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NorOr, September 29, 2015, No. 37.qx_N.O. Blank 9/28/16 4:54 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 37, Thursday, September 29, 2016

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NorOr, September 29, 2015, No. 37.qx_N.O. Blank 9/28/16 4:54 PM Page 2


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Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 29 ê»åï»Ù'»ñ 2016


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NOR OR ENG. September 22 qxd copy:Layout 1 9/27/16 4:26 AM Page 1

Thursday, September 29, 2016 Vol. 94, # 37


Turkey minister: Aim of coup attempt was to divide country between Armenia and Kurdistan Nihat Zeybekçi, the Minister of the Economy of Turkey, made a scandalous statement with respect to the coup attempt in July. During a talk with representatives of NGOs and businesses, Zeybekçi said the objective of this coup attempt was to divide Turkey and create two “istans,” reported the SonDakika news website of the country. “They want to make real the map that was drawn 100 years ago,” he noted. And when asked by a reporter what these two “istans” mean, the Turkish minister responded that they were Armenia (Ermenistan, in Turkish), and Kurdistan.

Karabakh official: Azerbaijani side obstinately ignores issue of Armenian refugees Stepanakert - Humanitarian issues cannot be solved without the regulation of political ones. Spokesperson for the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) President, Davit Babayan, stated the aforementioned at a press-conference on Saturday, commenting upon the request of Armenian News – NEWS.am on the subsequent statement of the Azerbaijani MFA regarding refugees. “We have repeatedly stated that the issues of humanitarian nature should be solved at the last stage of the settlement. Nevertheless, the issue concerns refugees and internally displaced persons, who have already suffered once. We can’t put people’s fates at risk for the second time,” Babayan said. According to Babayan, the data presented by the Azerbaijani side “regarding over 1 mln refugees” are strongly exaggerated. “Unless political prisoners and people who fled Azerbaijan as a result of the deteriorating economic situation and pres-

sure from the authorities are [also] considered refugees,” Babayan stressed, adding that according to certain sources, during the recent years over 2 mln Azerbaijani citizens have left the country for the aforementioned reasons. The Spokesperson also recalled that the Azerbaijani side obstinately ignores the issue of Armenian refugees: “Making statements on the presence of the Azerbaijani refugees and keeping silence on the issue of Armenian refugees is a discrimination and gross violation of international law. One category of refugees cannot be presented as victims, forgetting about the other category.” In Babayan’s words, such a conduct shows that neither Aliyev nor his clan, and not even the Azerbaijani authorities are ready to take specific steps aimed at the [conflict] settlement, the mention about the refugees being nothing but an attempt to deflect attention. !

U.S. citizens have been advised against traveling to the area The U.S. consulate in Adana, a major city in southeastern Turkey, warned Monday that it had received “specific and credible threats” that U.S.-branded hotels could be targets of terrorist activity. “U.S. citizens in Adana are advised to exercise caution when patronizing these establishments,” read a statement on the consulate’s website. The consulate’s warning did not specify which hotels or brands could be potential targets, but U.S. hotel brands that operate properties in Adana include Sheraton and Hilton, according to Reuters. Last week, the U.S. embassy in Ankara issued a similar warning that a terrorist cell was “possibly targeting” businesses cater-

ing to Westerners, including Starbucks, in Gaziantep, a city near Turkey’s border with Syria. The U.S. State Department has advised American citizens against traveling to southeastern Turkey because of increased threats from terrorist groups throughout the country. Monday’s statement said international and indigenous terrorist groups have “threatened to kidnap and assassinate Westerners and U.S. citizens.” Adana is located near Incirlik Air Base, from which the U.S. military launches attacks on Islamic State militants based in Syria. The city is about 114 miles from Aleppo. Feliz Solomon, time.com

Presidential election debate: Trump and Clinton clash The two US presidential candidates have clashed over jobs, terrorism and race in a bitter television debate. The attacks turned personal as Republican Donald Trump accused his rival Hillary Clinton of not having the right temperament to be president. Meanwhile, Mrs Clinton baited Mr Trump by pointing out that he refuses to release his tax returns. The New York showdown could be the most watched debate in TV history, with up to 100 million viewers. Mrs Clinton made a brief response to Mr Trump's attacks about her use of a private email server - which has haunted her on the campaign trail. She said there were no excuses for the "mistake" and that she takes responsibility for it. But she was also uncomfortable when defending her changing position on the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He said she did not have the stamina to be president, to which she replied that she visited 112 countries as secretary of state. African Americans are living "in hell" in the US due to gun violence, Mr Trump said Mrs Clinton criticised him for saying climate change was a Chinese hoax. She was attacked by him for being weak on Islamic State militants and soft on Iran. "You've been fighting Isis [Islamic State group] your entire adult life,'' Mr Trump mocked. In a wider assault on his treatment of women, she said he had called women "pigs, slobs and dogs". One key exchange was over Mr Trump's long-held belief that President Barack Obama was born outside the US, a position he finally reversed two weeks ago. "He has a long record of engaging in racist behaviour," she said, adding that it was a "very hurtful" lie that annoyed and bothered the first African American president. When asked by Mr Holt to explain his

change in stance, he said he wanted to concentrate on bigger, more important issues. She attacked him for praising Russian President Vladimir Putin, and suggesting he "find" her emails. "I was so shocked when Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans. That is just unacceptable... Donald is unfit to be commander-in-chief." The debate was the first of three between the two candidates, and the American voters go to the polls on 8 November. Donald Trump is the consummate salesman. Rules, tradition, even the truth are only relevant in so much as they help seal the deal. The weaknesses of this approach is the perception that the salesman is all talk and no substance - a problem that can be exacerbated by 90 minutes under the debate spotlight. In the end, the lawyerly preparations paid off for Mrs Clinton as she controlled the evening with forensic precision. While Trump had a strategy - and pursued it on occasion - he was often blown off course by the former secretary of state and torpedoed by his own sometimes badgering performance. While Mrs Clinton was occasionally prone to know-it-all-ness - particularly in her repeated appeals to outside fact-checkers - she largely maintained the upper hand. A post-debate survey by Public Policy Polling of 1,002 debate-watchers found that 51% of national voters thought Mrs Clinton had won, with 40% choosing Mr Trump and 9% undecided.

Expert: Armenian Iskanders will make Azerbaijan dip into its purse If Israel is ready for the information leak of its weaponry, it can definitely continue selling arms and anti-ballistic missile defense to Azerbaijan. Military expert Arkadi Ghukasyan said the aforementioned, commenting upon the request of Armenian News – NEWS.am on Azerbaijan’s hysteria on occasion of Russia’s sale of Iskander missile systems to Armenia. Since the demonstration of Iskander systems at the military parade in Yerevan, the Azerbaijani press began disseminating news on the purchase of weaponry from Turkey and Israel, including purchase of Iron Dome missile defense system. “Firstly, Israel risks giving Iran, Russia and Turkey all its secrets on a plate. If Israel has concerns about this, it can definitely carry out the supplies. But there is one problem, which the Azerbaijani media keeps silent on: Iron Dome is not designed for counteracting weaponry like Iskander,” the expert noted. In his words, in this case the issue might concern a more developed Israeli system ARROW 2, or Hetz, if, of course, Israel agrees to sell it to Azerbaijan. “Such a system is incredibly expensive, not guaranteeing full security. Moreover, no anti-ballistic missile system can provide absolute guarantees of security,” the expert concluded.

NOR OR ENG. September 22 qxd copy:Layout 1 9/27/16 4:26 AM Page 2


Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 29, 2016


In 2016, Camp Nubar welcomed over 380 campers and counselors.

AGBU Lebanon wrapped up the Demirdjian Center Summer Day Camp with its end-of-season fiesta.

Through AGBU's diverse array of camps in the diaspora, Armenian youth from all over the world have the once-in-a-lifetime chance to establish lasting friendships, learn new skills and expand their horizons.

Camp Nubar This year, Camp Nubar, located in the Catskill Moun- At HayLer International Summer Youth Camp, thirty-eight tains of Upstate New York, campers, ages seven to seventeen, took part in the fifth season welcomed over 380 campers of the summer camp.counselors. and counselors from Armenia, Australia, Bulgaria, our rich heritage to campers from a very Canada, France, Monaco, Thailand, Turkey, young age by giving them a chance to exthe United Kingdom, and across the United perience life in an Armenian atmosphere, States for its fifty-third season. While creating a small Armenia in the French campers return year after year to enjoy Alps," said Colonie de Vacances director camp activities such as Armenian dance, Herminé Duzian. ceramics, sports, swimming, tennis, horseback riding, hiking, and waterskiing, Camp Demirdjian Center Nubar continues to introduce new activiSummer Day Camp ties based on the interests of its campers. In This year, the AGBU Demirdjian Center 2016, the camp added a new music activity Summer Camp set a record, bringing towhere campers learned to play the ukulele gether more than 190 campers both from and dumbek. This summer, campers also Lebanon and oversees. Along with its participated in a workshop and performsports, arts and cultural programs and ance led by international artists from the weekly educational fieldtrips, this year also Argentina-based New Docta Festival and marked the introduction of new activities, Foundation. such as artistic gymnastics, "healthy mind "I can only imagine how proud Camp and healthy body," app development and a Nubar's great founders would be if they new, special program for campers ages 13 saw the camp's evolution over the past 53 and over. years," said Camp Nubar director Jennifer AGBU Lebanon wrapped up the Omartian. "Thanks to their foresight, Demirdjian Center Summer Day Camp today's campers share in many of the same with its end-of-season fiesta during which pastimes as the earliest campers. It amazes the students performed famous folk songs me that the Camp Nubar community sucand dances dedicated to this year's theme: cessfully preserves so many traditions Tribute to Lebanon. During the fiesta, the while embracing the changing interests of campers also celebrated the 110th annivertoday's Armenian youth. 2016 was a wonsary of AGBU, the 85th anniversary of derful year for Camp Nubar, and the staff is AGBU-AYA and the 20th anniversary of the excited for an even better 2017!" AGBU Demirdjian Center, directing all of the proceeds from the celebration to the Colonie de Vacances AGBU Emergency Humanitarian Relief In 2016, AGBU France held the thirtyFund for Syrian Armenians. third season of its Colonie de Vacances in Community awareness has always the mountains of Haute-Savoie this July. been integral to the mission of the AGBU For three weeks, 110 campers, counselors Demirdjian Center Summer Day Camp. and directors from Armenia, France, This year, campers fundraised through Switzerland and the United Kingdom enbake sales for different charitable organizajoyed a wide range of activities, indoor and tions (e.g. Children's Cancer Center, Birds' outdoor games, and sports, including footNest, Zvartnots Center for the Mentally Ill, ball, tennis, swimming and rafting. One of etc.) and volunteered at the Faqra Club the highlights of this year's season was its Race organized by the Beirut Marathon AsOpen House, which welcomed nearly 200 sociation to benefit MySchoolPulse, an orparents and friends for a performance preganization that brings schools to hospitals pared by the campers. Colonie de Vacances in Lebanon for children undergoing treatwas also treated to a visit and presentation ment for life-threatening illnesses. by Ara Khatchadourian, an AGBU alumnus "If school teaches science, history and who reached the top of Mount Everest this languages, then the AGBU Demirdjian spring and dedicated his achievement to Summer Day Camp introduces the secrets the victims of the Armenian Genocide. of fun, lifetime friendships, cooperation, "The key to the success of the camp that group work, culture, art and Armenian has been offering unforgettable experiences identity," said Ararat Djeredjian, coordinato several generations of diasporan Armetor and dance instructor at the AGBU nians is staying true to its goal of passing Demirdjian Summer Day Camp.

In 2016, AGBU France held the thirty-third season of its Colonie de Vacances in the mountains of Haute-Savoie. on an Armenian children's play.

HayLer International Summer Youth Camp At the HayLer International Summer Youth Camp, thirty-eight campers, ages seven to seventeen, from Sofia, Russe and Vienna as well as three Armenian children originally from Syrianow living in Austria-took AGBU HayLer celebrated a fifth summer full of exciting part in the fifth season of the programs for the Bulgarian Armenian community summer camp in central Bulcounselors. garia. The campers learned Camp HayLer Armenian songs and dances and welcomed AGBU HayLer celebrated a fifth sumspecial guests, including Gevorg Garibdmer full of exciting programs for the Buljanian, councilor at the Armenian Embassy garian Armenian community. The camp in Sofia; Bedros Papazian, AGBU Sofia was attended by 21 children from Burgas, Chamber Orchestra director; and ArchiPazardjik, Plovdiv and Varna, ages three to mandrite Isahak Boghosyan, who blessed fifteen, who came together in the middle of all the children. Campers were also treated the picturesque Rhodope Mountains. to a Skype conversation with AVC teacher In between sports competitions, ArAprineh Tavakalian, who taught them menian Virtual College (AVC) classes, reliabout Armenian festivals. gion classes and a carnival night organized "Having grown up as an Armenian in by teenage students at the AGBU Plovdiv America and the United Kingdom, it's a Saturday School, the campers also met imvery special experience to have been able to portant leaders of the Armenian commube a part of the HayLer International Sumnity of Bulgaria, including AGBU Plovdiv mer Youth Camp. It's wonderful to see chapter chair Rupen Chavushian; His Revsmiling children keeping Armenian tradierence Archimandrite Isahak Boghosyan, tions alive in these wonderful surroundthe archbishop of the Armenian Diocese of ings here in the forests of Gabrovo. I've Bulgaria; scout leader Melik enjoyed every minute of it and I hope to reDzhamdzhiyan, who taught the campers turn again next year," said photographer outdoor survival skills; dancer Lilith Raffi Youredjian, a special guest at this Hayrapetyan, who taught the campers to year's session. dance the Kochari; and director Simon For more information visit Hachmanyan, who helped the campers put http://agbu.org/program/camps/

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 29, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

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130 - Ragip Duran By Hambersom Aghbashian Ragip Duran ( born in 1954 in IstanbulTurkey) is a Turkish journalist , writer and communications lecturer at Galatasaray and Marmars Universities. He studied at Galtasaray High School (1973) and AixMarseille Law School (1978) and lived in Istanbul, Ankara, Paris and London where he worked as a reporter for media corporations like AFP, BBC, Hürriyet, Milliyet, Aydinlik and Özgür Gündem. He continued his education in the field of journalism at Nieman School of Boston (2000). Duran was convicted in December 1994 of propagandizing on behalf of an outlawed organization under Article 7 of Turkey's Anti-Terror Law. The charge stemmed from an interview with Abdullah Oclan, leader of the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK). The interview appeared in the now-defunct daily Özgür Gündem, on April 12, 1994. He was sentenced to seven and half months in prison; he appealed, but the Court of Cassation ratified the sentence on October 23, 1997. Duran still works as a local reporter for French gazette Libération. He was rewarded by several national and international awards in the field of media freedom, and still writes for the website www.apoletlimedya.com and Express. Ragip Duran published four books on media criticism. In his article titled "Turkish academics grasp nettle on Armenians" , September 23, 2005, Vincent Boland wrote "It is possible to discuss Armenia today in a way that was not possible five years ago, some commentators say, but only on certain terms.

Ragip Duran, a journalist and communications lecturer at Galatasaray University who has been jailed for his work, says: "It is OK to talk about sensitive issues [such as Armenia], but only in a certain national context. The Orhan Pamuk case is the best example of the breaking of this taboo." (1) In an interview with Ragip Duran "Encompassing Crescent, April 2012", he mentioned that "... journalists had a hard time investigating many subjects because of the censorship and pressure of the nationalist, militaristic ideology. It was not easy to debate on the problems of the regime. For instance, the Kurdish problem, Armenian problem, Kemalism and secularism issues were the four fundamental subjects that put not only us, but also the academics in a tough position. We could not publish or broadcast about these subjects and if someone did, they would end up in bad situations. Taner Akçam, Ismail Be!ikçi and Ragip Zarakol are examples to this. (2) In December 2008 an initiative under the "I Apologize Campaign" was launched in Turkey by numerous journalists, politicians, and professors that calls for an apology for the "Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915", through a form of a signature campaign. That which is an expression used to avoid using "Armenian Genocide" and the consequences of using it. "I Apologize Campaign" stated "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ot-

Reflections on the 25th anniversary of the Republic of Armenia from the Zoryan Institute Today, on this 25th anniversary of Armenian independence independence, we can look back with pride and remember that Armenia was the first Soviet republic that through a referendum, declared its from the Soviet Union. During that turbulent period, Armenia had to start the challenging process of its own nation building and the formation of its own institutions, in order to function as an independent state. On March 25, 1991, the President of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrossian, sent an official letter to the Zoryan Institute asking it to “make its resources and experience available to the Presidium’s Department of Research and Analysis… Assisting our newborn state in ways consistent with its mission would be a logical and enriching new phase for the Institute…” The Institute responded to this need by sending its then director, Gerard Libaridian, and several of its staff members to Armenia to help organize this new department. Among other things, the Institute assisted the government in its research for a new constitution for the fledgling Republic. Reflecting on Armenia’s development over the past 25 years, we appreciate that the country has made major advances in build-

Look Me in the Eye Comedy Play What: A comedy play presented by Vahik Pirhamzei and Richmond Entertainment Media Where: Lanterman Auditorium 4491 Cornishon Ave, La Canada 91011 When: Friday, October 7th at 8:00 pm Sunday, October 9th at 7:00 pm Cost: Tickets range from $30 - $100 Purchase tickets: https://www.itsmyseat.com/Vahik/

Ara Basil's Ballistic Comedy toman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them." The campaign was signed by 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign, which some interpreted as in direct reference to the Armenian Genocide, created widespread outrage in Turkish society. Ragip Duran was one of the notable signatories. (3) 1.http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/d 284d29a-2bcf-11da-995a00000e2511c8.html#axzz41R7fbyUJ 2.http://encompassingcrescent.com/2 012/04/ragip-duran-on-the-role-ofislamic-movements-in-turkish-media-byayten-turan/ 3.http://www.armeniapedia.org/inde x.php?title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_

ing institutions, an army and integrating itself in the world community. However, it still has a significant way to go to overcome the many shortcomings in its nation building process. The state must uphold the rights and dignity of each individual. It must provide its citizens an equal opportunity to participate in nation building and ensure their personal security and development. In doing so, the state must instill confidence in society that their children will have a brighter future in their own homeland. As an institute analyzing the forces and factors that shape the Armenian reality, and as an international human rights organization, it is our opinion that the very first step for Armenia to be able to pull itself out of its continuing downward spiral of “grave” economic conditions (as the newly appointed Prime Minister described it), and social and political challenges, is to have transparent and fair elections. Taking inspiration from the recent call by Arsinée Khanjian for the Armenian Diaspora to become directly engaged in Armenia, and give their time to serve as election observers for each and every ballot box, the Zoryan Institute urges the Diaspora to provide volunteers to observe the entire process, from polling to the actual counting of ballots. By the Diaspora’s participation in monitoring in the entire voting process, Armenians can begin to have confidence that their vote actually counts and in the outcome of their elections. Then, citizens can begin to take more seriously their responsibilities for good government, and their elected representatives can begin to take more seriously their own responsibilities for transparency and accountability to the electorate.

year-old former Soviet republic. The independence for which the current generation paid a high price of social hardships and endured the Karabakh War now faces fresh challenges and threats. The role of the Diaspora in shaping ongoing developments is still unclear since neither Armenia itself nor the Diaspora has developed clear-cut formulas for cooperation and the merging of interests. The evident crises in political, economic, cultural, and ideological spheres, together with continuing emigration and civil unrest, indicate that Armenia is at the threshold of developments which could result either in new political disorders or offer opportunities for innovative statebuilding strategies. The appearance of a

Show What: Comedy show headlined by Maz Jobrani Where: The Comedy Store 8433 West Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles 90069 When: Sunday, October 9th at 8:00 (doors open 7:00 pm) Cost: $25 for online purchases, $40 at the door. VIP tickets (first and second row seating) available for $45 online and $55 at the door Purchase tickets: http://www.itsmyseat.com/events/519123.html

Armenian Arts and Cultural Festival What: For the first time, Tujunga residents can enjoy a local Armenian Arts and Cultural Festival featuring dancers, singers, a DJ, Armenian food, vendors, and classic cars. Where: 9927 Commerce Ave., Tujunga 91042 When: Saturday, October 15th, Noon - 9 pm Cost: Free

St. Mary Armenian Festival What: Armenian cultural festival, featuring authentic and traditional Armenian food, live music, folk and line dancing, a kid's zone, raffle, and vendors selling cultural items. Where: St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church 148 E. 22nd Street, Costa Mesa 92627 When: Sunday, October 16th, Noon 6pm Cost: $3 For more info. call (949) 432-MARY (6279) www.stmaryarmenianfestival.com

Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean Book Signing

Hayk Demoyan to discuss the future of the Republic of Armenia at NAASR Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan, Armenia, will give a talk entitled “The End of the Third Republic? Or, What to Expect for Armenia’s Future,” on Thursday, October 13, 2016, at 7:30 p.m., at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Center, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA 02478. The lecture is sponsored by the NAASR/Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues. The current situation and recent developments in Armenia show that the country has entered into a new and turbulent period of its history. Internal disturbances and limitations in the realm of foreign policy have brought new challenges for the 25-


new generation of decision makers in a political arena and business could present an alternative to overcome the existing crises which clearly endanger the very essence of the statehood. Dr. Hayk Demoyan is the Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan, Armenia, a position he has held since 2006. From 2011 to 2015 he was the Secretary of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

What: Various Armenian educational and research organizations present the newly published 14th volume in the UCLA series, Historic Armenian Cities and Provinces Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean Musa Dagh-Dort-YolKessab. Featured speaker with Illustrated Presentation, Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian, Professor Emeritus of Modern Armenian and Near Eastern History, UCLA, President's Fellow, Chapman University, Adjunct Professor of History, USC, and the Editor of this series of volumes. Where: Armenian Society of Los Angeles 117 S. Louise St., Glendale 91205 Parking available in public lot at 120 S. Maryland Ave., one block west of Louise St. When: Thursday, Oct. 20th at 7:30 pm Cost: Free

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 29, 2016

K.!Satamian Theatre Group

A new comedy by famous American author Ken Ludwig Armenian General Benevolent Union’s Krikor Satamian Theatre Group is about to embark on the production of a new comedy by famous American author Ken Ludwig. This follows a successful season of Ray Cooney’s “Funny Money”, which was staged eleven times in Pasadena and San Fernando Valley. In addition, the theatre group was invited to present that hilarious farce in Orange County, Fresno and as far away as New Jersey. Ken Ludwig’s “Lend Me a Tenor” is performed in more than 30 countries in over 20 languages. It has earned 2 Tony Awards, 3 Outer Critics Circle Awards and 4 Drama Desk Awards. It is translated by AGBU Artistic Director Krikor Satamian. “Lend Me a Tenor” is a two act comedy that takes place in 1934 Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland Opera is preparing to put on Othello, for which the Stage Manager has invited a renowned Italian Tenor, Tito Merelli, who will come for only one guest performance. Merelli’s arrival is followed by a hilarious series of mishaps that leads into an identity crisis. To see how the confusion is finally resolved, you have to attend the performance. The play is planned to open on Saturday, October 22, 2016 and initially run for 6 performances to be held at: - AGBU Pasadena Center on October 22, 23, 30 and November 5 & 6. - Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. and Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Ticket prices are $25. For more information, please contact the AGBU Center in Pasadena, dialing (626) 7947942.

Ararat-Eskijian Museum, and National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) present an illustrative talk

by Dr. Khachik Mouradian Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor, California State Univ., Fresno “NOT LIKE A LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER: Humanitarian Resistance During the Armenian Genocide” Sunday, October 9th, at 4:00 PM Ararat-Eskijian Museum/Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, Calif., 91345. The scholarship (and the popular discourse) on humanitarian efforts during the Armenian Genocide focuses on the role of western missionaries and consuls, who emerge as selfless heroes protecting and saving hundreds of thousands of helpless Armenians. What remains neglected in scholarly inquiry is Armenian agency. In this illustrated lecture, Mouradian argues that it was the Armenians who drove the humanitarian resistance waged in the Ottoman Empire during the genocide, drawing upon previously untapped primary sources as well as fresh insights from others. Focusing on Aleppo and a the network of concentration camps in Ras ul-Ain and along the banks of the Euphrates River from Meskeneh to Der Zor during the World War I, Mouradian explores the interactions between the local, regional, and central authorities on the one hand, and the humanitarian resistance waged by a network of Armenians aided by locals and western missionaries on the other. Ultimately, their actions resulted in the survival of thousands of Armenians and book chapters. Khatchig Mouradian is the Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor at CSU Fresno (Fall 2016 Semester) and a visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights (CGHR) at Rutgers University, where he also serves as the coordinator of the Armenian Genocide Program. He holds a PhD in history from the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University and a graduate certificate in Conflict Resolution from UMass Boston. He is the author of several articles. Admission is free and open to the public for additional information please contact: ararat-eskijian-museum@netzero.net tell # (747) 500-7585 ararat-eskijian- museum@netzero.net, or NAASR at (617) 489-1610 or hq@naasr.org.

Pianist Sofya Melikyan in concert at Fresno State

Award winning pianist Sofya Melikyan will perform in recital as part of the Philip Lorenz Memorial Keyboard Concert Series at Fresno State. The performance will take place at 8:00PM on Friday, October 14 in the Concert Hall on the Fresno State campus. Melikyan will be performing works by Granados, Liebermann, Babadjanian, and Liszt. The concert is co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program of Fresno State, the Thomas A. Kooyumjian Family Foundation, and the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Fresno Chapter. Educated at the famed Royal Conservatory of Madrid and the

École Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot in Paris, Sofya Melikyan is rapidly gaining international attention as one of the leading pianists of her generation. In her fast rising career she has already concertized in such prestigious venues as Carnegie Hall in New York, Jordan Hall in Boston, Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, and Salle Cortot in Paris. Hailed for her “magnificent singing line and exquisite artistic sensibility,” this Armenian-born pianist is recognized as an artist with a unique voice combining “high-wire virtuosity” with “deep musical intuition and the ability to connect with the audience” (Mundoclasico). General tickets for the Concert are available for $25 per person, for seniors at $18 per person, and students $5 per person. Ticket reservations for the concert may be made by calling 278-2337. Tickets may also be purchased online at the following website: http://www.keyboardconcerts.co m/concert-sofya-melikyan.aspx. Free parking will be available in Lot P1 (Shaw and Maple entrance to campus). For more information please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669 or visit fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

Three One-Act Comedy Dramas about Love and Marriage to be staged at Abril Bookstore Glendale, CA Abril Bookstore proudly presents Three One-Act Comedy Dramas in Armenian about Love and Marriage (More or Less), directed by Aramazd Stepanian for two days only on Saturday, October 8th at 8:00pm and on Sunday, October 9th, at 6:00pm at Abril Bookstore - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Tickets are $15 and are available at itsmyseat.com/abrilbooks or by contacting Abril Bookstore at (818) 243-4112 or Aramazd at (818) 4504801. In Handipoom Bankoom Apagayi Hamar, see if this revolutionary Bernie Sanders really after what he says he is after. In Amoosnakan Tennis, a long married couple are playing tennis against a younger, much more good-looking and successful pair. In Yedem Amoosnakan (Dzhvarootyunneri) Taderakan Lootsoomner, is it the Great Spirit Above Himself who has gotten involved with this married couple? And why not? The wife maybe a little skeptical, but the husband is a devout man who believes in miracles. Cast includes Norvart Avanessian, Haroot Baghramian, Michael Voskanian, Janet Voskanian, Arminé Ghazarian, Zareh Hovhannissian, Marita Abrahamian, Aris Baghoomian, Maro Khodaverdi and Aramazd Stepanian.

To our Armenia Fund community and supporters I am pleased to announce the appointment of Levon Ariyan as the new Chairman of Armenia Fund USA, Eastern Region Affiliate. I have enjoyed serving as Chairman and being involved in the completion of many meaningful projects. With the partnership of the Armenian Medical Fund, we completed the construction of the Martuni Regional Hospital which provides quality medical care for over 25,000 Armenians in the Martuni region of Artsakh. We completed the installation of a new water system in the village of Karmir Shuka, also in Artsakh. We have held medical training seminars with our pioneering Telemedicine project, as well as provided support for orphanages, scholarships and numerous other smaller projects in the medical and education sphere. However, our most ambitious project, which opened earlier this month, was the complete reconstruction of the Tchaikovsky Music School in Yerevan. This project will provide a modern school facility for over 600 students and allow them an inspirational environment to pursue their music careers and gain a valuable education. Located in the heart of Yerevan, the project was completed on-time and onbudget. I urge you to visit the school when you are in Armenia.

You will see firsthand the important work that Armenia Fund does for our nation. Levon Stephen Ariyan is a first generation American-Armenian. His parents and brothers were very involved in St. Mary Armenian Church of Livingston, NJ as well as the local community. Levon is the son of the late Levon Mardiros and Joyce Ariyan, who always instilled pride in their Armenian history and culture, but more importantly, as Christians. He was raised to give back to his community. His parents and uncles actively supported earthquake victims after the tragedy in 1988, which left a lasting impression upon him to this day. Levon has continued his parents’ charitable legacy in the Armenian community, as he has served as

Chairman of the Parish Council for St. Mary Armenian Church since 2012. He has also served on the Executive Committee of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of New Jersey for two years. In 1995, Levon began his career as an entrepreneur. Initially working as a sales representative for a Worldwide Express franchise in New Jersey, Levon soon started his own business and after years of hard work, with his business partner, expanded to several franchises and dozens of employees. Since 2013 Levon has served as a Board Advisor to Alef Mobitech, a startup Mobile Technology company based in New Jersey. Knowing Levon personally for many years, he is a dedicated Armenian and is fully committed to building on the work of Armenia Fund. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and three children. I thank all of our donors and supporters without whom none of these projects would have been possible. It has been an honor to serve as Chairman of Armenia Fund USA. I look forward to continuing my work as a board member with Levon and the Board as they plan for more new and exciting developments in Armenia and Artsakh. Sincerely, Khoren Bandazian

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95th Anniversary Celebration Under the auspices of His Eminence

Archbishop Hovnan Derderian Primate of the Western Diocese Keynote Speaker

Mr. Sergio Nahabedian Chairman, ADLP Central Committee

Sunday, October 9, 2016. 5:00 pm TCA Beshgeturian Center 1901 N. Allen Ave, Altadena, CA 91001

By Invitation

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