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Nor Or, December 1, 2016, No. 46_N.O. Blank 11/30/16 2:10 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 46, Thursday, December 1, 2016

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Nor Or, December 1, 2016, No. 46_N.O. Blank 11/30/16 2:10 PM Page 2


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NOR OR ENG. December 1:Layout 1 11/29/16 5:32 AM Page 1

Thursday, December 1, 2016 Vol. 94, # 46


Francophonie summit supports peaceful resolution of Karabakh summit The summit of the International Organization of La Francophonie being held in Antananarivo adopted Final Resolution on the Settlement of Crisis Situations and Enhancement of Peace. On Armenia’s initiative, the full support of the member states of the Organization to the efforts being exerted by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs towards the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was enshrined in the document approved on November 27. “We urge all the parties to the conflict to refrain from the threat or use of force, which can undermine the peaceful settlement process, to continue negotiations on the basis of proposals presented by the Minsk Group Co-Chairs as an integrated whole, particularly, non-use of force or threat of use of force, territorial integrity and the equal rights and self-determination of peoples,” reads the Final Resolution of the XVI Summit of the International Organization of La Francophonie. French Ambassador to Armenia JeanFrançois Charpentier has made a statement in regard to the decision to hold the next summit of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) in Armenia.

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY COMMENDS U.S. FUNDING TO SUPPORT ARMENIAN ELECTION PROCESS WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States pledged to fund concrete measures designed to improve confidence in the election process and help prevent fraud in next year's Armenian parliamentary elections. The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) strongly encouraged the U.S. government support this initiative considering its importance to strengthening the democratic process in Armenia. U.S. funding will support agreements signed by the Armenian government and three leading opposition parties on voting conduct for the April 2017 elections. Funds will go toward equipment required for live online broadcasts of voting and ballot counting, as well as electronic verification of voters' identity, and other amendments to Armenia's Electoral Code. The United States joins the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Germany in providing financial support towards the new voting processes and equipment for the upcoming parliamentary elections. "Both the government and the opposition deserve credit for working out the agreement which sets Armenia apart,"

stated Armenian Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian. "The need for national unity was dramatically reemphasized after the April war initiated by Azerbaijan and the ongoing ceasefire violations attempting to goad Armenia to respond," the Assembly Co-Chairs continued. "We commend the U.S. and the EU for providing financial assistance to support this initiative to further the rule of law in Armenia. We are nonpartisan in both the American and Armenian contexts but this type of support to improve confidence in the democratic process serves us all," they concluded. According to the statement by the United States Embassy in Armenia: "The U.S. Government welcomes the agreement that was reached in June and September between the Armenian government and parliamentary political factions - with input from civil society representatives - on strengthening the integrity and credibility of the Armenian election process. We consider this agreement a meaningful step towards restoring public trust and accountability in Armenia's electoral processes."

Press Release American Armenian Rose Float Association, Inc. The Pasadena Tournament of Roses® has announced the 2017 float entries that will participate in the 128th Rose Parade presented by Honda, themed “Echoes of Success,” and the American Armenian Rose Float Association for a third year in a row will participate with their float “Field of Dreams.” The 2017 Pasadena Tournament of Roses theme, “Echoes of Success,” tells the story of how our character has developed through the selfless contributions of others and celebrates their inspirational gifts. It is a celebration for those people, institutions and organizations that help in the success of others. Our successes are unique to each of us. Success is not gauged by the final score, not by how much wealth we accumulate and should not be weighed against the accomplishments of others. Success is measured by our own personal satisfaction in knowing that we achieved our utmost by doing our best when facing challenges. But success cannot be achieved alone. We need the support and influences of others. Family, teachers, friends and coaches contribute to our success. The cheering section at the finish line. The hospital volunteers. The teacher who stays after school to help a struggling student. The parents who drive to all of the soccer games. The little sister who says, “you can do it.” These influences in our lives, these people of selfless commitment, these “Echoes of Success” make us who we are. The 2017 theme celebrates those who have been instrumental in helping each of us and in

helping others achieve success. It’s about the people and cultures that lend us a hand in reaching our destination. The America Armenian Rose Float Association will present to the world the echoes of success of the Armenian Community in depicting and its first announced rider for the Field of Dreams 2017 float as Houry Gabeshiab, PAC, ATC, an American Armenian Gymnast. Houry has been involved in gymnastics for 20 years. As a child she won multiple State Championships, was a Level 10 National competitor, and earned a full scholarship to the University of Iowa. She competed all four years in the All-Around for Iowa, attained the honor of Big Ten

Champion on the balance beam in 2010, and was an NCAA National competitor in 2011. Post-graduation, she continued on to International Elite competition, competing for the Republic of Armenia at the 2011 World Championships. Here she secured a spot as a reserve athlete for the 2012 Olympic Games. Unable to qualify in 2012 and after taking a 3 year hiatus to pursue a career as a Physician Assistant, she returned to international competition to continue toward her dream of the Olympics. This past summer, she made this dream a reality by competing in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Not only was she the first female gymnast to represent the Republic of Armenia at the Olympic Games but she also pioneered a new gymnastics element, The Gebeshian. At the University of Iowa, Houry earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Athletic Training and is a Board Certified Athletic Trainer. She then continued her education at Wake Forest University, earning a Master of Medical Science degree in Physician Assistant Studies. Alongside her gymnastics training, she currently works at the Cleveland Clinic, as a surgical physician assistant, on the Labor and Delivery floor. Upon the completion of Houry’s athletic career, she plans to continue to inspire through community leadership and motivational speaking. She also hopes to continue building an Armenian Women’s gymnastics program for the next generation to follow in her footsteps.

Help Rebuild Karvajar's Cultural Center in Artsakh Ararat Foundation, with your help, will be carrying out extensive renovation at the Cultural Center of New Shahumyan's Karvajar district in Artsakh, starting in early Spring of 2017. Currently the cultural center is in a state of severe disrepair. The old center will be renovated into a modern facility featuring high standard amenities, a new roof, doors and windows, renovated floors, a new stage with lighting and sound systems, lavatories, new electricity and heating systems, beautifully redesigned entrance and a renovated yard which includes a new septic tank system. A 3,000 square ft (304 square meter) new structure which will include 7 art studios will also be added to the old structure to aid multi functional emendation to serve the community at a higher capacity. By rebuilding Karvajar's Cultural Center we are also building a better future for the community, through creating jobs by hiring instructors of art, music, and other subjects, hiring local construction workers to build this amazing structure, and providing the youth of the community with a place of creative expression, where they can grow up knowing that they have bright future ahead of them. Please join us in this noble cause! Whatever dollar amount that you can contribute, be it $1 or $10, will help us greatly in our work! Our wonderful friends and supporters at HaiEm.org are helping us thank our generous contributors. Through the rewards program, any $100 donation will receive one free Armenian style Rustic cake made of raisins, walnuts, and orange peels. Contributors of $200 and over will receive one Pound cake of cherry or almond, as well as one Rustic cake. We will contact each donor in this category with instructions on how to redeem this reward. All donors will receive a tax deductible receipt from Ararat Foundation. We will be updating the general public and our donors on our progress! We are hopeful that with your help, we will achieve this great task ahead of us. Thank you for all of your support!

Ararat Foundation

France MP is criticized for wearing Armenian cross French National Assembly member Valérie Boyer, who is also the press secretary of ex-PM François Fillon who has won the primaries of the French right-wings and centrists, found herself in a scandal. France 2 TV invited Boyer to comment on Fillon’s victory, according to Le Figarodaily of France. She went on the air wearing a chain with an Armenian cross; but this caused a heated reaction on the Internet. In accordance with French legislation, the public display of religious symbols is prohibited in the country. Many Internet users accused the MP of violating the laws of the country and breaking the rules of the secular state. On that day, Valérie Boyer commented on François Fillon’s victory on the air of several other TV channels as well. Some time after her interview with France 2, she was on the air of BFM TV, but this time without the Armenian cross.

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“For Every Mistake There’s a Price to Pay” By Seta Kabranian-Melkonian the Armenian people actually make such an anti-Armenian move) that it’s very unrealistic. But it is already obvious, that the previous clear-sightedness and seriousness have given way to confusion, uncertainty, and political immaturity. I am worried, because from experience I’ve learned that for every mistake there’s a price to pay, that every mistake brings some harm. I don’t want our nation to take a step backward or harm itself. They had started such a great movement…It would be a shame if this movement is spoiled. No! It’s not acceptable. For the people of Artzakh (at least) we don’t have the right to lose our seriousness. Beyond that, if this movement is carried out with political maturity, it would completely change our S. Armenia. It opened the door for truly progressive movement. It’s a turning point for our people and our history. A few days ago I suddenly wake up form sleep. Monte is sad, I think. The green light on my clock writes 6:18 am. In my mind I replay the scenes of my dream. The sadness thickens and stretches. A long crate made of rough wood passes slowly like an old train with no wheels. From my position the little ones appear like bodiless heads, lined two by two. Behind an empty table Monte is sitting alone. His head is bent down, pensive. Monte, what’s the message of my dream? In the light of new world developments, I often converse with Monte lately. I search for his answers in the letters he wrote to me, letters that were written over one quarter of a century ago. As always, Monte doesn’t disappoint me. In the late 1980s when the issue of Soviet Armenia’s independence was just circulating, Monte wrote to me that there were no independent countries, that “The only country that is close to be independent is Albania, but who wants such a country?” Today, once again Armenia is going through a dangerous phase. The internal conditions are shameful. Our country has rarely been raped by its own as much as it is today. No day goes by without adding a new name on the list of corrupt officials and government employees, who exploit their position. In the region the most dangerous environmental development, the lack of water is being ignored. Recent research puts our hostile neighbor Azerbaijan in the list of top ten countries that would run out of water. In the world of the rulers, the United States presidential elections don’t promise anything positive, considering new appointees and their business friendships with Turkey. In Armenia, the growing epidemic of Russophobia makes a complicated matter worse. Now what do you say, Monte? Now it’s been two days that I haven’t had any news from Artzakh and Soviet Armenia. Of course I think about them very much. Always, you and our homeland (with all their aspects) are major parts of my thoughts. I have not seen the demonstrations in Yerevan, therefore I’m almost forced to try comparing them with experiences I’ve had in my life. I know that the two instances have little in common. But again, since I haven’t been in Yerevan naturally my mind goes to the demonstrations in Tehran. There, too, the demonstrations were very big, the nation was excited and brotherly. They knew one thing: that the shah needed to go and a new government should be formed. This was a very fair demand, but wasn’t enough on its own. Eventually the shah left, but there was a politically unprepared and confused crowd that started to exterminate the real revolutionary power. And now it is clear that the current government has harmed the peoples of Iran (as well as other nations in Afghanistan and Iraq) much more that the fascist shah. Why am I writing about this? Because I am worried about our S. Armenia and I am worried about the people there. I know that no one would allow S. Armenia to be “Independent” (even if

Monte Melkonian would be 59 today By Siranush Ghazanchyan He joined the Artsakh War in 1991. He was one of the most talented and experienced commanders. He was posthumously bestowed the title of the Artsakh Hero. Monte Melkonian died on June 12, 1993. Today is Monte’s birthday. “Monte was a brilliant commander, an exceptional soldier, but he remained in the history and the hearts of people first of all thanks to his honesty and fairness,” says Alek Yenigomshyan, Director of “Monte Melkonian” NGO and ex-member of ASALA. “The decisions to fight and die for the Motherland are never made in one day, they are born with a man. Monte was a hero, a man of exceptional courage, a skilled serviceman. But the human qualities were his greatest privilege. He was honest, fair and extremely modest.” Alek Yenigomshyan is confident Monte would not like to be remembered on several occasions over the year, to be glorified and praised. “He didn’t need it, but we need it,” he said. According to Yenigomshyan, Monte was absolutely indifferent to material values. Honesty and moral were the most precious values to him. Without these qualities he would not inspire hope and confidence and would not be adored by all. Bloodshed was not Monte’s aim on the battlefield. He even gave his blood to save the life of a wounded Azerbaijani captive. Monte came to Armenia, when many were leaving. Monte did not know what despair was. 25 November 2016

Dutch TV airs travel documentaries about Armenia After a one-week visit, the “3 op Reis” travel program on BNN Dutch public broadcasting association, which is supported by the Netherlands Public Broadcasting, has aired two travel documentaries on Armenia. In their first documentary, the Dutch travel journalists presented several most renowned places in capital city Yerevan. And in the second documentary, the Dutch TV journalists traveled outside Yerevan, and presented the tourist attractions and natural world of the rest of Armenia. These travel documentaries about Armenia a can be viewed by following these two links: http://3opreis.bnn.nl/afleveringen/366950 and http://3opreis.bnn.nl/afleveringen/366789.

His Holiness Karekin II, to bring blessings to Youth Conference in March Burbank, California – The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, under the leadership of Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, is pleased to announce a Youth Rally & Christian Conference to take place March 10, 11 & 12 at the diocesan headquarters. “Embracing Our Faith, in a Changing World” is the title of this three-day event. This outreach is aimed at youth 18 to 35, young professionals, young families and the community at large, giving them an opportunity to “Reclaim” an ancient faith in the world today. Timed during the Lenten Season, this conference will offer participants an opportunity to grow spiritually and find peace that comes from faith in Jesus Christ.

Cordoba Corporation Managing Partner, Maria Mehranian, Awarded Healer of La Madre Tierra by Mujeres De La Tierra

“Given the rapid changes in the world, the Armenian Apostolic Church offers a time-proven (2,000 years) tradition of faith in Jesus Christ,” says event organizer Fr. Vazken Movsesian. “Embracing that faith is the challenge of the day. This Conference provides the necessary spiritual tools to move from the secular to the sacred; to find comfort, strength and courage to live the Christian life.” All conference events – classes, meditations, service-project, worship services, morning hike, art project will be in line with the theme “Embracing Our Faith in a Changing World,” providing time for instruction, expression, introspection, artistic exploration and fellowship. International participation is welcome.

The culmination of the Conference will take place on March 12. His Holiness, Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians is making a special trip to bring his blessings and lead the rally in prayer and understanding. He will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the conclusion, making this an unforgettable event. This conference is not to be missed. Space is limited on a first-come-first serve basis. The cost for three-days is $125, which includes admission to all events, meals and conference materials. Scholarships and grants are available from your local parish. More information and registration is available at the website www.EmbracingFaith.com or write to info@embracingfaith.com.

Los Angeles, CA – Mujeres De La Tierra (Women of the Earth) hosted their annual Dia De Los Muertos Benefit on November 5, 2016 and honored Maria Mehranian, Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer of Cordoba Corporation with the Healer of La Madre Tierra Award. The mission of the non-profit is to inspire, motivate and engage women and their children to take ownership of neighborhood issues and lead the local community. The Healer of La Madre Tierra Award is an award presented by Mujeres de la Tierra to individuals for longstanding efforts to protect natural resources while addressing issues related to education and jobs. For eight years, Maria Mehranian served on the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (“LAWQCB”) where, as Chair of the Board, she led changes in the culture of the agency to reflect equity and fairness for inland residents and cities in the conduct of the Board’s business, and encouraged greater access. These efforts will have a lasting impact in the preservation of the environment and local economy. "It is incredibly important to me that we clean our regions waterways, and that we better manage our limited supply. Water is a precious resource and should be managed in an integrated regional manner. "-Maria Mehranian Maria is Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer of Cordoba Corporation, a nationally recognized engineering, program and construction management firm specializing in transportation, education, water and energy infrastructure. For over 30 years, she has provided the leadership and vision to help grow Cordoba Corporation into one of the top firms of its kind, providing services to large public infrastructure projects throughout the western United States. Maria served on the Los Angeles Water Quality Control Board from 2008 until 2016, having been appointed by Governor Brown for two consecutive terms and chairing the Board in both 2012 and 2013. She has participated on a number of water policy panels and served as guest lecturer at universities on water quality and supply issues.

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

139 - Ömer Madra By Hambersom Aghbashian Dr. Ömer Madra (born in 1945 in Istanbul ) is a Turkish author, academician, journalist, and radio programmer. He is the founder of the "Public Radio". He graduated from "Robert College" in 1964, and from the Faculty of Political Science at Ankara University in 1968. He earned his PhD degree in 1977 and went on to research human rights in the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. His PhD theses was entitled "The European Convention of Human Rights and the Right of Individual Application". His study “Migrant Workers and International Law” was published in English. In 1982, Dr. Madra resigned from his academic post and started to work as journalist for Milliyet newspaper for a period of two years, then he continued his career as a journalist, in different lines, and founded his own magazines. In addition, since the 1995/1996 academic year at Istanbul Bilgi University 'in which he served as a lecturer in International Relations and International Law branch and retired in 2012. He currently works at (Açık Radyo) Open Radio, a radio station that he co-founded in 1995 and has become one of Turkey’s top environmentalist media outlets. Dr.Madre, has been working for years in order to attract attention to the global warming and climate change issues. His book "Why can-

not wait More Global Warming and Climate Crisis" has been published by Agora Library in 2007. January 19, 2008, was the first anniversary of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink’s assassination. Many commemoration were organized and took place in Turkey, Germany, USA, and England. The main commemoration took place in front of the Armenian newspaper Agos in Istanbul where Dink was shot to death. One of the commemoration events which took place in Istanbul was bringing the work of late Hrant Dink to life with the voices of Memet Ali Alabora, Okan Bayulgen, Haluk Bilginer, Yetkin Dikinciler, Halil Ergun, Pakrat Estukyan, Arsen Gurzap, Banu Guven, Nejat I!ler, Tuncel Kurtiz, Fikret Kuskan, Lale Mansur, Meral Okay, Dolunay Soysert, Nur Surer, Cetin Tekindor, Deniz Turkali, Serra Yilmaz and Omer Madra.. (1) The "I Apologize Campaign" is an initiative that was launched in December 2008 in Turkey by numerous journalists, politicians, and professors that calls for an apology for what they considered as the "Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915", through a form of a signature campaign. That which is an expression used to avoid using "Armenian

NATO Secretary General gives clear response to Azerbaijani delegate’s question on Nagorno Karabak conflict During the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s session, the Secretary General of the alliance gave a clear response to the Azerbaijani delegate’s question who tried to present the Nagorno Karabakh conflict as a territorial issue between Armenia and Azerbaijan, reports “Armenpress”. Head of the Armenian delegation to the NATO PA Koryun Nahapetyan told reporters on November 25 that during the entire session the Azerbaijanis were trying to create such an impression that the NK conflict is a territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and one of the delegates addressed a question to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg over this issue. “NATO Secretary General’s response was very clear. He stated that NATO’s stance on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict has not changed. NATO has no participation in the conflict settlement, it welcomes the ongoing process under the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmanship format”, Nahapetyan said.

Nahapetyan said NATO Secretary General stated for the first time that NATO-Armenia and NATO-Azerbaijan relations are in no way connected with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. “This was a clear stance. The Secretary General’s response was clear and concrete”, Nahapetyan said. He said the Azerbaijani delegation tried to spread information without corresponding to the reality during the committee sessions. He informed that in one of the draft resolutions the Azerbaijani delegation suggested to include Azerbaijan in the formulations of aggression and territorial integrity as an affected state. “In this regard after the clarifications made by us and general rapporteur it became clear that such formulation will simply distort the situation and can bring approaches that can harm the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict”, Nahapetyan said, adding that all the delegates rejected the Azerbaijani delegation’s proposal.

Genocide" and the consequences of using it. The stated "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them." The campaign was signed by 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign, which some interpreted as in direct reference to the Armenian Genocide, created widespread outrage in Turkish society. Dr. Ömer Madra was one of the notable signatories. (2) According to "Today's Zaman", September 26, 2014, "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include 'open hatred and hostility' towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The statement said 'The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students." The

signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Dr. Ömer Madra was one of the many most respected Turkish politicians who signed it. (3)

1!http://blogian.hayastan.com/2008/01/14/ hrant-dink-commemoration-events/ 2.http://www.latimes.com/la-oe-ozyurek52009jan05-story.html 3,http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemn-antiarmenian-statements-in-textbooks_359935.html

Nare Garibyan’s inaugural book of poetry sells out to Packed House GLENDALE – Abril Bookstore and Roslin Art Gallery hosted Nare Garibyan’s first poetry book reading on November 17, 2016. Her book, When Ruins Speak, comprises of eleven poems, is about her journey through Western Armenia. Garibyan read three poems, “Thirst” depicting her encounter with Mt. Ararat, “The Coffee Cup, the Lion and the Lioness” about her encounter with an Armenian couple who survived the Armenian Genocide and remained in their home in Arapgir, and “The Cloak of Childhood” about visiting Siamanto’s birthplace, Agn. “It is thrilling to finally be able to share my poetry with my readers after an extensive creative process. I hope that my work inspires readers to follow their dreams and strive to accomplish those dreams with a sense of urgency,” expressed Nare Garibyan in her opening remarks. Though Garibyan’s book was sold out, she plans on printing more by the coming year. “We encourage writers and artists to create and continue to be inspired by them” said Arno Yeretzian, owner of Abril Bookstore. “We congratulate Nare on this achievement and hope to see more written work by her,” continued Yeretzian. Garibyan holds a Master’s Degree in Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs from USC, and a Bachelors of Arts in English from UCLA. She currently works as a Academic Counselor at Glendale Community College and Los Angeles City College.

Armenia blocks Pakistani presence in ex-soviet body

Armenia has reportedly vetoed Pakistan’s request for an observer status in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), citing the Muslim nation’s staunchly pro-Azerbaijani position on the

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Sputnik news agency quoted Eduard Sharmazanov, a deputy speaker of the Armenian parliament, as saying that discussion of the Pakistani bid was removed from the agenda of the latest session of the

assembly which began in Saint Petersburg on Thursday. Sharmazanov said official Yerevan advocated such a decision in a letter to the speaker of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, sent earlier this week. He said it argued that because of the Karabakh conflict Pakistan has refused to not only establish diplomatic relations with Armenia but also formally recognize the latter as an independent state. “This position runs counter to the approaches of both the OSCE Minsk Group and the CSTO,” he added, according to Sputnik. Sharmazanov, who is also the chief spokesman for the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, met with Volodin in Saint Petersburg on Wednesday. Pakistan has always fully and unconditionally supported Azerbaijan in the

Karabakh conflict, accusing Armenia of military aggression against its Muslim neighbor. Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif reaffirmed this position during an official visit to Baku last month. Speaking after their talks, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev praised Islamabad’s stance and said he and Sharif agreed to step up military cooperation between their nations. In particular, Baku would like to buy sophisticated Pakistani weapons, Aliyev said according to Azerbaijani news agencies. Last year, Sharif told a newspaper in Kazakhstan that Pakistan is seeking to sign a free-trade deal with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). As a member of the Russian-led trade bloc, Armenia is in a position to block such a deal as well. azatutyun.am

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Jivan Avetisyan’s “The Last Inhabitant” submitted for the Golden Globe “The Last Inhabitant” by filmmaker Jivan Avetisyan has been submitted for the 74th Golden Globe. J. Avetisyan told panorama.am that they had submitted an application on 21 October. Pursuant to the rules of the Golden Globe, they have organized the film screening in Los Angeles which has been attended by the members of Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Whether the film will be nominated for the 74th Golden Globe depends on their votes. The director added that 65 films have been submitted for Foreign Language Film category, only 5 of them will be nominated and eventually one will be awarded with the Golden Globe. “The Last Inhabitant” is a co-production of 5 countries. Actors from Iran, Lithuania, Greece, USA, Russia and Armenia have been shot in the film. It is based on the story

Armenian Film Society to screen Christmas film shot entirely on iPhone Smartphones Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will screen a Christmas film shot entirely on iPhone 5s smartphones, TANGERINE starring Karren Karagulian on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. Tangerine (2015, 88 min.) is an American comedy-drama film set during Christmas Eve, written and directed by Sean S. Baker, starring Karren Karagulian. The story follows a transgender sex worker who discovers her boyfriend and pimp has been cheating on her. The film was shot with three iPhone 5s smartphones. Presented by The Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore.

“Gyurjevan’s Last Inhabitant” by Tsovinar Khachatryan. The film tells the story of a man who refuses to abandon his homeland, lives by himself in a bordering village of Artsakh. The movie featuring a simple destiny of one person reflects the whole charm and tragedy of war and peace. In an Armenian village deported in the result of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, in a hostile ring that has been shrinking day by day, Abgar lives with his mentally ill daughter. Abgar makes to serve his carpenter’s craft to secure his and his daughter’s safety. But after the Azeri plunders enter the village and after the rape attempt of Abgar’s

daughter by one of those Azeries, he has no other choice but to break through enemy ring and leave the village together with his daughter. 74th Golden Globe will be held on 8 January, 2017.

Armenian Arts Gallery would like to invite you to the RECEPTION on Thursday, December 8 from 7-10 pm Five local photographers come together for a group exhibition to celebrate their friendship and their love for the city of Los Angeles. Coming from diverse backgrounds, these photographers bring their own unique experiences and vision in portraying the vast landscape of the Greater Los Angeles area, its architecture, people, and multitude of cultures. Participating Artists: Nick Ut, Stephen Coleman, Patti Ballaz, Gary Brainard, and Rouzanna Berberian EXHIBITION DATES: December 8, 2016 – December 10, 2016 Armenian Arts 1125 S. Central Ave. Glendale, CA 91204 Tel.: 818-244-2468, Email: info@armenianarts.com

New book highlighting William Saroyan's favorite recipes Glendale, CA – Author JANICE STEVENS and artist PAT HUNTER will be visiting from Fresno to present their newly released unique book of recipes, art, and written excerpts titled, BREAKING BREAD WITH WILLIAM SAROYAN on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. BREAKING BREAD WITH WILLIAM SAROYAN captures the essence of William Saroyan's love for his Armenian culture through excerpts of his written words and selected authentic Armenian recipes derived from the heritage of Bitlis, as well as those reprinted from restaurateur George Mardikian’s 1942 book, Dinner at Omar Khayyam’s. More than 40 original watercolors of breads, fruits, vegetables and locales once familiar to and favored by Saroyan illustrate the book. A must-have for Saroyan fans.

ARPA - Save the date Topic: "Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean, Musa Dagh, Dort-Yol, Kessab " by Prof. Richard Hovannisian Date: Thursday, December 15 at 7:30 pm Venue: Merdinian School, 13330 Riverside Dr., Sherman Oaks

The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s 19th annual International Telethon raised $15.428.777 YEREVAN - The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s 19th annual International Telethon raised $15.428.777 in donations and pledges. Proceeds from the pan-national event, which took place on November 24 under the slogan “My Artsakh,” will benefit the rebuilding of war-ravaged communities in Artsakh, emergency and disaster preparedness for Artsakh, and the construction of homes for Artsakh families with multiple children. In addition to these initiatives, donor-specified projects as well as projects within the framework of the fund’s core development programs will continue to be implemented in Armenia and Artsakh. The total dollar amount announced at the conclusion of the Telethon includes proceeds from various fundraising campaigns and events carried out by the fund’s worldwide affiliates and Executive Board during 2016. Three more events will round out the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s 2016 fundraising campaigns. They include the phoneathon of the organization’s Brazilian affiliate, on November 26 and 27; the radiothon of the Lebanese affiliate, on December 7; and the phoneathon and benefit walk of the British affiliate, on December 11. The Telethon major donors include Antranig and Seta Baghdassarian (USA) – $5

million; Samvel Karapetyan (Russia) – $1 million; Zangezur Copper-Molybdenium Combine CJSC (Armenia) – $350.000; Ray Hartoonian (USA) – $200.000; Samvel Aleksanyan (Armenia) – $200.000; Varuzhan Grigoryan (Armenia) – $100.000; Flash LTD (Armenia) – $100.000; Hakob Baghdassarian (USA) – $100.000; Gagik Tsarukyan (Armenia) – 100 million AMD; Grand Holding (Armenia) – 60 million AMD; and Plant of Pure Iron OJSC (Armenia) – 20 million AMD. The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund continues to accept donations and pledges.

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