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Nor Or, October 13, 2016, No.39_N.O. Blank 10/12/16 7:11 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 39, Thursday, October 13, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. October 13:Layout 1 10/12/16 4:59 PM Page 1

Thursday, October 13, 2016 Vol. 94, # 39


His Holiness Karekin II to visit New York His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, will visit the United States in the autumn of 2016 to preside over several important events. The primates of the Armenian Church dioceses of North America — Archbishop Khajag Barsamian (Eastern U.S.), Archbishop Hovnan Derderian (Western U.S.), and Bishop Abgar Hovakimian (Canada)—and the president of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Berge Setrakian, have invited His Holiness Karekin II to convene the next meeting of the Supreme Spiritual Council in New York. This will mark the first time the Supreme Spiritual Council has convened outside of Armenia. In a separate meeting, His Holiness will lead a joint meeting of the Supreme Spiritual Council, the three executive councils of the North American dioceses, and the executive board of the AGBU. On Sunday, October 30, a Divine Liturgy honoring the 17th anniversary of His Holiness’ enthronement as Catholicos of All Armenians will be held at St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral in New York. A banquet will follow services in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium. Click on the buttons below to download flyers on the October 30 events. On Saturday, November 12, His Holiness Karekin II will preside over the official opening of the new campus of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary in Armonk, NY: the consecration of the seminary's St. Hagop Chapel, and a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Karekin I Theological Center. For information on the St. Nersess event, visit www.stnersess.edu. Also during his visit, the Catholicos will preside over the 89th General Assembly of the AGBU and the celebration of AGBU’s 110th anniversary.

Armenian killed in Azeri firing Armenian contract serviceman Sanasar Mavrik Grigoryan (born in 1989) was fatally wounded as a result of firing from the Azerbaijani side, when protecting one of the military units located in the eastern direction of the NKR Defense army, the NKR Defense Ministry reports. Probe into the details of the incident is under way.

Trump lashes out at Republican chief Paul Ryan BBC - Republican nominee Donald Trump has ripped into House Speaker Paul Ryan as a "weak and ineffective" leader. Mr Trump also said Republicans were coming at him "from all sides" and their disloyalty was harder to fight than the Democrats. Mr Ryan is the latest Republican not to back Mr Trump after a 2005 video emerged showing him making obscene comments about groping women. However Mr Trump has been strongly supported by running mate Mike Pence. "You have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down. He is a fighter, he is a winner," Mr Pence said at an event in Iowa, praising him for apologising during Sunday's debate for his lewd comments. The renewed party divisions over Mr Trump come as a new PRRI/Atlantic poll suggested Mrs Clinton holds a 49-38 lead over her opponent.

Armenian Democratic Liberal Party - Ramgavar

95th Anniversary Celebration

The 95th anniversary of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party was officially celebrated in a well-organized event last Sunday evening, October 9, under the auspices of the Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church Archbishop Hovnan Derderian and in the presence of Sergio Nahabetian, the newly elected ADLP Central Committee Chairman. Attorney Tamar Poladian and Hratch Sepetjian served as mistress and master of ceremonies during the evening program which featured speakers and singers. Opening remarks were delivered by Dr. Raffi Balian, chairman of the ADLP Western District. The keynote speaker, Chairman Sergio Nahabetian, who had just returned from Armenia and Artsakh, spoke about the role ADLP has played during the past 95 years, and dwelt on the future activities of the party- assisting Armenia and Artsakh politically, socially and economically, instituting democratic principles so they will flourish and lead the Armenian people. Among the guests were representatives of the Armenian political parties - The Social Democratic Hunchakian Party and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation - as well as civic and social organizations. Several American political and civic officials spoke and praised the 95 year accomplishments of the ADLP and presented commendations. Earlier during the week, Mr. Nahabetian met with Glendale City and Pasadena City Mayors and Councilmen, the Consuls of Armenia Valery Mkrtoumyan and Razmik Stepanyan, as well as with SDHP and ARF. An informative booklet was published on this occasion about ADLP and its leaders. The event took place at TCA Beshgetourian Hall. (Details in Armenian section)

Georgia election: There will be 3 Armenians in Parliament As a result of the parliamentary election held in Georgia on October 8, there will be three Armenians in the legislative body of this country, according to Armenian Community of Georgia. A new government shall be formed as a result of this voting. According to the Central Election Commission of Georgia, voter turnout was 50.45

in the densely Armenian-populated Samtskhe-Javakheti region of the country. And according to preliminary data, three Armenians—Henzel Mkoyan, Samvel Manukyan, and Ruslan Poghosyan—will be members of the Parliament of Georgia, from 2016 to 2020. All three represent the ruling Georgian Dream Party.

Prime minister orders to continue aid to Syrian Armenians YEREVAN, October 10. /ARKA/. Armenian prime minister Karen Karapetyan held a consultation today on support for Syrian Armenians, attended by the heads of the agencies concerned, the government press office reported. In particular, the meeting heard the report on the distribution of the humanitarian assistance sent to Syria on the instructions of the president of the country. The meeting also reviewed those educational, healthcare and welfare programs implemented by the government of Armenia in support of Syrian Armenians over the past 5 years, as well as the possibilities for promoting business and integration-oriented projects. The premier told the relevant authorities to continue making systematic efforts in this direction in cooperation with the ministries of foreign affairs and Diaspora.

Earlier the government had released 46 million drams ($100,000) in humanitarian aid to war-stricken Syria. Armenia sent two planeloads with humanitarian aid, which was flown to Syria by Russian military transport aircraft IL-76. They delivered about 40 tons of canned food, vegetables, bakery products, flour and sugar. Before the outbreak of the Syrian conflict the Armenian community in that country was estimated at more than 80,000 with greater part being concentrated in Aleppo. Only several thousand Syrian Armenians remain in Aleppo now. Virtually all of them live in neighborhoods controlled by government troops. According to Armenian government estimates, more than 17,000 Syrian Armenians have taken refuge in Armenia in the last four years. !

Europe shuts its doors on Syrian Armenians Europe is shuts its doors on Syrian Armenians and many of them come to Armenia, Italian journalist Simone Zopellaro writes in Occhi della Guerra. The article reads as follows: “During the five years of war in Syria, small Armenia has hosted over 20,000 refugees. This is the third country in Europe to receive largest number of Syrian refugees as a proportion of total population. Most of those arrived are Armenians and Christians. Many of them have faced economic issues in the country, where poverty and unemployment are rather high. But Europe is closing its doors, and thus many continue to come to Armenia. Meanwhile, the Armenian leadership has constantly supported Assad’s power. And the military intervention of Russia, Armenia’s traditional ally, only strengthened these ties. One hundred years after the Genocide committed by the Turks, a new genocide is taking place in the Middle East, which the international community again fails to pay attention to. Only several thousand Armenians are left out of over hundreds and thousands in Syria. The rest are dead or have escaped to different parts of the world. The small part left in Syria continues to die, week after week. Last week four Armenians died in Aleppo. One of them was 20-year old Mireille Hindoyan - a swimming champion and a 3rd year university student - and her 12-year-old brother.”

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12 Thursday« October 13, 2016 EEC Board Chairman: Investing in Armenia can lead to 200 mln market

Investing in Armenia can lead to almost a 200 million market. Chairman of the Board of Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), Tigran Sargsyan, said the aforementioned at the opening of Armenia Investment forum in

New York. “After joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Armenia is no longer a country with a 3 million population: It is part of the big market, which occupies a territory with a population of almost 200 million people. Thus, investing in Armenia as a member state, you enter an enormous territory, where four key freedoms are in place: the freedom of goods, services, capital and labor force,” Sargsyan noted. Much has yet to be done to establish these four freedoms in the entire Union but five of its member states are determined to make the Eurasian Union a fully-fledged economic union. And the foreign investors can introduce their best international practice into the young union, the Chairman said.

Russian President to visit Armenia for CSTO summit Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit Armenia on October 14 to participate in the session of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Kremlin confirms. The participants are expected to discuss the situation in the CSTO area and the further improvement of the collective security system in the organization. In line with the decisions adopted at the CSTO summit in Moscow in December 2015, special attention will be paid to the measures of fighting international terrorism. During the CSTO session Armenia will convey the presidency of the organization to Belarus. " President of Kazakhstan Nursultan

Nazarbayev will not be visiting Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia, under the alleged reason of poor health. On Tuesday, his press service reported had that Nazarbayev is receiving “cold-related” treatment. But as per presidential press secretary Aidos Ukibay, the health condition of Nazarbayev gives no cause for concern, according to Inform Buro news agency of Kazakhstan. Ukibay confirmed, however, that, due to his current state of health, the Kazakh president’s participation in international events has been canceled until the end of the week. As a result, Prime Minister Bakhytzhan Sagintayev will replace him hin Yerevan.

Roslin Art Gallery to participate in GO-2016 Open Studio Tour in Glendale ROSLIN ART GALLERY will feature the art of SEEROON YERETZIAN along with other Armenian artists at the GO-2016 Open Studio Tour taking place in the City of Glendale on October 15-16 from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Admission is free. GO-2016 is a free 2 day event which

highlights and celebrates the creativity within the Glendale boundaries. You can download the map and choose your own route, or you can choose from the curated routes based on interest. Reserve your free tickets and subscribe to the newsletter for updates!

The history of Ourfa The Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley Education Committee, with the participation of the Compatriotic Union of Ourfa, is organizing a lecture and traditional event devoted to the history of Ourfa This special event will take place at the Armenian Apostolic Church of Crescenta Valley, located at the Western Prelacy's "Dikran and Zaruhi Der Ghazarian" Hall, at 6252 Honolulu Ave., in La Crescenta, California on Sunday, October 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm. There will also be a special requiem in memory of all Ourfa martyrs, heroes, and compatriots who passed away held on the same day, at the end of the church liturgy. The event will be highlighted by a presentation of "Ourfa and its Heroes” to be delivered by Mr. Razmig Haroun along with a slideshow, recitation, and songs. Ourfa, in ancient times called Edessa, is a city in south-eastern Turkey located on a plain about eighty kilometers east of the Euphrates River. Today it is a city with a primarily Arabic and Kurdish population. However, throughout much of history, Ourfa has been a major center of Jewish and, especially, Christian faith. It has passed from Assyrian to Byzantine to Arab to Crusader and to Ottoman rule, creating a

mosaic of cultures that leaves behind a rich legacy. Armenians had been a vibrant part of that legacy for centuries up until WWI. They were leaders in the agricultural and artisanal trades as Ourfa was the major stop on the road between the two main commercial centers of the region, Aleppo and Diyarbekir. Unfortunately, this advantageous geographic position made it a major transit point through which Armenians would be marched into the Syrian desert during the Armenian Genocide. Razmig Haroun is a senior analyst for a specialty mortgage finance company focusing in distressed real estate investment. He has an M.Sc. from NYU in mathematical finance and a B.Sc. from UCLA in mathematics. Mr. Haroun’s family originates from Ourfa and he has always had a strong interest in its history. We would like to invite everyone to be present at this event. There will be a reception with traditional food before the start of the program at the completion of the Divine Liturgy. Admission is free and open to the public. Please contact us at cvarmenianchurch@gmail.com if you would like to financially sponsor upcoming monthly lectures. This will help cover the cost and sustain future activities. The event is being sponsored by Compatriotic Union of Ourfa.

Metro Detroit American Armenian community loses a good friend Harutun Vapurciyan passed away on Thursday, September 29, 2016 at the age of 87. Metro Detroit Armenians lost a friend, a colleague and a generous benefactor who donated to humanitarian projects locally and in Armenia. The funeral service took place on Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at St. John Armenian Church in Southfield, MI, officiated by the Very Rev. Aren Jebejian with the participation of a long-time friend of the deceased, Archpriest Rev. Diran Papazian. Harutun was eulogized, among others, by his best friend and lifetime colleague, Architect Osep Sarafian. The following are excerpts from his eulogy. “Harutun, known as “Arto” by his friends, was born in Istanbul Turkey on March 25, 1929 to a modest Armenian family. He received his primary education at the Getronagan Armenian High School, and pursued his higher education at the Istanbul Technical University where he studied architecture. Upon graduation he started his own business and participated in many national architectural design competitions and won many awards. After fulfilling his mandatory military service as an officer in Turkey, in 1958 Harutun immigrated to the United States and enrolled at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he received a second advanced degree. Arto was a very successful architect, a good designer and engineer. His landmark projects won the envy of his professional peers, including myself, who had the privilege of collaborating with him on several projects. Harutun was a humble man who never bragged about his accomplishments or philanthropies. He always acted quietly and generously. He was involved in the Detroit Armenian community and was one of the founders of the Cultural Society of Armenians from Istanbul and the Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America. He also worked closely with the late philanthropist

Alex Manoogian on the project of opening the AGBU Alex & Marie Manoogian School that Metro Detroiter’s are so proud of today. The Vapurciyan’s were among the first parents to enroll their children in the new school; a testament to their dedication to the Armenian heritage, language and culture. Harutun was a devoted husband and exemplary family man. Married to his beloved Nadya (Kitapcyan) for 56 years, together they raised two sons. Dr. Garo Vaporciyan, a chemical engineer who is Principal Scientist & Venture Manager for Royal Dutch Shell Company and Dr. Ara Vaporciyan a reknowned thoracic surgeon, who is Chairman of the Thoracic Surgery Department at MD Anderson Hospital in Texas. Both brothers live in Houston Texas. They are happily married to Pam and Philipa respectively with three wonderful children each who have made their grandparents very proud. I cannot say enough about Arto’s philanthropy. He was Armenia’s Cosmic Ray Division’s (CRD) most enthusiastic advocate. He believed in the intellectual power of the Armenian scientists and trusted the astrophysicists working at the observation facility atop Mount Arakadz. Harutun’s goal was to keep these scientists in Armenia, knowing very well that they would be in high demand elsewhere. His generosity did not end there. Harutun was an ardent supporter of ASIF projects to construct and renovate schools, community centers, roads, and irrigations systems in villages and rural areas in Armenia. These were life changing contributions to the villagers and I am sure they will never stop voicing their gratitude to the Vapurciyans. My friend Arto was a role model for all of us that knew him. He did what he wanted in life, was happy, accomplished much and left a wonderful legacy. We will miss him dearly.” !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« October 13, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

GUSD Board Memeber Christine Walters endorses Shant Sahakian for Glendale School Board District

132 - Semra Somersan By Hambersom Aghbashian Dr. Semra Somersan (born in 1944 in Ankara, Turkey), is a Turkish professor at Bilgi University. She worked as an investigator journalist for some time. Dr. Somersan was graduated from Bogazici University Department of Economics in 1967, and won a Fulbright scholarship to do a Ph.D in The United States. She studied Social Psychology at Ohio State University in 1974, and gained her master degree in Anthropology in 1976 and her Ph.D in 1981. After working for two years as a visiting lecturer in the United States she returned to Turkey. At the beginning she worked as investigator journalist for the "Point" Magazine, then for Cumhuriyet. She has received two national journalism award because of investigative journalism about the toxic waste imports to Turkey. After a period of more than ten years of journalism, she shifted to academic work in 2000, and currently she is a lecturer at Istanbul Bilgi University- Department of Sociology. Courses given by her include Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Culture, Sociological Perspectives, Nationalism and Racism, Social and Cultural Anthropol-

ogy, European Society and Culture, Sociology and Law, Social Sciences and Lawyers for Human Rights Defenders. She has a long list of published articles and two published books, "Race and Ethnicity in Social Sciences, Istanbul Bilgi University Press, 2004" and "Environment and Politics in Turkey, the Ordinary Extraordinary country to country, Istanbul, Metis, 1993." Dr. Semra Somersan was received many awarded including "Bulent Dikmener News award", for her article in Cumhuriyet newspaper, "the news related to importation of toxic waste in Turkey" . The Turkish Medical Association Award, Contemporary Journalists' Award, Best Teacher Award nomination, The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, 1978-79, and many others. In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well.

The complete, brief text of the apology says " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Semra Somersan was one of the intellectual who signed the petition which in few days was signed by over 13,000 signatories. (1) Under the title "24 April, the anniversary of the 1915s events, will be remembered this year in Turkey, too.", Taraf Newspaper of 20th April 2010 wrote "A group of intellectuals among them Ali Bayramo"lu, Ferhat Kentel, Ne$e Düzel, Perihan Ma"den and Sırrı Süreyya Önder, for the first time in Turkey, will commemorate this year on 24 April as the anniversary of the events of 1915, under the leader-ship of “Say Stop!” group. The commemoration will start in front of the tram station in Taksim Square. The group will be dressing in black and carry photos of massacred Armenian intellectuals who were deported from that station." the


following abstracts are from the text of the commemoration activity, “This pain is OUR pain. This mourning is for ALL of US. In 1915, when our population was just 13 million, 1,5 to 2 million Armenians were living in these lands.... In April 24, 1915 it was started "to send them". We lost them. They are no longer available. They have not even graves. But the “Great Pain” of the “Great Disaster” , with its utmost gravity EXISTS in our pain". Semra Somersan, was one of the Turkish intellectuals who called the people to join the event and signed the text. (2)

1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_catastrophe_of_1915 2.Taraf Newspaper, April 20, 2010.

Shant Sahakian today announced that Glendale Unified School District Board Member and Past President Christine Walters has endorsed his campaign for Glendale School Board District D. “As a longtime community leader and product of our public schools, Shant will be a strong advocate for our students,” said GUSD Board Member Christine Walters. “His years of experience in serving the youth of our community will make him a valuable asset to our District. I can think of no one better to replace me on the Board and I’m proud to endorse Shant for the Glendale School Board’s District D seat.” Walters has served on the Glendale School Board since 2009 and has served as President twice during her two terms. She was instrumental in helping maintain the District’s budget at a time when the State was making deep cuts in public education and she played an integral role in selecting GUSD’s new Superintendent. Walters will not be running for re-election in April 2017 and Sahakian would succeed her on the Glendale School Board if elected. “I am incredibly honored to have received the endorsement of School Board Member Christine Walters,” said Sahakian. “Her hard work, dedication, and contribution to our District will leave a lasting impact for years to come. I look forward to continuing her work in ensuring the success of our students in the District.”

Landmark bill to boost rights of Greek, Jewish, Armenian communities A new draft bill in the works will virtually lift state intervention into the affairs of non-Muslim communities in a landmark move for Turkey where the communities once couldn't act freely even in the election of their leaders A meeting of representatives of nonMuslim communities with a minister on Wednesday might be the stage for the final step in one of the most prolonged issues for Armenian, Jewish and Greek communities: the right to exist as independent entities. Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak, in charge of government's affairs with those communities, pledged for an legal amendment that will bar state intervention into election of community leaders, handling of foundations run by communities and other significant procedures. Kaynak met representative of Greek foundations Andon Parizyanos, and head an Armenian hospital foundation Bedros !irino"lu as well as Turkish Jewish community leader #shak #brahimzadeh, Beyo"lu Assyrian Church Foundation president Sait Susin and community foundations representative at the Foundations General Assembly,Toros Alcan. Non-Muslim communities in Turkey were long treated as second-class citizens in the 20th century, although they trace their origins back to the pre-Muslim conquest of Turkey. A controversial wealth tax imposed in 1942, targeting rich non-Muslims, a pogrom in 1955 and the deportation of non-Muslim Turkish citizens in 1964 added to "a fear of the state" among nonMuslim communities. However, a 1936 law that effectively stifled those communities' rights by banning their foundations from having their own independent charter, remains the most major obstacle in modern times. Speaking to Daily Sabah, Toros Alcan, a member of Armenian community concentrated in Istanbul, said their meeting with Veysi Kaynak was the latest stage of a

Jewish community members pray in a synagogue in Edirne. Turkey hosts a diverse population of non-Muslim communities including Armenians, Greeks and Jews. series of talks between the communities and government. Alcan said both parties were already working on proposals for a bill during the tenure of his predecessor in Foundations General Assembly Laki Vingas but the efforts were delayed for a string of factors, from general elections that saw multiple change of governments to the July 15 coup attempt. He said their communities had to handle their affairs with regulations and other temporary measures and were in need of a law that would grant their foundations a firm legal status. "We had problems long unresolved and the previous government led by Ahmet Davuto"lu has launched efforts for a permanent solution. We sought a wholesale, a comprehensive approach to address the problems of communities," Alcan said. "The Foundation certificate" is a key issue for Jewish, Armenian, Greek, Assyr-

iac communities as this document grants any foundation a firm footing in supervising their own affairs. A 1936 regulation mandated "minorities" to establish foundations via charters and included a list of the properties owned by them was followed by an unofficial ban on foundations to acquire properties other than those in the list, dealing a blow to close-knit communities dependent on revenues. More importantly, communities were prevented from holding free elections for a long time and the election of a new board for any establishment, including churches, was subject to the state's authorization. A foundation charter was not allowed for non-Muslim groups. The foundations are supposed to have a certificate but since 1936, they have no charters and were not allowed to hold elections, although temporary regulations al-

lowed them to do so. Toros Alcan said every community had their own dynamics and while some had many members and few foundations to address to their social and financial needs, others had many foundations and few members. The bill is going to allow foundations to draft their own charter in terms of their needs and demographics, ensuring independence. Alcan said the new bill, which will be presented to the prime ministry and then parliament, basically paves the way for independent charters for foundations. "It is the return of a right; a resolution of a problem. The state listened to the views of every community and the bill was drafted after these talks," Alcan said. "This will be a revolutionary move for communities. I will be in Brussels soon as part of an initiative that will explain what happened during the coup attempt on July 15 and the state of Turkey. I will speak about this there. This is something unprecedented. We have never seen such progress (in reinstating of rights of nonMuslim groups). We suffered serious losses in terms of our rights in each decade of the past century and things worsened after 1980 coup. Nevertheless, since 2003, we witnessed an incredible change," Alcan said. He added that although the communities are small with their total population standing near to just 100,000, they were "ancient" and had a considerable diaspora. "This new law will fill a great void for communities. In a sense, it is the end of an era. Now, instead of focusing on survival, communities will focus on how to shape their future," Alcan says. dailysabah.com

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« October 13, 2016

Can Armenia’s new defence minister reset the country’s course? On 3 October 2016, the Armenian President, Serzh Sargsyan, implemented a number of changes in a cabinet reshuffle, which saw the appointment of a new defence minister, Vigen Sargsyan. Discussions about his inauguration have revolved around his background and the political climate within which the appointment was made. Can a fresh face at the helm of the Armenian government lead to new opportunities for the country? Who is the new defence minister? Vigen Sargsyan is a relatively young minister at 41years old, and was the former the chief of staff to President Serzh Sargsyan before his appointment (note: there is no familial relation between the two). Sargsyan graduated from St Petersburg University, specialising in staff management (albeit through distance learning), before completing a degree in international relations at Yerevan State University. His educational experience in America has attracted a fair amount of attention, as he received a master’s degree from Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, specialising in International Law and International Security. His exposure to both the Russian/post-Soviet perspective and the American point of view with regards to international relations is likely to have an effect on his approach to Armenia’s foreign relations. A further significant point to make is that Vigen Sargsyan has been appointed to the position of defence minister as a civilian and not as an individual with a high rank and lengthy experience in the army. He is also the first defence minister not to have direct experience with the Nagorno-Karabagh war. The importance of this point cannot be overstated. The domestic climate Vigen Sargsyan’s appointment as defence minister comes amid a wide-ranging political reshuffle in the Armenian government. The most prominent change was the nomination of the new Prime Minister, Karen Karapetyan, who used to be the chief executive of the Armenian subsidiary of the Russian gas giant, GAZPROM. Karen Karapetyan has been criticised by some of being pro-Russian, due to his business links with the country, and part of the post-Soviet oligarchic system. He has already received the

Russian Ambassador for talks on trade and economic cooperation between both countries. These changes have come following the hostage-taking crisis and protests that occurred in Armenia in July. Police and military brutality has been commonplace in Armenia during such incidents. It is possible that placing a civilian as the head of the Ministry of Defence will pacify some of the anger that has arisen due to police violence. The geopolitical climate Although domestic political conditions have an effect on the appointment of any minister, the appointment of a defence minister is largely connected to the geopolitical environment since their function will be to protect the interests and security of the country in the military domain. This is especially the case for a country like Armenia since it finds itself involved in a drawn out “frozen conflict”, the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict, with its neighbour, Azerbaijan. As mentioned before, Vigen Sargsyan has no direct experience of the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict, unlike the former defence ministers of Armenia. He was a mere 13-year old teenager when the conflict began. This may lead one to believe that the Armenian government will take a fresh stance on the conflict. Nevertheless, he has noted, “the Armenian side will be forced to continue to devote a significant amount of funds to military expenditure”. So far he has expressed a steadfast stance on the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict. In recent years, Azerbaijan has been purchasing arms in vast quantities from Russia, Turkey and Israel, while Armenia has been sold arms in significant amounts only from Russia. Vigen Sargsyan’s educational and professional experience in both Russian and Western working cultures may have played a substantive role in the thinking of the Armenian President when appointing his new defence minister. Russia has continued to play the role of intermediary in the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict since its inception. It has the power to tilt the balance towards either Armenia or Azerbaijan. Vigen Sargsyan may use his expertise to acquire military equipment from other countries, but the focus will surely be on winning the favour of Russia, especially considering the inauguration of Karen Karapetyan as Prime Minister.

What to expect? There have been claims that Vigen Sargsyan’s lack of experience on the battlefield and in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in general renders him an unsuitable candidate for the job of defence minister. The President, Serzh Sargsyan, has refuted these criticisms by noting that the role of defence minister is far more to do with political-military diplomacy, and the management of personnel and military equipment (both domestic and foreign), than with the everyday activities of the army. His education in staff management and diplomacy is thus a justification for his worthiness of the ministerial role. If Vigen Sargsyan is given the freedom to direct the foreign relations of the military, then he will have a choice to make between entrenching the partnership with Russia and reaching out to find new partners in the global arena. The first option can be seen from the perspective of the continuation of dependence on, and the ceding of Armenia’s geopolitical clout to, Russia. The second option may give Armenia more freedom to form alliances with other countries on a more equal footing; however, that may leave the country in a precarious situation where its security is not guaranteed by a greater power. With the appointment of an allegedly pro-Russian Prime Minister and the lack of possibility of a change of regime in the near future, especially after the constitutional referendum of late 2015, it seems that Vigen Sargsyan may have little choice but to pursue the first option. Nevertheless, unprecedented events in Armenia may occur, as was seen in July, and the oscillation between peace and war in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict may yet dictate the course that the new defence minister will take. globalriskinsights.com

Syrian Swimmer dies in rebel attack, but UK’s Independent blames Assad anyway ‘Story wouldn’t have been used if #Assad couldn’t be blamed,’ one activist tweeted, adding to the social media backlash to the misleading story. MINNEAPOLIS — A prominent mainstream British newspaper blamed the Syrian government for the recent death of a competitive swimmer in Aleppo, despite evidence that the shelling which took her life was launched by Western-backed rebel forces. In a report for the Independent published on Sunday, Katie Forster appeared to blame Syrian government forces for the deaths of Mirielle Hindoyan, a university student and competitive swimmer, and her 12-year-old brother, Arman, both of whom died during intense shelling in the contested city of Aleppo on Friday. The siblings’ deaths “came after medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said there had been a ‘bloodbath’ in Aleppo amid a sustained assault on the city by pro-Assad forces backed by Russian warplanes,” Forster reported. As her source, Forster cited a Sept. 30 report by Aleppo-based Armenian news outlet Kantsasar, and a Facebook post on an Armenian Youth Association page confirming Mirielle Hindoyan’s death. But media analysts and peace activists soon took to social media to correct the record, noting that Kantsasar actually blamed rebel forces for the attack. Ben Norton, a politics staff writer at Salon, was one of several journalists who tweeted about the error: Alison Meuse, a reporter for NPR

based in Beirut, also suggested the Independent’s report reflects a mainstream media bias guiding Other Twitter users suggested the move was part of a deliberate effort by the mainstream media to blame the Syrian government and its leader, Bashar Assad, for ongoing violence in the region while downplaying violence committed by Syrian rebels, many of whom are armed with Western weaponry.reporting on the Syrian civil war. As of Wednesday morning, no correction had been posted on the article. In-

stead, the report was modified, without fanfare or apology, to reflect the controversy. Journalist Nour Samaha noted: With both Democrats and Republicans calling for increased Western military intervention in Syria, a growing number of mainstream media outlets are promoting the cause of war, particularly through selective reporting on the siege of Aleppo. The media tends to suggest that the entire city of Aleppo is a war zone besieged by the Syrian government, while it is actually divided into two enclaves, eastern and western Aleppo. Vanessa Beeley,

an independent journalist who traveled to Aleppo in August, wrote for MintPress News on Sept. 20: “The east is occupied by a number of groups backed by the United States, NATO and their allies in the Gulf, like Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Civilians in the government-held area of western Aleppo describe these groups broadly as ‘terrorists,’ often without noting any specific group.” Over 1.5 million civilians live in western Aleppo, which is controlled by the Syrian government, while about 200,000 people live in eastern Aleppo, which is occupied by 50,000 rebels and their families, Beeley reported, citing figures provided by the Aleppo Medical Association. Beeley also noted that the media ignores the West’s role in creating Aleppo’s humanitarian crisis in their rush to blame Assad for the civil war: “In most Western media reports, little mention is made of this division of Aleppo which was created by the incursion of factions of armed insurgents (or, as the mainstream media and U.S. government call them, ‘moderate rebels’) which drove hordes of civilians out of the eastern parts of the city into the safety of the Syrian government-held western area.”


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