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September 8, 2016, No. 34_N.O. Blank 9/7/16 4:56 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 34, Thursday, September 8, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. September 8:Layout 1 9/7/16 4:44 PM Page 1

Thursday, September 8, 2016 Vol. 94, # 34


Syria Conflict: Government Helicopters 'Drop Chlorine' on Aleppo

Kvirikashvili: Armenian-Georgian Relations are at Highest Level in Our History

Syrian government forces have been accused of dropping barrel bombs containing chlorine from helicopters on a suburb of Aleppo, injuring 80 people. Volunteer emergency workers say people suffered breathing difficulties after an attack on the Sukari area. The reports could not be independently verified. AUN-led investigation in August found the government had used chlorine on at least two occasions. The Syrian government has always denied using chemical weapons. Ibrahem Alhaj, a Syrian Civil Defence rescue worker, said he had reached the scene of the attack shortly after a helicopter dropped barrels containing what he said were four chlorine cylinders. Syrian Civil Defence, a volunteer emergency response team that operates in opposition-held areas, posted video on its Facebook page showing distressed children using oxygen masks to breathe. The group accused the government of another chlorine attack in August. Russia, an ally of the Syrian government, has accused rebels of firing shells containing "toxic gas" at government-held areas in Aleppo. Chlorine is a common industrial chemical, but its use in weapons is banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention.

YEREVAN. – Construction of the Friendship Bridge at the BagratashenSadakhlo border checkpoint is in progress according to the schedule, and its operation will further strengthen transport cooperation between Armenia and Georgia. The aforesaid was noted at Monday’s talk, in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan, between Armenian and Georgian Prime Ministers Hovik Abrahamyan and Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Press Office of the Government of Armenia informed Armenian News-NEWS.am. The interlocutors exchanged views also on the avenues for the development of bilateral cooperation in tourism and education. In addition, they underscored the efforts toward ensuring regional stability and security. At the end of the meeting, Kvirikashvili

The UN said on Tuesday that a brief period of relief early this year for civilians caught up in the war in Syria had been replaced by an even more brutal resumption in fighting. In its 12th report on Syria, it said the cessation of hostilities in February had allowed some towns to receive their first aid in years but it only lasted a few weeks. The report says 600,000 Syrians now live under siege with a further 300,000 trapped in the city of Aleppo. On Sunday, Syrian government forces were reported to have recaptured parts of Aleppo city which were lost to rebels last month, placing rebel-held districts in the city's east once again under siege. Monitors said government troops had recaptured two military academy sites in the Ramouseh district south of the city and severed a recently established rebel supply line. !

IS Rocket Attack Kills Turkish Soldiers in Syria

Two Turkish soldiers have been killed by the Islamic State (IS) group in clashes in northern Syria, the Turkish army has said. Another five soldiers were wounded in a rocket attack on Turkish tanks, the military said in a statement. The fatalities are believed to be the first since Turkey launched its operation inside Syria two weeks ago. Two fighters from the Free Syrian Army

were also killed and another two injured in the attack. The rocket attack was launched near the village of al-Waqf, it added. Syrian rebels backed by Turkey say they have recaptured a number of villages from IS since the Turkish operation - code-named Euphrates Shield - began. The rebels have also retaken the key border town of Jarabulus. On Sunday, Turkey said IS fighters were pushed out of their last positions along the Turkish-Syrian border. Turkish forces have targeted IS inside Syria, but have also attacked Kurdish fighters in the same region. The pursuit of the Kurdish YPG militia has led to criticism by Washington, which regards the Kurds as one of the most effective forces in the battle against IS.

Yemen Air Strikes Kill al-Qaeda Fighters The US military says it has killed 13 members of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in air strikes in Yemen. US Central Command said in a statement that three air strikes were carried out between 24 August and 4 September in Shabwah governorate in central Yemen. The statement did not say how the strikes were carried out or give the identities of those killed. AQAP has taken advantage of Yemen's civil war to seize territory. The US says the group remains a significant threat to the region, the United

States and beyond. "Strikes against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen put consistent pressure on the terrorist network and prevent them from plotting and executing attacks against US persons, our homeland and allies," the US statement said. Yemen is in the grip of a conflict between its Saudi-backed government and rebels that the UN says has left 6,600 people dead. Some 2.5 million Yemenis have also been displaced. !

noted that the present-day Armenian-Georgian relations are at the highest level in the history of independent Georgia, and that it is necessary to continue efforts toward strengthening them. Abrahamyan, for his part, assured that the Georgian PM’s current visit to Armenia will provide further impetus for the strengthening and further development of Armenian-Georgian friendly relations.

Greece Has a New Ambassador to Armenia YEREVAN. – Greece’s new Ambassador to Armenia, Nafsika Nancy Eva Vraila, on Tuesday presented her credentials to President Serzh Sargsyan. First, the President congratulated the ambassador for assuming this office and wished her success, Press Office of the President informed Armenian News-NEWS.am. Sargsyan also underscored the work of diplomatic missions in the development of interstate relations. The interlocutors shared the view that there is still considerable work to be done toward raising the level of bilateral relations between Armenia and Greece. The Armenian President and the Greek ambassador attached great importance also to parliamentary diplomacy, in terms of the development of relations between the two countries.

Separately, Ambassador Vraila conveyed to President Sargsyan the warm greetings by Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos, and his acceptance of the invitation by the Armenian President and readiness to arrive in Armenia on a mutual visit. In the ensuing talk, Serzh Sargsyan and Nafsika Nancy Eva Vraila reflected on the avenues and great potential for the development of Armenian-Greek cooperation.

Armenia President Receives Executive Director of UN World Food Program YEREVAN. - President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Monday held a meeting with the Executive Director of the UN World Food Program (WFP), Ertharin Cousin, and participants of the 18th Global Child Nutrition Program held in Yerevan. Welcoming the guests, the President thanked for holding in Armenia the first event in kind in the region, Armenian President’s press-service reports. The sides expressed satisfaction with the success of Armenia in the recent years in terms of providing school meal. Sarsgyan highly appreciated WFP’s support and the Sustainable School Meal project implemented by it, in the framework of which nearly 83,000 students have been provided with food. The President assured that the project will be of continuous nature. Sargsyan also underscored the impor-

tance of implementing the UN Sustainable Development 2030 program, whose 17 goals concern the provision of food to children and mothers. Director of the WFP Armenian Office Pascale Micheau and President of the Russian Social and Industrial Food Service Institute Vladimir Chernigov were decorated with the medal of Gratitude.

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EMMY® AWARD WINNING COMPOSER BRINGS GROUNDBREAKING MUSICAL ABOUT ARMENIAN GENOCIDE SURVIVORS TO LOS ANGELES FOR AN EXCLUSIVE SHOWING - ONE WEEKEND ONLY WHAT: Denver based Emmy® Award winning composer Denise Gentilini and writing partner, internationally celebrated singer/songwriter Lisa Nemzo, bring their original production, I AM ALIVE to Los Angeles for an exclusive showing for one weekend only this September. Gentilini, who is of Armenian descent, has assembled a largely non-Armenian cast to tell the story of the Armenian Genocide with a completely new focus; celebrating those who survived. Gentilini was inspired by the story of her own grandparents who survived the systematic killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire in 1915. Using her childhood memories of her grandparents as well as transcripts from interviews with them, Gentilini/Nemzo used direct excerpts from their firsthand accounts for some lyrics and dialogue in the musical. This personal connection has allowed them to craft a complex experience that explores the human side of a politically contentious topic alongside the love story that unfolds between two people in an unimaginable set of circumstances. With the 100 year anniversary behind us, this production is meant to provide closure around the tragedy and provide a renewed focus on the human spirit. I AM ALIVE is produced by Well Orchestrated Madness and directed by Christy Montour-Larson and will be shown only one weekend on the West Coast. Partner organizations include; Jewish World Watch, Mashdots College, United Armenian Council, ANCA-WR and AFFMA. Armenians of Colorado serve as the fiscal sponsor. WHO: Denise Gentilini (Book, Music, Lyrics, Orchestrator, Producer and Music Director) Specializing in film music, Denise is an Emmy® award winning composer with 30 years experience in music composition and production. After 20 years of performing and doing session work in her native Los Angeles, Denise moved to Colorado to continue her music career. Using her music as a tool for awareness, Denise has written songs for The Children's Hospital, Colorado NSC Autism Department, (I Chose You), The Iliff School of Theology - Courage Award honoring Judy Shepard (Courage Said I Can, co-written with Mindy Sterling).

With her partner, Lynette Prisner, their production company, Well Orchestrated Madness produced the 2009 concert, We Are Voices - For A Future Without Genocide, using her original music to bring awareness to a subject close to her heart, genocide. Denise is the granddaughter of Armenian Genocide survivors, Kourken and Malvine Handjian, whose lives the musical, I AM ALIVE, is inspired by. Denise's first Emmy® was received for her film score in her 2002 documentary about her grandparents, The Handjian Story: A Road Less Traveled. Incidentally, the Handjians were pillars of the community in Los Angeles and were members of Holy Martyrs church in Encino. Denise received her second Emmy® award f o r her film score in the documentary film, Conviction, telling the story of three Dominican nuns who devote their lives to peace. Denise has been writing with Lisa Nemzo for over two decades. I AM ALIVE is their first musical and they are very excited to bring this important history to the stage under the experienced direction of Christy Montour-Larson along with a cast of 21 talented actors from Denver, Colorado. For more information about Denise www.denisegentilini.com. Lisa Nemzo (Book, Music and Lyrics) Internationally-renowned recording artist/producer, Lisa Nemzo, is known for her show-stopping, over-the-neck harmonic 12-string guitar solos, as well as her 8-released CD's (3 on Metronome/Polygram Records). Nemzo is also a record producer and Emmy® nominated songwriter with a catalog of charted-songs including songs for Tanya Tucker, Here's To Love. Nemzo charted in the top ten with Walking On Ice and Hot Summer Nights. She toured with Bonnie Raitt, Heart, Ray Charles, Joe Cocker, Christopher Cross and Hall & Oates. For her co-op record label, Dream Wild Records, Nemzo has produced criticallyacclaimed: Marc Platt's Bitter and Sweet EP, Blue Collar, Roots Music Report ChartTopper Carey Appel's House of Cards; Oakland's female rockabilly band Bad Ass Boots, Gotta Give Me Something and Vietnam Veteran, blues-rock guitarist Michael Hughes CD, Trying to Come Back Home. Songs and Videos: Lisa's title track on her CD Restless Soul was entered into the

Smithsonian Institute representing the best of folk music from the 1990's. Lead single and video, Reach, won Best Environmental Music Video of 2009, from Green Screen Environmental Film Festival & Salon. Lisa's tribute to US military men and women in the music video, Arlington, was called "An anthem for our generation" by the Washington Post and won best Merit Award 2012 for Best Music Video/Accolade Film Festival, La Jolla, CA. Theme song Breaking Through, written with Denise Gentilini for the documentary film of the same name. I AM ALIVE is Nemzo and Gentilini's first musical in the 20+ years of writing together. "Having met Denise's grandparents, Kourken and Malvine, made t h i s experience personal and profoundly important", Nemzo shared in a recent interview. For more information about Lisa: www.lisanemzo. com Christy Montour-Larson (Director) Christy Montour-Larson has directed over 75 productions from Shakespeare to Pinter to musicals to the newest works in America. She is a multiple Denver Post Ovation and Colorado Theatre Guild Henry awardwinning director, recently named top director by Westword, 5280 Magazine and CBS4 Denver. A member of the Artistic Company at Curious Theatre, her recent directing credits include Sex With Strangers, Charles Ives Take Me Home,

Good People, Time Stands Still and Red. Christy's work has also been seen in Colorado at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts (Shadowlands, The Giver, Well) the Arvada Center (Cabaret, All Shook Up), Creede Repertory (August: Osage County, The Last Romance), Town Hall Arts Center, Phamaly, Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company and T h e atreworks.Nationally, Christy has directed at New American Theatre, Rochester Civic Theatre, the Duluth Playhouse, Dark Horse Theatre and for Seven Devils Playwright Conference, where she sits on the Board of Directors. Christy earned her BFA in Theatre from University of Minnesota, Duluth, where she was awarded the Promethean Award for outstanding alumni and her MFA in Directing from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. WHEN: Opening Night: Saturday September 10 at 7:30pm Matinee: Sunday September 11 at 3pm WHERE: Alex Theatre 2165 North Brand Blvd Glendale, CA 91203 TICKETS: www.Alextheatre.org I AM ALIVE is a musical written by Denise Gentilini and Lisa Nemzo and directed by Christy Montour-Larson. This production is presented by Well Orchestrated Madness.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 8, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Newspaper: Armenia to Have New PM?

127 - Umut Özkırımlı By Hambersom Aghbashian Umut Özkirimli (Born in 1970 in Ankara, Turkey) is a professor of PoliticalScience and scientist at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Lund, Sweden, known for his work in nationalism studies. After completing his secondary education in Lycée Français Privé SaintJoseph in Istanbul, he received his bachelor’s in International Relations from Bo!aziçi University in 1994, a M.Sc. in International Relations from the London School of Economics in 1995, and a doctorate in International Relations from Istanbul University in 1999. For over a decade he taught in the International Relations Department at Bilgi University Istanbul, becoming full Professor in 2011. In that period he also became known as a scholar of nationalism outside of Turkey, notably as a critic of the ‘ethno-symbolist’ approach developed in the London School of Economics. Currently he is professor in Contemporary Turkish Studies at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Sweden. Professor Özkirimli has many published books includ-

ing The nation as an artichoke? A critique of ethnosymbolist interpretations of nationalism (2003), Contemporary Debates on Nationalism: A Critical Engagement (2005), Tormented by History: Nationalism in Greece and Turkey co-authored with Spyros Sofos (2008). He is also a regular contributor to the journal Nations & Nationalism and a familiar figure in London School Economics’ nationalism studies circle. His opinion pieces and interviews also frequently appear in Turkish newspapers. His works have been translated into different languages including Turkish and Greek. In December 2008, 200 prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. This is the brief text of the apology: "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the


Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Umut Özkirimli is one of the prominent Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology. (1) Turkey admits that many Armenians were killed but it denies any genocide, saying the deaths happened during widespread fighting in World War I. According to the September 26, 2014 issue of Today’s Zaman, “A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include ‘open hatred and hostility’ toward Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions, as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said ‘The revolution’s history and history

textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students.” The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred toward different religious and cultural groups. Umut Özkirimli was one of the many most respected Turkish intellectuals who signed it. (2)

1.http://www.armeniaped i a . o rg / w i k i / 2 0 0 _ p ro m i nent_Turks_apologize_for_grea t_catastrophe_of_1915 2.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-ofintellectuals-condemn-antiarmenian-statements-intextbooks_359935.html

YEREVAN. – In conversations with their close circles, the family members of Karen Karapetyan, former mayor of Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan and former General Director of ArmRosGazprom natural gas company, say Karapetyan will soon be appointed Prime Minister of Armenia; even the appointment date is noted: September 21—i.e. the anniversary of the independence of Armenia—, according to “Zhoghovurd” newspaper. “According to the news, on that day, President Serzh Sargsyan will announce about forming a ‘Consensus Government’ and appointing Karen Karapetyan, Prime Minister. “On the other hand, there are suspicions that these rumors are just bait, and their objective is to gauge the public sentiment in Armenia. The thing is that, under the current dire economic conditions in Armenia, it is very indispensable that the society stop living in constant negative expectations. “But yesterday [i.e. Tuesday] all day, “Zhoghovurd” daily could not ascertain, from the ruling sources, the accuracy of this news,” wrote the newspaper.

An Homage to my brother Archpriest Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian August 12, 1939 - August 5, 2016 “If my name were Sky What would be your name? I’d Choose Sun and blaze Across your life with flame.“ * A. Isahakian How do you mourn, commemorate, or celebrate the life of an inspirational human being? Is it by paying a tribute to his indomitable spirit and life long accomplishments? For they are numerous! Suffice to say that my family, the Armenian community and I are so fortunate to share and capture them. In his youth, he entered the seminary of the Holy See of Cilicia, at the age of 13. Five years later, he transferred to the seminary of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, where he was ordained as a celibate priest in 1960 - at the age of 21. He held several positions in Amman & Jerusalem as Vicar General for the Amman-Jordan Armenians, held teaching positions at the St. Tarkmanchatz school of Jerusalem and served on the editorial group of Sion, the official Periodical of the Patriarchate. In 1963 our family was happy to have him back in Aleppo serving as a pastor at St. Vartan Church and holding a teaching position at Kilikian High School. “Let me build Altars out of words, I love, to echo them Like cymbals of brass.” He was called to USA and appointed for a pastoral position for St. George Church of Waukegan, Ill. Eager to further his education he enrolled in Lake Forest and Carthage Colleges, taking a variety of courses in Christian Education, Biblical Studies and Public Administration. Subsequently Fr. Vertanes was elevated to the rank of Vartabed and served as pastor of the Holy Cross Church of Union City, New Jersey. “Give me my God, that kind of happi-

ness That has no self, let me gather it like flowers in other people’s eyes.” With the consent of His Holiness Vasken I, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, Arch. Torkom Manoogian released Fr. Vertanes from his vow of celibacy, permitting him to serve as a married priest. In 1969, he married Yeretzgin Anahid and the couple was eventually blessed with three sons: Zaven, Berj and Saro – Fr. Avedis. “And like the sun going west, let me lower it on waters As one lowers nets and plant it In earth’s furrows like a plow.” Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian served on various Diocesan level Committees dealing with youth and religious education, represented the Diocese in the National Council of Churches, and among the delegation of Diocesan clergy taking part in the “Poor People’s March” organized by Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1968. In 1976, Fr. Vertanes assumed the pastorate of the St. Mary Church in Washington, D.C. For the next 31 years, he became synonymous with the parish, building its membership and activities. In Washington D.C. he frequently represented the Diocese to the U.S. Congress, the State Department, the Justice Department and Various national think-tanks. “Give me a selfless joy, To share like the stars Dispersed across the skies.” In the aftermath of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, he became a leader in the effort to help and develop the Armenian homeland. Fr. Vertanes was the co-founder of HAVAD the Diocesan Christian missionary program in Armenia and was extremely active in preaching, teaching, and establishing camps in the homeland.

His Holiness Vazken I also granted him the title of Archpriest, in 1985. Fr. Vertanes served as a member of the Diocesan Council for many years and was a champion of Christian Education and Youth Outreach throughout his life and ministry. “ And having found it, let me stay The hunter of the ideal, Give me the grace to know its true worth Like the sailor on the life raft Let me gather it from the souls Of common and uncommon men And give it back…” Archpriest Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian was my stalwart brother, mentor, and family’s leader. He filled our lives and hearts with prisms of light. The giving light! His endearing smile was the epitome of his spirit and essence. On Friday, August 12 was the day to celebrate Der Vertanes’ 77th birthday. Instead we were gathered to view him in his most peaceful position facing the altar of his beloved Armenian Church. In our deep sorrow it was comforting to have been surrounded with an entire extended family of clergy, former students from Jerusalem Tarkmanchatz to Camp Nubar, parishioners from all other churches that Fr. Vertanes had served to join us at St. Leon Armenian Church of Fair Lawn. After all it was his birthday and we, as one big and extended family, were celebrating his most worthy life! Dirahayr Kevork predeceased his first son Zaven- Der Vertanes. Der Hayr is survived by his 93-year-old mother Diramayr Zabelle, most devoted wife Yeretsgin Anahid, their three sons – Dr. Zaven, Berj and Saro-newly ordained priest- Fr. Avedis, his sisters Zarminé Boghosian, Dr. Ani Kalayjian, and brothers Kevork Jr. and Vasken Kalayjians.

The Kalayjian and Boghosian Families are grateful for the care we have received from the Primate, Surpazan Khajag Barsamian, who presided over both days. We appreciate the presence and participation of numerous clergymen- Der Vertanes’ brothers in Christ. The family is also indebted to the hospitality of St. Leon Parish priest, Fr. Diran Bohajian, as well as the members of the Parish Council for their genuine care and comforting service on both days. (On both days the services were live-streamed by the Diocese.) A Forty-Day Requiem Service - KARASOONK- will be held at St. Mary Armenian Church in Washington, D.C. on Sunday, September 18, 2016. On behalf of Fr. Vertanes Kalayjian's family

Zarminé Boghosian PS: All verses are from Missak Medzarentstranslated by Diana Der-Hovannesian from the original Armenian NEW YEAR’S PRAYER New York, August 29, 2016

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 8, 2016

Upcoming Events I Am Alive - The Musical What: I AM ALIVE is an original dramatic musical inspired by the harrowing stories of surviving the Armenian Genocide - the first genocide of the 20th century. When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 – 7:30 pm Sunday, September 11, 2016 – 3:00 pm Where: Alex Theater 216 North Brand Boulevard Glendale, CA 91203 Cost: Orchestra $65 / $45 Terrace $65 / $45 Balcony $25 Tickets: Online, by phone, or in person. Convenience fees apply. Phone: 818-243-ALEX (2539) Email: boxoffice@alextheatre.org http://www.alextheatre.org/event/womad-and-aoc-present-i-am-alive-a-newmusical Arevik Youth Ensemble What: Children's concert When: Saturday, September 10, 2016 – 6:00 pm Where: John Wayne Performing Arts Center 1440 E. Broadway Glendale, CA 91205 Cost: Range from $30-$70 Tickets: Online, by phone, or in person. 818-538-4911 www.itsmyseat.com/HIAM Available at Abril Bookstore: 415 E. Broadway St. Glendale, CA 91205 Image as Identity: a Photographic Inquiry What: Ara Oshagan will present a series of photography-based projects that address diasporan identity. Showing work that arcs across time (from 100 years ago to today) and space (from the streets of Los Angeles to installation in Shushi), Oshagan will discuss how image and image-making define our identity as well as influence and shape it. When: Sunday, September 11, 2016 – 1:00 pm Where: Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church 6252 Honolulu Ave La Crescenta CA-South 91214 USA Cost: Free

Armenian Celebration Night Check in Begins at 2:30PM

AGBU Teams Play at 3 : 0 0 PM OPEN ARTS & MUSIC FESTIVAL ANNOUNCES CONCERT LINEUP Gavin Turek to headline the first annual Open Arts & Music Festival. Full concert lineup highlights diverse musical styles by acclaimed talent including Miguel Atwood-Ferguson, Madame Gandhi, Low Leaf, Quitapenas, and more! #openglendale #oam16 What: The Open Arts & Music Festival (OAM) - a free, all-day community event on Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 12 PM to 10 PM at Glendale Central Park - kicks off its inaugural year in the heart of Glendale with a diverse lineup highlighting LA's very own emerging talent. With two dedicated stages for live music, OAM offers a full day of free entertainment in a variety of musical styles such as indie, pop, folk, rock, electronic, and contemporary interpretations of traditional Mexican, South American, Armenian, African, and South Asian music. When: Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 12:00PM-10:00PM Where: Glendale Central Park - 201 E. Colorado St., Glendale, CA 91205 Who: Glendale Arts (www.GlendaleArts.org) is a private non-profit organization in the City of Glendale presenting programming and creating partnerships that benefit youth, patrons, artists, organizations and businesses in the community and at the Alex Theatre.

Tuesday, September 13 at Staples Center 1111 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Come see, support, and cheer our AGBU teams as they play at the Staples Center for "Armenian Celebration Night" hosted by the Los Angeles Sparks. Join us for a memorable night and tons of fun! The Sparks will play at 7:30PM. For TICKETS and MORE INFORMATION contact Suzanna Sargsyan In the Western District Office 626-794-7942 or ssargsyan@agbuca.org Entrance to Staples Center for the pre-game tournament will be accessible ONLY through “11th Street Entrance” (this is the actual name of the entrance) off of Chick Hearn Court.

U.S. Premiere of “3 Weeks In Yerevan” WHAT: ARPA Foundation for Film, Music and Art presents the U.S. premiere of 3 Weeks in Yerevan. In Armenian with English subtitles. WHERE: Egyptian Theatre, Los Angeles WHEN: Wednesday, September 14, 2016. Cocktails ~ 7.00 PM. Movie screening ~ 8.00 PM after which there will be a question and answer with the three lead actors. HOW: For tickets and information please visit www.itsmyseat.com/3weeks. Get your tickets now! Seating is limited. The movie will start its official run on September 16, at the Laemmle Theaters in Encino and Pasadena, and MGN Five Star Cinemas in Glendale.

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