Nor Or August 25, 2016, No.31-32(1)._N.O. Blank 8/24/16 5:07 PM Page 1
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NOR OR ENG. August 25:Layout 1 8/23/16 11:23 PM Page 1
Thursday, August 25, 2016 Vol. 94, # 31-32
American Armenian to Head Advisory Committee for U.S. Attorney General
Servicemen of Armenia’s Armed Forces Participating in “Unbreakable Brotherhood 2016” Exercise The operative and peacekeeping unit of Armenia’s Armed Forces is participating in “Unbreakable Brotherhood 2016” exercise, which is taking place in the combined arms exercise area Obuz-Lesnovsky in Brest Oblast of Belarus, on 23-27 August. As Armenia’s Defense Ministry reports, the exercises are conducted in accordance with the joint action plan 2016 of operational and combat readiness of CSTO (Collective Security Treaty organization) management. According to the source, on August 23 Belarusian Defense Minister Andrey Ravkov, CSTO Deputy Secretary General Valeri Semerikov and other high-ranking militaries attended the opening ceremony of “Unbreakable Brotherhood 2016” exercise. As part of the exercise the CSTO collective peacekeeping forces will test the real readiness of the staffs, commanders and rank and file personnel of the peacekeeping forces to act in an aggravated crisis situation Up to 1,500 personnel representing the armies, interior troops and police of all the six CSTO member states as well as about 30 aircraft, armored vehicles and automobiles will be involved in the exercise.
60 Armenian Families Trapped in Syria's Hasakah Despite heavy fighting in the Syrian city of Hasakah, 60 Armenian families are still living in the town, Arevelk reports. Situated in the far north-eastern corner of Syria, the city was trapped in fighting between the Kurdish forces and troops loyal to President Bashar-al-Assad. As the Syrian air forces hit Kurdish positions in the city, the United States declared it will send fighter aircraft in support of the Kurdish forces. According to a source from the Syrian city of Al-Qamishli situated nearby, Armenians in Hasakah are relatively safe. However, heavy battles were staged in a number of neighborhoods where Armenians live. The source also said that those in AlQamishli are instructed to host Armenians from Hasakah should the latter decide to evacuate the city.
American Armenian Attorney Richard Hartunian, the Albany-based federal prosecutor for the Northern District of New York, was appointed Monday to lead an advisory committee on policy for U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, reported the timesunion. Hartunian, 55, who graduated Georgetown University in 1983 and Albany Law School in 1986, became vice chair of the panel in January 2015. Now he will head a panel that is tasked with establishing policies for the U.S. Department of Justice, fostering cooperation with state attorneys general and promoting consistency in the application of legal standards. “The attorney general's Advisory Committee plays an essential role in shaping the Justice Department's policies, implementing its programs, and ensuring that equal justice and the rule of law are upheld throughout the United States,” Lynch said in a statement. “As a former chair of the AGAC [i.e. the Attorney General's Advisory Committee of United States Attorneys], I know firsthand the significant duties required of the committee's leaders, and I am certain that U.S. Attorneys Richard Hartunian and Barbara McQuade are ready to assume the responsibility of chairing such an important and distinguished body.” In 2009, Hartunian was appointed New York Prosecutor by US President Barack Obama. Richard Hartunian is also a member of the Armenian Bar Association of America, and he is actively involved in the American Armenian community.
Aram I Holds Consultations on Petition for Return of Armenian Catholicosate of Sis ANTELIAS. – Catholicos Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia of the Armenian Apostolic Church held a series of consultations in Geneva, Switzerland. The consultations centered on the petition that demands the return of the historical Catholicosate of Sis of the Great House of Cilicia. On April 27, 2015, the Great House of Cilicia filed a petition with the Constitutional Court of Turkey, and demanded the return of the historic estate of the Catholicosate of Sis. The Armenian Church Catholicosate of Cilicia—in Antelias, Lebanon—informed Armenian that, during consultations, the interlocutors discussed the latest domestic developments in Turkey as well as the new conditions in relations between this country and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), and their likely impact on the Armenian Cause.
The respective future courses of action and opportunities also were conferred on at the consultations.
Ukrainian Navy Expects to Return Crimea in 2017 Ukrainian Vice Admiral and a commander of the Ukrainian Navy Ihor Voronchenko said that Ukraine can return Crimea next year, Novoe Vremya reported. He said that this would happen place soon when delicate balance of Russia will be shaken. Earlier, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Nadezhda Savchenko stated that there are three ways to return Crimea to Ukraine.
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister: Russia cannot use Incirlik air base of NATO The Russian air forces cannot use the NATO’s Incirlik air base, located in Turkey, said the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmush on August 23, reported the Reuters. Turkey's deputy prime minister said that Russia has no right to use the base, since Russia " is not a NATO member ," reports the TASS. The Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim , speaking about a possibility of
using the Incirlik base in Turkey by the Russian soldiers , said that it is possible , if necessary. Ankara has already given a permission to the US , Germany, Great Britain , Qatar , and Saudi Saaudyan military air forces to use the Incirlik base in Adana. The international coalition aviation that fights against the IS carries out air raids on the positions of extremists in Syria from Incirlik.
Çavu!o"lu: Russia Couldn’t have Found More Reliable Friend than Turkey Russia couldn’t have found a more reliable friend than Turkey: the sides are openly discussing the existing discrepancies and issues, Turkish FM Mevlüt Çavu!o"lu said in an interview with Sputnik Turkish. In his words, Turkey is Russia’s friend in the region. “And Russia also couldn’t have found a more reliable friend for itself than Turkey,” he noted. According to the Turkish FM, Ankara and Moscow “are ready to discuss openly and impartially with each other all the issues, including the disputed ones.” “We may have diverging opinions, but our key objective is to bring our bilateral cooperation to a higher level than before. We have always considered and continue to consider Russia not only our neighbor, but also an important partner. For this reason we continued to make steps towards Russia. During this period, we attached great importance to the balanced and reserved language in our statements related to Russia. We didn’t introduce any sanctions against Russia, adhering to our previous promise not to join the international restrictions against Russia. Thereby, we have remained the only NATO country which didn’t support those sanctions. Russia and the Russian people had an opportunity to make sure of this,” Çavu!o"lu said, RIA Novosti reports.
French Police Arrest Seven Suspects for Plotting Terrorist Attacks The French Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI) has arrested seven people with alleged terrorist links so far in August, Sputnik agency reported referring to a statement by the French Interior Ministry."During the month of August alone, the DGSI has arrested seven individuals [over links to terrorists]. All of them have been jailed, at least three had been plotting attacks," the ministry said on Twitter, as quoted by the source. According to the ministry, the number of suspects arrested on terror charges in the first six months of 2016 are equivalent to the number of arrests on the same charges in the whole of 2015.
NOR OR ENG. August 25:Layout 1 8/23/16 11:23 PM Page 2
Üáñ úñ Thursday« August 25, 2016
Armenagan-Hovsepian Chapter of ADL Greater NY/NJ Welcomed Newly Elected ADL Central Board Chairman, Mr. Sergio Nahabetian On Sunday, July 31st, 2016, Sergio Nahabetian, the newly elected Armenian Ramgavar Azadagan/Democratic Liberal party Chairman of the board from Buenos Aires Argentina, and Eugene Karadjian, Vice Chairman from Toronto Canada, visited the Greater NY/NJ ADL chapter. A warm reception was held at Rose’s restaurant in Englewood, NJ, where 40 members and guests mingled at the reception, and had an opportunity to meet, greet and congratulate the guest of honor. Before dinner was served on the beautifully decorated tables, all the guests sang the ADL anthem. The Greater NY/NJ ADL chapter chairman & Central board member, Mr. Norair Meguerditchian, welcomed the chairman and congratulated him on behalf of the committee, and introduced Mr. Nahabetian, wo is also the ADL South America District Committee president. Born and raised in Argentina, his unwavering dedication and commitment to the Armenian community was evident from his youth, rooted from a distinguished and dedicated family, and following in the footsteps of his father, Nahabet Nahabetian, who founded the TCA & ADL chapters of South America, headquartered in Buenos Aires, and the “Sardarabad” weekly newspaper, currently under the capable direction of Mr. Sergio Nahabetian. Mr. Nahabetian’s commitment encompasses the community of the country he resides in, in the human rights arena as well as the political arena. He has served as Parliamentarian of the state of Buenos Aires since 2005 and continues to be an active member. Currently, he is the acting principal of the Buenos Aires Human Resources administration & legal protection of the Handicapped. He had a great impact in the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by
the State of Buenos Aires and eventually the federal Argentinian government. He is an honorary member of the AGBU in Buenos Aires and is a former chairman of the organization. He is also an active member of the Armenian Apostolic Diocese of Argentina and its former secretary. Mr. Nahabetian was the recipient of many well deserving Honorary medals, the Nerses Shenorhali medal from the Catholicos, Movses Khorenatsi medal from the President of Armenia, Boghos Nubar medal from the diaspora minister, and honorary medal from the TCA of Syria. The ADL committee, members of the Greater NY/NJ area, and other distinguished guests were honored to meet such an exemplary man chosen to be the chairman of the Ramgavar Azadgan/ Democratic Liberal party central committee, which is committed to the preservation of the diaspora, and many important issues
the Armenian people face, such as the recognition of the Armenian genocide, and the contribution of the diaspora to the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh, emphasizing the joint efforts of all Armenians on these issues. The honored guest noted the work that needs to be done regarding the involvement of our youth while reaffirming the traditional principles and beliefs of the ADL, patriotism, our connection to our homeland and church, developing our youth in our homeland and diaspora, and strengthening our diasporan entities and organizations. He declared that our party is the only one amongst the traditional parties which is not a leftist. Twenty five years ago, when communism was overthrown, and Armenia declared independence, we had twenty five parliamentarians in the government. Now, unfortunately, we don’t have any members. He stated that this sit-
uation is our fault and it is unacceptable to repeat the same mistake. Presently, within our homeland and diaspora, eighty percent of the people think the way we do, and it is our duty to take the necessary steps and lead our people, envisioning the larger picture, and forgetting our minute personal calculations. He expressed his concerns regarding the normality of differences and issues within any organization, as a result of disagreement and selfish motives, He stated that we need to make the impossible possible, to overcome such issues and let everyone have their input for the benefit of the organization they belong to. We need to stand by our homeland as we do not have any time to waste, and we cannot accept having it in jeopardy. The honored guest then discussed his engagement in the Argentinian political scene and encouraged every Armenian to become actively involved in the political arena on the local, state or federal levels. In this manner, we help our Armenian homeland, and survive as respected minorities in many adopted countries throughout the world. Before the conclusion of the evening, the audience had an opportunity to ask questions and unanimously expressed very positive feelings regarding Mr. Nahabetian and his newly elected role as the Central Committee Chairman. Mr. Sergio Nahabetian’s dedication and commitment encompasses a true Armenian humanitarian of our time, and it is a great honor and pleasure to have him amongst us. The previous evening an intimate gathering was generously hosted by Mrs. Arpie Arslanian in honor of Mr. Sergio Nahabetian and Mr. Eugene Karadjian at her home in Cresskill, NJ. Shoghig Chalian-Tarpinian
Dilijan Arts Observatory, the First Project by the Dilijan Art Initiative, Launched in Armenia A cultural archaeology of the history and aesthetic practices of Dilijan, Armenia, culminating in a two day public event IDeA (Initiatives for Development of Armenia) Foundation and Dilijan Development Foundation (DDF) announce the launch of the Dilijan Arts Observatory, an experimental interdisciplinary think tank, which aims to develop new models for art practice and higher education in Dilijan. The first major international art event in Armenia organised by the Dilijan Art Initiative, the Observatory will bring together an international group of artists, cultural historians and environmental scientists to Armenia from 22 August – 11 September 2016. Dilijan Art Initiative is a complex project that seeks to promote Dilijan and Armenian culture internationally, providing support for the presentation of work by artists from the Armenian diaspora in the world’s leading exhibitions and major cultural events. Dilijan Art Initiative supported Armenity/Hayoutioun; the National Pavilion of the Republic of Armenia at the 56th Venice Biennale, which was awarded the Golden Lion, the highest possible honour for a national pavilion, and the Armenian programme at the 14th Istanbul Biennial devoted to the research of Armenian history and trauma in contemporary Turkey. Dilijan Arts Observatory, which is a part of the Dilijan Art Initiative project, is supported by philanthropists Ruben Vardanyan and Veronika Zonabend, Founders of the United World College Dilijan, RVVZ and IDeA charitable foundations, and Co-Founders of DDF, as well as another DDF Co-Founder Gagik Adibekyan who is also the Founder of Adibekyan Family Foundation for Advancement. The Dilijan Arts Observatory has been devised by international curator and anthropologist Clémentine Deliss, and will bring together a group of historians and practitioners to undertake fieldwork in the town, working closely with its citizens and identifying local wisdom or folkways. The event will take place in the ancient spa town and mountain retreat of Dilijan, which once hosted composers Dmitri Shostakovich and Benjamin Britten, among other
famous people. Fieldwork activities will include investigating style, crafts, graphics; music, composition and astronomy; Soviet architecture and design; culinary knowledge; archiving and transmitting 20th century memories; wilderness, botany and future products for survival. The Observatory will take place in Dilijan and neighbouring villages, adopting the former Soviet Impuls electronics factory in Dilijan as its headquarters. A classic example of Soviet industrial architecture, 4000 employees once worked in the Impuls Factory under the order of the Soviet Defence Ministry, before it was privatised. The Dilijan Arts Observatory Participants are: Dilijan Arts Observatory participants: Vahram Aghasyan (AM), Haig Aivazian (CA), Alen Amirkhanian (AM), Ruben Arevshatyan (AM), Vardan Azatyan (AM), Erik van Buuren (NL), Katerina Chuchalina (RU), Vardan Danielyan (AM), Mohamad Deeb (LB), Clémentine Deliss (GB), Silvina Der Meguerditchian (AM), Arpad Dobriban (DE), Andrew de Freitas (NZ), David Galstyan (AM), Vigen Galstyan (AM), Natasha Gasparian (LB), Raphaela Grolimund (CH), Angela Harutyunyan (AM), Krispin Heé (CH), Misha Hollenbach(AU), Marc Norbert Hörler (CH), Marianna Hovhannisyan (AM), Christoph Keller (DE), Aram Keryan (AM), Nairi Khatchadourian (AM), Antje Majewski (DE), Augustin Maurs (FR), Ioana Mitrea (RO), Maria Mkrtycheva (RU), Mathilde Rosier (CH), Marcello Spada (IT), Pascal Storz (CH), Shauna Toohey, Perks and Mini (AU), Joanna Sokolowska (PL), Hasmik Ter-Voskanian (AM), Vangjush Vellahu (AL), Jasmine Werner (DE), Asya Yaghmurian (AM), Nork Zakarian (EG). On 10th and 11th September 2016, a two-day public event will be held in Dilijan, presenting the results with a series of events, including an all-night symphony, culinary festivities, performances and exhibitions, as well as an international round-table debate on a future academy for art and life practices.
The outcome of the Dilijan Arts Observatory will feature in exhibitions at the leading national art museums in Europe: the National Gallery of Contemporary Art, the “Hamburger Bahnhof”, Berlin, in November 2017, and the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, in summer 2018. About IDeA Foundation IDeA (Initiatives for Development of Armenia) Charitable Foundation was established by the entrepreneurs and philanthropists Ruben Vardanyan and Veronika Zonabend. The Foundation focuses on programs which achieve tangible socioeconomic development and assist Armenia in transition from the survival model to the prosperity model. IDeA is committed to promoting social entrepreneurship in Armenia through investments in longterm, non-profit projects, as well as ensuring their sustainability. IDeA implements large-scale charitable initiatives in Armenia, Artsakh and the Armenian diaspora which strive to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the Armenian people and revitalize the nation in an ever-changing world. Among the flagship projects of IDeA Foundation are UWC Dilijan College, Tatev Revival, Reconstruction of St. George Cathedral in Tbilisi, Dilijan Development project, Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and others. About Dilijan Art Initiative Dilijan Art Initiative was founded by philanthropists Veronika Zonabend and Ruben Vardanyan, as part of the IDeA (Initiatives for Development of Armenia) Charitable Foundation. The project was launched in the belief that art has a unique galvanizing capacity across cultures, disciplines, generations and genders, transcending time and space. It works to promote Armenian culture internationally, providing support for the presentation of work by artists from the Armenian diaspora in the world’s leading exhibitions and major cultural events. Dilijan Art Initiative supported Armenity/Hayoutioun; the National Pavilion of the Republic of Armenia at the 56th Venice Biennial, which was awarded the Golden Lion.
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« August 25, 2016
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
125 - Leyla Neyzi By Hambersom Aghbashian Professor Leyla Neyzi (born July 29, 1961) is a Turkish academician (Anthropologist, Sociologist, and Historian), who is currently a professor at Sabancı University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. After graduating from Robert College of Istanbul, she studied anthropology at Stanford University (B.A.1982), and earned her (M.A.) in Cultural Anthropology from City University of New York in 1986, and her Ph.D. in Development Sociology from Cornell University in 1991. She worked as assistant professor at Bosphorus University (1992-1994) and as the Oral History Project Director, at Economic and Social History Foundation (1995-1996). She currently teaches Anthropology at Sabanchi University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Her interests are Oral history, memory studies, European and Middle Eastern ethnography, nationalism and minorities, youth and social movements. She has a long list of published articles and many books including "Speaking to One Another: Personal Memories of the Past in Armenia and Turkey - Bonn: dvv international, 2010". Leyla Neyzi received many awards including "Malcolm Kerr Dissertation Award, Middle East Studies Association of North America, 1992." "Research Award, Sabanchi University, 2003-2004." and others. In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The brief text of the apology stated " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Leyla Neyzi was one of the prominent Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology. (1) Under the title "Turkish, Armenian scholars examine common grief in memories", "" wrote on March 22, 2010 : " Scholars from Turkey and Armenia have launched a joint project to record the countries’ perceptions of each other and examine how the events of 1915 are remembered in the collective mind of each society. While a Turkish scholar (Leyla Neyzi) said the grief that Armenians suf-
fered throughout the deportation period during the last days of Ottoman Empire was still a topic of discussion in Anatolia, an Armenian counterpart said her colleagues do not have slightest doubt that what occurred in 1915 was 'genocide.' " "There is still a nostalgic and warm point of view [in Anatolia] toward the lives of the Turkish and Armenian peoples before 1915," Associate Professor Leyla Neyzi from Sabancı University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Istanbul told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review earlier this week. "Stories of being neighbors are still alive and the local memory is extremely strong." (2) In his article “Turkey Has Acknowledged the Armenian Genocide”, Ugur Ungor wrote on April 27, 2012 in " The Armenian Weekly": " 'Turkey denies the Armenian Genocide' goes a jingle. Yes, the Turkish state’s official policy towards the Armenian Genocide was and is indeed characterized by the “three M’s”: misrepresentation, mystification, and manipulation. But after nearly a century, a different picture emerges. Even though most direct eyewitnesses to the crime have passed away, oral history interviews yield important insights. Elderly Turks and Kurds in eastern Turkey often hold vivid memories from family members or fellow villagers who witnessed or participated in the genocide." Ugur Ungor had interviewed 200 Turks and Kurd, (grand-)children of contemporaries in eastern Turkey, over many years (2002, 2004, 2007) and documented his work. Ugur Ungor also mentioned "Besides the excellent research conducted in Turkey by colleagues such as Leyla Neyzi, Ay!e Gül Altınay, and others, interviews by individual researchers are at best a drop in the ocean. A measured research project with a solid book as output would be a memorable achievement for the centenary of the genocide. (3) Professor Leyla Neyzi, participated in a workshop held in Sabancı University, (May 31-June 2, 2013) entitled "Hrant Dink Memorial Workshop - Coming to Terms with War, Genocide, and Political Violence", where she introduced her paper 'Youth and History in Turkey: To Remember or To Forget?' The workshop was organized by Sabancı University in collaboration with Hrant Dink Foundation and Anadolu Kültür. (4)
According to (Today’s Zaman), September 26, 2014, A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include "open hatred and hostility" towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. The statement said: "The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students. This is where the path to Turkish-Armenian peace lies, at this time when we are approaching 2015." Professor Leyla Neyzi was one of the intellectuals who signed the statement. (5) London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Contemporary Turkish Studies organized a three-day public conference entitled "Encountering the Past in Turkey" (11-13 May 2015). A new interest in history emerged in Turkey that had erased its Ottoman past. The most traumatic aspects of Turkish history, especially those that were considered taboo, or simply denied until recently, became issues of public debate. The Armenian Genocide, the Dersim and Marash massacres, the Wealth Tax, and expulsions of Greeks. At the face of an official policy of denial, increasing number of activists, artists, scholars, and citizens demand a deeper understanding and recognition of past atrocities in order to atone and seek justice. The conference explored how, why, under what conditions, and among which groups did willingness to confront the Armenian Genocide and other violent episodes, how to come to terms with the past as well as avoiding it? What are the implications of encountering the past for contemporary dynamics in Turkey? By doing so, it is hoped that the conference will contribute to promoting acts of reconciliation that have begun in Turkey. Professor Leyla Neyzi was among the distinguished speakers who participated to this conference, where she introduced her research "Encountering the Past in Turkey: A Personal Reflection on Two Decades of Research and Experience." (6 On November 20 and 21, 2015, the Hrant Dink Foundation in Istanbul held the latest in a series of groundbreaking historical conferences. The 2015 edition was entitled ‘A Civilization Destroyed: The Wealth of Non-Muslims in the Late Ottoman Pe-
AGBU Armenia Hosts Everest Climber Ara Khatchadourian French-Armenian alpinist conquering the world’s highest peaks spreads the message of remembrance, unity, and peace. On August 11, 2016, Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Armenia hosted Ara Khatchadourian, Marseille based Armenian who ascended the world’s highest peak Everest in memory of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The event held in AGBU Yerevan hall brought together young scouts and professional alpinists, as well as participants of the AGBU “Discover Armenia” educational youth program. After screening a short film on this epic ascent, Khatchadourian shared with participants his climbing experience and his astonishing life story of a migrant from Lebanon who successfully combines the jewelry business and ideology-driven alpinism. He also shared his thoughts inspiring him to embark on this physically grueling, yet very emotional voyage. Conquering the ambitious height of 8848m on May 22, 2016, Ara Khatchadourian raised the national flags of Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh, France, and Lebanon,
and devoted his victory to the unity of all Armenians over the world. Among other institutional symbols of clubs and organizations, Khatchadourian waved the AGBU flag in recognition of the strong patriotic spirit, leadership and determination he developed while scouting at AGBU camps in Lebanon. Ara Khatchadourian received certificate of gratitude from Armenia’s Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan. Khatchadourian will also receive the Diaspora Ministry’s “Gold Medal” for his dedication to the promotion of the Armenian cause. Ara Khatchadourian has conquered 8 of the world’s highest summits: Mt. Blanc, France - 4807m (2007); Ararat, Turkey - 5137m (2011); Kilimanjaro, Africa - 5896m (2012); Cotopaxi, Ecuador - 5897m (2013); Sajama, Bolivia - 6542m (2013); Huascaran, Peru - 6655m (2013); Lenin peak, Kyrgyzstan - 7134m (2016); Everest, Nepal - 8848m (2016).
riod and the Early Republican Era’. The conference organized in cooperation with Bogazici University, Istanbul Bilgi University and Sabanci University was held with broad participation at Bogazici University, Albert Long Hall. The conference, which received much attention, was broadcasted live on website both in English and in Turkish. The history of expropriation and destruction of the wealth of non-Muslims through policies of annihilation of minorities and Turkification in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Period was explored with an interdisciplinary perspective. Leyla Neyzi chaired the fifth panel titled ‘Personal and Family Accounts’. (7)
* The London School of Economics and Political Science, founded in 1895 (commonly known as the London School of Economics or LSE ) is a public research university located in London, England and a constituent college of the federal University of London. 1. /200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_catastrophe_of_1915 2. ocide/21782/turkish_armenias_scholars_project_genocide 3. 4/27/ungor-turkey-has-acknowledgedthe-armenian-genocide/ 4. 5. 935.html past .. 7. conference-civilization-destroyed
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« August 25, 2016
Halejian ’15 Signs with pro Basketball team in Switzerland By ANIELA BRIGHENTI & LISA QIAN On December 30, 2014, former Yale women’s basketball captain Sarah Halejian ’15 suffered what appeared to be a careerending injury when she tore her left ACL. But just 18 months later, in June of this year, the revitalized guard signed on to play professionally in Switzerland with the BC Winterthur women’s basketball team. Halejian’s year-long contract with Winterthur, which is located just north of Zürich, figures to boost a squad that finished 3–18 last season and seventh out of eight teams in the women’s division of the country’s premier national basketball league. For Halejian, this new chapter comes after one year in Scotland, where she played for the University of Edinburgh as part of a program that offered her a scholarship to complete a masters of science in sports policy, management and international development while playing for the team. “After my injury, I did not want to end on a negative note,” Halejian said. “Since I had the goal of playing professionally, I used that as my motivation to rehab and get back in shape again.” Former Yale women’s basketball coach
Chris Gobrecht said that Halejian’s move to study and play at Edinburgh made sense, as it allowed her to return to peak form after the injury. She added that Halejian’s passion for the game made it clear that playing professionally was in her future. Yale assistant coach Melissa D’Amico said she served as a “mentor” to Halejian throughout the process of signing with a professional team. Though D’Amico did not recruit or coach Halejian during her time at Yale, D’Amico played professional basketball abroad herself for five years, and had connections with multiple agents. “I gave [Halejian] 10 to 15 agents, and it’s a process to pick an agent, much like it is picking a school,” D’Amico said. “She’s very talented and I was sure she was going to get picked up.” Halejian’s successful season in Edinburgh, combined with her her impressive resume at Yale, made her attractive to international agents and teams. At Yale, she was Ivy League Rookie of the Year and then twice named to the All-Ivy First Team before her injury. She averaged 13.8, 15.5 and 15 points per game as a freshman, sophomore and junior, respectively, and averaged 14.9 points during her abbre-
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viated senior campaign. Her former Bulldog teammates overwhelmingly noted that they were proud of Halejian, and they commended her role as a leader on the team during her college career. “Playing with Sarah was one of the biggest blessings I’ve had as a person and a basketball player,” former teammate and guard Nyasha Sarju ’16 said. “All in all, it was a joy to share the court with her for three seasons and it will be a joy to continue to watch such an amazing and passionate basketball player and person continue to play this wonderful game.” And guard Tamara Simpson ’18, who defined Halejian an “inspiration” to her, said the former captain is one of the “hardest workers [she knows].” At Edinburgh, Halejian helped lift the team to a championship season, earning the league, cup and playoff titles in the Scotland Senior Women’s National League. In the playoff final against the City of Edinburgh Kool Kats, Halejian notched a double-double, scoring 20 points and snatching 11 rebounds en route to MVP honors. A month later, Halejian was again named MVP in a tournament between Scot-
tish university students and Irish university students. “I am really excited for my contract and this new opportunity,” All of the coaches, players, and management I have talked to from Winterthur have been nothing but professional, welcoming, and excited to have me on board!” Halejian is Winterthur’s third American addition after Heidi Anton, who played at the University of San Francisco and Hawaii Pacific University, and Nikki Dixon, who played at Clemson. All other Winterthur players are Swiss. Halejian will be on the younger end of the squad that includes players born between the years of 1970 to 1995. !"#$ %"&#' ($)*
Armenian Studies Program - California State University, Fresno
Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian to speak on “The Armenian Diaspora: Lebanon” Armenian Studies Program Director Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian will give a presentation on “The Armenian Diaspora: Lebanon” at 7:30PM on Friday, September 9, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The presentation will be the first in the Fall Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program, with financial support from the Leon S. Peters Foundation. Prof. Der Mugrdechian will discuss the significance of the Armenian community in Lebanon, one of the most important Diasporan centers. The Armenians have maintained a vibrant communal life in the midst of the general political instability of the Middle East. Der Mugrdechian’s talk will focus on the current community and the challenges that it faces, while emphasizing the continued vitality of the Armenians in Lebanon. Der Mugrdechian was invited by
the Tekeyan Cultural Association to Beirut in the summer of 2016 to give a talk. While in Lebanon he visited some of the major Armenian institutions in the country. Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian is Director of the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State and teaches courses in Armenian language, art, literature, and history. He is the President of the Society for Armenian Studies and is the editor of the Armenian Series of The Press at California State University, Fresno. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available at Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center. Parking permits are not necessary for Friday night lectures. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at !
Nor Or August 25, 2016, No.31-32(1)._N.O. Blank 8/24/16 5:07 PM Page 7
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Nor Or August 25, 2016, No.31-32(1)._N.O. Blank 8/24/16 5:07 PM Page 10
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Nor Or August 25, 2016, No.31-32(1)._N.O. Blank 8/24/16 5:07 PM Page 11
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