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Nor Or, September 15, 2016, No. 35. qxd_N.O. Blank 9/14/16 5:13 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 35, Thursday, September 15, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. September 8 copy:Layout 1 9/13/16 11:27 PM Page 1

Thursday, September 15, 2016 Vol. 94, # 35


NATO official: We expect Armenia participation in our military exercises with Georgia YEREVAN. – Armenia is a sovereign state, and NATO respects its choice as a Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member. William Lahue, Head of the NATO Liaison Office in the South Caucasus, noted the aforesaid speaking at the international conference, entitled “Upcoming Challenges: NATO, from Wales to Warsaw and Beyond,” which is held Monday in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. In his words, however, nonetheless, NATO still has several plans in connection with Armenia. Lahue stated that they are working with the Ministry of Defense of Armenia to eliminate corruption risks. He added that they expect Armenia to participate in the NATO-Georgia military exercises in November. The NATO official informed that they also expect to hold annual maneuvers, and Armenia likewise shall partake in them. Armenia News - NEWS.am

Armenia to declare no amnesty on 25th anniversary of independence? YEREVAN. – For a long time it was said that President Serzh Sargsyan will declare amnesty on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s independence, according to Zhamanak newspaper. “But according to the information by First News’ [i.e. the news department of the state-run Public Television of Armenia] informed officials close to the authorities, there will be no amnesty on the 25th anniversary of independence. “At this time, no document concerning amnesty has been submitted to the National Assembly. There may be an amnesty by the end of the year, but not this month,” wrote Zhamanak.

Armenian President decreed appointing Karen Karapetyan as Prime Minister of Armenia ArmInfo. On September 13, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree on appointment of Karen Karapetyan as Prime Minister of Armenia in accordance with Article 55 of the Armenian Constitution, the press office of the Armenian President reports. Karen Karapetyan was born on the 14th of August,1963. He went to Leo Tolstoy school in 1970-1980 in Yerevan. In 1985, he graduated with diploma of honor from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Yerevan State University. In 1989, he was aearded PhD in Economics, and became Doctor of Economics in 2010. ‚ 1985-1996, he worked at the Computer Center of Armenia's State Planning Committee and Armenian Association of Science and Culture, and delivered lectures at the Yerevan State University. Between 1996 and 1998, he worked as Deputy Director and CEO at Armenergo. In 1998-2001, he headed Armenergo. In 2001, Karapetyan was ap-

pointed Deputy Minister of Energy of Armenia. In 2001-2010, he worked as Chairman of the Board and CEO at ArmRusgasprom CJSC. In 2009, he was given membership in the Yerevan Council of Elders by the list of the Republican Party of Armenia. On December 17, 2010 he was elected as Yerevan Mayor and held that position until October 28, 2011. In December 2011, Karen Karapetyan was appointed First Vice-President of Russian Gazprombank, and in November 2012 he became Deputy General Manager for strategy and development at Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC - Gazprom's subsidiary. In 2013 he became a member of the Council of Areximbank-Gazprombank Group. In 2006, the President of Armenia decreed awarding an Anania Shirakatsi Medal to Karapetyan. In 2008, Karapetyan was elected Chairman of Areximbank CJSC Council. In 2008, he received an Anania Shirakatsi Medal from the President of Artsakh.

Russian analyst expects no progress in Karabakh conflict settlement, in coming decade Russian political scientist Alexander Khramchikhin is pessimistic with respect to achieving a resolution to the NagornoKarabakh conflict. Commenting—at the request of Armenian News-NEWS.am—on the “territories in exchange for status” plan which Ambassador James Warlick, US Co-Chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group, spoke about recently, Khramchikhin expressed a view that this “status” apparently means the recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh), in exchange for which, the territories under the control of Stepanakert need to be

turned over to Azerbaijan. “Also another status certainly may be understood under the term ‘status,’” added the political scientist. “But this needs to be clarified from the maker of the statement.” To the remark that this plan runs contrary to the position of NagornoKarabakh, Khramchikhin noted that he does not consider the combination of incompatible approaches to be possible. And when asked, as a clarification, whether, in that case, we should not expect any progress in the settlement of this conflict in the coming decade, Alexander Khramchikhin responded: “I think not.”

Oscar Isaac: I read testimonies of Armenian Genocide survivors

The first screening of “The Promise,” a movie about Armenian Genocide, took place Sunday at the Toronto International Film Festival. Oscar-winning filmmaker Terry George, actors Christian Bale, Oscar Isaac, and Charlotte Le Bon as well as famous musician Serj Tankian, who is lead singer of the world-renowned American Armenian rock band System of a Down (SOAD) and composer of the soundtrack of this movie, “shone” on the red carpet event for the premiere of “The Promise.” “Micahel Poghosian is an Armenian student. He is studying medicine in Constantinople and falls in love with character that is playing Charlotte Le Bon. A difficult love triangle emerges, because she has a boyfriend that Christian Bale plays. He used a diary from a small village he came from, and he promised to come back to get married. And this is all complicated when the World War One breaks out,” Oscar Isaac said in an interview with The New York Times. In a video interview with The New York Times made via Facebook Isaac said he was reading evidence of the Armenian Genocide survivors. “It was a process of reading a lot of different materials from the time. I witnessed testimonies of survivors and really trying to have a sense of this circumstances, of the horrible strive and the brutality that these people endured, and to believably try to come to some sense of understanding what that felt like,” he added.

Iranian Ambassador hopeful Hassan Rouhani to visit Armenia

Syria ceasefire: Emergency aid expected soon for Aleppo

Iran is ready to cooperate with the parties toward the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, Iranian Ambassador to Armenia Nazem Sajjad said, as quoted by ISNA agency. Speaking of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the Iranian Ambassador referred to the official position of the Islamic Republic, saying: “In case of a consent of the parties, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate for the solution of the conflict. Iran has always stated that the conflict should be resolved in accordance with the principles of the International Law, excluding any military option”. During the recent clashes the Iranian President and the Foreign Minister called for a restraint to both parties, since stability in the neighboring states is quite important for Iran The Iran Ambassador reflecting on the state visits of the high-level officials of the state. Source Panorama.am

Aid trucks are waiting to deliver supplies to besieged Syrians amid a nationwide ceasefire that largely appears to be holding on its first full day, the UN says. It is hoped that emergency aid deliveries will start on Wednesday. Russian forces are monitoring the ceasefire along a key access road in northern Syria that leads to rebel-held eastern Aleppo, reports say. Some 250,000 civilians are trapped there. UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura said if the truce held, aid deliveries "should be taking place very, very soon". He said the UN was waiting for the Syrian government to authorise deliveries and he hoped the people of Syria could look forward to "no bombs and more trucks". Since the truce came into effect at sunset on Monday, accusations have been made

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 15, 2016

Armenian genocide musical makes L.A. debut at Alex Theater

AGBU Announces debut of the international musical collaboration HOKIS

By Tenny Minassian


I Am Alive, a musical love story set during the Armenian genocide, premiered on Saturday evening at the Alex Theater in Glendale. The musical was created by Emmy award winning composer Denise Gentilini and internationally celebrated songwriter and recording artist Lisa Nemzo. In January 2015 Gentilini started planning this musical in anticipation of the Armenian genocide’s centennial commemoration. The musical premiered in Denver, Colorado on April 21, 2015. Gentilini’s grandparents, Kourken and Malvine Handjian, were survivors of the Armenian genocide. Their story inspired Gentilini to do something that has never been done before, create a musical tribute to Armenian genocide survivors and their families. “It’s a story that needs to be told, it’s a story that so many people know nothing about, and it’s a way to educate using music and theater. It supports the idea that musicals can be educational and entertaining at the same time,” said Gentilini. The musical was sponsored by the nonprofit organization, The Armenians of Colorado, and had successful performances in Denver. Other partner organizations include The Armenian National Committee of America, The United Armenian Council of Los Angeles, Jewish World Watch, Mashdots College, The ARPA International Film Festival, and Asbarez newspaper. Mia Burnett, a college student from Colorado, came to see her mom’s performance in this musical. Burnett is excited to see how the music plays with the folk music, and the qualities and sounds it will bring out. “I think the theater is a really strong way to bring out the emotion of something, I mean television, movies, books can do that all too, but theater can be really personal. Unfortunately with this incident not a lot of people hear about it, and even most world governments don’t recognize it, even though it is just as legitimately bad as any incident like this, it is not recognized in the way that the great hunger or the Holocaust is recognized,” said Burnett. Burnett studied genocide for a year in 7th grade history, starting with the Armenian genocide. “My mom and I talked about it a lot back then, and then she got involved with the show and she didn’t know too much about it but she’s learned a lot through this process and the show already means a lot to her, even though we are not Armenian,” said Burnett. Blake Joseph, an actor from New York,

traveled to Glendale to see his brother’s performance in this musical. “I know a lot of people don’t know about the Armenian Genocide. I thought it was well received, I thought the direction was great, I loved the music I thought it was really good and it really reflected, I think, Armenian music - I don’t know what that sounds like I’m not Armenian, but that folk sense was there. It kind of followed the journey all the way through and it propelled the story forward which I thought was fantastic. With everything happening in Aleppo, Damascus, and all that area over in Syria, this is all going to start to, I think, resonate very loudly with those kind of people, that listen, this is not the first go around look how badly this ended the first time we did it, wake up. Those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it,” said Joseph. Gentilini used some of the dialogue from her grandparents’ story of survival, but also added other elements to make the story both educational and entertaining. “I believe that music touches the heart in a different way than just spoken word, and it has also been said to me from people who have seen this already, that they don’t think the same affect would have been achieved with just words alone. It’s the fact that music is reaching into people’s hearts and causing them to feel things emotionally,” said Gentilini. Gentilini is hoping that the Los Angeles performance will bring in investors, so the production can reach their ultimate goal of being on Broadway, eventually taking the musical to Armenia. “I’ve had Armenians come up to me and say, ‘you’re telling everybody’s story and this is my family’s story this is exactly what I remember growing up’,” said Gentilini. !

Georgia ex-FM: I would never say that Azerbaijan is more important to us than Armenia Yerevan – I would never say that Azerbaijan is more important to us than Armenia. Maia Panjikidze, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, stated the aforesaid before the start of the international conference, entitled “Upcoming Challenges: NATO, from Wales to Warsaw and Beyond,” which kicked off Monday in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. Reflecting on Armenian-Georgian relations, Panjikidze noted: “Azerbaijan and Armenia are our neighbors. We always

have had very good relations with Armenia, and we don’t have any problems in the political plan. But, sadly, [our] economic relations with Armenia are not as developed as the political [ones]. So, I see very great potential for the development of Armenian-Georgian economic relations.” The Georgian ex-FM added that her country’s Association Agreement with the European Union also will contribute to the development of relations with Armenia.

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is proud to announce the world debut of HOKIS, a musical spectacular that fuses traditional Armenian performance art with Cirque de Soleil-style acrobatics, original compositions, modern dance interpretation and technology in a way that has never before been seen. Premiering on Friday, October 28 at 8:00 pm at the renowned New York City Center, the performance will showcase the talents of over 70 young dancers and acrobats along with technology students and promises to be an enthralling evening unlike any other. HOKIS features the awe-inspiring talents of young artists between the ages of eight and thirty who participate in two of AGBU's partner programs in Armenia: the AGBU Nork Children's Center and the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies. At the cutting edge of the digital and performing arts, they will push the limits of what is conventionally understood as Armenian art by injecting innovation into their performance. "HOKIS is a reconceptualization of the Armenian journey through the eyes of today's Armenian. The stage will come alive with performers inspired by Armenian traditions, but who are revolutionizing them at the same time. Visual DJs will share the stage with modern dancers reinterpreting well-worn Armenian dances all while entirely original musical compositions resound throughout the hall. This will be the first time these two groups will be performing together and AGBU is thrilled to be part of this historic moment," said AGBU Central Board member Ani Manoukian. Established in partnership with the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin in 1993, the AGBU Children's Centers in Arapkir, Malatya and Nork give nearly 2,000 students each year an accessible place to learn, discover and enhance their artistic and athletic talents in a safe and nurturing environment. With classrooms throughout Armenia overcrowded and understaffed, the arts are often underrepresented in the daily curriculum. The three AGBU Children's Centers offer a haven for those seeking creative and physical expression through arts, ceramics and gymnastics classes, among many others. Many of the centers' young artists perform with the award-winning Performing Arts Troupe in Yerevan as well as in Brazil, Canada, France, Georgia, Poland, Russia, Uruguay

and the United States. The TUMO Center for Creative Technologies-filled with equally talented youth-is a newer AGBU partnership. TUMO, founded in 2012, partnered with AGBU in 2014 to expand its reach from Yerevan to Stepanakert and Gyumri. A hub for animation, game development, web development and digital media, TUMO gives students the resources to achieve their full creative potentials. "Our partnership with AGBU is very important to us because we can accomplish such great things together in the service of young people. This performance is a beautiful example of how our beliefs about the importance of creativity in the modern world complement each other. What we are doing together is much more powerful than what each of us could have achieved on our own," said Marie Lou Papazian, the director of TUMO. HOKIS represents the realization of this potential and is the brainchild of its artistic director, French Armenian filmmaker and producer Patrick Malakian. His wonder at the abilities of the AGBU Nork Children's Center performers led him to bring them to Marseille last November for a sold-out performance entitled Éternels. HOKIS builds substantially on Éternels, all while retaining the same goal: "I wanted to put on an Armenian performance, that wasn't about genocide. With HOKIS, we are striving to give proof of life within the Armenian community and the best proof of life we have is our children. These young artists are remarkable and it is time to shine a spotlight on their exceptional talent. It is time for their New York debut to showcase their undeniable abilities to an audience of Armenians and non-Armenians alike," said Malakian. Tickets for HOKIS are now on sale and premium VIP seating is available for donors sponsoring the performance in amounts of $5,000 or more. If you are interested in sponsoring this extraordinary performance, please contact the AGBU Director of Development and Outreach, Karen Papazian at kpapazian@agbu.org and (212) 319-6383. To purchase tickets to HOKIS, please visit http://agbu.org/110/hokis. For more information about the AGBU 89th General Assembly weekend of events, including the 89th General Assembly and the 110th Anniversary Gala, please visit http://agbu.org/110/events.

Armenia Expo to be held in Iran YEREVAN. – The “Armenia Expo” of Armenian products and services will be held from October 5 to 8 in Tehran, the capital city of Iran. The event is organized by the Ministry of Economy of Armenia, Armenia Development Fund, and Embassy of Armenia in Tehran, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of

Armenia informed Armenian NewsNEWS.am. The exhibition will contribute to development of trade and economic relations, promotion of mutual investments, growth of tourism, and facilitation of commercial transactions between Armenia and Iran. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 15, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

128 - Nur Sürer By Hambersom Aghbashian

Nur Sürer (b. 1954, Bursa- Turkey) is a Turkish actress and women's rights activist. She graduated from Bursa Anatolian High School for Girls in 1971. Her debut role was in "Bereketli Topraklar Uzerinde," "On Fertile Lands," directed by Erden Kiral. She is known for her more politically themed roles, notably with regard to prison conditions and women's rights. So far, she has appeared in more than 40 films. Nur Sürer has received the following awards: "Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival (1982)Best actress, Bir Gunun Hikayesi," " Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival (1989)Best actress, Ucurtmavi Vurmasinlsr, and Ankara Film Festival (2002)- Best actress, Sur Cocuklan. January 19, 2008, was the first anniversary of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink’s assassination. Many commemoration were organized and took place

in Turkey, Germany, USA, and England. The main commemoration took place in front of the Armenian newspaper Agos in Istanbul where Dink was shot to death. One of the commemoration events which took place in Istanbul was bringing the work of late Hrant Dink to life with the voices of Memet Ali Alabora, Okan Bayulgen, Haluk Bilginer, Yetkin Dikinciler, Halil Ergun, Pakrat Estukyan, Arsen Gurzap, Banu Guven, Nejat I"ler, Tuncel Kurtiz, Fikret Kuskan, Omer Madra, Lale Mansur, Meral Okay, Dolunay Soysert, Nur Surer, Cetin Tekindor, Deniz Turkali and Serra Yilmaz. Under a head line “Armenian genocide commemorated for the first time in Turkey”, network54.com (April 24.2010) mentioned that “ Though similar demonstrations have become a tradition, this year was somewhat different because a group of Turkish intellectuals expressed their sadness over the sufferings that occurred almost a century ago. Three protests took place on in Taksim Square, the Haydarpa#a Train Station and in front of the Turkish-Armenian Agos weekly. A sit-down strike organized by the ‘Say No to Racism and Nationalism initiative’ in Taksim Square was attended by a group of public figures including Professor Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramo$lu, Roni Marguiles, Alper Görmü#, Ferhat Kentel, Erol Kat%rc%o$lu, Ümit K%vanç, Ömer Laçiner, Ufuk Uras , artists Nur Sürer, Zeynep Tanbay and many others. (1)

1!http://www.network54.com/Forum /248068/thread/1272245708/Armenian+genocide+comm

TANER AKÇAM TO SPEAK ON AUTHENTICITY OF LONG-DISPUTED GENOCIDE DOCUMENTS Prof. Taner Akçam of Clark University will give a lecture entitled “The Memoir of Naim Bey and Talat Pasha Telegrams: Are They ‘Armenian Forgeries’?” on Thursday, October 6, 2016, at 7:30 p.m., at First Armenian Church, 380 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA. The program is sponsored by the friends of the Kaloosdian-Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). A reception will take place following the program at the NAASR Center across the street from the church. In 1920-21, author and editor Aram Andonian published a book known in English as The Memoirs of Naim Bey and in Armenian as Medz Vojir! (The Great Crime). It contained the writings of an Ottoman official and telegrams from Talat Pasha containing orders for the killing of Armenians. In 1983, Turkish authors Sinasi Orel and Sureyya Yuca published a book to establish that the memoir was fake and the telegrams were forgeries. The argument had three main pillars: 1) there was no such person as Naim Bey; 2) there is no actual memoir, since a non-existing person cannot write a memoir; and 3) the so-called Talat Pasha telegrams, like the alleged memoir, were invented by Andonian. Although noted researcher Fr. Krikor Guerguerian (Kriger) in 1965 published a detailed examination of Andonian’s published and unpublished materials and Vahakn N. Dadrian in 1986 published a

lengthy response to Orel and Yuca, in general the scholarly world ceased using the memoir and telegrams as trustworthy sources. Until now, the claims against Andonian have remained unanswered and became the cornerstone of denialism. Taner Akçam risked venturing into this highly disputed territory and pursued the matter to its necessary conclusion, seeking out the archival sources and documents needed for a proper scholarly assessment. The first results of his research will be presented in this lecture and in a book to be published in Turkish later this fall. The question must be asked: Is it time to remove one of the last bricks in the denialist wall and watch the façade crumble? Taner Akçam is the author of From Empire To Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide and A Shameful Act: the Armenian Genocide and Turkish Responsibility, and The Young Turks’ Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire as well as other works in the English and Turkish Languages. Since 2008 he has been the Robert Aram and Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Professor of Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University in Worcester, MA. For more information about Akçam’s talk contact NAASR at 617-489-1610 or hq@naasr.org. Belmont, MA September 9, 2016


Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

Lecture “On the Trail of My Musa Dagh Ancestry” by Dr. Vahram Sehmmassian Dr. Vahram Shemmassian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Northridge, will give a presentation on “On the Trail of My Musa Dagh Ancestry” at 7:30PM on Friday, September 30, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The presentation is part of the Fall Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program, with financial support from the Leon S. Peters Foundation. This presentation recounts Dr. Shemmassian’s rendezvous with the history of Armenian Musa Dagh, his ancestors’ birthplace. The odyssey began during the early stages of the civil war in Lebanon (19751990), when life seemed to stand still and required re-ignition. Idle wanderings in Anjar, Lebanon, where his family had taken refuge, came to an end with the discovery of the umbilical cord tied to the missing Homeland and its people. The young graduate student embarked on his mission cautiously but surely, navigating through uncharted archival domains, reviewing numerous periodicals and newspapers, interviewing and corresponding with natives, visiting homes across continents in search of family papers, soliciting vintage photographs, and in the process making friends and finding himself in anecdotal situations. All of this resulted in a doctoral dissertation, articles in scholarly journals, conference talks, Power-Point presentations, exhibits, interviews, and so on. It also led to the publication of a new book: The Musa Dagh

Armenians: A Socioeconomic and Cultural History, 1919-1939. Dr. Vahram Shemmassian is the director of the Armenian Studies Program in the Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures at California State University, Northridge. He holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and has conducted extensive research in some forty archives in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Armenia, gathering data on such areas of interest as the Armenians of Musa Dagh and Armenian Genocide survivors in the Middle East at the end of World War I Dr. Shemmassian’s latest articles are “Humanitarian Intervention by the Armenian Prelacy of Aleppo during the First Months of the Genocide,” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies (2013), and “The Economy of Armenian Musa Dagh in the 19th and Early 20th Century,” Haigazian Armenological Review (2014). In the summer of 2010 the Ministry of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia awarded Dr. Shemmassian the “William Saroyan Medal” for his contributions to the promotion and preservation of Armenian culture in the Diaspora. Copies of his new book, The Musa Dagh Armenians: A Socioeconomic and Cultural History, 1919-1939, will be on sale after the lecture. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available in Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center, Fresno State. No parking permits are required for the lecture.

Garo Paylan, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Turkey, to Discuss “Turkey and the Armenians” at Fresno State Garo Paylan, a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Turkey (Peoples’ Democratic Party [HDP]) will participate in a discussion on “Turkey and the Armenians” at 7:30PM on Tuesday, September 27, in McLane Hall, Room 121, on the Fresno State campus. The presentation is part of the Fall Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program, with financial support from the Leon S. Peters Foundation. Paylan will discuss recent developments in Turkey and the region, the challenges facing the country’s Armenian community, Turkish-Armenian relations, and the Kurdish issue. Garo Paylan is a founding member of People’s Democratic Party and is a deputy representing the 3rd

district in Istanbul. Mr. Paylan is also a member of Turkey’s Armenian community and has long been an activist on human rights, Kurdish and Armenian issues. Previous to joining the parliament, Mr. Paylan served in the central committee of HDP and also served on the management of Armenian schools in Istanbul. He has long promoted bilingual education and minority rights in Turkey and has been actively engaged in raising awareness on discrimination towards minorities, the rights of the Armenian com-

munity in Turkey, Tu r k i s h - A r m e n i a n reconciliation and especially on Hrant Dink murder case. Mr. Paylan is from a family originally from Malatya and is one of the three Armenian deputies in the Turkish parliament. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available in Fresno State Lots P20, P21, P22, or P23, near McLane Hall Room 121, Fresno State. Parking is free but you must use code 273707 in a kiosk to receive a permit. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies. You may also follow us on facebook @ArmenianStudiesFresnoState.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 15, 2016

Musa Dagh - Dort-Yol - Kessab Volume Released

Upcoming Events iWitness Genocide Memorial Unveiling

Fall 2016 Western Armenian Language Courses Offered by the Hrant Dink Foundation Will Take Place in Istanbul Between September-November

Los Angeles - The fourteenth volume in the UCLA conference series Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces was released by Mazda Publishers in September 2016 under the title of Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean: Musa Dagh—Dort Yol— Kessab. The UCLA conference series was organized by Professor Richard Hovannisian, past holder of the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History at UCLA and currently Adjunct Professor of History at the University of Southern California to serve with the Shoah Foundation on Armenian survivor testimonies. Hovannisian has served as the editor of all volumes in the series, having the collaboration of Professor Simon Payaslian as co-editor of two volumes. The current volume includes 3 chapters on the Northeastern Mediterranean communities in general, including Alexandretta, Antioch, Beylan, the Ruj Valley, and the fraudulent transfer of the Sanjak of Alexandretta to Turkey in 1939, 5 chapters on Musa Dagh, 2 chapters on Dort Yol (Chork-Marzban), and 4 chapters on Kessab, including a final chapter on the three-month occupation of the district by the alNusra front in 2014. The UCLA conference series was begun by Professor Hovannisian in 1999 and continued with semi-annual conferences for more than a decade. In addition to the fourteen conferences on the one-time vibrant Armenian lands and communities of the Ottoman Empire, four conferences have been organized on the communities of Jerusalem, New Julfa, Iran in general, and the Indian Ocean. Steps have been initiated to publish the proceedings of these later conferences under separate auspices. The fourteen volumes in the UCLA conference series appearing under the imprint of Mazda Publishers (website: mazdapublishers.com) are as follows: Armenian Van/Vaspurakan Armenian Baghesh/Bitlis Armenian Tsopk/Kharpert Armenian Karin/Erzerum Armenian Sebastaia/Sivas Armenian Tigranakert/Diarbekir and Edessa/Urfa Armenian Cilicia Armenian Pontus—Trebizond and the Black Sea Communities Armenian Constantinople Armenian Smyrna/Izmir Armenian Kars and Ani Armenian Kesaria/Kayseri Armenian Communities of Asia Minor Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean Copies of titles still in print may be purchased from the publisher or from Armenian bookstores (Abril, Sardarabad, NAASR, Armenian Prelacy, New York, and from Amazon.com).

Fall 2016 Western Armenian language courses offered by the Hrant Dink Foundation in collaboration with Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will take place between 26 September and 22 November in Istanbul at the Hrant Dink Foundation’s Anarad Hı!utyun Building. Led by Sevan De!irmenciyan, the language courses will last for 2 months, totaling to 75 hours of coursework. Based on two proficiency levels, the courses will be conducted for 9 hours, over 3 days per week. First level: Monday 18:00-21:00, Wednesday 18:0021:00, Saturday 10:00-13:00 Second level:Tuesday 18:00-21:00, Thursday 18:00-21:00, Saturday 14:00-17:00

For registration, please fill in the registration form and transfer the tuition fee (TRY 750) to the bank account below. The deadline is 20 September 2016. Placement interviews will be held for those who want to register directly for the Second level. Sevan De!irmenciyan will be interviewing for day long on 21st of September in the Hrant Dink Foundation, with email or phone appointments. Higher proficiency levels are subject to demand. For further questions, please contact: Hermine Sayan E-mail: info@hrantdink.org Tel: 0212 240 33 61 / 212

What: LA County has teamed-up with the iwitness project to install this new memorial. The unveiling will include speakers and musical performances by Lark Musical Society as well as Ara & Sose from Element Band. The iwitness project is a collective made up of artists Ara Oshagan, Levon Parian, architect Vahagn Thomasian and other activists and artists. The permanent monument is sculpted by Vahagn Thomasian and made of black volcanic tuff rock imported directly from the Ararat Valley of Armenia. When: Saturday, September 17th at 5 pm Where: Grand Park 200 N. Grand Ave, Los Angeles 90012 Cost: Free admission

Historical Armenia After 100 Years! Ani, Kars, and the Six Provinces of Western Armenia What: Book presentation by author Matthew Karanian, on Western Armenia. Covers ancient Armenian lands of Ani, Van, Bitlis, Diyarbakir, Erzerum, Kharpert, and Sebastia, in 176 Pages with 125 color photographs and maps. When: Friday, September 30th at 7 pm Where: St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church 17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys 91406 Cost: Free admission

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