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NorOr,September22,2016,No.36.qx_N.O. Blank 9/21/16 4:11 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 36, Thursday, September 22, 2016

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!ÇÙ"áõ#Í 1922-Ç" (üñ»$"û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

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An ADLP Publication

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NOR OR ENG. September 22 qxd:Layout 1 9/21/16 1:05 PM Page 1

Thursday, September 22, 2016 Vol. 94, # 36


Armenia showcases new missiles in Independence Day Parade

Political parties issue statement ahead of the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence The Western United States leadership of the three national political parties—the Social Democratic Hunchakian party, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and the Armenian Democratic League (Ramkavar-Azadagan)— in the name of their rank and file and supporters welcome the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s independence and on this occasion announce: 1. Our unwavering commitment to efforts to strengthen Armenia’s independent statehood; 2. Our concern that our 25-year young Armenian Republic still confronts the challenge of emigration from Armenia. It is our profound conviction that in order to stem the tide of emigration immediate steps must be taken to enhance and reform Armenia’s socio-economic situation and to fundamentally change Armenia’s judicial system; 3. Our conviction that the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be attained through peaceful means. However, we oppose the alternative of territorial concessions for peace and we declare not one liberated territory in Artsakh can be conceded; 4. Our steadfast commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Armenia in their quest to create their own just and prosperous country and to support their aspirations; 5. Our cooperation to ensure that democratic values and human rights are protected in the Republic of Armenia in the widest way possible; 6. Finally, by bringing together the resources of the Western United States Armenian community and by fostering an atmosphere of cooperation add new impetus to our obligation to advance and safeguard the security of the Armenia and Artsakh. Long Live the independent Armenian state Long Live Armenia and Artsakh Long Live the Armenian Nation Social Democratic Hunchakian Party, Western US Executive Board Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun Western US Central Committee Armenian Democratic Liberal Party -Ramgavar, Western District Committee of America Los Angeles, September 19, 2016

Armenia demonstrated on Wednesday Iskander tactical missiles and other advanced weapons acquired from Russia recently as it marked the 25th anniversary of its independence with a military parade held in Yerevan. Hundreds of Armenian troops marched through the city’s central Republic Square, followed by columns of tanks mounted on heavy military tracks, armored vehicles, artillery and air-defense systems, and ballistic missiles. They were joined by a company of Russian soldiers from Russia’s military base headquartered in Gyumri. A dozen MiG-29 fighter jets of the Russian base and Armenian Su-25 attack aircraft roared overhead during the parade watched by Armenia’s political and military leadership. The participating troops also included soldiers of an Armenian peacekeeping brigade. They carried the national flags of the United States, Germany, Italy, Poland and Greece symbolizing the brigade’s past and present involvement in multinational contingents led by those NATO member states. President Serzh Sarkisian praised the Armenian military as he addressed the troops lined up at the sprawling square. “We have the power to defend our freedom and our rights,” he said. “This parade bears testimony to that.”

“During the course of the past 25 years we have achieved irreversible successes,” added Sarkisian. “Sometimes we made mistakes and sometimes we went to extremes, but by and large we have followed the right path.” The Armenian military used the occasion to put on display several Russianmade weapons that appear to have been supplied to it this year. The most important of them are Iskander missiles that have a firing range of up to 300 kilometers and are known for their precision. A public announcer commentating on the parade said Armenia can use them to destroy “strategic facilities” of its enemies. In particular, the sophisticated missiles developed in the 1990s and first acquired by Russia’s armed forces in 2006 should make Azerbaijan’s vital oil and gas installations more vulnerable to Armenian missile strikes. Yerevan has made no secret of its readiness to launch such strikes in the event of a full-scale war for Nagorno-Karabakh. Its ballistic missile arsenal until now included only Soviet-era Scud-B and Tochka-U systems, which were also demonstrated during the parade. Oil-rich Azerbaijan has said in the past that its oil and gas infrastructure and key military facilities are protected against these missiles. The Azerbaijani armed

forces are equipped with Russian S-300 airdefense systems which may be able to intercept Scud-Bs. In recent years, Baku has also reportedly purchased from Israel similar surface-to-air missiles as well as a missile defense radar. Iskander is thought to be capable of overcoming just about every missile defense shield currently existing in the world. Armenia is the first country other than Russia which is known to have obtained such missiles. Citing two senior Russian defense industry executives, the Russian daily “Vedomosti” reported at the weekend that Moscow supplied Armenia with at least four Iskander launchers that simultaneously can fire two missiles each. The unnamed sources also said that the delivery was not covered by a $200 million Russian loan which Armenia is to spend on the purchase of more Russian weapons. In February, the Russian government disclosed the types of military hardware which Yerevan can buy with the loan disbursed in 2015. They include Smerch multiple-launch rocket systems with a range of up to 90 kilometers. Wednesday’s parade featured Smerch rockets as well, suggesting that Armenian army got hold of them earlier this year. Yerevan pressed Moscow to speed up the implementation of the $200 million arms deal following last April’s outbreak of heavy fighting around Karabakh which nearly escalated into an all-out ArmenianAzerbaijani war. It also used the escalation to renew its criticism of at least $4 billion worth of offensive weapons which the Russians have sold to Azerbaijan since 2010. Among other newly acquired weaponry demonstrated at the Armenian parade were modernized variants of the Buk medium-range air-defense system and Infauna electronic warfare vehicles that use advanced technology to jam enemy communications. Armenia also plans to buy soon Russian-made TOS-1A heavy flamethrowers using thermobaric rockets and Kornet antitank systems. azatutyun.am

Obama pledges continued U.S. support for Armenia U.S. President Barack Obama congratulated Armenia on the 25th anniversary of its independence marked on Wednesday, saying that Washington will continue to help the country “realize its full potential.” “The United States has been a steadfast partner of Armenia from the first days of its independence,” Obama said in a congratulatory message to President Serzh Sarkisian. “We remain committed to the promise of those early years, when Armenians proudly raised their tricolor flag for the first time since 1920,” he wrote. “Today, we again affirm our belief that a secure, prosperous, and democratic Armenia is essential for the security for the Armenian people and for the region more broadly.” “We will continue to work together to help Armenia realize its full potential,” added the letter publicized by Sargsyan’s press office.

Obama also thanked Armenia for participating in multinational peacekeeping operations abroad, accepting thousands of refugees from Syria and contributing to global nuclear security. Sargsyan was among around 50 heads of state who were invited to a summit on nuclear security hosted by Obama in Washington this spring. The Armenian president met with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on the eve of the forum. He told Biden that U.S.-Armenian relations are now “at their highest level in their history.” A high-level U.S. military delegation underlined growing defense cooperation between the two nations when it attended on Wednesday a military parade held in Yerevan as part of official ceremonies to mark Armenia’s Independence Day. The delegation led by three U.S. generals met with Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian on Tuesday.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 22, 2016

Havresc: Stand on courage

Armenian genocide monument unveiled in Grand Park By Tenny Minassian An Armenian genocide monument was unveiled in Grand Park on Saturday, September 17, in a ceremony presented by the office of Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich. The monument, made of black volcanic tuff, imported from the Ararat valley of Armenia, was sculpted with angles to represent April 24, 1915. The rock is split in two, representing the disruption in humanity caused by genocide. After a successful month-long interactive art exhibit commemorating the centennial of the Armenian genocide last year, including photographic sculptures of eyewitnesses, Supervisor Antonovich asked the iwitness team to create a more permanent memorial. “This memorial honors the 1.5 million who lost their lives by the Turkish government, the Ottoman Empire, who was destroying our faith in our lord by taking our churches and killing our people, thinking that this would be forgotten. What happened in 1915 has never been forgotten... The monument is a silent witness to that history, a symbol of the survivors’ families and the survivors’ strength, and those who gave their lives to the Ottoman Empire that their legacy was not to be dying in vein, but their cause would continue to grow and thrive, and hopefully one day we will have a president of the United States who keeps his word and will recognize the genocide that has taken place,” said Supervisor Antonovich. The iwitness team, lead by Ara Oshagan, Vahagn Thomasian, and Levon Parian, created this monument and included the

President Serzh Sarkisian on Tuesday appointed the first six members of Armenia’s new government which is being formed by Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan. Four of them are new figures that have not held ministerial positions in the past. They will run the Armenian ministries of finance, energy, agriculture, and transport and communications. The newly appointed Finance Minister Vartan Aramian was until now the first deputy chief of

words of William Saroyan in the ground text around it. The ground text reads, “ In the time of your life, live – so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it.” Keynote speaker, and Director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, Dr. Salpi Ghazarian, spoke of the significance of the monument’s unveiling given the ongoing genocides and current global refugee crisis. “Who better than us to talk about the continuing injustice that happens today in Turkey, to the Armenian minority to the other minority, to Kurds in Turkey. 50,000 killed in the last couple of decades. Who better than us to talk about Syria today? Who better than us to talk about Syrians and refugees in the same sentence?” said Dr. Ghazarian. Doves, an international symbol of peace, were released during the dedication and blessing ceremony. Members of greenKARD and Element Band performed Armenian folk music and original songs after the ceremony. “If we are responsible about our past, then we also need to be responsible about its lessons for humanity. If genocide is the ultimate de-humanizer, and it was, then that which is going to return us to humanity and make us an integral part of that, is our willingness to stand up for everyone’s humanity; my grandmother’s, my neighbor’s, my compatriots’ here in Los Angeles and around the world. That is our responsibility as non-victims,” said Dr. Ghazarian.

The recently produced documentary film, Havresc: Stand on Courage, will be making its California debut at the Glendale International Film Festival on Saturday evening, October 1, 2016 at 10:00 PM. The film itself is 35 minutes in length. It discusses the story of the Armenian heroes of the village of Havresc, who fended off an attack by ISIS two years ago without suffering any casualties. The film also discusses the resilience of the people of Havresc, descendants of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, who refused to flee from their village when faced by ongoing ISIS threats. This film is one of triumph against all odds. If you are unable to attend the premier screening of this film, a second screening of the Havresc: Stand on Courage film will take place on the evening of Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Here's a link to a trailer for the film (Note: The trailer is 4:44 in length): https://youtu.be/iLSD0QfMV8E All films participating in the Glendale International Film Festival will be screened at the MGN Five Star Cinema in Glendale, California (Address: 128 N. Maryland Ave., Glendale, CA 91206). The cinema is located on N. Maryland Ave. close to the Wilson Avenue intersection. Parking is available across street in a structure on N. Maryland Avenue (Note: The first 90 minutes of parking is free). Tickets to attend the Havresc: Stand on Courage film screening are $15 per person and can be pre-purchased at the following web link: http://goo.gl/yImtwt. You can even choose your desired seats at the aforementioned web link. It is encouraged that attendees purchase tickets in advance of the screening. In addition, there will be a mixer/

fundraiser at the MGN Five Star Cinema's atrium for the people of Havresc approximately two hours prior to the film's screening on October 1st (i.e. from 7:30 PM to 9:45 PM). 100% of the proceeds raised during the mixer will go to the people of Havresc via Dr. Michael Schmitt and his humanitarian organization: Echo612. Dr. Michael Schmitt, who is of partial Armenian descent, has been delivering humanitarian, medical and moral assistance for the past three years to the Armenian, fellow Christian (including Assyrian and Chaldean), and Yazidi populations displaced from the Nineveh Plain. Dr. Schmitt will provide a presentation about the people and history of Havresc, and answer questions during the mixer/fundraiser. Dr. Schmitt will personally deliver all funds raised at the October 1, 2016 fundraiser to the people of Havresc. - What: Film Screening and pre-screening mixer/fundraiser of the film Havresc: Stand on Courage. - When: Saturday, October 1, 2016 - Location: MGN Five Star Cinema - Address: 128 N. Maryland Ave., Glendale, CA 91206 (nearest cross street is Wilson Ave.) - Time of Film Screening: 10:00 PM (Note: This documentary film is 35 minutes in length) - Time of Mixer/Fundraiser: 7:30 PM to 9:45 PM (Note: The mixer will be in the cinema's atrium) - Parking: 90 minutes of free parking across the street in the Maryland Ave. parking structure. - Cost: $15 per person to view the film (Note: Please purchase tickets in advance) Link to Purchase Tickets: http://goo.gl/yImtwt

Yerevan. Ministers appointed as government signals new economic policy Sarkisian’s staff. He had previously worked as deputy finance minister. The new Agriculture Minister Ignati Arakelian, Energy Minister Ashot Manukian and Transport and Communications Minister Vahan Martirosian are also technocrats, having held senior execu-

tive positions in enterprises involved in their respective new areas of responsibility. The two members of the outgoing Armenian cabinet who retained their posts are Deputy Prime Minister Vache Gabrielian and Davit Harutiunian, the chief of the government staff who has a

ministerial rank. Gabrielian will also continue to serve as minister for international economic integration and reforms. Sarkisian stressed the importance of speeding up economic reforms in Armenia when he announced his decision to replace Abrahamian by Karapetyan later

on that day. The president singled out the need to improve Armenia’s business environment. Speaking in the National Assembly on September 14, Karapetyan said that he will embark on “systemic changes” to try to improve what he called a “very grave” economic situation in the country. The new premier his government’s key economic priority will be to put in place “maximally favorable conditions for those who create added value.”

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

129 - Yasemin Çongar By Hambersom Aghbashian Yasemin Çongar (born in December 22, 1966 in Turkey ) is a Turkish journalist and writer. She finished her High school in USA and has been a journalist since 1984 where she began to work for ANKA News Agency. While working as a Journalist, she continued her education and graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Economics, University of Ankara. She earned a Master degree in the field of American Studies from Georgetown University- USA. Yasemin Çongar participated in political activities in Turkey and accused for 'communist propaganda'. She was tried by Istanbul State Security Court and acquitted of the charge. After ANKA, she worked for 'The Republic' headed by Hasan Gamal, then for BBC in the early 1990s in London. She returned to Turkey and joined the team that prepared the new century newspaper. She is a former Washington bureau chief for Milliyet (1995–2007) and a founding deputy editor-in-chief of Taraf (2007–2012). She has published interviews with Orhan Pamuk, Paul Auster, novelist Salman Rushdie , also has contributed to Agos newspaper . Yasemin Çongar is the author of four books in Turkish, among them Artık Sır De!il (No More a Secret), a detailed analysis of the US diplomatic cables on Turkey first made public by WikiLeaks . Currently she is based in Istanbul and is a columnist for the Internet newspaper T24, and writes also for AlMONITOR. LA Times wrote on January 5, 2009, (

Two hundred Turkish intellectuals last month launched an Internet signature campaign for an apology to Armenians for the 1915 massacres. "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Armenians were subjected to in 1915," the brief statement reads. "I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Organizers of the "I apologize" campaign notably shied away from the word genocide, opting instead for "the Great Catastrophe," a phrase initially used by Armenians. Still, Turkish nationalists were quick to condemn the project and launch multiple, counter we-want-an-apology campaigns). Yasemin Çongar was one of the signees. (1) Deutsche Welle published an article on April 23, 2009, by its correspondent Dorian Jones concerning an agreement on a comprehensive framework to normalize relations between Turkey and Armenia where he mentioned that the process carries some risk for the Turkish government. He also mentioned that "Ankara now fears US president Barack Obama will do the same. During his presidential campaign Obama said he would recognize the genocide if elected. But Yasemin Congar, deputy editor of the Turkish daily Taraf, said Obama may now hold back as a result of the new rapprochement efforts. Washington wants to see Turkey open its border with Armenia," she said. "They want to see Ankara and Yere-

van normalize diplomatic relations and there is a movement to that end. I think Obama wants to give the message to Ankara that if this process goes on it might even stop him from saying the 'G' word, the genocide word in Washington." (2) According to Armenian Genocide denying source , January 11, 2009, Yasemin Çongar , deputy editor of Taraf newspaper " which thinks Turkey should accept the ( Armenian) Genocide and even pay money to the Armenians (financial reparation) or maybe even give land to them," was invited to a debate organized by the Turkish Institute in the Netherlands. The conference was about the media and censorship in Turkey. The source gaves some details about the conference and the participant , and mentioned that Yasemin Çongar is proArmenian-lobby, and she is uniting all the “enemies” of Turkey. (3) Turkish scholars, artists, and writers harshly condemned primary and middle school textbooks that are replete with antiArmenian rhetoric in Turkey, and demanded that the books be pulled from circulation. The textbooks portray Armenians as traitors who plotted with foreign enemies to tear apart the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, and as mass murderers of innocent Turkish and Muslim women and children while Muslim men were waging a war of survival. The textbooks, all published over the past few years and approved by a special commission of Turkey’s Ministry of Educa-

tion, are also mandatory in Armenian schools in Turkey. In a statement issued in late September (2014), the signatories wrote, “After immediately pulling the ‘History’ and ‘History of the Turkish Revolution’ textbooks from circulation, apologies should be issued to all students, particularly to Armenian ones. Yasemin Çongar was one of the signatories. (4)

1.http://www.latimes.com/la-oeozyurek5-2009jan05-story.html 2.http://www.dw.com/en/turkeyand-armenia-agree-on-reconciliationroadmap/a-4201193 3.http://www.armandsag.nl/artikelen/Leftwing%20journalists%20in%20Turk ey.html 4.http://armenianweekly.com/2014/0 9/30/textbooks-vilifying-armenians/

A CELEBRATION OF ART AND MUSIC AT THE DIOCESAN CENTER IN NYC WILL HONOR 25 YEARS OF ARMENIA’S INDEPENDENCE Concert and Art Exhibit will take place on Evening of Wednesday, September 21 On Wednesday evening, September 21, 2016, a gala celebration of art and music will take place at the St. Vartan Cathedral Complex in honor of the 25 years of Armenia’s independence. Presiding at the event will be Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). The honored guest will be Armenia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian. Fifteen Armenian fraternal organizations are participating in this singular ceremony, under the chairmanship of Sandra Shahinian, a community activist and a member of the Diocesan Board of Trustees. An art exhibit featuring 25 outstanding artists is titled “25 Years, 25 Artists: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Independence of Armenia.” Curated by longtime collector and gallery owner Vicki Shoghag Hovanessian, the exhibit will start at 6 p.m. It will be followed at 7:30 p.m. by a prayer service in St. Vartan Cathedral, and a concert organized by master pianist Sahan Arzruni. The central premise of the art exhibit, according to curator Vicki Hovanessian, “is to demonstrate through classical, modern, and contemporary works of art, the substantial progress that Armenian culture has made over the past quarter of a century within its present homeland, abroad, and in the United States.” The works of the 25 artists that will be displayed were loaned through the estates of the participating artists, and private collectors, including Andreas Roubian, Sandra Shahinian Leitner, Raffy and Vicki Hovanessian, Hagop Vartivarian and the Tekian family. Nazar and Artemis Nazarian, who not only loaned their private artwork for the

exhibit, also donated generously in support and sponsorship of the artists’ exhibition.

FAMED MUSICAL TALENTS Equally outstanding are the musical participants who will be sharing their talents. Acclaimed pianist and ethnomusicologist Sahan Arzruni has organized the concert, and also will be performing. He calls each of the artists “first class.” He first heard cellist Laura Navasardian, a prodigy at 12 years old, at a Young Armenian Talent concert, and was “awestruck.” Since age seven, she has studied in Italy during the summers, and this year worked in Germany with world famous cellist Souren Bagratuni. Laura will perform Alexander Harutyunyan’s “Impromptu,” as well as the “Moses Variations” by Paganini, playing the latter on one string only. Arzruni related that the composer had arranged the work that was originally written for four strings on the violin to one. Apparently, during a concert, Paganini had snapped two of the strings, then pulled out the third string, thus performing on only one. Award-winning 24-year-old clarinetist Narek Arutyunian won the Young Concert Artists’ competition in 2010 when Arzruni first met him. Though Narek and his family moved from his birthplace of Gyumri to Moscow when he was only three, he speaks Armenian fluently. A 2015 graduate of the famed Juilliard School, he will perform Khachaturian’s “Nocturne,” and Olinchik’s “Spanish Caprice.” Tenor Yeghishe Manucharian has performed both operatic and concert repertoire on world famous stages. He debuted at New York’s Metropolitan Opera in 2011 in

Rossini’s Armida. At the September 21 concert, he will be singing an all-Komitas program, including “Groung,” “Andouni,” and “Hayastan.” Supporting all these artists on the piano will be Sahan Arzruni who will also perform “Invocation,” his own arrangement of Yekmalian’s “Hayr Mer.” He will also play Khachaturian’s “Sonatina.” This year, he received the prestigious “Movses Khorenatzi” presidential medal, the highest civilian honor Armenia bestows on artists.

STRONG PARALLELS BETWEEN ARMENIAN ART AND MUSIC “Historically, there is a close parallel between Armenian music and painting,” revealed Arzruni in a conversation on Sunday. “There is a strong correlation between the medieval sharagans and the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages, for example. They both have liturgical content and are aesthetically undiluted.” And artist Martiros Saryan played “a role similar to that of Komitas,” he continued. “Both were fountainheads of 20th-century Armenian culture.” Saryan, he related, was born in Rostov-on-Don (Nor Nakhichevan), and followed art at an early age, attending the Moscow School of Art. His early paintings had the influence of the great French artists Cezanne and Matisse. At the beginning of the 20th century, Saryan moved to Yerevan, establishing a painting school, and traveled extensively in Egypt, Iran, and the Ottoman Empire. Works by Saryan and Komitas will be featured in the September 21 art exhibit and concert. The exhibit will also display works

by Sarkis Hamalbashian (Vasdagavor), Ararat Sarkissian (Vasdagavor), Arthur Sarkissian, Ashot Bayandour, Rouben Grigorian, Arevig Arevshatian, Vahan Rumelian, Moko, and Hamlet Hovsepian. Curator Vicki Shoghag Hovanessian says “the central premise of the exhibition is to salute the giants of the past Armenian classical artists. However, it is also to salute the giants among the present contemporary artists, whose art demonstrates the substantial progress Armenian culture has made within Armenia and the diaspora, despite all the hardships. Artists of Armenia have a diamond-like resilience." The art exhibit opens at 6 p.m. in Guild Hall of the Diocesan Center. At 7:30 p.m. a prayer service will take place in St. Vartan Cathedral, to be followed immediately by the concert. A short program will conclude the evening, before attendees can adjourn for a reception. The event is free and open to the public. A large number of Armenian organizations are participating with the Eastern Diocese in the celebratory event on September 21, include Armenia’s Permanent U.N. Mission, the AGBU, Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenia Fund USA, Armenian Relief Society, Knights & Daughters of Vartan, Tekeyan Cultural Association, Armenian Assembly of America, Fund for Armenian Relief, Armenian American Health Professionals Organization, Armenian Engineers & Scientists of America, Armenian National Committee of America—N.Y. Region, Constantinople Armenian Relief Society, Hamazkayin Armenian Educational & Cultural Society, Essayan-Getronagan Alumni, and Tbrevank Alumni. New York

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 22, 2016


Rep. Schiff statement on Armenian Independence Day Washington, DC – Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) released the following statement on the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia: “Today, I join with my ArmenianAmerican constituents and the vibrant Armenian community across the world in saying ‘Oorakh Angakhootyan Or,’ as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Armenia. And while their path to independence has never been easy, Armenians persevered through foreign domination, outside threats and the first genocide of the 20th century. There’s no doubt that the Armenian community is an invaluable asset to our society, breaking new ground socially, economically and politically across the nation, and enriching our customs, traditions and quality of life. “On this important day, I wish to say congratulations to the people of Armenia, to Armenians in America, to my Armenian-American constituents, and to all Armenians around the world.”

1918-2018 Glendale, CA – On Saturday, October 8, 2016, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will be hosting their Centennial Kick-Off Celebration at the prestigious Jonathon Club at 545 South Figueroa Street in Los Angeles. The evening’s highlight will be the much deserved recognition of the AMAA Child & Orphan Care Committee. Cocktails at 6 p.m. will begin the festivities. The Child and Orphan Care Program was founded in 1989 through which the AMAA reaches out to over 2800 destitute and marginalized children living in Armenia and Karabagh. Through regular year-round home visits by AMAA local relief workers, sponsored children and their families are supplied with necessary provisions, such as foodstuffs, clothing, personal hygiene items and school supplies. It is for these children that the AMAA Child and Orphan Care Committee was formed. Over the past 25 years, they have raised over $5,000,000 at their annual luncheon and children’s fashion shows. More than 400 guests gather annually to enjoy fellowship at this special event and to provide support to the many impoverished children and families living in Armenia and Karabagh. During the event, guests have an opportunity to sponsor a child. Each sponsor takes home a picture of the child and information about the sponsored child's family and circumstances. The annual cost to sponsor a child is $300. The purpose of the AMAA is to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people both at home and overseas. To fulfill this worldwide mission, the AMAA maintains a range of educational, evangelistic, relief, social service and child care ministries in 24 countries around the world. Individual tickets $250 - Sponsorships Encouraged - Evening Attire. For Information, please contact Grace Kurkjian at 714-773-9075 or Debbie Levonian at 818-788-5730. E-mail: AMAAevent@gmail.com Joyce Abdulian

ABMDR’s first-ever Cancer Awareness Symposium to take place this Saturday Los Angeles, September 14, 2016 — The Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) will hold its first-ever Cancer Awareness Symposium, titled “Knowledge is Power,” this weekend. The much-anticipated event, which is a free public service for the benefit of the Armenian community, will take place on Saturday, September 17, from 9 AM until 3 PM, at the Kouyoumjian Hall of St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church (1510 East Mountain Street, Glendale, California). “We’re extremely excited about our firstever Cancer Awareness Symposium,” said Dr. Frieda Jordan, president of ABMDR. “Almost a year in the making, this public-benefit event will offer invaluable information about many types of cancer, as well as the latest advances in cancer treatment. As importantly, our speakers and panelists will discuss the key roles of nutrition, prevention, alternative treatments, and emotional support, and will provide a wealth of sources where patients and families can get help Speakers include Dr. Peter Ashjian, Dr. Boris Bagdasarian, Dr. Ani Balmanoukian, Dr. Nubar Boghossian, Areg Boyamyan, Dr. Robert Gellibolian, Dr. Armen Kassabian, and Dr. Vergine Madelian. The presentations will be made in both Armenian and English. The symposium will also feature a panel of cancer survivors, who will share with the audience their stories of survival and healing. “We’re calling the symposium ‘Knowledge is Power’ for the simple reason that up-do-date knowledge is the most important factor in fighting cancer,” Dr. Jordan said and added, “It’s why we are so delighted to invite families and friends to attend this informative and inspiring event.” About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians and nonArmenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 28,000 donors in 28 countries across four continents, identified over 4,200 patients, and facilitated 26 bone marrow transplants. For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit abmdr.am.

College boot camp 101 with Daniel Mehrabian Glendale, CA – College counselor DANIEL MEHRABIAN will offer a free, one-day COLLEGE BOOT CAMP 101 for high school students on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. By attending this event, students will gain the basic essentials of getting into a great university. Topics include which AP and Honors courses that are helpfull, whether to take the ACT or SAT exam, what is a competitive GPA to get one into UC's or CSU's in comparison to private universities, plus much much more. Bring your family and friends! DANIEL MEHRABIAN began his career as a High School counselor in 2004. He has counseled in multiple school districts including Compton, Burbank, and

Glendale USD. He is currently on the college guidance and counseling staff at Maranatha College Prep High School. Daniel has also taught school counseling at Point Loma Nazarene University graduate school of education. Daniel boasts a proud record of assisting his students in being admitted to the best universities in the United States and abroad such as UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, USC, Stanford, Claremont McKenna, Pepperdine, Cal Arts, West Point, and many more.

Vicken Babkenian to present new book on Armenia, Australia & the Great War Glendale, CA – Visiting author from Australia, VICKEN BABKENIAN will present his new book, ARMENIA, AUSTRALIA & THE GREAT WAR on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Australian civilians worked for decades supporting the survivors and orphans of the Armenian Genocide massacres. April 24, 1915 marks the beginning of two great epics of the First World War. It was the day the allied invasion forces set out for Gallipoli; and it marked the beginning of what became the Genocide of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenians. For the first time, this book tells the powerful, and until now neglected,

story of how Australian humanitarians helped people they had barely heard of and never met, amid one of the twentieth century’s most terrible human calamities. VICKEN BABKENIAN is an independent researcher for the Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Sydney, and a committee member of Manning Clark House, Canberra. He has written several articles on Australian international humanitarianism for newspapers and history journals. Vicken's research has been cited in radio and television documentaries on the First World War and its aftermath. Presented by Abril Bookstore

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95th Anniversary Celebration Under the auspices of His Eminence

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian Primate of the Western Diocese Keynote Speaker

Mr. Sergio Nahabedian Chairman, ADLP Central Committee

Sunday, October 9, 2016. 5:00 pm TCA Beshgeturian Center 1901 N. Allen Ave, Altadena, CA 91001

By Invitation

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