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Nor Or, January 26, 2017, No. 4 _N.O. Blank 1/25/17 6:05 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 4, Thursday, January 26, 2017

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Nor Or, January 26, 2017, No. 4 _N.O. Blank 1/25/17 6:05 PM Page 4


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Thursday, January 26, 2017 Vol. 95, #4


Armenia PM invites his Russian counterpart to Yerevan

Armenia MP in PACE: No one incompetent has the right to stick his nose in Karabakh conflict

Russia and Armenia can establish a special investment cooperation foundation. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated the aforementioned after the meeting with his Armenian counterpart Karen Karapetyan on Tuesday, TASS reports. “A whole range of directions of investment cooperation were discussed. There is an idea related to the establishment of a special foundation for these purposes. We agreed to give instructions to relevant agencies to analyze the possibility of establishing such a foundation, directions of the investment cooperation, as well as the sources of funding,” Medvedev said. According to the Russian PM, Russia and Armenia have a good potential for developing cooperation in the agro-industrial complex, including in the organization of joint production. “Last year the import of food products from Armenia significantly grew, this being due to Armenia’s accession

STRASBOURG. - No one incompetent has the right to stick his nose in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Member of the Armenian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Naira Zohrabyan, who is also an MP of the Armenian National Assembly (NA), noted the aforementioned in the statement submitted to the PACE Secretariat on Tuesday, referring to the report “Attacks against journalists and media freedom in Europe”by Volodymyr Ariev. In particular, Zohrabyan noted in her statement that instead of referring to the 224 cases of hindering the professional activities of journalists in Ukraine, the murder of famous Ukrainian journalist Pavel Sheremet in downtown Kiev and other serious issues, Mr Ariev reserved himself a right to stick his nose in the NagornoKarabakh conflict in the aforementioned report, making unacceptable statements and

to the Eurasian Union. If we speak about the agriculture, there is a very good development potential here not only in terms of mutual purchase of goods and farm equipment but also in terms of organizing joint production,” Medvedev said. Karen Karapetyan, for his part, invited Dmitry Medvedev to visit Yerevan. “May I take the opportunity to invite you to pay an official visit to Yerevan,” he said.

SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE APPROVES SECRETARY OF STATE NOMINEE REX TILLERSON WASHINGTON, D.C. - On January 23, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved President Donald Trump's Secretary of State nomination of Rex Tillerson by a party line vote of 11 to 10, clearing the path for approval by the full Senate. As genocide denialists are calling upon President Trump and his team to guarantee that the Armenian Genocide will not be recognized by his administration, Trump's cabinet nominees are taking a considered view of this important human rights issues. Responding to a question for the record posed by New Jersey's senior Senator, Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the Secretary of State nominee, for his part, said: "The tragic atrocities of 1915 remain a painful issue in the relationship between Armenia and Turkey, and it is in the U.S. interest to ensure peaceful and stable relations between the two countries. If confirmed, I will support a full accounting of the historical events and an open dialogue between Armenia and Turkey in the interest of regional stability." Additionally, President Trump's U.S. Representative to the United Nations nominee Nikki Haley responded to Senator Menendez's question about supporting a U.S. declaration calling the Armenian Genocide as such and whether the failure to do so hereto speaks ill of our values and encourages the continuation of such crimes. She promised: "I will never shy away from calling out other countries for actions taken in conflict with U.S. values and in violation of human rights and international norms." Focusing on Turkey's violations of basic freedoms, Tillerson made it clear that he is "very concerned about many of the measures recently taken by the Turkish government." He stated: "Religious freedom is a

core American principle and an important aspect of international peace and stability. If confirmed, I will work with Turkey to safeguard religious minorities and promote respect for their cultural heritages, including the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Halki Seminary." "The Armenian Assembly greatly appreciates Senator Menendez's long-standing commitment and leadership on Armenian issues and the questions he raised for the nominee," stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. As Tillerson awaits a final vote by the full Senate, more responses to questions regarding U.S.-Armenia relations and the region are anticipated. "We look forward to working with the new Administration and Congress to further strengthen the permanent bonds between the United States and Armenia as well as expand economic opportunities for Armenia," Ardouny said.

conclusions. “I have the impression that the author of the report used the topic of the media freedom in Europe as a pretext for qualifying Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan and the Artskah authorities as separatists. Mr Ariev, you are apparently unsettled about the laurels of Luca Volontè, Bob Walter, Milica Markovi! and a number of other PACE deputies and rush to replace them. I wouldn’t advise this since they and the rest of the Azerbaijani lobbyists don’t face good days,” she said.

NOR OR ENG. Jan 26:Layout 1 1/25/17 6:02 PM Page 2

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Thursday« January 26, 2017

GenEd & Glendale School District host 2-day teacher-training workshop

Going for Gold in 2024 Dear Friend: When I was on the Cleveland High School swim team, I remember day after day of exhausting laps in the pool. As we trained hard for our swim meets, one of the things that got me to push through those last meters was the sound of that unforgettable anthem of the Olympic Games. I was no Olympic athlete, but for the many athletes who train year-round for the opportunity to represent their hometowns, cities and countries, the dream of standing on the medal podium as "Bugler's Dream" resonates throughout the stadium is what drives each and every one of these individuals to push themselves further than they've ever gone before. Los Angeles is a city with a strong Olympic tradition. It is the only city in the world that has produced two successful Summer Olympic Games, both of which resulted in substantial gains for Angelenos. As we vie for the title of host city and submit our final bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics, I am proud to say that Los Angeles is not only putting forward the strongest Olympic bid for the International Olympic Committee's consideration but one that protects the taxpayers of this city. I've worked meticulously as a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on the 2024 Summer Olympics to ensure that Los Angeles does not put itself on the hook for unsupportable costs that don't benefit residents. As a watchdog for our financial interests, I have gone through the Host City Contract with a fine tooth comb. Having done so, and after numerous public hearings on the matter, I am confident that we are taking the necessary precautions as a city to put forward a very appealing, sustainable bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. With the protections, insurance and oversight now in place in the Host City Contract, LA's third Olympic Games will no doubt produce tremendous benefits for our city once again. The 2024 Olympic Games will connect LA's rich history with the future of this city. I believe that once LA is chosen as the site for 2024, the games will not only be a financial success, but will benefit the the city's economy, its taxpayers and its future. Los Angeles is one of the most diverse cities in the world. With this bid, we have the unique opportunity to lift the Olympic Games to new heights and inspire a new generation of athletes. Next up, the Host City Contract will go to the full City Council for a vote, after which it will be sent off to the International Olympic Committee for consideration. I will keep you updated as our bid moves forward in the months ahead. If you have comments about LA's bid for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, please contact me: paul.krekorian@lacity.org. Very truly yours, Councilmember Paul Krekorian, District 2

Glendale, CA – The Glendale Unified School District and The Genocide Education Project (GenEd) hosted a 2-day teacher-training workshop on Genocide education, using the Armenian Genocide as a case study. “In my 20 years of teaching in this district, this workshop was by far the best, most informative, and most beneficial workshop of my career,” wrote Angelina Dawson, a history teacher at Rosemont Middle School. In an email after the workshop, Dawson thanked the district for “providing outstanding speakers, short films, and plentiful resources for us to use in the classroom. They were organized, efficient, knowledgeable, and so kind.” Held at Glendale High School, January 17-18, the workshop provided teachers foundational training and exposure to multiple aspects of genocide teaching methodology and strategies. The new California History-Social Science Framework emphasizes the importance of Genocide Education for all students, with an expanded section on the Armenian Genocide. Gaby Orve-Perea, a 10th Grade World History teacher at Glendale High School said, “This workshop was very beneficial to teachers as it provided excellent resources and lesson plans to support genocide education and the new California History-Social Science Framework. I look forward to integrating what I have learned over the past two days into my lessons.” Primarily designed for 7th and 10th grade World History teachers, GUSD principals, 10th grade English teachers and department heads from neighboring school districts were also invited to attend.

More than 40 educators attended each of the days. District Superintendent, Winfred B. Roberson, Jr., said, “We are proud to offer this workshop and provide valuable, in-depth historical background and instructional resources about genocide for our teachers to take back to the classroom. Additionally, this training provides us a great opportunity to develop a common understanding that supports all students' social and emotional well-being.” Workshop Speakers included: • Dr. Levon Marashlian, professor of History, Glendale Community College • Dr. Vahram Shemassian, professor of Armenian Studies, CSUN • Sara Cohan, Armenian Education & Outreach Specialist, USC Shoah Foundation; GenEd Advisor • Dr. Alina Dorian Principal, Rose and Alex Pilibos School • Berj Parseghian, history department chair, Mesrobian School • Dawn MacKeen. journalist and author • Patil DerHovagimian, English language Arts teacher, Rose and Alex Pilibos School • Anthony Slide, film historian and author • Kay Mouradian, author and filmmaker • Naré Mkrtchyan and Iliana Guevara, documentary filmmakers • Roxanne Makasdjian, Exec. Dir., GenEd The Genocide Education Project is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization that assists educators in teaching about human rights and genocide, particularly the Armenian Genocide, as the prototype for genocide in the modern era.

Michael Minasian, who helped build the Armenian Genocide Monument in Montebello, dies at 85 By Mike Sprague, Whittier Daily News MONTEBELLO.- Michael Minasian, who helped build the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument in Montebello and was involved in the founding of the Armenian Mesrobian School, died Jan. 17 after a battle with cancer. He was 85. Memorial services for Minasian, who was from Montebello, will be held 11 a.m. Saturday at Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Cathedral, 900 W. Lincoln Ave. in Montebello. Burial and a graveside service will follow at Calvary Cemetery in East Los Angeles, after which a memorial luncheon will be hosted at the Bagramian Hall adjacent to Holy Cross Armenian Apostolic Cathedral. “He was a spirited man with a lot of character and his passing is not only a loss to his family but a loss to the community,” said Montebello Councilman Jack Hadjinian. Hadjinian said Minasian was an important member of the local Armenian community. “To his family, he was a family man,” he said. “To the community he was a leader and to all those who are involved in the pursuit of justice for the Armenian community, he’s a special person.” Minasian was involved in the movement to officially recognize the killing of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire, which became the modernday nation of Turkey, during World War I. He helped organize the first march in Montebello, as well as related events in Los Angeles, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Armenian genocide in 1965. Two years later he spearheaded the development of the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument atop a hill in Montebello’s Bicknell Park — the first monument memorializing the victims of the Armenian genocide to be constructed outside of Armenia on public land, according to the monument’s website.

Since the unveiling of the monument in 1968, Minasian assumed the responsibility of all city-related and maintenance issues of the site, often covering expenses himself, including the costs to place the monument’s identifying signs on the nearby Pomona Freeway, the only signs on an American public highway to display the words “Armenian” and “Genocide” together, according to his daughter Ani Gohar Minasian. Minasian was born in 1931 in an Armenian village near Varantzov, which was then in the Soviet Union, to Sukias and Rehan Minasian, both survivors of the Armenian genocide. They came from the Alashgerd area in historical Armenia. Minasian and his family left the Soviet Union after World War II, when they moved to a temporary camp in Stuttgart, West Germany, where more than 2,000 displaced Armenians gathered. In 1949, the family immigrated to the United States. Prior to becoming a U.S. citizen, Minasian joined the U.S. military in 1953, serving in West Germany as a linguist in the Psychological Warfare Department for two years. As a result of his service, he was naturalized as a U.S. citizen. In 1961, he moved to Montebello and married the daughter of his teacher and the sister of his best friend from the Stuttgart camp, Lydia Ajemian. Minasian owned an international music store in East Los Angeles, later became an insurance agent and then a housing developer. His company, Garfield Financial Corp., was involved with a dispute with the city over one of his properties. A settlement is pending. He is survived by his wife, Lydia; children Ani Gohar Minasian, Raffi Komitas Minasian and Murad Mher Minasian, all of Montebello, and Vart Tamar Perumean of La Habra Heights; and six grandchildren. Memorial donations may be made to Armenian Monument Council, P.O. Box 1935, Montebello, CA 90640.

Service Armenia 2017 BERKELEY, CA—The Paros Foundation is excited to announce its dates for SERVICE Armenia 2017. The Program will run from June 24 to July 25, 2017 and enables young people to travel and tour Armenia and Artsakh, while engaging in meaningful service projects benefiting Armenia and her people. Applications are now available on the Foundation's website www.parosfoundation.org. "I am looking forward to a fun and successful SERVICE Armenia 2017 program this summer." Said Peter Abajian, Executive Director of The Paros Foundation. "It is quite exciting to see students from throughout the country develop friendships with one another while working on meaningful service projects in Armenia." "Seeing what we accomplished over the month in Armenia was very meaningful for me. Working with the kids and working on renovating the three classrooms was very exciting and fulfilling." Said Alec Muradlyan, "I would definitely recommend this program to anyone interested." Throughout the Program, participants will tour historic, religious and cultural sites in Armenia and Artsakh with experienced, English speaking staff and guides. Safe and well located accommodations and transportation combined with interesting cultural and educational activities will ensure all will have an engaging and memorable experience. The program is open to both Armenian and American young people (ages 17 to 23ish) wishing to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Knowledge of the Armenian language is not required. Join us and create a lifetime of great memories and friends. The deadline to submit the completed application is April 1, 2017. "Overall, this was the best month ever and I couldn't imagine my first experience in Armenia any other way. I made amazing memories with the best people, who I will carry out friendships with for a lifetime!" Said Nicole Sarkisian, SERVICE Armenia 2015 Participant. More information including photos, video and the application form can be found at www.parosfoundation.org. For more information, please contact Peter Abajian (310) 4009061 or via peter@parosfoundation.org.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« January 26, 2017

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Armenia ex-PM parting ways with ruling party

147 - !hsan Da"ı By Hambersom Aghbashian !hsan Duran Da" (born in January 29, 1964 , in Kilis - Turkey) is a Turkish academician, writer and columnist. He is a graduate of Gazi University, Department of Public Administration, Economics and Science Faculty in 1985 . He received his master's degree in 1989 from the University of Lancaster in England, and his Ph.D degree in 1993. Since 2004, he has been a professor at the Faculty of International Relations at the Middle East Technical University, and is a columnist in Zaman and Today's Zaman newspapers. !hsan Da" is the author or co-author of many books in Turkish, among them are "Identity Discourse and Politics / The Origin of the Welfare Party in the East-West Context", "Islam and Politics in the Middle East", "Tradition and Change in Turkish Foreign Policy", "Turkey's Foreign Policy Agenda / Identity, Democracy, Security", "Human Rights Global Politics and Turkey", "Fear of Westernization / European Union, Democracy, Human Rights", and has published a book in english titled "Turkey: Between Democracy and Militarism Post Kemalist Perspectives" .!hsan Da" is married to Zeynep Da"ı , a member of the Justice and Development Party in Ankara and has two children. Ihsan Dagi is one of the Turkish intellectuals who have signed the “I Apologize Campaign” which was an initiative launched in December 2008 in Turkey by numerous journalists, writers, politicians and professors and called through a form of a signature campaign for an apology for what they considered as the “Great Catastrophe that Ottoman Armenians were sub-

jected to in 1915”. This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The campaign was done mostly online. The message shown on the website which people had to sign stated “My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers. I apologize to them.” The campaign was signed by 5,000 people in the first 24 hours of its publication and 30,000 signatories by January 2009. The campaign, which some interpreted as indirect reference to the Armenian Genocide, created widespread outrage in Turkish society. On Dec. 20, 2008, Today’s Zaman daily published a long article under the title (Joint committee of historians on Armenian debate) where it mentioned among other facts, the “apology” campaign, which has gathered support from many respected intellectuals, and the reactions to it have shown that there are disagreements not only between Turks and Armenians, but also among Turks concerning the incidents of 1915. There are distinguished figures both in the supporters and opponents of this campaign. If we have a sneak preview of more than 10,000 supporters notable intellectuals like Ali Bayramoglu, Ihsan Dagi, Cengiz Candar, Atilla Eralp, Enis Batur, Omer Laciner, Omer Marda, Leyla Ipekci, Huseyin Hatemi, Oral Calislar, Hasan Cemal and thousands are within the list of the supporters. So many people cannot be

just labeled as traitors or terrorists and ignored. A number of columnists who criticize the campaign’s wording or timing refrain from being disrespectful towards these people. (1) Under the title "The Armenian question, Turkey and the US", Ihsan Dagi wrote on Monday, April 27, 2009, "Can you imagine a foreign policy strategy in which a particular issue turns into a constant source of problems that cannot be resolved permanently? It appears that Turkish foreign policy has been taken hostage by the genocide issue and as if Turkey is prepared to do anything to make the word “genocide” be forgotten or prevent it from being spelled out. (2)

1.http://setasarmenian.blogspot.com/ 2009/01/more-on-turkish-onlineapology.html 2.http://www.joshualandis.com/blog /the-armenian-genocide

Golden State Bank and Ameriabank Cooperation Agreement Offers New Opportunities to Businesses and Individuals In California and Armenia Golden State Bank and Ameriabank have announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding which seeks to establish a closer collaboration between the two respected institutions, and enables existing and prospective customers of the two banks to have access to each other’s markets and services. Going forward, individuals and companies based in Armenia interested in accessing banking, real estate, and/or business markets in California, will have a trusted banking institution in Golden State Bank through Ameriabank’s intermediation. Conversely, individuals and companies based in the United States will have access to Ameriabank’s products and services via Golden State Bank’s referrals. This collaboration is the first such instance between an Armenia-based bank and a US-based commercial banking institution, and will offer unprecedented opportunity for individuals in and from Armenia to buy real estate in California and access a wide array of banking services through funding from Golden State Bank preliminarily applying to Ameriabank. Conversely, Golden State Bank will refer and act as an intermediary for US based companies and individuals to apply to Ameriabank for financing for the purpose of starting or purchasing a business and real estate, and many other products and services (distance account opening, cards, deposits, etc.). “We have good knowledge of and highly respect the Armenian banking sector. We have strong banking relationships in the Armenian American business community in Los Angeles. We are excited about our new relationship with Ameriabank which is one of the most respected and highly regarded banks in Armenia. We are looking forward to offer our clientele referral services and additional ease to invest and operate in Armenia, which will undoubtedly contribute to economic development and create new jobs in the country, at the same time offering services to entities in the Armenian market to access service areas and markets where Golden State Bank operates” said Mr. Tom


Byington, CEO of Golden State Bank. “I highly value the new cooperation with Golden State Bank which will make it possible to bridge the distance between Armenia and California, enable both banks to expand and boost their business and open up access to real estate markets for businesses and individuals. Our collaboration will facilitate the expansion of cooperation between the two countries, in particular, building new business relationships with an important segment of the Armenian Diaspora”, said Mr. Artak Hanesyan, Ameriabank CEO. About Golden State Bancorp and Golden State Bank Golden State Bancorp is the holding company of Golden State Bank. Golden State Bank is a California based full service bank, serving the business, commercial and professional markets. The Bank is committed to meeting the financial needs of its business clients with loans for working capital, equipment, owner-occupied and investment commercial real estate, and a full array of cash management services and deposit products for businesses and their owners. Golden State Bank meets its client’s needs through its head office and branch in Glendale and regional office and branch in Upland. For more information, please visit www.goldenstatebank.com. About Ameriabank Ameriabank is a dynamically developing bank and one of the major and most stable financial institutions in Armenia. The first investment bank in Armenia, Ameriabank has been providing a large package of innovative banking services since 2007. Now Ameriabank CJSC is a universal bank offering corporate, investment and retail banking services in a comprehensive package of banking solutions. It is also the largest taxpayer among Armenian banks. Ameriabank is the first bank in Armenia that has exceeded the threshold USD 1 billion in assets since the formation of modern banking system of independent Armenia in 1992. For more details, please visit www.ameriabank.am.

YEREVAN. Previous Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan is leaving the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA). He informed about the abovementioned, speaking to Aravot (Morning) newspaper. But Abrahamyan stressed that he will remain in politics. RPA Organizational Issues’ Committee Chairman and RPA Executive Board member Ruben Tadevosyan, however, told Armenian News-NEWS.am that the RPA has not yet received a letter of resignation from Abrahamyan. Hovik Abrahamyan was RPA vicechairman as well as Executive Board and Council member.

SMEDA JOINTLY WITH EIF IS ANNOUNCING THE INNOVATION MATCHING GRANTS COMPETITION The "Support to SME Development in Armenia" (SMEDA) project, which is cofunded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ PSD SC Regional Programme, in cooperation with Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF), announces two grant competition within the Diversified Access to Finance component of the SMEDA project. SMEDA jointly with EIF is announcing the Innovation Matching Grants competition. Overall, up to 18 grants will be provided in 2017 and 2018/2019 for 30,000 to 50,000 Euro, with a project duration of maximum 12 months within the Innovation Matching Grant competition. Furthermore, the project aims at stimulating the rate of technology absorption and commercialization of research ideas, and also fostering the collaboration between science and the private sector, especially the Armenian SMEs. The competition will also support grantees with the following activities: · Access to seed funding through matching grants for the competition winning start-up companies · Mentorship, networking opportunities, and expertise in user-centered innovation commercialization strategies and business development · Linkages with potential investors The competition is open to Armenian companies with a high technology background, for example in the field of Engineering, Cleantech, Biotech, etc., who are registered since at least one year in the Republic of Armenia and are able to provide necessary co-financing. Application deadline is February 5th, 2017. For all interested candidates, an info session will be organised to provide detailed information on the application process. In case of any questions regarding the grants competition, you may contact us by email: info@eif.am or phone: +37410 219797.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« January 26, 2017

Popular comedy “Where is your groom?” Part II to debut in New York City this spring NEW YORK, NY – The sequel to the humorous crowd-pleasing “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh)” will debut on Sunday, March 26, 2017 at Miller Theatre, a prestigious performing arts center in Manhattan. Three years after its original debut at New York City’s Players Theatre, followed by 10 performances around the country, America’s favorite Armenian family returns in this funny, smart, and culturally relevant play that ties together elements of the Armenian-American experience as the Keshishian family prepares for their daughter’s wedding. Audience members last saw Lara celebrating with her overjoyed family when she finally found her “pesa,” (groom), but her elation quickly diminishes at the start of the sequel when both sets of parents want to plan the wedding their own way. While the bride begins to reconsider her choices, Yaya’s online dating site becomes a hit to the chagrin of her new competitor, Marie the Matchmaker. Adding more complication, Lara’s “odar” (non-Armenian) ex-boyfriend plants seeds of doubt, fan-favorite Artem continues his search for a “hars” (bride) on the Bosphorus, and Lara’s brother Saro is on a quest to find himself as he dodges his mother’s mile-long “hars” lists. Hailed as an “insightful, heartwarming and laugh out loud comedy,” this standalone family story is one that touches all generations. Audiences will find familiar faces on stage as well as new ones who have joined the 20-person cast and crew consisting of active Armenian young professionals from the New York metro area. “The combination of the play’s unique humor and the matriarch Siroun’s infectious personality is what attracted me to become part of this production,” said Nairi Hartounian, a graduate student at New York University studying Public Relations and Corporate Communication. “It was the perfect opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone while representing my Armenian heritage.” After seeing a performance of “Where Is Your Groom?” Nvair Beylerian was eager to join the cast for the sequel and portray a matchmaking character new to the play’s canvas. “I was drawn to the colorful character of Marie because she felt so familiar to me. What would our Armenian community be like without well-meaning matchmakers and busybodies?” said Beylerian, awardwinning musician and creator of HYEfam-

Armenian alphabet bags are sold in Turkey After workbooks with Armenian alphabet calligraphy, Aras Publishing House of Istanbul, Turkey, has now introduced similar bags. An announcement that is posted on the Aras website noted that bags with Armenian bird calligraphy have been put on sale for 10 Turkish liras (about US$3), each. Bird calligraphy is a form of ornament writing where letters are made in the images of birds.

ily, providing educational Armenian music for children. “I’m so honored I was cast in this play along with such wonderful talent. I leave each rehearsal with new insight and laughter in my heart.” For Harout Nalbandian, who is originating the role of the groom’s father, he appreciated the connection between his character and his own family, so much so that he commutes from Philadelphia to attend rehearsals and participate in this artistic endeavor. “My character Khatchig is a basterma master and my father was a baker in Haleb,” said Nalbandian an accountant and actor. “And like my character, my father had a lot of pride in his recipes and love for his family.” While the new characters add a layer of richness and bring a fresh perspective to the production, original cast members are equally enthusiastic to be part of another chapter in their characters’ journeys. “In every city we performed, the response was incredibly positive, which is why it’s so exciting for my cast mates and me to give life to our characters one more time,” said Lori Cinar, who is pursuing a Master’s degree in speech pathology. “Through this production, I get the opportunity to further the Armenian literary and artistic tradition, which is among one of the richest legacies we can carry on. The chance to play Yaya the grandmother once more, as a representation of the women we all hold dear to us, is a source of pride for me and I’m certain this play will give audience members of all ages something to relate to.” The cultural relevance and accolades from audiences is what drew Taleen Babayan to write and direct a second part to the “Where Is Your Groom?” story. “As Diasporan Armenians we’re living in a time of change and it’s important to convey these contemporary issues through the arts in order to spur dialogue and create a more viable and forward-thinking community while preserving our cultural traditions,” said Babayan. “As a society we are conditioned to think the story ends with a proposal. In my opinion, that’s where the story begins.” “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh) Part II” will debut on Sunday, March 26 at 4 p.m. at the Miller Theatre and promises a night of laughs and entertainment while taking a closer look at Armenian-American life in the Diaspora. Tickets and more information are available at https:// whereisyourgroom. ticketbud.com. !

Armenian Film Society to screen film by Ruben Gevorkyants Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will screen an award-winning documentary about Italian screenwriter Tonino Guerra, AUTUMN OF THE MAGICIAN which will follow with a discussion with director RUBEN GEVORKYANTS on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. AUTUMN OF THE MAGICIAN is an introspective film about legendary Italian screenwriter Tonino Guerra. A subtle, inspiring look at a man who loves to live. Its beautiful imagery – whether it be of Guerra’s home, his magnificent sculptors scattered in various locations in Italy or an item as ordinary as a dripping faucet shrouded by approaching dusk- makes you retain a few pieces of Guerra’s magic. Tonino Guerra could well be the last representative of the Italian Renaissance. In scale and versatility he is comparable to Leonardo da Vinci. Guerra also has an enduring romance with Armenia. He looks longingly to the distance and remembers Armenia, the country he calls “another world;” one that captured and changed him forever. His love for Armenia has led him to give an exhibition at the State Pic-

ture Gallery of Armenia. A fund in his name has also been awarded to Rouben Gevorkyants for his contribution to international cinematography. RUBEN GEVORKYANTS graduated from the Yerevan Fine Arts and Theatre Institute, Directing Faculty (V. Achemyan’s workshop) in 1969. In 1971 he worked as a director at the Yerevan Studio of Documentary Films. He has been the Managing Director and Artistic Director of Hayk Studio of Documentary Films since 1989. In 2004 he was elected as Chairperson of the Cinematographers Union of Armenia. He is a professor at the Yerevan Institute of Theatre and Cinema. Since 2002 he is an Academician of the International TV and Radio Academy, and since 2004, the President of the National TV and Radio Academy. He has made more than 65 films. He has received 21 diplomas and awards at IFFs, including 6 Grand Prix. He is the author of three books.

"Hotel Gagarin”: An Italian-Armenian Comedy Film

Adventures of Italians In Armenia: Film Shoots To be Held in Yerevan ROME, (News.am) - Italian film director Simone Spada is going to shoot a film entitled "Hotel Gagarin”, whose actions will take place in Armenia. The filming started in Rome in December and continued in Armenia.According to the film plot, a film unit composed of five Italians is sent to Armenia to work on a film. However, war breaks out upon their arrival. The producer leaves the unit and disappears with money. Left to the mercy of fate in Hotel Gagarin—among forests and snow—they nevertheless find unexpected joy, which they will never forget.

Nor Or, January 26, 2017, No. 4 _N.O. Blank 1/25/17 6:05 PM Page 7

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 26 Úáõ$áõ!ñ 2017

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