to the abandoned Armenian town of Tel Armen where – although a few Armenian women and children were still

present – the men were absent. After climbing a low hill, he found “36 newly made graves which spoke eloquently of what had become of the Armenian men”. White described himself as “horrified at the Turks’ handiwork”, noting later that these massacres had been “simultaneous and to order throughout the entire country”. At this time, the Armenians of Ras al-Ein (a village now in the hands of the Americanarmed YPG anti-Isis militia) were being prepared for their death march to Deir ez-Zour and White wrote of seeing “a large camp of Armenians herded together after the general round-up from their homes, and waiting to be sent on marches that had always the same ending”. After a train ride to Afion, White and others were housed in a church from which Armenian survivors had been driven to make way for them. “Their menfolk had been killed and furniture confiscated” and now “they were being turned into the street from their last possible sanctuary”. He found a burial ground of Armenians, some of whose bodies were “so close to the surface that their bones protruded”. On the British-Australian-Indian prisoners’ 2,000km death march northwards to Anatolia from Kut, two POWs discovered a well at the back of a village house filled with “the mutilated remains of the murdered Armenian women and children”. In total, 70 per cent of the British POWs who surrendered at Kut and 30 per cent of the Indians died in captivity. By September 1916, the dead Allied POWs were themselves being buried in the Armenian cemetery at Afion. At Yozgat, Allied prisoners were placed in empty Armenian houses whose owners had been “massacred” and their shops pillaged, according to engineer Captain Kenneth Yearsley. The Armenian massacres continued long into 1918 in the east of Turkey – where, to the credit of the books’ authors, they record the slaughter of Muslim villagers by Armenians – but in the north of Mesopotamia, Colonel Stanley Savige, an Australian Gallipoli veteran, and his men found themselves fighting 10-to-one against Turkish and Kurdish cavalry killing the stragglers from an Armenian refugee column. They had found them – “old men, weak and wounded women, deserted infants and crippled children” – and, under fire, pulled women and children onto their horses, leaving, “with aching hearts”, cripples and infants to their fate. Captain Robert Nichol, a New Zealander, was killed as he fought for the Armenians’ lives. As General Allenby’s victorious army surged through Palestine and into what is now Syria in 1918, they found thousands of Armenians, starving and dying, most of them women and children, up the long road from Damascus to Homs and Hama and Aleppo – a melancholy highway in today’s ghastly Syrian conflict – and then again around the Turkish city of Diyabakir. Australian cavalrymen emptied their supplies and water bottles for the Armenians. Ancient Diyabakir still existed then; much of it has now been destroyed by the present-day Turkish army (including those who plotted against Erdogan last week) in their battle against the Kurdish PKK. Quite a volume for Sultan Erdogan to dip into, then, once he’s finished purging his broken country. But I suppose he can always claim – evidence notwithstanding – that the Ottoman government wasn’t responsible for the Great War Armenian genocide on the grounds that its soldiers, like his own, simply took the law into their own hands. “Independent”, July 21, 2016

Armenian Film Society to present Garine Torossian's “Stone Time Touch” Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a screening of GARINÉ TOROSSIAN's award-winning documentary, STONE TIME TOUCH on FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. The film will be introduced by KAREN JALLATYAN. The screening will follow with a special SKYPE discussion session with director Garine Torossian who currently lives in Armenia. STONE TIME TOUCH spirals gently through the country, witness to poignant and engaging fragments of Armenian life, from the joyful and earthy celebrations of a village wedding to the sobering recollections of a genocide survivor. These are the voices of a society that is at once vi-

tally present – lively, magical, and hard; yet powerfully spiritual, wounded and scripted in stone. And everywhere the voices speak beautifully, naturally and honestly. Woven into this narrative, the insightful and poetic reflections of Arsine!e Khanjian tone the film with a satisfying philosophical energy as she confronts Armenia for the fourth time. Filmmaker Gariné Torossian is at once compassionate and probing, honoring the dignity and contradictions, and revealing the complexities of discovering and reflecting her identity. Garine! Torossian was born in 1970 in Beirut, Lebanon. She emigrated to Canada in 1979. A filmmaker and visual artist, she currently lives in Armenia. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore.

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