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Nor Or, December 22, 2016, No. 49 _N.O. Blank 12/20/16 2:56 PM Page 1

Vol. 94, # 49, Thursday, December 22, 2016

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NOR OR ENG. December 8 copy 2:Layout 1 12/20/16 3:03 PM Page 1

Thursday, December 22, 2016 Vol. 94, # 49


Sarkisian Expects More From Eurasian Union

Putin: Ambassador's murder is a provocation President of Russia Vladimir Putin called the murder of Ambassador Andrey Karlov in Ankara a provocation aimed at undermining normalization of RussianTurkish relation and Syria peace process, RIA Novosti reported. He said the crime is targeted at undermining a peace process in Syria that is actively promoted by Russia, Turkey, Iran and other countries interested in the settlement of Syrian crisis, Putin said. The mother and sister of Turkish policeman Mevlüt Mert, who sgot dead Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov at a photo exhibition in Ankara, have been detained, Turkish NTV reports. On Monday evening, a gunman attacked Russian envoy to Turkey Andrey Karlov, while the latter was giving a speech at a photo exhibition dedicated to Kamchatka at Ça!da" Sanat Merkezi Contemporary Arts Center of Ankara. The gunman shot the Ambassador right in the back, following which he uttered words related to Aleppo and Syria, as well as shouted "Allahu akbar (God is great).'' Karlov was rushed to a hospital in a critical condition but unfortunately it was impossible to save his life. The assailant, who was shot dead by the police 45 minutes after the assault, was later identified as Ankara police officer Mevlüt Mert. NEWS.am

John Kerry announces about readiness of US to offer assistance to Russia and Turkey to investigate attack The State Secretary John Kerry has condemned the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov and announced, that the US is ready to help Turkey and Russian to investigate the assassination. “Our thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones, the Russian people, and with the other victims who were injured in this shooting…We stand ready to offer assistance to Russia and Turkey as they investigate this despicable attack, which was also an assault on the right of all diplomats to safely and securely advance and represent their nations around the world," Kerry said in a statement.

President Serzh Sarkisian on Friday defended Armenia’s membership in the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), while acknowledging that it has not yet lived up to his expectations. “By joining the union we expected to substantially improve the economic situation in Armenia,” he told Tigran Sarkisian (no relation), a former Armenian prime minister who now heads the EEU’s executive body, the Eurasian Economic Commission. “Unfortunately, our membership coincided with global economic processes that had a negative impact on the country’s economy, and our citizens’ attitude towards the Eurasian Economic Union are still expectant, to put it mildly. I am sure, though, that negative attitudes would have been much stronger had we not joined [the EEU,]” said the president. The trade bloc officially came into existence in January 2015 amid an unfolding recession in Russia that resulted from the collapse of international oil prices and Western economic sanctions against Moscow. The Russian economy, which accounts for the bulk of the EEU’s combined GDP, is now on course to contract for a second consecutive year. Trade among the EEU member states plummeted by 26 percent last year and 14 percent in the first nine months of 2016. Armenia’s trade with Russia also shrunk significantly in 2015. But it rose by over 13 percent in January-October 2016, with Russia replacing the European Union as Armenia’s number one trading partner, according to Armenian government data. The increase was driven by a 53 percent surge in Armenian exports to Russia.

The government also recorded sharp rises in Armenia’s exports to two other EEU countries, Belarus and Kazakhstan, in the same period. Armenia - The flags of the Eurasian Economic Union member states placed at the venue of a highlevel EEU meeting in Yerevan, 20May2016. Armenia - The flags of the Eurasian Economic Union member states placed at the venue of a highlevel EEU meeting in Yerevan, 20May2016. Deputy Prime Minister Vache Gabrielian, who oversees Armenia’s day-to-day dealings with the EEU, refused to comment on Sarkisian’s remarks when he was approached by an RFE/RL correspondent. The Armenian president unexpectedly decided to make Armenia part of the Russian-led bloc in September 2013 just as his government, then headed by Tigran Sarkisian, was close to signing an Association Agreement with the EU. The U-turn was widely attributed to Russian pressure. Vahagn Khachatrian, an economist affiliated with the Armenian National Congress (HAK), said Sarkisian’s remarks on the EEU membership show that he chose between “the bad and the worst” at the time. “Looking at the results of the last two years, we can see what we were saying in 2013,” Khachatrian told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am). “There are practically or absolutely no economic achievements. And this is true for not only Armenia but also the other [EEU] countries.” Parliament deputies representing the HAK voted for the ratification of Armenia’s accession treaty with the EEU in late 2014.

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY DISCUSSES PRIORITIES FOR THE 115TH CONGRESS WITH CAUCUS LEADERS WASHINGTON, D.C. - As legislators were completing work for the 114th Congress, Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Executive Director Bryan Ardouny was on the Hill meeting with Members of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Is-

beheaded, noting that one was executed by ISIS-style decapitation then publicized on social media as a "trophy." The Azerbaijani officer who showcased this Armenian soldier's head was then given a military award from Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev.

Journalist Paula Yacoubian to join Lebanon’s Cabinet Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny and Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ).

Armenian Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny and Armenian Caucus Vice Co-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA).

sues this month recapping the year and discussing priorities for the 115th Congress. During his meeting with Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Ardouny discussed initiatives for the 115th Congress. He also reiterated the Assembly's deep concerns regarding the atrocities Azerbaijan committed during the military offensive it launched during the April War, as further reported by Nagorno Karabakh's Ombudsman, Ruben Melikyan. According to the latest investigations, 3 out of the 31 incidences detailed in the report were citizens and not servicemen, including a 92-year-old grandmother who was also tortured. The report also identified 3 Nagorno Karabakh servicemen who were

In his meeting with Armenian Caucus Vice Co-Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who serves as the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a wide range of issues were discussed, including expanding the Caucus as well as strengthening U.S-Armenia relations. "As we look ahead to 2017, U.S. leadership remains essential in addressing the challenges before us," Ardouny stated. "The Armenian Caucus, with its bipartisan leadership team, will play a pivotal role and we anticipate a very active and energized Caucus as we continue to advance important priorities in the new Congress and Administration," he added.

Famous Lebanese journalist Paula Yacoubian, 40, Armenian by origin, will join the government of Lebanon to become the first female minister in nation's history, Al Diar newspaper reported. The journalist will be a member of Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s bloc. Paula Yacoubian has been working for CNN, and is famous for hosting Interviews program on Future TV channel. Besides Armenian, speaks Arabic, English and French. Paula Yacoubian is a Lebanese media trainer and a political strategist; she is also the host of a prime time talk on Future News network. She is married to Moufac Harb, the former director of Alhurra. She is the CEO of Integrated Communications. News.am

NOR OR ENG. December 8 copy 2:Layout 1 12/20/16 3:03 PM Page 2

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Thursday« December 22, 2016

$110,000 Raised for "Field of Dreams"

During a fundraising dinner on the night of December 11th, the American Armenian Rose Float Association (AARFA) raised $110,000 toward the construction of the third Armenian rose float and its participation in the 128th Pasadena Tournament of Roses, which will be held on January 2, 2017. Close to 200 supporters attended the fundraising event, which was held at the Phoenix Decorating Company, in Pasadena. Throughout the evening, guests had the opportunity to take a first-hand look at the newest Armenian rose float, which is kept and being worked on inside the Rose Palace of the Phoenix Decorating Company. To date, the construction of the framework and architectural components of the float have been completed. The dry decoration of the float will be implemented in the next few weeks, and the culminating flower decorations will be carried out during the five days leading up to the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. The first Armenian rose float, which carried the theme “Cradle of Civilization,” went on to earn the Pasadena Tournament of Roses’ prestigious President’s Award for “most effective floral use and presentation.” The second Armenian rose float, which carried the theme “Discover Armenia” presented our treasured heritage and architecture of our homeland. “On New Year’s Day, 2015 and 2016, as the Armenian rose float rolled down Colorado Boulevard, it promoted Armenian culture and identity in Los Angeles and across the world,” AARFA Treasurer Stepan Partamian said as he addressed the guests. “The float was seen by about 700,000 spectators in Pasadena and a global audience of 1.5 billion in 115 countries. The forthcoming Tournament of Roses will be seen by an even greater number of people. I can’t imagine a better or more cost-effective conduit for familiarizing the world with Armenian civilization. Think about it: as a community, we’ll be spending a mere $300,000 on the third Armenian rose float, yet achieve the type of global exposure that would require millions of dollars.” As she delivered her welcome remarks, the evening’s Master of Ceremonies, Jill Simonian, underscored this year’s theme “Echoes of Success,” and the newest Armenian Rose Float will be called “Field of Dreams.” The 2017 theme celebrates those who have been instrumental in helping each of us and in helping others achieve success. It’s about the people and cultures that lend us a hand in

reaching our destination. In light of this year’s theme, Jill was able to thank many guests and honor their success stories in our community, as a representation of who we are, including announcing its 2017 float riders: Michael Aram, Artist, with his two children, Anabel Rose Aram and Thadeus Jasper Aram; Claudette Stefanian, Television Newscaster; Houry Gebeshian, Olympian; Arturo Azinian, Renowned Cobbler to the Stars; Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian, Microbiologist and a surprise guest. Accordingly, AARFA, produced two short videos, presenting the importance of the “Field of Dreams” to the Armenian community, featuring three children atop a majestic Artsakh (Karabagh) Stallion in the foreground descending from historic Mt. Ararat in the background where Noah’s Arc came to rest. Mt. Ararat has long stood as a spiritual symbol of faith for people around the world. Also growing out from the soil of this snow-capped mountain, a pomegranate tree with a peacock, a symbol of good fortune and fertility for Armenians around the world. The children atop the Artsakh Stallion wear traditional Armenian garments, hold symbols representing Literature, Music and Science, paying tribute to the fields in which this historic ancient people have contributed to the collective human experience. The design concept, came from Armenian artist Sevada Grigoryan, who authorized our use of the image and its redesign as the 2017 Field of Dreams Float by board member Johnny Kanounji. In the course of his remarks, Partamian announced a special recognition to Antranig Baghdassarian of Karoun Dairies as the model of “Echoes of Success,” who from zero, created Karoun Dairies, a nationally known successful enterprise. Partamian recognized Baghdassarian as a benefactor without whom AARFA could not have achieved our successes, presenting a plaque “We Could Not Have Done It Without You” and naming him the honorary float rider of January 2, 2017. Antranig Baghdassarian in acceptance stated, “the Armenian rose float proved to the world that Armenian’s are here to stay” and we must use every opportunity to show that to the world our successes and donate to AARFA to continue this tradition of showcasing our people. Partamian then announced a string of donations that were made by guests. They included Antranig Baghdassarian of Karoun Dairies, who once again contributed $50,000; and Mr. and Mrs. David and Margaret Mgrublian, Flora Dunaians, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Savvy Tufenkian, GotPrint, all of whom in total with many other contributions from our guests contributed to AARFA donations of $110,000. “This evening, like the work of AARFA as a whole, represents the concept of ‘minimum expense and maximum return,’” Partamian said. “Thanks to in-kind donations, including the provision of this banquet space by the Phoenix Decorating Company, we were able to organize this event by spending only $15,000, and have already raised $110,000, which will help us significantly to cover the costs of the construction of the Armenian rose float and its participation in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. “I would also like to stress the importance of having repeat donors,” Partamian continued. “There’s a very good reason that benefactors such as Mr. Baghdassarian are once again supporting the Armenian rose float initiative: they see enormous value in a project that inspires and mobilizes the entire Armenian community including our Field of Dreams – Artsakh, while promoting Armenian identity and culture on an international scale.” “We would also like to

thank our sponsors, Vertigo for all of the amazing food for the evening, Neptune Productions for everything you do, D’Ziner Signs, Lights Camera Action for all the photos of the night; Remedy Liquor, Bon Cafetite, and of course TicTock and MTB Event Rentals for the amazing décor.” said Jill Simonian. The President, Noubar Derbedrosian gave his closing remarks in stressed the importance of all Armenians to participate in any way they can and support the realization of this initiative by all of us universally stating “AARFA is for every Armenian, no matter what other organizations or denominations you belong too, you as an Armenian always belong with us. One nation. One People.” This year, as in the past, AARFA has continued to have the Armenian Rose Float Ambassador Program, whereby volunteers can become city-specific ambassadors of the rose float to raise at least $3,000 from their respective communities. In 2015, we have had the dedication and work of six ambassadors by presenting them with the first-ever AARFA Ambassadorship pins. The honored ambassadors were Garbis Der-Yeghiayan (representing La Verne, California), Carmen Libaridian (Hollywood Hills, California), Flora Dunaians (Pasadena, California – south of 210 Freeway), Margaret Mgrubian (Pasadena, California – north of 210 Freeway), Greg and Caroline Tufenkian (Glendale, California), Tony Melconian (La Crescenta, California), and Hratch Kozibeyokian (Shadow Hills, California). Currently AARFA is seeking to enlist additional ambassadors to represent cities across the US. Those who are interested can email the association at info@aarfa.org. To date, AARFA has raised $180,000 of the $300,000 needed for the construction of the second Armenian rose float and its participation in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses. The AARFA, whose sole mission is to raise funds to be spent annually on the Armenian float, continues to accept donations and is seeking corporate sponsors to help fund the project. Tax-deductible contributions can be made securely through the AARFA site (at aarfa.org) or by mailing a check to: AARFA, P. O. Box 60005, Pasadena, CA 91116.

Armenia wants to build leisure center half way from Iran YEREVAN. - Armenia will announce a competition for the construction of a center by Yeraskh village. Minister of Territorial Administration and Development of Armenia, Davit Lokyan, told the aforementioned to Armenian News – NEWS.am. In his words, in this case the Iranian tourists will have a place to stay at on their way to Yerevan, and not only overnight. ''Of course, there are hotels on the way to Yerevan but such a center will have shops, dining halls and baths so that one can have a place to pass his time before arriving in Yerevan,'' he added. It is planned to build the center near Yeraskh village, not far from the border with Nakhchivan, where the road goes down from southern Armenia to Ararat plain. ''The project was discussed with Iranian colleagues but it is open to everyone. Any investor can come up with his project. I think progress can be expected in a few months,'' the Minister concluded.

NOR OR ENG. December 8 copy 2:Layout 1 12/20/16 3:03 PM Page 3

Üáñ úñ Thursday« December 22, 2016

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

142 - Vedat Türkali By Hambersom Aghbashian Vedat Türkali (born May 13, 1919, in Samsun - passed away August 29, 2016, in Yalova), is a Turkish writer, poet and novelist. After studying at Samsun High School he continued his study at Istanbul University, Faculty of Arts and graduated from Turkish Language and Literature Department, then worked as a literature teacher. He was arrested in 1951 for his political activities; and was sentenced to 9 years imprisonment, which was changed to 7 years and after some time he was released conditionally. Vedat Türkali has a long list of published works. Some of his major works are, (One Day Alone -novel, 1974), (Old Poems, New Songs- poems, 1979), (Dark Blue -novel, 1983), (Old Movies -Scenarios, 1984), (Single Death- novel, 1989), (Confidence -novel, 1999), (Communist memory, 2001 ), (Lost Roma -novel, 2004), (False Witnesses Coffee -novel, 2009), (Done Done Not done -novel, 2014) and others. He was awarded "Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival, Best Screenplay Award, 1965","TRT Games Award (Department Must Be Green), 1970", " Nationalities Publishing Novel Competition First Prize, 1974", "Orhan Kemal Novel Award, 1976", the "Cinema Writers Association (SIYAD) Honor Award, 2009", and the "White Seagull Arts Honor Award, 2016". His "One Day Alone" became one of the greatest works of Turkish literature. According to “Today’s Zaman”, September 26, 2014, a group of Turkish scholars, artists, and writers harshly condemned primary and middle school textbooks that are replete with anti-Armenian rhetoric in Turkey, and demanded that the books be pulled from circulation. In a statement issued in September (2014), the signatories wrote, “After immediately pulling the ‘History’ and ‘History of the Turkish Revolution’ textbooks from circulation, apologies should be issued to all students, particularly to Armenian ones. As we approach 2015, the road to Turkish-Armenian peace that we long for passes through here.” The textbooks portray Armenians as traitors who plotted with foreign enemies to tear apart the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, and as mass murderers of innocent Turkish and Muslim women and children while Muslim men were waging a war of survival. The textbooks, all published over the past few years and approved by a special commission of Turkey’s Ministry of Education, are also mandatory in Armenian schools in Turkey. The cover page of Unit 2 of the Middle School textbook on the history of the Turkish Revolution and Ataturk. Two newspapers in Turkey, Agos and Taraf, had

published a series of articles by Taner Akçam on the anti-Armenian hate-filled rhetoric in Turkish textbooks earlier in September. Vedat Türkali, Yasemin was one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the statement.The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Vedat Türkali was is one of the prominent Turkish intellectuals who signed it.(1) The Armenian Cause and the 1915 Genocide have been comprehensively covered for the first time ever in Turkey in a new novel written by Vedat Turkali. The author has written about various ethnic minorities in other literary pieces. The new novel presents a retrospective look into history against the background of the love story of a self-confident young lady and a young man who lost the sense of confidence in the aftermath of a trauma suffered in a prison in Diyarbekir (Dikranagert). The author’s brief overview of the Armenian history is accompanied by a depiction of the other nations killed in Turkey (where he says every inch of land had seen bloodshed) in the Ottoman Empire’s last days. Turkali writes about the various groups like the Hamidiyes (cavalry), the Ittihat ve Terakki (Committee of Unions and Progress), Cembalists, and others. He tells the history of the 1909 Cilicia massacres (committed by Ittihat ve Terakki) which preceded the Armenian Genocide. The author also writes about the deportations from the province of Kharberd and the other regions of historical Armenia. He remembers how the soil turned into a vast graveyard, witnessing losses, forced conversion of people to Islam, and more.(2) Vedat Türkali, who is considered one of the greats in modern Turkish literature, (died at the age of 97), was one of the few Turkish writers who had extensively reflected on Armenian Genocide, especially in his scandal-causing novel entitled "B!TT! B!TT! B!TMED!", It’s Over, It’s Over, [But] It’s not Over. (3)

1.http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemnanti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359 935.html 2. http://asbarez.com/128957/armenian-genocide-novel-published-in-turkey/ 3.http://news.am/eng/news/343722. html

André Séférian dies in Paris at 82 Chairman of the National Federation of Veterans, André Séférian, died at the age of 82 in Paris, Nouvelles d’Armenie reports. According to the newspaper, Séférian was appointed the Chairman of the federation this February. The memorial service for André Séférian will be held in the Armenian Church of St Marie (Sainte-Marie-Mèrede-Dieu d’Issy-les-Moulineaux).


WESTERN DIOCESE HOLD SUCCESSFUL 13TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BALL Burbank, CA – Thirteen was a lucky number for the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, as over 400 guests attended the 13th Annual Christmas Ball on December 3.at the Diocesan Complex in Burbank. The theme of this annual event, “Lead by Faith” reflected the leadership and vision of the twelve distinguished professionals who were honored for their successful careers and devoted service to both the Armenian and American communities. The evening began with the traditional lighting of the giant Christmas Tree in the Turpanjian Plaza. Guests then gathered for a Reception in the Paul Brothers Galleria for the pleasure of visiting with His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate; Diocesan Clergy; dignitaries and most of all the opportunity to acknowledge and congratulate the honorees. Guests were then seated in the beautifully decorated Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Hall to enjoy the evening’s festivities. The program began with welcoming remarks by Raffi Kendirjian, Chair of the Christmas Ball Committee, expressing his thanks and appreciation for their attendance and support of the honorees. Kendirjian added by stating “This annual tradition at the Diocese has been a journey of love and friendship, but above all, a journey of celebrating success while launching the season of Christmastide with a true blast.” Joseph Kanimian, Chair of the Diocese Council, congratulated the twelve honorees on their achievements and extended his gratitude to the members of the organizing committee for their relentless efforts, year after year, in putting together a successful event. He stated that this year the thirteenth honor should be bestowed upon the organizing committee. He also congratulated Primate Derderian on the joyous occasion of his 59th Birthday, wishing him long life and good health. He concluded his remarks by stating that with faith in our Creator, Almighty God, we can move mountains and achieve our goals. A video was shown with remarks by each of the honorees reflecting on their careers, accomplishments and future goals. The twelve honorees recognized this evening were: Scott Asmar, PhD; Naz Atikian; Ara Balikian,MD, MBA; Alexis M. Gevorgian; Raymond Hartoonian; Silva Katchiguian; Gary Kevorkian, DDS; Karnig Kerkoonian, Esq.; Karin Mushegain; Gevorg Mutafyan, MD; and Tina Odjaghian, Esq. As an added gesture, following the video, honorees from previous years, introduced each of the honorees as they came forward to receive their awards from His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian in his remarks congratulated the honorees for their dedication and diligence in their professional lives; that through their achievements they serve as an inspiration for future generations and bring

pride and recognition to the Armenian community. As each of the honorees walked up to the podium to accept their awards, they were greeted by applause and cheers from their family members and friends. The honorees also received Certificates of Commendation from Congressman Adam Schiff who extended his personal congratulations to the honorees and wished those present a joyous Christmas season. Mr. Schiff has been a regular participant at each of our annual Christmas Ball celebrations. Raffi Kendirjian, Chair, expressed his sincere appreciation to the members of the Christmas Ball Organizing Committee, for their continued service and hard work in the planning and preparation of this traditional event. Members of the 13th Annual Christmas Ball Committee included, Houry Kizirian-Nalbandian, Alice Chakrian, Hasmik Keyribarian, Jackie Ayzoukian, Lily Ring Balian, Dr. Hagop Nalbandian, Araxie Boyamian, Delilah Shahbazian, Belet Shahbazian and Eric Bogosian, Mari Boghossian, Mashdots Jobanian, Harout Markarian, Ramella Markarian, and Angela Parseghian. Another highlight of the evening was the opportunity to celebrate the birthday and to express love and best wishes to our beloved Primate, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian The celebration included a decorated birthday cake and a cheerful “Happy Birthday” sung by the guests. Guests received a booklet containing biographies of the honorees as well as congratulatory messages from families and friends to commemorate this occasion. The booklet contained pictures and memories from last year’s Christmas Ball, as well as pictures of the 2016 year in review featuring the many events and activities of the Western Diocese and its various committees. The 13th Annual Christmas Ball has become an evening to celebrate and launch the Christmas Season. Guests fill the dance floor and truly dance all night to the music provided by Armenian International Superstar Harout Pasmboukjian and his band, as well as an international DJ performing both traditional Armenian and familiar American tunes. The Annual Christmas Ball has become an exciting and remembered event for the honorees and guests.

Job-seeking Armenia unemployed increase in 2016 YEREVAN. – As of December 1, 2016, a total of 95,800 job seekers, 80,800 (84.4%) of whom being unemployed, are registered in the regional employment centers of Armenia. These indicators have increased by 8.2 and 5.6 percent, respectively, as compared with the same period last year, notes the statement issued by the State Employment Agency (SEA). SEA Head Artak Mangasaryan, in turn, added that 16,592 job seekers in Armenia have found jobs over the course of the year, and 7,927 of them were provided with seasonal or temporary jobs. “The number of people that were employed increased by 5.1 percent, as compared with the year past,” stressed Mangasaryan. “In 2016, [a total of] 2,519 employers submitted around 7,647 unrepeated applications for job vacancies.”

NOR OR ENG. December 8 copy 2:Layout 1 12/20/16 3:03 PM Page 4


Üáñ úñ Thursday« December 22, 2016

Armenian Assembly Co-Chair Anthony Barsamian Interviewed by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty In an exclusive interview with RFE/RL's Sargis Harutyunyan, Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Board of Trustees CoChair Anthony Barsamian discussed U.S.-Armenia relations under President-elect Donald Trump's administration. Having just returned from Armenia, he added that a high-level U.S. official indicated that the newly-appointed Armenian Prime Minister is well-regarded and qualified, of which Barsamian stated "as we look to next year, we will continue to advance U.S.Armenia relations." Additionally, the Assembly Co-Chair noted that current U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power referred to the denial of the Armenian Genocide and faced no repercussions, unlike former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Evans who acknowledged the Armenian Genocide while giving a speech at a 2005 event in California, and was subsequently recalled as a result. Barsamian also praised the recent OSCE statement condemning the atrocities in April. Following the OSCE Minsk Group's lead, he called on Armenia and Armenian Americans to tell Washington "to hold parties accountable when they are the aggressors and they fail to meet international standards." "I'm very confident that the Armenian government, Karabakh government, and the United States know very well that Armenia is on the right side of this issue and has been responsible, unlike Azerbaijan who is the aggressor and is spinning all kinds of misinformation around what's going on," Barsamian said. "If you look at the report that just came out by the Ombudsman of Karabakh, it is very clear of the violations and very clear what the OSCE thinks of Azeri's violations of engagement," he added.

Recent News From Aleppo Los Angeles, California – The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund “SARF” has been following the latest news coming out of Aleppo in the past few days and weeks and has been in regular contact with community members inside Aleppo to get a firsthand account of the recent developments, especially with regards to the prevailing humanitarian conditions. Yesterday, we learned of encouraging news of a ceasefire in Aleppo and hopes of a cessation in the fighting which had devastated our community for over four years. Although this news brings much needed optimism to those still in Aleppo or living as refugees in different parts of the world, let’s be reminded that the war in Syria has not ended and that the living conditions and future of our Syrian-Armenian brethren is still precarious and uncertain. We remain resolute in our pledge to continue to stand by our brothers and sisters in Syria in the coming phases of this conflict, hoping that the conditions leading

to a safe and normal life soon return to their beloved city and to its once thriving community. SARF would like to take this opportunity to announce that today it has made a transfer of $100,000 to SHDAB, “Syrian-Armenian Emergency Relief and Reconstruction Organization”, in support of the community in Aleppo. Along with the contributions to the Refugee Rental Subsidy Program in place in Yerevan, this brings the total amounts transferred by SARF so far in 2016 to $784,000. We wish to thank all those who have joined hands with SARF and stood by their Syrian-Armenian brethren throughout the most difficult days of their lives and we are confident that this support will remain steadfast in the weeks and months ahead. Donations to SARF can be made by mailing your contributions P.O. Box 1948, Glendale, CA 91204 or you may visit us at www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org to make an online donation.

Armenian Arts Magazine Armenian Arts Magazine will be published on a monthly basis beginning in January 2017, announced Stepan Partamian of Knowledge Truck, Inc., the nonprofit organization that publishes the magazine. With feature stories, interviews, artist profiles, and lifestyle articles, Armenian Arts celebrates the cultural and artistic diversity of Los Angeles. “We showcase artists and artistic events that have significance to not just the Armenian community, but the dazzling mosaic of communities throughout Los Angeles and beyond,” Partamian said. “I think we Armenians are blessed to be living in a dynamic, globally important metropolis such as Los Angeles, where there’s so much synergy and cross-pollination in the spheres of art and culture. The Armenian art scene cannot thrive in a cocoon, cut off from the larger cultural space of which it is, and should be, an integral part. Armenian Arts is dedicated to exploring and embracing the wonderful, often surprising intersection points where Armenia art meets world art.” The cover story of the January 2017 issue of Armenian Arts is about an extraordinary exhibition, titled “Los Angeles - Our Eyes,” held at the Armenian Arts Gallery in Glendale this month. The show featured the works of five Los Angeles photographers, including Pulitzer Prize recipient and Leica Hall of Famer Nick Ut, Stephen Coleman, Patti Ballaz, Gary Brainard, and Rouzanna Berberian. All five photographers were on hand at the opening night of the show, which was attended by hundreds of patrons.

Azerbaijan Announces Deal With Israel to Buy Iron Dome

The Iron Dome air defense system in action in Israel. (photo: Israeli Defense Forces) Azerbaijan has reached a deal with Israel to buy the Iron Dome air defense system, a senior Azerbaijani government official has announced. But questions remain over how useful the celebrated system really is for Azerbaijan and whether it would be worth the cost. Over the last couple of months, there have been a number of reports that a deal like this was in the works, and last month this blog featured a post on how those reports probably weren't true. There are technical reasons that the Iron Dome won't do what Azerbaijan wants. And the state-of-the-art system would be a budget buster for Azerbaijan, which has been forced by falling oil prices to slash expenditures, not least on the military. But on December 17, the Minister of Defense Industry Yaver Jamalov gave a press conference and announced that the deal had been made. "The Azerbaijani Defense Industry Ministry and the relevant Israeli body have reached the agreement on procurement of the Israeli Iron Dome air defense system," Jamalov said. So is this boondoggle really happening? There are a number of noteworthy things about the announcement. For one, it was made by Jamalov, whose brief is Azerbaijan's domestic arms industry, not purchases from abroad. Second, he doesn't appear to have said anything more than the above, according to local media reports, and seems to have spent more time talking about plans to build an electromagnetic pulse weapon (which would be aimed at knocking out an enemy electrical system) and ballistic missiles. One would expect a landmark deal like this to be rolled out more ceremoniously. The timing also is curious. The announcement was made just a few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Baku. No doubt Netanyahu and Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev discussed the weapons deals behind closed doors, but if this Iron Dome deal was done that would have seemed to have been a logical time to announce it. The announcement also was made only a day after Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin's visit to Baku. Rogozin's portfolio is arms sales and Russian media reported ahead of the visit that he was going to come to talk about Armenia's recent acquisition of Iskander ballistic missiles. The Iskanders seem to have engendered some panic in Baku, with the Azerbaijani government scrambling to find an air defense system that can handle them. It does seem plausible that the Azerbaijanis would want to discuss this deal in person with Rogozin, as it will no doubt be poorly received in Moscow. The Iron Dome is a rare weapons system that is a global brand, having become famous for its success in stopping Palestinian rockets from landing in Israeli cities. That household name status is no doubt attractive to Baku, which needs a prestige boost amid its economic crisis. We'll have to wait for more details to emerge, and it's possible there are some behind-thescenes reasons why this makes more sense than it appears on the surface. Stay tuned.

Joshua Kucera Eurasianet.org

Nor Or, December 22, 2016, No. 49 _N.O. Blank 12/20/16 2:56 PM Page 7

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