ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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Vol. 95, # 13, Thursday, March 30, 2017

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017


åñÇÉ»ë»ñÁ…  ,  …  . ,     ,         ,   ,          1965,  1988  1991         

 , ,        ,      «  »   ,              ,   .     ,      

***  ,  …   , 2016-    ,          ,  ,   «  »  ,  25-     ,     ,    ,      , ,   ,                     « »   ,   100   ,    2016-    ,             … ,       , ,             ...         ,   ,    ,     ,       ,             12  ,    2016- , ,   , 

***  ,  …          2-          ,        ,                      ,    « »   , ,     ,   ,     . ,            …                    ,  ,       ,                           ,      ,        «»  «» ***  ,  …

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017

ÀïñáõÃÇõ»ñ ÚÎà´ØîÆàêºÜ       ,   :  9       ,           ,  :     ,              : ,   ,            ,        «», «   »     :             :       ,       ,           :        ,       ,         : ,          ,         ,   ,  ,             ,         :       ,      :      ,       ,    :      ,     «»,    ,    :           ,      ,            .  15



TheBilderbergGroup DANIELESTULIN  Daniel Estulin   29  1966-,  ()    ,    ,      `            .  elite   () ,                .  (« »)  ,     « » (World Order)      ,   2010-,    “Reflection”  ,           “Pensa Latina”   « »    2007-      2009-,          .      , , ,             The Council of Foreign Relations-   Woodrow Wilson & Edward M. House    1921,              ,          2006-     40,000-,     Harold Pratt House         ,            ,   ,      CFR-  ,      ,       

  1954,  29-31,       ,  J.H. Rettinger-,      71 ,       Oosterberk   de Bilderberg         The Bilderberg Group  ,   ,   130 , 2/3- ,    ,             ,   ,    ,     ,     ,                   ,    ,   , , ,       ,     ,   .   ,  ,  ,  ,  ,      ,  

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017

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Ø¿Ïäñ»ñáõûÙ... .-                          ,      .-   ,  ,                       26         25  .-            2016-           «»   .-    « »     ,              19-     .-      ,       ,    2011-,           .-         ,     ,          ,           .-           ,    100  (220 )      .-        «» ,             32         28 

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017





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       «»  ,              :             : .      ,  ,      ,     :     ,        ,        « »:   « » ,     ,                     ,     ,          ,         :      35    ,         ,      ,       :    .      ,          ,         ,       : .      ,   .  , , .  ,    .  16

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  ,        (SARF):    “The Banned Club”     ,             :         ,    : .       ,  17,   630-   .            :         . .  . :            ,    :   «, , »  

    (SAS),   « »    .    «  ,       » (“Shatered Dreams of Revolution: From Liberty to Violence of Late Ottoman Empire) : .     :      :    MIT     :        : SAS-      Society for Armenian Studies :               400     ,     :       .  :          ,  ,        :     -       

«»       «  »      ,   ,      : ,  25-, . .  4-        «, , »  :        ,        :    2-    ,  2, 2017-          :      ,          ,    :  ,         ,         :

Nor Or, March 30, 2017, N0. 13 _N.O. Blank 3/29/17 8:43 AM Page 6


Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017

  , «-»                         .  :   , « » .      ,     :  .- . ,     :       : . .-     «-»   .  -,                 11 ,   :           : .-          :    ,    : .-    -

   ,    1980-          : .-      : .-     ,      ,

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ä¿ÛñáõÃÇÛÏ»ÙÉëñÇÛÏÏê÷ÇõéùÇ àõëáõÙëÇñáõûλñáÇïûñ¿ª ¸áÏï.ñÇÏî·¿ë»ÇÑ»ï , 2012        :           ,   :            ,     :  2014   « », 2015  « », 2016  « »  : 2017      « » ,    «--», «-»  «  » :    ,    ,      :          ,    ’       : .-     : .-         :      :          ,         .- )  ,       ,         18- , )  ,  ’ 18-   , )  ,  ’ 1920-1990-,        ,  ) -

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Thursday, March 30, 2017 Vol. 95, #13


Soldier killed in Artsakh was to be demobilized in July Artak Rafaelyan, 20, who was on Tuesday fatally wounded at a military outpost of one of the units located in eastern direction of the Defense Army as a result of the shot fired by the Azerbaijani side, was to be demobilized in July. He was the resident of Hrazdan town. Artak was the elder son in the family. His younger brother joined the army this year. The late serviceman was from a socially vulnerable family.

France is ready to host meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents STEPANAKERT. - French co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Stéphane Visconti, said the aforementioned at the briefing following the meeting between the co-chairs and Artsakh President Bako Sahakyan in Stepanakert on Tuesday. Asked whether a high-level meeting is possible, the French diplomat said that as soon as the conditions are created, this will happen. According to him, this may take place in France.


PROCLAIM APRIL 2017 AS ARMENIAN HISTORY MONTH According to the 2011 American Community Survey, an estimated 214,618 Armenians live within the Los Angeles County region. This makes Los Angeles County home to the greatest number of Armenians outside of Armenia itself. In addition to enhancing the cultural diversity of the County of Los Angeles, the Armenian community has achieved significant academic accomplishments and made tremendous artistic contributions to our region. The Armenian community offers a thriving economic base with various ethnic and specialty shops. Additionally, they have an active Armenian media and publishers, approximately 20 schools and 40 churches, a college throughout the County. Despite the attempt to eradicate the Armenian population over a century ago, the Armenians have survived and continued to enrich the lives of those around them. The tenacity and hard work should not go unnoticed. While we have a somber day of remembrance of the Armenian Genocide on April 24 commemorating the Armenian Genocide of 1915, we also want to celebrate the survival of such a vibrant culture. It is with great honor that we recognize their history and accomplishments. WE, THEREFORE, MOVE that the Board of Supervisors proclaim the month of April 2017 as Armenian History Month. - Supervisor Barger would like to honor Mashdots College president Dr. Garbis Der-Yeghiayan for the great work he had done for the county and the region on behalf of the Armenian community. Supervisor Barger would like to honor a prominent member of the Armenian community every Tuesday through April until we culminate with a presentation to observe the Armenian Genocide Day of Remembrance at the Board’s April 18 meeting. Dr. Der-Yeghiayan will be the first honoree for Armenian History Month at the April 4 meeting.

Tsarukyan: If we win, my partners will invest $15 billion The leader of Tsarukyan bloc promised to bring $15 billion investments to Armenia if his bloc wins the upcoming parliamentary elections. Speaking during the final campaign event of his bloc, MP and businessman Gagik Tsarukyan said his partners would invest in Armenia. “I have always supported the people. You cannot but feel the difficulties our people are faced with, be it in rural area or in the cities. We have to solve the problems. We will do it together,” he said. - The Tsarukyan Bloc will win Armenia’s parliamentary elections on April 2, head of Tsarukyan's coalition headquarters Ishkhan Zakaryan stated during the final campaign event of the Tsarukyan Bloc which took place in Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concerts Complex in Yerevan on Tuesday.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« March 30, 2017

END OF TRANSITION: Armenia 25 Years On, Now What? Twenty-five years after the Soviet collapse, citizens of Armenia, as well as observers and scholars are asking “Now What?” In an effort to better understand the past quarter century, and to look for ways forward, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies is presenting a two-city conference entitled, “The End of Transition: Shifting Focus a Quarter Century After the Soviet Collapse.” To be held at USC, on Sunday, April 9 and Monday, April 10, the conference brings together notable names in media, government, academia and the arts to explore regionalisms of Armenia, demographic changes, transitions in social and economic policy, the development of formal and informal political and social institutions, bottom-up social change and civil society formation. In foreign and regional relations, speakers will look at the transition from the Soviet sphere to attempts at other alliances, and the evolution of Armenia’s bilateral relations with its immediate neighbors. The conference will continue in Yerevan, Armenia on May 2324. “Armenia, like all the Soviet successor states, has undergone its own unique transition process. The transition concept presupposed a fairly linear trajectory from authoritarianism to democratization, from the Soviet world to the European world, from a controlled economy to a free market. This was everyone’s assumption. Where else could a new country possibly go, we thought? Yet, we’ve all seen that Armenia’s path towards democracy and a market economy has been non-direct, non-linear, inconsistent, at best. This conference will unpack those assumptions and demonstrate what really happened,” explained Salpi Ghazarian, director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies. On the afternoon of Sunday, April 9, Professor Robert English of the USC School of International Relations will open the program with a conversation with Ambassador Jack Matlock, the last US envoy to the USSR. They will be followed by a talk by Amberin Zaman, a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington DC. Until recently, she was the Turkey correspondent for the Economist. Ms. Zaman will describe the evolution of the Turkey-RussiaWest triangle over this quarter century. Hans Gutbrod, a Georgia-based Caucasus analyst with a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics, will address civil

society and attitudinal evolution since the Soviet collapse, in the three Caucasus republics. Dr. Gutbrod currently runs Transparify, an initiative to increase the transparency of policy research and advocacy. Another major figure in the study of countries in transition is Professor Daron Açemoglu, of MIT, whose book Why Nations Fail analyzes the role of institutional development in democratization and economic success. Finally, Khachig Tölölyan will talk about the Diaspora-Armenia relationship – how it evolved over these years and how the perceptions of that relationship changed the relationship itself. The Sunday afternoon program will last from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, with livestreaming beginning at 2:30 pm. On Monday, from 9:00 am to 6 pm, 18 scholars will present their research on the transition period. They will be divided among three panels – global and regional processes; governance & economic transitions; civil society and social change. Specific topics include how memory impacts relations with Turkey; the Karabakh conflict, how it evolved during and after the war years, and how war changes demographics; the diminishing importance of Armenia to US foreign policy; power, institutions and values; the demographics of transition; factors of democratic transition; transformation of informal economic institutions; good governance; comparative trust in the three republics of the Caucasus; migration patterns; the transition from egalitarian poverty to unequal wealth; and artistic transitions. Speakers include Gregory Aftandilian of Northeastern University; Serouj Aprahamian of York University; Dr. Karena Avedissian, Fellow of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies; Dr. Laurence Broers of Chatham House; Dr. Khatchik Der Ghougassian from Argentina; Phil Gamaghelyan of George Mason University; Dr. Arman Grigoryan of LeHigh University; Garik Hayrapetyan of the United Nations Yerevan office; Eric Nazarian, filmmaker; Dr. Anna Ohanyan of Stonehill College; Emil Sanamyan, editor of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies FOCUS ON KARABAKH; Social anthropologist Nona Shahnazaryan; and Karine Torosyan, of the International School of Economics in Georgia. The event is free and open to the public. Reservations are not required. Lunch will be served midday and refreshments will be available throughout both days.

‘The Promise,’ the Armenian Genocide and Israel By Simon Hardy Butler In April, I will be going to see a film concerning a subject that is very important to me. The movie is called The Promise, and it deals with the Armenian genocide that took place a century ago during the Ottoman regime. It is one of the few major films in recent memory to tackle such a topic, and that is of great significance. One of the picture’s aims to is to raise further awareness of this horrific event in the oft-villainous history of humanity. It’s not surprising that few people know about this incident, given the fact that many seek to downplay it as an extermination of an entire people. Yet that’s what it was, and what remains surprising is Israel’s refusal to officially recognize the murders of 1.5 million Armenians as a genocide. This is wrong. I’ve written before about the need to address this issue, and I’m writing about it again because it seems ludicrous to me that we, a people who have experienced our own Holocaust, have a government in the Jewish state that does not see the light in this regard. What is going on? Why can’t officials take action on this front? There are other factors here that are making such efforts difficult. The biggest one is Israel’s stronger relationship with Turkey, which has im-

proved somewhat. It is clear that the government of the former country does not want to offend the latter. This, then, is the time for Israel to take a stand and be brave enough to counter its colleague nation by acknowledging the historical occurrence as a genocide and demanding that Turkey own up to the Ottoman regime’s crimes. People who have big hearts do such things. Does Israel have a big heart? I think it does, and many of its people do. The question is, do members of the Knesset have the chutzpah to do what’s right in this case? With the anniversary of the genocide coming up on April 24, shouldn’t they do just that? My friend lost relatives during this period in history. I will be seeing the film The Promise because of my love for him and my understanding that just as we, as Jews, must counter hatred and anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial from bigots who ignore the facts, so must we fight against injustice imposed upon other populations who have also suffered, who have also witnessed and experienced atrocities, who have also been persecuted. The Armenians are one of those populations. They deserve to have their story told. The Promise is slated to debut in the United States on April 21. More information on it may be found by clicking here.

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Armenian Students Present Physical and Life Sciences Projects at the AESA 16th Annual Science Olympiad Los Angeles - 2017 Armenian Engineers Scientists of America (AESA) Science Olympiad Committee (SOC) congratulates all the students, teachers, parents, judges, mentors, sponsors, donors, volunteers and committee members, all other supporters, who made the 16th AESA Science Olympiad Competition a successful and memorable event. Established in 2002, AESA Science Olympiad Committee organizes an annual Science Olympiad, which promotes interest in engineering and sciences among middle and high school Armenian students. The 16th AESA Science Olympiad was held on Sunday, March 5, 2017 at Northridge Center of California State University of Northridge. Over 100 Armenian young bright minds presented their research/study in life and physical science projects. The following schools had student representation this year: AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School, AGBU Vatche & Tamar Manoukian High School, Armenian Mesrobian School, Balboa Elementary School, Charlotte and Elise Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School, Holy Martyrs Ferrahian School, Ribet Academy, St. Gregory Alfred and Marguerite Hovsepian School, Sahag-Mesrob Armenian Christian School and Vahan and Anoush Chamlian School. Vrej Agajanian, AESA President 2017, started Opening ceremony, while the event was streaming live on AABC TV. He welcomed all attendees and TV viewers, expressed his appreciation of hard work of organizers and all participants of the event. Svetlana Arutyunova, AESA 2016 / 2017 SO Committee Co-Chair, continued by sharing her excitement and reporting on multiple successful inspiring activities that took place since last year’s SO event, where 105 projects were presented by 130 students, and what program awaits students and parents, teachers during the day. A team of 30 volunteer professional scientist and engineer judges interviewed students for their presentation skills, creativity, scientific thinking, data analysis and comprehension. AESA judges have, not only, judged at previous AESA Science Olympiads and numerous school science fairs, they, also, have judged at the Los Angeles County and California State Science Fairs. In addition, some of them will have the opportunity to be a judge at the Intel’s International Science and Engineering Fair that will take place on May 24, 2017 in Los Angeles. This year’s keynote speakers were Ms. Careen Khachatoorian and Mr. Sarkis Barkhoudarian. Careen Khachatoorian is a graduate student in the Cell, Molecular,

and Developmental PhD program working in Dr. Prue Talbot's lab. Her presentation provided information about Stem Cells, how they are created, and their therapeutic uses. Mr. Sarkis Barkhoudarian, past AESA President 1994 and a retired Aerospace Engineer and scientist, discussed light spectral application in nonintrusive measurements in the aerospace industry. Presentations sparked interest and multiple questions from the audience. SO Committee is always grateful to the AESA Science Olympiad Endowment Fund sponsors for financially supporting promotion of science and engineering education! This fund’s proceeds provide funding for approximately $4,000 in awards each year. In 2016 two of our donors, Dr. Svetlana Minassian and Mr. Eddie Atoian, again donated $2000 each. We sincerely appreciate all past and future sponsorship and donations. The prize for 1st place is $500, 2nd place $250, 3rd place $100 and honorable mention $50. In addition to the awards given to the students, the Science Olympiad Committee awards three additional awards: The School Award, Teacher Appreciation Award and Judge's Award. The criteria for the school and the teacher appreciation awards are based on number of winning students, total number of participating projects in each category and level and the point value of each award. School Award is presented with a trophy and $300 to go towards the purchase of equipment for their school’s science laboratory. This year the School Award went to Charlotte and Elise Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School. The Teacher Award presented with a plaque and a $300 check. This year the Teacher Appreciation Award went to Mr. Christopher Rosas of St. Gregory Alfred and Marguerite Hovsepian School. The Helen Dabaghian Judge Award criteria based on the most number of schools’ science fairs and Science Olympiads judged. The Helen Dabaghian Judge Award trophy was given to Mr. Eddie Atoian for many years of dedication and many years of being SO Judge and Mentor for Armenian youth of several Armenian schools. Website will have more details on award categories and Winners’ names. AESA is also grateful for the Exhibitors, who presented sideline tabletop demos for public and students to explore and enjoy, including intellectual board games, Robotic Arm demonstration, CSUN’s AERO Team displaying designed aero plain model, Numatic Engineering and Hybrid Systems expo, Tutor Doctor’s booth.

HMADS Gala Dinner Dance: A Golden Celebration Bayside, New York - 50 years ago, the Armenian community in Queens, New York received a special gift that would keep on giving: Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School. HMADS first opened its welcoming doors as“HyeBardez” in 1967 and has since become a second home to hundreds of students, staff, parents, alumni and supporters. It seems fated that the 50th anniversary of HMADS arrives under the leadership of its new principal, Mrs. Seta TavitianMegherian, a proud alumna of the school. Since its inception, HMADS has upheld a tradition of excellence in elementary education while inspiring a love of Armenian heritage in students from Nursery to 6th grade. Surpassing the mandated New York State education standards, the school supplements its curriculum with daily lessons in Armenian

language, history, and culture. Recently, due to popular demand, HMADS introduced the cooperative HyeBardez program for 2 and 3 year olds. From a very young age, students gain valuable knowledge, develop character and moral fortitude, and learn to become part of the bigger, unified picture as future members of the Armenian-American community. Class sizes at the fully accredited HMADS are small, allowing for a more personal, nurturing learning environment in which many lifelong friendships have blossomed. Graduates of the beloved school have gone on to distinguish themselves with various academic and professional honors. 3 alumni proudly serve as HMADS Board members during this 50th school year, and many have returned to their alma mater as new parents, ensuring the continuity of the school and its mission. The celebration of this milestone anniversary allows members of the close-knit HMADS family to reflect upon half a century of service as the community's leading Armenian-American educational institution. One of the major celebratory events of this memorable year will be the Gala Dinner Dance, to be held on Saturday, June 3rd at the exclusive North Hills Country Club in Manhasset. The gala is hosted by the Friends of HMADS fundraising committee, which has established itself as the financial pillar of the school since 1994. The Friends committee, currently chaired by school board co-chairman Hovannes Malikyan, has planned and executed various fundraising activities for over 20 years, working diligently to help HMADS keep its tuition affordable for families. This year, the HMADS family is extremely grateful to have a special, dedicated mother and son team, Mrs. Mary Haroutunian and Mr. BerjHaroutunian, take the helm as Honorary Booklet Chairpersons of

the 50th Anniversary Gala Dinner Dance. Mr. Haroutunian currently serves on the HMADS board, as well as the Friends committee, and Mrs. Haroutunian has been an ardent supporter of the entire Holy Martyrs community for many years. Together they will ensure the success of this milestone celebration. On behalf of the Friends committee, we hope you will join us on June 3rd for an unforgettable evening celebrating 50 years of success, dedication and heritage. The elegant affair will begin with a lavish cocktail hour at 7:30 p.m., followed by a multi-course dinner served at 9 p.m. Don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes, as the talented Arthur Apkarianand his band will provide the evening’s musical entertainment. Your contribution to the commemorative booklet, as well as your $130 ticket donation, will greatly assist HMADS in continuing its mission to educate generations of A r m e n i a n - A m e r icans. Here’s to another 50 years of success for our beloved school! To inquire about the Gala Dinner Dance,orto learn more about the Friends committee, please call the school office at (718) 225- 4826, Mrs. NegdarArukian at (718) 423-4813 or Mr. SiraganVarolian at (718) 631-7131. ArpiArukian, Class of ’92, School Board and Friends Com. Member

TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ARMCOMEDY BENEFIT EVENTS IN BOSTON, LOS ANGELES, AND SAN FRANCISCO WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tickets are now available for the ArmComedy performances in Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco hosted by the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) and Armenia Tree Project (ATP). Political satirists Narek Margaryan and Sergey Sargsyan, co-creators, co-writers and cohosts of ArmComedy, will be performing for the first time in the United States at Winchester Town Hall in the Boston area on Friday, April 28; at Stars on Brand in Glendale on Thursday, May 4; and in the San Francisco Bay area at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, May 6. The shows will be in English. Tickets to the Boston show are available at www.armeniatree.org/armcomedy, Glendale tickets are available at www.itsmyseat.com/ armcomedy and tickets to the Bay Area show are available at www.armeniatree.org/mvcpa.

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Vasken Matyanesque Geoscapes An exhibition of new and recent paintings A patina of lucid indignation, often bordering on fury, suffuses Vasken’s works. It is the indignation of the conscientious denizen of the 21st century vis-à-vis an escalating onslaught of destructive forces that include environmental degradation, runaway consumerism and serialization, the curtailment of privacy and civil rights in the name of “security,” and fastresurging jingoism and xenophobia which seem to pervade conservative and ostensibly liberal societies alike. Architecture and architectonics are, in a manner of speaking, the building blocks of Vasken’s art. This is because he levels his critique – whether directed at the existential paradigms of the modern world or registering as a meditation on the realm of the metaphysical – by focusing on structures and their function as organizing principles: the structures of the socius, the edifices of the metropolis (and now, increasingly, the megalopolis), the economic and political underpinnings and assumptions called on to hold together the fickle fabric of the whole enterprise. Accordingly, geometric abstraction and constructivist forays are key esthetic strategies in most of Vasken’s paintings. The general effect is that of imposing, bigger-than-life architectural constructs that elicit an immediate emotional response while forceopening the doors of perception and provoking thought. The peculiar urgency of these aspects owes in no small measure to Vasken’s meticulously controlled subversion of framework and form: his compositions communicate a powerful sense of fracturedness and dislocation, of being askew to any number of degrees, and, ultimately, a profound alienation which, remarkably, refuses to give up on the possibility of meaningful, positive transformation. Dichotomy is another core approach in Vasken’s art. Often his canvases reveal a “before-and-after” or “now-and-the-future” scheme, in which statements about the present tense’s alarming state of affairs are juxtaposed with either an alternative vision or an indication of the logical, catastrophic outcome of current patterns of behavior. In one work, for instance, a monstrously arrogant pile of corporate greed and malfeasance (the foreground) is

Presentation of new Anthology of Contemporary Armenian Literature Glendale, CA – Participating authors Tamar Boyadjian, Shushan Karapetian, and Karen Karslyan will present the newly published anthology of contemporary Armenian literature titled, makukachu on Thursday, April 6, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. MAKUKACHU is composed of the works of 22 Armenian writers (Western Armenian and Eastern Armenian) from the diaspora and from the Republic of Armenia. The oldest writer is the diaspora's intellectual of 70 years old, Marc Nichanian; the youngest a 21 year old poet from Armenia, Loucine Yeghyan. The volume is prepared by the editors of Inknagir literary group, Violet Grigorian and Vahan Ishkhanian. The editor of the translations is professor of creative writing at Michigan State University, Tamar M. Boyadjian. The title of the anthology is drawn from the title of one of the short stories of the writer Ani Asatryan, makukachun - a being that lives in text. The book contains pieces written by Hasmik Simonyan, Christian Batikian, Vahan Ishkhanyan, Nara Vardanyan, Karen Karslyan, Ani Asatryan, Violet Grigoryan, Siranush Ohanyan, Tamar M. Boyadjian, Armen of Armenia, Loucine Yeghyan, Byurakn Ishkhanyan, Aram Mamikonyan, Anna Davtyan, Hripsime Hovhannisyan, Anush Kocharyan, Vahe Budumyan, Taisha Abelar, Maroush Yeramian, Anush Babajanyan, Misak Khostikyan and Marc Nichanian.

Claude Mutafian to present film about his father, artist Zareh Mutafian contrasted with an idyllic landscape, the latter functioning as both promise and threat — after all, it might soon vanish if capital’s raping of the environment continues unchecked. In another canvas, Vasken succeeds at once to direct the spectator’s eye on the seething pulse of a volcanic crater. The blood-red of the crater, intimating the uncertainty, paranoia, and essential instability of modern life (the volcanic eruption in wait) is juxtaposed with the azure of a peaceful sky in the background, pointing, perhaps, at a stillaccessible measure of peace to which humanity has the option of turning. Color, indeed, is a decisive element in Vasken’s dichotomous compositions, serving to delineate clashing themes on the one hand and defining the respective intensity, menace, or potential hopefulness of diametrical forces on the other. But whereas this might be obvious enough, Vasken’s esthetic singularity lies in his signature “stucco” surfaces, whose intricately layered texture and precisely calibrated plays of shadow and light heighten coloration to an extraordinary level of eloquence. Vasken has said that he is averse to clean, neatly constructed surfaces because they don’t allow one to “breathe.” “You need that rough, worn surface in order to connect with something beyond the disinfected and the polished,” he has noted. That sense of connection comes through to dazzling light in one of the artist’s most poignant paintings, in which a forlorn twig stands like a screaming question mark in the middle of a road which leads to an ominous tunnel. The metaphors here can hardly be exaggerated. It’s the human predicament

as we know it, particularly within the context of the post-Industrial-Age situation, whereby our very nature, and certainly nature itself, are threatened in the face of hyper progress. The theme is further explored in a brazenly “clinical” work, in which a lone blood clot is suspended in air — a heartrending murmur about the fundamental malaise of modern life. Many of Vasken’s paintings are pure studies in structure and form, an evolving exploration of esthetic pathways and subtexts. In such works, with their side trips to the figurative and the surreal (though more in the vein of de Chirico), Vasken often gives a nod to various masters, chiefly Kazimir Malevich and Arshile Gorky. Yet whatever the art-historical reference of such canvases, what deftly comes through is Vasken’s own, irreducible style, his voice, which, perhaps more than anything else, is capable of conveying a steadfast, pulsating quest for inner freedom.

Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY is proud to host the prestigious historian visiting from France, CLAUDE MUTAFIAN as he presents a new documentary about his father, PAINTING AFTER THE GENOCIDE: ZAREH MUTAFIAN on FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. This hour-long documentary, produced in 2015 and directed by Arto Pehlivanian, presents the life and career of artist Zareh Mutafian, who, born on the shores of the Black Sea, survived the Armenian Genocide and settled in France, becoming one of the most famous Armenian intellectuals and artists. The film is in French with English subtitles. ZAREH MUTAFIAN (1907-1980) found himself at the age of eight in the midst of the corpses of his entire family, massacred during the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. He was taken in by an American orphanage which was transferred to Greece, from there he went on to Italy where he studied painting in Milan, and started out on an artistic career which he pursued in Switzerland, and then in France where he settled in 1939. He was rapidly integrated into the rich Parisian Armenian intelligentsia of the time, and engaged in a literary career in parallel with his painting career which became quickly

appreciated in the capital's artistic circles thanks to numerous solo exhibitions and participation in salons. Over a 40-year period, he came to be recognized both as an Armenian intellectual and a French artist. He thus transcended the traumatism by integrating into European culture while keeping the soul of a Levantine. As such, he is a symbol of the genocide to which he dedicated a memorable exhibition in 1965, the 50th anniversary year. Although he always thought in Armenian, his art was shaped by his contact with the great classical Italian masters and the fascinating colorists he discovered in France. He never stopped writing or exhibiting, in Europe, in the United States and twice in Soviet Armenia (1967 and 1971) where, already well-known, he met with thunderous success. CLAUDE MUTAFIAN was born in 1942 in the suburbs of Paris. His parents were survivors of the 1915 Genocide. His studies led him towards Mathematics, which he taught for more than 40 years in various universities. However, his passion was always History. He published many books about different topics concerning Armenia, such as a Historical Atlas of Armenia covering thirty centuries. He organized various exhibitions, including The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Paris, Sorbonne, 1993), RomaArmenia (Vatican, Great Sixtine Hall, 1999) and Armenia, the Magic of Writing (Marseilles, 2007). His field of interest is essentially the Medieval period, in particular the relations of Armenians with Crusaders and Mongols. At the age of 60 he received a PhD in History. With his recent work, L’Arménie du Levant (2012), he was awarded the highest University degree. Presented by the Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore.

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Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017






       (picnic basket),                 ,                 , Longaberger      ,        ,      ...     1997    32            ,     ,    ,      225      ,              ,     ,           ,                       ,     ,      ,             ,             ,    ,    ,          ,            ...

         79 -


   ,          ,     ,       ,     ,               (popsicle)          ,          ,    ,                ,       ( ):           

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Üáñ úñ

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, 4  2017-,          ,       « »      .       ,    ,      ,–   ,–       ,     ,                              ,                                       ,  ,          ,      ,      :              .           ’      ,       

-  

 , 11  2017-,     ,   - « »,   . .  . :       ,           . ,   :                :     ,        11-     :            ,            ,        

.-    ,                « » ,      .   « »  ,    .  14

, 27  2017-,      «    » (Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America)  « » (Science Fair),      -

Nor Or, March 30, 2017, N0. 13 _N.O. Blank 3/29/17 8:43 AM Page 9

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017


êñ·ÇëìÑ·ÁªÇñ«ÌÕÏùÕ» åïÙáõÍù»ñáõÁÙ¿ç¿ ºÜÆÎÜêºÜ (.    ) ,   :    ,   , `   ,    :   ,          :   ,   `    : ,    ,    :   ,     `  :     ,        ,-      :        :     , ,   : , ,    :     ` «    »:       (   )            «»      :   `  «   »: , ,    :    ,    ,   :        :  ,   :      :           :  -              :    , , , ,            :      :     :            :  ,         ` -,   `     -:         . - ,  … … - , ,  ,   …    ,     :    ,      , ,   

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ÌÊàôºêîÜàò Deluxe Auto Body & Paint Body•Frame•Paint Servicingallmakesandmodels 21417IngomarSt.unit1 CanogaPark,CA91304


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Üáñ úñ

14 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017 ØÇç-åñáóÏëÙáõùÇÙñóáõÙÇ ·ÉËõáñÛÕÃÏÁª·ñõáñÙßÏáÛÃÁ

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 1100-,    ,    800-,   , 31  2017-   800-  :    ,            ,    ,     ...

Nor Or, March 30, 2017, N0. 13 _N.O. Blank 3/29/17 8:43 AM Page 11

Üáñ úñ Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017


ØñÏ Ï»ù Ûëï-ÔËëïª2-0(0-0)  26-   2018 .        .  ` - ,    .      2-                                37-                 63-         ,       10         . ,       20-  ,           20   2-     6 ,   2-       .  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,   ( , 65),   ( , 2),   ( , 70),  ,   .    2  . - 1-2, - 0-0    .   . 1.  13, 2. , 3.  7-, 4. , 5.  6-, 6.  2    2-            10-  

ØñÙÙñÇÏ ñÃáõñÂáíÙë»ÁñÓõ ßËñÑÇ·õÃÏÇñ


 ()      -        ,    4        ,   ,      4-  ,   2-,        • «»      ,         «» •  -17    -17- 2016-17 .    1-10      -17-      0-6,   0-5  •  2018 .         22-,  , 1-3      

ÛÏÏáõÃåáÉÛÇ ËÏñ


-       2016 .        -        «»        3-  

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•  16-28- -             ,                 10- .  ,       (-     ),  ,        -   •  11-           -    ,     ,           14        •  23-  ()         ,  ,  ,      12     •      «  »         100  ,   ,   5 , 6   4 -    7    6-            ,     2- ,    3-

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.-              :        :     ,        : .-   ,         : .-     :

Nor Or, March 30, 2017, N0. 13 _N.O. Blank 3/29/17 8:43 AM Page 12

Üáñ úñ

16 Ç·ßµÃÇ« 30 Øñï 2017 «ñïáÕ÷áËÏºõñáåÛÇëïÉ ÷áñÓ»Éáõ,Çñåå»ñáõ·áñÍÍáÇñÁÃáÕ ÁáõÇ»,ÁëÍ¿ñÙ.ÎÃáÕÇÏáë          .-      -,    24-                  ,               .     ,  ,   -

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