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Thursday, March 23, 2017 Vol. 95, #12
Armenia president arrives in Utd.!Arab Emirates
President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on a working visit. The Armenian President was welcomed at the Abu Dhabi Airport by UAE Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Presidential Affairs, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. After the solemn welcome ceremony, Sargsyan had a meeting with Minister Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Armenian President thanked the friendly UAE for the organization of a conference dedicated to the investment opportunities
of Armenia in a short period of time and according to the agreements reached during his previous visit. The President expressed hope that the results of the conference, as well as the arrangements to be reached with Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan will strongly contribute and play a role in the further development of Armenian-UAE relations. Apart from this, Sargsyan thoroughly discussed Armenia-United Arab Emirates investment conference with UAE Minister of Economy Sultan Al Mansoori.
Yerevan residents march toward “Food Provider’s” wake Yerevan. – A march in memory of “Food Provider” Artur Sargsyan kicked off Tuesday nearby Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. The participants in the march are walking towards the funeral parlor where Sargsyan’s wake will be held. They are holding flowers, a wreath, and signs with the photo of the “Food Provider,” the Armenian reporter informed from on location. After the wake, a candlelight vigil for Sargsyan held at Liberty Square in downtown Yerevan. Despite the strong wind, activists managed to lit candles in memory of “Food Provider” Artur Sargsyan at Yerevan’s Liberty Square. Deputy Chairman of Heritage Party, Armen Martirosyan, who comes the second in the candidate list of Ohanian-Raffi-Oskanian bloc, told Armenian News – “Only the authorities, which assured that Artur Sargsyan had no problems with health, are guilty of his death. He won the authorities by his death. Artur Sargsyan became a legend, and legends are invincible.” Former Foreign Minister of Armenia, Vartan Oskanian, who comes the third in the candidate list of Ohanian-Raffi-Oskanian bloc, also attended the candlelight vigil. Artur Sargsyan, a.k.a. the Food Provider, died on March 16 at “Armenia” Medical Center, in Yerevan. He was charged with aiding the Sasna Tsrer armed group, which had taken over a police patrol regiment building in Yerevan, taken hostages, but later surrendered, in July 2016. On July 26, Artur Sargsyan had broken through a police cordon with a vehicle loaded with food, and delivered food to the Sasna Tsrer gunmen.
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Thursday« March 23, 2017
U.S. Army Captain Jim Chankalian Captain James "Jim" Chankalian was born Bedros Chankalian in Dikranagerd Western Armenia. At a young age, he emigrated to the United States with his family. He graduated from an American high school, then entered a military academy to become an officer in the U.S. Army. In 1898, he participated in the Spanish-American War. He was honored for his bravery and became a captain in the U.S. Army. The activity of the Armenian political parties had undoubtedly reverberated in the American-Armenian community from the standpoint of the national liberation movement. Moreover, the popularity of the Reformed Hunchak Party, without a doubt, had aroused Chankalian’s interest and motivated him to join that organization. Already a seasoned soldier in the U.S. Army, Chankalian also became a wellknown figure in the Armenian community of New York. After resigning from his rank of captain, he was offered an important position with Powers Co. He ably performed the job he had taken, which ensured him a comfortable living. In 1915, the Reformed Hunchak Party, in cooperation with the [[Regional Committee of the Constitutional Democratic [Ramgavar] Party of the United States]], de-
cided to send Jim Chankalian on a special mission, first to the Caucasus and then to Van. Chankalian gladly accepted the proposition, giving up his high position and comfortable station in life. Taking with him a group of experienced volunteers, who had come from Western Armenia, he reached Van at the designated time and was greeted there by the brave leader of the successful heroic self-defense, Armenag Yegarian. After consulting with Yegarian, Chankalian put his extensive military experience in the service of the heroic struggle of the Armenians of Van and became Yegarian’s advisor and immediate coworker in the formation of the Yerkrapah [Defenders of the (Father) Land] Regiment. With the satisfaction of having fulfilled his obligation, Chankalian set out for the Caucasus, where he had intended to join General Antranig’s forces. In 1917, Chankalian returned to the United States, having fully performed the mission entrusted to him. But he had barely become situated, when he found out about the plan of the formation of the Armenian Legion. Owing to special arrangements made by the French government and army, it was projected that this legion should depart for the Palestinian front, to fight alongside the Allies (France, England and Russia) against the German and Turkish troops that were allied on the other side. Chankalian, who enjoyed the unreserved respect and esteem of the AmericanArmenian community and Armenian political parties, was appointed leader of the detachment consisting of American-Armenian volunteers, which was to join the Armenian Legion. The main dream of the Armenian soldiers was the formation of an autonomous Armenia under French mandate, at the cost of the blood to be sacrificed by them. The Armenian National Union formed in Egypt and the Armenian National Delegation had secured such a promise from the French authorities. The natives of Musa Dagh, who had found refuge in the seaside town of Port
Said, Egypt, formed the nucleus of the Armenian, or Foreign Legion. On July 9, 1917, Chankalian, along with the volunteers under his charge, boarded a French ship headed for Marseilles. From there, he went to Port Said and joined the nucleus of the legion; all together, they departed for Cyprus, where volunteers from all parts of the world wishing to join the Foreign Legion were assembled for training.The trained detachments were divided into three companies, or battalions. By order of General Allenby, the commander of the combined troops of the Allied powers operating on the Middle Eastern front, the Armenian volunteers were transported to Palestine on September 14, 1918, where five days later they went on the attack against the German and Turkish forces in Arara. The first line of the front, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River, headed by Chankalian, was occupied by the detachments comprising the American-Armenian volunteers; with a minimum loss of life, they achieved the glorious victory at Arara. World War I ended in November 1918. The Armenian volunteers were transferred from the Palestinian front to Beirut. From there, British ships took them, in groups, via Alexandretta (Iskenderun) to the mountains and plains of Cilicia. The legionnaires were greeted in Adana with Armenian tricolor flags. The Turks already appeared to be disillusioned. In the overall prevailing atmosphere, it seemed an easy task to the fighters of the Armenian Legion to take all of Cilicia under their control. The execution of the plan to have an autonomous or independent Armenian Cilicia was undertaken with (Mihran) Damadian’s leadership. In order to crown such a plan as this with success, it was necessary to have a solid fighting force
which could become a reality, with the assemblage of such battle-tested heroes as Chankalian, Antranig, Yegarian, (Yesayi) Yaghoubian, etc. However, the Allied powers had a different intention. They resorted to various measures, in order to prevent the entrance of Antranig, Yegarian, and the others into Cilicia. Convinced that the plan of having an Armenian state in Cilicia would remain unattainable, a disappointed Chankalian returned to the United States, but not before having recorded brilliant pages in the history of the Armenian liberation struggle and World War I. Subsequently, as one of the leading figures of the Democratic Liberal Party in America, Chankalian traveled to all the cities with large Armenian concentrations, especially those in California, in order to organize efforts to raise funds in support of the first Republic of Armenia. In order to give a greater impetus to his efforts on behalf of the homeland, Chankalian became the driving force behind the formation of the American-Armenian National Council and served as its president. He also became the first president of the Central Committee of the AGBU of America, and he devoted his time and service to the Armenian Church as well. This great patriot, endowed with exceptional military prowess, passed away in New York in 1947 at an advanced age, leaving behind him a great and unforgettable legacy of sacrifice made for his nation.
The story of Aurora is now in Turkish Tracing the lost life of a woman through a lost film A long-forgotten book and a longlost screenplay about one of the most well-known figures of Armenian Genocide is now in Turkish. Edited by writer Anthony Slide and presented with a foreword by Atom Egoyan, Aurora contains an annotated reprint of Aurora Mardiganian’s original account “Ravished Armenia and the Story of Aurora Mardiganian” and for the first time, the full screenplay of the 1918 feature film “Auction of Souls”. In 1915, during the deportation of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, Aurora was a 14-year-old girl from Çemi!gezek. She witnessed horrible events, destruction of her people, and lost her family and relatives one after another. And yet, she managed to survive despite the physical and mental torment. This was just one of those many survival experiences, except that there was a twist, which makes it very unique. Her story was published and then used as the basis of a feature film in which she starred herself.
Two years after her survival, she arrived in the United States and recounted her story to the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief. This story was interpreted by her legal guardian Henry L. Gates, and after being published with the title of “Ravished Armenia”, it was presented to the film producers in Hollywood. And so, Aurora, without fully understanding what’s going on, had to go through her trauma and remember that tragedy before the cameras over and over again. Anthony Slide, the editor of our book, dwells on this very matter: while they were presenting Aurora’s eyewitness account as popular entertainment for the average American audience, her already wounded soul got more and more damaged. She was forced to make public appearances at each film screening across the United Stated. She was being exhibited. When it became too much for her to handle, Aurora’s look-alikes were hired.
Curiously enough, only some fragmented frames survived from a film that was once a blockbuster and broke box-office records. So, just like Armenians, the film had disappeared from sight. And so did Aurora. Yet, since 2016, Aurora’s memory is being honored through an international humanitarian award named after her, the Aurora Prize For Awakening Humanity. While tracing Aurora and the lost film, Anthony Slide draws our attention to a historical tragedy which was condemned to be forgotten, as well as to an evanescent production in the film history. Anthony Slide has published more than seventy books on popular entertainment. In 1990, he was awarded an honorary doctorate of letters from Bowling Green University; at that time, he was hailed by Lilian Gish as “our preeminent historian of the film.” Aras Publishing was founded in Is-
tanbul in 1993 and came to be recognized in short order as a “window into Armenian literature”. With its Turkish and Armenian books, it has now established itself as one of the few publishing houses producing works in two languages. Aras Publishing intends to serve as a bridge for the cultural legacy of Turkey’s Armenians (now centered around Istanbul as a minority) to reach future generations as well as carrying on as the representative and current bearer of a long-standing Armenian publishing legacy in Turkey.
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 23, 2017
ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA’S SOLD OUT GALA HONORS PAST AND PRESENT INTERNS participants, and am excited to discover what the future has in store for them." The Gala concluded with music and dancing while past interns spoke with high school and college students about their own experiences in the Washington, D.C. and Yerevan, Armenia summer internship programs. "We would also like to extend our appreciation for the Gala Co-Chairs and Assembly intern alumni, Sosy Hachigian and Diane Barsam, for their hard work and dedication planning this event alongside the Gala Committee and the Assembly's Western Office in Los Angeles. Thanks to them, this event was a success. We plan to keep this momentum going and maintain a strong relationship with the Armenian community in Orange County as we plan coming advocacy efforts and events," Co-Chairs Barsamian and Krikorian stated. "On behalf of the Armenian Assembly, we would also like to thank our generous sponsors, David & Margaret Mgrublian, Antranik & Virginia Zorayan, Carolyn G. Mugar, the Stephen Philibosian Foundation, Bryan & Valina Agbabian, Anthony & Nancy Barsamian, the Dickranian Foundation, John & Gayane Pridjian, Mihran & Elizabeth Agbabian, Al & Diane Cabraloff, Helen Haig, James & Connie Melikian, Richard & Lauren Mushegain, Carol Ann Rustigian, Oscar Tatosian, Annie Totah, and Varuj Babikian & Talin Yacoubian," the Co-Chairs said. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) Joins Armenian Assembly to Bestow Ken Khachigian with Public Service Awards WASHINGTON, D.C. – Last weekend, with the enthusiastic support and leadership of former Assembly interns Diane Barsam and Sosy Hachikian, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) held its successful "Celebrating the Future" Gala at the Newport Beach Country Club honoring the past forty years of over a thousand Assembly interns. Guests traveled from all over California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, and Washington, D.C. to attend the sold out event that featured an intern alumni discussion panel with Katherine Sarafian and Michael Agbabian, moderated by Kathryn Mgrublian. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) headlined the evening and addressed the audience about U.S.-Armenia relations and his experience with the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program participants. "Growing up in Orange County, I first heard of the Armenian Genocide from those who had been orphaned as a result of the atrocities. The stories I heard were shocking, and have stuck with me to this day. As a global leader in human rights, it is imperative for the United States to stand on principle and recognize the annihilation of the Armenians," said Rep. Royce. "The Armenian Assembly of America's Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program gives me hope for the future, as deepening the Armenian American community's involvement in our nation's capital will help steer our country in the right direction on this issue." County of Los Angeles Civil Service Commission President Greg Kahwajian, who served as special assistant to Governor George Deukmejian, read a letter from Gov. Deukmejian on Khachigian's deserving of the award and their time working together. Following Gov. Deukmejian's words, Assembly Board of Trustees Co-Chair Van Krikorian presented Kenneth L. Khachigian with the Assembly's Deukmejian Award for Public Service, which is granted to individuals who embody the qualities of an exemplary public servant Khachigian commented that the award honors both him and Gov. Deukmejian for their work. "I would like to take this opportunity to note that I believe the Armenian Assembly is really honoring George Deukmejian tonight, and not me, for his public service. And I strongly second their urging for you to be involved in this important organization. I served on its Board for several years, and for them to have Michelle Steel, the Chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and Ed Royce the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee here - two extremely important officials - shows how important it is for you to help them and get involved," Khachigian said. Later in his speech, he addressed the students in the audience and offered them advice. He told the future interns to "never hesitate to be 'jarbeeg' when the opportunity lies before you." He concluded: "If you need a role model, there is no one better than that characterized in the life of Courken George Deukmejian. So to receive the George
Deukmejian award for public service is an enormous honor because it means putting my name alongside someone whose stature I could never hope to match." As the program continued, intern alumna Kathryn Mgrublian sat down with intern alumni Katherine Sarafian and Michael Agbabian to discuss their past experiences as interns, their current careers in the media, and any words of wisdom they have for future interns. Both Agbabian and Sarafian were placed in video and media internships in Washington D.C., to which Sarafian pointed out "the beauty of the Armenian Assembly is that they will find an internship for you." With Christine Kotchian as the Mistress of Ceremonies, the evening was filled with special presentations, including Michael Sarian, President of Hospital Operations for Prime Healthcare Services, who spoke about his experiences with the new Administration. Having interned with their son, Richard, Gala Co-Chair Diane Barsam expressed her heart-felt appreciation to the Tufenkian family for endowing the Assembly's internship program in their son's memory. Barsam also acknowledged Jim and Connie Melikian, who were in attendance, for their support of the program, as well as the Kezirian family in memory of former Assembly Board Member Peter. In addition to Rep. Royce, other elected officials in attendance included Orange County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Supervisor Michele Steel, Newport Beach Mayor Kevin Muldoon, Orange County Supreme Court Judge Gassia Apkarian, Claremont McKenna College Board of Trustees Chair David Mgrublian, South Orange County Community College District Board of Trustees President Timothy Jemal, and Glendale City Clerk Ardy Kassakhian (Assembly intern alumni, 1998). Meghrouni Family Presidential Chair in Armenian Studies at UC Irvine, Dr. Houry Berberian and UC Los Angeles Associate Professor and the Richard Hovannisian Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History, Dr. Sebouh Aslanian were present at the Gala, alongside author of "The Hundred-Year Walk: An Armenian Odyssey," Dawn Anahid MacKeen. MacKeen's book on her grandfather's survival during the Armenian Genocide is required reading in Orange County's La Habra Unified School District, as well as at universities throughout the United States. Assembly Board of Trustees Co-Chair Anthony Barsamian shared updates from the Assembly's work in Washington, D.C., Armenia, and Artsakh, and noted future plans for the organization. Barsamian acknowledged the Board of Trustees and members of the Assembly's original National Steering Committee at the Gala and spoke to past and present interns. Barsamian added: "The Armenian Assembly interns over the past forty years continue to be successful and are proven to be great role models for the next generation - from intern alumni Katherine Sarafian and Michael Agbabian. I look forward to having the students who attended the Gala and their friends as future intern
ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA URGES INVESTIGATION OF AZERBAIJAN'S TIES AND COMPROMISING MATERIALS ON U.S. OFFICIALS WASHINGTON, D.C. - Earlier this week, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) sent letters to the Senate and House Select Committees on Intelligence expressing concern regarding the undue influence of Azerbaijan on America's democratic institutions. In their letter to the Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA), House Intelligence Chairman David Nunes (R-CA), and Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA), Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian stated: "We are writing to express our concern regarding the undue influence of yet another foreign government on America's democratic institutions, namely Azerbaijan. We are deeply troubled by recent reports about Azerbaijan's ties to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and its nexus to both the Mammadov family and the highest levels of the Azeri government. We therefore respectfully request that the congressional investigations of Russian influence be expanded to include Azerbaijan's influence peddling and any materials it may have potentially compromising U.S. officials." The Justice Department has previously brought some cases involving Azerbaijan through the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), but much more is needed. According to the "Azeri Oil Money Got a Pass From This Ethics Committee" article in Bloomberg News, Azerbaijan continues to shell out over $45,000 monthly to the Podesta Group, of which the columnist states "It's hard to tell whether it's this creativity and generosity or any real U.S. strategic interest that makes the U.S. overlook the country's brutal dictatorship. A combination of both is likely: Without the 'caviar diplomacy,' Azerbaijan might be considered too small to defy declared U.S. values and principles for its sake. "When it comes to the integrity of America's democracy, the rule of law, and our governance process, we must not turn a blind eye to Azerbaijan's influence peddling, authoritarian regime and human rights atrocities," Assembly Co-Chairs Barsamian and Krikorian said. "Further, we must ensure that Azerbaijan's rampant corrupt practices do not compromise U.S. policies and objectives. Additional evidence on Azerbaijani as well as Turkish wrongdoing is available and growing; we would welcome the opportunity to help advance a thorough investigation and United States response." In addition to the U.S., Azerbaijan's caviar diplomacy is also amply documented in the December 2016 European Stability Initiative (ESI) report, wherein expensive watches, jewelry, computers, and large sums of money, among other gifts, were provided to several politicians from a number of countries in Europe. ESI states that "the ease with which democratic institutions and safeguards can be undermined has emerged as a fundamental threat to European democracy.
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Simple Liquids Battery (SLB) By Hripsime Mkrtchyan
In Estonia (from left to right): Yervand Sarkisyan (UK, jury member), Hripsime Mkrtchyan (SLB project, Armenia 1st place), Alon M. Cohen(Vienna), Hasmik Barseghyan (Energy Globe project, Armenia 3th place), Barbora Pollack (Vienna), Sveta Jaghatspanian (Green Technology, Armenia, 2nd place) Yerevan – A newly developed battery, the Simple Liquids Battery (SLB) offers an ecofriendly, safe and easily chargeable device for emergency power generation. Simple Liquid Batteries (SLBs) offer safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly electric power banks, which can be stored and activated when needed for emergency situations. They are energized by adding any of a number of commonly available liquids into the device. The batteries are light, flexible, easy to use, and safe; they can be conveniently taken on trips - even on airplanes. The battery is activated by adding any of a number of liquids including saltwater, buttermilk, vinegar, tea, coffee, beer, rainwater, and even urine to the device. A hazardless chemical reaction then produces electricity, which may then be used to operate a cell phone, a light, or other electrical devices. Our project is now in pre-prototyping process. We have already completed the first phase of the model and now we are looking for investment to work on the prototype. The initial funding for the research phase of this project was made by Dr. Vahan Chakarian, the Founder and CEO of Technology and Science Dynamics (TSD) Company in Yerevan. Our team consists of 5 specialists: two engineers, two physicists and an electrochemist. We are working at TSD Company, which supports our project and provides laboratory space for addi-
tional development and testing. The business idea of the battery was developed during the special courses organized by New Technology Education Fund (NTEF), a charitable organization with a sister foundation in Santa Clara, CA. NTEF’s Armenian office promotes technology education and development in Armenia and Artsakh. The SLB has the following technical parameters: 1 USB port, 5V output, 2600 mAh capacity, 250g weight. It will work with 7 liquids including salt water, urine, beer etc. The SLB will provide the users with power and weather independence, i.e. users will not need an external power source to charge the battery, which can operate down to -10° C (14° F). This year we participated in Climate Launch Pad 2016 competition in Estonia, a “Green Business Idea Competition” as described by their web site. Our project was selected as one of the top 15 projects from a field of 88 semi-finalists. There were initially about 1,000 startups from Europe. We are seeking investment for our next steps, after which we will be ready for the manufacturing process. We intend to apply for a patent for our battery design. We are receptive to any kind of cooperation and investment. Anyone interested in our project should contact Levon Galstyan (, the Vice President of Technology & Science Dynamics. !
“The Drowned, the Saved and the Forgotten: Genocide and the Foundations of Modern Humanitarianism” Dr. Keith David Watenpaugh (University of California, Davis), will give a presentation on “The Drowned, the Saved and the Forgotten: Genocide and the Foundations of Modern Humanitarianism” at 7:30PM on Tuesday, April 4, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is part of the Armenian Studies Program Spring 2017 Lecture Series and is supported by the Leon S. Peters Foundation. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Department of History, the Islamic Studies Speaker Series, and the College of Social Sciences. Genocide is unparalleled in its horror. It is the ultimate crime against humanity, but it is also a problem of humanity that evokes a problem for humanity. In this talk, drawn from his award-winning book, Bread from Stones: The Middle East and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism (2015) Keith David Watenpaugh examines the particular questions that arise when the problem of humanity motivating a problem for humanity is the crime of genocide. Examining international humanitarian responses to the genocide of the Ottoman Armenians (1915-1922), he argues that modern
humanitarianism and genocide have a complex and intertwined history that has shaped the critical modern concepts of humanitarian neutrality, humanitarian governance and the role of justice in relief, and Human Rights-based development. Professor Keith David Watenpaugh studies the history, theory, and practice of human rights and humanitarianism and directs the Human Rights Studies Program at University of California, Davis. Author of the award-winning Bread from Stones: The Middle East and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism and Being Modern in the Middle East, he has published frequently in scholarly journals. Dr. Watenpaugh is the recipient of fellowships from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council, and he is immediate past-president of the Syrian Studies Foundation. He also directs a global project supported by the Carnegie Corporation and the Open Society Foundations to address the higher education needs of Syrian refugee university students. The lecture is free and open to the public. !
Three Films About Bourj Hammoud to be screened at Roslin Art Gallery Glendale, CA – Three films about Bourj Hammoud will be screened at Roslin Art Gallery on Saturday, MARCH 25, 2017 at 7:30pm at 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. Priority reserved seating is available online at or at Abril Bookstore. The set will begin with BOURJ HAMMOUD: A Historical Documentary, a 16-minute film in Armenian giving a brief history of this region of Beirut established and inhabited by Armenians. This will follow with FIFTH COLUMN «!"#$%&'&( )*&+,"-#.», directed by Lebanese filmmaker Vatche Boulghourjian, a 30-minute narrative film in Armenian with English subtitles, shot in Bourj Hammoud in 2010. The film chronicles desperation and mourning in the marginalized Armenian quarter of Beirut. In a panic, Hrag has stolen his father's gun and fled home. As father searches for son, both discover paths to personal freedom in a city that offers no escape. The set will conclude with HRAMETSEK «!&+/%012», a 13-minute short directed by Tony Partamian in 2014, in Armenian with English subtitles. An old Armenian couple, Ara and Sosseh, living on the memories of their lives where they used to work as stage actors, are preparing a new-year's eve dinner for the family to reunite. They set the dinner table to each of the family members and wait for their arrival. Discussion will follow the screenings with Ara Madzounian. Due to the overwhelming attendance of last week's screening, the evening will end with a repeat-screening of Ara Madzounian's 1988 film The Pink Elephant. Presented by Roslin Art Gallery.
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