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Nor Or, December 8, 2016, No. 47 _N.O. Blank 12/7/16 6:28 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 47, Thursday, December 8, 2016

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Thursday, December 8, 2016 Vol. 94, # 47


Samantha Power’s comments renew Obama’s Genocide recognition issue

US ambassador believes Armenia PM is national security threat? YEREVAN. – US Ambassador to Armenia, Richard Mills, on Tuesday made a very strange and shocking statement to reporters, according to Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper. Speaking about recently appointed Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan, he said what he had listened so far from the PM, and with respect to giving priority to the matter of corruption, is encouraging. Mills believes that Karapetyan is responding to the problems that he is hearing from the Armenian people. As per the US diplomat, corruption must be fought against, also since it can hamper business growth and investments in Armenia. In his view, corruption can be a problem also for national security, since it can enable corrupt officials and corrupts businessmen outside Armenia to have an effect on developments in Armenia. “If we have a correct understanding of the course of the thoughts of Richard Mills, then he considers Karen Karapetyan a corrupt Russia official, whose appointment as Prime Minister of Armenia is a national security threat. “Naturally, the addressee of this statement is not only Karapetyan; this is also a speech directed at [Armenia’s President] Serzh Sargsyan because, after all, he invited Karapetyan to Armenia [from Russia],” wrote Haykakan Zhamanak.

Merkel is re-elected as head of CDU party

Angela Merkel has been re-elected as the head of the CDU party for the 9th time. Her candidacy was supported by the majority of CDU delegates during the party’s congress in Essen. Merkel has ruled the CDU for more than 16 years, reports the TASS.

NEW YORK - Comments made by the United States’ Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, who lamented that denial of the Armenian Genocide contributed to continued injustices around the world, has renewed the debate over the Obama Administration’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide—a campaign promise that he did not keep as president. Speaking at an event honoring Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, Power hailed the human rights activist and said that “Genocide against the Armenians” was one the reasons that injustices continue to this day. In covering Power’s remarks, the Associated Press asked: “Has the Obama administration quietly recognized the World War I-era killing of Armenians as genocide?” The Associated Press also cited Obama’s campaign pledge to recognize the Genocide, and his subsequent failure to do so, which the news agency said “has angered advocates and lawmakers who have accused the president of outsourcing America’s moral voice to Turkey.” The AP also said that Power’s statement was surprising given her position as the United States’ second highest ranked diplomat adding that the statement “sounded like her implicit criticism of Obama.” Kurtis Cooper, Power’s spokesman, said the genocide reference came in the context of honoring Wiesel’s life and were meant to “convince others to stand up, rather than stand by, in the face of systemic injustice, mass atrocities and genocide like the one he was forced to endure,” reported the Associated Press adding the Cooper said they don’t reflect a change in administration policy. A similar sentiment was expressed by State Department spokesman Mark Toner, who asserted that there has been no change in U.S. policy. “The president and other senior administration officials have repeatedly mourned and acknowledged as historical fact that 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or marched to their deaths in the final days of the Ottoman Empire, and stated that a full, frank and just acknowledgement of the facts is in all our interests,” Toner said, according to the AP. Before becoming an adviser and later the Unites States’ Ambassador to the UN, Power was a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who wrote extensively about America’s responses to genocide, criticizing the U.S.’s continued denial of the Armenian Genocide. According to officials, Power has lobbied had behind the scenes for Obama to formally recognize the Armenian Genocide. During the 2008 presidential campaign, Power released a video urging Armenian-Americans to vote for Obama, who, she insisted would follow through on his campaign promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide.

Armenia-EU talks are constructive, but certain issues still remain open The talks on signing an agreement between Armenia and EU are constructive, but certain issues still remain open. Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Piotr !witalski, told the aforementioned to Armenian News – NEWS.am. In his words, the next round of talks will be held in Brussels on December 9. !witalski also added that they held a good round of talks, great progress being recorded. He said he will be able to say where the talks have reached in a month. The Ambassador also noted that they are very optimistic about the results of the future talks. Asked when exactly the new Armenia-EU agreement will be signed, !witalski noted that he would prefer talking about this after the next round of talks. He recalled that FM Nalbandian stated that two more rounds might be needed, but based on the talks the Ambassador assured that many elements of the future agreement have already been agreed. Nevertheless, according to him, certain issues still remain open and thus additional efforts may be needed. Earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Garen Nazarian stated that it may be possible to complete the talks on signing Armenia-EU agreement in the first quarter of next year.

Armenia remembers victims of 1988 quake Armenia was shocked by the devastating earthquake that struck the country on December 7, 1988, at 11:41am local time; that is, 28 years ago on this day. In a matter of thirty seconds, the strong underground shakings destroyed Armenia’s northern portion, with a population of one million. At Spitak town, which was the epicenter of the tremor, the quake measured magnitude 10 on a 12-magnitude scale. Shocks were also recorded in capital city Yerevan as well as in Tbilisi, the capital city of Georgia. According to official figures, the disaster claimed 25 thousand lives, 19 thousand people became disabled, and 530 thousand residents were left homeless. As a result of the earthquake, Spitak was destroyed virtually completely. Also, 21 cities and townships plus 324 villages were ruined. Eighty percent of the country’s second largest city, Gyumri— Leninakan at the time, was annihilated. There was great destruction in Armenia’s third largest city, Vanadzor—Kirovakan at the time, as well. Close to forty percent of the country’s industrial potential was rendered inoperative as a result of this natural disaster. But the world entire lent a helping hand to Armenia, in an effort to heal the wounds of this great calamity.

Washington Post: Romney and Giuliani are obvious candidates for US secretary of state The former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and the former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are obvious candidates for the US secretary of state, reports the Washington Post, referring to the representative of Trump’s transition team Sean Spicer. According to the spokesman there are a lot speculations around this issue. “We've never confirmed, for the most part, with the exception of some obvious ones like Governor Romney and Mayor Giuliani, who exactly is meeting with him for what specific jobs,” said Spicer.

8 people has been arrested in Belgium on suspicion of supporting IS 8 people were arrested in Belgium on suspicion of supporting the IS, reports the Belgian newspaper Le Soir. Nine investigations were conducted in Schaerbeek district of Brussels, in Sint Niklaas, Antwerp, and Bruges to arrest the suspects. The detainees were suspected of providing financial support to the IS and helping conscripts to leave for Syria. The police did not find any weapons or explosives at their places.

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Üáñ úñ


Thursday« December 8, 2016

My proud pilgrimage to my homeland By Chris Bohjalian

AGBU ASBEDS’ EVENING WITH A SCHOLAR/AMBASSADOR SHEDS LIGHT ON THE CURRENT REALITIES AND FUTURE OF ARTSAKH In its fifteen-year young history, the AGBU Asbeds has succeeded in engaging the Armenian-American community through a range of culturally, educationally, and socially enriching events. Perhaps the most highly regarded event is the “Evening with a Scholar” series which brings together some of the brightest minds for dialogue on relevant and timely issues of concern to all Armenians. This year’s “Evening with a Scholar/Ambassador,” held on Friday, November 18, 2016, at Skirball Cultural Center, shed light on the current realities and future of Artsakh from the U.S. and Russian points of view, offered respectively by the Honorable John Evans, distinguished statesman and former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, and Dr. Sergey Markedonov, Director of the Department for Problems of Ethnic Relations at the Institute for Political and Military Analysis in Moscow and Associate Professor of the Department of Regional Studies and Foreign Policy at Russian State University for the Humanities. The panel discussion was moderated by former Asbeds Chairman Mr. Kurken Berksanlar.

On behalf of the organizing committee, Mr. Berksanlar welcomed the guests to the event, the purpose of which was to get an understanding of reasonable expectations for the future of Artsakh, to shed light on recent developments, and to hear the viewpoint of two individuals whose perspectives have been shaped over decades through their research and first-hand experiences. Ambassador John Evans was the first to give his analysis by offering the diplomatic/legal situation and perspective in which Artsakh is embedded. The Ambassador explained, the fact that Armenians have lived in Artsakh for centuries is incontrovertible; however, the diplomatic world does not see the history of the past centuries, rather only where things stood after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The diplomat gave an overview of the formation of the Minsk Group by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) shortly after the ceasefire in 1994, with the purpose of finding a peaceful solution to the conflict. In the end, three Co-Chairs emerged, U.S., Russia, and France, who received a mandate not to im-

The program began with welcoming remarks by Asbeds Chairman Mr. Aram Aginian, who thanked the guests for their attendance, the benefactors for contributing to the success of the Asbeds mission, and the speakers for their participation. Mr. Aginian reflected on the 110th anniversary of AGBU and on the global movement it has become, promoting the Armenian culture and heritage through various programs in 28 countries. Mr. Aginian also highlighted the fifteen-year mission of the Asbeds, to create a platform where Armenians can gather to discuss current issues and participate in enriching cultural, social, and philanthropic activities. The purpose of the “Evening with a Scholar” series is the presentation of thoughts and perspectives for analysis. Following video presentations on the history of the Asbeds and Artsakh, Mr. Aginian invited Mr. Kurken Berksanslar to commence the panel discussion.

pose a solution or agreement, but merely to serve as mediators. Thus, the primary purpose has been to stop the violence in the short term rather than a long term resolution on the future or status of Artsakh. The Ambassador also cited the importance of the Madrid Principles in the conflict, because all of the ten principles are relevant to Artsakh. The problem is that there are some apparent contradictions in the principles; thus, each side emphasizes the principles more favorable to its cause. The Ambassador noted that up until the present, it has been the Armenia government negotiating with Azerbaijan. Having visited Artsakh over the summer, the Ambassador stated that he witnessed some divisions emerging. The people of Artsakh have slightly different interests than the government of Armenia; the time has come for Artsakh to be at the negotiations table, Cont. on p. 10

The forward trenches in the hills just beyond the abandoned village of Talish, in Nagorno-Karabakh, are reminiscent of World War I: long, endless, slits in the ground, the dirt buttressed by wood, with periodic firing posts and dugouts. Stacked tires packed with dirt stand in for sandbags, but otherwise it looks like the Western Front 100 years ago. Behind the trenches, alongside the road, tanks are angled to counterattack. On the first day of September, the sky cerulean, Capt. Gegham Grigoryan, 32, stood with me and pointed toward the northeast — toward Azerbaijan and the minefield and buffer zone less than a mile away. “If you want peace, you should prepare for war,” he said, shrugging. Earlier this year, Nagorno-Karabakh, his small, unrecognized Armenian republic, got war. Azerbaijan attacked across the eastern border in the small hours of April 2, breaking a cease-fire that had largely held since 1994. Here in Talish, the 400-person village was so badly shelled that today it has been abandoned and the residents resettled in other parts of the country. Captain Grigoryan, a father of two girls, has a degree in international relations, but believes that Nagorno-Karabakh needs him in the military: “It is better for me to wear a uniform than a suit.” Very few Americans could find NagornoKarabakh on a map. (Very few of us, of course, could find Armenia and Azerbaijan, either.) I went there this summer for the same reason that I return every year to Armenia and the remnants of Armenian civilization that are scattered across eastern Turkey: This earth is in my blood, and my visits are a pilgrimage. I am an Armenian-American, but only at midlife did I understand the draw of this ancient land for me. The line of contact between NagornoKarabakh and Azerbaijan is strategically significant; it is one of those hot spots that could destabilize the Caucasus. Armenia and Azerbaijan share a border with Iran. After Azerbaijan attacked Nagorno-Karabakh in April, the two sides battled four days before agreeing to a cease-fire. It was a brief, violent conflict involving tanks, artillery and drones that left hundreds of soldiers dead. In the fighting in Talish, Azeri soldiers executed and mutilated an elderly Armenian civilian couple and beheaded a captured Armenian soldier, leading a United States representative, Brad Sherman, Democrat of California and a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, to call for an investigation into Azeri war crimes. Although the Armenians are Christian and the Azeris are Muslim, the issue has little to do with religion. Azerbaijan insists it owns Nagorno-Karabakh, citing its right to territorial integrity. Nagorno-Karabakh argues that it is entitled to exist independently because of the right of all peoples to self-determination. Certainly there are analysts who argue that the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh are an occupying force. I don’t agree. But I don’t side with Nagorno-Karabakh simply because of my DNA. I believe that history is on the Armenians’ side.In 1988, Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian majority — then part of the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic — voted to become part of the Armenian Soviet Republic. (In the 1920s, Karabakh’s Armenians had insisted that self-determination was their prerogative under the Soviet constitution. Nevertheless, in 1923, Joseph Stalin gave Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijan.) But the Soviet Union was incapable of managing the violence that erupted — including Azeri rage directed at Armenians in the Azerbaijani cities of Baku and Sumgait — forcing most Armenians to flee to Armenia or NagornoKarabakh. On Sept. 2, 1991, Nagorno-Karabakh proclaimed itself an independent country, and for the next three years its Armenians fought a war with the Azeris, which they would win in 1994, with the help of Armenia itself. Some-

where in the neighborhood of 30,000 people would die, and perhaps as many as one million were displaced. Nagorno-Karabakh is largely unrecognized by the international community (though seven American states have passed resolutions urging the United States government to support its independence). The republic is a fledgling democracy of 140,000 people, facing off against an oil-rich dictatorship with a population of 9.5 million. Its only ally is Armenia, which is often the small republic’s lifeline. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has assigned diplomats from France, Russia and the United States to try to broker a permanent agreement, but they’ve made little progress. “Azerbaijan has shown consistently it is incapable of governing Nagorno-Karabakh,” said Ruben Melikyan to me when we had coffee recently in the Nagorno-Karabakh capital of Stepanakert. Mr. Melikyan is the country’s ombudsman, or human rights defender. “It’s not merely an issue of a people’s right to self-determination. It’s a people’s right to self-determination who are in peril of extermination.” This is no small distinction. President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan has threatened to shoot down passenger planes that fly into the new Stepanakert airport; the airport has yet to open. He promoted to major the Azeri soldier who murdered an Armenian soldier in his sleep during a peaceful, NATO-sponsored training seminar in Budapest. And most recently President Aliyev broke the cease-fire with a huge, unprovoked offensive into Nagorno-Karabakh in April, an onslaught that included the shelling of two schools. (It was nighttime so the schools were empty, but among the first casualties in the war was a 12-year-old boy killed in a missile attack.) After spending time with people in Nagorno-Karabakh, it’s clear to me that the only way the nation will ever again be a part of Azerbaijan is if Azerbaijan conquers it. And despite Azerbaijan’s being vastly larger, I can’t imagine that ever will happen. Armenians had lived on this land for centuries before it was incorporated into Azerbaijan. My first day there I went to a baptism of 39 Armenian children in a church built in 1673. Dadivank, the Armenian monastery in the north, began construction in the ninth century. Its frescoes, which date from 1297, are as lovely as any I’ve seen in Tuscany. Its people are fiercely protective of their home. Among the parents I met at that baptism were Anton and Areknaz Abkarian. Their three children, all under 5, were baptized that afternoon. They have a small farm. But when the Azeris attacked in April, Mr. Abkarian went straight to the front lines as a volunteer. His wife and his mother ran the farm. “Who will defend my children and my family if not me?” Mr. Abkarian asked me rhetorically. He is a quiet, unassuming young man, but his smile is broad when he talks about his country or shares the honey from his apiary.The fact is, the only dog Azerbaijan has in this fight is pride. It has the oil; Nagorno-Karabakh has scrub brush and pomegranates. But for the Armenians it is a fight for survival. It is the retention of a part of our homeland. Yes, we were ethnically cleansed from Van and Anatolia and Cilicia — virtually all of Turkey but Istanbul — during the Armenian Genocide. Three out of every four of us there were systematically annihilated during World War I. And so Nagorno-Karabakh is our line in the sand. It is why Anton Abkarian rushed to the front and Gegham Grigoryan traded his suit for a uniform. It is why this small country, as tiny as it is, always has enough soldiers for the trenches. Bohjalian is the author of 19 books, including “Midwives,” “The Sandcastle Girls” and the forthcoming, “The Sleepwalker.”


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Üáñ úñ Thursday« December 8, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

140 - Nezahat Gundogan By Hambersom Aghbashian Nezahat Gundogan (born in 1968 in Erzincan, Turkey) is a Turkish writer and film maker. She finished her high school in Istanbul. In 1987, she was enrolled in Trakya University-Department of Architecture-Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, but due to her political thoughts, she had to stop her education and spend 6.5 years in jail. She was released from prison in 2001, and attended the cinema course organized by the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (T!HV), and completed her postponed architectural education. She is the director of many films including (Two Locks of Hair: The Lost Girls of Dersim, Hay Way Zaman, Vank'in Cocuklari,) and others. She was awarded with the "Golden Orange Documentary Competition Jury Special Award (National)". She is married and has a child. Under the title " Turkish filmmakers to investigate parallels between Dersim, Armenian Genocide" PanARMENIAN.Net wrote On March 28, 2012, "A couple who produced the documentary (Two Strands of Hair: The Lost Girls of Dersim) is preparing to shoot a sequel to the film, which chronicled victims’ accounts of the bloody Dersim operation of 1938 Hürriyet Daily News reports. The documentary’s researcher and scriptwriter, Kazım Gündo"an told the Hürriyet Daily News 'When we were shooting the first documentary, we thought the subject matter would spur debate, but it had not occurred to us even remotely that a taboo would be shattered in such a way, and that even the Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic would define the events as a 'massacre'." PanARMENIAN.Net added that "Whereas the first documentary featured the testimonies of female children who were forcibly taken away from their families, the sequel, in turn, will include the accounts of the families of the troops who took them away. Documentary filmmakers Kazım and Nezahat Gündo"an will also investigate the parallels between the massacre in Dersim – which is now the eastern province of Tunceli – and the Armenian Genocide of 1915." (1) “Hrant Dink Vakfı / Hrant Dink Foundation”, organized a conference on Islamized Armenians: “Memory, Ethnicity, Religion: Dersim”. during November 2-4, 2013. Panel 7 of the conference was chaired by Murat Yüksel, participants were Nezahat Gündo"an and Kazım Gündo"an, (Armenians in 1937-38 Dersim’s Tertele), Hranush Kharatyan, “I am from Dersim”: Avoiding Identity among Dersim Population and Alevized Armenians of Dersim, Gökçen B. Dinç,” Protected but Discriminated: Dersim Armenians”. The Confer-

ence, which was organized by Hrant Dink Foundation with the cooperation of Bo"aziçi University history department and MalatyaHAYDer , with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Chrest Foundation and Olof Palme International Center, took place at Bo"aziçi University’s Albert Long Hall during 2-4 November 2013. It was intended as a gateway to amplify the academic research on the issue, consisted of eight panels in three days, one round table meeting, one forum and one workshop. Simultaneously with the conference, movie screenings were arranged. (2) The"Ottoman Cataclysm: Total War, Genocide and Distant Futures in the Middle East (1915–1917)" symposium was held in University of Zurich , during October 28,2015-October 31, 2015, and consisted of seven panels and three roundtables including the screening of a documentary. A group of internationally renowned historians discussed the demise of the Ottoman Empire which is a breaking moment in the history of the Middle East and Europe taking its ethnic, religious and social fabric in the 1910s into consideration. The breakdown of the Ottoman Empire is also a period of massive destruction, human suffering, and squandered opportunities for peace. The conference discussed current debates on World War I in the Ottoman world and possible impacts of the revisionist historiography on the history-writing of wider Europe and the Middle East. The Dersim genocide of 1938 and the commemorations of that event during the centennial commemorations of the Armenian genocide in April 2015 in Turkey were the last two topics of the conference. Nezahat Gündo"an and Kazım Gündo"an’s (both Istanbul) documentary „Children of the Monastry“ deals with the genocide of the Alevis and Armenians of Dersim in 1938 and the experience of the surviving children. The documentary showed how Armenian children grew up in Turkish or Kurdish families, converting to Islam or to Alevism without their later families knowing anything about it. (3)

Nezahat Gundogan is the co-auther of "Dersim'in Kayip Kizlari- 2012" - "Dersim's Lost Girls." book. 1.http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/ news/100678/Turkish_filmmakers_to_investigate_parallels_between_Dersim_Armenian_Genocide 2.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =axzaTejJYYA 3.http://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-6445


New York’s Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School !roudly "elcomes 2016-2017 school year with newly appointed alumna principal On September 7, 2016, Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) opened its doors and loving arms to the New York community, welcoming children and families to its milestone 50th academic school year. As the school hallways once again filled with the laughter and pitter patter of hungry young minds, HMADS welcomed back a special one of its own as the newly appointed principal. “This academic year is one of great joy for the HMADS family. As we look forward to celebrating the school’s 50th anniversary in 2017, what better way to rejoice in its successes than to welcome class of 1989 alumna Seta Tavitian Megherian as principal,” exclaimed School Board co-chairs Arpi Candan and Hovannes Malikyan. “Together with the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), Friends fundraising committee and alumni, the HMADS School Board is very proud of Seta and we wish her all the best in her new role in the HMADS family.” Megherian has been devoted to the field of education for almost 18 years and brings to her alma mater nearly ten years of experience in the NYC public school system. Along with a deep passion for teaching, she enlightens children and youth by introducing them to an endless world of possibilities. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Sociology from Hofstra University and a master’s degree in Education from Touro College. Born and raised in New York, Megherian received her elementary education at HMADS, where she made lifelong friends, and graduated under Principal Zarminé Boghosian. A deep interest in vocal music led her talents to the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. During these high school years, she also attended post graduate Armenian classes at the Khrimian Lyceum of the Eastern Diocese, where she furthered her Armenian studies and graduated having had the privilege of her former principal as her teacher. “I gained so much insight from Mrs. Boghosian about the role I could play in our Armenian community. She not only gave me a voice but a platform, as well.” Principal Megherian embraces each day under the guidance and expertise of long-time HMADS principal, Zarminé Boghosian, who continues to serve the school as administrator. “After graduating HMADS, I kept in close contact with her,” explains Megherian. “We always had a special bond. I sought her advice many times during my college years and she was always there for me. She has been an integral part of my life, and has taught me life lessons I value and treasure today. I am honored and humbled to have this opportunity to lead our school, working together alongside our one and only Deegeen (Mrs) Boghosian, who has been my teacher, mentor and friend for many years. I admire her for her true dedication to our school and community.” Indeed, Megherian has held tight to these life lessons, which include the value and importance of one’s Armenian roots in order to uphold our rich heritage, traditions and culture. As a teenager and young adult, she was actively involved in youth programs such as the Holy Martyrs ACYOA and Hamazkayin Dance Group. She now shares these values with her husband Vartan Megherian, as they raise their sons Armen and Ari – values she has also helped instill in the youth of the greater Armenian community through past involvement with the St. Sarkis Youth Club and Summer Camp. Heartfelt gratitude and most sincere appreciation to Zarminé Boghosian for her over 25 years of unwavering dedication, leadership & guidance, priceless contributions and service to the school and greater Armenian community. As visionary, intellectual, educator, mentor and longstanding principal, she has built Holy Mar-

tyrs into the exceptional institution it has become today. Over the years, Boghosian has been awarded for her priceless contributions to education and the community, and most recently was awarded the St. Sahag-St. Mesrob Medal of Honor and Encyclical bestowed by the order of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. What began as the small Hye-Bardez Nursery School in 1967 has developed into an awardwinning elementary school in the New York area with Boghosian at the helm. As principal, she encouraged learning outside the classroom through the participation of guest speakers, instituted Heritage Week and the HMADS Science Fair, which have continued on to become HMADS traditions, to name only a few. Boghosian’s love and passion for HMADS now burn even stronger as she enjoys the sweet harvested “Fruits of Our Roots” through Seta Megherian. “It is our mission to continue the true legacy of our school, while implementing our beautiful Armenian language, culture and rich history. Working closely with a group of dedicated, motivated and caring teachers to build strong relationships with parents, students and our community is part of our mission. We are looking forward to an exciting, productive year and strive to continue to provide academic excellence for our students in a positive, loving and nurturing environment,” promises Megherian. Celebrating nearly 50 years as a pillar of the New York Armenian American community, Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) of Bayside, Queens, has earned a well-deserved reputation for academic excellence and for inspiring a love of Armenian heritage in her students. It has provided generations of Armenian and non-Armenian children alike the golden opportunity to learn the Armenian language, culture, and heritage, while at the same time, to gain a top-rate elementary education. The small classroom settings and focus on individual abilities has allowed the dedicated staff of this private elementary school to provide a nourishing learning environment for students in grades N-6. While strengthening their Armenian roots, HMADS has helped these children blossom into successful human beings. Its students and close to 275 alumni have distinguished themselves with academic and professional honors, and are active and respected members of their Armenian communities. Today, this pillar stands as the only Armenian elementary school in New York. Join HMADS in welcoming home Principal Seta Tavitian Megherian, and wishing her the best of luck and a bright future in all endeavors. Natalie Gabrelian (HMADS Board Member & Class of 1988 Alumna)

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« December 8, 2016

Rev. Ekmekjian to present new book about surviving Armenian Evangelical buildings in Turkey Glendale, CA – Author REV. VATCHE EKMEKJIAN will present his new book about the surviving Armenian Evangelical buildings of Turkey, WHISPER OF THE ROOTS / !"#!$%&"'( #"#'(%)* on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2016 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Author will be introduced by Raffi Kendirjian, chairman of SARF (Syrian Armenian Relief Fund). WHISPER OF THE ROOTS is a bilingual book presenting the surviving Armenian Evangelical sanctuaries & buildings of affiliated educational institutions which the author documented and researched during his 2008 visit to Historical Armenia and Cilicia, including such places as Aintab, Kirikhan, Konia, Kharpert, Marzovan, Ourfa, Bitlis, and Diyarbakir. REV. VATCHE EKMEKJIAN was born in 1970 in Aleppo, Syria. In 1988 he graduated from Karen-Eppe Armenian High School and was accepted into Haigazian University College where he completed his BA in Psychology. His first field of service was the Armenian Evangelical Churches of Kessab and Kaladouran for five years. From 2002-2004 he served as the junior high and college youth minister for the Armenian Evangelical Churches of Syria. In 2005 he was ordained as minister and in 2010 he and his family moved to California to be the senior pastor of Immanuel Armenian Congregational Church, Downey (est. 1930). Currently, he is working on his Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy.

AGBU ASBEDS’ EVENING WITH... Cont. from p. 8 especially in the aftermath of the April war, declared the Ambassador. As to the future of Artsakh, Ambassador Evans stated that lots of things have to be done all at the same time for a solution to be reached. There is no easy solution he said, but the fact that there is a diplomatic track, however flawed, is encouraging. For now, strengthening the economy and defense forces is very important, as is continuing the negotiation process. Although it is slow-moving and frustrating, the alternative is continued violence and war, and the region does not need or want that, he concluded. Professor Sergey Markedonov presented the Russian approach to regional relations and conflicts following the collapse of the U.S.S.R., stating that Russia’s foreign policy and interests are focused first and foremost in its immediate surroundings, on Soviet space, the Caucuses. Contrary to some opinions, the conflict in Artsakh is not a “Russia versus the West” situation; there are lots of particularities involved, a high level of international engagement, and complicated inter-related conflicts in Ossetia, Abkhazia, and the like, he said. The situation is further complicated and made controversial by the fact that Russia has interests in both sides, and that the largest population of Armenians outside of Armenia is in Russia, while the second largest population of Azeris outside of Azerbaijan is in Russia. Prof. Markedonov explained that Russia officially characterizes its relationship with Armenia as a strategic alliance and its relationship with Azerbaijan as a strategic partner, the difference being that, with Azerbaijan the relationship is a business centric, based on market principles; while with Armenia, it shares mem-

bership in integration projects, like the Eurasian Economic Union. It does, however, supply arms to both sides. The Turkish factor in the conflict is also dangerous and unpredictable, he said. As for a solution to the conflict, the historian noted that Russia has been active in the diplomatic process since day one. It cooperates with fellow Co-Chairs U.S. and France, proposes its own initiatives, and even launched tri-lateral negotiations among Armenia, Artsakh, and Azerbaijan, but no agreement can seem to be reached. Ultimately, Russia is focused on maintaining the status quo in its role as mediator. The Professor boldly asserted that Russia will answer if Azerbaijan seriously violates the status quo, but until then, it is content with trying to keep balance and status quo. He concluded by expressing his uncertainty that re-orientation of foreign policy regarding Armenia is possible at this time, i.e. excluding Turkey from Nato. The panelists further expounded on their positions during the question and answer sessions. Two important questions were posed by the Asbeds Committee, the first regarding seeming inconsistencies in foreign policy and the second as to the future of Artsakh. The moderator posed the question as to why the U.S. welcomed the break-up of the Soviet Union and the independence of the republics and provinces of the former Yugoslavia, yet is not empathetic to the plight of Artsakh. Ambassador Evans stated that the customary response is that each case is different, and that he himself has tried to make the Kosovo argument. Second, both panelists were in consensus that the future of Artsakh remains uncertain, with the maintenance of the status quo for now the most likely possibility.

The Programme for Armenian Studies and The Wiener Library are delighted to announce

Not like a lamb to the slaughter: Humanitarian resistance during the Armenian Genocide Monday 12 December, 2016, 7pm Wiener Library, 29 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5DP Lecturer: Dr Khatchig Mouradian (Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor at California State University Fresno) Chair: Dr Christine Schmidt (The Wiener Library) The scholarship (and the popular discourse) on humanitarian efforts during the Armenian Genocide focuses on the role of western missionaries and consuls, who emerge as selfless heroes protecting and saving hundreds of thousands of helpless Armenians. What remains neglected in scholarly inquiry is Armenian agency. In this illustrated lecture, Mouradian argues that it was the Armenians who drove this humanitarian resistance waged in the Ottoman Empire during the genocide, drawing upon previously untapped primary sources as well as fresh insights from others. Focusing on Aleppo and a the network of concentration camps in Ras ulAin and along the banks of the Euphrates River from Meskeneh to Der Zor during the World War I, Mouradian explores the interactions between the local, regional, and central authorities on the one hand, and the humanitarian resistance waged by a network of Armenians aided by locals and western missionaries on the other. Mouradian discusses how, and why, a series of fateful decisions affecting hundreds of thousands of Armenian deportees, rolled out beginning in fall 1915, culminated in a second wave of massacres in the Syrian desert in summer 1916, and how thousands of Armenians survived the carnage through the efforts of the humanitarian resistance network. Dr Khatchig Mouradian is a visiting assistant professor at the Division of Global

Affairs at Rutgers University and the coordinator the Armenian Genocide Program at the university’s Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights (CGHR). He teaches courses on imperialism, mass violence, and concentration camps in the History and Sociology departments at Rutgers. Mouradian is also adjunct professor at the Philosophy and Urban Studies departments at Worcester State University, where he teaches courses on urban space and conflict in the Middle East, genocide, collective memory, and human rights. Mouradian holds a PhD in history from the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University and a graduate certificate in Conflict Resolution from UMass Boston. He is the author of several articles and book chapters, including, most recently, “The Meskeneh Concentration Camp, 1915-1917: A case study of power, collaboration, and humanitarian resistance during the Armenian Genocide,” Journal of the Society of Armenian Studies, Vol. 24 (2015); and “Genocide and Humanitarian Resistance in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1916,” Études arméniennes contemporaines, Vol. 7 (2016). Mouradian is the recipient of the first Hrant Dink Spirit of Freedom and Justice Medal of the Organization of Istanbul Armenians (2014). This event has been coorganised by Dr Krikor Moskofian (Programme of Armenian Studies) and Dr Christine Schmidt (The Wiener Library)

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