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Nor Or, May 18, 2017, No. 20 _N.O. Blank 5/17/17 4:21 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 20, Thursday, May 18, 2017

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Nor Or, May 18, 2017, No. 20 _N.O. Blank 5/17/17 4:21 PM Page 2


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Thursday, May 18, 2017 Vol. 95, #20



The 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide was commemorated in Solvang, California on Sunday, May 14, 2017. The event was organized by the "Friends of Maria Jacobsen" and was attended by the congregation of Bethania Lutheran Church and members of the Armenian community from Los Angeles, Fresno, and San Luis Obispo. On October 23, 2016, Maria Jacobson's bust was unveiled in the courtyard of the Church in the presence of hundreds of her admirers, including her former orphans. Maria Jacobsen, an extraordinary Danish humanitarian and missionary, was a key witness to the Armenian Genocide. For her humanitarian efforts, she is known as "Mama" for having saved thousands of Armenian orphans during the Genocide. In 1922, she transferred many orphans to Beirut, Lebanon and through the efforts of Danish missionaries and the Women's Missionary Workers, under Jacobsen's leadership, an Armenian orphanage was established in Jbeil (Byblos), Lebanon, lnown as the Birds Nest. In his opening remarks, Rev. Chris Brown, Pastor of the Bethania Lutheran Church, expressed his appreciation to the Armenian American community for establishing an exemplary partnership with the Church and the Danish American community. He exalted the virtues of Maria Jacobsen describing her as a courageous missionary who followed the principles of the Bible, which brought hope to thousands of Armenian orphans during the Genocide. He then invited Dr. Garbis Der-Yeghiayan, Chairman of "Friends of Maria Jacobsen Committee" and President of Mashdots College, for his remarks. Dr. Der-Yeghiayan thanked Pastor Brown and the Congregation for their cooperative spirit andsteadfast support, congratulating all mothers present at the event. "It is no coincidence that we are commemorating the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on Mother's Day honoring the memory of a brave missionary who is revered by the Armenian World, especially the orphans, who are eternally grateful to

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA'S STATEMENT ON TURKISH ATTACK AGAINST PEACEFUL PROTESTERS WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America joins with Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, House Foreign Affairs Chairman Representative Ed Royce (R-CA), and others in condemning in the strongest terms yesterday's brutal attack by Turkish bodyguards against those protesting in front of the Turkish Ambassador's residence. Senator McCain said via Twitter: "This is the United States of America. We do not do this here. There is no excuse for this kind of thuggish behavior." Mayor Bowser stated: "What we saw yesterday - a violent attack on a peaceful demonstration - is an affront to D.C. values and our rights as Americans. I strongly condemn these actions." In a press conference today, D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham said several of President Erdogan's guards had guns, making the incident especially "dicey" for D.C. officers trying to quell the violence and restore order. While Turkey has clamped down and repressed its own citizens, including thousands of journalists, there is no place for this in the United States of America. In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Rep. Ed Royce demanded accountability for the attacks. "To send a clear message that these acts of violence will not be tolerated, I ask that you immediately look into this matter and bring all appropriate criminal charges before these individuals leave the United States. Agents of foreign governments should never be immune from prosecution for felonious behavior. Above all else, they should never be permitted to violate the protections afforded by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." Unfortunately, this is not the first such episode and represents a troubling pattern - whether it was last year's event at Brookings Institute wherein Turkish presidential bodyguards and pro-Erdogan supporters violently tried to bar people from attending the think-tank event or Turkey's shameless support of Azerbaijan's ongoing ceasefire violations against Armenia and Artsakh, which included the ISIS-like mutilation of an elderly couple and the beheading of three Armenian soldiers. We urge all people of good will to condemn this latest affront by Turkey on basic freedoms and call upon Congress and the Administration to do so as well. Over 80 Members of Congress have expressed their concerns about the "continuing erosion of human rights and the dramatic decline of democratic values in Turkey" in a letter sent to President Trump prior to his meeting with President Erdogan. Turkey must not be allowed to export its denial of free speech here in America, of which a State Department spokesperson said in a separate statement that "violence is never an appropriate response to free speech, and we support the rights of people everywhere to free expression and peaceful protest." Take action and urge your Representative to speak out and stand up for American values. Washington, May 17, 2017

their beloved Mama" he said. Dr. DerYeghiayan quoted Jacobsen's diary entry regarding the deportation of Armenians on June 26, 1915 when she stated, "It is obvious that the purpose of their departure is the extermination of the Armenian people." He concluded his remarks by emphasizing the fact that "one person, one humanitarian, one missionary, one truthteller can make a difference." He then invited Committee members to lay a wreath at the bust of Maria Jacobsen. It was a solemn occasion when Danish American and Armenian American community members holding hands togther expressed their gratitude to a great humanitaian and honored the memory of 1.5 million Armenian martyrs of the first Genocide of the 20th century. Dr. Der-Yeghiayan announced the establishment of the "Maria Jacobsen Essay Contest" for high school students residing in Solvang, California. Winners will receive monetary awards and their names will be announced in Solvang in April of 2018.

Armenia, Ireland may establish direct flights PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia and Ireland may establish direct flights, the General Department of Civil Aviation said on Tuesday, May 16. At a meeting with a delegation led by Chief Executive of the Irish Aviation Authority Eamonn Brennan, deputy head of Armenia’s GDCA Arsen Poghosyan discussed issues of cooperation in the field of air communications, including the establishment of direct flights, which would help develop bilateral relations. The "open skies" policy or the program of ensuring competitive conditions in the provision of air services was adopted by the Armenian government on October 23, 2013.After the policy was adopted, new carriers returned to or were introduced in the Armenian market, including Aegean Airways, Georgian Airways, Iraqi Airways, Al Naser, Mahan Air, Middle East Airlines, S7 Airlines, Czech Airlines, LOT.

Astrid Panosyan may be appointed new French minister of employment PanARMENIAN.Net - Newly-elected French president Emmanuel Macron may appoint Astrid Panosyan of Armenian descent the minister of employment and social affairs, Tribute de Genève reports. According to Le Parisien, however, Panosyan’s name is linked to the foreign trade sector. Macron has said half of the ministers in the new French cabinet would be women. Panosyan joined Unibail-Rodamco in September 2015 as Chief Resources Officer and Member of the Management Board. She was previously an advisor and member of the cabinet of Macron, then French minister of economy, industry and digital affairs where she was in charge of economic attractiveness and international investments.

78 US Congress members sign letter urging Trump to press Erdogan on human rights Seventy-eight members of U.S. Congress have sent a letter pressing President Trump to prioritize democracy and human rights during Tuesday's White House meeting with Turkish President Erdogan. Citing the “continuing erosion of human rights and the dramatic decline of democratic values in Turkey,” a bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives is calling on President Trump to “be candid and consistent in our support of democratic values and respect for human rights.” The legislators specifically cited the Erdogan government's “increased direct threats against political opposition groups and minority communities including ethnic Kurds.” The bipartisan appeal closed with a request that President Trump “make support for Turkish democracy a priority, both in your meetings with President Erdogan next week and in U.S. policy toward Turkey thereafter.” - “Erdo!an and Trump are trying to break the ice,” French newspaper Figaro writes, referring to the first meeting between the Turkish and US presidents in Washington. The most important political issues on the bilateral agenda are those related to Kurds and Fethullah Gülen.

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Thursday« May 18, 2017

Heroic Figures of A.D.L. ARMENAG YEGARIAN By Ara Aharonian Armenag Yegarian was born in the “Hanguysner” section of the city of Van, which was considered one of the oldest yet most developed sections in the Aykestan area. His parents sent him to the Normal School in Van, where he studied under Megerdich Portugalian. When the Turkish authorities closed the normal school, he too, like the other pupils, came under the tutelage of Megerdich Avedisian and Kalousd Aslanian in order to further his education. At the same time, he worked as a presser in a tailor shop. Still in his youth, Armenag followed the liberation movement and became excited over the stirring efforts toward initial preparation by the Armenagan Party, especially since the “Hanguysner” section was known as a hotbed of the liberation movement. He formed his own group by assembling the neighborhood youths. In 1887, he, along with all the members of that group, joined the first Armenian political party. During that period, Persian Armenia was a secure center for the natives of Van, because Armenian revolutionaries could operate freely there. After the Congress of Berlin, the prospects for a solution of the Armenian Question were so dim that the only option left to the provincial Armenians was to take up arms and defend themselves against Turkish oppression. Seeing Armenag’s proficiency and readiness, the leaders of the Armenagan Party proposed that he depart for Persia and transport weapons to Van. Quitting his job and selecting Drbe (Manoug Vartanian) as his co-worker, he embarked on his new mission. Drbe knew Kurdish well and was familiar with all the secret roads leading from Van to Persia. On the Turkish-Persian border was an old abandoned Armenian monastery called Derig (Derek), which became Armenag’s first rest house; subsequently, Armenian revolutionaries of all stripes began to seek lodging there. Once Yegarian had crossed over into Persian Armenia, he obtained weapons in Salmasd. Owing to his prudence, he managed to transport them safely to Van, generally traveling in the dark of night. In a short period of time, Armenag became the most experienced gun runner of the Armenagans. Meanwhile, the Turkish authorities were keeping a close and worrisome eye on the organizational efforts being carried out in Van. In 1892, Sultan Abdul Hamid II organized the irregular Kurdish troops named Hamidiye, after him. The Armenophobe named Nouri was appointed chief of police in Van, and he used the Kurds to make trouble for the Armenian peasants. When the Armenagans decided to murder Nouri, Panos Terlemezian and Armenag Yegarian took on this responsibility. Yegarian assumed the task of studying the police chief’s movements and, upon his suggestion, Terlemezian succeeded in killing Nouri in an Armenian neighborhood, when the latter was making his regular inspection there. As a result of that murder, numerous Armenians were arrested and tortured in jail. In order to put an end to the atrocities, the Armenagan Manoug Shadvorian took responsibility for the murder and was hanged to death. Nouri was succeeded by Abdul Hamid’s trustworthy adjutant, Saadeddin Pasha, who was instructed to organize the massacre of the Armenians in Vasbouragan. This development caused the Armenagan Party to allocate its material resources mostly to the transportation of weapons, always through Yegarian.

In the spring of 1909, following the proclamation of the false Turkish constitution, Yegarian returned to Van with his family, expecting the beginning of a new period of better life for the Western Armenians. While continuing the rug business, Armenag headed up the Constitutional Democrats of Van and engaged in regular contact with General Antranig, Krikor Beozigian (also known by the surname Shi-gaher), and with the Central Committee of the ACDP, in order to receive corresponding political directives from the latter. At the beginning of 1915, Jevdet Bey succeeded in killing Ishkhan and Vramian, two of the DashArmenian volunteers entering Van nak leaders in Van. Aram Manoogian was forced to take refuge with the Democrat Garabed the situation in Van. In January 1896, the Shadakhtsian. Yegarian also went there and data received made the outline of a gloomy consulted with Manoogian, following picture. Avedisian decided to go to Van to which it was decided to form a three-man make the necessary preparations. Bozigian military body headed by Yegarian and with and Yegarian remained in Salmasd. the cooperation of Dashnak Bulgarian Headed by Avedisian, the Armenagans Krikor and Gaidzak Arakel. Meanwhile, the prepared for self-defense. Yegarian emgovernor-general of Van had cannons situbarked on another trip to transport guns ated by the Turkish barracks, and roving pabut, this time, he was unexpectedly arrested trols had begun to mill about everywhere. by the Persian authorities. Even without the It was clear that the Turkish government assistance he intended to deliver and withwas pursuing a special plan. The first busiout his presence, the heroic and successful ness of the military body was to gather up self-defense of Van took place, which would the weapons in the possession of Armenibecome known in history as the Great Event ans, all 625 of them. Yegarian divided the and which would end with the martyrdom city into sections, with corresponding deof Avedisian and his 800 followers, as a confensive groups, at whose disposal were sequence of the combined treachery complaced considerable quantities of weapons mitted by the intervening powers and the and ammunition. Created alongside the Turks. military body was a civil body, headed by After the Great Event, Yeghishe KonAram Manoogian and comprised of Kapriel dakjian, one of the founders of the party, Semerjian (ACDP), Panos Terlemezian took over its leadership, but ill fate put an (ACDP) and Hrant Kaligian (Social Demoend to this 40-year-old youth’s life in 1897. cratic Hunchak Party). In the same year, Yegarian was released The city of Van was already besieged by from jail and, with a 40-member group, re4,000 Turkish soldiers. Their number would turned to Van. While reenergizing the party, subsequently increase to 7,000, not includhe continued efforts to stockpile weapons. ing Kurdish bandits as well. They had variIn 1898, Armenag got married and atous kinds of cannons and unlimited tempted to adopt a sedentary lifestyle by ammunition. going into the rug business, specifically the The Armenian self-defense was cenbuying and selling of Persian rugs. Along tered primarily in the Aykestan region, with conducting the business, he transwhere Yegarian’s most reliable fighters, the ported weapons to Van, together with rugs, group headed by the Democrat Hiussian after coming to an agreement with Kurdish brothers and the itinerant group of tribal chieftains. Nazareth Bournoutian. In 1903, Yegarian relocated to Urmia, On April 7, upon leaving their positions, continuing business as usual. The leadertwo Democrat fighters, Yeghia Nakhshounship of the Armenagans in Van was asian and Hagop Durzian, got caught in sumed by Kevork Semerjian, who enemy fire and became the first victims of frequently visited Urmia and stayed over at the heroic battle of Van. The enemy atYegarian’s house, which had already turned tempted to destroy the Armenian neighborinto a rendezvous for all the Armenian fugihoods with its cannons. The Armenians did tives and travelers. not lose a single man, because their homes It was owing to the contacts established had already been abandoned and their inby Yegarian and Semerjian with Kurdish habitants had either taken refuge in the ortribal chieftains, that General Antranig, tochards or had gone, via the roads around gether with his 70 comrades in arms, was the Turkish barracks, to the old city, where able to cross over into Persia, and then the the fortress, which had been converted to a Caucasus, without incident. By this time, Turkish garrison, and the British consulate Yegarian had become the most authoritative were located. Without suffering any losses, national figure in Urmia and adjoining areas. His comrades called him Garo the Armenians succeeded in seizing the Garrison and establish contact with the clos(Garabeg), while others referred to him as est Russian regiment. Armenag Agha. Taking advantage of the darkness of The principal developments in the life night, Yegarian and his braves went to the of the Armenagans during those years were nearby villages, putting the Kurdish bandits the incorporation of its members in the to flight and seizing their weapons. Balkans with those in Van, through Krikor Beozigian’s efforts, and, immediately thereDuring the nearly month-long life-andafter, the formation of the Armenian Condeath struggle, the nearly 70,000 Armenians stitutional Democratic Party (ACDP) in of Van had not only successfully resisted the Alexandria in October 1908. enemy but they had also been able to put to Upon his return from Europe, Megerdich Avedisian, founder and leader of the party, settled in Salmasd, where the Armenagan Krikor Bozigian was already working as superintendent of the regional Armenian schools. Through frequent meetings, Yegarian kept them informed about

flight the considerable Turkish population from the old city. Then, on the morning of May 6, the Russian regiment, along with 2,000 Caucasian Armenian volunteers, entered Van, led by General Nikolayev. Nikolayev rewarded Yegarian by designating him military commander of the Van region. The Democrat, Ardag Tarpinian, in turn, was designatied mayor of Van, in appreciation of the critical role played by ACDP. The heroic battle of Van constitutes one of the most brilliant pages in the Armenian liberation struggle, owing to which the Armenians of Van were saved from certain massacre and Van regained its Armenian identity. However, since the Armenians of Van were not yet in a position to spread their wings over the whole of Vasbouragan, Armenians from various towns and villages in the region began to leave for the Caucasus, under the protection of the Russian army. In September, Nikolayev declared Van to be a Russian city, revealing the Russian expansionist policy during World War I. The suggestion was made to Yegarian to create a regiment for the defense of the fatherland, whose role would be to ensure the security of the Armenians being transferred to the Caucasus. Yegarian assumed that role, with the assistance of the Democrat Jim Chankalian, who had arrived on a special mission from America, the Dashnak Vahan Papazian and Krikor of Bulgaria. The Turkish army had begun to advance from the north of Western Armenia to the borders of Eastern Armenia, while the Russian army had received instructions to retreat. The Armenians of Van, which was isolated, had no other choice and was forced to abandon their paternal lands. The regiment for the defense of the fatherland, which was led by Yegarian, ensured the safe transportation of the Vasbouragan natives to the Caucasus. In 1918, Yegarian settled in Tiflis, where the ACDP was engaged in widespread activity. In 1920, Yegarian and his group departed for Cilicia, so that he and General Antranig would subsequently be able to carry out the plan of Cilician independence. However, the French authorities prevented Antranig from entering Cilicia, and Yegarian was forced to relocate to Cairo, where he fell victim to the plague in 1925, after living a peaceful life for five years. Thus, this hero’s trubulent life ended at the age of 55. Yegarian’s name remains recorded in gold letters in our history, as worthy appreciation of his dedicated work in rescuing the Armenians of Van.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 18, 2017

THE PROMISE OF THE MOUNTAINTOP By John Perron and Tamar Poladian Perron

Special Commendation by the County of Los Angeles Special Commendation by the County of Los Angeles made for the Armenian Monument council. The Commendation was presented to the monument council members George Mandossian and Hagop Nazarian by Montebello Mayor Vivian Romero during the City Council meeting on Wednesday, April 12, 2017. During the same meeting, the city council passed a resolution designating the month of April Armenian Genocide remembrance month in the City of Montebello.

THE ARMENIANS OF THE LEVANT The Ararat-Eskijian-Museum and The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) present “The Armenian’s of the Levant” by Scott Abramson on Sunday May 21st, at 4PM, Ararat-Eskijian Museum/ Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Rd. Mission Hills Ca 91345. Of the Levant’s Armenians, it might well be said without risking exaggeration that no other of the region’s many minorities has contributed so much to, and in so many departments of, Levantine life. Indeed, Armenians can claim credit for founding some of the Levant’s first and most advanced hospitals, for designing some of its most iconic civic buildings, and for introducing photography—the technology and the industry alike—to the region. That these and many other productive contributions were made by a community more limited in number and influence than nearly all of the Levant’s other minorities crowns the Armenians’ achievements with still more glory. Yet, for all the Armenians’ enrichment of Levantine experience, recognition of their contributions is lacking, not just in the regional consciousness, but in the relevant historiography too. This lecture, which profiles some of the modern Levant’s unsung Armenian builders and modernizers, presents a modest corrective to this popular and scholarly oversight. Scott Abramson is a scholar of the modern Levant, the author of several articles—academic and popular—on the region’s history, and a doctoral candidate in UCLA’s Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. Scott Abramson

When Noah’s Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat, a divine spirit came to Earth and became one with the Armenian people. Regardless of who occupies the surrounding land, this certain spirit lives only in the hearts of Armenians - all throughout the world. When our 4 year old son was told he was a strong American boy he raised his voice and proclaimed, “I’m NOT American, Dad! I‘m Armenian!” When he was told by Mr. Dad that he was both American and Armenian he insisted “I’m Armenian!” Meeting with Senator Kevin de León , President pro Tempore of the California State Senate, after Charles Aznavour was honored in Hollywood he inquired, “So, tell me, Is Charles Aznavour French or Armenian?” Mr. Dad explained that he had hit the nail right on the head. This Dad educated him about the Diaspora and how it is a rock that can not be broken. No matter where an Armenian goes in this world he will always be Armenian. Our son is no less Armenian than American. Charles Aznavour is no less Armenian than he is French. Even if an Armenian has never been to Armenia he or she will always be considered to be Armenian. Wherever we go, we bring Armenia. And wherever we go in this world, we add that culture to our diasporan family. This spirit can not be removed from us. We cannot be separated from this spirit. As we traverse the globe we grow the rock of our Armenian spirit. If we are removed from Mount Ararat we build a new moun-

tain wherever we go. Every child born is a stone added to our mountaintop. Every land we set foot upon increases our empire. As we go forth - we shall multiply. We can not be removed. We prevail and we grow. We gather and we celebrate. If two Armenians come together we have rebuilt the twin peaks of Mount Ararat in it’s own image. The spirit of Mount Ararat belongs with the Armenian people throughout the world. As we lay our heads to sleep each night no matter where we are - we can rest assured that the spirit is with us. We remain together. We can not be torn asunder. We are Armenians. We build our mountains in the spirit of our people. We carry Mount Ararat with us wherever we go. And we each add our stone to the mountaintop. Tamar Poladian Perron is an attorney and a member of the Glendale Community Police Partnership Advisory Council and Glendale Police Advisory Council. Tamar was the first Armenian Community Liaison for any Los Angeles City Councilmember and Field Representative for Michael Woo in the 13th Council District. She also served as a member of the T.C. A. – Arshag Dickranian Armenian School Board of Trustees. John Perron (Mr. Dad) is a political advisor and consultant for nonprofits and business enterprises. John was a candidate for Los Angeles City Council in 2014. April 24, 2017

Alice Ketabgian to present new book about growing up in Istanbul Glendale, CA – Author ALICE KETABJIAN will present her new book, LIFE IN ISTANBUL: One Family's Odyssey on TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free with reception to follow. The author will be introduced by DR. RICHARD HRAIR DEKMEJIAN, professor of political science at USC. LIFE IN ISTANBUL is a personal memoir in which the author depicts her life’s experiences while growing up in Istanbul as the child of survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. She depicts further stages of the Genocide perpetrated by the Turkish government against its minorities, while living in constant fear for their lives as Christians living in a Muslim world. Part of it is a story of resilience while attempting to find a way to get out of the suffocating environment, while another part is the story of the past events of survival that her

ancestors experienced. Eventual transfer to the United States to continue her education comes with its own unique encounters,

both in school and life itself which adds to the immigrant’s narrative. ALICE KETABGIAN was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey and is a descendent of Genocide Survivors. She received her childhood education from Aramyan Ounchiyan elementary school in Kadikoy, followed by a high school education at Uskiidar Amerikan Kiz Lisesi in Uskiidar. Upon arrival in Southern California in 1962, she attended La VerneCollege for two years and transferred to UCLA to receive an M.S. in Human Physiology from the School of Medicine in 1968. With a newlyrevived interest in Armenian history and literature, she translated Anneannem of Fethiye Cetin to English in 2006. An account of her Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia was published in the Armenian Observer the same year. Presented by Abril Bookstore. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril Bookstore (818) 243-4112, noor@abrilbooks.com


Tekeyan Cultural Association Feasibility Committee Meeting at Beshgetourian Center On Thursday, April 27, the Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) Feasibility Committee held a meeting at the TCA Beshgetourian Center in Altadena, Calif. It continued its exploration of methods to serve the educational and cultural missions to which Tekeyan has always been dedicated while perpetuating the name and legacy of Arshag Dickranian and other benefactors in Southern California. The TCA Central Board of Directors had decided to establish this committee in its October 10, 2015 special meeting in Montreal, Canada. Its purpose is to ensure that the name and reputation of its benefactors, so interested in the education of young Armenians, continue to shine after the school named after Arshag Dickranian was closed in June 2015 due to the great decrease in the number of attending students. Present were Panig Keshishian, Chairman, Diran Depanian and Parsegh Kartalian, former members of the Arshag Dickranian School Board of Trustees, Edmond Azadian, TCA President, Aram Arkun, TCA Executive Director, Vatche Semerdjian, Kevork Keushkerian and Kevork Marashlian, members of the TCA Central Board of Directors, Carl Bardakian, Ara Babayan and Mihran Toumajan. Another educator serving on the committee was unable to attend. The Committee discussed seven potential programs in Southern California presented to it in order to achieve the aforementioned purpose. Five of these programs would require collaboration with existing Armenian educational and religious institutions, ranging from Armenian Saturday and fulltime schools, to afterschool, summer and university programs. Two or possibly three programs could be carried out by Tekeyan on its own and again would aid students of various age groups. Scholarship programs were among those considered. While all the programs have their merits, the difficulties of achievement, demographic issues and varying financial obligations must be weighed. Meetings have already been held with a number of representatives of outside organizations to gather necessary information in order to come to a final decision. The Feasibility Committee decided to ask further written details and clarifications from the organizations with which it has been in contact and discuss them further in its next meeting on June 1, 2017.

Armenia exports are less than imports YEREVAN. – According to the 2017 first quarter data, the volume of exports is less than the volume of imports in Armenia. Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan wrote about the aforementioned on his Facebook account. “We must transform from an importing country to an exporting country,” he added. Also, Karapetyan posted a chart, according to which imports to Armenia increased by 17.9 percent, whereas exports from the country grew by 16.5 percent in the specified period, as compared with the same period in 2016. In other words, the growth of imports is higher, and the exportimport ratio is growing. In the first quarter of 2016, Armenia’s exports amounted to about $443 million, whereas imports totaled close to $804 million.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« May 18, 2017

AGBU: The organization continues to expand the reach of the global Armenian nation

Honorees Eric and Melina Esrailian (left) with AGBU benefactors Vatche and Tamar Manoukian and AGBU President Berge Setrakian on Saturday evening. For the third year in a row, the Central Board gathered in London for a critical conference that brought together leadership and the local community for a weekend of events that emphasized the role of young leaders and provided an opportunity to cultivate a shared vision. The weekend featured a series of meetings to expand the reach of the global Armenian nation. The meetings welcomed participants from the AGBU Central Board, Europe District Committee and 16 Young Professionals (YP) groups from around the world to build on the on-going dialogue that AGBU began at its 89th General Assembly and 110th Anniversary Weekend in New York last October. The lively discussions in London focused on four key pillars of the organization (humanitarian; culture and identity; education; and socio-economic development) to develop ways and means to move forward as a people and an organization. The topics addressed the vision of AGBU and its goal of increasing the visibility of Armenians on the world stage. AGBU's role in Armenia as an agent for change was a prominent focus of the meetings as well as discussions surrounding local strategy for attaining exponential reach by forging ties beyond the Armenian community. Partnerships have been a major means through which AGBU has sought to make its mark. In the past year, the organization has engaged in strategic partnerships with international organizations, including the United States Agency for International Development

(USAID) and the Smithsonian Institution; the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); the European Union and the Eurasia Partnership Foundation; and most recently the United Nation’s Children Fund (UNICEF) and the Shoah Foundation. These For the third year in a row, AGBU gathered in London for a critical conference that brought partnerships provide AGBU together AGBU leadership and the local community for a weekend of events that emphasized the with new opportunities to young leaders in the community. make a more profound impact budget, wide-release film to depict the Armenian Genocide, in reaching out to the global community. The participation of the Young Professionals (YP) in im- and encouraged to reflect on the universality of its message. Saturday evening saw The Promise’s impulse to give nonplementing ideas was also underscored as essential for the success of AGBU initiatives. “These meetings were designed Armenians insight into Armenian experiences manifested in to bring in the YP leadership from around the world, to con- yet another way. Benjamin Devoy—a British student at nect them and provide an opportunity to share respective ex- Queens’ College in Cambridge, England—was invited to periences. Gladly, we covered many topics and I am confident speak before the guests about his experience during the Yerethat the leaders will continue based on what we saw,” said van Summer Internship Program (YSIP) last summer. Devoy was the first intern to participate in YSIP’s Dikran Knadjian AGBU board member Yervant Zorian. The weekend closed with an intimate dinner on Saturday, Medical Internship, which enables one non-Armenian medhosted by AGBU Central Board member Dr. Armen Sarkiss- ical student to pursue a fully-funded internship in Armenia: ian and his wife Nouneh, at the Dorchester Hotel. The “A continuing theme I experienced in Armenia was the colevening, emceed by Camilio Azzouz, featured a keynote ad- lective effort of individuals who wanted to help. Armenia has dress by Eric Esrailian, who was also honored with his wife gone through a lot and still faces some major problems. It is Melina, for their tireless work on The Promise and its world- a testament to the people there and Armenians abroad that wide promotion. “When there has never been a major motion has propelled a huge movement to improve conditions. I’m picture on the Armenian Genocide that has reached millions very grateful to have had my internship experience and to of people, you have to design a film that is accessible. The learn firsthand about the country,” said Devoy. While the weekend of events emphasized young AGBU leadmost important aspect of The Promise is that it is not just for Armenians. Silence and denial are destructive for generations ers, it was also a chance to pay tribute to two members who have because we all bear the scars of what our ancestors have gone served as remarkable local leaders: Berge Azadian and Assadour through and not just Armenians—African-Americans, Na- Guzelian, two former chairmen of the AGBU London Trust and tive-Americans, people around the world who have dealt prominent figures in the community, who have offered AGBU with atrocities feel these scars generations deep,” said Esrail- decades of dedicated leadership and service. They served the orian. As part of the weekend, the meeting participants were ganization with a life-long commitment and are examples from treated to a special screening of The Promise, the first big- which the burgeoning generation of leaders can draw strength.

AGBU hosted cultural events “Meet us on Maryland” In March and April, leading up to Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day on April 24, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) hosted a series of events called Meet Us On Maryland. The events were held in the new Maryland Paseo in Glendale’s arts and entertainment district. The idea was mutually beneficial: the city has aimed to increase foot traffic in the paseo and AGBU has strived to serve a larger population in Glendale. Meet Us on Maryland encompassed a variety of events—one per week until the commemoration on April 24 at the Alex Theatre hosted by the City of Glendale. The series kicked off on March 24 with a “pop up” art gallery in one of the units on Maryland at 127 N. Maryland, Avenue. Community members gathered at the gallery and enjoyed the works of various artists including Tigran Hovumyan, Vladimir Kovalyov, Alexander Korol, Suzan Sevo, Alexandra Manukyan, Evrika Evo Zatikian, Gago Oganesyan, Natasha Yudina, Yelena Geodakyan, Vachag Ter Sarkissian, Anna Anush Khachatryan, Gassia Mouradian, Stella May, and Dehmq. Many of the artists were in attendance and guests had the opportunity to speak to them and discuss the inspiration behind the pieces on exhibit.

On March 31, the local band Pink Lemonade was invited to play outdoors in the paseo. The rock group attracted a wide audience including passersby. The following week on April 6 was a performance by The Banned Club, a band comprised of students

Alexandra and Lilia Yaralian sisters of AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School from the AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School in Canoga Park. They performed a variety of songs including "Square Hammer" by Ghost, "California Dreamin'" by the Mamas and the Papas, "Rock the Casbah" by the Clash, and "Back to Black" by Amy Winehouse. The talented group of young students were spontaneously joined on stage by one of their teachers, Craig Harzmann, to perform “Rock You like a Hurricane” by the Scorpions toward the end of the evening, making it a memorable night for both the MDS students and the audience. MDS was invited back to Maryland the following week on April 13 for AGBU’s Heritage Night in honor of the organizations 111th anniversary. The unique evening’s program included the Armenian kanon, dances, poetry, and song. A number of talented students took the stage and performed, moving the audience with their music, cultural dances, classic songs, and famous poetry. The last week of the series took place on April 20: the AGBU Manoukian High School in Pasadena took the stage with their Dance Ensemble, choreographed by Taguhi Bezatyan. The dances were accompanied by other performances including, poetry recitation, acapella singing, and a skit from the high school’s latest play, “And Then There Were None.” The evening ended with audience and passersby joining the stage for a large “shoorj par,” holding hands and dancing synchronized in a circle.

THE AGBU NUBAR LIBRARY LAUNCHES ENGLISH-LANGUAGE WEBSITE FOR ITS DIGITAL COLLECTION In May, the AGBU Nubar Library in Paris launched the English-language version of its website, offering a wealth of information, photos and documents about Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian diaspora. A major highlight of the website is an extensive virtual exhibition-now available in English and French-on the history of the Ottoman Armenians and the Armenian Genocide, entitled Armenia 1915. The exhibition is based on the Arménie 1915 exhibition initiated by the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and shown at City Hall in Paris on the occasion of the commemoration of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide. The virtual exhibition first evokes the everyday structures of Ottoman Armenian society at the end of the nineteenth century and shows the ideological radicalization of the leaders in power between 1908 and 1914, which led to the genocide. It then presents the implementation of the genocide with its major phases in 1915 and 1916, before taking a human and political assessment at the end of World War I. The final section is dedicated to the reactions in France about the fate of the Armenians. "Arménie 1915 was the largest exhibition about the Armenian Genocide ever made possible in Europe with more than 500 photos, documents and various pieces. Here we have condensed the main thematic entries, completely reedited the text and are now delighted to make it accessible in English for people around the world," said Boris Adjemian, director of the AGBU Nubar Library. The website, which will continue to be updated with digitized materials, is also home to a full list of the library's periodical collection; photos of prominent Armenian

leaders and of Armenian life in the Ottoman Empire and early diaspora; portions of the Andonian archive of Armenian Genocide testimonies as well as portions of the archives of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Armenian National Delegation and AGBU; digitized copies of the French-language Constantinople-based journal Renaissance published from 19181920; back issues of the library's journal Revue d'histoire arménienne contemporaine to order; and a full collection of Études arméniennes contemporaines, the library's current print and online journal. The AGBU Nubar Library was established in 1928 by AGBU founder and president Boghos Nubar. Over the course of its history, the library has become one of the main research centers in the Armenian diaspora. In its early years, the library was directed by Ottoman Armenian writer and journalist Aram Andonian under whom the library's collection expanded dramatically thanks to major donations by Armenian politicians and men of letters in the first half of the twentieth century. Conceived of as a center for Armenian and Near Eastern studies and as a site for Armenian intellectuals to exchange ideas, the library has sought to develop a diverse archive on Armenian affairs and remains an indispensable resource for scholars, journalists, documentarians, researchers, students and individuals interested in Armenian history.

Nor Or, May 18, 2017, No. 20 _N.O. Blank 5/17/17 4:21 PM Page 7

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Armenian#Democratic#Liberal#Party Western#District#Committee

95th#Anniversary#Celebration#of#“Nor#Or”#Weekly Under#the#auspices#of#His#Eminence

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