Nor Or, july 13, 2017, No. 28_N.O. Blank 7/12/17 3:05 PM Page 1
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VACATION NOTICE "NOR OR" Weekly will not be published on July 20 and 27, 2017. Publication will resume with issue No 29 dated August 3, 2017. NO OR wishes its readers and contributors an enjoyable summer.
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NOR OR ENG.July 13:Layout 1 7/11/17 5:58 AM Page 1
Thursday, July 13, 2017 Vol. 95, #28
Aliyev’s former son-in-law involved in scandal over Trump-Russia ties Former son-in-law of Azerbaijani president Emin Agalarov is involved in the scandal over ties between Trump campaign and Russia. As revealed by Donald Trump Jr. it was Emin Agalarv who organized a meeting with the Russian lawyer who allegedly had information about Hillary Clonton. According to The Atlantic, Donald Trump’s links to the Agalarovs date to the Miss Universe contest in Moscow in 2013 “Trump, who owned the contest at the time, had long pursued the idea of a Trump Tower in Moscow, though that deal never happened; Trump also had dealings in Azerbaijan, which a story in the New Yorker described as his “worst” ever—though Agalarov says he played no role in that deal. Still, Agalarov has claimed close ties with Trump. The real-estate mogul appeared in a music video for Agalarov,” The Atlantic writes, adding that Trump also wished Agalarov a happy 35th birthday, calling him a “winner” and a “cham”.
Former US ambassador: Armenian-Turkish relations are under thick layer of ice Turkey wants to establish normal relations with Armenia, said Turkish MP Ravza Kavakçı Kan, who is also deputy chairperson of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), speaking to the Voice of America. In her view, however, the issue of Armenian Genocide—which Kavakçı Kan does not recognize—should be resolved to normalize these relations. But James Jeffrey, the former US Ambassador to Turkey and Irq, is more cautious with respect to the prospects for the normalization of Armenian-Turkish rela-
tions. As per the diplomat, these relations are under a thick layer of ice because Turkey views Armenia as an ally of the Russians and the Iranians. According to Jeffrey, even though the US can help the parties improve their relations, the White House will soon be busy with more urgent matters. James Jeffrey added, however, that Turkey is suspicious of America ever since US President Woodrow Wilson’s policy towards Turkey 100 years ago.
Congressman Costa shares his impressions from Armenia trip WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) hosted a presentation by Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA) last week at St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic Church, where he shared his experience traveling to Armenia for the first time in 2016. During his travels, he met with Armenian officials, visited historical sites, and spoke at the American University of Armenia (AUA). Congressman Costa is a Member of the Armenian Caucus and has been a proud supporter of U.S.-Armenia relations for many years. The Armenian Assembly continues to encourage Members of Congress to visit Armenia and Artsakh to see first-hand the realities on the ground and the challenges facing the Armenian people," said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. Rep. Costa explained that he grew up in Fresno - the land of Saroyan - where he knew many friends and neighbors growing up who were Armenian. He appreciated the work ethic, tenacity, and hospitality of the Armenian people. The Congressman then recited Armenian American author William Saroyan's famous quote: “I should like to see any power of the
world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” Congressman Costa spoke about many different people he met and places he visited. Along with the Head of the Armenian National Assembly (NA) Armenia-USA Friendship Group Samvel Nikoyan on July 20, 2016, Rep. Costa paid tribute to the memory of the innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide at the memorial. Rep. Rep. Costa also shared his presentation at AUA, where he spoke about U.S.-Armenia relations and the significant role that AUA plays in that relationship. In his remarks, Rep. Costa proudly announced the establishment of an endowment at AUA by Fresno resident Edward Kashian, reflecting the close existing relationship between California State University, Fresno (CSU Fresno) and AUA.
What did Armenia, Azerbaijan FMs discuss? A meeting between Edward Nalbandian and Elmar Mammadyarov, Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, took place Tuesday in Brussels, at the initiative and presence of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs Igor Popov, Stéphane Visconti and Richard Hoagland, and which was attended by Andrzej Kasprzyk, the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-inOffice. During the meeting discussions were held on the modalities of advancement of the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiating process, press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia informed Armenian Nalbandian underscored the importance of stabilization of the situation on the Line of Contact, and, in this regard, emphasized the necessity to implement the agreements reached during the Vienna and St. Petersburg Summits. The Co-Chairs asked the ministers to convey to the presidents their proposal on organizing a summit in the course of this year. An agreement was reached to convene the next meeting between the ministers in September in New York, in the margins of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
Nalbandian, Lavrov discuss Karabakh conflict settlement Edward Nalbandian, Armenian foreign minister, met with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Tuesday in Mauerbach, the press office of the Armenian foreign ministry reports. They traveled to Mauerbach for an informal foreign-ministerial meeting of the OSCE. According to the press release, the ministers considered prospects for developing Russian-Armenian allied interaction paying special attention to compliance with the arrangements made by Armenian and Russian leaders. Karabakh conflict settlement was discussed at the meeting as well. The two countries' foreign ministers also exchanged opinions about a number of regional problems.
Turkey parliament to penalize MPs for speaking about Armenian Genocide? Surprising provisions will be made in the regulation of the Turkish parliament. In particular, MPs may be penalized from now on for speaking about Armenian Genocide, according to Hürriyet (Liberty) daily of Turkey. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the coalition partner Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) have prepared a package of amendments to parliament regulations.
They also include imposing penalties to MPs if they insult and make accusations against the history of Turkish people and the shared past of the peoples living in Turkey. In such a case, the deputies could be banned from taking part in the parliamentary sessions and two-thirds of their salaries could be withheld. “This provision targets the MPs’ attempts to call the events of 1915 a ‘genocide,’” noted the newspaper.
Freeway Direction Signs for Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial Passes Assembly Transportation Committee Sacramento, CA — On Monday, Senator Anthony Portantino’s legislation, SCR 25, which will install a sign at the Fair Oaks Avenue exit off Interstate 210 in Pasadena to direct the public to the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial, passed the Assembly Transportation Committee with unanimous support. “I am so excited to see this piece of legislation moving through the legislature with such overwhelming and bipartisan support. Installing a freeway sign will help direct visitors to the memorial, raise awareness about the Armenian Genocide and serve as a reminder that educating the public about crimes against humanity is an ongoing process and requires our continuous attention. I look forward to seeing SCR 25 progress and these signs installed," commented Portantino. The Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial was unveiled in April 2015 in the northeast corner of Memorial Park in Pasadena to honor the martyrs of the Armenian Genocide. It was constructed by the nonprofit Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial Committee with unanimous support from the Pasadena City Council. Senator Portantino served on the board of the nonprofit prior to joining the State Senate. He was the only non-Armenian to have served on the Board. SCR 25 is now headed to Assembly Appropriations Committee, after which it will move to the Assembly floor for a final vote.
NOR OR ENG.July 13:Layout 1 7/11/17 5:58 AM Page 2
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Thursday« July 13, 2017
FRESNO PANEL DISCUSSION AND COMMUNITY CONVERSATION REGARDING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FILM “THE PROMISE” By Michael Rettig The highly anticipated nationwide release of “The Promise” in April sparked a flurry of excitement in the Armenian American community. Armenian organizations across the country rallied in support of the first major Hollywood film to tell the story of the Armenian Genocide to a wide audience. Because of this energy, the film has continued to be a topic of discussion three months after its release. “The Promise” undoubtedly increased awareness of the Genocide, but it is important for Armenians to keep the issue at the forefront of public discourse. On Tuesday June 27, the Armenian Cultural Conservancy of Fresno hosted a panel discussion on “The Promise” to analyze the importance and lasting impact of the film. The event,cosponsored by St. Paul Armenian Church, was moderated by local attorney Marshall D. Moushigian and included film maker Dr. Carla Garapedian, associate producer of “The Promise”; Dr. Matthew Jendian, Professor and Chair of the Sociology Department at Fresno State; the Fresno County Superior Court Justice Houry Sanderson; and Professor Jack Geiger, professor of Theater Arts at West Hills Community College. The panelists delivered opening remarks and then engaged in a lively discussion with the audience before concluding.A common theme throughout the evening was the question of whether “The Promise” was an effective vehicle for educating the general public about the Armenian Genocide. According to Professor Geiger, the film’s love story enabled it to attract a wider audience. “If it were only about the facts of the Genocide,
it would have been a documentary,” said Professor Geiger, “Like all great stories, the movie incorporates themes we could relate to against the backdrop of significant events.”Dr. Jendian echoed this sentiment in stressing the unique role that drama plays in fostering empathy in a way history books and documentaries do not. According to Dr. Jendian, the purpose of the film was not to explain why the Genocide happened, but to show the events that took place and stimulate conversation. Successful drama invests the viewer in the characters and inspires them to further research the film’s topic. Dr. Jendian used “The Promise” as an educational tool by assigning his students to write reflections on the film for extra credit. “Their responses revealed a much more nuanced view of the Genocide than our intellectual study in the class produced,” said Dr. Jendian. “They were deeply moved.”Dr. Garapedian noted that director Terry George was adamant
that the film garner a PG-13 rating so it could be shown in classrooms. The panelists unanimously agreed that the film was artistically and educationally more effective because of its subtle dealing with the violence. Professor Greiger appreciated that “The Promise” did not rely on sensational violence to tell its story. “I don’t think anyone who saw the movie left with any doubt about the brutality of the treatment of the victim. Despite this, they were able to keep the PG-13 rating, enabling it to be used for educational purposes.” One scene that stood out to Judge Sanderson was the arrest of more than 200 Armenian intellectuals in Istanbul. “When you systematically arrest the leaders of a society, it clearly depicts the genocidal intent of the perpetrators,” stated Judge Sanderson. “The film makers were able to portray that event while leaving most of the violence to the imagination.” The audience was especially curious about the film’s cast, both how they were impacted by the experience and how their involvement affected popular opinion. According to Dr. Garapedian, lead star Christian Bale immersed himself in the history when he accompanied her to the Ararat Eskijian Museum in Los Angeles. There he learned more about the Genocide and the producers’ vision for the film. Bale demonstrated his passion for the role when he appeared on multiple talk shows with fellow co-stars Oscar Isaac and Charlotte Le Bon to promote the film, thus increasing public awareness. Dr. Garapedian revealed that the producers wanted to cast as many Turkish actors as possible, but many of them refused due to fear of reprisals from the Turkish government. However, Dr. Garapedian noted the actors who played the carriage driver Mustafa and the deputygovernor who helped protect the orphans were both Turkish. Dr. Jendian, whose paternal grandmother was adopted and cared for by a Turkish family, appreciated that the film depicted such noble Turks. “Everyone in a society does not embrace Genocide,” said Dr. Jendian. “Without people with a heart for others, many of us would not have survived.” Reflections such as this panel demonstrate that the Genocide is not only an Armenian issue, but a universal issue that must be continually engaged with. “The Promise” is an importantmilestone in the effort to educate the public and achieve nationwide recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Photos by Alain Ekmalian Michael Rettig, is the great grandson of, the late “mudavoragan” and former “Nor Or” Editor, Vahe Haig. Michael is an active member of the Armenian Students Organization and Editor of “Hye Sharzhoom”.
The AGBU Western District is proud to announce Mrs. Bennette Turpanjian as the chairperson for the Gala 2017 Committee Saturday, September 9, 2017 Universal Studios Hollywood’s Globe Theatre The AGBU Western District will host its annual Gala, on Saturday, September 9, 2017, at Universal Studios Hollywood’s Globe Theatre, and is proud to announce Mrs. Bennette Turpanjian as the chairperson for the Gala 2017 Committee. Mrs. Turpanjian’s involvement with AGBU Western District stems back several decades when she joined the Pasadena-Glendale Chapter volleyball team. Incidentally, it was at one of the Chapter’s volleyball tournaments where she met her husband Paul, who was playing on the men’s team. Bennette’s entire family also has a long history with AGBU. The TF Educational Foundation, a philanthropic organization founded and headed by her fatherin-law, Mr. Jerry Turpanjian, has for many years continuously sponsored AGBU programs worldwide. Mrs. Turpanjian’s background includes over twenty years’ experience in sales and marketing, as well as in the field of academia, where she served as guest lecturer in American Literature. She earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees in English, with an emphasis on ethnic American literature. Bennette collaborated with her husband, Paul Turpanjian, executive producer of the film, Crows of the Desert, a documentary based on the memoirs of Mr. Levon Yotnakhparian, a Genocide survivor, by assisting with the script, editing, translations, research and footnoting. The film reveals the important role the AGBU played in assisting Genocide survivors scattered throughout the Trans-Jordan region. AGBU Western District held the first exclusive screening of the documentary in October 2016, paving the way for the film’s success in garnering multiple awards at film festivals throughout the United States. The film continues to be screened at various locations including a screening sched-
uled to take place in Toronto’s AGBU center in the upcoming months. Crows of the Desert is also an official selection of the 2017 Golden Apricot International Film Festival held in Yerevan, Armenia. “AGBU has been an integral part our family’s life, so it was a great pleasure to be asked to serve as the 2017 Gala chair. I am honored and humbled to be working alongside such talented committee members,” stated Mrs. Turpanjian. With little over two months left, Bennette Turpanjian and the 2017 Gala Committee are hard at work to bring guests a memorable experience for this year’s event. The Western District’s 2017 Gala will take place at Universal Studios Hollywood’s Globe Theatre on Saturday, September 9, 2017, 7 o’clock in the evening. For more information on the Gala and to purchase tickets, please contact the AGBU’s Western District office at 626-794-7942 or email
Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian to talk about Christian Communities in Turkey Glendale, CA – University of Oxford Associate, DR. HRATCH TCHILINGIRIAN will be in town to present a special illustrated talk titled, PRECARIOUS CITIZENS: CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES IN TURKEY TODAY on TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2017 at 7:30pm at ABRIL BOOKSTORE - 415 E. Broadway, Glendale, CA. Scholar will be introduced by MARK CHENIAN. Admission is free. Nearly a century after the establishment of the Turkish Republic, being a Christian in Turkey means going through a continuous process of state-imposed and societal minoritisation in virtually all aspects of communal and individual life. Discrimination and extreme “othering” continue to pose great challenges to Christian communities. This presentation will provide a brief background about the various Christian communities in Turkey today and will discuss some of the key problems facing them,with a particular focus on the Armenians, the largest Christian community in the country. Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian is an activist sociologist. In recent years he has drawn attention to the plight of minorities and Christian communities in the Middle East, especially in academic and policy-making circles. Following his PhD at the London School of Economics, he was director of research on Eurasia and lecturer at Cambridge University’s business school (2003-2012). Since 2012, he is Associate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at University of Oxford, focusing on Middle Eastern and Armenian studies. Dr Tchilingirian has lectured internationally and is the author of numerous studies and article. He remains deeply engaged in community life and takes active part in civic and professional projects. Presented by Abril Bookstore. CONTACT: Arno Yeretzian at Abril Bookstore (818) 243-4112,
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NOR OR ENG.July 13:Layout 1 7/11/17 5:58 AM Page 3
Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 13, 2017
C. & E. MERDINIAN ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOL ACHIEVES SIX-YEAR ACCREDITATION STATUS The C. & E. Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School of Sherman Oaks announces that it has been granted another six-year accreditation status by the Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). In a letter to Principal Lina Arslanian and dated June 30, 2017, the Accrediting Commission for Schools notified the school of its decision to award a full-term of accreditation based on all of the information provided by the school, including the self-study report, and the satisfactory completion of the on-site accreditation visit. The six-year term of accreditation supports the school’s continuing efforts to foster academic excellence, provide Armenian and Christian education, and instill good moral values in our children. During the past year, members of the Merdinian School community spent many dedicated hours seriously evaluating the school’s program. The school community representatives worked side-by-side with the administration, faculty, staff, and student representatives in extensive examinations of all aspects of the school. With the information gathered, a comprehensive self-study report was written that reflected the overall nature of the school including areas of strengths and areas of needed growth. From March 12-March 15, the Visiting WASC Committee, consisting of four members led by Mrs. Sandy Ammentorp, met with school committee members and observed all aspects of the school program. They later shared their recommendations and commendations with the school community. This report was sent to the WASC Accrediting Commission who, after careful study, granted the school full accreditation status. The Merdinian school community is committed to providing a school that meets both the academic and spiritual needs of the students. Our capable faculty and staff, strong curriculum, and the love towards teaching and learning are among the reasons for that success. We promise to continue to pursue this commitment with great joy.
About $31,000 spent on putting Armenia President’s pictures on schools YEREVAN. – Schools in Armenia have spent at least 15 million drams (about US$31,300) to place President Serzh Sargsyan’s photos on their walls, according to Haykakan Zhamanak (Armenian Times) newspaper. As per the newspaper, Levon Barsegh-
yan, head of the “Asparez” Journalists’ Club, wrote about the aforesaid on his Facebook page. “With that money, they could have taken 150,000 packs of toilet paper, so that the children would not bring [them] along from home,” Barseghyan also wrote.
We’re delighted to present this rare exhibition of recent works by Henrik Vardeniktsy.
Rooted in the rich legacy of European modernism, Vardeniktsy’s surrealist compositions and dazzling tangents recall the works of Joan Miro and Wassilly Kandinsky, with nods to the industrial landscapes of Los Angeles. Vardeniktsy holds degrees from Yerevan’s Terlemezyan State College of Fine Arts as well as the Yerevan Art and Theater Institute. Currently he divides his time between Yerevan and Los Angeles, and continues to exhibit internationally. This Friday, July 14th. 7 pm till 11 pm also Open Saturday, July 15. 2pm till 7 pm
Ex-Ambassador: Don’t Do Prisoner Swap Deal With Turkey’s Erdogan By Patrick Goodenough – A former U.S. ambassador to Turkey is urging the Trump administration not to consider swapping a Turkish businessman facing Iran sanctions-busting charges in the U.S. with an American pastor incarcerated in Turkey for nine months. The pastor is accused of having links to “terrorists.” While exchanging Turkish-Iranian financier Reza Zarrab for Protestant pastor Andrew Brunson may hold appeal for the administration, Eric Edelman wrote in a Washington Post column, “a trade would be a grave mistake.” “Trading a peaceful faith leader imprisoned on spurious charges in exchange for a sleazy middleman accused of corrupting a foreign government on behalf of Iran would only help [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan suborn the rule of law in the United States as he has done in Turkey.” Edelman, a senior advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), wrote the column with Merve Tahiroglu, an FDD research associate. They said rumors of a potential prisoner swap were “swirling in Washington.” The Iranian-born Zarrab, 34, is a wealthy and well-connected businessman, arrested in Florida in March last year and charged with conspiring to carry out hundreds of millions of dollars in financial transactions to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions. Turkey’s Islamist government has been pressuring Washington to send him home, amid speculation his trial may prove politically damaging to Erdogan. “Erdogan is likely the only one with the power and authority to order to evade the Iranian sanctions and he knows very well that Zarrab is going to testify against him unless Turkey itself finds a way to save him from prison,” Ahmet Yayla, a former Turkish police counterterrorism official and professor at George Mason University, wrote in a column in Modern Diplomacy shortly Erdogan visited Washington in May. In 2013, Zarrab was embroiled in a scandal in Turkey, accused of heading a multi-billion dollar money laundering, gold smuggling and bribery network designed to bypass Iran sanctions by shipping gold to Tehran in return for Iranian oil and gas. Members of Erdogan’s ruling AK Party were also implicated in the affair. Erdogan, who was then prime minister, accused the investigating prosecutors of plotting against the government and removed them from their posts. Erdogan became president the following year, and four months later the corruption charges were dropped and Zarrab was freed, in what Edelman and Tahiroglu charge was “blatant political intervention in the judicial system.” The politically-sensitive U.S. case against Zarrab took a new turn in March, when another Turk, Mehmet Hakan Atilla, was arrested at John F. Kennedy Airport. Atilla, 47, a former chief executive of the Turkish institution Halkbank, is accused of helping Zarrab carry out his alleged violation of U.S. sanctions against Iran. Their trial is due to begin in late October in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan.
American pastor Andrew Brunson has been imprisoned in Turkey last )ctober. (Photo: ACLJ)
Speaking alongside Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Ankara in March, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Turkey viewed the arrests of both Zarrab and Atilla as “political.” Meanwhile, last October, Turkish authorities arrested Brunson, a Protestant pastor from North Carolina who has lived in Turkey for more than two decades. Despite being an evangelical Christian, he was accused of being a member of the movement headed by U.S.-based Turkish Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, which Ankara calls a terrorist organization. Erdogan accuses the 76-year-old Gulen, a former ally whom he now reviles, of orchestrating a failed coup attempt a year ago, and wants him extradited. A post-coup crackdown on alleged supporters of Gulen and other government critics has seen some 50,000 arrests and a purge of 150,000 judges, soldiers, teachers and others. Brunson’s Turkish lawyer has stated that his client “has had no relationship or communication with this [Gulen’s] organization.” American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) chief counsel Jay Sekulow has taken up Brunson’s case with the White House, and says he’s been told President Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence brought up the imprisoned pastor three times during meetings with Erdogan when he visited Washington in May. A White House readout of Trump’s May 16 meeting with the Turkish leader said that he “raised the incarceration of Pastor Andrew Brunson and asked that the Turkish government expeditiously return him to the United States.” According to the ACLJ, Pence has also written to the pastor’s wife, Norine, assuring her that “Andrew’s case remains a top priority of the U.S. government.” An ACLJ petition calling for Brunson’s release has garnered more than 310,400 signatures. “Trump should intensify the diplomatic effort to secure the release of Brunson – but not by negotiating a prisoner swap for Tehran’s bag man in Turkey,” Edelman and Tahiroglu wrote. “Erdogan’s efforts to undermine the U.S. legal system shouldn’t be rewarded,” they said. “For Turks who are trying to protect what’s left of their country’s democracy, it’s the least that Washington can do.” !
NOR OR ENG.July 13:Layout 1 7/11/17 5:58 AM Page 4
Üáñ úñ Thursday« July 13, 2017
Through a series of colorful stories, Mıgırdiç Margosyan explores the city of Diyarbakir, Turkey as it existed in his childhood. Published in 1992 for the first time and received a great deal of attention, Mıgırdiç Margosyan’s cult book is now in English.
Through a series of colorful stories, complete with a snuff snorting midwife, a simple-minded church caretaker, and a superhuman blacksmith, Mıgırdiç Margosyan explores the city of Diyarbakir, Turkey as it existed in his childhood. It was a time when the city was still home to a diverse population of faiths, languages and characters, resembling what New Yorker Staff Writer Raffi Khatchadourian calls a kind of “Anatolian Macondo.” Introducing his birth place and region, Diyarbakir which left its mark in Armenian and Kurdish cultures, and daily lives of ordinary people especially in ‘40s and ‘50s, Margosyan leaves a both sweet and bitter aftertaste through his peculiar humor and storytelling. In Infidel Quarter, a world in which history is in part a story and stories are in part history glances at us through the doorway. “In my writings, I told about our neighborhood as I saw and lived. I presented the characters and names almost as they are, without making any changes. Most of them, those sisters and uncles, must have passed away already. I wanted
to cherish their names and memories in these lines, in these books…” Published in Partnership with Gomidas Institute (London) *** FROM THE BOOK: “Allahu ekber, Allahu ekber!..” “Ding-Dong, ding-dong” “Allahu!..” “DING” “Ekber!” “DONG” When the Muezzin Nusret, whose huge nose had turned the color of tomatoes in the cold, came back down the minaret, Uso was still pulling on the church bell rope with his short rotund body. He was secretly glad that Muezzin Nusret had given up and come back down the minaret. The sound of the church bell continued to ring out, ring out far away. It caused all sorts of confusion as it reached the frozen ears of every Armenian. “What’s going on Bedo? Who would be ringing a church bell at this hour?” ***
MIGIRD!Ç MARGOSYAN Mıgırdiç Margosyan is a native of Diyarbakir and a popular, award winning author. At the age of 15, he was sent to Istanbul by his family, so that he could learn his mother tongue, Armenian, better. He made a great success with his stories and books in Armenian. His works include “Mer Ayt Goghmere” (1984), “Söyle Margos Nerelisen?” (1995), “Biletimiz !stanbul’a Kesildi” (1998), “Dikrisi Aperen” (1999), “Tespih Taneleri” (2006) and “Tanrı’nın Seyir Defteri” (2016). The current title, Gâvur Mahallesi, was first published in Turkish (1992), then Kurdish (1999) and now appears in English (2017). Especially after ‘90s, he reached a larger audience with his books in Turkish. He is considered as the last living and most successful representative of Armenian country literature. !
FROM A UNIQUE AUTHOR: PENNILESS LOVERS Penniless Lovers is a sharp social criticism novel that focuses on adolescent Sur’s relationship with his family and his girlfriend Norma and thus unpacks Turkey in 1950’s. Zaven Biberyan is recognized as one of the most prominent and unique Armenian writers of the 20th century and his “Penniless Lovers” is just another proof of that. Following the original Armenian edition published in March, we proudly present the first and only Turkish translation, including an introduction by philosopher Marc Nichanian. Penniless Lovers is a sharp social criticism novel that focuses on adolescent Sur’s relationship with his family and his girlfriend Norma and thus unpacks Turkey in 1950’s. It reveals contradictions and conflicts which make Sur burst with rebellion against everything around him, but first and foremost against his parents and Armenian community of Istanbul. By drawing attention to the tensions hanging in the mid-air, Zaven Biberyan touches the
sour points of society of Turkey after the Pogrom of 6-7 September 1955, organized mob attacks against Istanbul’s Greek minority, and on the eve of 1960 Turkish coup d’état. Sur’s father Kevork is a countryman, who has finally attained status within the Armenian community after years of struggle. His mother is an Armenian from Istanbul. Sur feels a deep abhorrence toward their morals, conservatism and bourgeois lifestyle. He faces oppression for having a girlfriend who is a working woman two years older than him. He is surrounded by a wall built by his teenage insecurities and masculinity and burning with an increasing rage. This story focuses on constant distress caused by traumas that are transferred from past to future. While pounding the pavements of Prince Islands, Eminönü and "i#li, it depicts a different Istanbul which is now long gone. ZAVEN B!BERYAN The author was born in Istanbul’s Çengelköy neighborhood in 1921. He studied at Aramyan-Unciyan, Sultanyan and Saint Joseph schools, and received his university
degree on commercial sciences. He contributed to the Armenian newspapers of Istanbul and diaspora. He lived in Beirut from 1949 to 1953 as a result of political pressure. His last novel and masterpiece “Mrjiunneru Verjaluise” (published with the title of ‘Daddy Didn’t Go To Ashkale in Turkish by Aras) has become an important research topic for Armenian literary scholars, who argued that he is definitely one of the most important Armenian novelists of all time. Aside from literature, he was fond of painting, sculpturing and toy-making, and an active member of Workers Party of Turkey. He died on October 4, 1984 in Istanbul and was buried in the intellectuals section of the Armenian cemetery of "i#li. Author’s published works are: Alone People (Novel, 1959) The Sea (Short stories, 1961) Penniless Lovers (Novel, 1962) Daddy Didn’t Go To Ashkale (Novel, 1984) Aras Publishing was founded in Istan-
Swedish lawmakers file genocide complaint
Basques try to prove their Armenian origin By Vigen Avetisyan In the city of Irun in the north of the Basque country in Spain, a public group was established to study the ethnogenesis of the Basques based on Armenian sources through the efforts of local specialists. It is noteworthy that many scientists of Basque origin confidently declare their relation to Armenians. In particular, such debates intensively took place in the Basque society in the early 1990s, when a number of Basque scholars arrived to Armenia to get acquainted with archival data containing valuable information about the culture and traditions of this people.It should be noted that some researchers believe that the Basques have come from the Armenian highlands, which, by the way, is
bul in 1993 and came to be recognized in short order as a “window into Armenian literature”. With its Turkish and Armenian books, it has now established itself as one of the few publishing houses producing works in two languages. Aras Publishing intends to serve as a bridge for the cultural legacy of Turkey’s Armenians (now centered around Istanbul as a minority) to reach future generations as well as carrying on as the representative and current bearer of a long-standing Armenian publishing legacy in Turkey.
stated by Basque legends as well. As for the scientific side of the issue, hundreds of toponyms with Armenian names and origin can be found in the Basque country. It should also be noted that Georgian scientists are also interested in the history of this people, unsuccessfully trying to find traces of Georgia in the Basque country. In his 1928 work „Alarodiens et proto-basques“, Josef Karst based his ideas of the similarity of Armenian and Basque languages on the linguistic material avaiable to him. Those languages might actually be two slightly modified languages of the same branch.
Five Swedish lawmakers have filed a legal complaint accusing Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, reported quoting AFP. It is said that the suit filed by MPs from the Left and Green parties relates to the conflict in Turkey's Kurdish majority southeast. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim is also mentioned in the suit. According to the Swedish law adopted in 2014, the country's courts can judge cases of alleged crimes against humanity regardless of where they have been committed or by whom. If prosecutors decide to launch an investigation, Erdogan could risk an arrest warrant in Sweden, the lawmakers said. The lawmakers also hope that their colleagues from other European countries would follow their lead.
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