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Vol. 95, # 21, Thursday, May 25, 2017

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Thursday, May 25, 2017 Vol. 95, #21


US Congressman: Erdogan is a dictator

EU: There is no military solution to Karabakh conflict

U.S. Rep. Ted Poe called Turkish leader “a dictator” and slammed the attack his body guards on peaceful protesters in Washington on May 16. “Madam Speaker, it looks like Turkish President Erdogan has brought his brutal crackdown on human rights to Washington, D.C.,” Poe said during his House floor speech. “For years, Erdogan has attacked Turkey's democratic institutions, undermined the rule of law, and violated Turkish civil liberties. On Tuesday, several bullies violently assaulted protesters outside the Turkish Embassy here in Washington. These Gestapo-type body guards beat peaceful demonstrators, in one case kicking a woman lying on the ground. This type of behavior is unacceptable. Erdogan is becoming a Turkish dictator. One of the traits of a dictator is to violently quash opposition. He is showing he doesn't believe in the democratic principles of free speech and peaceful assembly. But, Madam Speaker, we will have no foreign tyrant violating these sacred rights on American soil without consequences. And that is just the way it is.” news.am

There is no military solution to the Karabakh conflict, and EU continues to fully support the efforts and proposals of the OSCE Minsk Group, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said during seventeenth EU-Armenia Cooperation Council in Brussels on Tuesday. The conflict needs an early political settlement in accordance with international law, she added. For his part, acting Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian highly valued European Union’s principled position on the exclusively peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its continuous support to the activities of the Minsk Group Co-chairmanship. “Large-scale military offensive of Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh in April 2016 was the most dangerous escalation of the conflict since 1994 when ceasefire agreement was signed between Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. The Azerbaijani aggression was accompanied by gross violations of the international humanitarian law in an apparent attempt to terrorize the people of


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Texas House of Representatives unanimously adopted a resolution affirming the Armenian Genocide by a vote of 137 to 0, reports the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). Spearheaded by Texas State Representative Scott Sanford (R-TX) with invaluable support from Representatives Rafael Anchia (D-TX) and Jeff Leach (R-TX), House Resolution, House Resolution (HR) 191 says in part: “During World War I, the crumbling Ottoman Empire began a systematic campaign to eradicate its Armenian population, which then numbered more than two million.” The resolution resolved that “the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas Legislature hereby recognize the Armenian genocide.” "The Armenian Assembly greatly appreciates the exemplary work and dedication of the Armenian American community in Texas, especially Mihran Aroian who led the effort," stated Assembly Grassroots and Development Associate Mariam Khaloyan. "We look forward to working to ensure that all 50 states unequivocally affirm the Armenian Genocide and the proud chapter in America’s history in helping save the survivors,” she added. Mr. Aroian told the Assembly: “This is a proud moment for Texas and for all those who support genocide affirmation and prevention. I would like to thank Representative Scott Sanford for his leadership and for all those who worked diligently to make this happen.” Last month, Members of the Texas legislature had the opportunity to view a screening of The Promise, an extraordinary film that depicts the events of the Armenian Genocide, at the State Capitol in Austin. Former Governor Rick Perry signed Senate Bill (SB) 482 in 2009, which created the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission to help preserve information and experiences of the Holocaust and other genocide events. During the ceremony, he said: "In addition to the Holocaust, there have been five major genocide events in the 20th century, including the Armenian, Cambodian, Rwandan, Bosnian and Herzegovinian, and Sudanese genocides. Survivors, liberators and others who witnessed these atrocities have died without leaving their lessons of survival and humanity.”

Nagorno-Karabakh. Two Summits were convened after the April aggression of Azerbaijan, where agreements were reached aimed at creating appropriate conditions for advancement of the peace process. Baku refuses to implement these agreements although their importance has been highlighted on numerous occasions, including during April 28 meeting of ministers of foreign affairs of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Moreover, Baku continues the gross violations of the trilateral cease-fire agreements in defiance of the consistent calls of the Co-Chair countries and the international community,” he said in a press statement following the meeting. In her remarks following the meeting, Mogherini also said they had exchanged on regional issues: the situation around the conflict in Syria, the broader regional issues. The EU has also reiterated its commitment to support the normalisation of relations between Armenia and Turkey and our encouragement to both sides to engage in this process without preconditions.

Leaders of Israel and Palestine promise Trump to work toward peace

US. President Donald Trump is hopeful the US can help forge peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Trump's remark came during his meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem on Tuesday. He believes such an agreement would “begin a process of peace all throughout the Middle East,” Fox News reported. “President Abbas assures me he is ready to work toward that goal in good faith, and Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu has promised the same. I look forward to working with these leaders toward a lasting peace,” Trump said.

WHITE HOUSE SUBMITS SLASHED BUDGET TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Administration released its budget recommendations for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18) to Congress today with substantial budget cuts, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) reports. The proposed budget for FY18, called “A New Foundation for American Greatness,” recommended a 29 percent cut overall and a 60 percent reduction in assistance to Europe and Eurasia. "The Assembly will continue to advance key priorities for the benefit of the Armenian people and the strengthening of U.S.-Armenia relations,” stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "As the current Administration reduces foreign aid across the board, we must ensure that Armenia has the resources to address the compelling humanitarian needs as a result of the current refugee crisis, Turkey’s blockade, as well as Azerbaijan’s ongoing and deadly ceasefire violations," Ardouny added. Under the Administration’s budget, aid to Armenia would be reduced by 67 percent, dropping from $20.4 million in FY16 to $6.8 million proposed for FY18. Compared to other post-Soviet nations in the region, Georgia and Ukraine are slated for a 58 percent decrease and a 70 percent decrease in aid, respectively. Assistance to Azerbaijan is cut by 90 percent with a total of $1 million envisioned. The budget request for Armenia includes $4 million in Economic Support and Development Fund, $1.5 million for International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, and $700,000 for Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs. The President's budget maintains military parity be-

tween Armenia and Azerbaijan, at $600,000 for International Military Education and Training (IMET), but does not recommend Foreign Military Financing (FMF) to either country. In addition, the budget also restated Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act and the six customary exemptions for humanitarian and other assistance programs. Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act was enacted in 1992 and required the Government of Azerbaijan to take "demonstrable steps to cease all blockades and other offensive uses of force" against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. The Administration's budget also maintains Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, which restricts assistance to Azerbaijan until it ceases its hostile actions against Armenia. According to the budget proposal, $2.75 billion would be allocated to Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Assembly will continue advocating for a portion of those funds to go to Armenia, which has accepted an influx of refugees as a result of the crisis in Syria. In the Assembly testimony submitted last month, Ardouny requested $40 million to support Armenia’s efforts to serve as a regional safe haven for refugees. Additionally, the Assembly's testimony called for: $40 million in U.S. economic assistance to Armenia; $20 million to implement the Royce-Engel initiative to advance peace; $11 million in U.S. military assistance to Armenia; $8 million to Artsakh; assistance to the Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Georgia; regional energy security; and reaffirmation of the U.S. record on the Armenian Genocide, among other issues. !

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Thursday« May 25, 2017

AGBU CENTRAL BOARD MEMBER DR. LEVON NAZARIAN RECEIVES THE 2017 JOSEPH H. HOLMES CLINICAL PIONEER AWARD In March, AGBU Central Board member Dr. Levon Nazarian received the 2017 Joseph H. Holmes Clinical Pioneer Award. The award honors individuals who have significantly contributed to the growth and development of diagnostic ultrasound. Each year, the Joseph H. Holmes Pioneer Award recognizes two current or retired members of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), one in clinical science and the other in basic science. Dr. Nazarian is a specialist in musculoskeletal ultrasound and has had an enormous positive effect on patients and other ultrasound professionals. Over his career, he has given over 490 invited lectures and scientific presentations at 150 meetings in 25 states and 8 countries. His 42 awards and honors, ranging from dean's citations, to distinguished service, to excellence in teaching, to best doctors in America, to international tributes all attest to the high regard with which his abilities and wisdom are viewed by his medical colleagues across the globe. Joining the AGBU Central Board of Directors in 2006, Dr. Nazarian is professor and vice chairman for education in the Department of Radiology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a fellow of the American College of Radiology, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, and the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound. He is also editor-in-chief of the Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and has served on the editorial boards of several other medical journals, including Radiology, American Journal of Roentgenology and Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Dr. Nazarian is a prolific author with 103 peer-reviewed journal articles and 109 abstracts. His publications have had a large impact on the diagnosis

and ultrasound-guided treatment of a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including novel treatments for tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. Born in New Jersey and educated at Harvard College and Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Nazarian says his Armenian heritage inspired him to support the education of Armenian physicians, ultimately resulting in his becoming cofounder and co-director of the Ultrasound Training Centre of Armenia. For his tireless efforts, he has been recognized by the Yerevan State Medical University, which in 2010 created the AGBU Levon and Claudia Nazarian Radiology Center. Established in 1906, AGBU (www.agbu.org) is the world's largest nonprofit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually touching the lives of some 500,000 Armenians aroundrld.

SARF Public Lecture Focuses on Persisting Challenges Faced by Syrian Armenians Glendale, Calif.- On May 11, 2017, the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) gathered together community members at the Glendale Adult Recreation Center for an illustrated public lecture featuring Khatchig Mouradian, PhD, on the topic of "Resistance, Refuge, and Return: The Challenges Facing Syrian Armenians." The event drew in attendance of clergy, representatives of various community organizations, journalists, activists, and fellow citizens concerned with the plight of Syrian Armenians. SARF Executive Committee Secretary Sona Madarian delivered welcoming remarks and stressed that the critical issue pertaining to Syrian Armenians should be considered one of individual and national priority, and necessitates immediate moral and financial assistance. Thereafter, Meher Der Ohanessian, Treasurer of the SARF Executive Committee, provided a comprehensive overview of his participation in a consultative session, which focused on restoring the lives of Syrian Armenians and was held in Antelias, Lebanon at the invitation of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. Chairperson Raffi Kendirjian then discussed the mission of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund, which was brought to life to help ease the hardships faced by Syrian Armenians and to offer moral aid and financial assistance. He informed that SARF's mission continues until the present time, especially in the aftermath of the war in the region, since educational, social, and economic structures remain in peril. He stated, "The spark among Syrian Armenians still exists and it is essential for us to reignite this flame and ensure that it continues to blaze." Thereafter, Kendirjian presented the event's keynote speaker, Khatchig Mouradian, PhD, a visiting professor at Columbia University in New York, and highlighted his research and academic expertise, which has gained high commendations both academically and professionally. Alongside a slideshow presentation, Prof. Khatchig Mouradian provided a comparison between refugees that resulted from the Armenian Genocide and the Syr-

ian Armenian refugee exodus, exploring socioeconomic and psychological issues that leave a distressing impact on populations. He highlighted the humanitarian relief and resistance efforts waged by the Aleppo Armenian community as deportees surviving the initial wave of massacres and deportation arrived in Syria in 1915. He noted that more than a century after those efforts that saved thousands of lives, the roles are now reversed: it is the Aleppo Armenian community that needs the support and assistance of the descendants of the survivors they helped save a century ago. Mouradian provided an overview of the challenges facing Syrian Armenians both within Syria—from Aleppo to towns and cities where only a few Armenian families remain—and in Lebanon, Armenia, and the West. He emphasized that these challenges should be seen within the broader context of the plight of the Syrian people in general. “If Syria is going to rise from the ashes and be rebuilt, that effort will require the joint efforts of all its children.” Following the lecture, Prof. Mouradian engaged in a question-answer session with the audience. On behalf of SARF, Sona Madarian commended Prof. Mouradian for his thorough presentation and extended him wishes of continued success among a vision of peace for Syrian Armenians. !

Armenia's Defense Ministry: Azerbaijan is unpredictable and adventurous adversary YEREVAN. – Azerbaijan, led by its military and political leadership, is an unpredictable, adventurous adversary, head of the Defense Policy Department of the Defense Ministry Levon Ayvazyan told reporters on Tuesday. He reminded about the latest statement of the OSCE Minsk Group's cochairs, where it was specifically mentioned for the first time about the ceasefire violation by the Azerbaijani side. “It is very important from the political point of view. I think, there will be more such statements urging our neighbor to refrain from such actions,” Ayvazyan noted. As for Azerbaijani side's periodic violations of the ceasefire regime, Ayvazyan noted that in most cases these violations are caused by just illogical reasons aimed at aggravating the situation on the contact line. “Of course, these violations don't solve any military problem. They are only aimed at continuing tense situation, exerting psychological pressure on Armenian society and drawing attention of the international community to this problem. This is the

policy of our neighbor,” Levon Ayvazyan added. On May 18, the OSCE Minsk Group made a targeted statement, emphasizing: “According to information collected from multiple reliable sources, on 15 May, Azerbaijani armed forces fired a missile across the Line of Contact, striking military equipment. On the evening of 16 May and continuing into 17 May, Armenian armed forces retaliated with mortar fire of various calibres. These actions by both sides represent significant violations of the ceasefire and are cause for alarm.”

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In April, AGBU Lebanon announced its participation in the United Nations Global Compact Platform (UNGC), an international platform for development, implementation and disclosure of responsible and sustainable policies and practices. It calls for the participation of both businesses and NGOs to work toward a vision of creating "an engaged community that advances sustainability practices nation-wide." AGBU Lebanon is the first Armenian non-profit organization in Lebanon to take part in the UN Global Compact platform and supports the ten principles of the compact with respect to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. "Our leadership believes that the key to reaching out to the Lebanese community at large lies in partnerships. This partnership follows in the footsteps of earlier partnership with the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Foundation of Human and Humanitarian Rights, Lebanon. With this commitment, we express our intent to support the Global Compact by advancing these principles and will make a clear statement of this commitment to our stakeholders and the public," says Anita Lebiar, the executive director of AGBU Lebanon. AGBU Lebanon believes it is possible and crucial to create and ensure sustain-


ability, a belief that coincides with the vision of the Global Compact Network in Lebanon. "Our participation will reflect our values: envisioning the Lebanon we want; setting ambitious and achievable community targets; institutionalizing and mobilizing to make these targets happen; and implementing and monitoring them. We look forward to partnering with other UN agencies and being part of other platforms, the vision of which align with our scope of work. UNGC is just the start," says AGBU Lebanon District president Gerard Tufenkjian. Through this partnership, AGBU Lebanon is also demonstrating a commitment to act responsibly; contribute to the development of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as quality education, gender equality and partnerships; and collaborate with national and regional stakeholders on various projects. Officially launched at the UN headquarters in New York in 2015, UNGC is the largest sustainability platform with 9,000 business, 4,000 non-business and 85 local networks in more than 160 countries worldwide. It calls for institutions to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards environment and anti corruption.

TEACHER TRAINING AND CONFERENCE ON THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE On April 26, the Armenian Committee of Belgium (Comité des Arméniens de Belgique) in partnership with AGBU Europe and the Secular Jewish Community Centre (CCLJ), with the support of the Boghossian Foundation, organized a seminar in Brussels on teaching the Armenian Genocide in French-speaking Belgian high schools as well as a conference on the contemporary significance of the genocide. This initiative was financed by the Belgian government through the educational division of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and represented the first step toward the larger goal of expanding knowledge of the Armenian Genocide within the Belgian educational sphere. The morning seminar brought together 15 secondary school teachers and education professionals to diagnose the state of teaching of the Armenian Genocide. Participants shared their experience teaching the subject, their difficulties and the reasons why many do not teach it. The Belgian educational system neither mandates, nor prevents teachers from teaching the Armenian Genocide and the seminar confirmed that few teachers currently broach the subject at school due to a lack of information, a lack of resources, a lack of time, and a wish to avoid a sensitive topic. Available resources and teaching tools were discussed and presented to them by Ina Van Looy of the CCLJ whose educational program against hate speech includes the Armenian Genocide and its denial. The partners in this project intend to follow up on these seminar meetings, particularly, by continuing to encourage teachers to include the Armenian Genocide in their curriculum and by providing them with stimulating, quality teaching materials. The public conference that took place after the seminar focused on the contem-

porary repercussions of the genocide. The conference aimed to help demonstrate that the event should be an important part of historical culture as it provides significant background to many of the events of the twentieth century. For professor of Armenian language and literature at the University of Leuven, Bernard Coulie, genocide is a product of Western thought and civilization, and isolating these events from the rest of history, or reducing them to a bilateral matter (e.g. between the Turkish and Armenian peoples) prevents us all from learning the right lessons. Laure Marchand, a French journalist and expert of Turkey, shared her account of the shockwaves of the genocide in Turkish society in recent years, a century after the event, as illustrated in the book she co-authored, La Turquie et le fantôme arménien (Turkey and the Armenian Ghost). A third speaker, Vicken Cheterian, political analyst and professor at the University of Geneva presented, in turn, how the genocide affected Armenian identity and history in the Middle East, emphasizing in particular that "it is not possible to understand current events in the Middle-East without an understanding of the genocide of 1915." The conference ended with a lively and interactive discussion, which led to a deeper understanding of several of the themes discussed, including a debate on how best to advance the teaching of the genocide in schools. "It is so important that the Armenian story be told in schools. We are particularly grateful to the authorities and to the teachers we worked with for their interest and support. It is now incumbent on us to help them by providing lively, stimulating educational resources," says AGBU Europe director Nicolas Tavitian.

AND STUDENTS In April, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) partnered with the USC Shoah Foundation's Institute for Visual History and Education to integrate all videos from the AGBU WebTalks series-addressing both the Armenian Genocide and Armenian identity-into the USC Shoah Foundation's award-winning educational website IWitness.

AGBU WebTalks is an online video series that conveys the insights and passion of engaging, inspiring, dynamic thinkers from around the world speaking on a wide range of Armenian topics. The collaboration is designed to further the study of the Armenian Genocide and identity through professional-development opportunities for educators and new engaging, multimedia resources for students around the world. The Institute's Armenian Genocide collection was initiated in 2010, when the Armenian Film Foundation and USC Shoah Foundation signed a historic agreement to digitize, index and preserve footage of nearly 400 interviews with survivors and witnesses filmed by the late documentarian J. Michael Hagopian. The agreement paved the way for the preservation and dissemination of the largest collection of filmed interviews about the Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the twentieth century. Five years later, the collection was integrated into the USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive® and the first set of interviews was made available in IWitness to educators and students worldwide. IWitness provides access to more than 2,000 histories of survivors and witnesses to genocides for guided exploration, bringing human stories of the Institute's Visual History Archive® to more than 100,000 secondary school educators and students in 80 countries. Launched in 2017, the new IWitness Armenia page is dedicated to telling this tragic chapter in Armenian history. With all of the USC Shoah Foundation's educational resources on the Armenian Genocide, educators can not only find video testimonies from the Hagopian collection, but the site has now expanded to include segments from the AGBU WebTalks series. The featured clips cover forced marches, the Hamidian and Adana massacres, forced conversion, resistance, rescuers/aid, genocide denial and memory, and are supplemented with lessons, teacher guides and other educational resources.

"By bringing the AGBU WebTalks series into IWitness, we are providing students with even more context and understanding about the Armenian Genocide, which far too few people know about," said USC Shoah Foundation Senior Director of Programs and Administration Kori Street. "Our partnership will benefit both of our organizations by allowing us to share our expertise." AGBU WebTalks speakers include psychologist and genocide scholar Israel Charny; historians Richard Hovannisian, Raymond Kévorkian, and Khatchig Mouradian; human rights barrister Geoffrey Robertson; French journalists based in Turkey Laure Marchand and Guillaume Perrier; editor and publisher of translations of Zabel Yessayan's work, Judith Saryan; and others. The short video interviews currently available online are a rich repository of knowledge and provide online access to authoritative and reliable information about Armenian history and culture to meet the demands of our connected and visual world. Additional videos from the growing collection will be added over time. "Our goal is to increase the exposure of our scholars, thinkers and artists to ensure students and learners of all ages have multiple means of accessing their expertise," said Natalie Gabrelian, Director of Alternative Education at AGBU. "Thanks to the partnership with the USC Shoah Foundation, the Armenian story will now reach mainstream audiences, transcending cultures and ethnicities, thereby being heard by all of humanity." Based at the University of Southern California (USC), the USC Shoah Foundation is the world's leading organization in visual testimony-based education, with professional development and digital tools reaching dozens of countries and a unique educational website, IWitness, whose goals are to help overcome prejudice, intolerance and hatred. At the heart of the Institute's efforts is the Visual History Archive (VHA), the world's largest collection of audiovisual interviews (over 55,000) of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust during WWII, the 1915 Armenian Genocide, the late 1970s Cambodian Genocide, the early 1980s Guatemalan Genocide, the 1994 Rwandan Tutsi Genocide, and the 1937 Nanjing Massacre in China. To learn more about USC Shoah Foundation's IWitness platform, please visit http://iwitness.usc.edu. To learn more about AGBU WebTalks, please visit https://www.agbuwebtalks.org/.

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MASHDOTS COLLEGE'S 25TH AND DR. GARBIS DER-YEGHIAYAN'S 40TH ANNIVERSARIES TO BE CELEBRATED JUNE 4 AND 11 Organized by the Board of Trustees, Ladies Auxiliary and Alumni of Mashdots College, the Armenian community in Southern California will have a unique opportunity to participatING in two historymaking celebrations. The first event, a Dinner-Banquet,will take place on Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 5:00 P.M. at the Phoenicia Banquet Hall, Glendale, California. The second event, a Concert, will be held at the Armenian Nazarene Church, 1500 E. Washington Blvd., Pasadena, California. Both events will highlight the accomplishments of the College since 1992 witnessed by community members, College alumni, students, faculty and Board members. Prominent vocalists, instrumentalist and folk dancers will share their talents at both celebratory events. On this occasion, a score of government officials, religious leaders, university presidents, professors, and community members have issued special proclamations and congratulatory letters commending the College for 25 years of service and Dr. Der-Yeghiayan's dynamic leadership spanning over four productive decades. Mashdots College's 25-year accomplishments are summarized by the following statistical figures:Students enrolled 7,065; Alumni - 7,034; job placement - 96%; faculty - 28; honorary faculty - 5; honorary professorships - 16; honorary doctorates 12; community events - 168; press releases 474; proclamations awarded to the College - 112; TV programs - 2,768; publications 21. Dr. Der-Yeghiayan has been very instrumental in recruiting and educating more than 10,000 students from the United States, Armenia, and Middle Eastern communities. In addition to his administrative and academic responsibilities,he has singlehandedly coordinated the fundraising campaign of the College. He has authored 15 books and more than 100 scholarly articles and has participated in more than 50 international conferences as keynote speaker and moderator. Has chaired numerous community-wide organizational committees in honor of prominent leaders. Has organized annual pilgrimages to Armenia, Western Armenia, Cilicia, and Cappadocia. He is the first and only Rotary International District Governor of Armenian heritage and currently serves as Treasurer of Rotarian Action Group for Peace. He has organized 28 annual peace conferences for Rotary International and has been recognized as Rotary's Most Distinguished District Governor receiving the organization's highest "Service Above Self" award. He serves on eleven non-profit Board as chair and as a Commisioner of Los Angeles County Inmate Welfare Services. On Sunday, June 11, 2017, Dr. DerYeghiayan's recently published "Voices in Silence" photo-album will be released and presented to the guests in attendance. This archival publication includes more than 1,200 color photos covering 75 cities and villages in Historic Western Armenia, Cilicia, and Cappadocia. The community is cordially invited to join the College Family in celebration of these events.

Portantino’s earmark for Armenian Genocide education passes Senate subcommittee Senator Anthony J. Portantino announced the addition of $16 million in the State Senate Education Budget Subcommittee spending plan to fund the History-Social Science curriculum framework, which includes teacher training for the Armenian Genocide and other important historical updates. Last year, the California State Board of Education adopted a new History-Social Science curriculum framework with guidelines for public school teachers. This framework provides significant improvements and expanded language and scope of information regarding the Armenian Genocide. “I am very proud to have helped continue efforts to bring ac-

curate and appropriate education to students across California. I am particularly pleased that this budget allocation includes implementation of Armenian Genocide curriculum standards. Historical accounts of the Armenian Genocide are a tragic and important part of world history that continues to face denial and organized opposition. To have it taught in our schools is appropriate and critical,” commented Portantino. This important allocation will be used for regional trainings and professional development available for teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals and the development of an online repository of resources available to support instruction.

UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE HONORS DR. GARBIS DER-YEGHIAYAN On Thursday, May 18, 2017, Dr. Devorah Lieberman, President of the University of La Verne honored Dr. Garbis Der-Yeghiayan congratulating him on Mashdots College's 25th anniversary and the 40th anniversary of Dr. Der-Yeghiayan's "distinguished career as President, Professor and Counselor aiding in the academic success of thousands of students". She expressed her gratitude to the honoree for his 16 years of service as President and Dean of the American Armenian International College at the University of La Verne and in the years following successfully founding Mashdots College with mission to offer quality education in the centuries old tradition of Armenian higher education. President Lieberman spoke highly of Dr. Der-Yeghiayan'simpressive leadership within the Rotary International network."As the only District Governor of Ar-

menian heritage, you have done much to promote global peace, including establishing the first Rotary Club in the former Soviet Union -- in Yerevan, Armenia". In

addition, she commended Dr. Der-Yeghiayan for his service to numerous non-profit organizations and his leadership role as a Commissioner of the Los Angeles County Inmate Welfare Services of the Sheriff's Department. The ceremony was held in the President's Dining Room of the University of La Verne in the presence of faculty members, administrators, Rotarians, and friends. Dr. Der-Yeghiayan expressed his appreciation to Dr. Lieberman for the great honor bestowed upon him. "This campus has been my home for 16 years and continues to be so" he said. "I have received numerous proclamation throughout my professional life, but this commendation is uniquely special because it is presented by my 'home' where my professional mission was launched 40 years ago" he concluded. !

“HOKIS”: Dream · Love · Believe”: a testament to the vitality of Armenian arts performed in Gyumri Gyumri, 21 May, 2017– On the 21st of May, 2017 , “Hokis” multimedia musical performance was staged at Gyumri State Drama Theatre after Vardan Achemyan. The Gyumri premiere of “Hokis” devoted to the second anniversary of TUMOxAGBU center in Gyumri became possible due to cooperation between Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and AGBU’s Nork Children’s Center, TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, and “Pyunik” Human Resources Development Foundation. The performance was a real collective endeavor to present the concept of One Culture and One Nation. This exceptional dance and music performance blending traditional Armenian arts, modern acrobatics and technology featured young performers from of Nork Children’s Center and TUMO’s “Tmbata” and “Pyramidz” music bands. On the occasion of AGBU’s 110th anniversary, “Hokis” premiered in 2016 in New York at the Broadway City Center Theatre and then in Yerevan at the Opera and Ballet National Academic Theatre after Al. Spendiaryan. AGBU Armenia is undertaking the presentation of “Hokis” also in Stepanakert. “Many people were excited with the performances in New York and in Yerevan, while “Pyunik” charitable foundation on behalf of its Honorary President Gabriel Djambardjian, supported the presentation

of “Hokis” in Gyumri and soon in Stepanakert,”- noted AGBU Armenia President and AGBU Central Board member Vasken Yacoubian. “It is true that the goal of AGBU is to uphold Armenian culture and arts, but we also believe that it is not enough to retain and to reproduce the old and the traditional, it is equally important to continue to integrate, create and bring the Armenian culture to the 21st century. “Hokis” was created bearing in mind this vision: to transfer the Armenian spirit and Armenian values to the international audience.” “I welcome AGBU’s initiative to bring “Hokis” performance to wider circles. The extremely warm attitude of Gyumri’s theatre-loving community is the real appreciation that encourages new creations,”- said “Hokis” performance director Grigor Khachatryan. “The new say and the form of expression created by us was well received in Gyumri. I think that succeding in the cultural capital, from where world famous artists from different fields of art have originated, is a major accomplishment for an

Armenian artist,”Arman Julhakyan, the choreographer of “Hokis”, shared his excitement after the performance. AGBU’s motivation for staging “Hokis” in Gyumri was to enrich its citizens’ cultural life and to integrate them into the celebration of the second anniversary of TUMOxAGBU Center. The third TUMO Center for Creative Technologies established in Gyumri in May, 2015, in cooperation of TUMO and AGBU and by “Shant” TV Company’s initiative, has had a number of achievements during its two-year lifetime. 1000 students out of a total number of 2000 of the Center, have joined TUMO during the recent year, due to the facilities expansion and replenishment of equipment. Throughout the year the students have participated in more than 500 permanent courses and special workshops. Soon the renovation of a new TUMO building in Gyumri - the city’s first theatre - will allow to involve more students from Gyumri into the TUMO program and to enrich their daily routine with new opportunities. For many years, AGBU has directed its humanitarian and development projects to the rehabilitation and development of Gyumri and its population. The Union is now actively engaged in the project planning activities aimed at the preservation of the cultural and urban development environment in Gyumri, as well as in projects aimed at tourism development. !

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