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Nor Or, June 29, 2017, No. 26 _N.O. Blank 6/28/17 7:10 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 26, Thursday, June 29, 2017

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Nor Or, June 29, 2017, No. 26 _N.O. Blank 6/28/17 7:10 PM Page 2


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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on July 20 and 27, 2017. Publication will resume with issue No 28 dated August 3, 2017. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

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Thursday, June 29, 2017 Vol. 95, #26


GOVERNOR BROWN SIGNS STATE BUDGET WITH $3 MILLION FOR ARMENIAN AMERICAN MUSEUM a letter in March urging the Governor to reSacramento, CA (June 27, 2017) – Caliinstate the $1 million for the Museum. fornia Governor Jerry Brown signed the 2017-2018 state budget today with $3 milFriedman's support for building the Museum in Glendale began as a Glendale City lion earmarked for the Armenian American Councilmember and she has continued to Museum. The new funding will be dispersed over the next 3 years at $1 million advocate for the project in the State Assembly as one of her top priorities. per year. The approval brings the State’s Ultimately, Governor Brown’s May Retotal funding commitment for the Museum vise budget proposal reinstated the initial to $4 million. $1 million and the 2017-2018 budget signed “We are proud to stand shoulder to by Governor Brown today commits an adshoulder with our State of California leadditional $3 million for the Armenian Amerers to build a historic cultural and educaican Museum. tional center that will honor the rich history “The State of California’s investment in and celebrate the diverse cultures who call the Armenian American Museum lays the our great state home,” stated Museum Govfoundation for a momentous project that erning Board Co-Chair Archbishop will serve generations to come,” stated MuMoushegh Mardirossian. Senator Portantino and representatives of the Armenian American Museum signal their apseum Governing Board Co-Chair Bishop “We would like to express our special preciation to the Legislature and the Governor for the increase in State Funding. Mikael Mouradian. thanks to Senator Anthony J. Portantino, Museum officials continue to work Senate Pro Tem Kevin de León, and Budget Subcommittee Chair Richard Roth for leading the efforts to prioritize the funding in the closely with the City of Glendale on developing the project’s concept design, traffic, park2017-2018 state budget,” stated Museum Governing Board Co-Chair Archbishop Hovnan ing, economic, and environmental studies in preparation for the upcoming ground lease agreement consideration by the Glendale City Council. Derderian. “We are looking forward to working with our City of Glendale partners to build an The $3 million funding request was initiated in the State Senate by Senator Anthony J. Portantino with the support of Senate Pro Tem Kevin de León and Budget Subcom- iconic center in the heart of Glendale’s Arts and Entertainment District,” stated Museum mittee Chair Richard Roth. Upon the approval by the Senate Budget Subcommittee and Governing Board Co-Chair Reverend Berdj Djambazian. The Museum’s concept design by Alajajian Marcoosi Architects for the proposed Budget Conference Committee, the new funding for the Armenian American Museum was included in the 2017-2018 state budget proposal approved by the State Legislature downtown Glendale site was unveiled in December 2016. The concept design’s animated video tour can be viewed at www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org. on June 15. “There is a long history of California supporting laudable museum projects around the state,” stated Senator Anthony J. Portantino. “I wanted to make sure that the ArFor more information about the Armenian American Museum, visit www.ArmenianAmericanMuseum.org or call (844) 586-4626. menian American Museum garners equal and fair support.” About Armenian American Museum “It was an honor to work with my colleagues in the California legislature to secure The Armenian American Museum is a developing project in Glendale, CA, with a mission to $3 million dollars in funding for the Armenian American Museum,” stated Senate Pro Tem Kevin de León. “I am proud to stand in solidarity with the Armenian community.” promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Last year, Governor Brown approved the 2016-2017 state budget with $1 million for Armenian American experience. When completed, it will serve as a cultural campus that enriches the Armenian American Museum, an initiative led by Assemblymember Adrin Nazar- the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuian and supported by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate Pro Tem Kevin de als to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice. León. Governor Brown’s January budget proposal released earlier this year suspended The governing board of the Armenian American Museum consists of representatives from the previously approved $1 million for the Museum. State Legislators called for the the following ten Armenian American institutions and organizations: Armenian Catholic restoration of the funds and advocated for additional funding in the 2017-2018 state Eparchy, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Arbudget. menian General Benevolent Union – Western District, Armenian Missionary Association of "The Armenian American Museum in Glendale has the potential to serve as a beacon America, Armenian Relief Society – Western USA, Nor Or Charitable Foundation, Nor Serount of hope for countless visitors through its work to embrace our diversity, educate, and Cultural Association, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, and Western empower all who step through its doors,” wrote Assemblymember Laura Friedman in Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

THE ARMENIANS IN GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA Rev. Dr. Zaven Arzoumanian The City of Glendale enjoys the most concentrated Armenian population in diversity as much as they contribute to its pros-perity and integrity. The largest community in California, the Armenians from all over, especially from our Homeland, contri-bute to the religious, cultural, and social life immensely. The elderly and the youth alike offer substantial quality and number, pride and success in the political leadership as well, ever since churches and cultural centers were built by compatriotic groups, such as the Iranians the Iraqis, the AGBU, the Armenian Relief, and people from the Middle Eastern regions. They may operate individually, and yet in full cooperation with each other. Churches are the magnets of our people. Two major churches, St. Leon the Diocesan Cathedral, and St. Mary on Central Ave-nue, in addition to St. Peter and St. Kevork churches, lead this large community on regular basis, especially when liturgy and sacraments are administered. On special occasions churches are jammed, and priests ready to assist the bishops. There is also the diocesan

St. Gregory the Illuminator church of the Armenian Catholics serving our brothers and sisters with the Armenian Evangelical Church that function diligently in Glendale. On the political scene the Armenians occupy honorable repre-sentation in the City as elected Mayors and City Council mem-bers, whenever elected alternately. Armenians predominate in the market with medical, dental, and legal professional centers, along with dignified names among the Americans including the Armenian realtors. Armenian grocery supermarkets are on the main streets of the city, as also the numerous Armenian Ban-quet Halls, beautifully decorated, attracting Armenians in full swing, where all kinds of national food products are available, from the lavash bread to the diversified salads, from the roasted (kebab) meat to different garnished menues typical to the Armenians. The largest Cultural Center in the city is the Iranian-Armenian with its new gorgeous building where Armenians meet on different occasions, where pride and happiness en-

thuse large crowds for cultural and family events. St. Leon and St. Mary are the two major church Community Centers to serve both Armen-ians and Americans on national and international levels. They serve as the neutral places for symposiums and conferences. Major Universities and colleges have welcomed the activities of Armenian professors of different disciplines. They even sponsor Chairs in Armenian Studies to introduce the Armenian language and history as part of the curriculum. The Armenian day schools are the pride of Glendale and surrounding districts where 14 such schools operate with courage, great sacrifice, and respon-sibility, some of them High Schools already, all of them private institutions, serving primarily the Armenian children with equal-ly demanding criteria to meet the academic requirements of the Board of Education of the State of California. The Armenian school system in Glendale is unique and the Cont. on page 8

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Thursday« June 29, 2017

Vasken Yardemian appointed by UNDP to advise Ministry of Environment of Lebanon The Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America (AESA) is delighted to announce that its past president and a long-time member of the AESA, Vasken Yardemian has been appointed by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to advise the Ministry of Environment of Lebanon on a short term assignment. Yardemian is a Senior Environmental Engineer at the South Coast Air Quality Management District with over 30 years of experience has received a MS degree in Environmental Science from California State University, Fullerton and a BS in Civil Engineering. He has previously worked with the UNDP as a consultant on environmental

AGBU FOCUS 2017 COMES TO BEIRUT NINTH FOCUS WEEKEND TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE AGBU SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM From August 3 to 6, Beirut will be host to AGBU FOCUS, a worldclass event that brings together young Armenian professionals from around the world for a weekend of culture, nightlife and connectivity in a city known for its elegance, sophistication and rich culture. This year, AGBU FOCUS is raising funds for the AGBU Scholarship Program, a direct investment in the future of Armenian leaders and change-makers. As tuition and living costs increase, the expense of a university education becomes a greater financial burden. The AGBU Scholarship Program provides much-needed financial assistance to bright, promising Armenian students who may not otherwise be able to afford a university education. Over more than a century, AGBU has helped tens of thousands of university students pursue higher education at some of the world's top ranked universities, including Columbia, Harvard, Lebanese International University, London School of Economics, McGill, MIT, Stanford, University of Bonn and Yale. "I am very proud to serve as the chair of AGBU Young Professionals of Beirut and the AGBU FOCUS 2017 Organizing Committee and have the opportunity to welcome hundreds of my peers to Beirut in August. As the great-granddaughter of a life-long supporter of AGBU schools and educational programs, I am honored to carry on his legacy through this important fundraising campaign. FOCUS offers us a platform to promote AGBU's vision and global impact all while raising money for the AGBU Scholarship Program to help AGBU ensure that students from all socioeconomic backgrounds have access to a university education," said AGBU FOCUS 2017 chair Natacha Keuchguerian. The series of events will begin on Wednesday, August 2 with a special fullday Tour and Taste that takes out-oftowners and locals alike on an excursion to the Jeita Grottoes, the ancient city of Byblos and many more sites. Perspectives marks the official kick-off of AGBU FOCUS on Thursday, August 3 with an engaging panel discussion and networking reception for guests to share viewpoints on a hot topic. The excitement continues on Friday, August 4 where guests will participate in an interactive conference with emerging leaders with a focus on advancing the Global Armenian Nation and then later enjoy Club Night at B 018, a former underground bunker transformed into an open-

air club. Saturday, August 5 features FOCUS on Art at the Sursock Museum with an afternoon of art, including paintings by the famous Lebanese Armenian painter Paul Guiragossian, then a formal Gala in the evening at The Legend with dinner and dancing on the banks of the ancient Lycus River. Brunch on Sunday brings the memorable weekend to close, giving YPs the perfect opportunity to bid farewell to their new friends. Since premiering in New York City in 2001, AGBU FOCUS has distinguished itself as a unique networking experience for Armenian young professionals (YPs) from around the world. What began as a signature anniversary celebration is now a sensational tradition, offering YPs an opportunity to connect with hundreds of international peers while highlighting the direct and positive impact of AGBU's programs on generations of Armenians. Over the past 16 years, AGBU FOCUS has united over 3,000 YPs in seven different cities: New York City (2001, 2007), Montreal (2003), Miami (2005), Chicago (2009), Paris (2011), San Francisco (2013) and Toronto (2015). Tickets to AGBU FOCUS 2017 are on sale now. After selling out blocked rooms at the Four Seasons Beirut, accommodations are now available at the Phoenicia Intercontinental Hotel in the heart of the city. For more information about the weekend's events and to register, purchase tickets or book hotel rooms, please visit www.agbufocus.org. For more information, please contact AGBU Special Events Manager Gloria Sanders at focus@agbu.org and be sure to like the AGBU FOCUS Facebook page at www.facebook.com/agbufocus and invite your network of Armenian YPs to do the same. To support the FOCUS Campaign for Scholarships, please visit http://agbufocus.org/#ourCausePage. Established in 1906, AGBU (www.agbu.org) is the world's largest nonprofit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually touching the lives of some 500,000 Armenians around the world. For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit www.agbu.org.

issues in Republic of Armenia. As an advisor to the Ministry of Environment, his main responsibilities will include to undertake an evaluation of the air quality in the country, developing control strategies and general principles for developing effective compliance and enforcement programs. “This would be a great challenge for me, professionally and personally to go back to my home country and collaborate with the Ministry of Environment professionals on air quality issues in Lebanon” said Yardemian. Yardemian had a variety of elected and appointed positions. He was elected to the Crescenta Valley Water District Board of Directors in 2001, re-elected in 2005, and have served twice as Board President. Previously, he served on the Crescenta Valley Town Council from 1998 to 2002. His community service activities also include serving on the Planning Commission, Code Enforcement Appeals Commission and Growth Management Task Force for the City of Pasadena. Mr. Yardemian is a member of the AESA and past President.

THE ARMENIANS IN GLENDALE... largest in the entire country, as we witness a great challenge opened to the parents who meet the scholarship expenses despite the state schools which are free of tuition. One feels amazed seeing high officers, presidents and vice-presidents in the banking business as well as minor officers, all Armenians, leaving the good impression that some of the banks are “Armenian Banks.” Same with the large department stores where Armenian ladies have occupied main positions. The sec-ond language in those banks and supermarkets is the Armenian, so obvious and yet hidden for practical reasons. I make these comments as the one who has lived and worked in the Eastern Diocese for 40 years, and then moved to Glendale to witness the big difference. I am aware also that with large populations, proportionately negative

Cont. from page 7 problems are inherent and sometimes make you feel uneasy, thinking that, “are there Armenians too among those who live in those undesirable places?” Problems are always around us, but the good institutions listed above are making the big difference on behalf of our religion, culture and family background. Above all, high ranking dignitaries, from the President of the Republic of Armenia down to the heads of the governments, Armenian Pontiffs and numerous Bishops from Armenia, all visit Glendale, considerng it the hub of the organized Armenian com-munity, exposing our people’s cultural and spiritual wealth to the outside world. In addition, Glendale Armenians help fund raising drives successfully on annual basis to help the needs of Armenia and Artsakh.

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Economic Reforms I read in the news recently of new economic reforms being implemented in Armenia which take into account proposals from multiple sources. However, Amenia’s economy will not progress while the average person does not trust the government and while those who have the means to leave Armenia do just that. A friend's son, well-educated and who served with distinction in the army, recently left for Russia with his new bride. He did not envision a future for himself in Armenia. In Russia, he says, there is no harassment from traffic police, no harassment or red tape from government officials, no speed cameras on the roads, no red-linedelimited parking spots, and prices for food and energy are low. Another friend was given the runaround at Yerevan City Hall regarding a minor renovation to his home. The official probably wanted a bribe. He did not get one. Rather than erecting obstacles, officials should help citizens circumvent difficulties. Meanwhile classic, historic buildings are deliberately allowed to disintegrate or are deliberately destroyed in order to build buildings which are making Yerevan superficially resemble New York or London. Take, for example, Aram Manukyan’s house on Aram Street, a historic monument which is deliberately being allowed to crumble. Often, when entering an Armenian village, I'm treated with suspicion until the villagers understand that I'm not from the Armenian government. Then they can't do enough for me. Outside of Yerevan, villagers express a sense of abandonment by the government. This must end. While it is fine to differ with the government, it must be universally demonstrated that the government and Armenia's citizens are on the same side. I believe the major culprit responsible for such alienation is the government. Corruption and bribery must stop, not just at high levels, not just on the street, and not just in government offices, but everywhere. Obsolete, Soviet-era bureaucratic obstacles must be eliminated. Those in power, whether in the executive, legislative or judicial branches, must demonstrate that they work for the people. If not, they must resign or be fired. Government officials must respect the needs, concerns, and the severely neglected cultural heritage sites of Armenia’s villages. Building trust will take years, maybe even a generation. Look around. How long do we think the situation can continue as is? There is no time to waste. Let’s hope that this time reforms are not just on paper, but work for all of Armenia’s citizens. Joseph Dagdigian Harvard, MA

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY LONGTIME TRUSTEE ELIZABETH AGBABIAN HONORED BY PRESIDENT OF ARMENIA and other commuArmenian Asnity activities that sembly of America unite Armenian (Assembly) longwomen, promote time trustee Elizagender equity, and beth Agbabian, a emphasize our Arrespected leader in the Armenian menian cultural heritage." American community, was awarded Mrs. Agbabian the Movses Khorehas earned many prestigious awards natsi Medal last month by Armenover the years. She received the Huian President Serzh Sargsyan on the manitarian Award Dr. Mihran and Elizabeth Agbabian at the 99th anniversary of of Ararat Home of Armenian Assembly of America’s Gala Los Angeles in the First Republic. “Celebrating the Future” on March 4, 2017, In a written 1994, proclamation statement, Presi- honoring the 40th anniversary of the Assembly’s of Pontifical BlessTerjenian-Thomas Internship Program. ings from His Holident Sargsyan stated: "I decided to ness Karekin II in 2003, Tribute Certificate of Appreciation award E. Agbabian with the Movses Khorentsi Medal on the occasion of our nafrom the Board of the Armenian Missionary Association of America in 2003, Ellis Istional holiday for her outstanding work in land Medal of Honor in 2006, and the Gold the preservation of the Armenian nation." The Movses Khorenatsi Medal is ArMedal of the Ministry of the Diaspora of menia's highest cultural award, which is the Armenian Government in 2011. given to individuals who are actively enMrs. and Dr. Agbabian have been gaged in the development of Armenian members of the Assembly since its beginculture, in addition to achievements in art, nings. Mrs. Agbabian served on the Asliterature, education, social sciences, and sembly's Board of Directors from sports. 1992-1999. Her husband, Dr. Agbabian, The Armenian Embassy in Washingwas Co-Chair of the Assembly from 1982ton, D.C. put out a statement describing 1983 and served on the Board of Directors Mrs. Agbabian as "one of the most active from 1979-1986. Mrs. Agbabian hosted and respected leaders in the Armenianmany events in Los Angeles, and her conAmerican community." It continued: "We sistent efforts have helped expand the Asextend to Mrs. Agbabian and Dr. Mihran sembly's membership base in Southern Agbabian our heartfelt congratulations California. Along with her colleagues Flora and profound respects. Dunaians and Savey Tufenkian, Elizabeth Mrs. Agbabian, alongside her husband Agbabian was honored during the 40th Dr. Mihran Agbabian, played a critical role Anniversary Gala with the Distinguished in establishing the American University of Humanitarian Award for her dedicated Armenia, an educational institution which service to the Assembly. is considered to be one of the best in the na"An activist all her life, Elizabeth Agtion. They were supportive of many babian is a pillar of the Armenian Amerigroundbreaking initiatives on the West can community. Together with her Coast, including the opening of Armenia's husband Mihran they have served for Consulate General in Los Angeles. Mrs. decades with distinction on the Armenian Agbabian is also one of the co-founders of Assembly's Board. It has been our honor the Armenian International Women's Asand privilege to work with them throughsociation in Los Angeles (AIWA-LA), a out the years as we advance our shared nonprofit organization, dedicated to progoals," Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony moting and enriching "the social, economic Barsamian and Van Krikorian stated. "We and personal advancement of Armenian extend our heartfelt congratulations to women worldwide through educational Elizabeth and her family," they added.

Armenian Film Society to screen experimental documentary Planet Zorthian Glendale, CA – Abril Bookstore's ARMENIAN FILM SOCIETY will present a screening of the experimental "cubist" documentary, PLANET ZORTHIAN followed by a discussion with filmmakers Arno Yeretzian, Harout Arakelian, Lisa Tchakmakian and Sevag Vrej on FRIDAY, JULY 7, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Admission is free. PLANET ZORTHIAN is an experimental “cubist” documentary created by four filmmakers primarily at the Zorthian ranch, an ongoing work of art created by Jirayr Zorthian, encompassing his artwork, the architecture, the livestock, the found objects, and the lives of the residents, including that of Jirayr and his wife Dabney. The documentary also calls to attention the individual subjective viewpoints of the filmmakers through their unique portrayals and interpretations. The beginning and end of the unified piece are created in collaboration and present the annual events of "The Blessing of the Animals" and the "Primavera" celebrations. JIRAYR ZORTHIAN was a larger-than-life figure.


Ararat Nursing Facility Receives Prestigious National Quality Award Mission Hills, CA – Ararat Home proudly announces that Ararat Nursing Facility has been recognized as a 2017 recipient of the Bronze - Commitment to Quality Award for its dedication to improving the lives of residents through quality care and performance excellence. This national award has been presented annually since 1996 by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living, the leading association for long-term and post-acute care that represents more than 13,000 care facilities. The National Quality Award Program has three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The awards recognize those member facilities that demonstrate a strong commitment and progression in their quality efforts towards delivering ever-improving value to residents and families as well as improving overall organizational performance. “We are honored to be recognized for our continuous commitment to delivering quality care,” said Nursing Facility Executive Director Margarita Kechichian. “I am proud of the entire Nursing Facility team for its ongoing, daily efforts in quality improvement that yielded the recognition of this award.” Ararat Home Board of Trustees Chair Michael Surmeian expressed gratitude to all staff, volunteers and supporters for their unparalleled devotion to Ararat Home’s mission of care.

Turkey citizen illegally crosses into Armenia The investigation has completed into Turkish citizen Ibraham Karadashi’s illegally crossing the state border of Armenia. According to the indictment, Karadashi crossed the Armenian state border in February. He illegally entered Armenia via Georgia, and under yet uncertain circumstances. The National Security Service officers, however, located this Turkish citizen on April 19, in capital city Yerevan. A criminal charge has been filed against him. Ibraham Karadashi is detained.

Being a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, he lived his life to the fullest as an artist, architect, athlete, and host to many different eccentric parties, especially towards the end of his life, as he took on the character of Zor-Bachus with naked nymphs dancing around him. Born in 1911 in Kutahya, Turkey, Zorthian survived the Genocide and and settled with his family in New Haven, Connecticut. After graduating from Yale he was granted a fellowship to study abroad and traveled around Europe and North Africa in

the 1930s, studying art and architecture. He returned to participate in Franklin Roosevelt’s WPA projects for artists, becoming a muralist. His 42 murals survive to this day in State capitals and in Post offices around the U.S. Jirayr moved to Los Angeles in the 1940s with his first wife where they purchased 27 acres in the foothills of Altadena. He painted in his studio and built structures on his ranch out of discarded industrial materials. He has held special friendships with the likes of jazz legend Charlie Parker and physicist Richard Feynman. Col. Jirayr Hamparzoom Zorthian passed away on January 6, 2004. Presented by the Armenian Film Foundation and Abril Bookstore.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« June 29, 2017

A Magnanimous Gift by Edward and Janet Mardigian Will Allow FAR to Continue to Break the Cycle of Poverty in One of Armenia’s Poorest Regions

Edward and Janet Mardigian

The Fund for Armenian Relief is proud and excited to announce a magnanimous gift by benefactors Edward and Janet Mardigian and the Mardigian Family Foundation. The gracious gift will allow FAR’s groundbreaking initiative Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, Developing Thriving Communities to continue for five more years, through 2022. The initiative was established in 2013 thanks to a remarkable gift from the Mardigian family – the largest ever contributed to FAR. The humanitarian program aims to relieve poverty and decrease its effects on children and families in one of the key provinces in Armenia. “The scope of this gift and the generosity of the Mardigian family can only leave us breathless,” said FAR’s chairman Randy Sapah-Gulian, “and I am so honored to be associated with something so important.” The board members and staff of FAR have been deeply touched by this expression of the Mardigians’ extensive commitment and goodwill. How FAR is Breaking the Cycle of Poverty With the Mardigians’ generosity behind it, Breaking the Cycle of Poverty aims to break the “cycles of poverty” presently handicapping people in Armenia’s Tavush region, and set them on the road to greater self-sufficiency and dignity. Today, even more than 25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Tavush still suffers from poverty, malnutrition, unemployment and poor infrastructure. These factors weaken individuals, families, and ultimately the community as a whole. Instead of being able to focus on their potential to improve their lives, many Armenians in the region find themselves in a day-to-day struggle to survive. Through Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, now in its fourth year, FAR has combated this situation by focusing on a diverse set of goals such as stabilizing families, developing sustainable industry, and creating a qualified, competent work force in Tavush through training and education. Its many successful programs already extant in Armenia have given FAR the right foundation of experience and hard-won knowledge to take on such a transformative task. By utilizing FAR’s multi-faceted programs and working in partnership with the government, civil society and the private sector, FAR is empowering communities in Tavush to become more self-sustainable and break the devastating cycle of poverty by addressing it and treating it at its core! The scope of the program has grown rapidly each year. It currently serves 18 villages and towns in the Berd Region of Tavush. FAR has assisted hundreds of beneficiary families by addressing their specific needs in a comprehensive way through individually tailored plans. These “micro programs” are designed to help each family overcome their obstacles in a way that allows them to be more self-sufficient in the long-term through improved access to education, better nutrition, child protection, healthcare, or other significant resources. In 2016 the experienced counselors at the FAR Children’s Center in Yerevan have helped establish a new children’s center in the Tavush Province to address the needs of vulnerable children. The new center has helped 45 children in conflict with the law through the provision of direct services, including psychological assistance, art therapy, and special hobby groups. FAR’s counselors have also worked with parents to help strengthen the family unit in each case. FAR has also encouraged residents to forge stronger connections with the Armenian Church, by partnering with local pastors and giving children the chance to benefit from FAR’s excellent summer camp programs.

Doctors trained through FAR’s Continuing Medical Education Program have served as excellent partners in this new initiative, working among local families to provide higher quality healthcare and nutrition. Since the program’s establishment, FAR’s health team in partnership with local doctors has tested close to 2,000 children for anemia, stunting, and parasites. Hundreds of children are showing signs of improvement following treatment and as a result of free and nutritious meals that FAR has provided to kindergartens in the region. FAR has also carried out various trainings for healthcare professionals, along with broader social and educational efforts. Community trainings on public health issues for mothers and young women were launched in the Mothers’ Classrooms at the end of 2015, covering topics like family and maternal health, childhood nutrition, and pediatric infectious diseases. In addition, dozens of medical clinics have received crucial supplies and equipment. To improve the fields of agriculture, construction, trades and traditional crafts that are vital to Tavush, FAR has drawn on its connections to broader regional markets, while partnering with leaders in the private sector, professional associations, and government entities to support local entrepreneurs and business development. FAR has established 16 agricultural cooperatives, each provided with much needed supplies like tractors and plows that have resulted in the revitalization of hundreds of hectares of land, which means a source of food and potential income to hundreds of farmers. The Greenhouse Cultivation Promotion Project has provided families with training and materials to build and cultivate greenhouses, creating a sustainable source for both nutritious food and supplemental income. FAR also works with government agencies at all levels to support much-needed rehabilitation of the province’s infrastructure, and provide better access to natural gas, clean water, and irrigation. Construction and rehabilitation of drinking water systems has started in five communities, which will allow 4,000 people to access potable water in their homes by the time work is completed in June 2017. In 2015, FAR renovated and expanded 70 hectares of the local irrigation system, enabling farmers to regularly water their crops with ease. FAR has also supported local efforts to renovate a 3.5 km road, which gave the remote village of Itsaqar better access to pastures for their livestock. FAR’s support for school rehabilitation helps to bring many of Armenia’s diverse learning environments closer to their full potential, making them safer and more effective places for students to learn and thrive. Dozens of schools and kindergartens have been improved through renovation and refurbishment of their classrooms, sports fields, and water pipelines. In some areas, attendance rates increased immediately following completion. With an eye to long-term prosperity, FAR will makes diverse scholarship and vocational training programs more readily available to children and students in Tavush, giving them opportunities to obtain higher education in Armenia and gain the requisite skills for stable, dignified employment as adults. FAR also provides tools to graduates of vocational training programs to help jumpstart their careers" Giving Back: The Helen and Edward Mardigian Foundation Established in 1955, the Helen and Edward Mardigian Foundation has provided significant support to various religious, cultural, and educational philanthropies, including major contributions towards the building of the St. John Armenian Church of Greater Detroit and the restoration of many historic Armenian churches and monasteries worldwide. It has also provided generous support to the

Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the Armenian Assembly of America. The foundation has funded three museums, including the Edward and Helen Mardigian Museum in the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem, and the museum in the Armenian monastery in Geghard, Armenia. The family also created the Helen and Edward Mardigian Institute at the Eastern Diocese, a highly successful training program for educators and Sunday School teachers “My parents taught us to want to give back; they communicated that this country had been good to them, and so they wanted to give back to the community,” said Edward Mardigian. “My father focused on the Armenian community; however, he wanted to serve everyone, which is why my father started the foundation." The Helen and Edward Mardigian Foundation has been generously supporting many worthy causes in Armenia, most notably helping the country’s younger generation. The FAR Children’s Center continues to be a pioneer in the field of child protection in Armenia, thanks to the ongoing support of the FAR Edward and Helen Mardigian Child Protection Foundation, established by the family in 2007. In 2016 Janet and Edward Mardigian were in Armenia to see firsthand the effects of the life-transforming Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Program in Tavush. In addition to a meeting with the grateful residents of the entire area of Tavush, the Mardigians’ itinerary was filled with events to recognize and appreciate their efforts. One of the highest signs of gratitude was during a reception thrown for the couple by the government of Armenia at the President’s headquarters. There, President Serzh Sargsyan presented Edward and Janet with a state award, the Medal of Service to the Motherland for their significant contribution toward strengthening the link between Armenia and the diaspora, and for their efforts to empower the country. That same day, FAR’s Board of Directors and other generous donors were also hosted at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, where the Mardigians were granted the Order of St. Gregory the Illuminator of the Armenian Apostolic Church by His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. The medal was given in appreciation for their long-time contributions to the Armenian Church. “After their trip to Armenia with the FAR board last fall and seeing first hand the great work that has been accomplished by FAR to help so many Armenians," recalled FAR chairman Randy Sapah-Gulian, “the Mardigian family has graciously and selflessly decided to fund the program for another five years through 2022.” He added, “What has been accomplished during these last years has helped so many people and the impact in so many ways can only be described as incredible.” As one of the pre-eminent humanitarian and development organizations working in Armenia today, FAR has a long record of leadership in providing high quality programs in healthcare, education, child protection, and economic development to the Republic of Armenia. The result has changed the lives of thousands of Armenians. In more than two decades of operations, FAR has implemented more than $300 million worth of relief and development programs in Armenia and Artsakh—programs which not only meet immediate needs, but also contribute to lasting positive change to Armenia and its citizens. To learn more about FAR’s Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, Developing Thriving Communities program, or to make a contribution to FAR’s ongoing efforts, log onto its website at www.farusa.org.

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