Nor Or November 17, 2016, No. 44_N.O. Blank 11/16/16 5:33 PM Page 1
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NOR OR ENG. November 17:Layout 1 11/15/16 4:49 AM Page 1
Thursday, November 17, 2016 Vol. 94, # 44
Trump adviser linked to Turkish lobbying A company tied to Erdogan's government hired retired general Michael Flynn's lobbying firm Donald Trump wants to forbid his officials from lobbying for foreign governments, but one of his top national security advisers is being paid by a close ally of Turkey's president. Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a vice chair of the Trump transition who is in the running for a top national security post in the new administration, runs a consulting firm that is lobbying for Turkish interests, an associate told POLITICO. Asked if Flynn's firm was hired because of the general's closeness to Trump, the associate, Robert Kelley, said, "I hope so." Kelley told POLITICO that the client, a Dutch consulting firm called Inovo BV, was founded by Kamil Ekim Alptekin. Alptekin is chairman of the Turkish-American Business Council, known as TAIK, an arm of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey, whose members are chosen by the country's general assembly and economic minister. In that role, Alptekin was involved in organizing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to Washington earlier this year. The Turkish government's connection to Flynn's client was first reported by the Daily Caller. A lobbying registration posted Sept. 30 said that Kelley, a former chief counsel to the House National Security Subcommittee, would lobby on bills funding the departments of State and Defense. "We're going to keep them informed of U.S. foreign and domestic policy," Kelley said in a phone interview. "They want to keep posted on what we all want to be informed of: the present situation, the transition between President Obama and President-Elect Trump." Kelley said he didn't know if the client presented a conflict of interest. A spokesman for Flynn said he was too busy to answer questions. The Trump transition didn't answer a request for comment. The "contract with the American voter" released by the Trump transition pledges to instate "a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government." Kelley and Alptekin both denied that Inovo, which was formed in 2005, is linked to the Turkish government. "Flynn Intel Group has no commercial relationship with the government of Turkey and Lt. General Michael Flynn's public statements on foreign affairs and national security issues are entirely his own," Kelley said in a subsequent statement. "I am concerned about the future of the transatlantic relationship," Alptekin said in an email. "I have absolutely no affiliation with the policies of the Turkish government." Flynn wrote an op-ed published in The Hill on Election Day arguing that the U.S. should not provide "safe haven" to Fethullah Gülen, the Pennsylvania-based cleric who the Turkish government has accused of masterminding this summer's failed coup. (Gülen denies the allegation.) "We need to see the world from Turkey’s perspective," Flynn wrote. "What would we have done if right after 9/11 we heard the news that Osama bin Laden lives in a nice villa at a Turkish resort while running 160 charter schools funded by the Turkish taxpayers?" Flynn compared Gülen to Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran and tied Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin to an academic journal that he said promoted "radical Muslim thinkers." (A Washington Post factcheck debunked that characterization of the journal.) He did not disclose his firm's lobbying contract in the article. Kelley said he didn't know if Flynn's op-ed was related to the lobbying contract. But he suggested reading a recent New Yorker article about Gulen that gave credence to his followers' role in the attempted overthrow. Alptekin told POLITICO the op-ed wasn't done for him. "If he had asked me whether to publish it, I would have advised against it for a variety of reasons," he said. "But frankly, I do not think General Flynn consults anyone before giving his opinion on national security issues." In response to the op-ed, Gülen's lawyers at Steptoe & Johnson said in a statement, “We hope that Mr. Flynn’s op-ed on Mr. Gülen and Turkish-American relations, published before the results of the election were known, is not a statement of policy for President-
Elect Trump. The extradition process is a serious one, governed by treaty with Turkey that is clear about the steps that need to be taken in such cases. It should not be a political matter." The Alliance for Shared Values, a nonprofit affiliated with the Gulenist movement in the U.S., said hiring Flynn's firm appeared to be part of a Turkish government smear campaign against the cleric. "This is just another example of the Turkish government spending significant amounts of taxpayer dollars to spread falsehoods and persecute any critics without evidence of wrongdoing," it said in a statement. The lobbying registration didn't say how much Flynn's company was being paid, and Kelley said he didn't know. It's the firstever lobbying registration for Flynn Intel Group, which the general founded after leaving government in 2014. The routing of a government-linked lobbying effort through a European organization smacks of the lobbying scandal that helped bring down Paul Manafort as Trump's campaign chairman this summer. The Associated Press revealed that Manafort, as an adviser to a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine, coordinated U.S. lobbying through a Brussels-based think tank. Flynn, a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, is widely considered a contender for defense secretary or national security adviser. The former role would require a congressional waiver because he has not yet been a civilian for seven years. Flynn has ruffled national security circles by appearing on Russian state-fund television and accompanying Trump to classified briefings.
ISAAC ARNSDORF Nahal Toosi contributed reporting
ARMENIAN CAUCUS MEMBERS OVERWHELMINGLY RE-ELECTED TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following the 2016 elections, 97% of Members of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues seeking re-election won, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) reported. While Caucus candidates were resoundingly successful at the ballot box this cycle, 11 members will not return to Congress due to retirement, resignation, or because they sought other office. Three of the Armenian Caucus members who ran for another office won their races: Reps. Janice Hahn (D-CA) for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors; Candice Miller (R-MI) for Macomb County Public Works Commissioner; and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) for the U.S. Senate after defeating Turkish Caucus Congresswoman Donna Edwards in the Maryland primary. Co-Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Jackie Speier (D-CA), David Valadao (RCA) and Vice Co-Chairs Adam Schiff (DCA) and Dave Trott (R-MI) were among those re-elected for the 115th Congress, however, Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Robert Dold (R-IL) lost to Democratic challenger Brad Schneider. “The Armenian Assembly congratulates all of our friends in Congress on their successful re-election. We look forward to working with the Armenian Caucus CoChairs and Vice Co-Chairs to strengthen the Caucus and expand its membership,” stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “The Assembly thanks Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Robert Dold for his dedication to Armenia and the Armenian American community during his time in office, especially sponsoring Armenian Genocide resolutions H.Res.304 and H.Res.154.”
EU Report Confirms Turkey Openly Supported Azerbaijan during April War
EU welcomes progress in talks with Armenia
“Turkey was vocal in its support for Azerbaijan during clashes in April 2016 in Nagorno-Karabakh,” the European Commission said on November 9 in a report on Turkey. The report also reminded that the 2009 protocols on normalization of relations with Armenia are not yet ratified. The 100-page review claimed Turkey had regressed in its eligibility to join the bloc. The Commission Staff Working Document highlighted a series of problem areas, including the legal situation in Turkey, which it described as being of “grave concern”. It warned that a range of measures, introduced by Turkish president Recep Tayipp Erdogan following the failed military coup on July 2016 were “not in line with European standards.” The report slammed Ankara and highlighted “serious allegations of human rights violations” as well as “disproportional use of force” by the security services. The report added that “the Armenian Patriarchate’s proposal to open a university department for Armenian language and clergy has been pending for several years. Similar demands have been made by different Christian communities who sought to train clergy.”
The EU Foreign Affairs Council welcomes progress in negotiations of a new framework agreement with Armenia and looks forward to consideration in due course of the possible opening of a visa dialogue. This is mentioned in the Council conclusions on the Eastern Partnership. During a meeting on Monday, the EU Foreign Affairs Council discussed current multilateral and bilateral relations with the six Eastern Partnership countries - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Ministers had an exchange of views on the implementation of the Partnership and possible deliverables to be achieved in 2017, notably with a view to the next Eastern Partnership Summit in November 2017 in Brussels.
NOR OR ENG. November 17:Layout 1 11/15/16 4:49 AM Page 2
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Thursday« November 17, 2016
110 Years of Service Armenian General Benevolent Union - 89th General Assembly By Sebouh Avedikian It was truly heartening to witness and participate in an Armenian event where the esteemed leaders of an organization, from October 27-29, were discussing the future challenges of the Armenian nation. Yes, the AGBU is the organization who is entitled to elaborate with its delegates for the future of a global nation. It is fact that our nation is spread out through the globe. It is also fact that the AGBU, throughout its 110-year history, finds itself in the epicenter of the turbulences facing our nation. And it is fact that the AGBU, guided by its prudent Presidents, defied every odd to navigate our nation’s ship to a safer shore. These are not empty rhetoric; these are deeds that tried to help the Armenian peasants to remain on the Armenian lands; especially when the President of the AGBU, Boghos Noubar Pasha, was negotiating with the major world powers to attain autonomy for Western Armenia in 1912-1914. Boghos Noubar Pasha was officially commissioned to that task by the Catholicos of all Armenians, Kevork V Sourenyantz, to represent the nation in those delicate talks. After WWI, one more time Boghos Noubar as a national leader was negotiating on behalf of the Armenian people in Europe. The AGBU was present at the nation building efforts in Soviet Armenia. On the other hand, the AGBU, with other organizations, helped to organize the Armenian communities in the Middle Eastern coun-
tries in 1920’s and 1930’s. After WWII the priorities of the nation shifted to Armenia. The AGBU was a major contributor to the repatriation efforts. The 1950’s to 1980’s was the golden age of the organization. It was the era of the President Alex Manoogian, whose undisputable national leadership marked the thriving of Armenian communities from South America to Australia, to the Middle East, Europe and North America. The rest is current history. The earthquake of 1988; and President Louise Manoogian Simon’s rescue mission. First year of Armenia’s independence and initiation of major AGBU programs. Millions of dollars, and more importantly millions of hearts and souls were pouring through AGBU into the bloodline of Armenia’s cultural, spiritual, and educational life. It was imperative for our nation to elevate the morale of a struggling people in Armenia. Other than soup kitchens and health providing organizations, it was also a priority to keep the high standards of Yerevan’s Symphonic Orchestra. It was a priority to establish an American University in 1991. Moreover, it was also a priority to involve the new generation of educated young professionals especially from the Americas and Europe for Armenian affairs. All these were national security concerns. Fedayees and the Armenian army was securing the military victory in Karabakh, while the Armenian nation
among them the AGBU was securing the well being of a great people who were unconditionally supporting the war efforts. And there we were in October 2016, at the AGBU General Assembly in New York City. AGBU!Central Board Vice President Mr. Sam Simonian with These are critical AGBU Manoogian High School principal Dr. Hovsep Torossian times. Our global na(Southfield, Michigan) and school’s tion is facing threatenArmenian Department Chair Mr. Sebouh Avedikian in New York ing challenges. Karabakh and Armenia nering with philanthropists Vatche and just came out of a four-day war launched Tamar Manoukian and Noubar Afeyan. by Azerbaijan in April 2016. Syria’s and The leaders of the above mentioned organIraq’s Armenian communities are devasizations: Ruben Vardanyan, Sam Simonian, tated. The leaders of the AGBU must adYervant Zorian as well as Vatche and Tamar dress those challenges. They have to Manoukian and Noubar Afeyan were all prioritize the needs, categorize the probpresent at the assembly. With them and lems, and find out solutions with their limwith the rest of the Board members the ited resources. As always we observed the noble vision of our nation’s bright future AGBU President, Berge Setrakian skillfully was materializing. President Berge Sepointing out the new initiatives and changtrakian’s positive vigor was contagious. ing policies. Multi task programs need conThat positive attitude of the AGBU and its centrated efforts to utilize all the prowess presidents always energizes the masses in and expertise of any Armenian entity. difficult times. In the course of its history the AGBU I am quite sure that the global outlook was always open to synchronized cooperaannounced during these days will guide tion. It is not different today. The AGBU is our global nation in the following years, collaborating with IDeA foundation, Tumo shape the identity of global Armenians, and Centers for Creative Technologies, and Armost importantly, secure peace and prosmenian Virtual College. AGBU is also partperity in Armenia and Karabakh.
WESTERN DIOCESE TO HOLD 13TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BALL ON DECEMBER 3, 2016 Burbank, CA – It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, not only in the local malls and major shopping centers, but at the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, where members of the Christmas Ball Committee, under the leadership of Raffi Kendirjian, Chair, have begun plans and preparations for the Annual Christmas Ball. For the thirteenth year, this festive occasion will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2016 at the Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Hall of the Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian Complex, 3325 North Glenoaks Boulevard in Burbank. The festivities begin at 7:00 p.m. with a Reception and gala Tree Lighting Ceremony in the Tirpanjian Plaza. Families and friends gather together to enjoy the large beautifully decorated tree and then take pleasure in the delicious appetizers and inviting cocktail drinks in the Paul Brothers Galleria. A welcoming dinner and exciting program will follow at 8:00 p.m. in the Kalaydjian Hall. Guests will be awed by the Holiday décor and the perfect setting to launch the Holiday Season. The theme for this year’s ball is “Lead by Faith,” which truly reflects the importance of the Annual Christmas Ball and its focus in honoring and recognizing the accomplishments of professional Armenian American men and women whose achievements are exemplified in their selfless service to our people and our church.
This year twelve illustrious community members will be recognized for their distinguished careers and their dedicated service to both the Armenian and American communities. Kendirjian states, “They truly epitomize our Armenian heritage and culture with their faith and serve as an inspiration to future generations.” The Christmas Ball was created by His Eminence Archbishop Hovan Derderian, Primate, to develop and establish an auspicious occasion that brings the community together to celebrate the launch of the Christmas Season and the numerous achievements that have been accomplished throughout the year. His Eminence stated: “There is no better way to sum up the year than to honor our notable professionals, who bring pride to our community with their impeccable character, expertise and dedicated service. By honoring these individuals, we acknowledge their arduous work, steadfastness, determination and perseverance – essential qualifies that mold visionary leaders in the future.” The professionals to be honored this year are Scott Asmar, MD; Naz Atikian; Ara Balkian, MD, MBA; Alexis M. Gevorgian; Raymond Hartoonian; Silva Katchiguian; Gary Kevorkian, DDS, MS; Karnig Kerkonian, Esq.; Karin Mushegain; Gevorg Mutafyan, MD; and Tina Odjaghian, Esq. On October 18, a special reception was held by the
Christmas Ball Committee in the Paul Brothers Galleria at the Western Diocese, to meet and greet this year’s honorees who will be presented on December 3rd. At the event guests will enjoy a video presentation personally showcasing each of the honorees with live on the screen action and the opportunity to hear first hand of their careers and goals. The Christmas Ball Committee is committed to holding an evening of camaraderie, fun and dancing. They are delighted to announce that entertainment will be provided by Armenian International Superstar Harout Pamboukjian and his Band, as well as an International DJ who will perform both traditional Armenian music and familiar American tunes well into the night. A booklet containing the biographies of the honorees will be available to commemorate the event and afford families and friends the opportunity to write the honorees a personal congratulatory message. Booklet Sponsorships in special categories are also available by contacting Hasmik Kyribarian: email Seating is limited as this event fills up fast! Tickets for the event are $150.00 per person. For reservations and/or further information, please contact the church office (818) 558-7474 or Araxie Boyamian at (818) 404-1662 or email: araxie.boyamian@gmail .com. !
WESTSIDE GUILD OF ARARAT HOME HOST 25TH ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON ON DECEMBER 10, 2016 Los Angeles, CA – The Christmas Season is off to a great start with the celebration of the Westside Ararat Guild’s 25th Anniversary Christmas Luncheon to be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at the Beverly Hills Hotel, 9641 Sunset Boulevard, Beverly Hills. The festivities begin at 10:45 a.m. with guests starting their Holiday Gift Shopping at the Silent Auction and Opportunity drawing, and purchasing the wide variety of home baked goods at the Cooks Corner. The luncheon at 12 noon will feature informal modeling of St. John fashions, internationally known for their upscale American fashion brand that specializes in women’s knitwear. Barbara Poladian and Andrea Fehring, Chairs of the Luncheon Committee, report that they are delighted to have the opportunity to showcase St. John Fashions and to recognize their exclusive brand of clothing. St. John is an American luxury house that was founded in 1962 and is a fascinating coming together of craft and couture based on the premise of a simple, yet elegant knit dress. The basis for the collection remains the same today as it did from the start: effortless, alluring and refined clothing that appeals to women all over the world. Lynnette Amerian and Geral-
dine Chuchian, Co-Chairs of the Westside Ararat Guild, are proud to announce that this year, in recognition of the 25th Anniversary and their years of service, they will be honoring the first Board Members/Founders of the Westside Guild: Virginia Abajian, Nora Hampar, Mary Hovanessian, Thelma Kevorkian and Dolores Samuelian. They expressed their pride and gratitude to the Founders for their vision, commitment and dedication to the Ararat Home of Los Angeles. Along with the luncheon Chairs, Barbara Poladian and Andrea Fehring, committee members include Diana Hekimian and Arpy Hindoyan, Cook’s Corner; Barbara Poladian, Invitations; Tamara Goodrow Buuck and Sandy Tomassian, Silent Auction; Geraldine Chuchian, Patty Samarge and Kathy Terzian, Ballroom Set Up; Liliana Youssoufian, Reservations; Linda Avazian and Cindy Norian, Raffle; Marianne Zahka, Cashier; and Lily Balian, Publicity. Tickets for the luncheon are $90.00. Sponsorships are available with all donations benefitting the Ararat Home of Los Angeles. For reservations and/or sponsorships, please contact Liliana Youssoufian, 22409 S. Summit Ridge Circle, Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 425-4852 or email: !
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« November 17, 2016
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
137 - Hidayet !efkatli Tuksal By Hambersom Aghbashian Hidayet !efkatli Tuksal was born in 1963 in Ankara, Turkey to a Muslim family from the Balkans. In 1980 she enrolled in the theology faculty of Ankara University. She joined a religious order during her time there and started veiling. Tuksal taught at an "mam Hatip school for a time before enrolling in a doctoral program then she received a PhD in Islamic theology from Ankara University. In 1994, Tuksal cofounded the Capital Women's Platform (Baskent Kadin Platform). The Platform challenged the religious basis of sexism and brought attention to the discrimination and injustice experienced by religious women in secular settings. Tuksal established a clothes selling store with her sisters and mother after she was unable to find a job. Following the 1997 postmodern coup and February 28 process, headscarves were banned in Turkish educational institutions. Tuksal identified this as a women's issue, and that is related to the women who wear headscarves were most adversely affected by the process. She noted that even some conservative muslim and Islamist men did not consider women wearing headscarves in Islamist institutions to be presentable due to the prevalent Kemalist discourse. Tuksal has studied religious texts and challenged Islamist ideas that lead to the marginalization of women. She also wrote a history of Turkey's Islamist women's movement and noted the division between Islamic and secular feminists in Turkey. Beginning in 2012, Tuksal was a columnist for Taraf. She is married and has three children. Hidayet !efkatli Tuksal is one of the
Turkish notable intellectuals who have signed the "I Apologize Campaign" which was an initiative launched in December 2008 in Turkey by numerous journalists, writers, politicians and professors and called through a form of a signature campaign for an apology for what they considered as the "Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915". The campaign was done mostly online. The message shown on the website which people had to sign stated "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them." The campaign was signed by 5,000 people in the first 24 hours of its publication and 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign, which some interpreted as in direct reference to the Armenian Genocide, created widespread outrage in Turkish society On September 30, 2014, The Armenian Weekly wrote "Turkish scholars, artists, and writers harshly condemned primary and middle school textbooks that are replete with anti-Armenian rhetoric in Turkey, and demanded that the books be pulled from circulation." the signatories wrote, “After immediately pulling the ‘History’ and ‘History of the Turkish Revolution’ textbooks from circulation, apologies should be issued to all students, particularly to Armenian ones. As we approach 2015, the road to Turkish-Armenian peace that we long for passes through here.” The textbooks por-
1915-1916, the number of forcibly Islamized Armenians has increased significantly. Although the exact number is not known, some of the Armenian children and teenagers survived the death marches and massacres of 1915 through adoption by Muslim families. Among the adults, there were women who survived by marrying a Muslim or, in fewer cases, men; and in even more exceptional cases a whole family, neighborhood or village of Armenians survived by Islamization. Hidayet !efkatli Tuksal was one of the Turkish intellectuals who participated in the conference on Islamized Armenians and she was one of the participants in the round table discussion about “Religion and Identity”. (2) 1. 9/30/textbooks-vilifying-armenians/ 2 . h t t p : / / o i a . n e t / c o n f e re n c e - o n islamized-armenians-14-11-2013-by-hrantdink-foundation/
Aznavour Honored By Kevork Keushkerian Thursday, October 27, 2016 was a memorable day for the Armenian community in Southern California, as legendary singer Charles Aznavour was honored in a private ceremony at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. David Green, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Nederlander Organization welcomed the guests and introduced State Senator Kevin de Leon to do the honors. Senator De Leon, in honor of Charles Aznavour’s return to the U.S. and his upcoming performance at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre on October 28, presented him with an honorary Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Plaque, recognizing his contributions to the Arts and the Armenian Community. Senator De Leon characterized Aznavour as a musical icon and a great humanitarian who, over the course of eight-decades, has performed countless shows across the globe, while writing and recording over 1,200 songs in eight languages, and selling more than 1,800 records worldwide. In 1988, Aznavour was named “Entertainer of the Century by CNN and Time online. Known as “French Frank Sinatra” and
tray Armenians as traitors who plotted with foreign enemies to tear apart the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, and as mass murderers of innocent Turkish and Muslim women and children while Muslim men were waging a war of survival. The textbooks, all published over the past few years and approved by a special commission of Turkey’s Ministry of Education, are also mandatory in Armenian schools in Turkey. Two newspapers in Turkey, Agos and Taraf, had published a series of articles by Taner Akçam on the anti-Armenian hate-filled rhetoric in Turkish textbooks earlier in September. Betül Tanbay was one of the signees of the statement. (1) The Conference on Islamized Armenians, which was organized by Hrant Dink Foundation with the cooperation of Bo#aziçi University History Department and MalatyaHAYDer and with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Chrest Foundation and Olof Palme International Center took place at Bo#aziçi University’s Albert Long Hall during 2-4 November 2013. The conference, which was intended as a gateway to amplify the academic research on the issue, consisted of eight panels in three days, one round table meeting, one forum and one workshop. Simultaneously with the conference, movie screenings were arranged. The turn of the 20th century was a period of significant social and political transformation in the Ottoman geography. Some of these transformations included individual and collective acts of conversion, leading to a number of Armenians who were Islamized in different times and processes. Especially during
his country’s most famous crooner, Aznavour ranks as one of the greatest singers of all time and as a master of the chanson. After gratefully accepting the Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Plaque, Aznavour said he was both honored and humbled. Speaking in his native language of French, he graciously answered a barrage of questions put forward by members of the news media, who had flanked him from all sides, hardly giving him room to breathe. This memorable event was put forward by Baydzar Tovmassyan, State Senator De Leon’s Field Representative. Senator De Leon represents District 24, including Hollywood and Little Armenia, and he has been the Senate President since 2014. The ceremony was attended by many high profile figures of the Armenian American community, including Very Reverend Father Pakrad Dz. V. Berjikian, Diocese Vicar General, Reverend Father Vicken Vasilian, pastor of St. Garabed Church in Hollywood and a representative from the Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia.
Prof. Taner Akçam of Clark University will give a lecture entitled “The Memoir of Naim Bey and Talat Pasha Telegrams: Are They ‘Armenian Forgeries’?” on Sunday, November 20, 2016, at 4:00 p.m., at the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA. The program is sponsored by the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, the Armenian Bar Association, the Organization of Istanbul Armenians, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). In 1920-21, author and editor Aram Andonian published a book known in English as The Memoirs of Naim Bey and in Armenian as Medz Vojir$ (The Great Crime). It contained the writings of an Ottoman official and telegrams from Talat Pasha containing orders for the killing of Armenians. In 1983, Turkish authors Sinasi Orel and Sureyya Yuca published a book to establish that the memoir was fake and the telegrams were forgeries. The argument had three main pillars: 1) there was no such person as Naim Bey; 2) there is no actual memoir, since a non-existing person cannot write a memoir; and 3) the socalled Talat Pasha telegrams, like the alleged memoir, were invented by Andonian. Although noted researcher Fr. Krikor Guerguerian (Kriger) in 1965 published a detailed examination of Andonian’s published and unpublished materials and Vahakn N. Dadrian in 1986 published a lengthy response to Orel and
Yuca, in general the scholarly world ceased using the memoir and telegrams as trustworthy sources. Until now, the claims against Andonian have remained unanswered and became the cornerstone of denialism. Taner Akçam risked venturing into this highly disputed territory and pursued the matter to its necessary conclusion, seeking out the archival sources and documents needed for a proper scholarly assessment. The first results of his research will be presented in this lecture and in a book to be published in Turkish later this fall. The question must be asked: Is it time to remove one of the last bricks in the denialist wall and watch the façade crumble? Taner Akçam is the author of From Empire To Republic: Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide and A Shameful Act: the Armenian Genocide and Turkish Responsibility, and The Young Turks’ Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire as well as other works in the English and Turkish Languages. Since 2008 he has been the Robert Aram and Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marian Mugar Professor of Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University in Worcester, MA. For more information about this program, contact Ararat-Eskijian Museum at (747) 500-7585 or, or NAASR at (617) 489-1610 or !
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« November 17, 2016
The Armenian Studies Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 competition for the Manoogian Fellowships for post-doctoral fellows, visiting scholars, and pre-doctoral students to foster teaching and research in Armenian Studies. All applications must be received by 11:59 pm EST on February 1, 2017. Applicants will be notified of results in March 2017. Application materials and questions should be forwarded to or 734.763.0622.
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Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 17 ÜáÛ»Ù'»ñ 2016
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Nor Or November 17, 2016, No. 44_N.O. Blank 11/16/16 5:33 PM Page 11
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Nor Or November 17, 2016, No. 44_N.O. Blank 11/16/16 5:33 PM Page 12
Üáñ úñ
16 !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 17 ÜáÛ»Ù'»ñ 2016