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N.O. May 21, 2015, No. 21:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% 21 MA|IS 2015

THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015 93 TARI% JIU 21 VOLUME 93, NO. 21


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NOR ØR% 21 MA|IS 2015



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ªPHTQ H MNA#NQ JH :RJANQº SIMON OUILSEN Los Any;les fratarakouo[ ªJewish Journalº ,abajør;akin (Mart 20-26) mh=% Simone Wilson ke n;rka\aznh ªo[b;rgakan odisakaneº \atkaphs Polso\ fr;a\ fama\nqin! Stor;u \atkan,akan patk;rn;r ;rkrordakan fpatakn;rou ;u mouj m;kousazoumi ;njarkoua‘ polsabnak fr;an;rou k;anqhn ou ,r=apathn!

ª|o\s;re K*anf;tinº Møt fing fariur tarin;r a®a=% Spania\hn artaqsoua‘ jourq fr;an;re - ,our= khs milion - \aya. ke \i,;n a\n taq endoun;loujiune% oroun arvanaza‘ ;n Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an ko[mh! Saka\n Mousja`a Q;mal Ajajourqi ørhn iw;r% ;rb anika fastat;z (1923-in) ardi a,.arfik Jourqian% fr;an;re ;u a\l z;[a.øsakan (ethnic) 'oqramasnoujiunn;re \arat;uørhn ;njarkoua‘ ;n .ist .trakanouj;an% ;rkrin mh= tiro[ axga\nakanouj;an f;t;uanqow! Fanrap;takan ka®awaroujiune (CHP) ;rb 1942-in fastat;z oun;uorouj;an tourqe% 30%000 fr;an;r lq;zin ;rkire! Isk 1948-in ;rb st;[‘ou;zau frhakan p;toujiune% faxarauor fr;an;r ;us ga[j;zin Isra\hl! A\sør% frhakan ga[ouje ke fa,ouh ,our= 17%000 fogi% m;‘ masamb Isjanpouli mh=! A\s enjazqow% fama\nqe ke nouaxi tar;kan 300 fogiow! A\s mnazordazin famar al mna\oun \aya.anqi mta‘oumn h ª:rja#nq% jh^ mnanqº! Est wiyakagroujiunn;rou% jourq;rou 70 a® fariure fakafrhakan dirqoro,oum ounin% a\n tramabanouj;amb% jh jrqafpatak fr;an;re fauatarim ;n Isra\hli p;touj;an qan jh^ Jourqio\! Anz;al S;pt;mb;rin% Isjanpouli mh=% waya®atan me patoufanin wra\ ka.oua‘ hr f;t;u;al axdan,ane& ªFr;a\ ,oun;roun moutqe argiloua‘ hº! Anz;al No\;mb;rin% Polso\ Neve Shalom a[øjaranin wra\ ª'l;lou ;njaka\º axdan,ane 'akzoua‘ hr! W;r=in tasnam;akin% ;u \atkaphs anzno[ qani me tarin;roun% fakafr;a\ ;u fakas;makan arta\a\toujiunn;re a\nqan \aya.aki dar]a‘ hin qa[aqakan dhmq;rou ou mamoulin ko[mh% or fr;a\ fama\nqe a\l;us anfangist ke xga\ Jourqio\ mh=! Polso\ fr;a\ ;ritasardoujiune endfanraphs k*ousani Isra\hli kam M& Nafangn;rou mh=% ;u a\nouf;t;u anonzmh ,at;re c;n w;rada®nar ir;nz entaniqin!

Nor Jourqian Hrto[ane% ;rkrordakan .oumbi ast[ `oujpolisth% \a=ordabar bar]razau Isjanpouli qa[aqap;touj;an ;u ;rkrin warcap;touj;an ou na.agafakan pa,tønin! Ir faka®akordn;roun ko[mh ke nkatoui n;r,nc;al ªsouljanºe anor st;[‘a‘ Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an% kam incphs inq ke sirh koc;l^ Ardi Jourqio\! 2012-13-in% or;uh ;rkrh au;li% m;‘ jiuow lragro[n;r bantarkou;zan Jourqio\ mh=! Hrto[an krknørhn 'aka‘ h twitter–i ou face-book–i gor‘ounhoujiune! ªN;rqin Apafowouj;anº nor ørhnqi me a®a=arkouj;amb% ostikanoujiune piti kar;na\ o;uh mhke arg;la'ak;l 48 vam a®anz datarana\in artønagri! ";trouarin% Hrto[an i mh= a\loz \a\tarar;z% jh ªA\nqan at;n or isra\hl;an k;[;qoumn ou sarsa'e ,arounakouin% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u o[= a,.arfi mh= piti cdadri ariunafosoumeº! Hrto[ani kousakzouj;an a\s xa\ro\je ou[[oua‘ hr Isra\hli ou sionixmi dhm% ;u oc jh^ Frhastani! Sionixme yifatixmin fomani,n h& sionixme oyir h!

ª|a=o[oujiunº ªFamasºi dhm Isra\hli pat;raxmi masin% Kaxa\i mh=% jourq lratouakan fa[ordoumn;re ke \atkan,ouhin ªat;louj;an arta\a\toujiunn;rowº! "ro-ka®awarakan j;rj;re% incphs^ ª:ni Aqijº ou ªMilli Kaxhjºe ke gor‘a‘hin ªfr;an;rº kam ªisra\hlazin;rº ba®;re% 'o.anak^ ªIsra\hli P;toujiuneº% kam^ isra\hl;an ªpa,tpano[akan ouv;rºoun! Takauin anz;al tari% pafpano[akan ;u islamisj no\n ª:ni Aqijºe k*a®a=arkhr f;t;u;al pafan=qn;rou gor‘adroujiune&a) Jourq-fr;an;re a\s j;rji siunakn;rhn fraparakau datapart;lou hin frhakan \ar]akoume Kaxa\i wra\% faka®ak paraga\in aknkal;low% or ;njarkouin% 1950-akan jouakann;roun% Polso\ \o\n;roun wra\ kataroua‘ =ardin (pogrom)! b) >acba®i me mh= ;r;uoume Fijlhri dimankarin% oroun loxoungn hr ª};[ ke 'nt®;nqº! g) Koc% orphsxi touganqi ;njarkouin Jourqio\ fr;an;re% Kaxa\i w;ra,inouj;an famar! d) Soma nafangin mh= patafa‘ fanqi me 'louxoumin a®ijow% \atouk \ødoua‘i me w;rnagire k*ambastanhr fanqathre ir fr;a\ kap;roun famar! Anz;al tarouan |oulisin% entrapa\qari fauaqo\ji me enjazqin% Hrto[an ke \a\tararhr& ªKe qnnadat;m Isra\hle% orowf;t;u ke ta®apim sionakanouj;nhnº% ªI#nc h yifatixme& anika famaxør h sionakanouj;an% or .orqin mh= oyragor‘oujiun hº! Foloqosji tar;lizin a®ijow% a\s tarouan |ounouar 27-in% .orfrdarani na.agaf M;lif Cichq% Anqara\i mh= ke pa.arakhr Isra\hle Kaxa\i mh= Foloqosj kaxmak;rp;loun famar! Ardar;u% est Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.ararouj;an 'o.-na.agaf ;u AKP-i ;r;s'o.an :asin Aqja\i% mafaza‘ hin 2300 qa[aqazin;r% oronzmh ,at;re^ manoukn;r! Asika mardkouj;an dhm oyir hr! 2013-i K;xi "arqi zo\z;roun famar% Jourqio\ 'o.-warcap;te a\pan;z frhakan s'iu®qe!

ª:jh Fr;a\ Ella\i Ke Pafouethiº ’anøj jourq gro[ Ørfan "amouq k*andrada®na\ ªhüzünº ba®in% or Qouranin mh= gor‘a‘oua‘ fin arab;rhnow ke n,anakh ªo[b korousti me wra\º! Ir n,anauor mhk whpin^ ªIsjanpoul& |i,atakn;r ;u Ostaneº fatorin mh=% ambo[= glou. me \atkazoua‘ h hüzün–in^ ªm,akouja\in mtapatk;r (concept)% or ke j;ladrh a,.arfik ]a.o[oujiun ;u fog;kan ta®apanqº! A\dphs al% Jourqio\ frhakan fama\nqe fauaqakanørhn sksa‘ h o[bal ir ankoume (demise)! A\s fog;wiyakow k*aprin na;u Poursa\i% Anjalio\ ou Canaqqalhi \o\v nøsraza‘ jiuow fr;an;re! Au;li qan fing fariur tarouan frhakan aparanqn;re% vo[owarann;rn ou g;r;xmann;re lqoua‘ ;n% ;njarkou;low au;roumi! A\sphs% ardiakanouj;an fska\aqa\l \a®a=dimouj;an a\s enjazqin mh=% Polso\ anz;ali moxa\iq k;anqe baxmaz;[ axgouj;anz anf;tanalou wra\ h! A\s fama\napatk;ri ;u fog;banouj;an axd;zouj;an tak% ,og;ka®qow yambordo[ qiurt ;ritasard me \ara‘ h& ª:jh fr;a\ ella\i% piti pafouethiº! |apauoumn;row jargmanoujiun^ Sargis |& Minas;an

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Aram I: Obama, In His Heart, Knows That This Was Genocide A lawsuit in Turkey filed by the Armenian Church to recover its ancient headquarters, seized a century ago during the Armenian genocide, is the “first legal step” of a goal to reclaim all Armenian property seized by the Turks, a worldwide leader of the church said Monday, May 18, The New York Times reports. The leader, Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, also said that if the Turkish legal authorities rejected the lawsuit, it would “deepen the divide” between Turkey and the 10-million-member Armenian diaspora. Aram I spoke in an interview at The New York Times while on a visit to diaspora communities in the Northeast after having participated in genocide centennial events in Washington.

Berdzor Liberation Paved NagornoKarabakh People’s Way To Freedom The prime minister of NagornoKarabakh (Artsakh) on Monday congratulated the residents of Berdzor (Kashatagh region) on the 23rd anniversary of the village’s liberation. In an address delivered at a ceremony marking the historic victory, Arayik Harutyunyan said that it opened a new chapter in the country’s life, paving a way to a new future. “The entire Kashatagh region is under the care of the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities, and the large-scale socio-economic programs implemented here are the best response to the rumors about the region’s dim political future. This is an ancient Armenian piece of land, so we all are obliged to preserve and make it prosperous, considering especially the historical justice reinstated 23 years ago by the force of arm of the Armenian soldier,” he said.

UN: Number Of Child Abuse Criminal Cases Is Not High In Armenia UN Special Rapporteur Maud de BoerBuquicchio said that the quantitative indicator of sales, prostitution and abuse of children is overly low in Armenia. The UN Special Rapporteur stated it in Yerevan today presenting the preliminary observations and recommendations of her official visit from May 12 to 18. During the seven-day mission the human rights expert had a meeting with the representatives of state authorities and civil society, and visited children’s centers in Yerevan, Vanadzor and Gyumri.

YEPP Adopts Resolution Recognizing Armenian Genocide The Youth of the European People's Party (YEPP) has adopted a resolution recognizing and condemning the genocides of the Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Assyrians. The resolution was adopted at the course of the organization’s 10th congress held in Portugal. The Youth Foundation of Armenia informed “Armenpress” about this. The document, particularly, runs as follows: “The youth wing of the European People’s Party urges the member states of the EU and the European Council, as well as the international organizations, to recognize and restore the historical reality in memory of the victims of the genocides of the Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Assyrians. All the interested sides recognize the genocides of the Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Assyrians and adopt April 24 and May 19 as the remembrance days of the Armenian Genocide and the Genocide of Pontic Greeks respectively.” 250 young leaders representing over 40 countries participated in the organization’s 10th congress. The YEPP unanimously adopted the resolution.

National Press Club To South Africa Ambassador Presents Credentials to Honor Azerbaijani President Sargsyan Journalist

The National Press Club announced that it will honor an Azerbaijani reporter, Khadija Ismayilova, with one of its 2015 press freedom awards. Ismayilova, who has reported for Radio Free Liberty/Radio Free Europe and other news organizations, has been jailed sinceDecember 2014 on a variety of charges that independent observers such as the Committee to Protect Journalists have called bogus. Ismayilova is well known for hard-hitting reporting, including on the financial dealings of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and alleged corruption in his government. She is one of nine reporters known to be jailed in Azerbaijan on similarly trumped up charges, in addition to a greater number of political prisoners who are not journalists, according to human rights groups.

Christian Baston, South Africa’s newly appointed ambassador to Armenia, today presented his diplomatic credentials to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. Sargsyan told Ambassador Baston that Armenia valued friendly and mutually conducive relations with Africa and expressed the hope that the ambassador would do his utmost to develop ties between the two countries.

Karabakh President Attends Armenian Genocide Exhibition In Paris Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan on Tuesday attended the exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide at Paris City Hall. The President stressed the importance of hosting such exhibitions, noting that they are effective methods of presenting the Armenian Genocide to the outer world, recognizing and condemning it, as well as a unique message of preventing new genocides, the President’s press office reports.

Ramadi Battle: IS Prepares To Defend Seized Iraqi City Islamic State militants are preparing to defend the Iraqi city of Ramadi, witnesses say, as Iranian-backed militiamen gather east of the city. Residents said IS fighters had set up defensive positions and laid landmines after capturing the city on Sunday. Militants were also going door-to-door looking for government sympathizers and throwing bodies in the Euphrates river, residents were quoted as saying. Thousands have fled the city and the UN has warned of a humanitarian crisis. It says some 25,000 people have left the city, only 105km (65 miles) west of Baghdad, in recent days, adding to a flood of people already displaced from the area. Many were sleeping in the open.

Greek Parliament Supports Armenia In Fight For Recognition Of Genocides On May 18, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov, who is on an official visit to Athens, held private talks with Speaker of the Parliament of the Hellenic Republic Zoe Konstantopoulou. As the Department of Public Relations and Mass Media of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia reports to “Armenpress”, both sides stated that the development of the relations between the two countries is stable and attached importance to further development of inter-parliamentary relations.

Economy Minister Views Cooperation With Large Japanese Companies As Promising

On May 18, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia Karen Tchshmarityan received Director General of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for East and Central Asia and the Caucasus Toshinobu Kato and representative of the office in Uzbekistan Fukumuri Dayisuki.

French City Inks Cooperation Deal With Shushi

The municipal authorities of Villeurbanne, France on Monday signed a cooperation agreement with Nagorno-Karabakh’s city of Shushi. According to a press release by the Nagorno-Karabakh presidential press office, the deal was concluded as part of President Bako Sahakyan's working visit to the couintry. Speaking at the meeting led by Villeurbanne Mayor Jean-Paul Bret, President Sahakyan said he hopes that the establishment and deepening of friendly ties between the two cities would have its positive impact on the development of Shushi and promote the successful implementation of different joint projects.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 21, 2015


AGBU Armenian Virtual College Debuts New Interactive e-Book At The Municipality of Yerevan Exploring Yerevan: A Look Inside the City’s Past and Present presented at global forum in Yerevan As part of the Armenian General Benevolent Union’s (AGBU) 88th General Assembly, AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC), in collaboration with the Municipality of Yerevan, organized a global forum to launch its latest interactive e-book Exploring Yerevan: A Look Inside the City’s Past and Present. Held in the Main Hall of the Municipality of Yerevan, the global forum drew over 150 members of the Armenian diaspora who were in Yerevan for the General Assembly, along with representatives of diplomatic agencies, local and international organizations operating in Armenia and other high-level officials from the economic, educational and cultural spheres. The e-book is the newest addition to AVC’s pioneering multimedia e-book series and is designed to offer historical, social and demographic information to readers interested in visiting Yerevan or learning about the city. The e-book offers a variety of information, ranging from city tours and hikes to cultural and social events. Videos, interactive maps, virtual visits, picture galleries, 3D and panoramic images and puzzles are used to introduce readers to the city and its surrounding areas. The English version of the e-book was debuted during the forum and will be followed by Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, Russian, French, Spanish and Turkish translations. All books will soon be available for free download and online browsing on computers and mobile devices through the Apple iBook store, the AVC website and AGBU online bookstore. During the global forum, Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan stressed the importance of the collaboration between the Municipality of Yerevan and AVC in encouraging the success of similar initiatives: “Thanks to the incorporation of modern technologies, our 2796-year-old capital can now be presented to the world as an attractive touristic destination.” Margaryan was awarded an AGBU Gold Medal for his work in fostering the collaboration between AVC and the Municipality of Yerevan. In return, Margaryan presented AGBU President Berge Setrakian with a souvenir bearing the coat of arms of Yerevan.

AGBU Central Board member Dr. Yervant Zorian, AVC founder and president, echoed the mayor’s sentiments: “With a groundbreaking presentation and a fresh wave of information, the Exploring Yerevan e-book is a perfect resource for anyone who wants to make the most out of their visit to Yerevan and learn about one of the oldest cities in the world. I am sure this book will acquire a broad readership and will contribute to making Yerevan one of the best touristic destinations in the world.” A number of AVC partners, international liaisons and learners from Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Portugal and Turkey, among others, joined the global forum in person and online to praise AVC’s use of modern technology in the development of Armenian studies and in the education of younger generations living far from large Armenian communities. “Armenian Studies has lagged behind in using technology and AVC covers this major gap,” said Dr. Razmik Panossian, director of the Armenian Communities Department at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. AVC projects are ushering in a new age for AGBU: “The launch of the e-Book series marks AVC’s expansion in a new and exciting direction. AGBU’s educational mission, too, has evolved,” said Natalie Gabrelian, director of Scholarships and Alternative Education. “Redefining its role in education with a new focus on offering elearning alternatives as well as enhancing the traditional learning environment, AGBU is transforming its presence online into a leading Armenian virtual learning resource center, delivering innovative multimedia educational tools to foster and promote the learning of Armenian language, history and culture.” For more information on Armenian Virtual College and the AVC e-book series, please visit https://www.avcagbu.org/en.html. To watch a recording of the livestream broadcast of the global forum, please visit h t t p s : / / w w w . a v c agbu.org/en/show_media/videos/N491. html.

Legislative Assembly Of São Paulo Adopts Motion Declaring April 24 Armenian Genocide Recognition And Remembrance Day Motion is the culmination of efforts by AGBU Brazil On April 5, 2015, the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo adopted Motion 1266 to create a Day of Recognition and Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide on April 24. The adoption of the motion is the result of work by members of the AGBU Brazil chapter, most notably AGBU Brazil board member Sergio Luiz Janikian. On April 27, AGBU Brazil honored state representatives Fernando Capez, current chairman of the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo, and Pedro Tobias, author of the motion, at a cocktail party at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo. The event drew more than 250 members of the Brazilian Armenian community along with dignitaries, such as Armenian Ambassador to Brazil Ashot Galoyan and Honorary General Consul of Armenia in São Paulo Hilda Diruhy Burmaian. During the reception, AGBU Brazil chairman Helio Balukian expressed his gratitude to the city government: “We would like to thank Pedro Tobias for his support of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and will continue our struggle to have this important fact in our people’s history recognized by the federal government of Brazil.”

New Armenian Genocide Monument Unveiled At Scottsdale Community College Scottsdale, AZ – The Armenian community of Arizona and the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, gifted to Scottsdale Community College a memorial monument commemorating all genocides and holocausts. The public unveiling of the monument was on Friday, April 24th on the campus at 9000 E. Chaparral Rd., Scottsdale. The “tufa” (tuff) stone monument features Armenian and Native American elements. It was conceptualized by Rev. Fr. Zacharia Saribekyan, parish priest of St. Apkar, and created by sculptor Gaspar Gharibyan. Prior to its arrival in Arizona, it was consecrated in California at St. Leon Armenian Cathedral by the Primate of the Western Armenian Diocese, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, along with 12 high ranking clergy from around the world, 28 parish priests, and 40 deacons and acolytes. Present at the February consecration were Professor John Liffiton, Director of the Genocide Conference at SCC, and Rev. Fr. Zacharia Saribekyan, Rafi Hagopian, parish council chairperson, and Deacon Berj Manoogian, all of St. Apkar Armenian Apostolic Church in Scottsdale.

HMADS Celebrates 100th Anniversary A Cosmos Of Enlightenment And Sheer Inspiration By Janet Marcarian

Oakland Gardens, NY - As we all know, this year was the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Armenians around the world solemnly remembered the great tragedy that befell our people in 1915. This event was commemorated in various religious and cultural observances in every corner of the world. HMADS stands as the monument of inspiration and guiding light to the continuation of the legacy of all that perished during the massacre. With that in mind, an exciting and innovative idea came to its fulfillment that took more than 6 months of completion. Principal Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian had been contemplating with the thought of creating something unique and challenging. This is how parents, former parents and some teachers were called upon to form a committee. T h e culmination of this effort was exhibited on April 23rd, at Kalustyan Hall. The auditorium was transformed into a little cosmos of enlightenment and confirmation that we, as a nation, have persevered and are here in full glory. The Hall of Fame (Famous Armenian Americans of Survivors of the Genocide) stood as a reminder of the intellectual power of our forbearers and their quest to overcome all barriers. Here “they” stood – representatives of all fields and genre of life – scientists, musicians, writers, entertainers, athletes, inventors, businessmen, artists, politicians, military and clergyman reiterating the obvious, “We are here to stay!” and “The pain of yesterday is the strength of today!” What an awe inspiring display!! All this excitement resonated in the students’ faces and brought pride and exuberance in their eyes. With

the energy and zestfulness that only children can demonstrate, the students immersed themselves in the following art center displays. Chasing khachkars, sculpting pomegranates, coloring manuscripts, admiring dolls wearing colorful Armenian costumes and the intricate way of rug weaving gave the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate each station. So much talent determination and willingness to succeed was represented by the artists Irene Vandian, Christina Vandian, the versatile Sylva Knadjian with her Armenian dolls presentation, skillful rug weaving expert, Haiko and the manuscript/calligraphy workshop center leaders: the impeccable Victoria Yekhpairian and Janet Marcarian. Thank you to all! Your dedication and true professionalism was deeply appreciated by so many. HMADS students also attended the canonization of 1.5 million Martyrs at the church auditorium. This in return reaffirmed the important role of our faith for many years to come. The true beneficiary of this exhibit was the students of HMADS, because this was their point of origin, power and infinite source of knowledge. This day, April 23rd, 2015 will be imprinted in many ways in the minds of visitors, parents and most of all students. It will show everyone including our venerable Martyrs that their blood was not shed in vain. Their enormous intelligence, gifts and talents were resurrected in the souls of all past, present and future generations. Let us embrace each other, because the Armenian Renaissance (Rebirth) began 100 years ago and will continue for posterity to come. April 30, 2015- Oakland Gardens, NY

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 21, 2015

On Armenian Genocide Centennial, Thousands Join Armenian President, Members Of Congress And Pontiffs Of The Armenian Church For Ecumenical Service At Washington’s National Cathedral

Multi-Faith Service Delivers Message Of Awareness, Gratitude And Unity WASHINGTON, D.C. – To commemorate the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, today, thousands joined Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, members of Congress, Pontiffs of the Armenian Church and multi-faith leaders for an ecumenical service at the National Cathedral in the nation’s capital. 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, in which an estimated 1.5 million Armenians perished at the hands of Ottoman Turks from 1915-1923. With a message of awareness, gratitude and unity, the ecumenical service served as the signature event for three days of services, exhibitions, concerts and an award ceremony led by the National Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centennial (NCAGC). Esteemed guests and representatives of various faiths gathered for “The Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide: A Prayer for Justice and Peace” to remember those lost in the Genocide and to demonstrate gratitude for the regeneration of life for which the survivors and their saviors worked so hard. The Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, welcomed attendees to the service and the Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, delivered the homily. The interfaith ceremony was led by His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia. Also in attendance were the descendants of saviors who contributed to the survival of thousands of Armenians a century ago. During the service, they were acknowledged and praised for their human compassion and selfless bravery. “Worshippers of all faiths long for a world of tolerance and devoid of hate and violence,” said Noubar Afeyan, Chair of the NCAGC Steering Committee, who is himself the descendant of a Genocide survivor. Reflecting on the day’s service, the Armenian President offered his perspective: “It was truly an honor to address the congregation at the National Cathedral,” said President Sargsyan. “Today’s ecumenical prayer demonstrated a powerful call to unite this community in the spirit of gratitude, justice and peace.” “It is important to recognize that we must work together to forge a more peaceful future. Genocide can happen anywhere, at any time; there is no generation, religion or ethnic group that is immune—history has shown this. What happened in 1915 to the Armenian people whether we call it tragedy for geopolitical reasons or massacres, it is genocide by its very intent and means, and genocide is a crime against humanity" emphasized His Holiness Aram I during the ceremony. “We seek to inspire a change of spirit in people—an awakening of the heart that will influence future generations. The events in Washington are a testament to our strength, 100 years after the Genocide, as we join together to promote peace, honor those lost, and protect those at risk around the world no matter their race, religion or ethnicity,” said His Holiness Karekin II. Today’s service is part of a series of commemorative events planned by the NCAGC to mark the 100th anniversary of the Genocide. Upcoming events include a concert at the Strathmore featuring performances by renowned Armenian musicians May 8 at 8 p.m., a Divine Liturgy at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception May 9 at 10 a.m., a banquet dinner and awards ceremony at the Marriot Marquis May 9 at 5:30 p.m., and various other exhibitions and cultural events.

The AMAA Launches The English Translation Of Hrant Güzelian’s "The Youth Home Of Istanbul: A Story of the Remnants’ Homecoming” In Paramus, NJ As part of its activities dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide on both Coasts, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will launch on the East Coast the recently published English version of Hrant Güzelian’s "The Youth Home of Istanbul: A Story of the Remnants’ Homecoming” (Bolso Badanegan Doun) on Friday, June 12, 2015, 7:30 pm, at the Armenian Presbyterian Church, 140 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ, 07652. Güzelian, who was a survivor of the Armenian Genocide, founded the Youth Home of Istanbul in the basement of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedik Pasha and dedicated his life to searching and rescuing hundreds of Islamized Armenian youth living in historic Armenia, among whom were Hrant and Rakel Dink. “Reading this book in 2007, I was convinced that there was an obligation to share it beyond an Armenian readership,” said Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO of the AMAA. “Scholars and historians should read Guzelian’s eye-witness account of cultural destruction in Western Armenia, encounters with Turkish officials bent on denial and oppression, and conviction and action in countering an existential threat.” The book will be presented by Zaven Khanjian, Rev. Berj Gulleyan, Pastor of the Armenian Presbyterian Church of Paramus, NJ and Khatchig Mouradian, Coordinator of the Armenian Genocide Program at Rutgers University. Peter Kougasian, Esq., Assistant District Attorney for the County of New York will serve as the Master of Ceremonies The Armenian community of NY/NJ is cordially invited to attend this special event to celebrate the life of Hrant Güzelian, an unsung Armenian Evangelical hero. Light refreshments will be served after the event.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

65 - Edhem Eldem By Hambersom Aghbashian Professor Edhem Eldem (born in Geneva in 1960) is a renowned Turkish historian who teaches at the Department of History at Bo!aziçi University in Istanbul. He completed his Ph.D. degree in 1989 at Provence University , (Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille I, Institut de Linguistique Générale et d Études Orientales et Slaves), and worked as an associate professor at Bo!aziçi University (1989- 91), Tenured associate professor (1991-98) then full professor. He was a visiting professor, Centre d'études du domaine turc, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (2001-08), then In (2011-2012) he was a fellow at The Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. His research focus lies on the late Ottoman social and economic history, intellectual biographies and the history of archaeology(1)(2). According to (http://www.esiweb. org), In September 2005, Prof. Halil Berktay, joined by fellow intellectuals Murat Belge, Edhem Eldem and Selim Deringil, organised a conference on the fate of the Ottoman Armenians. Justice Minister Cemil Cicek attacked the organizers in the Turkish parliament with the familiar charge of "stabbing the Turkish people in the back(3). And according to (The California Courier), June 2, 2005, " Fearing that these scholars were about to disclose a version of history which was not in line with that approved by the Turkish government, the Governor of Istanbul called Ayse Soysal, the rector of Bogazici University, and ordered her to cancel the meeting. She declined. She also refused requests later that day from the Chief Public Prosecutor to hand over the texts of the papers to be delivered at the conference. "(4) In December 2008, two hundred prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The brief text of the apology is:

" My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them. Professor Edhem Eldem is one of the Turkish intellectuals who signed the apology. (5) "Today's Zaman", wrote on September 26, 2014, "A group of academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. The two newspapers recently published reports on hateful remarks targeting Armenians in the textbooks used in history classes. A letter accompanying the text of the condemnation, written by historian Taner Akçam, notes that including such expressions as lesson material to teach children is a disgrace. The signees said textbooks in schools should seek to encourage feelings of peace, solidarity and living together over inciting hatred towards different religious and cultural groups. Edhem Eldem is one of the intellectuals who signed the statement."(6)

1 . h t t p : / / w w w. l i s a . g e r d a - h e n k e l stiftung.de/content.php?nav_id=3971 2.http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j& q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCYQ FjAB&url=http 3.http://www.esiweb.org/index.php?lang=e n&id=322&debate_ID=2&slide_ID=3 4.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Turkish_Denial_of_Armenian_Genocide 5.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php? title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_catast 6,http://www.todayszaman.com/national_group-of-intellectuals-condemn-anti-armenian-statements-in-textbooks_359935.html

AMAA Addresses Turkish Leaders Requesting Intervention At CAMP ARMEN near Istanbul Paramus, NJ In response to the recent news of the partial demolition of CAMP ARMEN in the Tuzla District near Istanbul, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) has written to the President, Prime Minister and the United States Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey asking for their intervention and support. During the partial demolition of the Camp in early May, a group of Armenians from Turkey, including some of the former students of the Youth Home of Istanbul, who grew up in Camp Armen, rushed to the site and are keeping guard day and night, thus halting further demolition of the Camp. Among those who went to the Camp was Rakel Dink, the widow of Armenian-Turkish journalist Hrant Dink. In the letters, Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO of the AMAA, asked that the Turkish leaders strongly consider an intervention and an immediate resolution to avoid further demolition of this his-

torically significant and beloved Camp and to secure the return of the property to its rightful owners, the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedik Pasa in Istanbul. “We are imploring the help of the Turkish leaders in this matter,” said Mr. Khanjian. “Camp Armen was home to over 1,500 Armenian orphans who were gathered from the depths of Anatolia and was where Hrant and Rakel Dink met, grew up and were married. The Camp was a labor of love for the orphans and it became their ‘Atlantis’ civilization. It is an important part of a very meaningful chapter in our Armenian history, and one which we do not want to lose. We pray that God will grant us all a peaceful resolution of this legal struggle.” The AMAA calls upon other Armenian churches and organizations to raise their voices and send similar letters and requests to the leaders of the Turkish government. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 21, 2015


ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY OF AMERICA, ARMENIA TREE PROJECT HOST MORGENTHAU FAMILY IN ARMENIA Morgenthau Family Plants a Tree at Hrant Dink Memorial Forest Yerevan - In Armenia, to participate in the Armenian Genocide centennial commemorations, ten members of the extended Morgenthau family, including eight greatgrandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren of Ambassador Morgenthau, participated in several events scheduled to honor the memory of U.S. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, where they were hosted by the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) and the Armenia Tree Project (ATP). Headed by two great-grandsons of Ambassador Morgenthau, Henry (Ben) Morgenthau IV, the son of Henry Morgenthau III, and Bob Morgenthau, the son of Robert Morgenthau who was formerly New York City District Attorney for Manhattan, the Morgenthau delegation was extended VIP treatment in Yerevan. This was Dr. Ben Morgenthau's second trip to Armenia, having first visited in 1999 with his father Henry Morgenthau III and his brother Kramer Morgenthau for the dedication of the ambassador's name on the Memorial Wall at the Armenian Genocide Memorial complex, where soil from Am-

bassador Morgenthau's grave was also placed. A Yerevan city school was renamed for Ambassador Henry Morgenthau on that occasion. Along with his wife B e c k i Ly n n , and son Henry Morgenthau V, Ben Morgenthau IV was joined by Assembly Regional Director Arpi Vartanian and Assembly Board Member Raffi Kassarjian for a visit to the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan, where they met with U.S. Ambassador Richard M. Mills, Jr. on Monday, April 27th. Several embassy officers were on hand to greet the Morgenthau delegation to pro-

Colorado Governor Unveils First State Capitol Khachkar On Genocide Centennial DENVER, Colo. - On April 24, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper and other dignitaries commemorated the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide by unveiling the Colorado State Capitol Khachkar (cross-stone), an intricate monument crafted in Armenia dedicated in honor of the victims of all crimes against humanity. Attended by over 500 Armenian Americans and their supporters, the commemoration began at 12:30 p.m. with the bells of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Basilica tolling 100 times. Dr. Derek Everett, professor of Colorado history and State Capitol historian, opened the event with archival quotes of Colorado’s heroic response to the Armenian Genocide.

vide an update on prog r a m activities and answer questions. Following the Embassy visit, the Morgenthau family and Vartanian visited the Armenia Tree Project, a sister organization of the Assembly. The ATP is a nonprofit program based in Watertown, Massachusetts and Yerevan, Armenia, which conducts vitally important environmental projects in Armenia's cities and villages. ATP staff at the Michael and Virginia Ohanian Center for Environmental Studies graciously hosted Vartanian and the Morgenthaus and

provided an overview of ATP activities and programs. Following lunch, the Morgenthau family, accompanied by Assembly and ATP staff, visited the Hrant Dink Memorial Forest in Margahovit, Armenia, where they planted a tree in honor of Ambassador Morgenthau. Today, the Hrant Dink Forest has 36,000+1 trees. "On behalf of the Assembly, I would like to thank the Morgenthau family for making this historic trip to Armenia on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide," stated Assembly Regional Director Arpi Vartanian. "Every Armenian grows up learning of Ambassador Morgenthau. Their presence was greatly appreciated by all and reconfirmed the very special bond between the Armenian people and the entire Morgenthau family. It was an honor and a privilege to meet and work with his descendants, who today continue the ambassador's work in recognizing the Armenian Genocide, bringing an end to all genocides, and continuing their great-great-grandfather's legacy," Vartanian said. !

A Must Read Book During Ottoman Empire era, Armenians who lived under the rule, although they had lost their land to the Ottomans, had a big role in all government positions. This book is a documentary about Armenians who held financial and intellectual leadership in those years, and as far as Ottoman laws permitted, they held also political and governmental positions, such as deputy ministers, ambassadors, foreign affairs, local government cities and districts council and assembly members , and so on. The book is edited and translated to English by Dr. Hratch Kouyoumdjian, which specifies with all detail, names of those Armenians who occupied high positions in Ottoman era. To receive this book please contact Dr. Hratch Kouyoumjian at: kouyoumjianh@gmail.com

Dear Nor Or reader. Below you can find Armenian Genocide commemoration events, from Los Angeles to Washington DC. Please copy and paste those sites to watch those events.

The Khachkar unveiled (Photo: Kevo Hedeshian) Program included a Christian prayer, native blessing, and gratitude Rev. Fr. Arshag Khachadourian and Rev. Fr. Vazken Atmajian from the Western Diocese and Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church led a prayer, followed by a Ute Indian blessing of the day by Ernest House, Jr., executive director of the Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs. Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration Committee Chair Anahid Katchian shared the story of her father’s survival and introduced Dr. Pru Marshal, granddaughter of Near East Relief hero Jacob Kunzler, who saved thousands of Armenian orphans. AOC Board President Sona Hedeshian thanked the leadership of Colorado, as well as the Armenian community for their continuous support. Governor Hickenlooper thanked Alexander Ter-Hovakimyan of Armenia and Colorado’s Armenian community for rebuilding the khachkar and donating it to the State of Colorado. “I hope that those who come to the Capitol will make sure that the khachkar is on the itinerary of every school group… And hopefully these kids will be inspired to renew the fight against bigotry in their own lives, whether it is speaking out on an act of bullying on a schoolyard or organizing action against genocide in Africa or some parts of Asia,” remarked Hickenlooper.

Armenian Genocide National Cathedral 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk6790VSbUkss Washington National Shrine Catholic University Armenian Genocide Commemoration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2xfqtzMEjA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My-CZSem1G4 Truth to Power: Aram I's National Cathedral Sermon Before VP Biden Demands Genocide Justice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U767jw_0NCQ Banquet Dr. Noubar Afeyan, Washington 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJuu933GG8Q Armenian Genocide Washington Lara Setrakian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZm3815YNtE Paul Ignatius remarks at Armenian Genocide Centennial Washington https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agsw-NM7vZU#t=23 Armenian Genocide Washington Concert Giligya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kvienH9pWI The Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra Hasmiik Papian, Soprano Isabel Bayrakdarian, Soprano Levon Chilingirian, Viollin Ecumenical Prayer Service Commemorating the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide Los Angeles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-PSYhNggM8 “The massacres that started in 1915 have nothing to compare with the history of mankind. The massacres by Abdul Hamid are minor in comparison to what today’s Turks have done.” Fridtjof Nansen, 1915

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THURSDAY, MAY 21% 2015



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SARGIS |OWSH":ANE KE GL>AUORH FF AXGA|IN FAUAQAKANE FF axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alandi fravarakaniz ou[i[ mhk amis anz m;r entranin oun;zau nor marxic! Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxci vamanakauor pa,tønakatar h n,anakou;l :r;uani ª"iunikiº ;u FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Sargis |owsh';ane! N,;nq% or Sargis |owsh';ane marxakan gor‘ounhoujiune sks;l h 2014 j& |ounouariz% miangamiz stan]n;low ª"iunikiº gl.auor marxci pa,tøne! 2014-iz na xougaf;®abar gl.auor;l h FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri faua-



qakane% isk 2014-i No\;mb;riz FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakane! Sargis |owsh';ane FF axga\in fauaqakani ;rkaram;a\ auagn h ;[;l nra kaxmoum anzkazn;low 132 fandipoum! |owsh';ane 2012-i No\;mb;rin auart;l h fauaqakanoum ir gor‘ounhoujiune! Nor marxci gl.auorouj;amb Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane ir a®a=in fandipoume k*anzkazni |ounisi 13-in% :r;uanoum! M;r jimin lour= 'or]oujiun h spasoum% mrzakize "orjougalia\i entranin h! |ousanq% or Sargis |owsh';ani noramoute axga\in fauaqakani marxci pa,tønoum \a=o[ ke lini FF axga\in fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ane% ow f;®az;l hr {axa.stani bar]rago\n .mboum fandhs ;ko[ ªTobolizº n,anakou;l h :r;uani ª"iunikº akoumbi gor‘adir tnørhn% isk na.kin tnørhn Karhn |aroujiun;ane n,anakou;l h akoumbi 'o.na.agaf! ªTobolizº f;®az;l h na;u FF axga\in fauaqakani andam Karlhn Mkrtc;ane% ow fnarauor h famalri ª"iunikeº!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Warouvan Souqias;ane% ow ªAla,k;rtoumº kataroum hr akoumbi 'o. na.agafi partakanoujiune t;[a'o.ou;l h ªAraratº% orphs gl.auor marxic! Isk ªAraratiº gl.auor marxic Sourhn Ca.al;ane gl.auoroum h ªOuliseº f;®aza‘ gl.auor marxic ~\odor <;rbac;nko\i 'o.arhn! • Dortmoundi ªBorousianº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani .a[azo[ F;nri. M.ijar;ane% G;rmania\i gauaji .a[arkouj;an kisa;xra'akicoum \;t.a[;a\ 11 m;jranozn;row 4-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Miun.;ni ªBauaria\inº! Fimnakan ;u lrazouzic vamanakn;roum fandipoumn auartou;l hr 1-1 fa,ouow! 70-rd rophiz fandipmane masnakz;z F;nri. M.ijar;ane% f;nz nra 'o.anzmamb hl patas.an kole .';z Øbam;\ange! G;rmania\i a®a=noujiunoum hl \a[j;low ªF;rta\inº ªBorousianº 43 miauorow dours ;kau 7-rd t;[e! • F~D-i 13-rd vo[owi ørakargi farz;riz mhke F~D na.agafi entroujiunn hr! F~D-i na.agafi pa,tønoum baz qouharkouj;amb w;rentrou;z Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane% ow i dhp miak j;kna‘oun hr! Na ke ,arounaki pa,tønawar;l a®a=ika\ 4&5 taroua\ enjazqoum! • Ør;rs ªSpartakiº ;u FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise ank;[‘ farzaxro\z h tou;l ªSport Hqspr;sinº% ori enjazqoum patm;l h jim w;rada®nalou dvouaroujiunn;ri masin% oronz fandipoum h marxic% Mourat :akini [;kawarouj;an n;rqo\! Øxbilise as;l h& ªGouzh a\s amhne kataruoum h% orowf;t;u ;s fa\ ;m% isk marxike^ jourq (,ouh\zaria\iz)! • ~ransia\i am;nafa\abnak qa[aqi^ Walansi ªØlimpik Walansoumº sks;l h .a[avamanak stanal patani fa\ darpasapaf ~ourman Abrafam;ane! Excellence lika\oum fandhs ;ko[ ªØlimpik Walanseº møt h a®a=in forixonakane grau;loun! 17-am;a\ ~ourman Abrafam;ane% ow ªAraratiº fangouz;al pa,tpan ~ourman Abrafam;ani jo®n h% na.kinoum fandhs hr galis 19 tar;kann;ri kaxmoum% saka\n w;r=in ,r=anoum \a\tnou;l h m;‘afasakn;ri ji-

moum! • Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuiº gl.auor marxci pa,tøniz fravarakan h tou;l Miodrag Bovkowice% ori f;t miasin akoumbe lq;lou ;n na;u marxicn;r Wo\ø Calowe ;u Milorad Bazowice! Jimi gl.auor marxci pa,tønakatar h n,anakou;l Igor C;rwic;nkon! Marxcakan ,taboum endgrkou;l ;n na;u darpasapafn;ri marxic Wlodislau Ti.anowe ;u FF fauaqakani na.kin `oujpolist Sargis |owfannis;ane! N,;nq% or minc a\d |owfannis;ane a,.at;l hr ªLokomotiuiº ;ritasardakan jimi f;t! • Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuiº na.kin \ar]akouo[ Ar,ak Kor;ane% ow ªWiz;siº kaxmoum dar];l h Folandia\i ;ritasardakan a®a=nouj;an a.o\;an% patrastuoum h ;rkara]g;l jimi f;t gor‘o[ pa\managire% ori vamkhte auartuoum h |ounisi 30-in! A®a\vm \a\tni ch% na endgrkoua‘ ke lini fimnakan% jh* ;ritasardakan kaxmoum! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº ;u FF axga\in fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane otnajaji wnasoua‘qi patya®ow ci karo[ masnakz;l Ma\isi 17-i% 23-i ;u 30-i ÂD a®a=nouj;an mnaza‘ ;r;q mrza'oul;rin! |i,;zn;nq% or :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum FF fauaqakane |ounisi 13-in ke fiurenkaloui "orjougalia\i fauaqakanin!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane Praxilia\i Q;l;m qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ mi=axga\in baz mrza,aroum 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 49 masnakizn;ri mh= nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake! • Grosma\st;r {aram;ane ~ransia\i Lil qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor ;u 150 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 1-7-rd t;[;re% lrazouzic zouzani,n;row {aram;anin ,norfou;z ;rkrord mrzanake! Mrza,ari \a[jo[ yanacou;z Qw;ntin Louason (~ransia)! • L;uon Aron;ane :r;uanoum anzkazoua‘ arag ,a.mati mrza,aroum% orin masnakzoum hin 15 ,a.matistn;r% a\d juoum 5 grosma\st;rn;r% a\n nouiroua‘ hr Ma\isi 9-in% 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z no\nqan miauor ;u nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake! Incphs ardhn n,;l ;nq^ Aron;ane dar];l h na;u G;rmania\i (ªBad;n Bad;nº akoumbi kaxmoum) ;u ÂD-i (Nowasibilsi ªSibiriº kaxmoum) akoumba\in a.o\;an! L;uone ’a[ka]oroum auartoua‘ a,.arfi jima\in a®a=noujiunoum 1-in ta.taki wra\ fasau lauago\n ardiunqi ;u nouay;z oskh m;tal! • Cinastani C;ndou qa[aqoum auartoua‘ kananz jima\in a®a=noujiunoum a.o\;an f®cakou;z Wrastani entranin! Fa\astane 7-rdn hr% isk Lilij Mkrtc;ane 2-rd ta.taki wra\ zo\z toua‘ lauago\n ardiunqi famar arvanazau oskh m;tali! • ~ID:-n Arman Miqa\hl;anin ;u Dauij Ghorg;anin mi=axga\in warp;ti kocoum h ,norf;l! N,;nq% or Arman Miqa\hl;ane FF a®a=nouj;an 'o. a.o\;ann h ;u ardhn mi qani angam lrazr;l h grosma\st;ri zouzani,e!

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