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Nor Or, April 13, 2017, No. 2015 _N.O. Blank 4/12/17 10:51 AM Page 6
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NOR OR ENG.April 6 copy:Layout 1 4/12/17 9:13 AM Page 1
Thursday, April 13, 2017 Vol. 95, #15
US congressman: Trump will recognize Armenian Genocide
Armenian Assembly Welcomes Members' Initiative
The US Democrats and Republicans are always ready to stand with their friend and ally, Armenia, said Senator Ed Markey, at a US Congress evening event commemorating Armenian Genocide, reported Voice of America Armenian service. Numerous Congress members that addressed at the event stressed that they stand with the Armenian people in the recognition of this tragedy. Congressman Salud Carbajal said the truth is just. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo noted that she was ashamed that the US has not yet formally recognized Armenian Genocide; but she expressed confidence that they will prevail. Congressman Dave Trott stated that US President Donald Trump was not a conventional politician, and expressed the hope that Trump will recognize Armenian Genocide, with a statement. Influential Congressman Adam Schiff also spoke about the chances of Trump’s official recognition of this tragedy. And as per Congressman Brad Sherman, the US recognition of Armenian Genocide will help the Turkish people themselves in acknowledging their history.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - A bipartisan letter signed by 84 Members of Congress was sent to President Donald Trump urging him to affirm the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) spearheaded the letter asking the White House to honor the United States' historic leadership in defending human rights and to properly characterize the events of 1915 as a genocide in this year's presidential statement on April 24th. "More than 100 years have passed since the start of the Armenian Genocide and the time is long overdue to acknowledge the atrocities committed against the Armenian people for exactly what they were - genocide," Rep. Pallone stated. "It would be a powerful statement by President Trump in his early presidency to commemorate this anniversary and remember the lives of the one and a half million Armenians who were needlessly slaughtered by Ottoman Turks during the 20th century's first genocide," he added. The letter to President Trump states: "In leading an honest and accurate American remembrance of this known case of genocide, you will stand with President Reagan, who recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1981, and the Eisenhower Administration, which did the same in a 1951 submission to
the International Court of Justice." During his time in office, President Ronald Reagan squarely acknowledged the Armenian Genocide stating that "Like the genocide of the Armenians before it, and the genocide of the Cambodians which followed it - and like too many other such persecutions of too many other peoples - the lessons of the Holocaust must never be forgotten." Additionally, the letter references America's humanitarian intervention, adding: "Among the proudest chapters in our shared history is America's remarkable record of protesting the Genocide and in caring for the survivors of this crime." The letter highlighted the Near East Relief, a Congressionally chartered humanitarian organization which raised $116 million (over $2.5 billion in 2017 dollars) to aid the victims of the Ottoman Empire's mass murder of millions of Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Pontians, Syriacs, and other persecuted peoples. Last week, Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny submitted testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, wherein he noted the importance of reaffirming America's proud chapter in history in helping to save the survivors of the first genocide of the twentieth century.
Cyprus parliament urges world community to recognize Armenian Genocide The Parliament in Cyprus has condemned the Armenian Genocide, calling on the international community to acknowledge it. Speaker Demetris Syllouris said that even more than a century have gone since Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, Turkey refuses to acknowledge the murder of 1.5 million Armenians, Famagusta Gazette reported. Syllouris urged the international com-
ANI ARMENIAN GENOCIDE LIBRARY OPENS, SPECIAL REMARKS BY ARMENIAN GENOCIDE MUSEUM-INSTITUTE DIRECTOR DR. HAYK DEMOYAN WASHINGTON, D.C. - On April 5, the Armenian National Institute (ANI) hosted the opening of its Armenian Genocide Library in Washington, D.C., giving researchers access to over 5,000 publications on the Armenian Genocide and modern Armenian history. Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Director Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in Yerevan, did the honors of opening the library. "The opening of an Armenian information center in Washington is a very important event. The opening of such a center in the US capital is a major achievement by itself," Demoyan said. "ANI is grateful to Dr. Demoyan for joining us at the launch of the first phase of our research center and the opening of the Armenian Genocide Library. In this space, researchers will have access to a specialized collection acquired by the Armenian National Institute and the Armenian Assembly of America over the past 40 years," ANI Director Dr. Rouben Adalian stated. Thanks to the donation of a full set of audio-visual equipment installed in the ANI library, visitors can also experience a large screen viewing of the online Armenian Genocide Museum of America
(AGMA), as well as other recordings and productions in various formats from around the world. ANI's Armenian Genocide Library is just one component of a research center that will feature several substantial collections facilitating the process for historians and scholars to retrieve more documentation about the Armenian Genocide. Earlier this year, ANI also launched a Turkish language version of its very popular Armenian Genocide website to provide further access for Turkish-speaking audiences. Mobile friendly versions of the ANI and AGMA websites were launched within the past year. "There are a lot of plans in the works for the Armenian National Institute to be as accessible as possible for any type of scholar
interested in learning more about the Armenian Genocide. ANI's collection will continue to expand, as well as the various channels and languages to share this information," ANI Chairman Van Z. Krikorian added. Later that evening, the Armenian Assembly of America co-hosted an Armenian Genocide Commemoration on Capitol Hill, where Dr. Demoyan participated and gave remarks. "Whether it is the annual statement of the President of the United States issued on Armenian memorial day, or the floor statements made by Congressmen and Senators each April, these are important reminders that the problem of genocide continues to haunt humankind and that remembrance is a form of prevention. To forget the past, deny the facts, and distort history are all methods of burying the crimes committed against humanity, and by so doing providing excuses for the repetition of such crimes," Demoyan said. "I thank the organizers of this Capitol Hill commemoration and express my deep respect for the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues for their commitment and friendship toward the people of Armenia," he continued.
munity, to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide. Vartkes Mahdessian, representative of the Armenian community in the parliament, said those guilty of the Armenian Genocide remain unpunished. He said for over 100 years, Armenian have been seeking justification, not revenge, and the complete acknowledgement of indisputable historic facts.
Clark University hosts international conference on Armenian Genocide Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies of the Clark University (Massachusetts, US) organized an international conference entitled “New experience: Making responsibility responsible” from April 6 to 9. The conference was attended by renowned researchers from the sphere of genocide studies, who were from US, Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Germany, Guatemala, Israeli, Armenia, South African Republic, Canada, Great Britain, etc. The conference was attended by Constitutional Court advisor, coordinator of the Armenian Genocide Legal Issue Center by the Armenian Lawyers' Association, Vladimir Vardanyan, who made a report entitled “Hundred years later: who is responsible for the Armenian Genocide and how.” Within this framework, issues related to legal means aimed at overcoming the consequences of the Armenian Genocide were discussed. The report specifically referred to the issue of specifying the scope of public and private subjects responsible for the Armenian Genocide. Apart from this, information was provided regarding the current and completed judicial processes aimed at overcoming the aforementioned consequences.
NOR OR ENG.April 6 copy:Layout 1 4/12/17 9:13 AM Page 2
Üáñ úñ
Thursday« April 13, 2017
Hye Geen's annual conference
Evaluating the changes within the Armenian family AGBU’s Hye Geen committee hosted their annual conference on April 1st at the Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center’s Boyajian Hall. The program focused on “Evaluating the Changes Within the Armenian Family.” The committee had invited six notable speakers: Misha Margaryan, M.A. from Yerevan State University; Father Vasken Movsesian, M.A. from the Youth & Christian Outreach Department of the Western Diocese; Pastor Daniel Albarian, M.DIV. who does Christian Outreach for the Armenian Church; Anahid Nara Sahakyan, Ph.D. who serves as the Vice Dean of Faculty of Sociology of Yerevan State University; Frederick Mesropi, Esq. who is the Deputy Attorney in the Los Angeles County Attorney’s Office; and Matthew A. Jendian, Ph.D., who is a Professor and the Chair of Sociology as well as the Director of Humanics at California State University, Fresno. The program began with opening remarks from Sona Yacoubian, Chair of the Hye Geen committee. Yacoubian discussed the importance of understanding
the changes in the dynamics of families overall, and specifically how these changes impact Armenian families. Students from various schools were invited to introduce the speakers and the program, Margaryan took the podium first, he discussed the common roles of men and women in Armenian families and how gender roles play a significant part of the Armenian familiy’s dynamics. Father Movsesian discussed the shift in today’s culture brought by technology, specifically the internet and how it affects family interactions. Pastor Albarian spoke of common threats that may affect
A two-day celebration of Armenian and Native American survival GLENDALE, CA - Abril Bookstore, In His Shoes, and the Lakota People’s Law Project present Days of Solidarity: Celebrating Native American and Armenian Survival. The event will dedicate a weekend of programming to highlight the creative and spiritual bonds between two groups of people that have preserved and advanced their ancient cultures. The event will be held on April 29 and 30 of 2017 at Abril Bookstore / Roslin Art Gallery at 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is $20 with early-bird pricing, and $25 at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Lakota Peoples' Law Project. For tickets, go to or visit Abril Bookstore. The program will kick-off with an art exhibit and performances, including spoken word, music, dance, and drumming on Saturday, April 29th starting at 5:00pm. Sunday, April 30th, will continue at 1:00pm with workshops, film screenings, and a panel discussion. Fea-
tured performers and presenters include Grammy Award winning flutist Mary Youngblood, award winning filmmaker Carla Garapedian, Daniel Paul Nelson of LPLP, and Father Vazken Movsesian of In His Shoes. The purpose of the event is two-fold. First, it will raise funds for the Lakota Peoples' Law Project, legal defenders of the Lakota people whose rights were violated by the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Reservation. Second, the event’s performance, dialogue, and action will highlight the relationship between these two groups in order to affirm the power of unity. Both the native Armenians of Anatolia and the native tribes of the Americas have emerged from their own respective genocides to become proud, productive world citizens. Presented by Abril Bookstore, In His Shoes, and Lakota Peoples' Law Project. Contact Abril Bookstore for more information: (818) 243-4112,
a child’s upbringing and shared statistics highlighting the importance of a solid foundation for every child. Dr. Sahakyan presented on stigma and abortions, explaining common situations many women face in Armenia. Mr. Mesropi touched on the disturbing truths of domestic violence and explained ways to help domestic violence victims. Dr. Jendian focused on the history of Armenian families migrating to the United States and the difficulties faced in Fresno in the early 1900’s. He also discussed the topic of assimilation and how living in a diverse location is and will inevitably con-
tinue shifting the Armenian culture. In his presentation, Dr. Jendian stated “Roots are what give the next generation wings.” This noteworthy line was a great way to sum up the entirety of the program and end the series of speakers, segueing into the panel discussion. The audience was given the opportunity to ask questions, and it was evident that all speakers’ presentations had made a strong impact on the audience as each speaker was asked a number of questions. After the Q&A, the Hye Geen committee honored three scouts: Aleen Babikian, Rachel Bedoyan, and Marilyn Bedoyan for fundraising over $1,000 for the Pregnant Women’s Centers in Armenia established by the committee. Talin Yacoubian, Chair of the AGBU’s Western District, closed the program with her final remarks, touching on key points from every speaker’s presentation. Yacoubian noted the importance of the work of the Hye Geen committee and commended the tireless efforts of the dedicated committee members for consistently hosting remarkable annual conferences.
Former US Ambassador to speak at Armenian Genocide commemoration event Former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John M. Evans, will speak at an event dedicated to the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The event will be held in Hartford, capital city of Connecticut, on April 22. The commemoration organized by the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee of Connecticut, will be attended by civic, political and religious leaders of Connecticut, reports. When speaking at the meeting with the Armenian community of California, the then Ambassador Evans publicly stated that the 1915 slaughter was a Genocide. In September 2006 he left Armenia and the U.S. Department of State.
NOR OR ENG.April 6 copy:Layout 1 4/12/17 9:13 AM Page 3
Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 13, 2017
The Promise, the First Wide-Release Feature Film about the Armenian Genocide, Opens Across the United States and Canada on April 21 Armenian organizations in North America band together to ensure the success of the film through grassroots efforts Charlotte Le Bon, Christian Bale, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Angela Sarafyan, and many more. All proceeds from the film will be donated to non-profit organizations, the first time for a film of this scale. In the film, it is 1914. As the Great War looms, the vast Ottoman Empire is crumbling. Constantinople (Istanbul)—its once vibrant, multicultural capital—is about to be consumed by chaos. Michael Boghosian (Oscar Isaac) arrives in the cosmopolitan hub as a medical student determined to bring modern medicine to Siroun, his ancestral village in southern Turkey where Turkish Muslims and Armenian Christians have lived side by side for centuries. Photo-journalist Chris Meyers (Christian Bale) has come only partly to cover geo-political news. He is mesmerized by his love for Ana (Charlotte Le Bon), an Armenian artist he has accompanied from Paris after the sudden death of her father. When Michael meets Ana, their shared Armenian heritage sparks an attraction that explodes into a romantic rivalry between the two men, even as Michael hangs on to a promise
For the first time, a big budget, wide-release feature film—complete with a-list, Hollywood celebrities and a renowned, Academy Award-winning director—will depict the Armenian Genocide. This monumental film, The Promise, will be released in mainstream theaters across the United States and Canada on April 21, marking a major triumph for the Armenian community. Due to the exceptional caliber of the film, it will not be screened privately at community events. Instead, groups are strongly encouraged to go en masse to their local theaters to support the film and help it reach the highest possible boxoffice sales. For exact dates of the film’s international release, please see the end of this release and continue to check social media. All Armenians and non-Armenians are urged to support the grassroots efforts leading up to the premiere of the film to ensure its success and encourage the film industry to produce more films about Armenian history. (1) Bring friends and family to the film during its opening weekend. (2) Spread the word about The Promise on social media with the hashtags #KeepThePromise and #ThePromiseTheFilm and invite friends and family to join the campaign. (3) Go to daytime and night screenings of The Promise during its opening week. (4) Review
Oscar Isaac as Michael Boghosian in The Promise. Directed by Terry George.
the film online at and as honestly as you see fit. Produced by the legendary Kirk Kerkorian’s Survival Pictures and directed by Academy Award winner Terry George (Hotel Rwanda), The Promise features an outstanding international cast, including Oscar Isaac,
Charlotte Le Bon as Ana Khesarian and Christian Bale as Chris Myers in The Promise.
from his past. After the Turks join the war on the German side, the Empire turns violently against its own ethnic minorities. Despite their conflicts, everyone must find a way to survive—even as monumental events envelope their lives. In addition to the all-star cast, acclaimed musician and activist Serj Tankian served as the film’s executive music consultant and contributed a modern rendition of the Armenian folk song, “Sari Siroun Yar,” to the soundtrack. “It's been an honor to be an impartial ear and eye to the film,” said Tankian. “The best way to counter high budget disinformation campaigns by the Turkish government is to move people with the truth via the arts. I've been doing it for years with music and wanted to help do it through film somehow.” The original title song for the film was written and performed by Chris Cornell of the band Soundgarden and the original score was composed by Academy Award winner Gabriel Yared (The English Patient). In addition to the release in the United States and Canada on April 21, The Promise will also be released in the Middle East (Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, UAE, Yemen) on April 20; in Armenia and Russia on April 27; in the United Kingdom on April 28; in Poland on May 5; in Australia on May 25; in Thailand on June 1; in Spain on June 2; in Belgium on June 14; in the Netherlands on June 15; in Singapore on June 22; in South Africa on June 23 and in Italy on August 24. Please continue to check social media for updates on the film’s release in more countries. The grassroots campaign to ensure the box-office success of The Promise has been a worldwide effort supported by a joint coalition of Armenian organizations in North America, including: All-Armenian Student Association (All-ASA), Armenia Fund, Armenia Tree Project, Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian Dramatic Arts Alliance, Armenian Catholic Eparchy in the United States & Canada, Armenian Film Foundation, Armenian
Terry George, director of The Promise.
Gay and Lesbian Association of New York (AGLA NY), Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Armenian International Women’s Association (AIWA), Armenian Missionary Association of America, Armenian Missionary Association of Canada, Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC), Armenian National Institute (ANI), Armenian Network of America, Armenian Prelacy of Canada, the Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of the United States, Armenian Students' Association of America, Arpa Foundation for Film, Music and Art (AFFMA), Children of Armenia Fund (COAF), Constantinople Armenian Relief Society (CARS), Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada, Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Canada, Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to the United States, Gay and Lesbian Armenian Society (GALAS), Hamazkayin Educational & Cultural Society of the United States, Hayastan Foundation Canada, Knights and Daughters of Vartan, National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), Office of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in the United States, ONEArmenia, Organization of Istanbul Armenians (OIA), Tekeyan Cultural Association of the United States and Canada, Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR), Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and Zoryan Institute. To join the joint effort in North America, please contact To find out more about The Promise, please visit To book a local theater to host a large group showing of the film, please email
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Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 13, 2017
Knights & Daughters of Vartan Honor Community Leaders FAIR LAWN, NEW JERSEY - Six leading community figures will be honored for their dedication to the Armenian community and the St. Giragos Church of Dikranagerd on Friday, May 12 at the St. Leon Abajian Hall in an event hosted by The Knights & Daughters of Vartan of New York, under the auspices of His Eminence Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern). The honorary banquet will recognize legendary singer Onnik Dinkjian, Vartkes Egun Ayik, Chairman of the St. Giragos Church of Dikranagerd, Raffi Bedrosyan, a civil engineer who assisted the reconstruction of the St. Giragos Church and businessmen Charles Pinajian, Kevork Atinizian and Zaven Uzatmacian whose families hail from Dikranagerd and continue to support their ancestral city. “These are individuals who have served for decades to promote and reconstruct the St. Giragos Church,” said Hirant Gulian, Chairman-Emeritus, Knights of Vartan Times Square Commemoration Committee. “They are being honored for their dedication and devotion to the Armenian Church and the Armenian people.” A presentation of the current situation in Dikranagerd in present-day Turkey will also take place and a traditional Dikranagertzi kavoorma dinner will be served. This event will take place on Friday, May 12 at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Leon Abajian Church Hall, 12-01 Saddle River Road in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Donation is $65 per person. Reservations can be made by contacting Hirant Gulian 212-764-8730, Sona 201-7460409 or Mari 201-370-5003.
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