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Nor Or, May 11, 2017, No. 19 _N.O. Blank 5/10/17 6:17 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 19, Thursday, May 11, 2017

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Nor Or, May 11, 2017, No. 19 _N.O. Blank 5/10/17 6:17 PM Page 2


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!ÇÙ"áõ#Í 1922-Ç" (üñ»$"û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

An ADLP Publication

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Thursday, May 11, 2017 Vol. 95, #19


Armenia celebrates Victory and Peace Day YEREVAN. – On Tuesday, May 9, Armenia celebrates Victory and Peace Day. Since early morning, students, children and their parents, war veterans, guests of capital city Yerevan, and representatives of various government departments are visiting the Eternal Flame before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at

Armenia President attends Karabakh celebrations President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, who is in the Republic of Artsakh (NagornoKarabakh Republic/NKR) on a working visit, on Tuesday is attending events devoted to the 72nd anniversary of the victory achieved during the Great Patriotic War in World War II, and the 25th anniversaries of the Artsakh Defense Army and the liberation of Shushi town.

Victory Park, to pay their respects. Wreaths have been laid at the Eternal Flame, on behalf of the President as well the Catholicos of All Armenians. There are wreaths also from the National Assembly, Ministry of Defense, and several other government departments. The government delega-

In the morning—and together with Artsakh authorities, members of the governmental delegation from Armenia, people of the NKR and guests, who have arrived in Artsakh to participate in the festivities—Sargsyan marched from Revival Square in capital city Stepanakert to Stepanakert Memorial, where he paid tribute to the fallen in the Great Patriotic War and the martyrs of the Artsakh Liberation War.

tion was led by Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan. - On the occasion of Victory and Peace Day, Prime Minister of Armenia Karen Karapetyan, and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II on Tuesday dined with war veterans at Victory Park, in capital city Yerevan. Karapetyan took part in this traditional event for the first time. He was accompanied by several members of government. According to tradition, the defense minister of Armenia also attends this meal. But minister Vigen Sargsyan is currently in the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR), together with President Serzh Sargsyan, and is taking part in the celebrations devoted to the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi town. - “Today is a historic day, and I urge all the Armenians to contribute to the strengthening of our statehood and state border,” Secretary Artsakh Security Council, Artsakh War hero Vitali Balasanyan, told Artsakhpress on Tuesday. "I congratulate all of us on the May Triple Holiday and wish peace. Our type has already changed: now the enemy cannot allow any encroachments on us. I am absolutely convinced that if another war breaks out, we will again win," he added.

Also, Serzh Sargsyan went to Shushi, where he laid flowers at the Tank-Memorial pedestal, and visited the statue of late military commander, war hero and Prime Minister of Armenia Vazgen Sargsyan, and honored him. In addition, President Sargsyan attended a concert at Vazgen Sargsyan Square in Shushi, and watched the exhibition entitled “Town of Arts and Crafts.” - A military parade, which was devoted to Victory and Peace Day, was held on Tuesday, May 9, in the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR). The military parade was watched by President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, Artsakh President Bako Sahakyan, ex-President Arkadi Ghukasyan, National Assembly of Armenia President Galust Sahakyan, Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan, several other officials, members of the clergy, and recognized personalities.


Armenia soldier dies at military outpost

Vote for Karo Election day: May 16, 2017, District 7 We have a unique opportunity in the Northeast San Fernando Valley right now. Our communities are full of wonderful people who want to move the Valley forward, but for too long we haven’t had a strong, independent champion working for us at City Hall. On May 16, we can change that by electing a City Council representative who will work with residents to improve our neighborhoods for our families and future generations. I am running to be that champion and to make sure City Hall gives us our fair share. I invite you to browse through this website to learn more about me, our community, my candidacy for City Council and what you can do to help. One of my greatest honors has been serving communities in the East San Fernando Valley as Councilmember Paul Krekorian’s Director of Planning and the

parks, revitalize commercial corridors, require polluting businesses to clean up their act and operate cleanly, improve the Valley economy and bring good manufacturing jobs, curb over development and limit mansionization, and improve public safety. I look forward to bringing my experience and knowledge to our communities as your City Councilmember. This campaign is a grassroots effort that can change District 7 for the better, but we can only succeed if we work together. I believe we can make City Hall listen to us and provide our communities with the high-quality services that we need and deserve. It is time for our communities to get our fair share.

Environment. In my decade of service to the Valley, I have worked with Valley residents to protect open space, build new

Contact Karo (818) 920-8575 Karo4Council@gmail.com

YEREVAN. – The Investigative Committee of Armenia received a report on Wednesday. Accordingly, conscript, Junior Sergeant Gagik Mesropyan, had sustained a gunshot wound, at around 8:40am, at the outpost of a military unit, and died en route to military hospital. According to preliminary data, Mesropyan was mortally wounded as a result of a fellow soldier’s violation of the rules for handling weapons, the committee informed Armenian News-NEWS.am. A criminal case is initiated. An investigation is underway. - The body of Karabakh soldier Ruben Mnatsakanyan who drowned in a reservoir two days ago has not been found yet, representative of the army said. An accident took place in one of the military units located in the northern direction of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Defense Army on Monday morning.

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Thursday« May 11, 2017

“After May 9, 1992, this date acquired additional meaning for us”

Salpi Ghazarian Recognized by California State Assembly

The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Tuesday issued an address on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day. “Dear Compatriots, “I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day. “I first of all congratulate the veterans whose ranks, regrettably, diminish by year. This holiday is the perfect occasion for us to show them our profound respect and admiration. It is also an opportunity to express our gratitude to the heroic generation which went through the superhuman challenges and secured prospects of peaceful work and development for our country. “The World War II was a grave trial for many peoples of the world, including the Armenians. “Our warriors at the battlefield and our workers in heartland here in Armenia as well as our compatriots abroad withstood that trial with honor. For us, it became the Great Patriotic War indeed. We toiled with all our ability, accomplished heroic tasks which were above our abilities and brought the victory and desirable peace closer. “After May 9, 1992 this date acquired additional meaning for us. “Liberation of Shushi saved not only Stepanakert but the entire people of Artsakh [Nagorno-Karabakh] from physical annihilation. This epic deed of the Armenian warriors and its compound historic significance are so overarching that are still being studied and analyzed by the researchers. “One thing became clear on May 9, 1992 and the same thing is clear today: We have not and we will not sacrifice our life and our freedom, our rights and our dignity. “Dear Compatriots, “I once again congratulate you all on the occasion of Victory and Peace Day. This is the holiday of those who stood against misanthropic propaganda and violence, and the heroes who won in that fight. The immortals are with us, and this is our common holiday. “I wish you all peace and creative work,” reads the address by the President of Armenia.

Armenia, Azerbaijan presidents’ talk not planned for now YEREVAN. – The OSCE Minsk Group CoChairs are expected to pay a regional visit, said Edward Nalbandian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, speaking to Armenian News-NEWS.am. In his words, after this visit, it will be decided whether there is a need for a talk between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Reflecting on the chances of a meeting between the presidents of the two countries, Nalbandian stated: “A meeting of the presidents is not expected for now. And the [foreign] ministers’ [recent] meeting [in Moscow] wasn’t devoted to this matter. Information that the ministers discussed matters of organizing the presidents’ meeting was inaccurate.” And to the query as to when the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs are expected to visit the region, Edward Nalbandian responded: “This is not yet clarified; this doesn’t depend solely on us. A regional visit shall be made. They shall visit Armenia, Azerbaijan, Karabakh [Artsakh]. The [respective] dates are yet to be agreed.” On April 28, the FMs of Armenia, Russia, and Azerbaijan held a trilateral talk in Moscow.

Salpi Ghazarian, director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, was recognized by the California State Assembly “for her remarkable record of accomplishments and the exemplary leadership she has provided for organizations, institutions, and publications whose scope encompasses, broadly, Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora.” This Members Resolution No. 635 was passed on April 17, 2017. The ceremony was part of a day-long series of activities in Sacramento marking Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. “We recognize Salpi Ghazarian for her contributions to addressing and resolving national and global challenges in Armenian communities,” said Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, who together with Senator Scott Wilk, recognized Ghazarian during a press conference, and during the Assembly and Senate floor sessions, presenting her with a Joint Legislative Resolution “It is wonderful to be recognized for doing something you love. I have never stopped to think whether I want to work in the Armenian world or the non-Armenian world. For me, it’s all one world, and I do what I can do to have an impact that is both national and global, that helps the process

of understanding, empathizing and collaborating in order to lead to change. In the process, I am the greatest beneficiary of this process – because I work with and partner with thoughtful individuals who share these goals. I am grateful to the Assembly members who have reinforced my commitment,” said Salpi Ghazarian. Charles Ghailian, head of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies Leadership Council observed, “Salpi has invested all of her experience, energy, contacts, and vision to making sure that the Institute grows and succeeds as a bridge between our past and our future. She has vision, passion and is able to bring together the best people in academia, in practice, in business to inspire young people and the community at large. As a university, as a community, and as a nation we are lucky to have her. An old friend, a former USC professor, a former ambassador of the Republic of Armenia, Jivan Tabibian once said of Salpi that she is a national treasure. We are pleased that the California Legislature agrees.” Ghazarian joined the USC Institute of Armenian Studies in 2014 after returning to Los Angeles from Yerevan, Armenia, where she co-founded and directed the Civilitas Foundation, a think tank and advocacy or-

ganization. Civilitas and its media program, CivilNet, pioneered a new culture of responsible journalism through online television and data-based reporting. From 2000 to 2008, Ghazarian served as Special Assistant to the Foreign Minister of Armenia. Before moving to Armenia, she was West Coast Coordinator for the Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research and Documentation, and editor and publisher of Armenian International Magazine. In 1982, she set up the first Armenian political action committee. She consulted with various state and local agencies – school districts, police departments, hospitals, libraries – on immigration and cultural awareness needs. For half a decade in the late 80s and early 90s, she co-hosted a live, bilingual radio program called Sounds of the Armenian Diaspora. Since joining the Institute at USC, she has created landmark programming including INNOVATE ARMENIA, an annual festival of innovative people and ideas. Ghazarian also collaborates with research institutions and Armenian Studies centers around the world, and with various departments and centers at USC as well, to ensure that Armenian issues are included in global conversations.

AGBU LONDON HOSTS PRESENTATION BY DR. RANDAL RHODES, PROVOST OF THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA ans," said AGBU London committee member Armine Afrikian, who spoke on behalf of the chapter. "It shows how Armenians can work together and lay the foundations for Armenian success. I am particularly proud that AGBU has been supportive of AUA from day one." As one of the founding organizations of AUA, AGBU has been involved in the university since its On April 8, AGBU London hosted a special reception for Dr. Randall Rhodes, the Provost of the establishment. AGBU American University of Armenia (AUA). has proven to be a mained in Armenia and 10% of students are On April 8, AGBU London hosted a champion for AUA through financial assisfrom abroad, mostly Armenians from Iraq, special reception for Dr. Randall Rhodes, tance in the launch of academic programs Lebanon and Syria. the provost of the American University of and scholarships, the establishment of the One of the activities Rhodes's menArmenia (AUA). The event brought toAGBU Papazian Library and the start of the tioned concerned the university's role in the gether 80 leaders of Armenian organizaAUA Extension-AGBU NKR Program to broader development of Armenia, such as tions, friends of AGBU and alumni of AUA help reignite the workforce in the Nagornoaddressing Armenian's development priorfor Rhodes's presentation entitled "AUA: Karabakh Republic through various trainities within the realm of education; helping Diaspora's Best Investment in Armenia." ing courses. He began by outlining AUA's history small businesses with logistical and other AUA is a private, independent universupport to create employment outside of from its founding in 1991 to its position sity in Yerevan, Armenia established Yerevan; working with environmental today as the leading university in Armenia. through a partnership with the government He also discussed the administrative and groups to spread awareness for Armenia's of Armenia, AGBU and the University of academic structure of the institution; the orfuture wellbeing, and much more. In closCalifornia. AUA provides a global educaganization of classes; the attraction of top ing, he emphasized the importance of the tion in Armenia, offering high-quality, diaspora's continued involvement with faculty; and the growing student body both graduate and undergraduate studies, enAUA to meet Armenia's needs in the 21st at the undergraduate and graduate levels. couraging civic engagement and promotcentury. Today there are over 3,000 alumni and ing public service and democratic values. "AUA is a success story for all Armenicounting. 80% of AUA graduates have re!

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Innovative Program Celebrates Armenian and Native American Unity and Survival

GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA -- Artists, activists, and community members gathered on April 29 and 30, 2017 at Abril Bookstore / Roslin Art Gallery to mark Days of Solidarity: Celebrating Native American and Armenian Survival. Through performances, workshops, screenings, a panel, and a closing community drum circle, this weekend program spotlighted the creative and spiritual bonds between two groups of people who have preserved and advanced their ancient cultures. Both the native peoples of the Americas and Armenians emerged from their own respective genocides to become proud, productive world citizens. Presented by Abril Bookstore, In His Shoes, the Lakota People’s Law Project (LPLP), the event had three objectives: strengthen solidarity between Armenians and the Indigenous native tribes of the Americas, lay the groundwork for future collaborations, and raise money for LPLP’s Water Protectors Legal Defense Fund. A federally-recognized nonprofit based in Santa Cruz, CA, LPLP defends the rights of South Dakota's Native American families. They expose and respond to the epidemic of illegal seizures of Lakota children by the state of South Dakota, and their Water Protector's Legal Defense Fund provides legal defense for Indigenous leaders targeted by the government and energy companies in the Dakotas. “We were inspired by the peaceful protest at the Standing Rock Reservation,” said Program Director Raffi Wartanian. “We wanted to honor their courageous movement against a militarized oil industry and do something innovative in the month of April when the Armenian community so often turns inward to mourn its loss and express its outrage against genocide denial. We are not alone in confronting such discrimination. Days of Solidarity was our attempt to share our experience with others and, in turn, engage with their history in order to (re)claim our common humanity.” The program showcased Indigenous and Armenian

performers and presenters side-by-side as a manifestation of solidarity. Grammy Award-winning native flutist Mary Youngblood presented a prayer song to open the evening alongside the Armenian priest Father Vazken Movsesian who delivered moving remarks and an opening prayer. Said Fr. Vazken, “We were very proud to be a part of this event. Honestly, the best way to commemorate a genocide is to work towards preventing genocide. Days of Solidarity brought together two of many communities that need to explore survival via expressions of truth, understanding and love.” Daniel Paul Nelson of LPLP then introduced his organization’s work and discussed the historical and contemporary violation of rights suffered by the Indigenous tribes of the Americas, particularly the Lakota. "Days of Solidarity was a uniquely inspiring event,” Nelson said. “In order to combat the evil of genocide we must leverage love in creative ways—which means actively forming bonds among our various communities. Days of Solidarity, by bringing together the Armenian and Lakota communities and emphasizing their commonalities, shows us what progress looks like in a world still troubled by narrow-mindedness and division." The first performance segment featured readings of original poetry by Pamela Peters, Armine Iknadossian, Brian Vallie, and Shahé Mankerian. Next, Wartanian performed songs by Ottoman Armenian composers on the oud before playing an improvised duet with Youngblood who followed with a stirring solo performance of original songs inspired by folk traditions. After a presentation of Armenian ethnographic music and dance by Aya Ensemble, the Spirit Lake Singers drummed and sang as Cheyenne Phoenix performed the fancy shawl dance. “Art and music in particular captures the indescribable: two cultures wanting to thrive, to have their history and traditions exist, who live with the looming pain of genocide

denial, who to this day continue to be threatened on their native lands,” said attendee and storyteller Lousine Shamamian. “Being in the audience and experiencing the cultural collaboration, the healing through art, music, spoken word was one of the most profound experiences I've had.” Iknadossian, Aya Ensemble, and Phoenix returned the next day to lead workshops in dance and poetry. After film screenings describing genocide committed against Armenians and and the native tribes of the Americas, a panel discussion took place based on theme of spirituality, law, and media in Armenian and Native American Resistance. Filmmaker Carla Garabedian joined Youngblood, Nelson, and Fr. Vazken for an insightful and thought-provoking panel before a closing drum circle ceremony. Shawl dancer Cheyenne Phoenix said, “The event was empowering and educational within the two different cultures. I loved how we shared our solidarity and love for each other's struggle and compassion for our history of genocide.” Activist organization March and Rally Los Angeles was present and live streamed both days of the event (day 1 and day 2). The fundraising will continue until the closing reception on Thursday, May 11th at 8pm in Roslin Art Gallery at 415 E. Broadway in Glendale, CA. On display are over 25 works of art by 13 different artists. All works are available for purchase and proceeds from the sales will go towards LPLP’s Water Protector's Legal Defense Fund. So far the initiative has raised $2126.95. "Bringing together these two groups of people with a similar past to share their stories and culture has truly been a cathartic and healing experience for all of us,” said Abril Bookstore manager Arno Yeretzian. “The ripples will spread." !

ARAM KALOOSDIAN'S BOOK ON THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TADEM CONTINUES TO RECEIVE PRAISE WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian National Institute is pleased to announce that Robert Aram Kaloosdian's book, Tadem: My Father's Village Extinguished during the 1915 Armenian Genocide, was reviewed in the April 2017 issue of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, the premier journal of the discipline published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. In his review, Robert Melson describes the book as a "significant contribution to historical un-

derstanding" of the Armenian Genocide. Kaloosdian's book had already received two awards in 2016. Tadem: My Father's Village was awarded an Independent Book Publishers Association's (IBPA) Benjamin Franklin Award as a Silver Winner in the Best New Voice Nonfiction category. The IBPA describes the book as follows: Drawing on accounts from over a dozen witnesses, most never before published, the author recounts the life and death of one village. With striking imme-

diacy, the author presents TADEM as a microcosm of the Genocide and argues that the Turks used the outbreak of World War I as a cover for atrocities motivated by religious hatred and greed. Tadem: My Father's Village also received an "IPPY" Silver award in the category of World History. The "IPPY" Awards, launched in 1996 and given out by the Independent Publisher Book Awards, are designed to bring increased recognition to the deserving but often unsung titles published by independent

authors and publishers. Robert Kaloosdian is vice-chairman, and chairman emeritus (1997-2011), of the Armenian National Institute. ANI was founded in 1997 with a major donation by Hirair Hovnanian chairman emeritus of the Armenian Assembly of America. The Armenian National Institute (ANI) is a 501(c)(3) educational charity based in Washington, D.C., and is dedicated to the study, research, and affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 11, 2017

USHMM Special Issue on the Armenian Genocide The Armenian National Institute is pleased is to bring to your attention that for a limited time - until July 15 - the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) is providing free access to a special online issue on the Armenian Genocide of its academic journal, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, printed by Oxford University Press. The special issue may be accessed here: http://bit.ly/2qwQbyO. The volume is introduced by Professor Robert F. Melson and includes six articles published over the span of the past ten years on several aspects of the Armenian Genocide. The authors include Peter Balakian, Shaun O'Dwyer, Taner Akçam, Donald Bloxham, Jonathan Markovitz, and Katharine Derderian. Per USHMM, “Between the onset of World War I and the founding of the Turkish Republic in 1923 approximately 1.5 million Armenians, or more than half of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian population, died as a result of deportations, starvation, serial massacres, and mass executions. With the intent of informing, Holocaust and Genocide Studies offer this special edition reflecting on the Armenian Genocide, featuring selected articles from past issues. The six articles included in this virtual issue examine various aspects of the genocide, including its denial, and are available to read online for a limited time.”

Join The Discussion AGBU Asbeds & San Fernando Valley Veterans host Historian, Dr. Richard Hovannisian. The UCLA Professor will present a talk on his latest published works including, "Armenian Communities of the Northeastern Mediterranean." He will discuss the history of Armenia and the different areas, specifically Ismid, Bardizag, Adabazar, Armash, Bursa, Dort-Yol, Musa Dagh, Kessab, Evereg-Fenesse, Talas, Tomarza, Kayseri & Cappadocia. The event will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 7:30PM, in AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School, Agajanian Hall. A slideshow will be presented during the discussion. Admission is FREE.

Azerbaijan arrests group of servicemen, civilians involved in conspiracy with Armenian intelligence services Azerbaijan Prosecutor General’s Office, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Security Service have said they arrested a group of servicemen and civilians, who were engaged in conspiracy with the Armenian intelligence services and passed along secret military information to them for a financial reward, putting sovereignty, territorial integrity, state security and military capability of the Republic of Azerbaijan at risk. “Based on the collected material, the Military Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan launched a criminal case on treason and other facts under Article 274 of the Criminal Code. An investigative-operative group consisting of employees of the Prosecutor Office, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Security Service has been set up, and an initial investigation is underway,” said a joint statement by the Prosecutor General’s Office, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Security Service. The statement said that immediate investigative measures allowed to prevent provocative and terrorist acts that the Armenian intelligence and special services were planning to commit in public places in Baku. “A group of servicemen and civilians, who were engaged in conspiracy with the enemy’s intelligence services, were arrested,” the statement said. !"!#!$

Eurovision 2017: Armenia is in final The first semifinal of Eurovision Song Contest 2017, which the Ukrainian capital city of Kyiv is hosting, concluded minutes ago. Armenia’s representative Artsvik also performed tonight, and she sang her Eurovision song, “Fly with Me,” in 16th place. Artsvik performed her song with brilliance, received a positive evaluation by both the judges and the viewers, and, as a result, Armenia advanced to the final of this song contest. The second semifinal of this year’s Eurovision will take place on Thursday evening, and the final will be on Saturday evening.

Photographer Nazik Armenakyan of Armenia to present new book at Abril Bookstore

Glendale, CA – Visiting photographer from Armenia, NAZIK ARMENAKYAN will present her unique bilingual book taking a new look at the Armenian Genocide, SURVIVORS on THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. The author will be introduced by and have conversation with filmmaker, ADRINEH GREGORIAN. SURVIVORS is an ambitious photographic narrative about surviving victims of the Armenian genocide, which includes portraits, interior scenes, witness testimonies and archival photographs. The project shows the significance of photography in forging an understanding of 1915 and its impact on individual identities. Rather than re-constructing the unimaginable image of the genocide, Armenakyan's project revives - through the viewer's participation - the very image that the genocide attempted to obliterate. House interiors with old photos, everyday objects, and family members. These ordinary things make us who we are and constitute our sense of humanity. This is also what we normally take for granted and Armenakyan's project reveals its preciousness and the tragedy of its loss. The photographs in 'Survivors' are not a memento mori, but a form of storytelling. They turn us into witnesses who must, a hundred years later, see, listen and find some form of redemption by giving these victims back the dignity of individual identity that was once erased. These portraits show faces that had seen the unimaginable. NAZIK ARMENAKYAN has been working as a photojournalist since 2002. Her photojournalistic experience includes Armenpress news agency, Yerevan magazine, Forum magazine and ArmeniaNow.com. A winner of several international awards and grants, such as Grand Prix award and First place in the "People and Faces" category in the Karl Bulla International Photo Contest, fellowship from the Magnum Foundation and Documentary Photography Production Grant from Open Society Foundations. Nazik Armenakyan is author of two photography books. She is one of the founders of 4 Plus, a non-profit cooperative that aims to develop documentary photography in Armenia and empower women through photography. Presented by Abril Bookstore.

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Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 11 Ø!ÛÇë 2017

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Nor Or, May 11, 2017, No. 19 _N.O. Blank 5/10/17 6:17 PM Page 8

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Nor Or, May 11, 2017, No. 19 _N.O. Blank 5/10/17 6:17 PM Page 12

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Armenian$Democratic$ Liberal$Party Western$District$Committee

95th$Anniversary$Celebration of$“Nor$Or”$Weekly Under$the$auspices$of$His$Eminence

Archbishop$Hovnan$Derderian Primate$of$the$Western$Diocese Presided$by

Mrs.$Ani$Sarkissian Entertainment$by Tavit$Samuelian$and$Aram$Lepejian Koko$Boyajian$with$Zankezour$band Sunday,$May$21,$2017,$5:00$pm “De$Luxe”$banquet$hall, 237$E.$Olive$Ave.,$Burbank,$CA$91502 For$tickets$call (626)296-2921$-$(818)307-8176

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