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Nor or nov.10,2016 no. 43_N.O. Blank 11/9/16 7:20 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 43, Thursday, November 10, 2016

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Nor or nov.10,2016 no. 43_N.O. Blank 11/9/16 7:20 PM Page 2


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ê÷Çõéù&Ñ&Ûáõû&'#å&ñï&õáñáõÃÇõ''»ñÁ !ÇÙ"áõ#Í 1922-Ç" (üñ»$"û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

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Thursday, November 10, 2016 Vol. 94, # 43


Trump beats Clinton to take White House 'I will be president for all Americans' Donald Trump will become the 45th US president after a stunning victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton. The Republican nominee defied preelection polling to claim swing states, winning the key battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. He told cheering supporters that Americans must now unite and "bind the wounds of division", after a gruelling, acrimonious campaign. Global markets fell sharply at the news, but later recovered somewhat. Outgoing President Barack Obama has congratulated Mr Trump and has invited him to a meeting at the White House on Thursday to discuss the transition. Around the world, leaders and the media have been reacting to America's election upset: Germany's foreign minister said the outcome would make things "more difficult', with US foreign policy "less predictable". Russian President Vladimir Putin - for whom Mr Trump has voiced support but who Democrats accused of election meddling - said he hoped ties could improve from their current "critical condition". The European Union said close co-operation with the US was the only way to deal with "unprecedented challenges" around

the world. 'United people' As poll counting went late into the night, it was Mr Trump's shock victory in Wisconsin that put him over the 270 out of 538 electoral college votes needed to win the White House. Minutes after Mrs Clinton called him to concede, the US president-elect took to the stage with his family at his victory rally in a New York hotel ballroom and paid tribute to his rival. "Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country." He called for Americans to "come together as one united people" and pledged to be president "for all Americans", after a campaign that saw him hit out at Muslims, Hispanics and other minority groups. The real estate tycoon, former reality TV star and political newcomer, who was universally ridiculed when he declared his candidacy in June last year, said the work of his "great movement" was just beginning. "It's a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people." bbc.com

Armenia President to Trump: The American people voted in support of your experience and vision pare to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. I seize this opportunity to express my gratitude for the substantial support extended by the United States, over the last quarter of a century, to help Armenia build democratic institutions and strengthen its economy. “In Armenia, we highly value the important role played by the United States, in its capacity as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk group, in the resolution of the NagornoKarabakh problem. “I am confident that under your presidency, the Armenia-US close partnership would continue to develop dynamically – YEREVAN. – The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Wednesday sent a congratulatory message to President-Elect Donald Trump of the United States of America. “Honorable Mr. Trump, “Please accept my warmest congratulations on your election as the President of the United States. “The American people has enthusiastically voted in support of your outstanding leadership qualities, your experience and vision, thus entrusting you with the honorable responsibility to lead the nation. I have no doubt, that under your able leadership the United States will achieve further progress and advancement in the years to come. “As the United States and Armenia pre-

expanding and reaching new heights in diverse areas. I also believe that we can continue to count on the active engagement of the Armenian-American community - a strong bridge between our nations. “As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I would like to assure you and the people of the United States of our continued friendship and sympathy and wish you utmost success in leading your country and the American people to progress and prosperity. “Please accept, Honorable Mr. Trump, the assurances of my highest consideration,” the Armenian President’s message reads.

The following candidates for public office, endorsed by the Armenian Democratic Liberal (ADL) Party and the Armenian Rights Council of America (ARCA) were elected on the 8th of November 2016 U.S. Senate Race in California: Kamala Harris (D) U.S. Congressional Races in California: Jeff Denham (R-10) Nancy Pelosi (D-12) Jackie Speier (D-14) Rep. Speier serves as Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. Jim Costa (D-16) Ro Khanna (D-17) Anna Eshoo (D-18) Jimmy Panetta (D-20) David Valadao (R-21) Rep. Valadao serves as a Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. Devin Nunes (D-22) U.S. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-23) Steve Knight (R-25) Judy Chu (D-27) Adam Schiff (D-28) Rep. Schiff serves as a Vice Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. Tony Cardenas (D-29) Brad Sherman (D-30) Grace Napolitano (D-32) Ted Lieu (D-33) Xavier Becerra (D-34) Linda Sanchez (D-38) Ed Royce (R-39) Rep. Royce serves as the Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Lucille Roybal Allard (D-40) The following California State Assembly candidates, endorsed by ADL/ARCA, were triumphant in Tuesday's general election: Chris Holden (D-41) Matthew Dababneh (D-45) Adrin Nazarian (D-46) CA State Assembly Majority Leader Ian Calderon (D-57) The following California State Senate candidates, endorsed by ADL/ARCA, were triumphant in Tuesday's general election: Scott Wiener (D-11) Scott Wilk (R-21) Ricardo Lara (D-33) Toni Atkins (D-39) The following Los Angeles County Supervisor candidates, endorsed by ADL/ARCA, were triumphant in Tuesday's general election: Janice Hahn -- Los Angeles County Supervisor (District 4) Kathryn Barger -- Los Angeles County Supervisor (District 5)

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Üáñ úñ


Thursday« November 10, 2016

AGBU Holds 89th General Assembly in New York

His Holiness Karekin II praised President Setrakian for his tremendous service and commitment to AGBU and to the Armenian nation by bestowing on him the Knight of Holy Etchmiadzin Medal. (Tina Tcholakian Photography) From October 27-29, the AGBU 89th General Assembly was held in New York and welcomed hundreds of AGBU leadership, delegates, members, donors and friends from North America, South America, Europe, Russia and the Middle East in celebration of the 110th anniversary of the organization. The series of events revolved around strengthening the global Armenian nation, honoring Armenians who bring pride to the Armenian community through their outstanding achievements and eliminating the boundaries between Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and the diaspora to form one Armenian nation. The series theme reigned at the AGBU General Assembly, held at the Harvard Club of New York, on Saturday morning. During the delegate session of the AGBU Central Board of Directors, Eric Esrailian and Armen Sarkissian were elected to the Central Board. Esrailian is the co-chief of the Division of Digestive Diseases at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and is the Lincy Foundation Chair in Clinical Gastroenterology. He is also the co-manager and producer for Survival Pictures and film The Promise. Armen Sarkissian is the founding President of Eurasia House International in London and former Prime Minister of Armenia from 1996-1997. He also established the first Armenian Embassy in the West in London in 1991 and served as the Armenian

During the formal session of the General Assembly, the AGBU Central Board reaffirmed its commitment to the development of Armenia, its unwavering support for the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and its gratitude to its many donors and members. (Tina Tcholakian Photography)

ures its impact and success in contributing to the prosperity of the global Armenian nation.” President Setrakian further emphasized: “AGBU must engage in strategic alliances as a unifying entity; strengthen its volunteer network; reinforce collaboration with the Armenian Church; initiate relationships within the Armenian world and establish relationships with international multi-

On Friday morning at the Harold Pratt House, AGBU held four breakout sessions, during which small groups discussed AGBU’s four program pillars. (Tina Tcholakian Photography) Ambassador to the United Kingdom for multiple terms. During the formal session of the General Assembly, the AGBU Central Board reaffirmed its commitment to the development of Armenia, its unwavering support for the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and its gratitude to its many donors and members. President Setrakian followed in the AGBU tradition of addressing the AGBU membership with a speech that touched upon the historical triumphs of the organization over its 110 years and the strong, united future he envisions: “The nation is facing the greatest of opportunities, and yet also the greatest of threats. With a vulnerable economic and geopolitical situation in Armenia and an increasingly disengaged diaspora, we can no longer view these two elements as separate, rather a viable homeland and an engaged diaspora are interdependent and must be viewed as one. For AGBU, this means adjusting its priorities, where it puts its energy and resources and rethinking how it meas-

eration and by caring for the prosperity of our national life with its institutions established in all corners of the world.” At the close of his speech, His Holiness Karekin II praised President Setrakian for his tremendous service and commitment to AGBU and to the Armenian nation by bestowing on him the Knight of Holy Etchmiadzin Medal. The series of events began on Thursday with a full day of meetings for AGBU delegates. Board members and staff gave attendees an overview of AGBU activities, emphasizing the role of its various programs. Extensive communications, development and outreach meetings all focused on fostering closer relationships between AGBU chapters and districts around the world. The day ended with a delegate session for the AGBU Young Professionals (YP) leadership who brainstormed event ideas to invigorate their own groups. On Friday at the Harold Pratt House, the meetings centered around the theme of moving AGBU forward by empowering global Armenians, which was introduced by AGBU Central Board member Noubar Afeyan. The afternoon continued with AGBU Central Board member Arda Nazarian who presented ideas from the morning’s four breakout sessions, during which small groups discussed AGBU’s four program pillars: culture and identity; education; humanitarian relief; and socio-economic development in Armenia. The small groups allowed participants to de-

Serj Tankian, singer, songwriter and activist; Sheila Paylan, legal officer at the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals; Lara Setrakian, founder of News Deeply; Rachel Denber, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia Division of Human Rights Watch; and Giorgi Gogia, South Caucasus director of Human Rights Watch after a panel on Friday at the Harold Pratt House. (Tina

lateral institutions. To achieve all this, AGBU must rebalance its platform to support its overarching goals of both bolstering identity and creating prosperity for the global Armenian nation…Each and every one of us has to strive to be a global Armenian. This is how AGBU views each of you.” The General Assembly came to a close with an address from His Holiness Karekin II, the Catholicos of All Armenians, who asserted the inextricable link between AGBU and the Mother See and congratulated AGBU on its 110th anniversary: “It is gladdening for us to once more reflect with words of appreciation upon the work of AGBU that has been carried out for more than one century. Today it stays faithful to its values by continuing its important mission. AGBU has always been at the epicenter of the imperatives of our national life. It has appropriately met the needs of the times by supporting the sons and daughters of our nation by dedicating itself to the education of the new gen-

velop ideas that may help AGBU leadership shape programs and policies in the future. Seta Nazarian then delivered a memorable speech on the importance of fundraising and the opportunities for connection that can be created by donating to AGBU. The day ended with a panel discussion moderated by Lara Setrakian, the founder of News Deeply, on human rights in Armenia, organized in collaboration with Human Rights Watch. Panelists included Rachel Denber, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia Division of Human Rights Watch; Giorgi Gogia, South Caucasus director of Human Rights Watch; Sheila Paylan, legal officer at the United Nations Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals; and Serj Tankian, singer, songwriter and activist. The expert panelists discussed topics ranging from the prevention of domestic violence and election fraud in Armenia to the difficulty in accessing palliative care. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« November 10, 2016


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Üáñ úñ Thursday« November 10, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide


136 - Do!an Tarkan By Hambersom Aghbashian

Do!an Tarkan (August 31, 1948 - December 25, 2013) was a Turkish politician and human rights activist. He had been a leading figure in the Turkish far left during the 1970s, a period of intense class conflict that involved street warfare between the left groups and the extreme right. During the subsequent period of reaction, his activist efforts continued as part of the struggle against the military dictatorship. As a principled fighter alongside the Kurdish liberation movement and the Palestine Liberation Organization, his influence had deep roots in the region. The military coup of 1980 sent Do!an Tarkan into exile, to London, along with many other Turkish revolutionaries. During the 1990s, he founded the Revolutionary Socialist Workers Party (DS"P) and became the Founding chairman of (DS"P). On December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The text of the apology stated, "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the

Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Do!an Tarkan was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology.(1) According to http://www.bianet.org, April 25, 2011, Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism Initiative organized events in Istanbul, Ankara, Bodrum and Diyarbakır to commemorate the Armenians massacred in 1915. Around 500 people gathered in front of a banner that read "the pain is ours", at Istanbul's Taksim Square. They lit candles and brought carnations"April 24, 1915 marks the start of a disaster that tore the Armenian people from this land where they lived side by side with others since centuries, that left hundreds of thousands dead and subject to all kinds of atrocities for nothing but being Armenians," said Zeynep Tanbay, prominent modern dancer and human rights activist. "Since then, governments and state authorities tried to play down, if not to cover up and legitimize this history. Yet, this lethal exile is clearly a crime against humanity. We have to end denying, now. This is why we invite all our people who think that this land should be the land of fair people, to an late humanitarian duty. We have to declare that the heavy crime that's symbolized by April 24 is our common pain." Do!an Tarkan was one of the prominent Turkish intellectuals who participated in the commemoration ceremony. (2) On Dec.27, 2011, "news.am" wrote, "The head of Turkish Revolutionary Social-


ist Workers' Party (DSIP) Do!an Tarkan said that the 1915 events correspond to the Genocide definition, adopted by the UN in 1945. He stated that the Turkish nationalists, who spoke against the bill adoption on penalizing the Armenian Genocide by the French National Assembly, did not respond to what happened with 1.5 million Armenians in 1915. Denial is the last page of the Genocide. We call to struggle against the racism, national discrimination and the denial of the Genocide. Turkey must recognize and apologize,” Do!an Tarkan stated." Earlier, French National Assembly (lower house) passed the bill on penalizing the Armenian Genocide on December 22, 2011. (3) Do!an Tarkan, the president of the Revolutionary Socialist Workers Party (DS"P) of Turkey, passed away on December 25, 2013. He died at the age of 65 of a heart attack at Taksim Metro Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey.(4)

1.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php?title =200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_great_c at 2.http://www.bianet.org/bianet/diger/129521 3.http://news.am/eng/news/87392.htm 4.http://socialistworker.org/2014/01/06/remembering-dogan-tarkan

Prof. Osheen Keshishian of Glendale Community College and Dr. Garbis Der Yeghiayan of Mashdots College will present an illustrated on “Tradition of Philanthropy Among Kharpertsis in America: Hagop Bogigian, Stephen Mugar, John Mirak, and Kirk Kerkorian,” on Sunday, November 13, 2016, at 5:00 p.m., at the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA. The program is sponsored by the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, the Kharpert Cultural Association, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR).

Glendale author Nare Garibyan to present new book of poetry Glendale, CA – Glendale author NARE GARIBYAN will present her new book of poems, WHEN RUINS SPEAK on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. WHEN RUINS SPEAK is Nare Garibyan's inaugural poetry collection. The work includes 11 poems for the 11 days spent in Western Armenia (Eastern Turkey) with a group of 11 friends, stopping to hear the ruins speak along the way. In this collection Nare attempts to encapsulate her experience at the level of the soul, reconnecting to her ancestral land.

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY CONGRATULATES PRESIDENT-ELECT DONALD J. TRUMP Armenian Caucus Members are Successful WASHINGTON, D.C. – After a long, close, and hard fought presidential race, Republican nominee Donald J. Trump, early Wednesday morning, surpassed the requisite number of Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). In addition to the White House, Republicans retained their majorities in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate although by smaller margins. “We congratulate president-elect Trump and his running mate Mike Pence, and we commend American Armenians who participated in the election process throughout the country,” stated Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian. “In his victory speech, president-elect Trump’s call for national unity was gracious and is welcome. During the campaign, president-elect Trump recognized Turkey’s ties to ISIS, as well as its increasingly authoritarian regime. In addition to Turkey, President Trump will also need to address Azerbaijan’s sharp deterioration and its links with ISIS. Both countries pose a threat to stability in the region,” Co-

Chairs Barsamian and Krikorian added. “In view of the insecurity in the region, it is vitally important that Christians and minority communities at risk be protected and we urge the new Administration and new Congress to take steps to safeguard these vulnerable communities,” the CoChairs continued. In the House of Representatives, the Members of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian issues had a strong showing with the overwhelming majority of those seeking re-election winning, including Co-

Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Jackie Speier (D-CA), David Valadao (R-CA) and Vice Co-Chairs Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Dave Trott (R-MI). Armenian Caucus CoChair Robert Dold (R-IL) facing a re-match with Democrat Brad Schneider did not win, nor did his Senate colleague Mark Kirk (R-IL). Meanwhile, Armenian Caucus Member Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) handily won his election to the United States Senate having defeated Turkish Caucus Congresswoman Donna Edwards in the Maryland primary. In addition, Caucus

Member Janice Hahn (D-CA) won her bid for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. “We congratulate the Members of the Armenian Caucus on their victories. We are proud to have two Members of Armenian descent in the House of Representatives, namely Anna Eshoo and Jackie Speier. Armenian American Danny Tarkanian, however, did not prevail in Nevada,” stated Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “We also appreciate the strong support of our friends who will not be returning to Congress and wish them every success.” In addition to a strong showing on the House side, pro-Armenia candidates also won in the Senate. Apart from Van Hollen, Armenian Genocide resolution cosponsors Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and long-time supporter of Armenian issues Chuck Schumer (D-NY) were all re-elected. Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washingtonbased nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

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