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GRAUOUA’ JOUAKAN Valentine's Day-i a®jiu <abaj% ";trouar 13 2016 Ke .ndroui c.aca];u;l
New Year Congratulatory Address By President Serzh Sargsyan
Wave Of Armenian Genocide Acknowledgement On The Rise In South America
Dear Compatriots, In a few moments, we will bid farewell to year 2015. The passing year has been in fact full of evens and impressions. We commemorated the memory of the victims of the Great Eghern. Events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide had pan-Armenian and world-wide coverage. I believe that year 2015 will remain in the Armenian history first of all as the year of beatification of our innocent victims. This year we all witnessed manifestations of the exceptional unity of the entire Armenian nation. Through our joint efforts and dignified stance, we have conveyed our message to the world. I am confident that next year too, all Armenian structures, individuals and entire Spyurk will continue to work side by side for the benefit of Armenia, for the benefit of Artsakh, for the benefit of all parts of the Armenian nation. Today, the entire world is going through a difficult and intense period. Regrettably, year 2015 not only failed to decrease tension and freeze the existing wars, but in some cases intensified the existing tensions and flared up hotbeds of aggression. Inhumane acts of terror, which claimed lives of innocent people in different parts of the world, did not decrease in number. Against this backdrop and in this context, Armenia has lived another peaceful and stable year. We have preserved our rating as one of the safest countries in the world. We have carried on with the advancement of our country; we have built roads, housing, schools, and hospitals - always dreaming of doing more. The passing year has been significant with yet another important state and political event. We have introduced changes to the Main Law of the land - Constitution. I have no doubt that together we have opened a door for the new opportunities for our political and economic development. We have opened a door towards
The issue of the international acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide is part of Argentine’s policy and not a fragmentary demand. Armenians have been struggling for many years and can now definitely say that any party and politician in Argentina takes the issue of the Armenian Genocide very seriously. The newly-appointed president used to be the Mayor of Buenos Aires and
becoming a more secure, more liberal, and more harmonious country. On this festive night, we traditionally raise our glasses for our military. We live behind their infallible shield. We entrusted them things that are most precious to us all; and they are the most precious thing to us. The enemy is perfidious, nothing new here. But the Armed Forces of Armenia are strong – always. Today, the combat readiness and technical capabilities of the Armenian Army are exceptionally high, as never before. Let us wish our servicemen a safe term of duty. Let us wish peace to our country and the entire world. Very soon, we will step into year 2016. In 2016, we will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia. It’s been a quarter of a century that we live as a free and independent country. It’s hard to recall when our country had a period of twenty-five years of independence. It means that we have a new and bright generation of those who are twenty or twenty-five years old, who have no idea what it means not to have an independent state, who are free and uninhibited both psychologically and politically. This is a new and young Armenia, which is open to the world, which is ready to accept new ideas, to accept a new culture of work and lifestyle, which will live and advance in step with the contemporary world. We are entering the New Year with a new political structure, with new vigor and new dreams, convinced that we are building our own home and we build it on a right foundation. Armenia, which is 25 years old, is not yet the Armenia of our dreams, but it is an essential and forceful milestone on that road. Dear Compatriots, I wish you happiness and all the best in year 2016! Happy New Year and Holly Christmas!
Russia Makes Active Efforts To Help Settle Karabakh Conflict PanARMENIAN.Net - As an OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing country, Russia is making active efforts to help the Nagorno Karabakh sides reach compromise, Vestnik Kavkaza quoted Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister as saying. "In recent months we have witnessed escalation of conflict - heavy artillery, heavy machine guns, multiple-launch rocket systems were used, which further increased the number of casualties, including those among civilians," Grigory Karasin said.
Therefore, according to the Deputy Minister, the sides need to redouble their efforts to achieve sustainable peace. "The international mediators’ position was clearly expressed in the joint statement by Russia, the U.S. and France in early December 2015 at the meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council," Karasin reminded. "The parties must also respect existing agreements aimed at maintaining ceasefire," the deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed.
Georgia Mulls Importing Iranian Gas Through Armenia
Azerbaijan Battling Deadly Fire In Guneshli Rig
Georgia has been negotiating with Iran on possible imports of Iranian natural gas through neighboring Armenia, the head of the Islamic Republic’s national gas company said on Monday, January 4, RFE/RL Armenian Service reports. “Based on our negotiations, we are supposed to transport gas to the Armenian border for Georgia to receive it on its own border with Armenia,” Iran’s IRNA news agency quoted Alireza Kameli as saying. Kameli did not specify whether Tehran, Tbilisi and Yerevan have already reached an agreement and, if so, when the Iranian gas supplies will start. He only said that the gas deal must be “economical” for Georgia to start all the process.
Killed ISIS Commander’s Cell Phone Shows Direct Ties To Turkish Intelligence Former US Department of State senior adviser David Phillips said, “Turkey’s role has not been ambiguous — it has overtly supported the ISIL. It has provided logistical support, money, weapons, transport and healthcare to wounded warriors.”
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan applauds after he received an honorary doctorate from Qatar University in Doha, Qatar, Dec. 2, 2015. Turkey and Qatar are two of the main benefactors of the Syrian rebels. (AP Photo) Baghdad, Iraq – An ISIS commander was killed in Salahuddin province and his body was searched. A cell phone retrieved from the corpse revealed messages from Turkish intelligence services
proving the NATO country was providing security for ISIS militants when they traveled between Turkey and Iraq. This is the second NATO country implicated in assisting ISIS troops. The first was Canada. The IS commander was killed by Hashd al-Shaabi, a loyalist volunteer force. Jabbar al-Ma’mouri, a leaderwithin the force made the announcement. He said, “The mobile phone also contains other important information which cannot be disclosed now, and it has been delivered to the specialized security groups for further scrutiny.” Turkey and the ISIS share
always supported Armenians over the 8 years of work. The wave for the acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide has risen in South America and it must continue. After the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide it’s necessary to shift to a new stage, where legal requirements will be presented. The struggle of Armenians served as an example for other nations.
two enemies: President Assad of Syria and the Kurdish people. This incident comes on the heels of the Turkish Air Force shooting down a Russian plane engaged in operations against the Islamic State. Ten days ago, Turkey invaded Iraq briefly. It sent its troops to within a few hundred miles of where the phone was recovered. Turkish artillery has also rained shells down on the Kurdish community of Kobane. While the western media seems to be overlooking and downplaying NATO support for the Islamic State, some senior US officials are speaking out. Former US Department of
State senior adviser David Phillips said, “Turkey’s role has not been ambiguous — it has overtly supported the ISIL. It has provided logistical support, money, weapons, transport and healthcare to wounded warriors.” Across the border in Syria, President Assad blasted western adventurism in Syria and cast the NATO powers as an obstacle to peace. He said, “There are only a few countries ready for this. No one dares to establish contact with Syria to resolve the situation as long as it does not appear on the agenda of the United States.” Justin King
The ministry of emergency situations of Azerbaijan continues measures to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the deepwater platform No. 10 of the country’s offshore Guneshli oil field, Trend.az reports, citing the ministry’s website. A fire broke out on the offshore platform Dec. 4, as a strong storm damaged an underwater high-pressure gas pipeline. As many as 33 people were rescued in an ensuing large-scale operation. The bodies of eight killed were retrieved, while 22 oil workers are still listed as missing. Two Azerbaijani firefighting vessels still battle the fire, while the search for the missing oil workers continue, according to the ministry of emergency situations of Azerbaijan.
From Our Family To Yours
Dear Nor Or Weekly readers: As another year has reached us, we are grateful that you continue to find our work a useful part of your news, articles, culture, tradition and information choices. Let the coming days fill our homes with joy and may this New year be one that will be remembered for its peace.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 7, 2016
Veteran Colleague Melkeset (Bob) Der Mugrdechian Passes Away
Karabakh Develops New Directions Of Tourism We Are Not Afraid Of Anything: Artsakh Stepanakert - Karabakh is actually turning into an object of international Children Feel Safe tourism, offering a unique tourist product. Karabakh’s Deputy Minister of Economy Sergey Shahverdyan told the aforementioned to Armenian News – NEWS.am correspondent. “Armenian historical heritage, charming nature, villages which have retained their authenticity, and, of course, the Artsakh people themselves: all this sparks great interest in terms of tourism development. Apart from this, the two main tourist routes - which include almost 90 percent of all the key landmarks of the NagornoKarabakh from south to north - have been developing in the recent years,” the Deputy Minister said. According to him, in 2013 the Karabakh Government adopted a decision on the development of the southern tourist route: “Currently historical, cultural and wildlife sanctuaries, BnBs and hotels are located all
along the route, the roads have been reconstructed, etc.” Responding to the question on the work carried out for tourism development, Shahverdyan noted that like in the previous year, the key objective of tourism development in Karabakh will be the increase of the flow of foreign visitors at the expense of correct marketing policy, as well as overall development of tourist infrastructures. The aforementioned measures should result in significant growth of tourism share in the country’s GDP, as well as positive impact of tourism on socioeconomic life of Karabakh, Shahverdyan said.
“I am not afraid of anything. I know that our soldiers, fathers and grandfathers stand guard at our borders. We play quietly in our yard,” 9-year-old Davit told us. He is one of the guests invited to the Armenian president’s residence to participate in a New Year festive event. Davit’s father is a serviceman, a lieutenant colonel. But Davit said he likes the job of his father’s friend who works as a lawyer in the military police. Ashot, also from Artsakh, wants to be a soldier like his father. “I want to become a soldier and defend my Fatherland. I also want to be a world champion”.
Roslin Art Gallery To Exhibit The Art Of Harout Armenian Beloved father and Grandfather Bob (Melkeset) Der Mugrdechian died on December 24, 2015 in his Clovis, California home. He was born on February 22, 1920 in Fresno and was the fourth of six children, and the first son of Anooshavan and Rakel Der Mugrdechian of Van, Armenia. The family immigrated to California in 1917, when his grandfather and namesake, Fr. Melkeset Der Mugrdechian was invited to become the parish priest of the St. Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church in Fowler, California. Bob was a veteran of World War II, having served as a pilot in the United States Army Air Corps, achieving the rank of Lieutenant, from 1941 until he was honorably discharged after the war. He loved to fly and his fondest memories were of his time in the service. Bob married Norma Tavookjian on October 16, 1948, and they were blessed with four children: Zaroohi, Van, Bob, and Barlow. Remembrances may be made to the Norma and Bob Der Mugrdechian Scholarship Fund, c/o Armenian Studies Program, California State University, Fresno, 5245 N. Backer Ave. PB4, Fresno CA, 937408001 or to the Norma Der Mugrdechian Endowment (to benefit Sunday Schools), c/o Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, CA 91504. For many years he was treasurer of the William Saroyan Society and was a member and officer of the Armenian Cultural Society, the Armenian Democratic League, the Vaspooragan Organization, the Greater Fresno Armenian General Benevolent Union, and the Armenian Community Council. Visitation were held on Friday, January 1, from 1:00-4:00PM at Yost & Webb Funeral Home, 1002 T. Street, Fresno, with a Home Service at 2:30PM. Funeral services were held at 1:00PM on Saturday, January 2, 2016, at St. Paul Armenian Church, 3767 N. First Street, Fresno, followed by a burial service at Ararat Armenian Cemetery, 1925 W. Belmont Ave., in Fresno. A celebration of Bob’s life and memorial meal was also held immediately following the funeral, in the St. Paul Armenian Church Haig Berberian Hall. NOR OR Weekly newspaper and ADLP of Western United States Region presents its condolences to his beloved family, relatives and colleagues for the loss of a devoted patriot.
Glendale, CA – ROSLIN ART GALLERY will present the art of HAROUT ARMENIAN with a special exhibit, Postcards in Watercolor: Journeys Around the World which will be on display from January 22 - 30, 2015 at 415 E. Broadway, Suite 100, Glendale, CA.. Gallery hours are from 10:00am to 7:00pm, Monday through Saturday. Opening reception will be on Saturday, January 23, from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. The exhibit will close with a Conversation with the Artist on Saturday, January 30, at 7:30pm. Admission is free.
Postcards in Watercolor: Journeys Around the World is an exhibit of mainly postcard-sized watercolor paintings of moments captured by artist Harout Armenian during his journeys around the world. They are lived moments; hours from days at a distance, places where a peaceful moment becomes transformed and inner peace is pervasive. Finding the right mood, the setting, the moment, and the focal point where insight guides the next steps is critical. What follows needs to be as innate as water flowing out of a natural spring. Every one of these paintings is a personal expression of a wonderful moment – life as it was at a certain place somewhere on this beautiful blue planet. HAROUT ARMENIAN is a
visual artist interested in the transformative potential of watercolor. His work includes landscapes and seascapes captured during travels to over 40 countries as well as a collection of abstract work. Born in Beirut, Lebanon, Armenian began painting in 1976, during a time when the country was embroiled in a fierce civil war. Faced daily with the sound of bombs and an eyewitness to violent unrest, Armenian sought respite through painting. While working at the American University of Beirut, he frequently
painted the campus’ vibrant gardens and views overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, a prologue to his disciplined selfstudy of watercolor painting that would continue for decades to come. Armenian has presented solo exhibitions in Los Angeles, Beirut and Yerevan and has participated in international art fairs and group exhibitions around the world. His work has been featured in multiple publications, including Colors and Words and Life with Watercolors. Armenian is a distinguished physician and professor, including professorships at Johns Hopkins University and UCLA. He is President Emeritus of the American University of Armenia, where he has served for 14 years. Presented by Roslin Art Gallery.
The Armenian Missionary Association Of America Helps Create An Oasis Of Peace In A Desert Of Armed Struggle
Paramus, NJ - On Friday, 25th of December 2015, in a festive atmosphere, families from Emmanuel, Bethel, Martyrs' and Syriac churches gathered in Bethel Church to celebrate Christmas in the Church's "Poladian" Hall. The program started with welcoming words from Maria Boshgezenian as well as a greeting with a short message from Rev. Haroutune Selimian, President of the Armenian Evangelical Community in Syria. "The New Year brings new hope to our lives, the hope that something will change for the better. As the old year comes to an end and the New Year unfolds we will thus feel renewed with new hope and promises of something
good and beautiful things to come" said Rev. Selimian. The celebration reached its climax when Santa Claus arrived, and with the financial support of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) distributed gifts of pajamas to family members. At the conclusion of the event Mrs. Sona Keosgherian, on behalf of the Armenian Evangelical Social Action Committee, thanked Rev. Selimian for his steadfast support to the Armenian Community in Syria. The following day, Rev. Selimian, along with Pastor Simon Der Sahagian and some members of the Church visited the Armenian Old People's Home at "Gulbenkian Hospital" in Nor Kyugh, Aleppo. Rev. Selimian warmly greeted the residents of the Home and
with his encouraging words wished them a Blessed Christmas and a healthy and peaceful year. With the financial support of the AMAA, gifts were distributed to the elderly. The same day, Rev. Selimian along with a few members of the Church also visited the Armenian Orphanage in Nor Kyugh. In attendance were the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and the children of people martyred during the Syrian Civil war. During the meeting Rev. Selimian thanked the Board Members for their devoted service and care towards these orphans and distributed gifts which were made possible through the support of the AMAA.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 7, 2016
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide Iranian Armenian: We Are Iran’s Sole Minority To Celebrate New Year On Night Of December 31 95 - Alper Öktem The Armenian community in Iran is the country’s sole national minority that celebrates New Year on the night of December 31. The [Iranian Armenian] national social associations celebrate New Year on December 31, from 7pm to midnight, some celebrate [the New Year] at home, since New Year is a family holiday. The Armenian community in Iran maintains all the traditions, and also celebrates all national religious holidays with great fanfare. The Armenians are the largest [na-
tional] minority in Iran, and they are very traditional. They retain all Armenian traditions, especially national and religious. There are others in Iran who are interested in our holidays. They come and partake in the celebrations, as a guest. According to the latest official data, about 80 thousand Armenians live in Iran, and there are several dozens of Armenian schools that provide education in this country. Most Iranian Armenians are artisans and traders, but there also are numerous physicians, lawyers, engineers, and architects among them.
France: The Young Hakob, 12, Wins The Prize "Prodiges" Of The Classic Singers On Saturday, December 26, young French of Armenian descent, Hakob, 12 years old, won the first prize, category classic singers during the brodcast "Prodiges", on the French TV France 2, reserved to the young people from 8 to 15 years old. He sang "Voi Che Sapete" (The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart), and was accompanied by the national orchestra of the Capitol de Toulouse in the city of Albi. 3,5 millions of televiewers followed the show. This is the second edition of this competition of the French TV with 3 categories: musician, singer, dancer. Hakob lives in the city of Lille (North). His price allows him to receive the 5000-euro sum to follow its studies of song. Jean Eckian / Paris www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iw0JBhs9FI
New MiG-29 jets to be deployed to Russian airbase in Armenia After being fully repaired, MiG-29 fourth generation jet fighters will be deployed to the Russian airbase in Erebuni to protect Armenian airspace, Sputnik News reports. A group of MiG-29 multirole jet fighters will be deployed to the Russian airbase Erebuni in Armenia in the second half of 2016, the press office of the Russian Southern Mili-
tary District reported. MiG-29 jets which will be deployed to the airbase after being fully repaired have been used to protect Armenia’s airspace within the joint air defense systems of the CIS. They have also been involved in regular training flights in accordance with the combat readiness program.
By Hambersom Aghbashian
Dr.Alper Öktem (born on 11 March 1954 in DikiliTurkey) is a Radiologist and Human Rights activist. he finished his primary education in Burdur. He started to pursue his secondary education at the Maarif Koleji in Eski!ehir, continued in Konya and finished it in Istanbul at the Kadıköy Maarif Koleji. In 1978, he graduated from Faculty of Medicine at Hacettepe University in Ankara. He went to Germany for specialization in radiology. In the 1980s he helped Turkish refugees who underwent torture. He has been supporting the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey for more than twenty years. Moreover, he is a board member of the Democratic Turkey Forum in Germany. Dr. Öktem has been assisting Cem Özdemir, Co-Chairman of the Unity Green Party, especially on the topics of human rights, peace and democracy in Turkey, ever since Özdemir was first voted into parliament in 1993. In 2000-2001 he published the weekly supplement Per!embe for the German daily newspaper “Die Tageszeitung”. Per!embe aimed at bringing together German society and migrants on equal ground in the same media platform, making migrants equal members of society, especially through deepening the dialogue in the media, and reporting human rights violations in Turkey. Dr. Alper Öktem is married, has two children and lives in Bielefeld, Germany, where he works as a radiologist. (1) According to www.hrantdink.org , "The Fund for the Support of Historical Studies, created with the kind assistance of Dr. Alper Öktem, one of the supporters of the Hrant Dink Foundation, promotes research on humanistic acts during 1915, with the aim to search and find people who with a clear conscience serve as an example for mankind, and consequently to disclose an insufficiently investigated aspect of history. Through the Fund, support will be given to research, academic work and biographies on people – in modern parlance; human rights defenders – who through their humanist acts in Anatolia during 1915 influenced other people's lives. Such people and their acts may already be known or not known yet. In the latter case, the research should help to reveal these people and that their acts be exposed to public knowledge. (2) On March 14, 2015, Hrant Dink Foundation hold its conference " Conscience and responsibility in the Armenian Genocide: New research and survivors," at Cezayir Meeting Hall, Istanbul. The Hrant Dink Foundation's “History and Memory Research Fund,” which was created with the assistance of Dr. Alper Öktem in 2010, supported the conference. The conference opened with speeches by the coordinators Ay!e Gül Altınay from Sabancı University and Betül Tanbay from Bo"aziçi University. Alper Öktem, the sponsor of the fund, underlined the notion of conscience and added: “Today, I still have difficulty talking about the genocide. However, talking is very important to understand it. I think that making it clear that ‘there were right-
eous people’ could contribute to the acknowledgement process in a pragmatic fashion.” Abdullah Demirba!, a former mayor of the Sur district of Diyarbakır province, spoke about the experiences of “multic u l t u r a l municipalism” that he implemented in Sur between 2004 and 2014. “In 1915, they had Armenians for breakfast and in 1924 and 1938, they had Kurds for lunch. That’s why we need to apologize and I as a Kurd apologize on behalf of my ancestors for crimes they committed against people.” Burçin Gerçek, a researcher and journalist, presented the officers who defied orders in Diyarbakır province. Adnan Çelik, a Ph.D. candidate at Paris-EHESS, presented the results of his oral history research on the collective memory of Kurds about the Armenian genocide, conducted with researcher and historian Namık Kemal Dinç. Öykü Gürpınar, a Ph.D. student at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, spoke about the transformation of an Armenian village, Pokr Armıdan, into a Muslim-populated village. Melis Behlil from Kadir Has University presented “The Armenian Genocide and its aftermath in non-fiction film”. ” Özlem Galip from the University of Oxford discussed the policies of remembering in the context of Kurdish novels. Wendy Hamelink from Leiden University spoke about cultural memories of Armenians from Sassoun. Armen Marsoobian from Southern Connecticut State University started his presentation by asking: “Why were some Armenians not deported? Who were the chief actors in the deportation decisions? What criteria were used to exempt families? How many were exempted?” and explained his points. George Shirinian from the Zorian Institute drew a theoretical framework for the narrative of rescuers. “There were many Muslims who welcomed Armenian orphans from the genocide in their houses,” Shirinian said, but added, “This can also be seen as a form of slavery because the overwhelming majority of children above the age of 13 became servants in the houses of Muslims and were Islamized.” Ümit Kurt, a Ph.D. candidate at Clark University, then told the story of Cemil Bahri Könne, a Kurdish officer who helped Armenians exiled from Aintab. Neslihan Sarıhan traced the footsteps of Armenians in Fatsa by examining the life story of an Islamized Armenian.Finally, Ishkhan Chiftjian from Hamburg University presented the story of Hoca Çamurdan, the mufti of Sis (today’s Kozan), who saved six members of the Armenian Faracyan family, including the father.(3)
1. www.hrantdink.org/Index.php?Detail=724&Lang=en 2.http://www.hrantdink.org/Index.p hp?Detail=724&Lang=en 3.http://www.turkishreview.org/reviews-briefs/a-door-from-the-past-to-thefuture_552737
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 7, 2016
Ashot Kartalyan And Lark Music Conservatory A Life Parallel to the Institution of Music, Values, and Identity Interview by Sevan Der Bedrossian What delights my heart and rejoices me more than anything is seeing young people at the dawn of their emerging careers grasp the opportunity to forge a bright future for themselves and society at large. Recently, Ashot Kartalyan was appointed by Mr. Vatsche Barsoumian as the Academic Director of Lark Music Conservatory— a core division of Lark Musical Society—which drives L.A.'s Armenian musical community and strives to enhance the Armenian culture by providing a valuable, sophisticated level of music education. Trusting Ashot Kartalyan with such a position solidifies his role as a young, talented, and capable Armenian young diasporan who will serve as a role model to our future Armenian musicians. It's very rewarding and inspiring to see the seeds blooming, extending, and spreading life at a time when the majority foresees the darkness or doom of our Diaspora. Born in Yerevan in 1985 to his musician parents Artashes and Music is the language of the soul. Of course, music is your path. What was the main factor that urged you or had a major role in making you choose music as a profession? Did you have to follow your passion? Did you have to choose between the known and the unknown? Although I was engulfed in Lark and surrounded by music, I never thought I would ever be a musician. I always considered it a hobby. My parents never forced me with any type of pressure. Deep inside, they believed that music would be my final decision, especially my mother. She believed that music is my calling and that I have a duty toward it. My father was also my role model. I always looked up to and dreamed of becoming like him. It was more Baron Vatsche who always insisted that I go on a certain path. He greatly influenced me by demanding compositions from me, and would keep me much more disciplined in the writing department. After high school, I wanted to major in Mathematics, but meanwhile, I was graduating from Lark, and there were certain requirements for the composition diploma that I needed to meet, among them writing for different ensembles. It was an unforgettable moment, hearing my music performed by a woodwind ensemble live on stage—my own composition—performed by professional musicians. It was an entirely glowing experience and a truly life-changing moment that served as my rebirth. It made me realize exactly what I wanted. Immediately, I changed my major from Mathematics to Music. One thing I’ve learned is, in anything you do in life, you have to strive to love and enjoy doing it. There will come a moment in our lives when we look back at and reflect upon the choices we’ve made and the memories we’ve created, and until that time comes, we should live our lives consciously, to ensure that our future selves will be satisfied with the steps we’re taking now. Lark Musical Society, the Kartalyans, and Vatsche Barsoumian form the three cornerstones that define a phenomenally successful musical community in the Armenian Diaspora. What does this mean to you? Operas, requiems, classical-music concerts... Is the new generation ready to accept these concepts and understand them? Lark upheld the important aspects of our community and values by keeping standards high, and little by little, this small community of people became a family. Many performances and events branched out from the initial launch of the Music Conservatory, and eventually, the atmosphere influenced us all. That's how we learned to appreciate music, and along the way, we were taught lessons on life and values. I believe the only way to elevate our
Noune Kartalyan, Ashot moved to Los Angeles with his family in 1991. Although his parents were heavily involved in music, they found that providing their own children with instrumental lessons could be disadvantageous. Accordingly, Lark was the anchorage from where, at the age of 18, he graduated with two diplomas: Piano Performance under the instruction of Svetlana Kazaryan and Music Composition under the instruction of his own father, a recognized Armenian musician and renowned composer. After graduating high school, Ashot continued his musical education at California State University of Northridge, where he earned a degree in Music Composition. During his undergraduate career, he joined the Lark faculty alongside his parents to teach percussion, hand chimes, and various theoretic subjects. He also joined many music ensembles and performed in Los Angeles and beyond, traveling all over the world with his craft.
musical society and attract the future generations is with said exposure to operas, requiems, and classical performances that are produced by Lark and other such organizations. Most of our population is unfortunately ignorant in this aspect. It is our duty to educate our future generations by introducing them to different types of music. It’s almost like advertising: If you give someone enough exposure, they will naturally get pulled in. I am very confident that it’s the same with music. It seems like such a tough mission when you look at it from afar, especially with music nowadays, but I am convinced that a change can happen if we educate the masses to at least be better in filtering their music. Our spectrum is very big and saturated right now, with different types of music constantly everywhere, but through education, perhaps we can guide interests in music in the right direction. Ashot, tell us about your work as a composer. How do you get inspired? Do you have a certain mission for your creativity? I started composing when I was 12 or 13. I consider myself lucky, because the very first piece I wrote grew a claim amongst the “Larkians.” Guest composers like Tigran Mansurian and John Adams began praising my work and encouraged me to join competitions. The first time I joined a competition, I won first place. It was a lucky start for me. With Baron Vatsche’s continuous demand and encouragement, I became more creative and eager to record the flood of my musical creations. As far as inspiration goes, music itself is my resource. Recently, nothing inspires me more than enjoying a Dilijan chambermusic concert. It goes without saying that a lot of fine material can be found by revisiting the classics. I enrich my musicality, and instill my own works with the analytical and logical approach of the compositional styles I listen to. It’s almost like a science project. Most of the time, my music tells its own story. I don’t find the topic and write about it or search for notes. Usually the notes just come to me. Our feelings are completely unreliable because they are constantly changing. I am seldom happy with a piece I have written a long time ago, but I try to approach it in such a way were I can objectively be satisfied with it in the future as well. That is something I am trying to incorporate much more now than I did in the past. I am really starting to avoid subjectivity in music. What is your mission and what are your future plans for Lark? How are you planning to prepare our future musicians? Is accreditation considered in your plans? Expanding? Jazz? Other genres? Lark students are being prepared for the outside
world with a very strong knowledge of music. How can you support them to be successful? The first time I went to CSUN, my professor said in the very first lecture, and I quote, “None of you chose to be a musician. Music chose you. If you could choose to be a musician, nobody would chose it. The road ahead is so tough and unguaranteed.” I didn’t understand why he said that at that moment, but over the years, I found myself breezing through classes due to my musical background and education, while my peers were struggling. In every class, I would tutor some students because the subjects were so easy for me. The music curriculum at Lark literally coincides with what is taught in colleges, and that is why I am really confident that we can accomplish accreditation and really become a higher institution at a college- or university-level, because we are already providing the students with that level of education. The accreditation requirements are definitely not the lack of education, it’s the intricacies of the administrative side of things. Every year, we add more classes to branch out and broaden our curriculum. I have plans of even bringing more technology into our classes. I am aiming to help Lark become an institution of higher learning that opens up the spectrum of music. Playing an instrument requires a lot of patience and practice. It’s very important to know how to approach the students, energize them, and encourage them to continue working, and serve as role models, especially during their teenage years. In that says, Lark Musical Conservatory goes beyond musical education. In fact, I hold the teaching of good values and morals higher than anything else. Surely we pride ourselves on the education that distinguishes us from many other schools, but we also discipline our students in such a way that they really learn about culture and Armenian traditions. We prepare them to become good citizens, and teach them to make the right choices and ultimately become people to depend and rely on. Though we train our students in a very professional manner, we never expect them to all become professional musicians, but we do strive for all of them to possess well-rounded, balanced personal qualities. We have a communitylike environment at Lark where the students feel like they’re home, unlike the other big institutions that follow businessprofessional instruction. Right now, I am completely involved in Lark Conservatory, leading it toward how I believe it should be running, in all aspects—from administration and faculty to supervision and curriculum—and helping it become the institution I know it can be.
Music nowadays is different than it was in the past. What is your opinion of and how do you evaluate this new combined style of the old and the current? Are you against or for this type of music? I think the biggest effect and impact on music nowadays is technology. As a composer, technology has made it tremendously easier to compose. There are many programs and software that can help sufficiency and productivity, and help you obtain immediate feedback, whereas decades ago, composers wouldn’t know how the piece would come along until the actual performance day. In that regard, it has absolutely improved and made it easier to write music nowadays. With that being said, I also believe it has kind of destroyed the filtration process because it’s now so easy to compose. There are a lot of uneducated people who are hacking this field, while in the past, composing couldn’t be possible without a formal education. These below-average productions are negatively affecting the audience by ruining their level of music appreciation. As a solution, I insist and strongly recommend that there be an exposure to good music—whether modern or classic or any genre—in order to create a sophisticated audience. That said, I am kind of in the middle when it’s based on academic foundation. Rearranging or reproducing original compositions to attract the new generations can be risky, especially with folk music. Many composers nowadays are trying to create this new genre, especially in jazz, and are succeeding, but also getting criticized for touching some traditional characteristics and changing them. Ashot, to trust and believe in the promising youth, is not nothing but being prepared for the future, pushing the wheel forward, and pave the way for a promising continuity. Moreover, To earn that trust, is nothing but a clear sign of someone worthy, promising and successful. I strongly believe, that the Armenian society must be proud of its young generation. To have highly educated young and fine leaders who will lighten the road, progress and elevate our society with fine future as well. I am very positive that your efforts will be rewarded by our future generations blooming and succeeding in their lives from all aspects. The Lark experience for them will be a happy and memorable step when they look back at what they accomplished within the musical walls of Lark Conservatory. Thank you very much for this interesting interview. I appreciate your time. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. I wish you a smooth and successful process in steering this huge and inveterate institution.
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N.O. January 7, 2016, No. 1:N.O. Blank
1:28 PM
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Şğçşsz m'şğşdumuwşs nğ çzud auwşğtz vşs ürışğ nd imiu, şs eui uxzşl uwi lşöndz inğfşlnd ausuğ! Uxu<rz fuwğmşuztz uğetz auimju, şs^ nğ uirmu uwz=uz ul erdğrz hrır vglluw! Ecnduğndkrdzg ıumudrz uxu<rz =uwlr fğuw mg imir ürğşğnd ışiumnf! Lşöndz inğfşlt uxu< auwnj uwçndçşzg hrır inğfri! Çuwj uwi stmg wupkuauğşlr t! Öri vr .ğıvşjzşğ! Auwşğtz lşöndr on.ndkrdzz t^ nğ mg .ğıvşjzt öri! Şğçşsz mğzus wndiuauındkşuz ul suızndrl sıu,şlnf^ nğ şi hrır vmuğşzus inğfrl uwi lşöndz! Uauduirm ndindjrvg rz,r mg ,uz+kujzt {fuouxşl´ çuxg! ;u.şl mg zbuzumt! Mg irğşs uwi çuxg^ m'uğquzuüğşs wrbnpndkşuzi st<! Çuwj wuzmuğ, ndindjrvg mg wrbşjzt kt auwşğtzr st< muw zuşd {fouğşl´ çuxg^ nğ htı= vt bynkndr {fuouxşl´nd aşı! {Fouğşl´ mg zbuzumt eğusg mus çuzr sg yn.uğct=g ıul! {Uwi ürğ=rz ausuğ buı eğus fouğşjr´! Gişl m'ndöt$ Uwi ürğ=rz ausuğ buı eğus ındr! Uwihti^ {fouğşl´g ıuğçşğ t {fuouxşl´tz^ szuj nğ stmg {xu´nf mg üğndr^ srdig {ğt´nf! Uwi =uzr sg suzğusuizndkrdzzşğg =rv sg bynkndkrdz^ suzuduze =rv sg fu. mg iışp,şz sı=ri st<^ çuwj şi uwz=uz ul uhndb vşs nd uwi=uzg mğzus inğfrl! Uğetz ndindjrvg mg muğ,t nğ ünğ,i hrır erdğujzt rz,r rçğ +ğrzum ıulnf iu şğmnd zu.ueuindkrdzzşğg$ {Şi uwi ürğ=g buı indp ürznf fuouxşjr´! {Şi uwi ürğ=rz ausuğ buı indp ürz fouğşjr´! Mg <uzus şğşdumuwşl kt çzud auwşğtz vürıjnp imizumr ausuğ nğ=u#z wiıum t uwi şğmnd zu.ueuindkrdzzşğnd ıuğçşğndkrdzg! Çuwj uwe sr<njrz ndindjrvi wuzmuğ, üğuıu.ıumrz fğuw mg üğt {forx´ çuxg! Quwz vmuw! Mg zuwr uv=şğndi st<! Şi uzsr<uhti rz,r mg auğjzşs^ nğ uwi {forx´g {fuouxş#l´rz aşı muh ndzr^ kt {fouğşl´rz aşı! N_v stmg^ n_v srdig! Ndindjrvg hrır git^ nğ uwi ul mnd üuw {foxşl´ çuwtz^ nğ mg zbuzumt nğnbnds ıul! Euıuğuzg forx uğqumşj! Euıuğuzg foxşj! Ani euıuğuzg n_v fuouxşj^ n_v ul fouğşj^ huğöuhti foxşj! Forx! Uwi ul {xu´nf! Şi^ nğhti auwşğtz inğfşlnd imizum ubumşğı^ ktşd stm mnpst mg fu.zus^ çuwj stm mnpst ul mg ahuğıuzus^ nğ uwi=uz .ğkrz lşönd sg mg inğfrs uxuzj uwlşduwlr! Şi uğetz suğişjr {fuouxşl´g^ {fouğşl´g şd {foxşl´g! Ustz suğe mğzuw fiıua gllul nğ uhuüuwrz i.ul hrır vgzşs! Çuwj ndindjrvg muzü uxzşl vr ürışğ! Uwi uzüus üğuıu.ıumrz fğuw mg üğt znğ çux sg$ {frorl´! Arsu şi^ nğ euii uxu, şs^ uzsr<uhti mg auimzus nğ uwi
Pto\t Me Fa\oz L;xoui Ba®aranin Mh= ÂOPHR FATTHY:AN {frorl´z ul muh vndzr {fuouxşl´rz^ {fouğşl´rz nd {foxşl´rz aşı! Hrır ihuişs nğ ndindjrvg çujuığt^ rim ndindjrvg =rkti çxzu, gllulnd üupızr ünandzumndkşusç sg mg çujuığt nğ {frorl´ mg zbuzumt ets ersuj zşğaum ışiumtızşğ huğöşlnf .+irl^ .+i=nf mxndrl^ rğuğnd giu,rz aumuxumg hzeşl! Rğuğnd buı s+ırm çuxşğ şz^ çuwj şi uwi=uzg mğzus suğişl^ ahuğıuzulnf nğ ecnduğusuği zrdkr sg ersuj vşs wndiuauırğ! Uğetz uwi=uznf rim buı çuz inğfşjuw! Mus uwehti mg muğ,şs! Srzveşx ndindjrvg uzüus sg şdi qşx= m'uxzt mudrog nd üğuıu.ıumrz fğuw mg üğt {froum´ çuxg! {Froum´! {Frorl´rz mus {foxşl´rz aşı muh mğzu#w ndzşzul! N_v! Ndindjrvg arsu rz= şdi mg ecnduğuzuw wiıum çuxşğnf çujuığşlnd kt {froum´ çuxg ndzr çuösukrd zbuzumndkrdzzşğ! Zu. mg zbuzumt mujndkrdz^ çuzr sg rzv erğ=r st< üızndrlg! {;nfg auzeuğı
froum ndzr´! Çuwj {froum´ mg zbuzumt zuşd çu.ıuündbumndkşuz mus çuzr sg rzvhti gllulg nğnbşlnd ausuğ ünğ,u,ndu, yn=ğrm rğşptz^ +ğrzum {ftü´ önğ mg =ubşz rğşzj çu.ıg ynğqşlnd ausuğ! Şi^ nğ ıumudrz Wnfauzzti Kndsuzşuzr uzndz rim vşs liu,^ n#dğmt hrır ürızus nğ {Uzndb´rz st< up<rmzşğg {froum´ mg =ubşz rğşzj çu.ıg obeşlnd ausuğ! Çuwj {froum´ mg zbuzumt zuşd İndğç Ürğ=r st< auındu,! Mus mg zbuzumt ıumudrz şhrimnhniumuz kşs! Auw Muknprmtzşğnd {froumudnğg´ animt# mnd üuw! Ndindjrvz ul bnduğu, t^ {R froumr vşs çnlnğ auğjndszşğndz huıui.uzşlnd´ m'git iğıçuj+ğtz^ rz,r inğfşjzşlnf^ nğ muw zuşd {r froumr gllul´ gişluqşdg! Çuwj ndindjrvi .şlujr suğe t şd m'udşljzt$ {Fupg şkt auwmumuz ehğnj şğkui^ şpuzumr fşğ<udnğndkşuz hrır iıuzui {froumujnwj´ sg! Şi ıumudrz vşs fauıu,^ iumuwz mg muğ,şs^ nğ +ğnduz
euig ani fşğ<ujud! Srzveşx ndindjrvg arsu üğuıu.ıumrz fğuw rğuğnd şışdt mg üğt şğş= çuxşğ$ {fouğşl´^ {ouğşl´^ {ouxşl´! {Uwi şğş= çuxşğg rğuğnd buı mg zsuzrz^ çuwj hrır ürızui öuznz= öuzuöuzşl´^ m'git ausçşğuıuğ ndindjrvi^ mg çujuığt {ouğşl´rz nd {ouxşl´rz rsuiızşğz nd ndppuüğumuz ıuğçşğndkrdzzşğg! Şi^ imizum ubumşğıi^ musuj musuj imiu, şs sıuanündrl kt hrır muğşzu#s sı=ri st< huaşl rğuğnd uwi=uz zsuznp uwi çuxşğg! Ndindjrvi^ gzeaumuxumg^ üna t! Uwi+ğ çudumuz lud ünğ, ışiu, t! Sruwz kt uwi+ğnduz ausuğ^ sruwz uwi+ğnduz ausuğ fşğ<rz jndjsndz= sg ndzr! Mg euxzuw nd üğuıu.ıumrz fğuw mg üğt şğş= çuxşğ şdi$ {Forı´^ {forx´ şd $$$ {norğ´! Üupızr =s,r,up sg mg zbsuğşs ndindjrvri ets=rz fğuw! Mg zsuzr )ndkhnl .upujnpr sg^ nğ fşğ<rz m+l sg uğquzuüğu, t ersujrzrz çşğerz st<! Mg çujuığt {forx´rz nd {norğ´rz ıuğçşğndkrdzg nd mg fşğ<ujzt euig! Auwşğtzr imizum ubumşğı sg mğzu#w uğeş+= stm uzüustz suğişl uwi=uz buı çuz huğöuhti {fuouxşl´ çuwtz sşmzşlnf! Hnlri
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FSKA| ME MAFAZAU&&& <ar& h= 2-hn
;u manauand Libanani fandhp ir ta‘a‘ gitakza\in shre% xor ke s'®hr ;rkri bolor fama\nqn;roun nkatmamb fauasaraphs% ke marmnauorhin an] me% or t;[akan ,r=anakn;rhn dours m;‘ \arganq ou akna‘anq ke wa\;lhr! Arq& Fattat% auaxani anounow Na.lh Amin Fattat% ‘na‘ hr 25 S;pt;mb;r 1924-in% Souq hl {arpi mh=! Ir Astoua‘abanakan ousoume auart;lh ;tq% |isous;ann;rou møt kousakrøn qafana\ ];®nadroua‘ hr 1949-in ou a®a=in ørhn l‘oua‘ hr enk;ra\in ‘a®a\ouj;an øgtakar fandisanalou ankarin% tkarin ;u cqauorin! A\s npatakow an a\d ør;rou <ia krønap;t Mousa Satri f;t gor‘akzabar 1961-in ke fimnhr ªEnk;ra\in <arvoumº bar;sirakan fastatoujiune ;u f;tamout k*ellar Qriston;a\ ;u Islam ;rk.øsouj;an xargazoumin! Fattat ;piskopos miavamanak ke st;[‘hr xanaxan bar;sirakan marminn;r a\sphsow qa=al;r;low ;u xargazn;low enk;ra\in ;u krjakan npatakn;rou famar ;ritasardn;rou masnakzouj;an na.adr;aln;re! Libanani qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmi na.ørhin karg me qriston;a\ k[;rn;rou ;u mtauorakann;rou f;t 1974 jouakanin ke fimnhr A~AQ (Forixonn;r) parb;raj;rje% our ir frataraka‘ \ødoua‘n;row ;u t;soujiunn;row ke 'or]hr libanan;an fasarakarge dours b;r;l fama\nqa\in bavanoumn;rou yirann;rhn% ardiakan p;touj;an me tou;aln;row øvt;lou ;rkire ;u 'rk;lou xa\n ;rk';[koumi wtangn;rhn! Jh* ibr;u k[;rakan% jh* ibr;u mta‘o[ ;u jh* ibr;u enk;ra\in ardarouj;an famar pa\qaro[ Arq& Fattat \;[a'o.akan embost me fandisazau% andadar .øs;low% ‘ragr;low% gr;low ;u fimnakan 'o'o.oujiunn;r ;u bar;kargoumn;r a®a=adr;low Libanani qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u enk;ra\in ka®o\zn;re au;li ardar ;u amour fimq;rou wra\ dn;lou famar! Ir baza®ik karo[oujiunn;re gnafat;low |o\n Kajo[ikh nouirap;toujiune Fattat :piskopose arqouj;an tit[osin k*arvanaznhr anor \an]n;low Ph\rouji ;u Veph\li \o\v kar;uor a®a=nordoujiune% xor war;z 1968
:JH :{BA|RN:R :NQ&&&
jouakanhn minc;u 1975! A\d jouakanin |o\n Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zii Sinote oro,oum ka\azouz ka.aka\;l Fattat Arq;piskopose ir pa,tønin mh= ;u :k;[;zakan Qnncakan \an]na.oumb me st;[‘;z ousoumnasir;lou Krhkouar Arq;piskoposi groujiunn;re stoug;lou famar% or anonq Qristonhakan wardap;touj;an f;t .otor ke fam;mathin jh oc! Jh;u Fattat Arq;piskopos \a=o[;zau Watikani a®=;u ir t;soujiunn;re pa,tpan;l ;u Watikani patkan marminn;re a\d grouj;anz mh= f;r;tikosa\in oc mhk tramadroujiunn;r gtan% a\soufand;r] an t;[akan nouirap;touj;an ko[mh partadir fangst;an kocou;zau fauataz;al vo[owourdi kamqin ;u bo[oqin faka®ak ou ~ara\a\i wanq;rhn min qa,ou;zau ,r=ani me famar! Ba\z a\d m;kousazoume ;rkar ct;u;z ou Fattat Arq;piskopos ibr;u anka. anfat% ,arounak;z ir a®aq;loujiune minc;u ir k;anqi w;r=e! Patas.an;low lragro[i me farzoumin Arq& Fattat esa‘ h& ªIm nkatmamb ;[a‘ qnnadatoujiunn;re in‘i famar noroujiun c;n ;u a\d .øsq;re wras c;n axd;r! In‘i famar kar;uore a\n h% or .i[ys fangist h! Qriston;a\i im .[ymtanqs ir andorre ke gtnh a,.arfakanouj;an mh= ;u o*c jh fama\nqa\in drouj;an mh=! :s a\sphs ;m% orowf;t;u ;s fowiu ;m ;u fauataz;alº! A\s fowiue ;u fauataz;ale ir bowandak k;anqe nouir;z Libanani^ a®anz .troujiun dn;lou ir;n dimo[n;roun mh= anonz fama\nqa\in patkan;liouj;an patya®ow! Ir axatamtoujiune% la\na.ofoujiune% ;rk.øsouj;an kar;uorouj;an nkatmamb oun;za‘ famoxmounqn ou an.a.t dirqoro,oume ;u ouri,n;re a\nphs incphs% or endoun;lou karo[oujiune xinq ke das;n Libanani ardi vamanaka,r=ani am;nhn axd;zik ;u f;[inakauor bar;kargicn;rou kargin! Libanani ;ritasardouj;an mta‘o[oujiune irmow kaxmou;zau isk enk;ra\in ardarouj;an ;u irar øgnouj;an ga[a'are Libanani mh= xargazan ir =anq;row! Fiusjen% 26 D;kt& 2015
SØS SARGS:AN (<ar& na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) M;q;nan;row ,tapoum ;n ‘owa'! Pasij h kocuoum ,r=ane&&& Srtis a,.atanqn aragaz;l h% spasoum ;m Mousa L;rane ou mtqoums sarsa'oum% or \ankar‘ karo[ ;m ct;sn;l! Fima ;m faskanoum a\n s'iu®qafa\in% or Fa\astan h galis Ararate t;sn;lou \o\sow ou&&& Ch% ba.ts b;roum h% ba.t oun;m% Mousa l;®e ‘a‘koua‘ ch m,ou,ow&&& L;®e ;r;uoum h&&& :r;uoum h fa\ mardou arvanapatououj;an% .ixa.ouj;an bar]ounqe&&& Anwa. ;nq ;[;l a\st;[% a®a=nord ;nq oun;z;l% m;r bakn ou m;r toune pa,tpan;l ;nq% ouroure t;sa‘ l;[apata® c;nq 'a.;l% c;nq sarsa';l% mhkt;[ou;l ;nq&&& M;r ;r;se parx ano[ Mousa L;®&&& Mousal;®zin;r&&&! L;®e wij.ari m;knou;l% pa®k;l h ‘owa'in ou inqn ir mh= lou® mtoroum h t;sa‘n ou imaza‘e&&& møt;noum ;m =rin&&& Fin ‘anøji phs aliqe oura. .,,ozow waxoum h in] enda®a=% taq ou 'a'ouk grkoum h srounqn;rs% mi paf mnoum h a\dphs% kar‘;s karøtn h a®noum% apa ',ruoum% '®uoum otq;ris tak&&& K®anoum ;m% a[i =oure bou®-bou® ªaznoum ;m ;r;sis&&&º! (Sir;li enj;rzo[% jo\l tour orphsxi Søs Sargs;ani w;ri sqanc;li aproumn;roun wra\ au;lzn;m qani me to[% orowf;t;u an ‘owou =ourow ;r;se loualh ;tq% .acaknq;z ;u arzounqot acq;row ba®aziørhn esau f;t;u;ale% xor an=n=;li mnaza‘ h mtqis ;u t;so[ouj;ans mh= ;u ke zauim lousankari gor‘iqs toune mo®za‘ ellalous famar! :rkouqs a®an]in hinq% \ouxoua‘ hr m;‘ fa\r;nashre ;rb .øs;zau - ª|akob% ‘ow coun;zo[ ;rkire^ ;rkir ch*&&&º) |&A! ªA®auøt;an ou[;uoruoum ;nq Q;sap^ Kilikia\i patmakan ,r=ann;riz mhke! A®a=in A,.arfamartiz \;to\ sa no\nphs troua‘ h ;[;l Jourqia\in! Artasafmani fa\;re inc-inc fnarqn;row fas;l ;n a\n banin% or a\s 'oqrik fo[aktore mna\ Siria\i safmann;roum! Fa\;re w;radar];l ;n ir;nz tn;re! A®a=in angamn ;m S'iu®qoum fa\kakan giu[ ou giu[azi t;snoum! Mousa L;ran ko[qin% gr;jh irar kpa‘ fa\kakan giu[;r^ Pa[ya[ax% Garatouran&&& Juoum h A,taraki giu[;riz mhkn ;m^ Ou,i kam as;nq Biurakan% a\nqan h amhn inc fa\;rhn ou nman&&& Fa\kakan ta®;row zouzanakn;r^ ªAniº ya,aran&&& Fa\ mardik a\gin;roum 'oroum waroum ;n% a\roum ko\t ara‘ t;r;un;re% tn;ri a®a=^ auax% simhnj% incor ka®ouzoum% ,inoum ;n% ou amhn t;[ k®iu h qari f;t% manr ou .o,or qari f;t% incphs boun
Fa\astanoum% pa\qar h mi jix fo[i famar&&& M;r .acn h% m;r yakatagirn h qarn a\s a,.arfoum&&&! "o[ozow tar;z kin h anznoum% parx fagnoua‘% pa\ousake ];®qin&&& m;r amhn giu[oum nra nmane ka\! |akobe m;q;nan kangn;znoum h! - Bar;u tikin% incph#s hq! - Lau ;m% ,norfakal ;m&&&! - };r ano#unn inc h! - Nouard&&&! - A\s parone ke yancna#q&&&! Tikine 'oqr-inc k®anoum h% al;.a®n glou.e møt;znoum h m;q;na\i patoufanin% ;rkar xnnoum! - Ama@n&&& Nafap;te ch#&&&! - Inqn h% - fryuoum h |akobe! - Fram;zhq toun% m;xi fram;zhq&&& K*a[ac;m&&& Asank c*ellar&&&! |akobe fas;l h ir npatakin^ in] yanac;l ;n% inqe \a[janaka‘ h! - Ouri, angam% tikin% ouri, angam&&&! Garatourani 'o[ozow w;rin ja[iz danda[ i=noum ;nq n;rq;u^ ª’owi ja[eº% dhpi ‘ow&&& Ko[q-ko[qi ;rkou ‘a®apat% kanac l;®n;r 'h,;rn i=;zr;l ;n taq =ri wij.ari jasi mh=% ;u dranz aranqiz anspas;li bazuoum h xoulal =r;ri kapo\t fa\;lin&&& Xma\l;li t;saran! W;rada®noum ;n Garatouran giu[e! Mi tan a®a=% f;nz 'o[ozoum mardik z;.e ,a[a. ;n ar;l^ inc-or pat ;n ,aroum! |akobe m;q;na\iz i=noum h% mtnoum nranz mh=% parkn ousin gza‘% comba.e ];®qin nranz h mianoum fauanabar giu[i fowiue&&& A,.o\v .øsqa'o. ;n linoum% \;to\ møt;noum ;n in]! Gofounak vptoum ;n! - H% a\o&&& }ori Miron h&&& Nman h&&&! :[ba\r |akobi oura.ouj;ane ca' cka\&&& >mbow lousankaruoum ;nq&&& Faraxat giu[% faraxat mardik% a\sqan irar nman% a\sqan no\ne% a\sqan bavan% irariz f;®ou&&&! :[ba\r |akobi bar;kam Mowshs Manyik;ani toune w;r=aphs gtnoum ;nq! Dou®e bazuoum h! Dhpi m;x h waxoum =af;l bartou phs% barak yipoti phs&&& Anin! Ke lini tasnw;z tar;kan% inqe maral% amhn acqe marali nora‘in ]ag^ .onau ou anm;[&&& oura. h% or ;k;l ;nq% na\oum h m;x% da®noum h 'a\l'lo[ ast[ik! >andawa® h Anii ma\re^ Marøn .a®nou;l h irar% ];®q;re tara‘;l^ bar;u% bari t;sanq% grkn.a®nuoum% fambouruoum ;n g;[awari pind ou iskakan%Incph#s hq% la#u hq Alis% |akob&&& Øf&&& tikin Søsi&&& n;rka\aznoum ;n in]! N,anakoujiun couni ow ;m! - Fa\r;niqh#n h&&& Øf&&& Af&&& Irau k*eshq% Fa\astanh#n&&& Bari <ar& h= 16
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grau;l h ;rkrord t;[e 12 jim;ri mi=;u! Fa\ embi,n;re mi;uno\n 8-0 fa,ouow \a[j;l ;n Tayikstani ;u Ouqrania\i jim;rin% 7-1 fa,ouow^ foungarazin;rin! :xra'akicoum m;r jimi mrzakizn hr iranakan ªBim;\h Âaxiº jime! Fa\ embi,n;re 7-1 fa,ouow xi=;zin tanthr;rin ;u bauararou;zin ar‘ajh m;taln;row! ªTinamøºn fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& Nar;k >acatr;an (59 qk&)% |owfannhs Ward;r;s;an (66 qk&)% Armhn |akob;an (71 qk&)% Âoubhn {arip;an (75 qk&)% G;[am Jorgom;an (80 qk&)% Argi,t Abgar;an (85 qk&)% Wafh Simon;an (98 qk&) ;u Wacik :[iaxar;an (130 qk&)! Mrza,ari mrzanaka\in fimnadrame kaxmoum hr 100 faxar tolar! A®a=in t;[e grauo[ jime ke stana\ 50 faxar% ;rkrorde^ 30 faxar% ;rrorde^ 20 faxar tolar!
FA|ASTANI ~OUJPOLI FAUAQAKANE MARTIN K*ANZKAZNI 2 ENK:RAKAN FANDIPOUM 2016-i Marti 21-29-e ~I~A-i ko[miz safmanoua‘ h mi=axga\in enk;rakan fandipoumn;r anzkazn;lou vamanakafatoua‘! FF ~D-i ;u P;la®ousi ~D-i mi=;u ardhn ];®q h b;rou;l fama]a\noujiun% a\d enjazqoum enk;rakan .a[;ri famar na.at;soua‘ a®a=in øre% :r;uanoum enk;rakan fandipoum anzkazn;lou kapakzouj;amb! A\s pafin enjanoum ;n banakzoujiunn;r n,oua‘ vamanakafatoua‘oum ;us mhk enk;rakan fandipoum anzkazn;lou kapakzouj;amb!
GOÂ MINAS:ANI AR’AJH M:TALE Groxnioum (ÂD) auartou;z ‘anramarti ÂD-i na.agafi gauaji .a[arkoujiune% orin masnakzoum hin 94% 105 ;u +105 qk& qa,a\in marxikn;re! FF-n n;rka\azno[ 21-am;a\ Go® Minas;ane g;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum ;rkamarti 425 qk& (195+230) ardiunqow 2-rdn hr! |a[jo[e Âouslan Alb;gown hr (ÂD)^ 440 qk& (205+235)!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • AMH-oum auartou;z ªAl-Ain Classic 2015º mi=axga\in mrza,are% orin masnakzoum hin Fa\astani 14 ,a.matistn;r! Amhniz \a=o[ fandhs ;kau grosma\st;r Arman "a,ik;ane% ore 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u am'o'ic mrza,ara\in a[iu sakoum pa\qarn auartou;z ;rrord t;[oum! |a=o[ hr na;u grosma\st;r Âob;rt |owfannis;ani masnakzoujiune% ow 6&5-akan miauorow% ba\z lrazouzic zouzani,n;row ;xra'ak;z lauago\n tasn;ake! • Qajari ma\raqa[aq Tofa\oum auartoua‘ ªQatar Masters Open-2015º g;rmrza,ari \a[jo[ h dar];l Magnous Ka®ls;ne% or 9 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 7 miauor! Wladimir |akob;ane mhk miauorow \;t h mnaz;l a®a=atarn;riz ;u lrazouzic zouzani,n;row dar];l h 13-rde (bavan;l h 8-17-rd t;[;re)!
:JH :{BA|RN:R :NQ&&& z;l% laua,e c;n mo®az;l Kilikia\oum&&& Qarta, N,ane na;u gousan h% parxuoum h% f®cakauor% ;rgoum h% \;to\ ;rg h \ørinoum t;[n ou t;[e% im galou wra\% im ;ka‘ yambi famar% or&&& Or ke sksoui anou, Fa\astanhn% karøti ;rkrhn&&& |;to\ ;rg h ;rgoum im .ndranqow% Q;sapi barba®ow&&& S;n;akoum hl t;[ cka\&&& K;naz .øsq;r% fin ou nor patmoujiunn;r% katak% ‘i‘a[% a[mouk% taqaza‘ glou.n;r% giu[i qh`&&& Mo®anoum ;m% or Fa\astan c;m! Tann ;m% im ‘anøjn;ri% faraxatn;ri f;t% m;r giu[;riz mhkoum! - :[ba\rn;r% ;[ba\rn;r% in‘i lshq% a\sphs c*ellar% ga®e piti morj;m! - N,ann h^ tanthre! Bolore fama]a\n ;n% ;s j;ue b®noum ;m&&& Marøn .inde ;r;sin% mi roph dadar couni^ frama\oum h% kargadroum h% sramtoum h ou inqe xil ou boloriz bar]r kckcoum h&&& Fima ;[ba\r N,ane siro\ ;rg piti ;rgh&&& N,ane patrast h% ;rgoum h ir \ørina‘ ªFowiui siro\ ;rge% or Kilikia\i sar;roum ke tocoroui karøthn&&&º! ’;rounaxard tikin Maro\i ma\re% ;r;u;li% ou,adroujiun h grauoum% patmoum h^ ª:r;uan
;ka\% ;r;soun tari ;[børs ct;sa‘% gor‘hn toun chr ;ka‘ takauin% esi piti clam% piti clam% piti ;rg;m% ke na\im dours% faxiu bake mtnh ;[ba\rs% piti ;rg;m&&&º Otqi h ;lnoum al;f;r kine% bopik otq;row a\‘i morjou wra\ kangna‘ am;na\n lr=ouj;amb \a\tararoum h ;rg^ {arip a[bør masin&&&! :u zouzadroum h% jh incphs h dimauor;l :r;uani Kilikia ja[amasoum ir faraxatin! >or,oma‘ dhmqe^ pa\‘a®% vpite^ ,ourj;rin% ];®q;re .øsoun% ;rgoum h&&& :rgoum h ;rkar% orowf;t;u a\s ;rge ;rkar h% orowf;t;u fima hl karøtoum h ;[børe% orowf;t;u endfanraphs srtoum karøt ka\ ou jh;u vptoum h% ou jh;u marmine ]ig h ou fpart h k;zoua‘qe% arzounqn;re gloruoum ;n .or,omn;ri aranqn;row% gloruoum ;n% enknoum ;n za‘&&&! Marøn na.a];®noujiune noriz h w;rznoum! Inc-or jouin% Ma\isi mhkin :r;uanoum h ;[;l&&&! <q;rji ;n dours ;k;l! Fa\astani drø,e faraxatn;riz w;rzr;l h ou ];®qn a®a‘ ;r;q vam qa\l;l 'o[ozn;row% anz;l fraparakow&&& patmoum h Marøn ou .ndoum&&& A\sphs ;r;q vam wa\;l;l h Marøn ir p;takanoujiune&&&!
*** - Ow or Fa\astanin dhm h% im j,namis h&&& A\s ];®q;rows ke bxkt;m&&&! - Im før tounn h asika% im før k;naze piti .m;nq% im pap;rou% im tofmi k;naze&&&! - Atika ;r=ankoujiun h tofma‘a®e \i,;le% papou toune \i,;le% git;nal% or førd toune ke mtn;s% fon k*apris&&& Marde at h&&& Isk m;nq s'iu®qafa\;rs a,.arfi 'a®af;[ po[otan;roun wrann;r h or ke .';nq% vamanakauor k*aprinq fos% fon^ fos&&&! _ :r;uanoum% P;ry ~axl;ann hr% or bavak bar]razr;z ou a\sphs .øs;z! - M;nq xrkoua‘ ;nq am;najank banhn^ før tounhn% or takauin .loua‘ ke mna\ m;xmh!W;r=;rs hl entaniqow t;[a'o.ou;l h Qanata! <outow amanor h! S'iu®qi dprozn;roum ousouzcoufin phtq h farz ta\ ;r;.an;rin! - :r;.an;r% ourt;[h#n kou ga\ Ka[and Papan&&& "oqrikn;re fauatqow li acq;row ke patas.an;n& - Ka[and Papan kou ga\ Fa\astanhn&&& Ke patas.an;n% ke spas;n&&&! H