ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 7, Thursday, February 16, 2017

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12  2017

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

â»Ñ»éóÇ.»ÏÍáõ»ñãáõ» ÁïñáõÃÇõ»ñÇÙëÏó»ÉáõÑÙñ ÇÙáõÍ 1922-Ç (üñ»û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

ÚÏáõ»ïÇù»Áë÷ÇõéùÇáõÇóËûë»ÉáõÇñõëáõÃÇõãáõÇ              :           « »   :                :           ( )   : -  ,      ,  -  : -      ,         (        ),      (        ):      ,         (      ),      :       :  , ,    :    ,   - (    2012.      ),              (           ),    ,  95-    «»    ,      ,   : -  ,     - : -    95-                -      : ,    ,           (,  ),          :       : - , ,    ,                        « »        :  ,  95             ,                 : ,         ,          95- : -  , ,  ,      -

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20          :         , “Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines”    ,          ,    10  :  ,          ,        :     4000      ,          :   ,   ,       ,     .   -

   ,   ,                  -   2006-          2007-,  ,    «»   ,                  ,        ,        , ,   ,   « » ,          ,     (MIT),                  ,             ,             ,         ,   ,      ,                        2016-                  ,    -

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.  .  «-», 1  2017

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

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     .   , , ,     ,   ,   - 

 »      9-   

     10-         2017-  ,         ,     «     »     «2017-  »   

«»-  «»      « »             ,   « »             «--»            , «»      «»          ,            , ,  , ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,    

«   »   10-       «    –   »       9-       «   »    ,      40       , ,    ,     

Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 5

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

,  27-   700- ,   Impressions II   ( Little Russia),      (Armenian Philatelic Association – ArPA),       20- :    ,   ,     1.        ,      :     ,    ,     2.           ,      : 3.     , -          : 4.         :    -         :  electronic   www.armenianphilatelic.org: 5.      ,     

Û¸ñáßÙ·ÇïÏ(ArPA) ØÇáõû20-Ù»ÏÁ ÊâÆÎÖÜàÚºÜ

  ,     : 6.           : ,     ,     :      : ***  ,         ,        :    ,           


20     :     ,         : ,       ,  ,  ,  ,  :     ,           : ,     -        ,     -

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    :  ,         -  :   ,     ,          :  ,        20-   ,             :  20-      ,      : ,  “ArPA”         20- :             ,     : ,                    ,       :

â»Ñ»éóÇ.»ÏÍáõ»ñãáõ»... .  2-

« »          ,    ,  11-,  «»         ,    ,             « »     ,                      .                           -


   :   ,   -,          ,      2- ,   ,    ,     : -  ,    :           : -  ,          - :  -            :      :  ,  -       :     -     ,   :    ,      :          -     - 95- :     -

   ,      ,  ,   -   ,      ,    ,    ,          ,    :  ,  -      ,    ,      :       ,  , ,       :         :     ,       ,              ,   ,   ,   -      :     «», 

Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 6


Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017

            :    ,      ,         : -    ( –  ,   1943),   ’    :         1956-,       :         ,    «»       ,        :         : 1958-      :      :      , ’     :  ,      : 1972        . ,       ,   :  ,  .   ,             :        :   -,    ,        : ,    -        : ,        .   ,         :          ,    :    ,      ,       :     ,        ,     :      :     ,           

¶»ÕÏñÇãáÑñåÇõñï ÑÙáõ·Á ØêºöºÂÖºÜ   ,    ,     24-   6-  : ,    ’       ,            ’ -- -   : 1975-,      ’    ,          300- : ,    ,         :    ,         :    ,                      :         :                 : ,  

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Thursday, February 16, 2017 Vol. 95, #7


Shahin Mirzoyev: In Azerbaijan I was on the brink of death YEREVAN. – Talyshistan is now experiencing the same as once NagornoKarabakh was, Talysh journalist who fled from Azerbaijan Shahin Mirzoyev said at a conference in Yerevan titled “Breaking the Siege of Stepanakert: 25 years later.” According to him, Talysh people living in Azerbaijan are actually in an information blockade, and anyone who will try to prevent this somehow, will be punished severely. Mirzoyev noted that more than 300,000 Talyshs left their houses because of pressure from the authorities of Azerbaijan. “While politicians are thinking what to

do, Talyshistan may face same as Karabakh. There are about 2 million Talysh people living in Azerbaijan,” Mirzoyev said. According to him, the requirement to have television, radio, newspapers and books in their own language is regarded as separatism in Azerbaijan, and those who raise the issue are actually seen as enemies of the state. Asked whether his arrival to Armenia is risky, Shahin Mirzoyev answered categorically: “No, I have escaped death. I think it was not a mistake to come to Armenia”, Mirzoyev said adding that returning to Azerbaijan would be risky.

PM says he does not know whether there are political prisoners in Armenia YEREVAN. – During his talk Wednesday with students at Yerevan State University, Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan of Armenia also reflected on the matter of political prisoners. When a student asked whether there are political prisoners in the country, the PM responded: “To be honest, I don’t know.”

And in response to a journalist’s specifying question in this regard, Karapetyan said as follows, in particular: “The state has laws, which no one has the indulgence to violate... But if we attempt to interpret these laws regularly, emotionally, we will not achieve anything good.” news.am

Armenian Genocide architect’s grandson is sentenced to imprisonment in Turkey Renowned Turkish journalist Hasan Cemal, who is the grandson of Cemal Pasha—one of the architects behind the Armenian Genocide—has been sentenced to one year and three months in prison, on charges of “terrorist propaganda.” The court found Cemal guilty of publishing an article about Fehman Hüseyin— a leader of the Kurdish militants—stressing

that this article depicts Hüseyin as a chief of staff, and presents the Kurdish armed movement under a positive light, according to T24.com news website of Turkey. The court, however, suspended this sentence, but noted that should Hasan Cemal repeat such a crime, the ruling will enter into force. 

Lapshin’s Azerbaijani lawyer not in hurry... Safar Huseynov, the attorney of blogger Alexander Lapshin who is in custody in Azerbaijan, met with his client on February 9, according to Trend news agency of Azerbaijan. The source added that Lapshin’s wife, Ekaterina, had a telephonic conversation with the lawyer. “Today, I spoke by phone with Lapshin’s wife,” said Huseynov. “I informed her about her husband’s situation, detention conditions, and the course of investigation.” In his words, the embassies of Russia and Israel in Baku are following this case, since the blogger is a citizen of these two countries. In December 2016, Israeli Russian blogger

Alexander Lapshin was detained in the Belarusian capital city of Minsk. The reason was his being on the international wanted persons’ list, due to a search which Azerbaijan had declared. Baku accuses him of visiting Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) without its consent. And on February 7 of the current year, Belarus extradited the blogger to the Azerbaijani capital city of Baku, where he was taken into custody. But the last time when attorney Huseynov met with his client was on February 9; this means that the Azerbaijani lawyer has visited Lapshin only once. 

Armen Armenian nian Rightss Council of o Americaa E N D O R S E M E N T S Glendale Gle endale Elect Elections tions - April 4,, 2017

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Armina G Gharpetian harpetian

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« February 16, 2017

The Hollywood Reproter’s 2016 Women in Entertainment Power 100 Each year, The Hollywood reporter puts out an issue listing the 100 most important woman in the entertainment industry. These include (but are not limited to) actresses, musicians, talent representatives, heads of studios and networks, and many more. This year’s list features some of the most well-respected women in the business like Academy Award winning actresses MERYL STREEP and JENNIFER LAWRENCE, influential powerhouse OPRAH WINFREY, multi-platinum global musician BEYONCE, and comedian and talk show host ELLEN DEGENERES. This year, four Armenian names join the list: reality stars and business moguls THE KARDASHIANS, TV executive GINA BALIAN, film executive LISA GREGORIAN, and talent manager ALEEN KESHISHIAN.

Gina Balian Executive VP limited, FX Networks

securing the off-network syndication deal for the Chuck Lorre comedy Mom. Is there a glass ceiling? Gregorian: "I don't think about it because I look forward, not up."

The Kardashians Reality stars and business moguls Category: The Stars Keeping Up With the Kardashians recently wrapped season 12, holding steady as E!'s highest-rated show. Despite recent events (Kim Kardashian was robbed in Paris in October, while her husband, Kanye West, was hospitalized on a psychiatric hold in November), the network insists that production is underway for another season. That's good news for the family as their ancillary businesses explode from the already lucrative TV well. New this year: Rob & Chyna starring Rob Kardashian and fiancé Blac Chyna; the upcoming Revenge Body toplined by Khloe Kardashian.

Aleen Keshishian Category: The TV Set Balian, 42, was instrumental in developing The People v. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, the net's most successful series, averaging 13.2 million viewers across multiple platforms and winning nine Emmys, including the limited series prize. The habit that holds me back Balian: "The news app on my iPad. I waste a lot of time reading random food sections of local newspapers when I should be reading a script.”

Fouder and CEO, Lighthouse and Media

Lisa Gregorian President and chief marketing officer, Warner Brol

Category: The TV Set Gregorian, 52, oversees global marketing for more than 75 scripted and unscripted series and played a key role in

Category: The Reps This year, when Keshishian, 48, left Brillstein Entertainment, where she'd been a longtime partner, to form her own company, Lighthouse Management & Media, a line of loyal clients followed along with her — Jennifer Aniston, Paul Rudd, Mark Ruffalo, Jason Bateman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Laura Linney, Orlando Bloom, Josh Gad, Skyler Samuels, Topher Grace, Billy Crudup, Justin Theroux, Emily Mortimer, Kathryn Hahn, Nina Dobrev, Miranda Kerr, writer/directors Maya Forbes and Wally Wolodarsky, director Jesse Peretz, and Selena Gomez, who had a sold-out tour and a

huge ad campaign for Coca-Cola. What has been the hardest part about starting Lighthouse this past year? "Leaving friends at my old company. The rest was easier than I expected." How my job will change in the next five years "It already has. My colleagues and I are working with leaders in Silicon Valley, Asia, digital media, the music industry, branding and licensing, as well as new distribution and financing entities. Most clients are multihyphenates who are musicians, writers, directors and producers as well as actors. As a talent representative, you can't just be an expert in one field anymore." My first female role model "My mother, an Armenian immigrant who speaks five languages and can make the impossible happen.” *** P.S. - Aleen Keshishian is the daughter of a very good supporter of our newspaper, Dr. and Mrs. Kevork and Cecile Keshishian. Aleen Keshishian grew up in Boston, New Hampshire and New York City. Graduated magna cum laude from Harvard in 1990 with a B.A. in Fine Arts. She got her start in the entertainment industry during AGBU’s Summer Internship Program. After graduating from Harvard, she worked as an assistant to New York Casting Legend Juliet Taylor, with whom she cast films directed by Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Mike Nichols, Nora Ephron, and Neil Jordan. In 1993, Keshishian was hired as an agent at ICM in New York where she spent 6 years under the tutelage of Sam Cohn. In 1999, she made the transition to management, and was hired to run the Talent Department at Artists Management Group in Los Angeles, (which was bought out by The Firm in 2002). She joined Brillstein Entertainment as a partner in 2005, and left in 2016 to be the founder and owner of her own company, Lighthouse Management & Media. Keshishian is currently the CEO of Lighthouse Management & Media and is one of the most highly respected talent representatives in the business. In addition to her role as a representative, Keshishian has also executive produced films such as MY IDIOT BROTHER starring Paul Rudd, HESHER starring Joseph GordonLevitt, HAVEN starring Orlando Bloom and Zoe Saldana, LIFE OF CRIME starring Jennifer Aniston, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES starring Lily James, and JANE GOT A GUN starring Natalie Portman and Joel Edgerton. Keshishian knows a thing or two about managing stars from the very beginning. Her 1st client was Natalie Portman ((Age 5) before she came out as the precocious star of Luc Besson’s THE PROFESSIONAL). Keshishian put Darren Aronofsky together with Portman to collaborate on BLACK SWAN, the film that earned Portman an Oscar for Best Actress. Married to her Harvard classmate, Kit Troyer (a criminal defense attorney), Keshishian lives in Hancock Park with their two children, Lulu and Jesse.

Glendale mayor Paula Devine endorses Shant Sahakian for Glendale school board district D

Glendale, CA – Shant Sahakian today announced that Glendale City Mayor Paula Devine has endorsed his campaign for Glendale School Board District D. “Shant is a dedicated public servant who is going to be a strong advocate for our students and families on the Glendale School Board,” said Mayor Paula Devine. “He understands the importance of safe schools and ensuring that our students graduate ready for success. As a former educator, I am proud to endorse him for Glendale School Board District D.” Paula Devine was elected to the Glendale City Council in 2014 and currently serves as the Mayor of the City of Glendale. Devine has strong ties to the community, serving on multiple boards and local community-led organizations including the Glendale Police Foundation, Glendale Historical Society, Women’s Civic League, and Glendale Healthy Kids. In the past, she has served as the Chair of the Glendale Commission on the Status of Women. Devine spent 33 years as an educator before retiring. “I am honored to have received the endorsement of Glendale Mayor Paula Devine,” said Shant Sahakian. “I look forward to working with Mayor Devine to ensure that our students and families have safe schools and neighborhoods across the City of Glendale and Glendale Unified School District.” Devine’s endorsement follows endorsements from State Senator Anthony Portantino, State Assemblymember Laura Friedman, Glendale City Councilmember & Former Mayor Zareh Sinanyan, Glendale School Board Member & Past President Christine Walters, Former GUSD Board Member Sandy Russell, and Glendale Community College Board of Trustees Anita Quinonez Gabrielian, Armine Hacopian, Ann Ransford, Vahe Peroomian, and Tony Tartaglia. About Shant Sahakian Shant Sahakian is a proud parent, lifelong resident of Glendale, and product of Glendale public schools who is running for Glendale School Board District D. He is an accomplished entrepreneur and a longtime community leader. Over the years, Shant has volunteered for local organizations that support Glendale’s youth, enhance the city’s public services, and serve the most vulnerable in the community. He is a graduate of CSUN and UCLA Extension. He and his wife, Suzanna, live and work in the City of Glendale and are the proud parents of their young son, Raffi Sebastian. Learn more about Shant at VoteShant.com

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« February 16, 2017


AGBU HYE GEEN’S & YOUNG CIRCLE 11th ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE On April 1, 2017, AGBU Hye Geen and AGBU Hye Geen’s Young Circle will hold their 11th Annual International Conference entitled “Evaluating the Changes Within the Armenian Family.” This most timely topic will focus on changes affecting the central role of the Armenian family both in Armenia and the Diaspora in Southern California.

abortions is underlined by the fact that Armenia rates as the second country in the world where according to the Gender Gap Report, 14,000 girls are not being born annually. After the lunch break, Armenui Amy Ashvanian Esq., Deputy Attorney in Los Angeles, will deal with a human rights problem with deep cultural roots that no

AGBU V. & T. Manoukian High School graduate honored with prestigious Gold Award

The Conference will be held at the AGBU Center, located at 2495 Mountain Street, Pasadena, California 91104. Registration will start at 9:00 a.m., lunch will be served at noon and the event is scheduled to close at 2:00 p.m. Six distinguished professors and researchers will present a comprehensive review of the prime institution assuring the survival of the nation. They will raise awareness about persistent problems as well as available resources to tackle them. The first speaker, Misha Margaryan, M.A. from Yerevan State University will probe “The problem of how the Family is presented in the History of Textbooks in Armenian Schools.” This vital national identity issue will be followed by Father Vazken Movsesian, B.A., director of In His Shoes Ministries, interpreting “Challenges of Today’s Armenian Family.” Then Pastor Daniel Albarian, Master of Divinity from Christian Outreach for Church will consider the urgency of “Nurturing the Family for the Advancement of Culture.” A subject of far-reaching consequences will be examined by Dr. Anahid Nara Sahakyan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, Yerevan State University, concerning “Selective Abortion as a Manifestation of Domestic Violence.” The need to combat selective

country has solved, namely “Domestic Violence, Prosecution and its Challenges.” Accurate statistics about the subject are hard to collect as victims are seldom eager to report, especially if they are financially dependent on their abusers. Finally, Dr. Matthew A. Jendian, professor and Chair of Sociology, also director of Humanics at Fresno State University, will base his presentation about “Becoming American, Remaining Ethnic Armenian” on his noteworthy publication about issues of assimilation, cultural retention and ethnic identity among four generations of Armenian Americans.A question and answer session will follow, when the speakers will address the issues raised by the audience. Throughout the Conference members of Armenian Student Associations will be active participants, first in presenting the individual speakers and then facilitating the handover of the questions to the speakers concerned. In view of the increased number of immigrants from Armenia and the disintegration of the Middle Eastern Armenian communities, the discourse about the changes within the Armenian family as the bastion of Armenian survival will hopefully consolidate the urgency of men and women contributing to civil society.

Girl Scouts of America has awarded AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School graduate Loreni Yeterian the prestigious Gold Award for her creation of a community service project that benefits the children of the Trchounyan orphanage in Gyumri. Open only to high school students, the Gold Award is the organization’s highest achievement. To receive this illustrious honor, a girl scout must independently develop and lead a community service project and sustain it at least five years. Loreni Yeterian chose to focus her Gold Award efforts on her native Armenia. Her project centered on her high school’s annual Armenia trip, wherein the juniors spend a day at the orphanage. Last June, under Yeterian’s leadership and direction, the 53 students made and brought individual gift packages to every one of the nearly 80 children in the orphanage. Each gift bag included a variety of educational toys, stationary supplies, small books, art supplies, as well as dental hygiene kits. Additionally, Yeterian has established an ongoing fund and secured enough donations to guarantee the program will continue for another five years. Yeterian’s project reminds us that even the slightest of our actions can have a touching, long-lasting effect.

Winners of “A letter to the Aurora Hero” contest are announced

Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and Mediamax have wrapped up the results of the essay contest “A letter to the Aurora Hero”. The essay by Anna Mehrabyan was selected as a winner of the contest. The second prize recipient is Anastasia Ageychenko, and the third prize recipient is Julieta Tonakanyan. In her letter to 2016 Aurora Prize final-

million. Second and third places will receive AMD 500,000 and AMD 300,000 awards respectively The jury of the contest, chaired by writer Narine Abgaryan, has also decided to grant special awards to Narek Ashikyan, Siranush Grigoryan and Anush Dilanyan. They will have a unique opportunity to attend the 2017 Aurora Prize award ceremony in Yerevan, Armenia on May 28. In total, 444 essays were submitted from Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Estonia, USA, Nigeria and Switzerland. The

ist Syeda Ghulam Fatima, Anna Mehrabyan writes: “It is our job to fight in the darkness, so that one day the night may turn to day, and the light may actually bring with it the good – so that one day, our institutions may serve to protect the innocent, instead of the corrupt. You have taught us how a fish may fight the very poisonous water it lives in.” The winner will be awarded AMD 1

contestants wrote their letters to the 2016 Aurora Prize laureate Marguerite Barankitse and finalists Syeda Ghulam Fatima, Dr. Tom Catena and Fr Bernard Kinvi. The contest was jointly organized by the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative and Mediamax news agency. The essays have been received in Armenian, Russian and English available on the website of Mediamax Media Company.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« February 16, 2017

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

150 - Erol Özkoray By Hambersom Aghbashian Erol Özkoray (born in 1953 in Istanbul) is a bilingual (French and Turkish) political writer and journalist who is known to have accurate predictions. He studied at the Francophone Galatasaray High School in Istanbul, followed by Political Science and sociology education in Paris. He became Hurriyet's Paris correspondent, and was awarded by the Contemporary Journalism Association in 1983. Erol Özkoray worked as the correspondent of "Agence France Presse" in Istanbul and Ankara, also as the Turkey correspondent of Span's "El Pais". He published a democracy and political culture magazine "Idea Politika" between 1998-2002. His magazine has been closed down once, collected twice. Erol Özkoray was a columnist in the Kurdish newspaper Özgür Gündem, he also wrote articles in Liberation, Politique Internationale and Les Echos. He was awarded with the Medal of Courage by the French Council of Coordination of Armenian Organizations for his work towards the recognition of Armenian Genocide by the Turkish Government. At present, he is one of the writers of Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine published in France. In Turkey, he received the Award of Freedom of Thought and Expression by the Association of Human Rights in 2014. Erol Özkoray has published many books including "Turkey: A Totalitarian Farm", "What is the army for?", "Turquie: Le Putsch Permanent" , " The Phenomenon Gezi" and others. In his pursuit for the democratization and EU membership of Turkey, his opposing views against the Islamist government and the role of the military in politics caused him to be persecuted with total 18 suits since 2000 demanding a total of 50 years of prison, but he was acquitted from all the lawsuits.

On Tuesday, May 13, 2014, Jean Eckian © armenews.com wrote " Turkish journalist Erol Özkoray got the price of freedom of thought and expression for the year 2014. Association of Human Rights in Turkey (IHD) presented the award to Özkoray for all democratic struggles he led against the state and the power in this country (against the military, against the monopoly of the press, against the Islamist power and recognition of the Armenian Genocide). “It is morally and politically very important that this fight is finally recognized in my own country,” said Erol Özkoray noting that much remains to be done to achieve true democracy in Turkey. Özkoray had already received on April 24, 2013 in Paris Medal of Courage CFC for his work for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, awarded by the co-chairs Mourad Papazian and Ara Toranian under the patronage of the Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë. People like Hrant Dink, Orhan Pamuk and Baskin Oran had already awarded the freedom of thought and awarded by IHD expression. In his article "COMMENTARY: WHY IS THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE STILL A TABOO?", Erol Ozkoray wrote on May 29, 2010 " I heard about the Armenian genocide for the first time in Paris during the 70s, and the very logical question I asked myself and also expressed in my writing at that time (university papers, a reader's letter I sent to Le Monde newspaper, etc.) was the following: if the Republic of Turkey is based on a rejection of the Ottoman Empire, then why is the 1915 Armenian genocide not being dumped on the Ottomans? Why is the Turkish Republic assuming responsibility for this scandalous event, which is the 20th century's first crime against humanity and that century's first genocide?". He men-

tioned three reasons for that as follows. [1] Mustafa Kamal based his Republican regime on the nationalist ideology of a Turkic race whereby Anatolia had to be cleansed of all foreign elements. Policies of ethnic, cultural, economic and social cleansing eliminated much of the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek groups albeit failed to do so with the Kurds – hence the Kurdish problem today. [2] The monies and goods confiscated from the Armenians helped finance the War of Independence and formed a new social class that owed its wealth to Armenian property. [3] some of the perpetrators of the genocide became the political and administrative elites of the new Republican regime, such as ükrü Kaya (Minister of the Interior, Secretary General of the People’s Republican Party), Mustafa Abdülhalik Renda (President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly), Arif Fevzi (Minister), Ali Cenani Bey (Minister of Industry), Rütü Aras (Foreign Minister). Mustapha Kamal feigned ignorance of such facts but he benefited from these people by offering them prominent positions within the Republic.(1) Under the title " The Armenian Genocide, Our Lives Commemorate Their Deaths!", Harry Hagopian wrote on April 24, 2010 about the continuous denial of the Armenian Genocide by the Turkish officials. He added " Indeed, an ever-growing number of Turkish academics, thinkers, writers and activists, like Taner Akçam, Ragip Zarakolu or Erol Özkoray, as well as genocide scholars, historians and sociologists worldwide, have been challenging such denial. In fact, only today, the Istanbul branch of the Turkish Human Rights Association (IHD) are holding a gathering at the entrance of Haydarpaa Station to com-

memorate the victims of the 24th April arrests and to say NEVER AGAIN." (2) According to Erol Özkoray , the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, in its historical, political and intellectual dimensions, goes miles and miles beyond the capacity of the current Turkish Islamist government. Nothing can be accomplished with the protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia. The Turkish State, in its current structure, will repulse any solution, as there is no solution that it could accept. The problem can be solved - like the other problems of the country- only by a statesman with the highest intellectual credentials, who has internalized the culture of democracy, come to power through elections and formed public opinion in this direction. It is impossible for ordinary small persons to overcome Turkey's gigantic problems. We need a Big Men. 1!http://hyeforum.com/index.php?sh owtopic=26462 2.http://www.newropeans-magazine.org/en/2010/04/24/the-armeniangenocide-our-lives-commemorate-their-de aths

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY HOSTS SUCCESSFUL EVENT IN CALIFORNIA Looks Ahead to Gala "Celebrating the Future" on March 4, 2017

Guests at the Armenian Assembly 2017 Annual New Yea Gathering

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Last month, the Armenian Assembly (Assembly) held its annual New Year Gathering at the home of Assembly Board Member Talin Yacoubian and her husband Varuj Babikian in Glendale, California. Assembly Board Assistant Secretary Lisa Kalustian opened the program by welcoming guests and thanking hosts Talin Yacoubian and Varuj Babikian for their hospitality. "We are delighted to host this year's gathering and share the Armenian Assembly's accomplishments over the past year with so many members and supporters," Yacoubian stated. "We are especially grateful to have the Assembly's Yerevan Office Regional Director Arpi Vartanian with us today. There is certainly a big difference between reading the news and hearing firsthand accounts of the situation in

Armenian Assembly's Yerevan Office Regional Director Arpi Vartanian accepting a Certificate of Congressional Recognition from Rep. Judy Chu's Field Representative Anna Iskikian and a Certificate of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles presented by Christine Jerian from Mayor Eric Garcetti's office

tion from CongressArmenia and Artsakh. woman Judy Chu (DWe are proud that the CA) for strengthening Assembly continues to relations between the promote public awareUnited States, Armeness of Armenian issues nia, and Nagorno and works to strengthen Karabakh, as well as a both U.S.-Armenia and Certificate of RecogniU.S.-Artsakh relations," tion from the City of she added. Los Angeles signed by Vartanian briefed the Mayor Eric Garcetti guests on a wide range of for her commitment issues and activities on and selfless dedication current developments in Sosy Hachigian, Talin Yacoubian, and to gathering stories from the Republics of ArmeNicole Nishanian individuals in Armenia nia and Nagorno and Artsakh about the situation on the Front Karabakh, including interviews she conducted in Tavush and other villages near the Line of Line. Contact. During the gathering, Vartanian reI am honored to receive these Certificates of ceived a Certificate of Congressional RecogniRecognition on behalf of the Armenian Assem-

bly's work in Armenia and Artsakh," Vartanian said. "The work done by the Armenian Diaspora does not go unnoticed, and does have an impact on people's lives. Our Diaspora should be proud of its role in that work. As Mayor Garcetti wrote, we give 'a voice to the voiceless,'" she continued. Also in attendance were California State Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, Glendale Mayor Paula Devine, Glendale Councilmembers Zareh Sinanyan and Vartan Gharpetian, Glendale Unified School District Board of Education President Dr. Armina Gharpetian, Armenian Caucus Vice Co-Chair Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-CA) District Representative Mary Hovagimian, Rep. Chu's Field Representative Anna Iskikian, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's Representative Christine Jerian. 

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


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-          ,               ( )    –    –     .                -  1909-                      -,                   -           -       (-

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« ÌÔÎøÔ äîØàôÌøܺàô »


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, 5  2017-

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  5:00-,


    

 

(1901 N. Allen Ave., corner of New York Dr.)

, 16  2017,  700-         1510 E. Mountain St., Glendale

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Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 8

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-     ,    :   ,   ,        ,   :         :    : -     «» :     : -    :     : ,    ,                         : -      ,        : -       :             :       ,       ,          :          : -   ,       :  ,                :       ,    ,          : -          :   ,          :     ,      ,         ,     : -        , ,     :  ,             : 

   , «» ,  «» ... «» ,  «»   «» ,      «  »    ,                                .  ,        ,      18-  800-  19-  600-,  -                    ,    ,   , 

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Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 9

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


ñáÛó«ºñëïÕ»ñ»íÛñÁÏáõÙ» ÑïáñÇÑ»ÕÇϪ üÉáñêñ»ÇÑ»ï (.    ) . .-     : . .-    ,        :         :        :       2017   :   ,       ,       ,      :   ,         :     ,      :     …  …        :      ,    ,   : . .-       ,       : . .-      :   ,   :   ,     ,   ,  ,      ,    ,     ,    ,      ,   ,         : ,      ,    :         :    ,    ,  :    ,     ,    :     , «    »       :

        : . .-           , , : . .- ,          , :  ,       :        ,      :      :           :         : . .-   ,         : . .-  :         «,  » ,         :     :       :   « »        :       ,   ,  :      ,      : . .-      ,   :        ,        ,  : ..-   400         :       :       ,    ,     :        ,          ,  , ,   :        :  ,          «  »    :       ,   ,  -

´ÆäøÆÜàôØ ,  .        ,    ,               « »

: . .-    ,       : . .-      :  ,   ,        :            ,  , , :   , …        :  ,                ,       ,     : . .-  ,      «»   : . .- «»               ,       , ,   :     ,        ,   ,      :   , , …        :   ,       :       ,     :     ,      ,    -

…        -:          : . .-            : . .-     :      :    :             : ..-   ,      ,       : ..- ,      :    :      ,  ,  ,       :      , ,     :        :          :  «    »    ,  ,           :    

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        4-,  « »          ()              ,       ,          ,   9-12    - -, -    ,  ,                  ,  2-4                     , , ,

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          ,      :        :

ÌÊàôºêîÜàò Deluxe Auto Body & Paint Body•Frame•Paint Servicingallmakesandmodels 21417IngomarSt.unit1 CanogaPark,CA91304


Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 11

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 16 ö»ïñáõñ 2017


ØñÏ Ï»ù ÛÏÏáõÃåáÉÛÇËÏñ •       ,     - « »    « »   MLS-      6-1 .      «»      «»           0-1   •  «»                (-)  «» ,  «»                  «»,            •       21   2019 .          , -, ,          2017.   2018-  • «»        «»       11- «»       2-0   12- «»   «»    0-3   13- «»  ,    ,   20-         Ventura County- «Fusion»  ,  24-    «  »  •  13-19-   « » ,     16  -, ,        15-   , 17-   19-             20  •  «»           

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•  «» 2-    1-3    - «»  11- «»         «»   «»     0-2  •  «-»     ,      ,    

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                 ,  ,  ,          -               ,             . 52 .      206 . (90+116), 62 .    253 . (118+135), 69 .   29 . 77 .   302 . 85 .   325 ., 94 .   350 ., 105 .   365 . (160+205)  +105 .   340 . (160+180)   ,      ,                85 .         94 .               ,    ,     ,      ,        ,                   

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,  2017

Nor Or February 16, 2017, No. 7 _N.O. Blank 2/15/17 6:17 PM Page 12

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PanARMENIAN.Net -        14- 40      :    ,     ,    ,      ,   :            :   ,                   «,   ,     »,              : «    ,              ,        ,  »,                ,        ,                      ,              : «,  ,          »,           ,    : « 40  ,     ,    ,             ,    »,    2016-  4-  5-           :

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     15   15          . LIEBMANN FUND-PUBLICATIONS c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518 11th Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024

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