STAFF AND FACULTY SUPPORT North Central University faculty and staff are expected to follow all recommended guidelines, and by their actions provide an excellent example to the student body. Each department and area of the university is committed to creating COVID-safe spaces for interaction. Activities to support this include: » Praying regularly for students and the NCU community. » Utilizing face coverings as outlined elsewhere in this section of the website. » This includes wearing masks for one-on-one meetings unless a full six feet of distance can be maintained in an office or meeting space. » Practicing social distancing in classrooms, offices, hallways, and other common areas. » Conduct Zoom meetings in lieu of face-to-face interactions with staff, faculty, and students. In addition, a Zoom call option must be provided for all meetings. » Working with students and colleagues to make accommodations when needed. » Encouraging a positive environment of support versus an environment of shaming or policing regarding safe-campus protocols.
NCU Return to Campus | Page 30