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Vol. 95, # 16, Thursday, April 20, 2017

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Thursday, April 20, 2017 Vol. 95, #16


Armenian Genocide and Holocaust Recognized at R.I. State House PROVIDENCE, R.I. (A.W.)—An historic event took place at the Rhode Island State House on April 13, as the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust were recognized together in a resolution introduced by State Representative Katherine Kazarian. State Representative J. Aaron Regunberg collaboratedwith Rep. Kazarian to introduce the joint resolution. Speaker of the House Nicholas Mattiello read the names of the representatives in support of the resolution and concluded with the following words, “The resolution passes unanimously. ” This is the first time a resolution commemorating both devastating crimes against humanity has been introduced and passed in the R.I. State Legislature, and it coincides with the fact that both the Armenian Genocide and Jewish Holocaust are being remembered on the same date this year, April 24. Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church opened the session with a prayer, thanking the State of Rhode Island for always doing the right thing in recognizing the horrific crime of genocide. He was joined by Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as a large number of Armenians, including Armenian National Committee of R.I. (ANCR.I.) Chair, Ani Haroian, and the Honorable Aram Garabedian. Many members of the newly formed Holocaust and Genocide Education Committee were also in attendance. The Providence Homenetmen Scouts served as flag bearers. It was noted by the Speaker that both the Armenian and Jewish communities have contributed to the betterment of the State of Rhode Island in spite of such tragic histories. The State recently passed a law requiring that the schools in R.I. teach about the Holocaust and Genocide, including the Armenian Genocide.

Armenia President, PM discuss next parliament speaker candidate YEREVAN. – The ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) has not yet made a decision on who will be the speaker of the new National Assembly (NA), according to Zhoghovurd (People) newspaper. “Zhoghovurd has learned from well-informed sources that the matter of the NA President, as well as of the NA vice presidents and chairpersons of the standing committees of the parliament, is the topic of discussions these days of [President and RPA Chairman] Serzh Sargsyan and Prime Minister [and RPA First Vice-Chairman] Karen Karapetyan. “Zhoghovurd has learned that there is no final decision yet regarding the composition of the new government. According to our information, Karen Karapetyan wishes to make some changes also in his team of ministers, and some surprises are expected in this regard,” wrote Zhoghovurd.

California Legislature commemorates 102nd anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Members of the California Legislature on April 17 commemorated the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. “We commemorate the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide to remember the 1.5 million souls lost and to celebrate the Armenian’s contributions to California,” stated Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian. “Through vigilance and education we can banish genocide to our his-

tory books.” “Armenian-Americans have not only survived, they have thrived and enriched the fabric of our communities. The genocide is about real people and real stories. For me it is about my wife Vanessa and her family, people I love and who are Armenian-Americans,” said Senator Scott Wilk. “By remembering the horror of the genocide we are taking steps to ensure it never happens again.”

Garo Paylan: Presidential system will affect opposition With these constitutional amendments, President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an wants to get power in Turkey, but without any checks and balances. Garo Paylan, Istanbul Armenian MP of the opposition pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey, told about the aforesaid to Armenian NewsNEWS.am. He said this as he reflected on Sunday’s constitutional referendum in the country, and as a result of which the Erdo!an-led “Yes” campaign received more than 50 percent of the votes. Paylan noted that the presidential system will affect the political opposition in Turkey because the political force that gets more than 50 percent will form a majority, and therefore it can do what it wants. The Armenian MP recalled that the HDP wanted peace at any cost, but Erdo!an was trying in every way to put pressure on opposition parties. Garo Paylan added, however, that even though the Turkish president will continue such actions, they will continue to fight. According to preliminary results, the “Yes” campaign has won Sunday’s plebiscite by garnering 51.2 percent of the votes.

Francois Fillon: Nagorno-Karabakh is powder keg in region

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C/"Y0']"3*./"#47'4)'C/" ,'L#04)-#E/2'5#%O')J'43%',007-#/"'D%")E#&% Thursday, April 20, 2017 6:30 P.M. / Program: 7:30 P.M.

Poetry Night Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:30 P.M. Glendale City Hall, Perkins Plaza

Brand Library Recital Hall

613 E. Broadway Glendale 91206

1601 W. Mountain St. Glendale 91201


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Glendale City Hall, Parcher Plaza

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!"#$%&'()*"+',-.%"#/"0' 1/"&2%2#+34'5#+#2

613 E. Broadway Glendale 91206

Glendale High School Auditorium 1440 E. Broadway Glendale 91205 #MyGlendale @MyGlendale

For more information, call 818-548-4844

French- Armenian are concerned by the situation around Nagorno Karabakh, said the presidential candidate Francois Fillon in his interview with Nouvelles d'Arménie. According to Fillon, he is also concerned about the situation. "The South Caucasus broke out again in April 2016. In the situation of indifference of the international community, Azerbaijan tried to seize Nagorno Karabakh using force. The deadly attack ended with a shaky truce, "said Fillon. Fillon also noted, that NagornoKarabakh is a powder keg for the region. "We should not forget that the issue of Nagorno Karabakh status quo was set due to Stalin, who arbitrarily cut Karabakh from Armenia and handed it to Azerbaijan in 1921. Now there is no alternative, we should settle it in a peaceful way and seek for a lasting settlement with the help of the UN, " he said.

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10 Thursday« April 20, 2017 MONUMENTAL BOOK ON KHATCHKARS PRESENTED AT NEW YORK’S ZOHRAB INFORMATION CENTER BY FLORENCE AVAKIAN ZOHRAB INFORMATION CENTER, NY - The year 1993 was a life-changing year for Hrair Hawk Khatcherian. That year, he was told that he had lung cancer and had only 10 days “to die”. Subjected to unbearably painful treatments in the hospital, he had placed on his hospital room wall a cross and photographs of Armenia and Artzagh. “It was by staring at them fiercely, day by day, with my mortally wounded hawk’s eyes that I succeeded in tearing myself from the claws of death, to take flight again, and to rise high in the sky in the direction of my true destiny,” he revealed. It marked the beginning of a unique mission for him. PROMISE TO GOD Since that crucial year, Khatcherian made a solemn promise to God that he would photograph khatchkars around the world. “My approach comes from the biblical, faith and soul-filled side of my life. The story of khatchkars is to bring humanity back to heaven.” And so began a 24-year grueling journey involving “research, planning, cars, boats, airplanes, helicopters, cameras, reflectors, tripods, cameras, flash and tape measure.” The result became a monumental published book, entitled KHATCHKAR. On Monday evening, March 30, the acclaimed photographer presented an engrossing lecture replete with dozens of slides from this unique album to a large and enthusiastic crowd, at the Zohrab Information Center of the Armenian Diocese in New York. In his welcome message, Zohrab Center Director Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan

said, “this unprecedented album, spanning over 500 pages, with more than 1000 exquisite photographs, comprises the most comprehensive photographic documentation to date of these intricately adorned crosses sculpted into stone – no two alike which are omnipresent throughout the Armenian homeland.” And in Hawk Khatcherian’s own words, this herculean work of the Christian art form “is a book that will never be completed,” related Fr. Daniel. “Khatch means cross in Armenian,” said Hrair Hawk Khatcherian, starting his fascinating talk. “Born with a predestined family name of Khatcherian, I could not help but witness and photograph khatchkars, (stone-carved crosses).” For Khatcherian, this life’s work has been a soulful pilgrimage of 24 years to 45 countries, encompassing “Christ, heaven, hell, earth, cow dung, mud, rain, hail, clouds, and sun.” These travels included Armenia, Artzagh, historic Armenia, Cilicia, Iran, Georgia, Lebanon, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Crimea, Venice, and museums worldwide. DANGER ZONES Many times, these trips were in dangerous militarized areas, including near the Azerbaijani border, and at the base of Mt. Ararat which had been mined by the Turkish government. Often, he walked for three to four hours in muddy forests, or rock strewn cliffs, in freezing cold or brutally hot weather, sometimes going back to the same spot many times to catch the right light, or wait until the rain or snow had subsided. In Jerusalem, he perfected his climbing skills, borrowing a ladder spanning two

Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, Keynote Speaker at 35th Anniversary Banquet

Innovative ensemble Epiphany 3 to perform at Roslin Art Gallery

Sherman Oaks, CA – C & E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School is thrilled to announce Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian as the keynote speaker for the 35th Anniversary Banquet on Sunday, May 7th. Assemblymember Nazarian, elected in November 2012, represents California’s 46th Assembly District. He has passionately advocated for increased mass transit in the San Fernando Valley, protecting and expanding our film industry, much-needed earthquake preparedness, and spearheaded the effort to include the Armenian Genocide in California’s high school social studies curriculum. He led the effort to increase the California Art Council budget three years in a row, secured $1 Million in the State’s 2016-2017 Budget for an Armenian-American Museum in Glendale, and $500,000 for the LARK Musical Society. Assemblymember Nazarian will be joined by his wife Diana, Chair of our Parent Teacher Organization. Their two children, Alex and David-Beg, have attended Merdinian School since pre-school. The 35th Anniversary Banquet of the C & E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School will take place at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 7th, at Wilshire Country Club, 301 N. Rossmore Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90004. For more information, please call the School at (818) 907-8149.

Glendale, CA – Armenian-American composer, conductor and pianist John Hodian brings his innovative ensemble from Armenia, EPIPHANY 3 to Glendale for a concert on Thursday, MAY 4, 2017 at 8:00pm at Roslin Art Gallery - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. The trio has lived and performed in Europe and Armenia for the past 8 years and this is a rare opportunity to hear them in America. Admission is $20. Seating is limited! Order tickets at www.itsmyseat.com/AbrilBooks or by visiting Abril Bookstore. Epiphany 3 will perform excerpts from Songs of Exile, originally written for Hodians’ The Naghash Ensemble. These songs combine the earthy spirituality of Armenian folk song, new classical music, contemporary post-minimalism and the energy of rock and jazz. Songs of Exile is based on sacred texts by the medieval Armenian mystic poet and priest, Mkrtich Naghash. The texts are a profound meditation on man's relationship to God from the perspective of a monk forced to live in exile for many years. The music is part folk music, part classical and profoundly moving. Epiphany 3’s music is a blend of ancient

floors high to get the correct angle of a khatchkar imbedded in the cupola of a church. ““These khatchkars did not happen overnight,” he related. “The master carvers dedicated their art and creativity for important events and victories, even for the birth of a village, an ordinary child’s birth, for the fertility of crops, for rain, or for the health of a sick person,” he said, adding that on some stones secret messages were inscribed. Christ and Mother Mary were dominant subjects, and the themes of angels, eagles, lions, oxen are repeated again and again on these art forms. From the 13th century on, Christ is never shown crucified, with a few rare exceptions. He is depicted at the top of the plaque, in a triumphal way. Commenting on some of the areas, he said that the khatchkars in Artzagh were “more down to earth, natural and unique, with the tallest (some 12 feet high) found in the Dadivank church in the remote and scenically beautiful Kelbajar region of Artzagh. They were so tall because centuries ago, the area was home to some of the royal princes of the Armenian homeland. In Kars, khatchkars had been used as masonry, and in Van used as steps for defense. In Nakhichevan, now under the control of Azerbaijan, they were employed to build train tracks. In Nakhichevan’s Julfa cemetary, the biggest in all of Armenia’s history, and where several thousands of khatchkars still stood, the cemetary was completely destroyed in 2002 and 2005 by the local Azerbaijani authorities. The khatchkar, distinguished by the originality of its appearance, and domi-

and modern cultures and musical styles, featuring earthy, trance-like rhythms and chantlike melodies. With influences ranging from Qawwali devotional songs to Appalachian Folk, acoustic blues and Tuvan throat singing, the highly charismatic singer/songwriter Bet Williams uses her 4-octave-voice in an endless number of ways. John Hodian’s piano playing features haunting melodies and intricate rhythms that reflect his Armenian roots, his formal composition training and love of improvisation. On this Epiphany 3 tour John and Bet are joined by their 13-year-old son, Jack, an exceptional drummer and percussionist. "A unique hybrid of world music, art song, Americana and avant-garde folk; utterly uncategorizable but always transcendentally beautiful.” - Washington Post “New-world-folk ensemble Epiphany 3’s unearthly melodies, world music grooves, thought-provoking lyrics and virtuosic improvisations reach across time and geography.” - New York Post Presented by Roslin Art Gallery. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Roslin Art Gallery (818) 241-0611.

nated by the image of the cross, symbolizes the Tree of Life. Its particular scale is particularly striking, and goes back over one thousand years, surviving to the present day, not only on Armenian territories not systematically destroyed, but also in diasporan communities. Patrick Donabedian of Aix Marseille University has written, “While embodying a strong national and religious identity, the art of Khatchkars, probably the most iconic example of Armenia through the ages, demonstrates a large openness to the outside world, and a great faculty of exchanging and sharing. It is definitely the opposite of the hatred it is sometimes the victim of.” Today, in excellent health, Khatcherian whose photographs encompass 14 unique albums, “lives only for his family (wife and two teenage children), Armenia, Artzagh, and the fundamental and exceptional benchmarks of the Armenian world.”

Abril Bookstore will feature artist Seeroon Yeretzian at this year's LA Times Festival of Books

Los Angeles, CA – Abril Bookstore will feature artist/author Seeroon Yeretzian at the 2017 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books which takes place on April 22-23 on the campus of USC. Abril Bookstore will be located at Booth #165. Admission is free. Parking is available for $12 in various USC-area parking lots. For the 19th consecutive year, Abril Bookstore will be a proud representative of Armenian culture to the thousands of attendees from all over the world. This year's booth will feature the art and written work of Seeroon Yeretzian. On display will be her two art albums, including Seeroon Darer: Armenian Ornate Initials, as well as her work of poetry, Word Weaving and Black Seat Confessions. Also on display will be her line of greeting cards inspired by Armenian miniature art, posters of different alphabets she has designed, special limitededition prints of her artwork, and other items. All items will be available at a special discounted price. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books began in 1996 with a simple goal: to bring together the people who create books with the people who love to read them. The festival was an immediate success and has become the largest and most prestigious book festival in the country, attracting more than 150,000 book lovers each year. The festival includes exciting author events, storytelling, cooking demonstrations, poetry readings, and nearly 300 exhibitor booths representing booksellers, publishers, literacy and cultural organizations.

NOR OR ENG.April 20:Layout 1 4/19/17 6:17 PM Page 3

Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 20, 2017


END OF TRANSITION: Armenia 25 Years On, Now What?

To mark a quarter century of transition beginning with the Soviet collapse in 1991, the USC Institute of Armenia held a two-day conference on April 9 and 10. Entitled “The End of Transition: Shifting Focus,” the Institute hosted scholars and specialists from across the globe as they discussed Armenia’s trajectory since it established independence in 1991. Salpi Ghazarian, the director of the Institute, kicked off the conference on Sunday with an introduction and welcome. “We don’t see where the post-Soviet space is heading,” she said. “The people who care are the people of Armenia and the people of the Caucasus. They gave up the predictability and stability that were the hallmarks of the Soviet Union. And they did that in exchange for what? That’s what we want to know and frankly, that’s what we’re going to be asking these next two days.” The two-day Los Angeles conference is the first leg of what is planned as a two-city event. The conference will continue in Yerevan on May 23-24, with additional scholars and practitioners looking back over a quarter century, and looking forward to answer the question – Now What? This question was especially appropriate as the April 9 conference came just a week after Armenia’s parliamentary election. The first day of the conference was moderated by Dr. Robert English, Deputy Director of the USC School of International Relations. Professor English introduced the first speaker, Jack Matlock, the last U.S. ambassador to the USSR. Matlock served between 1987 and 1991. Matlock will be present at the Yerevan conference as well. In Los Angeles, he spoke by video. Ambassador Matlock and English discussed the U.S. Embassy’s perspective on the various conflicts that emerged in the South Caucuses toward the late 1980s, tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Karabakh, and turmoil in Georgia. Following Matlock, English introduced Amberin Zaman, a journalist formerly with the Economist, now with Al-Monitor, and analyst with the Woodrow Wilson Center, to speak about regional relations, with a focus on Turkey. Zaman summarized relations during the transitional period – between Turkey and Armenia, between Turkey and Russia, and with the West. In the wake of the U.S. missile strike on Syria, Zaman concluded that Russia’s and Turkey’s opposing interests in Syria, with the latter openly pushing for regime change and the former continuing to back Assad’s government, would impact Armenia. Due to the fluctuating relations between the two countries, Armenia’s own potential for improved relations with Turkey may be adversely effected to the Turkey-Russia standoff. Following Zaman, former Foreign Minister of Armenia, Vartan Oskanian, discussed Armenia’s foreign policy choices, the current situation in the Caucasus, and the early years of Armenia’s independence. “The Caucasus is among the world’s most divided and incoherent regions,” Oskanian said. “Its constituent republics —

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia — basically failed to learn from similarly grouped countries, like the Benelux countries or the Baltic states, which, despite their historical grievances and political differences, came together and worked together to achieve their common goals of stability, prosperity, and democracy.” MIT Professor Daron Açemoglu followed up with a discussion entitled “Why (Some) Nations Fail,” focusing on obstacles to economic development. Açemoglu’s assessment stipulated that the Armenian Diaspora served as a bridge for Armenia and the Western World, passing along ideas for democratic models and market-driven economies. However, Açemoglu said that this bridge ultimately did not work, citing complex factors. Sunday’s final speaker was Dr. Hans Gutbrod, director of Transparify, a policy research and advocacy organization based in Tbilisi, Georgia. Gutbrod’s presentation focused on the transition away from “a transition paradigm” and what that means for activism and “people who want to change things.” Gutbrod said he hopes to appeal to different audiences: those with academic interests, but also activists and youth who want to contribute. The Sunday discussions concluded with a conversation among English, Zaman, Oskanian, and Gutbrod. *** The conference continued on Monday. The first panel – on Foreign Policy and Regional Integration – was chaired by Professor English. Dr. Laurence Broers from the Royal Institute of International Affairs in the United Kingdom started the panel off by discussing the period of violence that erupted in 1998 and ended in a ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia in 1994. He specifically honed in on the communal violence that occurred along ethnic lines among Armenians and Azerbaijanis. The Karabakh topic continued in a presentation by Emil Sanamyan, an independent analyst who specializes in the Karabakh conflict, and edits “Focus on Karabakh” on the USC Institute of Armenian Studies website. Sanamyan’s talk was called “Who is Fighting and Who is Dying in Karabakh.” He pointed to a map and explained: “This is an interesting map that somebody from Azerbaijan prepared. It shows the birth places of soldiers killed in the April 2016 War. Gregory Aftandlian addressed American foreign policy’s diminishing interest in Armenia. He explained that foreign policy is based on ideas and interests. The idea of democracy and liberalization is important to the US, but not being followed by Armenia; and the US oil interests provide reason for it to veer towards Azerbaijan. “Since the early 1990s, US government aid to Armenia is about 2 billion dollars overall. This has been on a downward slope. Today assistance level is about $11 or $12 million while in some years it was something like $120 million.” Dr. Phil Gamaghelyan traced the evolution of thinking and feeling among groups

of Armenian and Turkish students living in the US and interacting over periods of time to come to understand the other’s sense of history. Dr. Hrant Kostanyan, with the Centre for European Policy Studies spoke about the missed opportunities for European Union – Armenian rapprochement during the transition years. In between discussions of foreign policy and internal governance, the conference audience enjoyed a presentation by Eric Nazarian, a filmmaker, and a Fellow of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies. Nazarian provided a quick overview of Armenian cinema in transition. *** The second panel – on Governance and Economics – was moderated by Dr. Hans Gutbrod. The first speaker was Garik Hayrapetyan, who heads the UNFPA (Fund for Population Activities) in Armenia. Hayrapetyan presented an overview of the transition through stark demographic indicators. “There have been powerful shifts in demographic issues in Armenia in three areas: migration, aging, and fertility. Of these, migration is the strongest driver. Overall, we have lost 1.5 million Armenians to emigration from 1988 to 2016.” Nona Shahnazarian, a social anthropologist, spoke about Armenians in Azerbaijan losing not only their formal financial savings, but also informal investments and social capital, as demonstrated by gifts and ‘investments’ in funerals and weddings – giving and receiving money from friends and neighbors. Arman Grigoryan, who teaches at LeHigh University in Pennsylvania, presented the argument that Armenia’s unresolved conflict with Azerbaijan is the fundamental impediment to democratization. Professor Anna Ohanyan of Stonehill College in Massachusetts spoke about a fractured region. “The South Caucasus inherited a system of very poor regional structures of engagement. Regional fracture differs from ‘divide-and-rule’ policies because it can be a lever as well as a liability to bigger powers. As colonial legacies, they’re often deployed by neo-imperial powers, but the opposite is also true. Fractured regions can also constrain and challenge these very same neo-imperial powers, especially those seeking to adjust to the changing world. Ohanyan moderated the day’s (and the conference’s) final panel. Dr. Karena Avedissian discussed changes in the Armenian public’s perceptions and attitudes. With access to interviews conducted by Professor Donald E. Miller and Lorna Touryan Miller in Armenia in 1993 and 1994, Avedissian conducted her own set of interviews in 2015 for a comparative analysis of perceptions between the early days of independence and the present. Dr. Ara Sanjian, of the Armenian Studies Center at the University of Michigan, Dearborn, did a brief content analysis of the 2012 edition of the Armenian history textbook used at Yerevan State University. “The

scope of topics it covers continues to remain less encompassing than that of its Soviet era antecedents,” Sanjian said. He pointed out uneven coverage of the accomplishments of various Soviet-era leaders, a heavy focus on the genocide, and minimal concentration on the independence period and the present. Serouj Aprahamian, a doctoral candidate at York University in Canada, examined societal change through unifying artistic expressions like breakdancing. In 2005, Aprahamian only came across three dance crews with roughly 50 dancers. “It was a very limited, kind of underground and secluded thing,” he said. Dr. Shant Shekherdimian, a pediatric surgeon, presented an analysis of the nature of Diaspora input into Armenia’s health care system. Despite sizable humanitarian efforts, Shekherdimian said the diaspora has not contributed to long-term, cost-effective, sustainable improvement of the medical care system in Armenia, resulting in increased emigration even by those who benefit from short-term intervention but worry about its long-term availability. Armen Karamanian, of Macquarie Univeristy in Australia, asked whether it’s possible to maintain a Western Armenian identity in ‘Eastern’ Armenia. “The independence of Armenia sparked the much desired reunion between homeland and the diaspora,” Karamanian said. The final panelist, Nelli Ghazaryan spoke about the state of the Armenian healthcare infrastructure and compared efforts by Georgia, Armenia and Belarus to improve their healthcare infrastructure after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Despite their shared Soviet history, the three countries have travelled down different pathways in terms of healthcare infrastructure. Armenia experienced de-centralization in its health care system, while Belarus maintained a central, government-run system. Georgia, however, experienced huge privatization. As a result, Ghazaryan found that while Armenia and Georgia lack strong public health systems, Belarus maintained the same system of public health that the Soviet Union had, in addition to incorporating patient advocacy efforts and systems that promoted wellness. “What this conference demonstrated is that there is a demand for solid, detailed research on the specific aspects of issues facing the Republic of Armenia and the Diaspora. It also demonstrated that there is in fact a supply of scholars eager to delve into the most complicated questions. The Institute of Armenian Studies is committed to continuing to make this scholarship accessible,” said Salpi Ghazarian, at the conclusion of the conference. The entire two-day conference is available online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= lzBaxX6Xnsg&t=35s and https:// www. youtube.com/watch?v=2omhcOJ8haY&t= 160s It will continue in Yerevan on May 23 and 24., 2017

NOR OR ENG.April 20:Layout 1 4/19/17 6:17 PM Page 4


Üáñ úñ Thursday« April 20, 2017

Stars Raise Awareness About Genocide During ‘The Promise’ LA Premiere

HOLLYWOOD—The legendary TCL Chinese Theater on Wednesday was the setting for the Los Angeles premiere of the much-anticipated Armenian Genocidethemed film “The Promise,” which attracted a slew of starts who used the opportunity to raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide. The film, which is produced by Kirk Kerkorian’s Survival Pictures, is directed by the Academy Award winning director Terry George of Hotel Rwanda fame and stars Oscar Issac and Christian Bale as individuals caught in the middle of the Armenian Genocide. “The Promise” will land in theaters nationwide on April 21. Among those walking the red carpet Wednesday was the legendary ArmenianAmerican singer-actress Cher, who took the opportunity to praise the film but also to call on the United States and United Kingdom to recognize the Armenian Genocide. She criticized the US and UK for their governments’ refusal to use the word genocide in describing the events of 1915 saying that Armenia has “nothing to give them.” “We’re small. Armenia is landlocked. We have no oil. We have nothing to give them. How much would it take [them to recognize the Genocide]?” asked the actress. “Armenians are a small group of people and we have nothing that they’re interested in,” said Cher adding, “You’d think they’d do it out of the goodness of their hearts. She also said she was not hopeful that President Donald Trump would recognize the Genocide. Cher was joined on the red carpet by Kim and Kourtney Kardashian who have continually used their celebrity to raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide. “So proud of the movie #ThePromise. Everyone please go see it and finally hear the story of the Armenian people,” Kim Kardashian tweeted shortly after the screening. Joining Bale on the red carpet were fellow “The Promise” cast members Charlotte Le Bon, Shohreh Aghdashloo, James Cromwell, Angela Sarafyan and others. Also attending the premiere was Serj Tankian who worked on the film’s score along with musician Chris Cornell, who recorded a song for the film. Issac did not attend the LA premiere because he and his partner are anticipating the imminent birth of their baby. “There was an extraordinary man, Kirk Kerkorian, who knew this industry and

“The Promise” producer Eric Esrailian with Kourtney and Kim Kardashian and Cher

who knew that a film about the Armenian Genocide would never be made,” said James Cromwell who plays the role Ambassador Henry Morgenthau. “Finally at the end of his life, he said, ‘I will pony up $100 million, we will make this film.’ And even with Terry George as director, $100 million, and a script, they still could not sell this picture to Hollywood. Mike Medavoy stepped up, but for the rest of Hollywood, ‘no,’ because they didn’t want to be associated with something they thought was going to go in the toilet or cause a lot of ire with any other project they had that might go Turkey, might be denied the Turkish market,” he said. System of a Down’s Serj Tankian, “The Promise’s” executive music consultant, who has long advocated for genocide recognition, said Obama’s broken promise was “extremely disappointing.” “It was very disappointing that he [Obama] would cow to political capital like that having to do with Turkey’s pressure being a NATO ally,” he said. “As we can see, [Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip] Erdo!an is a madman and Turkey needs the U.S. more than the U.S. needs Turkey.” “When we were at the Toronto International Film Festival at its original premiere, this is the L.A. premiere, but that was the first time it was seen and only a theater full of people saw it,” Tankian said. “We had tens of thousands of 0 votes stemming from Turkey on IMDb so there was a campaign to try to discredit the film. I thought ‘that’s really ridiculous.’ This is a film — it’s media, it’s cultural. To use it as a political weapon in that sense is unfair. But that’s good, that means the denialists are afraid and we want them to be afraid.” Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell, who wrote a song for the film, said being swept away by the drama will help audiences grasp the powerful message. “I went to school in the U.S. and I wasn’t taught about the Armenian or Greek genocide in history class,” he said. “I don’t know if that’s due in part to the denial of it or what it is. It’s one of those things where it’s a story that needs to be told. And I think it needs to be told and retold. … We need to at some point as human beings preempt this from happening. Genocide is occurring right now on this planet. It’s not something of the past, it’s something unfortunately of now, and unfortunately probably will be of the future.” Tech celebrity and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian accompanied his 95-year-

old grandfather, John, to the premiere. “So honored to #KeepThePromise here at the LA premiere with one of my heroes, my grandfather John Ohanian–95 years young, who walked the red carpet with me like a boss,” Ohanian said in an Instagram post following the screening. “May our people continue to thrive all over the world. They failed to annihilate us and they will never silence us,” he added. “Hopefully this epic film brings more awareness to and recognition for the Armenian Genocide,” said Ohanian. He expressed gratitude to Kirk Kerkorian and Eric Esrailian “for bringing our story to the big screen in grand fashion.”

UCLA to receive $20 mln from “The Promise” proceeds The UCLA law school will receive $20 million to expand its research and teaching of the genocide. The proceeds received from the film The Promise will be directed at establishing the Promise Institute for Human Rights, Los Angeles Times reports. According to the law school Dean Jennifer L. Mnookin, the institute deal with issues of genocide prevention and raising awareness on such crimes, also focusing on issues related to human rights, health, migrants and civil rights. It is also noted that the film was shot by a company founded by Armenian American philanthropist and businessman “Kirk” Kerkorian. One of the producers, Eric Esrailian, for his part, noted that his team was inspired by the USC Shoah Foundation, which was launched by filmmaker Steven Spielberg. In his words, with genocide awareness and human rights work underway at the city’s two premier universities, Los Angeles will become a center of research on this issue. The Institute is expected to open this fall.

Author, Human-Rights Lawyer Fethiye Çetin to speak at Fresno State on “Echo of Silence” Author and human-rights lawyer Fethiye Çetin (Istanbul, Turkey), will speak on “Echo of Silence” at 7:30PM on Wednesday, April 26, at the Berberian Social Hall of St. Paul Armenian Church, 3767 N. First Street, in Fresno. The lecture is being held as part of the commemorative activities associated with the 102nd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and is part of the Armenian Studies Program Spring 2017 Lecture Series, supported by the Leon S. Peters Foundation. “I was in a state of shock for a long time — I suddenly saw the world through different eyes. I had grown up thinking of myself as a Turkish Muslim, not an Armenian. There had been nothing in the history

books about the massacre of a people that had been erased from Turkey’s collective memory. Like my grandmother, many had buried their identity — and the horrors they had seen — deep inside of them.” Fethiye Çetin (N. Y. Times, 2010) Fethiye Çetin grew up in Maden, Turkey, and had no reason to suspect that she had other than Turkish Muslim roots. It was only when her maternal grandmother Seher revealed to her that her real name was Heranush that Çetin became aware of her true roots. Heranush was born to parents Hovannes and Isguhi Gadaryan, and was taken from her mother’s arms during the Armenian Genocide. She had kept secret her Armenian identity until shortly before her death. This legacy inspired Çetin’s first book, a memoir published in 2004 about her grandmother’s story entitled My Grandmother: An Armenian Turkish Memoir, a compelling account of her gradual discovery of the deep contradiction between her proud nationalist education and the realities buried deep in Turkish society. The memoir follows Hernanus through the eyes of her granddaughter, from memories of Çetin’s childhood, to the horrendous events of the Armenian Genocide her grandmother revealed to her as an adult. Çetin will speak about her own choices after learning the truth-whether to speak out or not. She refused to be silent and as a result made significant sacrifices. Today the tide is changing. Where before only the elderly talked about the Genocide, today it is their grandchildren who are talking about it. Fethiye Çetin is a Turkish lawyer, writer and human rights activist. She has represented the family of slain newspaper editor Hrant Dink. The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

Nor Or, April 20, 2017, No. 16 _N.O. Blank 4/19/17 6:28 PM Page 9

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 20 "åñÇÉ 2017

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