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Nor Or, July 6, 2017, No. 27 _N.O. Blank 7/5/17 5:35 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 27, Thursday, July 6, 2017

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Nor Or, July 6, 2017, No. 27 _N.O. Blank 7/5/17 5:35 PM Page 2


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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on July 20 and 27, 2017. Publication will resume with issue No 28 dated August 3, 2017. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.

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Nor Or, July 6, 2017, No. 27 _N.O. Blank 7/5/17 5:35 PM Page 5

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 6 ÚáõÉÇë 2017


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Nor Or, July 6, 2017, No. 27 _N.O. Blank 7/5/17 5:35 PM Page 6


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Thursday, July 6, 2017 Vol. 95, #27


Ambassador: EU active member Spain is ready to support Armenia

Armenia marks Constitution Day On July 5, Armenia marks Constitution Day. The draft of the country’s fundamental law was put to a referendum on that day in 1995. The opposition of that time considered the results of this referendum falsified, but according to official data, the Constitution was adopted. It was the first Constitution of independent Armenia. On November 27, 2005, another constitutional referendum was held in the country, and as a result, amendments were made to the Constitution. With these amendments, powers of the National Assembly were broadened. The Constitution of Armenia has been amended in 2015, too. On December 6, a referendum on constitutional amendments was conducted, and pursuant to which, the country transitioned from a presidential to

YEREVAN. - Newly-appointed Spanish Ambassador to Armenia Ignacio Ibáñez Rubio (residence in Moscow) on Tuesday extended his credentials to President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. The President congratulated the Ambassador on assuming the office and wished him good luck in carrying out his diplomatic mission in Armenia. The President noted that although the ArmenianSpanish interstate ties have started developing since the establishment of diplomatic relations 25 years ago, the Armenian and Spanish peoples, who are the carriers of an ancient culture and common Christian value system, had friendly ties since old times. According to President Sargsyan, that circumstance is obliging, it being necessary to intensify the efforts for developing cooperation and enhancing bilateral relations in all the spheres.

Ambassador Rubio, for his part, thanked the Armenian President for the reception and congratulation, assuring that he will do his best to deepen the friendly relations between Armenia and Spain and make Armenia more known by its history and investment opportunities, encouraging the communication between the societies of the two countries and also contributing to the establishment of business ties and mutual communication in different spheres. Apart from the Armenian-Spanish bilateral relations, at the meeting reference was also made to the Armenian-EU cooperation. In the context, Ambassador Rubio noted that EU active member Spain is ready to support Armenia in terms of its cooperation with the EU. The interlocutors also exchanged views on the peaceful settlement process of the Karabakh conflict. !

Turkish soldiers will remain in Cyprus

Nalbandian: Not a single document can be signed without Karabakh

Turkish soldiers will remain in Cyprus regardless of agreement on Cyprus issue, Turkish FM Mevlut Cavusoglu said. Ankara will not accept the agreement, which implies the withdrawal of troops from the northern part of the island as Greece and Cyprus insist. After another round of negotiations on the Cyprus dispute in Switzerland, Cavusoglu noted that all “who are dreaming about withdrawal of Turkish troops from the island must wake up.”

Quake hits near Gyumri YEREVAN. – The Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) of Armenia received a report on Tuesday at 10:37am. Accordingly, the MES “Survey for Seismic Protection” Agency recorded a magnitude-3.5 earthquake in the country, at 10:21am local time. The epicenter of this tremor was 11km northwest of Gyumri town. The hypocenter of the quake was 10km beneath the surface. This seismic activity measured magnitude 4-5 at the epicenter. The earthquake was felt in Gyumri, Stepanavan, and Artik towns and Ashotsk village, where it measured magnitude 3-4.

YEREVAN. – Not a single document on Karabakh can be signed without participation of Karabakh itself, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said. “This is mentioned in the documents

Russia: North Korea's actions contradict demands of UN The actions of North Korea contradict demands set up by UN Security Council resolution, Russian deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov said commenting on the launch of a ballistic missile. He said Moscow is alarmed and concerned over the events. North Korea fired an intermediate range missile on Tuesday, which appeared to have landed in the Japanese exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

that were submitted to the OSCE headquarters in Vienna,” Nalbandian said during Friday’s debates on the 2016 State Budget performance report, at the standing committees of the National Assembly.

Primate's Message on Independence Day On July 4th, hundreds of millions of Americans celebrate Independence Day. It is what many refer to as America’s birthday. We mark the end of the colonial period and the rise of the United States of America. The quest for freedom came at a price, however. The Revolutionary War (1775-1783) claimed the lives of thousands of soldiers. We pay homage to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of liberty Conversely, if we were to interpret freedom and liberty from the theological perspective, we notice major differences. Freedom and independence are cherished gifts granted to each of us by the Almighty God at birth. We need not struggle nor revert to such extreme measures as declaring war for its acquisition. On the contrary, through God’s miraculous gift, we marvel at the wondrous nature, study space and explore the oceans. Spiritually, we strive for dependence on God, as a child would seek the counseling and guidance from a loving parent. Through fervent prayer, we yearn for the divine peace and wisdom of the Heavenly Father. Our dependence on God requires us to be Church-loving, tradition-honoring, Orthodox-oriented flock of Christ. Let us celebrate Independence Day with great cheer and jubilant hearts. On this joyous holiday, let us also reaffirm our dependence on the Almighty. Happy 4th of July! Prayerfully, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian Primate

a parliamentary system of governance. Also under these constitutional amendments, the National Assembly will be formed solely by way of proportional election system. Pursuant to the Law on Holidays and Remembrance Days, July 5 is observed as Constitution Day and is declared a public holiday in Armenia.

Karabakh armed forces inflict damage on firing point in Azerbaijani village STEPANAKERT. - The Azerbaijani armed forces continued to violate the ceasefire regime in different sections along the contact line between the KarabakhAzerbaijani opposing forces from mortars of different calibers on Tuesday. In particular, the !dversary used 82 mm mortar (4 shells) in the eastern direction starting from 11:30am till 11:35am, ! tripodmounted man-portable recoilless gun (3 shells) in the same direction from about 12:45 pm to 12:55 pm, 60 mm mortar (2 shells) in the southern direction at 1:35 pm, and 60 mm mortar at 7:10 pm (2 shells). Starting from 8:20 to 8:30 pm, the Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire from Turkish-made TR-107 reactive rocket propelled howitzers (5 shells) installed in Alkhanlu village in the direction of one of the commandment points of one of the military units in the southern direction, also using 82 mm mortar (3 shells) at 8:48 pm. In order to suppress the offensive of the adversary, the vanguard units of the Defense Army had to take retaliatory actions strting from 8:31pm to 8:40pm, as a result of which damage was inflicted on the firing point installed in Akhanlu village. According to the trustworthy information provided by the relevant services of the Karabakh Defense Army, the adversary has suffered losses. The Karabakh Defense Army suffered no losses as a result of the provocative actions of Azerbaijan. The military and political leadership of Baku bears the whole responsibility for the consequences of the occurrence.

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Thursday« July 6, 2017

ARPA Institute 25th Anniversary Celebration Conference and Banquet, July 15 For the past 25 years ARPA Institute (http://www.arpainstitute.org) has provided means and assistance for scientific development, educational excellence and technological innovations in Armenia since its founding in 1992. ARPA works through the private sector and the Government of Armenia, including institutions of higher learning, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Education and Science. There will be a full day conference (that will be live-streamed) and an evening gala banquet at the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N Verdugo Rd., Glendale. All proceeds of the events will go towards the establishment of a NanoTechnology Center, which aims to provide cutting edge innovations in the pharmaceutical, medical, and scientific fields, among others. ARPA runs on a shoestring administrative budget, and all donations directly support our work in Armenia. Additional ARPA activities directed towards the younger generation include promoting inventions of marketable new products through our annual invention competition for young scientists, the "Distance Learning" educational seminars to university students in Armenia, training teachers in how to conduct science fairs in elementary and high schools throughout Armenia, and school non-smoking and healthy lifestyle education programs, among others. The success of our projects depends on community support and sponsors! We believe that you would be interested to help in this very important endeavor since your generous donations have always been directed towards science and engineering. We have various categories of sponsorship. Please see the attached sponsorship form. The booklet will be sent to our email list with over 9,000 addresses.

DEDICATION OF THE TURPANJIAN SEMINARY OF HARICHAVANK On June 19, 2017, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians will preside over the dedication of the Turpanjian Seminary of Harichavank in the Shirak Province of Armenia. The Diocesan Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian and members of the Turpanjian family will take part in the ceremonial event. Thanks to the generosity of Diocesan Benefactors Gerald and Patricia Turpanjian, the dilapidated seminary building once in dire need of renovation has undergone intense renovation. At the request of the benefactors directed to His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, the seminary will be named Turpanjian Theological Seminary – Harichavank. The Monastery of Harich or Harichavank is 7th century Armenian monastery located near the village of Harich in the Shirak Province of the Republic of Armenia. Harichavank known as one of the most famous monastic centers in Armenia and it was especially renowned for its school and scriptorium. Archaeological excavations of 1966 indicate that Harich was in existence during the 2nd century BC, and was one of the more well-known fortress towns in Armenia.


Armenian Assembly Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program class of 2017 with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA-18). WASHINGTON, D.C. – Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) summer interns met with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (D-CA) last week as part of the Assembly Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program. Congresswoman Eshoo represents California’s 18th district and is one of two Members of Congress who has both an Armenian and Assyrian heritage. She is a proud member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, as well as both the Co-Chair and Co-Founder of the Religious Minorities in the Middle East Caucus. Representative Eshoo, along with Helsinki Commission Co-Chair Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), spearheaded House Resolution 390, Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act of 2017, which provides emergency relief to survivors of genocide in Iraq and Syria and provides accountability for the perpetrators

of these crimes. The legislation was adopted unanimously by the House of Representatives earlier this month. “Tens of thousands of Christian genocide survivors in Iraq and Syria need our help now and it is essential that emergency humanitarian aid for the survivors be provided,” Rep. Eshoo said. Rep. Eshoo worked on many Armenian related issues and resolutions throughout her career. As a proud Armenian American, she told the interns that U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide is one of her primary goals. She stated: “It is not a complicated foreign policy; it is a page from our history that needs to be recognized and remembered.” During the meeting, Congresswoman Eshoo briefly discussed the drastic budget cuts proposed for Fiscal Year 2018, especially those directly impacting foreign aid

ADRIENNE ALEXANIAN PRESENTS FATHER’S MEMOIR, FORCED INTO GENOCIDE WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier this week, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) co-sponsored a book presentation of Forced into Genocide: Memoirs of an Armenian Soldier in the Ottoman Turkish Army, written by Yervant Edward Alexanian, an eye-witness to the massacre and dislocation of his family and countrymen in Ottoman Turkey during the Armenian Genocide. Adrienne G. Alexanian, Yervant's daughter, has spent years preparing her father's manuscript for publication, which she presented at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church in Washington, D.C on Sunday. The Assembly co-sponsored the event with St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, Knights and Daughters of Vartan, and the Armenian National Committee of America. Born in Sivas, Turkey, Yervant survived the Hamidian massacres as an infant to later fight for survival as a conscript in the Ottoman Turkish Army during the 1915 Genocide. Despite everything he went through and witnessed, “he was prepared to die” instead of saving his own life by converting to Islam. He fled to America in 1920, where he spent his life advocating for justice for his people. There are no other books or comparable account which exists in Armenian literature on this aspect of the Genocide. Yervant passed away in 1983, leaving behind many documents and pictures discovered by his daughter. Adrienne explained that the memoirs came to light by chance while she was going through her father’s belongings. He did not share stories of the Armenian Genocide with his daughter, wishing to not burden his family. Instead, he wrote down his memoirs as a form of therapy that would later live on through Adrienne’s efforts. Award winning Middle East journalist Robert Fisk highlighted Yervant’s memoirs in one of his articles on Turkey’s denial of the Armenian Genocide in The Independent on March 22, 2017. “Forced into Genocide is Yervant Alexanian’s own frightful account of his people’s suffering, with unimpeachable documentation – in vast enough amounts to prevent the usual Turkish ‘genocide deniers’ (twins of the European ‘deniers’ of the Jewish Holocaust) of denouncing the book as a forgery,” Fisk wrote. “It is a story which Erdogan should be reading – and publicising – right now, for it involves more ‘Nazi practices’ than the new Sultan of Istanbul would

to Armenia and Artsakh. She described how humanitarian aid is vital for Armenia to grow its Republic. Rep. Eshoo also encouraged more Members of Congress to sign on to a letter directed to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State to oppose the harmful cuts to U.S. aid to Armenia. Additionally, the Congresswoman shared a handful of innovative strategies to promote Armenia’s long-term economic prosperity, emphasizing that “Armenia has a very educated workforce.” She went on to state that creating stronger bonds between Silicon Valley and Armenia’s growing tech industry could lead to significant economic gains for both countries. The Assembly interns were impressed by Congresswoman Eshoo’s many accomplishments. When asked about the keys to her success, she emphasized her passion towards her profession. She also discussed the obstacles she was forced to overcome as a woman pursuing elected office. The Congresswoman encouraged the interns to hold on tight to their ideas and beliefs, and to not let failures get in the way of their dreams and passions. “I am very grateful to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo for speaking with us. It was very inspiring for me, especially as a young woman majoring in Political Science, to hear her success story. She is a great example of how women can break stereotypes and make a name for themselves,” stated Milena Davtyan, a sophomore at Brigham Young University who is interning at the Armenian National Institute (ANI). !

ever want to acknowledge,” he added. The Assembly also co-sponsored a book presentation with Adrienne Alexanian last month in Boston, MA with the Armenian Museum of America, the Armenia Cultural Foundation, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) New England District, Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). “On behalf of the Armenian Assembly of America, I commend Adrienne for her perseverance and tenacity in bringing this compelling account and heroic journey to light. It is truly remarkable and we greatly appreciate Adrienne’s enthusiastic presentation,” Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny stated. Adrienne Alexanian is an Armenian Assembly Fellow Trustee and, along with her mother Grace, generously provided an endowment to the Assembly toward advocacy for Genocide recognition in memory of her father in 1993. As an NGO representative at the United Nations for both the Armenian Diocese and the AGBU, Adrienne initiated, organized, and moderated numerous forums promoting all aspects of Armenia’s agenda. She is also an educator and a 2010 recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

Stone Saro and Anush to accompany visitors to Hovhannes Tumanyan House-Museum YEREVAN. - New stone and wood sculptures will appear round Hovhannes Tumanyan House-Museum in Yerevan, Armenian Culture Minister Armen Amiryan said in the parliament on Monday, speaking at the debate on the report of the 2016 State Budget performance. A symposium of young sculptors was held in Dsegh village of Armenia’s Lori province, where the Armenian writer was born. Fifteen 2-meter stones will be brought to the house-museum. The sculptors will turn them into the heroes of Tumanyan’s fairy tales and poems, who will welcome the guests and show them the way to the house-museum. “There were trees round it, which were dozens of years old. They were old and could fall down from any gust of wind. We sawed them down and planted new ones instead. The sculptors received new fabricating material for the creations inspired by Tumanyan,” the minister said.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 6, 2017



On June 9, 2017, sixty pilgrims from the United States, led by Rev. Fr. Hovel Ohanyan from St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church of Oakland, Rev. Fr. Mesrop Ash of St. John Armenian Apostolic Church of San Francisco, and accompanied by the Very Rev. Fr. Vartan Kasparian, visited the Nakashian Children’s Support Center in Yerevan. They were greeted by Mer Hooys Board President Hon. Adrienne Krikorian, who was later joined by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Mer Hooys board members Dn. Dr. Varouj Altebarmakian and Dn. Dr. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, and Diocesan Council Chairman and newly elected member of the Supreme Spiritual Council Joseph Kanimian, Esq. After watching a short video presentation about the Mer Hooys program, the pilgrims joined the children and all of the staff for a delicious lunch. After lunch, the pilgrims received guided tours of the entire Center, presented by four 12-13 year olds,

who received assistance in translation from Der Mesrop, Der Hovel and two Englishspeaking staff. They had the chance to see first-hand how the program operates, thanks to presentations by the staff psychologist, staff social worker, and pedagogue. They also enjoyed seeing art work from graduate Armine Arshakian-Vardanyyan, and her new husband Sooren Vardanyan. Following the tour, the pilgrims joined Archbishop Derderian and board members in celebrating the 5th anniversary of the dedication of the Center and opening of the program. His Eminence spoke to the children and staff, commending their efforts, and congratulated the Board for the successful program that Mer Hooys has become. Following dessert and a brandy toast, the pilgrims enjoyed musical performances by the girls, who escorted them from the Center with traditional Armenian dances. Many of the pilgrims voiced their amaze-

ment at the breadth and success of the program, acknowledging that “seeing is believing.” Many had heard about the program but did not have any sense of the magnitude or success of its outreach to save children from poor families from life on the streets. Because of the generosity of the pilgrims, individually and as a group, their donations will go in part to purchase 5-6 much-needed large white boards for classrooms, the playroom, and the psychology center, wall coverings for the dining hall to reduce acoustic interference and toys for the playroom. Toys and clothing donated by the pilgrims will be given to the children when school starts and as part of their Christmas gifts. The Mer Hooys Board of Directors thanks His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian for his continued dedication and support of Mer Hooys. The Board also thanks the pilgrims who made the day very exciting day for the children and staff. This was the largest group of visitors to the Cen-


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, 36 Members of Congress sent a bi-partisan letter, spearheaded by Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Representative Dave Trott (R-MI), to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, opposing an anticipated gun sale to Turkey in light of the vicious attack by Turkey’s security detail in our Nation's Capital against peaceful protesters, reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). "Right here, on U.S. soil, we witnessed President Erdogan's blatant disregard for democracy as his henchmen waged a brutal attack on peaceful protestors. As the very model of freedom and liberty around the world, the United States cannot condone such an overt suppression of democracy and this proposed arms deal would be nothing less than an endorsement of Erdogan's henchmen's brutal attack. We need to call out and hold accountable President Erdogan and his bodyguards for who they really are – thugs," Rep. Trott stated. Last month, President Erdogan’s bodyguards violently assaulted peaceful protesters in Washington, D.C. with President Erdogan just feet away, looking on as armed members of his security detail unleashed a brutal attack, targeting non-violent protesters and American Diplomatic Security Officers, and resulting in serious injuries. On June 6, the House of Representatives unanimously passed House Resolution 354, condemning the violence that took place outside the Turkish Ambassador’s residence on May 16 and call-

ing on the perpetrators to be brought to justice under U.S. law. “We can no longer enable Turkey to compromise our democratic values, and this proposed arms sale is nothing short of an endorsement of the actions of President Erdogan’s security force. As such, we strongly urge you to reject this proposed sale and any potential weapons transfer to President Erdogan’s security detail,” the Members of Congress stated in the letter. The State Department notified Congress about a proposed sale of semi-automatic handguns and ammunition to a Turkish government controlled entity authorized to import firearms to the Department of Security of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. In questioning earlier this month by Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the Administration's Budget, Secretary Tillerson said whether or not the U.S. will sell weapons to the very same security forces who committed the attack is currently "under evaluation.” “We commend Congressman Trott and his colleagues for this initiative and standing up for American values in light of such a flagrant disrespect for our cherished rights,” stated Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. The Assembly also urged its members to contact their Representative to join the bipartisan letter urging Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to stop the proposed gun sale to Turkey.

Turkey opposition appeals Erdogan's victory in referendum Turkish opposition plan to appeal the results of the constitutional referendum in the European Court of Human Rights, DW reported. CHP head Kemal Kilicdaroglu signed the appeal to ECHR saying the decision by executive council made the referendum illegitimate. "Turkey has rapidly turned into a (one-)party state. Pretty much all state institutions have become branches of a political party," he said.

ter since its opening. The hospitality, joy and affection shown by the residents for their guests was a tribute to the talented staff who have, in a relatively short time, brought these children from the dismal lifestyles in which they lived before coming to Mer Hooys, to lives of hope, healthy family, education, and love. House of Hope - Mer Hooys, Inc. is an independent 501c3 non-profit corporation, operating under the auspices of the Western Diocese. Although formed as a legal institution of Etchmiadzin in Armenia, the U.S. board receives and manages all monetary donations and requires fiscal accountability from the program staff in Armenia. Mother See has provided the Nakashian Children’s Support Center to the Mer Hooys program rent-free. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Visit www.mer-hooys.org for more information and to donate. Donations made through the Western Diocese should note “Mer Hooys” on the memo line.

Karabakh armed forces inflict damage on firing point in Azerbaijani village The Azerbaijani armed forces continued to violate the ceasefire regime in different sections along the contact line between the Karabakh-Azerbaijani opposing forces from mortars of different calibers on Tuesday. In particular, the !dversary used 82 mm mortar (4 shells) in the eastern direction starting from 11:30am till 11:35am, ! tripod-mounted man-portable recoilless gun (3 shells) in the same direction from about 12:45 pm to 12:55 pm, 60 mm mortar (2 shells) in the southern direction at 1:35 pm, and 60 mm mortar at 7:10 pm (2 shells). Starting from 8:20 to 8:30 pm, the Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire from Turkish-made TR-107 reactive rocket propelled howitzers (5 shells) installed in Alkhanlu village in the direction of one of the commandment points of one of the military units in the southern direction, also using 82 mm mortar (3 shells) at 8:48 pm. In order to suppress the offensive of the adversary, the vanguard units of the Defense Army had to take retaliatory actions starting from 8:31pm to 8:40pm, as a result of which damage was inflicted on the firing point installed in Akhanlu village. According to the trustworthy information provided by the relevant services of the Karabakh Defense Army, the adversary has suffered losses. The Karabakh Defense Army suffered no losses as a result of the provocative actions of Azerbaijan. The military and political leadership of Baku bears the whole responsibility for the consequences of the occurrence.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 6, 2017


When Ninth Becomes First By Prof. Khatchatur I. Pilikian Back in 1990, I was invited to participate in the First International Aivazovsky Conferance in Theodosia, Crimea. (Occasion -- 90th Anniversary of the great Marine Painter’s death). There and then I presented my paper TURNER AND AIVAZIVSJY : An Auspicious Encounter. To confess, it created a sensational discussion... This year is Aivazovsky's 200th Birth Anniversary (b. July 17, 1817. d. April 19, 1900). With much surprise and pleasure, I was asked to write to celebrate the great painter's 200th Anniversary at Cadogan Hall in London where the world premiere of The Ninth Wave of Roland Robert will be performed. Naturally I have not heard the new work. Hence I have mentioned only the great impact the painting had, and that it really is one of the best of the painter's output. Here it is below. *** Once upon a time there was Hovhanness Haivaz, an Armenian lad born in Theodosia, the “God given” city built by the ancient Greeks on the shores of the black sea in Crimea. He had the gift of the muses. He soon began singing, playing the violin – oriental style – and drawing on the walls with charcoal. Hovhannessbecomes Ivan and Haivaz signatured as Aivaz Effendi before stretching the surname to Haivazovsky, then Aivazian, and finally was established as Aivazovsky. Ivan Aivazovsky became the greatest marine painter of Imperial Russia. Early in his career he was elected a member of five Academies of Fine Arts, namely those of ST. Petersbourg (his Alma Mater}, Rome, Florence, Stuttgart and

The Ninth Wave, 1850 - Ivan Aivazovsky Dimentions:2.21 m x 3.32 m Amsterdam. He was an Academician at 27 and Professor of Marine Painting at his Alma Mater at the age of 30. Moreover, he never abandoned his talentful hobby for singing and violin playing of folk music that soon captivated many musicians.. No wonder the celebrated playwright A. Chekhov was keen to remind us that “Aivazovsky and Glinka together wrote the opera *Russlan & Ludmilla”* … Aivazovsky left nearly 6000 works, accounting for more than 100 exhibitions all over Europe, Russia, England, Netherlands and the USA. A master painter for 65 years, Aivazovsky was celebrated as the ‘marinepoet’ of his time, the 19^th century. Meanwhile, the Western art has already another ‘poet of colours’ of the first half of the 19^th century – J. M.

W.Turner. He is the new ‘prophet’. Lo and behold, the ‘prophet’ Turner at 67 admired the young “poet” Aivazovsky at 25. In Rome in 1842, the art of the young painter inspired the venerable master to write down his impression in a panegyric mood declaring: So good and potent is your art That only genius could have inspired you (In"Ruskaya Starina" - Old Russia of 1878, quoted in K. Pilikian's "Aivazovsky and Turner" of 1990) While in Paris in 1843, Aivazovsky vividly recalled a tragic event happening at sea, far away from the African shores. The tempestuous storm, shipwreck and the survival of few sailors haunted Aivazovsky for many years. Eventually in Odessa in 1850 he painted his impressive “Ninth Wave.” The 221cm x 332cm large painting soon became Aivazovsky’s most celebrated work -- his first painting to attract widespread glory. The choice of *Ninth *of the title distilled how Aivazovsky envisaged the tragic event. The enormous sea wave acts as the “to be or not to be” for the few sailors struggling to survive while helping each other. Even the optimism of the religious symbolism of the ‘Nine choirs of angels’ seems to have been reflected in the brilliant colours of the sea and the sky at sunrise. All the above epitomised what Pythagoras had observed that “everything is disposed according to the number.” Thus, the *Ninth Wave* disposed Aivazovsky, the artist “inspired by genius, ”to become the *Marine Poet* of the art of painting. June 2017, London

Russia extends embargo on US and Europe food products

Armenia President: We will have more equitable and stable statehood as result of constitutional reforms

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a document extending embargo on certain types of food from countries that had imposed sanctions on Russia, RIA Novosti reported. The ban applies to certain products originating from the United States, European Union countries, Canada, Australia, Norway, Ukraine, Albania, Montenegro, Iceland and Lichtenstein. It was noted that those restrictions are intended to expand the special retaliatory economic measures to certain states, taking into account the level of their involvement in the anti-Russian sanctions regime.

The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Wednesday issued a congratulatory message on Constitution Day. “Dear Compatriots, “I congratulate you on Constitution Day. “The historic choice of the people of Armenia is to build a free, democratic and social State. This objective is clearly articulated in the Basic Law of our country. Over the past few years, the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia served as a strong legal bearing for our State and our people even in the most difficult situations. Naturally, during this period, significant changes occurred in our social and political life that led to the need for a constitutional reform, which today has become a reality in our country. “As you may know, we are in a transitional stage now. We are transitioning to a parliamentary system of governance. Our conviction is that the new amended text of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia provides greater opportunities for furthering democracy, maintaining the power balance between different branches of government, as well as for a well-balanced and harmonious development of our country, in general. “We will undoubtedly have a more equitable and a more stable statehood and society as a result of constitutional reforms. “Once again, I congratulate all of us on this remarkable day and wish we would be implicitly loyal to the letter and spirit of our Constitution,” reads the message by the President of Armenia.

New public beach opens in Armenia's Lake Sevan The official and solemn opening of the public beaches of Armenia's Lake Sevan was held on Saturday (photos). Nature Protection Minister of Armenia Artsvik Minasyan welcomed those present, stressing that being a nationwide wealth, Lake Sevan should be equally accessible to everyone. ''This is one of the reasons why upon the instruction of the Armenian President the formation of public beaches was launched several years ago so that each citizen can make use of this important weal free of charge,'' the minister said, adding that the number of public beaches should be gradually increased. In his words, Sevan is not only a regional but also a global high-quality water area, thus the implementation of programs aimed at improving its ecological condition is important, this being impossible without the involvement of citizens. Referring to the PM's recent instructions on the advancement of Sevan Na-

tional Park and Sevan development programs, the minister noted: ''The Government will do its best for Sevan to become a region corresponding to the modern sustainable development. We expect the participation of all of you in this. We also expect large investments so that the environmental, economic and social benefits are combined. We will do everything so that no action damages Sevan or it is brought to

minimum, and so that our citizens' life, health, and organization of their rest is complete and promising.'' ''Together with our Emergency Situations Ministry colleagues we have a very great responsibility to take care of the citizens' life, health and organization of safe rest,'' Minasyan stressed. According to information specialist of Sevan National Park Tamara Kirakosyan, the Government and Sevan National Park spare no effort for the proper organization of the visitors' rest. ''We have free medical points and rescue detachment service. The public safety is ensured, and there are fitting rooms. We will also organize games, trivia games, film screenings, and seminar discussions,'' Kirakosyan said. The opening was also attended by Gegharkunik province governor Karen Batoyan and Sevan town mayor Sargis Muradyan. !

Active US engagement will contribute to desirable outcome in Karabakh conflict The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, on Tuesday issued a congratulatory message to US President Donald Trump, on the occasion of the United States Independence Day. “2017 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the United States. Today we can unmistakably state that in the past quarter of a century, together we succeeded in building a close and strong partnership between our nations, anchored in mutual respect and trust. I note with joy that our political dialogue is dynamic and helps to broaden the mutually beneficial cooperation, notably in trade and economy. “The Armenian-American community undoubtedly plays an important role in strengthening the US-Armenian relations. “I greatly value the decade-long support of the United States towards the economic development, comprehensive reforms, the enhancement of democratic institutions and civil society, all designed to strengthen Armenia’s statehood. “Also, I cannot understate the importance of the contribution by USA, as a cochair of the OSCE Minsk Group, to promoting peace in the southern Caucasus. I am convinced that the active engagement of the United States, alongside with the other co-chair countries – Russia and France - would contribute to the desirable outcome – a peaceful and lasting resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. “Dear Mr. President, “Let me once again congratulate you on the US National Day and express hope that through concerted efforts our two nations would be able to enrich the agenda of Armenian-American relations with new mutually beneficial initiatives and projects,” the President of Armenia said in his congratulatory message addressed to the President of the United States.

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