ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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Vol. 95, # 5, Thursday, February 2, 2017

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95ñ ïñÇ« ÃÇõ 5, Ç·ßÃÇ! 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

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   -             ,              « »,    90    , , , , ,   ,   « »         , ,  ,          -   , ,           - 

ÆñÇ ùïáõÃÇõ»ñÁ ÂñÙ÷Ç «    »,      ,  -           «   ,                ,    »,   

Nor Or February 2, 2017, No. 5 _N.O. Blank 2/1/17 11:45 AM Page 2


Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

èÎñçÛÇìñãáõû åïáõÇñÏáõÃÇõÁ üñ»áÛÇÙ¿ç ÇÙáõÍ 1922-Ç (üñ»û) Established 1922 (in Fresno) äîúÜº èØÎì îÎÜ ÎàôêÎòàôºÜ ØÆòºÈ Üܶܺàô ºôØîºÜ æÜÆ


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èÎ«õ»ïÇë»» ÏáõÙÇ ßáñÑõáñÏ Ûó»ÉáõÃÇõÁ ÛëïÇ ÑÇõåïáëñ ,  28-,    ,   «»                                     ,  -       ,       

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  (Ellis Island)       1892  1-        12  , 1892-  1924   1954      ,  ,            35  1990-              

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  375           17-    1642-,         ,                       , ,      

           1867-       2017  1-,   

    :      ,        : ,                 :  ,            ,           :    :    -

    ,              1917   8-,     .                ,  «, »      « »   7-,          ,                 ,                         100- , 2017              ,    ,                 

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(  ) 2016-      (  «» )    ,           :    :      ,            :      ,         :                    

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

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lragir.am ,             ,           15    200    25-   ,              ,        200       ,   ,     

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Nor Or February 2, 2017, No. 5 _N.O. Blank 2/1/17 11:46 AM Page 5

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

«» 

¸áÏï.ñÇÏî·¿ë»åÇïÇ »ñÏÛó¿ÉÇÑÛ·ÇñùÇ ÑñïñÏáõûåïÙáõÃÇõÁ

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    ,       «»              -        «»                      ,     .   «Armenian Communities of the Eastern Mediterranean»,    , - ( )            ,  26-    .  ,        -      «»   .   ,  ,           .   .            «     , - ( )  ,    ,     19-       ,

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ÜàôÆîàôàôÂÆôÜ  « »       « » .   250      :

  , 26  2017-   5:00-,      (1901 N. Allen Ave., corner of New York Dr.)

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äøÆÜØÜØÔÂÜø ,  .               . 

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

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 ,  500  (7501258):        : , , , ,         ,    ,    ,   ,  ,      ,   : 1258-,        :      ,   ,   ,     ,      :              (991-1258):         :    500      37 ,     ,  , , , , ,    :      142 .   5  ,        :          :   ,    : ,   ,   1031-1075 .:    ,    ,     ,  .  ()     ,        « » , (  ):           :         :    ,          ,     :     -,   1075-1094 ..      - ,   1094-1118 .: ,       ,   ,       :    87 :       55      -

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Thursday, February 2, 2017 Vol. 95, #5


SECRETARY OF STATE NOMINEE REX TILLERSON SUPPORTS PEACEFUL RESOLUTION IN ARTSAKH Armenian Assembly Commends Senator Markey WASHINGTON, D.C. – As previously reported by the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly), the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved President Donald Trump's Secretary of State nomination of Rex Tillerson, and is currently awaiting approval by the full Senate. Senator Edward Markey (D-MA), a strong supporter of U.S.-Armenia relations, asked the Secretary of State nominee a series of questions about America’s role in the region. As a Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the U.S. plays a critical role in maintaining stability in the South Caucasus through its mediation of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Tillerson promised: "If confirmed, I will work with the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan to find a peaceful, long-term solution that allows for stability and prosperity in the region. The first step in this process must be to build trust by ensuring that all agreements between the parties are respected." "We call upon the Administration to hold Azerbaijan accountable for its blatant

cease-fire violations and resulting atrocities as well as Azerbaijan's continued targeting of civilian facilities such as a kindergarten in the Tavush region of Armenia," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. “We commend Senator Markey for raising key issues of concern for the Armenian American community and look forward to working him and his colleagues in the 115th Congress,” Ardouny added. Focusing on Armenia's other hostile neighbor, Turkey, Sen. Markey noted that “the United States has spoken clearly about the need for Turkey to lift its more than 20year blockade of Armenia and establish diplomatic relations with Armenia.” Senator Markey asked the Secretary of State nominee what steps he would take to ensure that Turkey ends its blockade of Armenia. Tillerson responded: “I will support the normalized diplomatic, economic, and civil society relations, between Armenia and Turkey in my ongoing discussions with the two parties. U.S. leadership and re-engagement in the region at large will help build

Dr. Antranig Dakessian to give a talk about the history of Lebanese Armenian book printing

Glendale, CA – Assistant Professor of the Haigazian University of Lebanon, DR. ANTRANIG DAKESSIAN will be visiting Glendale to present a special lecture in Armenian on the history of Lebanese Armenian Book Printing, to be held on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. Author will be introduced by Maggie Mangasarian-Goschin, director of the Ararat-Eskidjian Musuem. The lecture is dedicated to the Lebanese Armenian book printing. The first book published in Lebanon in Armenian dates back to 1894. It precedes the arrival of the Armenian refugees by two decades. The lecture will highlight the panoramic picture of the past 100-year Armenian book production in Lebanon and its evolution both in numbers and nature. It will touch upon the Armenian printing houses too and their contribution to Armenian book printing output in the Diaspora. The lecture will underline the role publishers, literary prizes

and publication series played in promoting this industry in Lebanon. It will touch on the development of song books, children’s books and will provide a picture of the current Armenian literary atmosphere in Beirut. Dr. Antranik Dakessian was born in Beirut. He received is MA in Armenian literature in 1983, Yerevan State University), MA in Political Science (American University of Beirut, 1989), MA in Research Methods and Analysis (University of Aberdeen, 2002), Ph.D. in Political Science (Swansea University, 2012). Director of the Armenian Diaspora Research Center (Haigazian University, 2011), member of the HU Administrative Cabinet (since 2012). Executive Secretary of the Haigazian Armenological Review (since 1993), member of the editorial board of the Yerevan-based Armenological Issues Bulletin (since 2014).

the necessary trust to improve relations between Armenia and Turkey.” He also added that he will "ensure protection of religious minorities and their property rights, including the Armenian community in Turkey." Tillerson assured that he is committed to fostering the relationship between the U.S. and Armenia, including economic opportunities. "It is in the interest of the United States to promote mutually beneficial trade between the United States and Armenia. If confirmed, I will work closely with the U.S. Trade Representative and other relevant parts of the U.S. government to explore the possibilities to expand trade and investment between the United States and Armenia in a way that creates U.S. jobs and economic growth," he continued. Tillerson also recognized "the tremendous challenges facing Armenia due to the influx of refugees" and plans "to ensure cost-effective assistance to Armenia as part of a broader strategy for handling the Syrian refugee issue and protecting U.S. national security interests."

White House refused to send its representatives onto CNN shows

Armenian PM will reshuffle cabinet

YEREVAN. – Zhoghovurd newspaper reported about upcoming Cabinet reshuffle in Armenia. The newspaper recalls that while forming his Cabinet in September, Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan was choosing candidates from his team or people who were the best candidates for the post at that time. However, according to rumors, “not everyone in a new Cabinet can stand his work speed which can be also seen during the Cabinet meetings”, the daily writes. A source in the government told Zhoghovurd that the Armenian PM is planning a reshuffle even before parliamentary elections. Moreover, he is likely to dismiss those who once were a members of his own team.

Poll: Nearly half of Americans support Trump’s immigration order “We’re sending surrogates to places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda,” a White House official said, emphasizing that CNN is not such a place, but adding that the ban is not permanent. The newspaper noted that the representatives of the president’s administration are still answering questions from CNN reporters.

At least 49% of Americans agreed with U.S. President Donald Trump's executive order, the Reuters/Ipsos poll found out. In turn, 41% disagreed with the travel ban. Another 10% of respondents did not express an opinion. According to the poll, some 53% of Democrats said they “strongly disagree” with Trump's action while 51% of Republicans said they “strongly agree.”

France decriminalizes Armenian genocide denial as constitutional council emphasizes freedom of expression French constitutional council ruled late Thursday that the criminalization of Armenian genocide denial is an "unnecessary and disproportionate attack against freedom of speech" and rescinded the ruling which labeled the denial as a "hate crime." "This ruling causes uncertainty regarding expressions and comments on historical matters. Thereby, this ruling is an unnecessary and disproportionate attack against freedom of speech," the council said. The ruling that criminalized the denial had caused anger and reaction among the Turkish society living in France as well as Turkey. The law carried a punishment of a year in prison or 40 thousand euros of fine. A similar law was also rescinded during former President Nicolas Sarkozy's term on grounds of freedom of expression. The European Court of Human Rights also ruled in 2015 that

Dou Perinçek, a prominent Turkish politician, executed his right of free speech when he denied the Armenian genocide in Switzerland where he was convicted, citing a democratic society would not subject Perinçek to a penalty for expression. The council reportedly took that fact into consideration before decision. From Turkey's perspective, the deaths of Armenians in eastern Anatolia in 1915 occurred after some Armenian nationalists sided with the invading Russians and revolted against Ottoman forcesA subsequent relocation of Armenians resulted in numerous casualties. Turkey describes the events of 1915 as a tragedy for both sides. Ankara has repeatedly proposed the creation of a joint commission of historians from Turkey and Armenia, along with international experts, to tackle the issue. “Daily Sahab”, Istanbul

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« February 2, 2017

Armenian EyeCare Project introduces new board members as 25th anniversary year is launched As the Armenian EyeCare Project (AECP) enters its 25th year of providing quality eye care to Armenia, the organization is pleased to announce its newest board members who will help facilitate the organization’s success for many years to come.

menian EyeCare Project is known for its professionalism and legitimacy,” Gevorgian, a real estate developer who runs the land development company AMG & Associates, says. “Anything I can do to help the underserved population in Armenia is time well spent.”


LUNCHEON AND CHILDREN’S FASHION SHOW Saturday, March 11, 2017, Beverly Hills Hotel The AMAA Child and Orphan Care Luncheon and Fashion Show is going to be absolutely fabulous this year! Once again, it will be at the world renowned Beverly Hills Hotel! We are preparing the Big Top and can’t wait to have you Step Right Up and Join the Fun! The show, featuring exclusive fashions from Bloomingdale's, is going to be spectacular, filled with surprises and our beautiful models, who are excited and ready to walk the runway to our guests’ delight. If you have a child model who would like to join the fashion show, please contact us immediately The luncheon chairs, Sandy Bedrossian, Caroline Tufenkian and Ani Zakari are working away feverishly to make this luncheon a huge success, all for the benefit of child and orphan care programs in Armenia & Karabagh and would be honored to have your child model this year’s incredible fashions! The silent auction committee, led by Sandy Bedrossian and assisted by Jean Kelegian, has procured some of the most beautiful items and adventurous experiences! We cannot wait for our guests to start the bidding…We are certain that the reception room will be buzzing anxiously with our guests racing to place the winning sticker on the bid sheets.. Good luck to all! And once again, we will have exclusive gift bags for you each to take home, donated by vendors who have each graciously come forward with exclusive items for our guests. We cannot wait to see our attendees’ reactions at all the goodies on

their individual chairs! And did we mention the very special entertainment specifically with you in mind?? Yes! It will be a fantastic event.. one not to miss. In 2016, your generous donations have helped to facilitate the sponsorship of nearly 2,000 children, support 6 kindergartens in Armenia and Karabagh, support of 3 Shogh community-based educational day centers in Yerevan, Vanadzor and Shushi, provide summer and day camp experiences for nearly 5000 children and youth, provide Christmas programs at 42 locations, including gift packages for 7,200 children, offer various art, sports, theater and tutoring classes for 1,500 children, and assist needy families with relief packages and provide medical and dental care to over 6,000 children. This is in 2016 alone! Remarkable! The amount of support is phenomenal and it has all come from our guests, our supporters and our donors! The children are so very grateful for all that you have done for them, and continue to do. So, Come One and Come All! Join us under the Big Top and continue to be part of an event that can change the lives of so many children far away by distance, but so very close in our hearts. For reservations or further information, please contact Elizabeth Agbabian at (310) 476-5306 or Savey Tufenkian at (818) 9568455. Ticket donations are $100.00. But please hurry…. Space is very limited!

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY WELCOMES RHODE ISLAND STATE CHAIR NARINE EMDJIAN WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) welcomes Narine Emdjian as the Assembly's State Chair for Rhode Island, where she will be continuing to work with the New England Armenian-American community. Emdjian has been working for the Secretary of State of Rhode Island, where she helped prepare for the federal, statewide, and municipal elections. She currently attends Johnson & Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island, where she is pursuing a Master's Degree in Business Administration. "I am honored to bring my contribution to the activities of the Armenian Assembly of America and to promote public awareness of Armenian issues in the United States as well as strengthen U.S.-Armenia relations. I will put all of my efforts to enhance the Assembly's advocacy and outreach initiatives in the great State of Rhode Island," Emdjian said. A graduate of Yerevan State University where she earned her Bachelor and Master degrees in Political Science, Emdjian is founder and former president of the non-profit National Center of Young Researchers in Armenia. Established in 2005, the Center specializes in grant writing and searching for potential funding for researchers. Emdjian started her career in the Press, Information, and Public Relations Department at the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she worked closely with local and foreign media representatives, research centers, think tanks, and nongovernmental organizations. "I am pleased to welcome Narine to the Assembly's expanding network of state chairpersons. I look forward to working with her and to supporting her as she advocates across the state and country to advance key policy objectives for our community," stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.

From left to right: Mr. Alexis Gevorgian, Dr. Khodam Rostomian, AECP Founder Dr. Roger Ohanesian, and Mr. Michael Sahakian Dr. Khodam Rostomian, Mr. Michael Sahakian, and Mr. Alexis Gevorgian joined the Board of Directors for the Armenian EyeCare Project late last year and each will bring their professional expertise as well as their personal dedication to fulfill the organization’s lifelong mission of eliminating preventable blindness in Armenia and providing quality eye care for every Armenian in need. “The Armenian EyeCare Project is very near and dear to my heart,” Dr. Rostomian, an ophthalmologist at Kaiser Permanente in Lancaster, says. Dr. Rostomian’s history with the AECP goes back to 1995, when the doctor joined the organization’s Medical Mission to Armenia, then as a junior medical resident. Appropriately, it is Dr. Rostomian’s early educational experience with the AECP that inspires him to further develop that section of the organization, be it through encouraging students abroad to visit Armenia with the group and learn more about ophthalmology or by providing quality medical training to doctors in Armenia so they can care for patients at the same level as physicians in the U.S. “I love that our mission goes beyond just charity,” Dr. Rostomian says. “Our goal is to establish an infrastructure in Armenia so the doctors there can be self-sustainable and be able to provide care even without us.” Dr. Rostomian, who also sits on the Board of Directors at Southern California Permanente Medical Group, intends to share his 20 years of experience working with large patient populations at Kaiser Permanente with the AECP so the organization can benefit from this knowledge and build its capacity capability to treat even more patients in Armenia. Sahakian also joins the Board of Directors at the Armenian EyeCare Project and says his respect for the organization grows with each visit to Armenia. “As I spend more time in Armenia, I find real value in the Project,” Sahakian, a business consultant and owner of MISHO Consulting, says. “It touches me when they save the sight of so many Armenians, especially of children and the elderly who can’t afford care on their own.” Gevorgian, the organization’s third new board member, echoes these sentiments. “Giving back to the community has always been important to me and the Ar-

Gevorgian adds that he hopes to add value to the AECP in its finances and operations, which is where his expertise lies. Rostomian, Sahakian, and Gevorgian join the Armenian EyeCare Project’s Board of Directors as the organization begins its 25th Anniversary year. The AECP will celebrate 25 years of service to Armenia by hosting several activities throughout the year —a special Mission Trip to Armenia in July with the organization that’s open to all its friends and supporters and a 25th Anniversary Gala in November, which will be the organization’s biggest Gala yet. “I think the EyeCare Project’s 25th Anniversary is a testament to the fact that our mission is based on a solid foundation,” Dr. Rostomian says. “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be around for 25 years and we wouldn’t be thriving like we are today.” Since 1992, the Armenian EyeCare Project has developed several sight-saving programs in Armenia, including eight subspecialty eye clinics in Yerevan; a Mobile Eye Hospital that travels throughout Armenia to treat patients unable to travel to the capital; a Center of Excellence for the Prevention of Childhood Blindness specializing in infants and children; and — its biggest project yet — five Regional Eye Clinics in five different provinces in Armenia so those living far from the capital can still receive quality eye care. To date, the organization has treated over 600,000 patients in Armenia and performed more than 20,000 surgeries. Rostomian, Sahakian, and Gevorgian will join the Project’s current board members: Mr. David Keligian, Mrs. Meredith Khachigian, Mr. Jack McHale, Mr. Archie Cholakian, Dr. Barry Kuppermann Dr. Richard Hill, and Dr. Roger Ohanesian, who is also the organization’s Founder and President. “The EyeCare Project is thrilled with the new energy that these committed Armenians bring to our Board,” Dr. Ohanesian says. “Since our inception, our board members have assisted us greatly in policy decisions as well as fund raising. We could not function without their considered direction when making difficult decisions. I would like to thank these new members as well as those I still call upon for advice from time to time.” To learn more about the Armenian EyeCare Project, visit its website — www.eyecareproject.com.

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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

148 - Eser Karaka By Hambersom Aghbashian Eser Karakas (born in 18 October 1953 in Istanbul) is a Turkish professor of economics and the head of Bahçeehir University's European Union department and one of the remarkable Turkish academics. He studied economics at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Boaziçi University -Department of Economics, then completed his master's degree in economics at Istanbul University, and earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Finance of the same university in 1985. Dr. Eser Karakas was appointed as assistant professor at Istanbul University - Faculty of Economics in 1987, then as associate professor in 1990 and became a professor in 1996. Between 1996 and 1999, he served as the head of the Finance department at Istanbul University, also as Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Sciences. Between 1993 and 2003 he served as the Dean of Bahcesehir University - Faculty of Business Administration. Between 2003 and 2007 he served as Vice- Rector at Bahcesehir University , also as Head of EU Affairs. He is a columnist for Star Newspaper and has many published books, among them, "Normalization Process of the European Union in Turkey," "Political Civil Global Economy", and many other books. In his article "2015 " in Todayzaman , Prof. Karkas wrote " 2015 will be a very im-

portant year for Turkey in many aspects, the general elections, the economic growth, a new democratic constitution, the settlement of the Kurdish issue and the Armenian genocide. He added " I am not a historian, I cannot read and write Ottoman Turkish and I have almost no special knowledge in the field. Due to this, I don't think I am qualified to speak about the background of the 1915 incidents. But, there is a fundamental reality which I, like everyone else, know, that there were many people in this country of Armenian identity 100 years ago; now, there are few such people. Even if we put the technical and historical dimensions of the issue aside, this basic and unpleasant fact is sufficient to show that very unnerving incidents took place in this country in 1915." He added " I think it is very important to approach the issue from a humanitarian perspective, regardless of whether you describe the incident as a great disaster or genocide." He continued "Developments unfavorable for a certain part of the Turkish state will take place in various countries around the world in 2015, the centenary of the 1915 incidents. Many parliaments will make decisions to recognize these incidents as genocide and important messages will be sent to Turkey and the pressure on Turkey to recognize these incidents as genocide will increase.

Although there is little time left before 2015, Turkey seems unwilling to take any steps that will diminish the pressure on the country due to the 1915 incidents. (1) Eser Karakas is of Sabbatean* descent and according to Rifat Bali a researcher and publisher in the field of non-Muslim minorities of Turkey, anti-Semitism, conspiracy theories, the social and cultural transformation of the Turkish society and Doenmes (Crypto Jews), and the author of " A Scapegoat for All Seasons: The Doenmes or Crypto-Jews of Turkey ", "...there is the claim that is was not the Turks, but the Sabbateans, who both planned and implemented the 1915 Deportation resulting in the mass slaughter and death of most of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian population. According to this view the idea of mass deportation and slaughter emerged because the country’s Jewish bourgeoisie wished to take control of the empire’s economic life, and, since many of the leaders of the ruling Committee of Union and Progress were of Dönme origin (e.g. Talât Pasha and Dr. Nâzım), they proposed this plan to the committee as a way of eliminating their Armenian competitors", but Eser Karakas is one of Turkish intellectuals who questioned about the lost Armenians during WWI and why there are only few of Armenian in Turkey now.

Political Rift Kills Turkey-Austria Engine Deal By Burak Ege Bekdil ANKARA, Turkey — Growing political tensions between Ankara and Vienna in recent months have resulted in the termination of an otherwise prospective deal between a Turkish and an Austrian company, both engine specialists. In October 2015, TUMOSAN, a privately owned Turkish engine maker, signed a deal with AVL List, an Austrian firm, for technical support for the engine that the Turkish company had been commissioned to develop. Under the deal, TUMOSAN would get technical support from AVL for the power unit of the Altay, Turkey’s first indigenous, new-generation main battle tank in the making. AVL also would provide know-how for the integration of the engine to the tank. The Turkish government insisted that the country should finally have the intellectual property rights and export licences for each part of the engine. In March 2015, TUMOSAN signed a 190 million (approximately US $200 million) contract with the Turkish government to design an engine for the Altay. The program involves the indigenous design, development, prototype production, testing and qualification of an engine for the Altay. TUMOSAN also will design and develop a transmission for the tank and produce critical parts for its engine, including the diesel pump, electronic control unit and injector. With know-how from AVL, TUMOSAN hoped it would conclude the program within 54

months and "with maximum possible local content." But TUMOSAN recently announced that it terminated its contract with the Austrian company due to unresolved disputes over export licences. A statement from the Turkish company said: “Under the contract [with AVL] the company had to provide us with the necessary [Austrian] government licenses within 90 days. After the company’s requests for extension for several times it became clear that the Austrian government insisted on issuing export licences on conditions that it would be interfering with the domestic [political] affairs of Turkey. After those conditions were rejected by SSM [Turkey’s procurement agency, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries] our company canceled the Technical Support Provider agreement [with AVL].” TUMOSAN also said it is negotiating with SSM a number of alternative engine solutions based on maximum local industrial input. Turkey and Austria have had problematic relations in recent months after Vienna began to loudly criticize Turkey’s alleged democratic shortage, especially after Ankara announced an emergency rule in response to a failed coup last July. Tens of thousands of Turks have been arrested and more than 100,000 government employees have been purged since the coup attempt. The Austrian government has said it would block Turkey’s membership in the European Union due to its failure to share common demo-

cratic culture with the rich European club. TUMOSAN’s deal with AVL was the first of its kind, ending up in failure due to political rift between Turkey and a western country. But it may not be the last. “Most Western government[s] will likely have a more pragmatic approach and ignore Turkey’s poor democratic credentials when it comes to arms sales,” said one London-based Turkey specialist. “Yet there may be some that may act more on political motives.” Turkish procurement bureaucracy shrugs off the threat. “Our local industry’s capabilities are far more advanced than they were a decade ago. It may cost us extra time, but we can develop systems on our own,” said one SSM official. “Or buy know-how from countries that do not interfere with our domestic [political] affairs.” Industrialists say that may push Turkey into solutions from manufacturers from the politically Eastern world. “Save for a couple of strategic systems, Western producers are no longer ‘indispensable’ for customers like Turkey,” according to one source. The rift between Turkish and Austrian engine makers may cause delays in the Alay program, analysts agree. SSM will announce a bidding for the serial production of the tank. The multibillion-dollar contract may eventually involve 1,000 tanks to be acquired in batches of 250.


* Sabbateans (Sabbatians) is a complex general term that refers to a variety of followers of, disciples and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Jewish rabbi who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1665 by Nathan of Gaza. Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he became a Jewish apostate with his conversion to Islam in 1666. Sabbatai Zevi's followers, both during his "Messiahship" and after his conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans. Part of the Sabbateans lived on until well into the 20th century as Dönmeh. 1-http://www.todayszaman.com/oped_2015-by-eser-karakas-_346443.htm

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« February 2, 2017

No official confirmation of Azerbaijan's Iron Dome deal YEREVAN. – There has been no official confirmation of Israel's deal with Azerbaijan regarding the purchase of Iron Dome so far, analyst Alexander Tsinker told Armenian News - NEWS.am, commenting on the reports that Azerbaijan had already purchased Iron Dome. “I want to note Israel's leaders have repeatedly stated that the relations with other states, including Azerbaijan, are not directed against any third country, as these relations are based on mutual interest of countries. At the same time, Israel being one of the leading developer and exporter of military products has recently signed a 5 million deal with Azerbaijan,” Tsinker said. The expert recalled that in December 2016 media reported about possible supply of Iron Dome quoting Azerbaijani minister. Iron Dome tactical missile defense system is designed to protect against uncontrolled tactical missiles with a range of four to 70 kilometers. However, it is unique as it is designed for a specific threat in a particular area, and this can restrict the interest of a country dealing with more traditional military adversary. Interestingly, the United States after investing in the development around billion dollars, refused to buy Iron Dome for its own forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. “I want to point out that no official confirmation of the deal with Azerbaijan have been reported to date. Indeed, the negotiations on Iron Dome supplies are underway with a number of countries, but in reality the system was purchased by only one country of the Far East, the name of which is not mentioned anywhere. Israeli military use Iron Dome model of the fourth generation, leaving the earlier version to the export,” he added. Armenia News - NEWS.am


Churches of the San Joaquin Valley will gather for a special service of worship and civic observance to commemorate an ancient battle fought to preserve their religious freedom. The Central California Armenian Community will observe Vartanantz at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 23, 2017. The commemoration will take place at the campus of the First Armenian Presbyterian Church, 430 South First Street at Historic Huntington Boulevard near Downtown Fresno. The commemoration is without charge and open to the public. On the Thursday preceding Lent each year, the Armenian people worldwide commemorate the anniversary of a conflict between Christian Armenians and Zoroastrian Persians in the year 451 A.D. The Battle of Avarayr came to symbolize the heroic efforts of the Armenian people to remain free from subjugation and steadfast in their faith. General Vartan Mamigonian commanded an Armenian force of 66,000 against a Persian army more than four times as large. Mamigonian was martyred during the battle and the Armenian forces were defeated in the war. The Armenian people were still successful in affirming and maintaining their Christian faith. The 2017 Vartanantz Commemoration is co-sponsored by the Knights of Vartan Yeprad Tahlij and Daughters of Vartan Alidz Oytag. Established in 1916, the Knights of Vartan is a fraternal service organization that encourages members to assume leadership roles in cultural, educational, religious, and charitable organizations and to better the Armenian nation worldwide.

ice and Civic Observance include the students of the Charlie Keyan Armenian Community School of Clovis, the Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Saint Paul Armenian Apostolic Church, St. Gregory the Illuminator Apostolic Church of Fowler, Saint Mary Armenian Apostolic Church of Yettem, Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church of Fresno, and the host congregation. Appellate attorney Philip Tavlian, the Secretary of the Ararat Armenian Cemetery Association, will offer special remarks at the 7:15 p.m. Civic Observance. The Vartanantz Commemoration will conclude with a fellowship reception featuring Armenia appetizers on the FAPC Campus. Forty immigrants from Marsovan chartered the Fresno congregation in a rented hall on July 25, 1897. The boyhood church of authors William Saroyan and A.I. Bezzerides and filmmaker J. Michael Hagopian, FAPC today is a multigenerational evangelical congregation drawn from the Old and New Worlds. The FAPC ministry team includes Senior Pastor Gregory Vahack Haroutunian; Reverend Mike Mekredijian, Associate Pastor for Young Families; and Reverend Philip C. Garo, Jr., Associate Pastor for Youth Ministries. FAPC is a member congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) and the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America. The 120th Anniversary theme of the congregation is: “FAPC is a house of prayer for each person knows their role.” More details about Vartanantz and the 2017 Commemoration are available by calling (559) 237-6638 or visiting www.fapc.net.

Maral Deyirmenjian

Ruth Ajemian Tourian

Alexis Ohanian: I am grandson of refugees who fled Armenian Genocide Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian wrote an open letter condemning Donald Trump's immigration ban. He called the executive order “not only potentially unconstitutional, but deeply unAmerican.” “After two weeks abroad, I was looking forward to returning to the U.S. this weekend, but as I got off the plane at LAX on Sunday, I wasn't sure what country I was coming back to,” he said. “We are a nation of immigrants, after all. In the tech world, we often talk about a startup’s “unfair advantage” that allows it to beat competitors. Welcoming immigrants and refugees has been our country's unfair advantage, and coming from an immigrant family has been mine as an entrepreneur. As many of you know, I am the son of an undocumented immigrant from Germany and the great grandson of refugees who fled the Armenian Genocide. A little over a century ago, a Turkish soldier decided my great grandfather was too young to kill after cutting down his parents in front of him; instead of turning the sword on the boy, the soldier sent him to an orphanage. Many Armenians, including my great grandmother, found sanctuary in Aleppo, Syria—before the two reconnected and found their way to Ellis Island. Thankfully they weren't retained, rather they found this message: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the

wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” My great grandfather didn’t speak much English, but he worked hard, and was able to get a job at Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company in Binghamton, NY. That was his family's golden door. And though he and my great grandmother had four children, all born in the U.S., immigration continued to reshape their family, generation after generation. The one son they had—my grandfather (here’s his AMA)—volunteered to serve in the Second World War and married a French-Armenian immigrant. And my mother, a native of Hamburg, Germany, decided to leave her friends, family, and education behind after falling in love with my father, who was born in San Francisco. She got a work visa as an au pair in the U.S., uprooting her entire life for love in a foreign land. After she and my father married, she received a green card, which she kept for over a decade until she became a citizen. I grew up speaking German, but she insisted I focus on my English in order to be successful. She eventually got her citizenship and I’ll never forget her swearing in ceremony. If you’ve never seen people taking the pledge of allegiance for the first time as U.S. Citizens, it will move you: a room full of people who can really appreciate what I was lucky enough to grow up with, simply by being born in Brooklyn. It thrills me to write reference let-

ters for enterprising founders who are looking to get visas to start their companies here, to create value and jobs for these United States. My forebears were brave refugees who found a home in this country. I’ve always been proud to live in a country that said yes to these shell-shocked immigrants from a strange land, that created a path for a woman who wanted only to work hard and start a family here. Without them, there’s no me, and there’s no Reddit. We are Americans. Let’s not forget that we’ve thrived as a nation because we’ve been a beacon for the courageous—the tired, the poor, the tempest-tossed. Right now, Lady Liberty’s lamp is dimming, which is why it's more important than ever that we speak out and show up to support all those for whom it shines—past, present, and future. I ask you to do this however you see fit, whether it's calling your representative (this works, it's how we defeated SOPA + PIPA), marching in protest, donating to the ACLU, or voting, of course, and not just for Presidential elections. Our platform, like our country, thrives the more people and communities we have within it. Reddit, Inc. will continue to welcome all citizens of the world to our digital community and our office. And for all of you American redditors who are immigrants, children of immigrants, or children’s children of immigrants, we invite you to share your family’s story in the comments.”

Nerses Festekian The Armenian Evangelical Center High School Alumni Association of Los Angeles is proud to announce its 27th Anniversary Banquet with a great dinner, special guests, and exceptional entertainment on March 10, 2017 at 7:30pm at the award winning Phoenicia Restaurant in Glendale, CA. This year the Association will honor Mrs. Ruth Ajemian Touryan of Pasadena, CA as “Educator, Teacher and Contributor” with the “Rev. Yenovk Hadidian” Award, and Mr. Nerses Fesdekjian of Toronto, Canada as “Alumnus of the Year.” Mr. Varouj Charkhedian will be honored for his services as the chairman of CHS Alumni 2013-2016, and Mr. & Mrs. George and Vivian Loussararian as “Major Contributor” to AECHS with “Rev. Yenovk Hadidian” Award. Among the guest attending the banquet will be Principal of CHS, Mrs. Maral Deyirmenjian. On this occasion, we affirm our commitment to continue to provide financial assistance to students who need it, and support the life changing work of the teachers at the staff that the Armenian Evangelical Central High School. Our Motto is: WE CARE FOR CHS To reserve your table, please call Sonia A. at: 818-632-8300 CHS Alumni Association Committee

Nor Or February 2, 2017, No. 5 _N.O. Blank 2/1/17 11:46 AM Page 7

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

      `       ` «  »      20082015     :     ,    ,    :         `   ,       ,  ,     :      ,    ` -, -,   -  ,       :         ,  `   :     «», «», «», «», «» (` ), «», « », « », « » (` ), «» (), « » ()   «»  « »   :        ,     `     :   ,        ,   ,      :  .  ’ ,       :      ,  , « ,   »  `       :           ,        :  `  2008-   . «      ,      ,     » ( 13): ,   .   ,            `    :      ,         ,      «-



äñáÛñÕåß». «¸ÇïñÏáõÙ»ñ»õïáõÙ»ñ» îåñ«ø»ëï¿»»,ä¿ÛñáõÃ,2016,369¿ç ÚàôÂÆôÜÆêÎîºÜ    »   ( 14-16):   . «      , ... »:           ,      , - ,         :  ’ .        ( 37-39),   ( 42-44),           ( 44-47)     :          `    :   ’ -           ’         ( 66-69)`             : `      «»    `                    :  .      , , . , , ,    :             :               : ,       :    ,        `     :    -     `   -         ...:  -

         :                        :            ,       ,   ...  ’       ,          :              ,   :  ’      ,   `    :       :  ,               :      `      :        -

,         :     «-  ’ ,  ` -»    ( 137140):    «  »   :     ,      :   ( 140-143)      «»   :     . «     ,  ,        ,     »,   ,       -  `  «   »: (  )


äñáÛñÕåß»»õÜáñÛñ äÕïëñ»ÏÁåñ·»õïñáõÇ , 24  2017,   3:30-,    ,     .   ,         ,       ,       :   .   « »      «»   :   .  ,    - :       ,   : *** « »    -   ,      ,        -       

Nor Or February 2, 2017, No. 5 _N.O. Blank 2/1/17 11:46 AM Page 8

Üáñ úñ

12 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017       ,  ,        ,        ,  ,     ,   ,     ,                       .     «»  , , , ,      «»   ,         ,     « »  «»  ,   –  ,  –  ,    ()     ,      – ,  ()   ,    ,   ,     ,                «, » .  –   – , ,   – ,

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Akademos-Hekademos, Hekademus – Akademus  ,            ,   -  ,     Akademia –                … Hekademus      Akademia  Academia       ,                  ,  , , ,  .              ,           …  7   , , , , , ,        ,           ,        ,      

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 ,       

   «» 

Nor Or February 2, 2017, No. 5 _N.O. Blank 2/1/17 11:46 AM Page 9

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

(.    )


  

ñÇõñÙ»Ûïñ»ñÓ 1914-2014

             . . ,   1931-         .  ,        . ,                .     .     . .  .     1933     .                   ,        ,     ,         ,  1945        . .  .          40      ,         . .  .  . .  .          .      1955      .      ,    1956          ,                    ,  1916  .              . .  .          ,  1950                 , , , ,            ,  -

¸àÎî.ôÜ.øÜÚ.àôØܺÜ                 ,         ,           .    .                   ,                 ,               1966  ,         

          . ,     ,                 ,          ,   ,          1965       . .  .   ,         ,      ,                     ,   ,      ,    ,   .             ,  ,                   ,     ,    

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ìîÎòàôÂÆôÜ                                 ,    

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Üáñ úñ

14 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017 ÎÁ·ñ»Ù»ñßÏ»ñï»ñÁ

«ñîÇù» ÛÇßïÏÇïé 2007-2017

19  2007 ,            ,  ,  ,      :        ,      :  -     «  » (ATP-Armenian Tree Project)         ,  . 1700 .    ,   4000 : «   »         :        53,000 :     .   53 :  14  ,    :           :      ,       :    ’     :     - . 1913-16           : 27  2015     .    .   ,    .   :  ’,   . .   .-    :    1999-          - ,    :             « »  :          :   53   ’   -

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Nor Or February 2, 2017, No. 5 _N.O. Blank 2/1/17 11:46 AM Page 11

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


ØñÏ Ï»ù üáõÃåáÉ

ÛÏÏáõÃåáÉÛÇ ËÏñ •  9- «»        •         «»                        •     «»       «»  •  «»         ,  «»      2-3-  • «»           « » •           «» ,        •        2018 .   .  ,            5-3    ,   5-1        1-4        2-       •   « »       1-2

  « »     « »  2-0   «.»   «» ,    «»  ,         1/16-  «. »   4-0   « »              •  «»  27-  5- -        28- «» 1-3    «»,   4-    «»   •          •  «»   4-0    «-2» «» 2-1    «»    « »  «» 1-1    « » 2-2   -    «» 

ÛÏÏÙñÏËÏñ •         (66 .),   (75 .)    (85 .)        ,    (71 .)           (98 .)     •        -

   24   155.14    12-  ,     3-      Mentor Cup-2017-     -   -  229.71       2-       -      21- ,     -    19- 

ËÙïÛÇËÏñ •    2017-    . ,  8   7 , 2-   , 3-   •       Tata Steel Chess  11-    -     ,  12-           -       7.5-   3-5-     -    9  •     « -2017» ,    9   7    1-3-     ,   2- 

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öëïÇÛÇê.¶ñÇ·áñÈáõëõáñÇã ßÃûñ»ÛíñÅñÁïû»ó ÛëïÇ´ÏÇúñÁ

28  2017,  ,   .      « »     25-:                -  :        ,  :  40       ,             «’, ’»   :        :          :    

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Üáñ úñ

16 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 2 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

Ø»Í´ñÇïÇáÛíñãå»ï »ñ»Ø¿ÛéçñÏÍ¿ ñ»÷áË»ÉØÎ-Á»õÜÂú-         ,         ,           ,         ,          -, -    ,  «  »  -

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