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Nor Or November 24, 2016, No, 45 _N.O. Blank 11/22/16 6:39 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 45, Thursday, November 24, 2016

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Nor Or November 24, 2016, No, 45 _N.O. Blank 11/22/16 6:39 PM Page 4


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Thursday, November 24, 2016 Vol. 94, # 45


Hayastan All Armenian Fund director issues message ahead of upcoming telethon Executive director of the “Hayastan”All Armenian Fund Mr. Ara Vardanyan issued a statement ahead of the upcoming Telethon. “The traditional telethon of “Hayastan” All Armenian fund will launch in a fewdays, and the Executive Board of the fund, with its offices, is already preparing for the event. Fundraisers have already been held or are underway in some communities. Normally in this period, the number of ordinary citizens, media and reporters, who express stance and attitude towards the “Hayastan” All Armenian fund grows, which is also important for us, since it allows us to look at our activity, and in case of necessity make improvements. Moreover, of course, the issue of trust for the Fund is circulating, which is also understandable, because “Hayastan” All Armenian Fund remains the number one charity organization, which is influential by both its geography and the volume of its implemented projects. I don’t see the necessity to list all the projects which the Fund has realized with you during these 25 years, truly changing the face of many communities and the people’s lives. The public can follow the process of that projects – from launch to completion – though the Fund’s website and Facebook page, as well as our reports, which are presented in all possible formats, including releases, videos, photos, review, trip report, conclusions of physical and financial audits. I would like to once again announce that trust towards the Fund existed and continues to exist, evidenced by the 5 dozens large and small projects, which every year we realize with united efforts in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. The recent fundraiser of our fellow Armenians in Toronto also proves the growing number of donors and trust, as a result of which a record number for that community was raised – 1 million US dollars. Along with being grateful to our compatriots in the Diaspora, I think first of all we have to be fastidious towards ourselves. I wish us a successful fundraiser, and let people of good will join our ranks”.

Armenian Catholicos to head for Moscow ETCHMIADZIN. – Catholicos of All Armenians, Karekin II, on Monday will travel to Moscow, on a two-day visit. In the Russian capital city, the Catholicos will attend the events to be held on the occasion of the 70th birth anniversary of Kirill I, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin Information Services informed Armenian News-NEWS.am.

Dear fellow Armenian, This passing year has brought new challenges for the people of Armenia and Artsakh. In April the people of Artsakh faced an unprecedented full-scale military aggression by Azerbaijan's armed forces. Indiscriminate artillery shelling brought large scale destruction to homes and schools in Talish, Mataghis, Martakert and other towns and villages in Artsakh. Brutality of the attack could only be matched by the horrors that our ancestors experienced during the darkest days of the Genocide: We all remember the chilling images of mutilated bodies of our soldiers and the elderly civilians that fell victim to the raids of the bloodthirsty Azerbaijani commandos in April. The April War brought us to a new reality and a new normal, in which we can never be sure that these attacks will not be repeated any time soon. Almost daily we hear President Aliyev's new threats to take over Artsakh by force if his capricious demands to hand over Artsakh are not met. The threats are not new, but this time we have proof that the Azeri dictator is not shy to act on his war mongering rhetoric. As a united Armenian nation – Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora – all of us together, we have a responsibility to analyze the lessons of the April war in order to be able to withstand the security challenges of the new reality and act accordingly. My contacts with the highest political and military leaders of Armenia and Art-

sakh as well as my personal visits to the frontlines this summer reassured me that the defenses of our Homeland and its military capabilities have been enhanced dramatically. Of course, enhancing military capabilities is the prerogative of the governments of Armenia and Artsakh. Where we can step in as the ever caring Diaspora is helping Artsakh establish a solid civil defense infrastructure and emergency preparedness to protect the civilian population and provide emergency humanitarian relief to the people under attack. I appeal to you to be proactive and work ahead of time by making a generous tax-deductible donation today to save Armenian lives in case of an another attack. We need to help the people of Artsakh with absolute necessities of the post April War reality – from bomb shelters, first aid medicines, emergency/trauma kits in hospitals and homes to tents, warm blankets, non-perishable food items, water purification systems, portable kitchens and enhanced civil defense classes in all schools. I thank you in advance for your generosity and caring towards the people of Artsakh. Sincerely,

Armenian MP’s question at NATO parliamentary assembly session makes Turkish FM angry During the 62nd annual NATO Parliamentary Assembly session held in Istanbul, the question of the Armenian MP Koryun Nahapetyan made Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu!o"lu angry. According to Turkish Hürriyet, Koryun Nahapetyan turned to Çavu!o"lu, noting that Turkey supports the Islamic State terrorist group. In his question, Nahapetyan specifically told Çavu!o"lu: “Turkey is pretending that it is fighting against terrorists, but it is actually killing the Kurds, supporting the Islamic State group. It is obvious that any intervention by Ankara in the NagornoKarabakh conflict will only harm it because of Turkey’s one-sided position and its tendency to support Azerbaijan by all means. The events provoked by Azerbaijan on the Contact Line on April 2-5 and the provocative announcements made by Turkey are a vivid indication of this. Currently, Turkey has allocated its troops in three neighboring states without the agreement of the given countries’ governments in each case. My question is: How does Turkey see the further development of relations with its neighbors?” In response to the question given by the Armenian MP, the Turkish FM said that

they are for the territorial integrity of Iraq and Syria. He accused the Armenian side of being unjust, saying: “We may have different views: You are from Armenia and I am a Turk. But it is first of all necessary to be just, especially if you are a politician. At the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) I have seen for many years that our Armenian partners have unfortunately never been just. How can you say that we support IS?” Çavu!o"lu also noted that Turkey has arrested and killed great number of IS fighters, also helping the European countries in this issue.

Maria Mehranian President

Russian parliamentarians visit Genocide Memorial Complex YEREVAN. - Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Federation Council of Russia, Konstantin Kosachev, and the Committee members, who are in Yerevan on a working visit, visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex Saturday. The delegation members were accompanied by the Chairman of the Armenian National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan, Deputy Chairman of the Committee Alexander Arzumanyan, and Committee member Shirak Torosyan. The Russian parliamentarians laid a wreath at the Armenian Genocide memorial and also flowers at the eternal fire on behalf of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Federation Council of Russia. They also observed a minute of silence in memory of the innocent victims. For his part, Konstantin Kosachev noted: “By paying tribute to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims, we once again make sure how fragile the peace is, how monstrous the violence is and how horrible the conflicts between peoples are. We must do our best to prevent new tragedies. We stand by Armenian people.”

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Thursday« November 24, 2016

The Pasadena Tournament of Roses “Field of Dreams” The Pasadena Tournament of Roses® has announced the 2017 float entries that will participate in the 128th Rose Parade presented by Honda, themed “Echoes of Success,” and the American Armenian Rose Float Association for a third year in a row will participate with their float “Field of Dreams.” The 2017 Pasadena Tournament of Roses theme, “Echoes of Success,” tells the story of how our character has developed through the selfless contributions of others and celebrates their inspirational gifts. It is a celebration for those people, institutions and organizations that help in the success of others. Our successes are unique to each of us. Success is not gauged by the final score, not by how much wealth we accumulate and should not be weighed against the accomplishments of others. Success is measured by our own personal satisfaction in knowing that we achieved our utmost by doing our best when facing challenges. But success cannot be achieved alone. We need the support and influences of others. Family, teachers, friends and coaches contribute to our success. The cheering section at the finish line. The hospital volunteers. The teacher who stays after school to help a struggling student. The parents who drive to all of the soccer games. The little sister who says, “you can do it.” These influences in our lives, these people of selfless commitment, these “Echoes of Success” make us who we are. The 2017 theme celebrates those who have been instrumental in helping each

of us and in helping others achieve success. It’s about the people and cultures that lend us a hand in reaching our destination. The America Armenian Rose Float Association will present to the world the echoes of success of the Armenian community featuring three children atop a majestic Artsakh (Karabagh) Stallion in the foreground descending from historic Mt. Ararat in the background where Noah’s Arc came to rest. Mt. Ararat has long stood as a spiritual symbol of faith for people around the world. Also growing out from the soil of this snowcapped mountain, a pomegranate tree with a peacock, a symbol of good fortune and fertility for Armenians around the world. The children atop the Artsakh Stallion wear traditional Armenian garments, hold symbols representing Literature, Music and Science, paying tribute to the fields in which this historic ancient people have contributed to the collective human experience. This year’s uplifting theme “Echoes of Success” is represented in this positive portrayal of the Armenian culture paying homage to accomplishments of Armenians in the fields of music, literature and science. Join us on December 11, 2016 for the Gala Under the Stars unveiling our “Field of Dreams.” For ticket information contact us at 626-788-9622 or Info@AARFA.org !

Armenia President: Russia is our strategic ally, but… The best times for Armenia are those without contradictions and confrontations between the West and the East, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan said the aforementioned in an interview with Sky News Arabia. “More precisely, [contradictions and confrontations] between Russia and the United States, Russia and Europe, as well

as Russia and NATO, since we think that looking for interests in contradictions is very dangerous,” the President said. “We see our interests in cooperation, always striving to do so that this situation dominate. But nevertheless, from time to time tensions rise in life, and in this case Russia is apparently our strategic ally: we are EAEU and CSTO members. As I said,

AGBU Hye Geen and Young Circle Facing Reality in Armenia On Saturday, November 12th AGBU’s Hye Geen and Young Circle hosted a lecture titled “Facing Reality in Armenia.” Hye Geen Chairwoman, Sona Yacoubian started the event with opening remarks, and welcomed Hye Geen Young Circle board member, Elizabeth Kabanyan, to introduce the speakers, highlighting their experience and achievements. Dr. Marzbed Margossian, an AGBU Hovagimian-Manougian alumnus, a scientist and journalist born in Beirut, Lebanon discussed the patterns of unrest in Armenian history by uncovering the past struggles of the country and its diaspora. Mr. Levon P. Thorose, a humanitarian and innovator who introduced new sensor technology in Armenia, discussed the current political situation in Armenia, mapping the current state of its military and the lack of resources along the borders of Artsakh. Finally, Mr.

Harout Bronozian, an A.G.B.U. alumnus who works closely with numerous schools in Armenia, spoke emotionally and wholeheartedly about the reactions and concerns of the greater diaspora. The event attracted over 100 guests to A.G.B.U. Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center. The speakers engaged guests into a very dynamic Q&A session about Armenia’s history, future, and the role of the diaspora. In its 24 years of humanitarian work, Hye Geen has sponsored many special events and programs both in the United States and Armenia. This year the Committee boasts many young members who are passionately promoting the role of the Armenian women as nurturers by empowering them to take a larger role in community and diaspora leadership. !

Yerevan hospitals overcrowded with new patients, especially children YEREVAN. – Even though the employees of the healthcare system assure that the level of infectious respiratory diseases is close to normal in Armenia, children are already lying in the corridors of the hospitals in capital city Yerevan, according to Irates newspaper. “According to experts, the H3-type virus penetrated into Armenia from Europe, Georgia, Russia—simultaneously. They also do not rule out that it may be subjected to mutation, over the course of time. “As for closing schools and kindergartens due to the contagion, the area specialists believe that the contagion has not yet reached its ‘peak’ [in Armenia],” wrote Irates.

we are allies, but this circumstance doesn’t prevent us from having normal relations with the EU and the United States,” Sargsyan noted. “Currently we are continuing the talks with the European Union on forming a new document on our relations. I am sure that this document will be ready in near future and we will sign it.”

Congresswoman Speier: Launch of Los Angeles-Yerevan direct flights is on agenda Major developments are expected in the near future in ArmenianAmerican relations, US Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who is of Armenian origin, told the Voice of America Armenian service. She expressed a view that Armenia-US relations have huge potential for further expanding and involving new domains. As co-chair of the US congressional friendship group with Armenia, Speier plans to implement n seeable future. Congresswoman Speier added that the declaration of new sister cities between the US and Armenia as well as the launch of direct flights between Los Angeles and Yerevan are also on the agenda. But the key pressing issue in ArmenianAmerican relations, and which Congresswoman Speier hopes to resolve in 2017, is the reinstatement of the Millennium Challenge Corporation aid to Armenia. She also noted that special importance should be given to the development of Armenia-US economic relations. But, as per Speier, in this new age of technology, scientific and technical ties should be developed more. In her words, new prospects need to be reached in Armenian-American relations, in the new century. Congresswoman Jackie Speier also stated that the American-Armenian community is stronger today more than ever, Armenia has an influential ambassador in the US, and the two sides should seize these opportunities and further develop relations.

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

138 - Volkan Vural By Hambersom Aghbashian Volkan Vural, (born December 29, 1941 in Istanbul Turkey), is a Turkish diplomat. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences in 1964, and entered the foreign ministry as a diplomat in the same year and served in various departments in the ministry, as well as in Turkish missions in many countries. He also worked at NATO’s international secretariat between 1976 and 1982. In 1987 he was appointed as ambassador to Tehran(1987 1988). then served as the Turkish ambassador to the Soviet Union and later Russia (1988-93). Between 1993 and 1995, He served as the prime minister Tansu Ciller's Adviser (1993-1995). After working as Turkey’s ambassador to Germany (1995-1998), he went to New York as Turkey’s permanent representative to the United Nations (1998-2000). Upon his return, he started working as secretary-general for European Union affairs, until 2003, when he was appointed as ambassador to Spain, where he served until 2006, till his retirement. Volkan Vural is currently the adviser to the president of the Do!an group of companies and a member of the executive board of the Turkish Business and Industry Association (TÜS"AD). He is also the chairman of TÜS"AD’s foreign relations commission. Volkan Vural has interesting and considerable ideas about the Armenian issue. According to him, if he is authorized, he will apologize. to the Armenians and the Greeks for the anguish the Turks caused to those people. Also Turkey, has to give the descendants of those people, the Ottoman Empire Armenians who were deported and to the Greek Cypriots, the right to become citizens again. Volkan Vural believes that the Armenian problem is not the historians but the politicians who have to settle it. He believes that the historical facts are known and doesn't agree that facts are not known.(1) In an interview with "Taraf" newspaper, Sep 8, 2008, ( the interview was translated into English by Ara Arabyan), Ambassador Vural was asked " what would happen to the properties and assets the Armenians left behind during the deportation?" in case of apology. His response was "These can be discussed. A fund may be established. The return of the properties and providing a full accounting for them is now very difficult, but a symbolic reparation is possible. What matters is that we show that we are not insensitive in the face of a painful situation, that we empathize with the situation, and that we are considering certain ways of compensation as a humanitarian responsibility. I would actually apologize." And about the form of apology he had in mind he said "These events are unbecoming for Turkey. We do not approve them. The people who were forced to leave this country have our sympathy. We see them as our brothers. If they wish, we are prepared to admit them to Turkish citizenship." (2) In its article "Polarization in Turkish politics bars daring steps on Armenian tragedy", Turkish Hurriyet Daily News wrote On April 21, 2014 " Volkan Vural, who served in several capitals as Turkey’s envoy, is one of the first former state officials to argue openly for an apology for the deportation of the Armenians and the loss of human life." It quoted the retired Ambassador Volkan Vural saying "The Armenian Diaspora's efforts for the recognition of the World War I mass killings as genocide will not have much impact on Turkey’s stance. Turkish society, however, is ready for bold steps as there is an increasing awareness that something very tragic happened in

1915. There has been a dramatic evolution in Turkish society, at least on certain segments. The awareness has increased tremendously and recognition that something bad, something tragic happened is generally being accepted. This is a very positive development and shows the maturity of Turkish society in recognizing these things." In the same article Volkan Vural mentioned that the Balkan wars; created a trauma in Turkish society. The Union and Progress Party leaders saw a new danger emerging (the Armenians inside the Ottoman empire. H.A.) . He added "Turkish society is evolving, we found out many issues that we learned from textbooks were not correct. (3) Volkan Vural is the first Turkish ambassador who visited Armenia, at that time, 1991, when he was the Turkish ambassador to Moscow, and Armenia was on its way to becoming independent republic. Shnork Kalustian, then the Armenian patriarch in Turkey, had died during his visit to Yerevan. He sent a message to the Armenian president where he wrote “taking an interest in the funeral of the patriarch, who is our citizen, and facilitating the return of his remains to Turkey is my duty” and that “I am prepared to contribute in every way, including attending any ceremonies that may be held.” Patriarch Kalustian's funeral rites were conducted in the Armenian church in Moscow and Ambassador Volkan attended that ceremony .The Armenians who were there, were astonished by the presence of a Turkish ambassador at a funeral ceremony in an Armenian church and that was his first contact with Armenia as ambassador. Volkan Vural visited Armenia many times and in different occasions. Although Volkan Vural is one of the first former state officials to argue openly for an apology, and he thinks that there should be an apology for the deportation that caused human suffering, the tragedy of the Armenians in the Ottoman empire, he doesn't use the Genocide word as he knows the consequences of a Genocide crime. On the other hand, he hopes that apologizing for the tragedy should also give some hope to the Armenians:“This is your homeland. You have established lives in other countries, but if you want to come back, this is your home; we recognize your nationality.” is one of his positive statements in this direction.

1.https://eksisozluk.com/volkan-vural-1966791 2.http://forum.hyeclub.com/showthread.php /15699-Interview-with-retired-TurkishAmbassador-Volkan-Vural 3.http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/polarization-in-turkish-politics-bars-daring-stepson-armenian-tragedy.


“CONTEMPORARY MEDITATIONS” Author: Rev. Fr. Zenob Nalbandian The beautiful publication of “Contemporary Meditations” by Rev. Fr. Zenob Nalbandian took place. The book consists of 54 articles (500 pages) written in Armenian and translated into English. The book is the fruit of a long arduous work and is dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide during which our Martyrs were canonized for their love for God, nation, and ultimate sacrifice. Last year, St. Gregory of Nareg, as a mystic poet, philosopher, was declared “Doctor of the Universal Church” and was immortalized again for his very famous “Nareg” prayer book and his holy life. In his book, the Reverend Father reflects on moral, literary, linguistic, religious, educational, historic and social issues. He studies them astutely in light of current conditions. The author discusses in his book the progress of our language and history. He comes to wise conclusions when he talks about richness of the vocabulary in the Armenian language. Thus, Fr. Zenob considers our old, classical Armenian language as nurturer of both eastern and western Armenian. He suggests and urges that our present language benefit amply from Krapar’s (Classical Armenian) inexhaustible abundance and not ignore its proffered possibilities. He proudly writes, “We, the worthy inheritors of Krapar, standing at the threshold of the 21st century, let us vow neither to abandon Krapar nor neglect and cast it into oblivion, but instead use it for the enrichment of Modern Armenian and for the preservation of our numerous dialects. Foreign and useless elements should not enter our language and corrupt its true image.” In the book, the Reverend Father discusses the role of the Armenian Youth. He emphasizes the importance of education, and brings about issues such as heritage, responsibility, commitment. Due to unemployment, our compatriots migrate and become wanderers. The author talks about the defense of our Motherland and the crystallization of the moral life of its people. He conveys this message to the young

generation, “O honorable Armenian Youth, we commit into your hands our centurieslong nation, tiny homeland, precious church and their destiny. Tend and nurture them with care, wisdom, patience, and farsightedness.” Under the article “Delayed Checkout Visit”, the esteemed author entreats the Armenian authorities to be in a closer touch with the Armenian people of the diaspora and be aware of the harsh conditions they are living in and offer moral support. After all, it is the Motherland that nurtures, comforts and presents solutions to all our problems and unending national issues. The Motherland is the hope and light for all! It is our last refuge and abode. The author earnestly writes to the Motherland, “Now, we entreat you to visit and strengthen us, O Mother, to unite our whole being with our mother soil, our centuries-long roots and wonderful history. With your visit, our sacred feeling toward our motherland will be rekindled and our weakest link with Armenia will be fortified – making us the true children of the Armenian world. Our fatigued eyes are staring at you and awaiting your arrival. May your arrival be welcomed! ” The book is replete with various topics. This volume, which is imbued with patriotic sentiments and noble feelings, must be on everyone’s desk in order to be able to drink from the sweet cup of life, love, homeland, and Armenian elements of language and culture. We congratulate Fr. Zenob for this beautiful work and wish that he may continue enriching our literary field with new volumes. Great job, dad! Continue writing! Dr. Prof. Angèle Nalbandian

To obtain a copy: Please write, call or email: Rev. Fr. Zenob Nalbandian 8 Torrigiani Aisle Irvine, CA 92606 Tel. (949) 616-9929 Email: zenobn@yahoo.com

PANEL AT HARVARD TO DISCUSS ARMENIA’S UPCOMING PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS Dr. Anna Ohanyan, Richard B. Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Stonehill College, will moderate a panel discussion entitled “The Armenian Parliamentary Elections in April 2017: How Can the Diaspora Engage in Armenia’s Democratic Evolution,” on Saturday, December 3, 2016, at 2:00 p.m., at Harvard University, Sever Hall, Room 113. The discussion will feature the distinguished panelists Prof. Miguel E. Basáñez (Tufts Univ. Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy), John M. Evans (Former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia), and via Skype from Armenia Sona Ayvazyan (Transparency International Armenia), Isabella Sargsyan (Eurasia Partnership Foundation), and Tevan Poghosyan (Member of Parliament, Republic of Armenia). The program is organized by the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues, the Harvard Armenian Society, and the MIT Armenian Society. The 25-year-old Republic of Armenia is facing political unrest due to issues of corruption, lack of economic growth, growing dissatisfaction with the current government, and concerns regarding the borders of Nagorno-Karabagh. A recent takeover of a police station by the armed

opposition group Sasna Tsrer (Daredevils of Sasun) led to a hostage crisis, where security forces used excessive force against civilian protesters and journalists alike, and two policemen were killed. In April 2017, Armenia will hold its first parliamentary elections since the Constitutional reform referendum of Dec. 2015 and transition from a semi-presidential system to a parliamentary one, strengthening the legislature at the expense of the presidency. The April 2017 elections will form a parliament with more power in the country’s political life and offer a chance for the people in Armenia to express their political will through their votes rather than through violence. The panelists will discuss the role of the upcoming parliamentary elections for Armenia’s democratic promise and for the future of its statehood. They will also provide an understanding of the nuts and bolts of the election process, and will place a special emphasis on the value, place, and prospects of the diaspora’s support for the democratic processes of the elections. The program is free and open to the public. There will be a reception and refreshments immediately following the program and questionand-answer session. For more information about the panel discussion, please contact lafeyan@college.harvard.edu or

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« November 24, 2016

Junior Eurovision-2016: Armenia placed second

PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS & COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS, left to right, Lusine Tanossian, Chief of Staff of the Armenian Consulate; Mike Kilijian, Banquet Chair; Deborah Adishian-Astone, Mistress of Ceremony; Midge Barrett, ACC Co-Chair; Charles Barrett, ACC Co-Chair; Dr. Matthew A. Jendian, Keynote Speaker; and Dn. Allan Y. Jendian, Publicity Chair.

ACC Inaugural Banquet FRESNO - The Inaugural Banquet of Fresno’s Armenian Cultural Conservancy was well supported on Saturday, October 29, 2016, as 130 guests gathered in the historic ’’Old Administration Building’’ of Fresno City College (FCC). Preceding dinner, guests and religious leaders enjoyed a lavish mezze table and wine as they shared fellowship. Clergy of the Armenian Churches of the San Joaquin Valley—the Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Ashekian, Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Fresno; Fr. Vartan Kasparian, Sts. SahagMesrob Armenian Church of Reedley; Fr. Yeghia Hairabedian, St. Gregory Armenian Church of Fowler; Fr. Zaven Markosyan, St. Mary Armenian Church of Yettem; and Fr. Yessai Bedros, St. Paul Armenian Church of Fresno—together blessed the banquet meal. Deborah Adishian-Astone, Vice President for Administration and Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services at California State University, Fresno, skillfully served as Mistress of Ceremony. She acknowledged guests, committee members and the keynote speaker. Lusine Tanossian, Chief of Staff of the Office of the Armenian Consulate in Fresno, shared greetings and support on behalf of Berj K. Apkarian, the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia. Tanossian spoke for Consul Apkarian, expressing his support of the initiative and urging the general community to unite in furthering the Conservancy’s purpose and mission. Special recognition was given to Mabelle Selland by Charles Barrett, ACC’s co-chair, for her efforts in saving from demolition the “Old Administration Building” of FCC. As a past Director of the Fresno County Historical Society, Mabelle has been a constant advocate for the preservation of Armenian and other ethnic heritage. Adishian-Astone in her presentation of Dr. Matthew Ari Jendian, the Chair of the Sociology Department at Fresno State, stated that he was recognized for his leadership and integrity, and as mentor to many students. She stated, “I have been honored to work with ‘Dr. J’ on many initiatives.” Dr. Jendian delivered an inspirational keynote address to the guests gathered for the launching of the Armenian Cultural Conservancy. He stated, “We need a place

where we can grow roots, an institute that will preserve our heritage to benefit our Armenian Community and the broader community.” Dr. Jendian further stated, “Philanthropy involves the sharing of one’s time, talent and treasure for the benefit of others, and it will take all of us to make a difference in the legacy that will live on for future generations.” Both Jendian and Adishian-Astone, native Fresnans and the grandchildren of genocide survivors, agree that the Conservancy will be a valuable receptacle from which young Armenians can learn of their heritage. The Armenian Cultural Conservancy of Fresno will be modeled on the Armenian Library and Museum of America located in the Boston suburb of Watertown, Massachusetts. In addition to the collection, display and interpretation of artifacts which explain and illustrate experiences of Armenian-Americans, the conservancy will also provide research support and preservation of Armenian folk culture from both sides of the Atlantic. Its initial mission is “to collect, preserve and interpret the evidence of the Armenian experience in Central California in an enduring institution of learning.” The launching banquet of the Armenian Cultural Conservancy was cosponsored by the Foreign Language Department of FCC and Heritage Fresno. The Education Employees Credit Union was a major Corporate Sponsor; and Banquet Sponsors included: Midge & Charles Barrett, Raffi & Peter Dorian, Mary Mirigian Ekmalian, Linda Hamilton, Edward V. Hagopian, Margaret & Paul Hokokian, Edward M. Kashian, Sue & Mike Kilijian, Lee Leone, Lynn & Glen Margulis, Anylouise & Gilbert Matossian, Arpini Mirigian Trust, Gladys Peters and Barbara Vartan. The Banquet Committee, chaired by Mike Kilijian, included Herb Arden, Charles Barrett, Midge Barrett, Mary Ekmalian, Linda Hamilton, Margaret Hokokian, Dn. Allan Jendian, Lee Leone, Helen Moordigian and Pat Powell. The mezza and desserts were generously provided by Midge Sweet (Anooshian) Barrett, Mary Mirigian Ekmalian, Margaret Melkonian Hokokian, Valley Lavosh Baking Co., and Ohanyan’s Bastirma & Soujouk Co.

CoE to soon announce its position on April war YEREVAN. – Reflecting on the four-day war which Azerbaijan had unleashed against Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) in early April, Director of Human Rights at the Council of Europe (CoE) Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Christos Giakoumopoulos, told Aravot newspaper that violations of human rights are painful, no matter what kind of violations they are. He said they hope the human rights violations that took place during this war will

be examined. Giakoumopoulos added that he believes that the CoE will soon have the opportunity to express its respective position. As per Giakoumopoulos, such human rights violations often occur when the proportionality of the use of force is absent. Thus, according to the CoE official, maintaining balance is a key element of human rights, and he believes that this is what they will endeavor to do. !

On Sunday, Junior Eurovision 2016 was held in Malta. This year Anahit Adamyan and Mery Vardanyan were representing Armenia in the Contest. The girls performed the song “Tarber” written by Avet Barseghyan and Nick Egibyan which brought them the second position of the Contest. This year Georgia became the winner of the Contest. 17 countries were taking part in the Contest, among them: Ireland, Albania, Russia, Malta, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Italy, Serbia, Israel, Austria, Netherlands, Cyprus, Georgia and Armenia.

Amal Clooney criticizes some aspects of Donald Trump’s policy The attorney Amal Clooney has criticized some aspects of the policy of the newly elected US President Donald Trump, reports Just Jared. She noted, that some ideas of Trump raise a concern. According to her, Trump’s suggested policies, that Muslims should pass a religious test upon entering the US, or family members of people who are suspected of terrorist acts should be subjected to torture or even killed, is a violation of international human rights. Clooney said, that there is a concern, that such things can happen in the United States. However, in any case the attorney likes some of his projects. In particular, his statement about making the fight against the IS a priority.

ST. JAMES ARMENIAN CHURCH CELEBRATES ANNUAL NAME DAY ON DECEMBER 18 2016 Los Angeles, CA – The parish of St. James Armenian Apostolic Church, 4950 West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, will be celebrating its Annual Name Day on December 18 2016. Rev. Fr. Haroutioun Tachejian, Parish Priest, is proud to announce that the St. James parish has come a long way and the Christmas Season is the perfect time to pause and reflect on the memories of their loved ones and to solemnly observe the Feast of St. James, the great Bishop of Nisibis, whose name they have adopted as their Patron Saint. During the church service the Pontifical Encyclical and the St. Nerses Shnorhali Medal from His Holiness Karekin ll, Catholicos of All Armenians will be presented to Mr/ Kevork Antabian. The Parish Council and the parish of St. James are pleased that Mr. Kevork Antabian will be recognized as a devoted and distinguished servant of the Armenian Apostolic Church, having served as an acolyte since 1930 when he was 10 years old and in his teens elevated to the rank of Deacon at St. Takavor Church in Azez, Syria. Antabian migrated from Aleppo in 1981 to reside in Redondo Beach and immediately joined St. James Armenian Church with his wife Aroussiak, and children Ohannes, Sarkis and Ardem. He was steadfast in his service and devotion to St. James , including several terms on the Parish Council; Chairing the Mr. and Mrs. Club; serving on the Annual Picnic Committee and appointed as permanent Kavit Administrator by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council, Chaired by Mr. Hrant Adourian, together with Rev. Fr. Haroutioun, are pleased to announce that His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy beginning at 9:30 a.m. In keeping with the Church’s annual tradition, at 12 Noon His Eminence will conduct the Requiem Service and offer prayers for the souls of the many deceased parishioners and clergy. Following church services, a celebration banquet will be held in Gogian Hall at 12:30 p.m. Another tradition of the Name Day Banquet, will be the presentation of the Primate’s prestigious Hye Spirit Awards. This year His Eminence will present the awards to Mrs. Shirley Moore and Mrs.Susie Vahanian in recognition of their years of unselfish service and devotion to their beloved church and its parishioners. The recipients are sisters who have faithfully served in a wide variety of positions in the St. James Ladies Society as well as in all the events and activities organized by the church. A commemorative booklet will be prepared to offer family and friends the opportunity to honor their departed loved ones or submit a message of their choice, along with theconsiderate contributions. Tickets for the banquet are $60.00. For reservations and/or sponsorships please contact the church office: (323) 295-4588.

Azerbaijan fired over 600 shots at night STEPANAKERT. – The adversary violated the ceasefire along the line of contact between the Karabakh and Azerbaijani opposing forces around 40 times, from late Monday night to early Tuesday morning. During this time the Azerbaijani armed forces fired more than 600 shots toward the Armenian position-holders, and by way of various caliber weapons, the Nagorno-

Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Defense Army informed Armenian NewsNEWS.am. But the NKR Defense Army vanguard units are in command of the operational and tactical situation, and they continue confidently carrying out their military watch. !

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Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 24 ÜáÛ»Ù'»ñ 2016

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Knights & Daughters of Vartan Ardaz Lodge & Nevart Otyag Presents Annual Christmas Party Saturday, December 3, 2016, starting 6:30 p.m. There will be DJ with international well known singer Khachig Zanian for your listening and dancing pleasure We are having armenian meza, dinner & dessert Family and friends are welcome Location St. James John Gogian Hall, 4950 W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90056

Please RSVP by November 28, 2016 Berjouhy Adourian (310)670-7100 Sylva Samastlian (323)463-7988 Donation $40.00

Nor Or November 24, 2016, No, 45 _N.O. Blank 11/22/16 6:39 PM Page 9

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