Northology Adventures January 2023

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OverlandXmas Tree Hunt
is not what you think it is LEAVE OVERLANDING A true satire giving ridiculous answers to some ridiculous questions
Andrew Ranville carves turns and land advocacy into an artform
(715)842-0920 Life by the 'drop Life by the 'drop Haul your boats, bikes and camping gear in one eye-catching, affordable package. C U S T O M B U I L T T E A R D R O P C A M P I N G T R A I L E R S

Every time I am done with an issue I say to myself- "This is it, the best issue to ever come off my keyboard " Until I finish the next issue and say the same thing More great stories by such great writers, more amazing photos, more one- of- a- kind experiences to share with you I just can't get enough of this!

30 issues under our belt Thirty As the New Year begins, I felt that it was time for a slight change-up, freshen-up, glow-up, whatever you want to call it Change is good but while we have been adding new features and expanding content, we will always still be focused on the midwest vehicle-assisted adventure traveler

If you haven't noticed, we added a great monthly feature on trail safety and trauma response by Alex and Cody of Northwoods Overland Adventures Learn more about the topics covered in the monthly issues on their website and make sure to give them a follow on Instagram for some delightful "upnorth" content

You asked for more gear reviews and in addition to the regular Gear Bunker snippets, we have added a column by David Zemla called "Toture Tested" and a new series on great camping gear finds

One thing that has been fun is the subscribers drawings These will happen more often in 2023 with a twist- the winner announcements will be somewhere in the magazine Kind of like a treasure hunt, but I mean, you ' re going to read the magazine anyways, right? Let the fun begin there is an announcement for our first winner of the year for a $100 Northology Adventures gift card in this issue! You'll have to search a bit to see if your name was the one that was drawn Happy hunting!

One thing I really want to express as the old year comes to a close is my gratitude for those who have shared stories and photos with me to share with you To the writers and photographers - I hope I have treated your work with respect and I feel it is a great honor that you have trusted me to present your works to this community We are so hungry for great adventure content, and it is a privilege to share this with our readers.

Carpe Diem, memento mori and all that motivational stuff- let's greet 2023 with our boots on, and then go for a hike

The Gear Bunker Trail Safety & Trauma Torture Tested Meetup Roundup Boondocking the Midwest Camping & Cabins Calendar Podcast Directory Camp Gear Spotlight 5 7 21 48 54 56 58 58 60
EDITOR'S NOTE MAKING WAVES KORC's Andrew Ranville on land advocavy as art 8 SHARE YOUR STORY Creators- Drop us a line at or submit content on our website We love stories and photos of trips, events, gear reviews, destinations and outdoor activities Advertisers- Get in touch to learn about our current promos and how a presence here can help you tell your story to this amazing community. LEAVING OVERLANDING BEHIND A true Satire 12 EXCUSE TO WANDER Wisconsin Overland in the woods 22 SNOW FALLS Winter waterfalling in Munising, MI 28 TRAILER TALK Primer on deciding if the tow life is for you 36 KEWEENAW VICTORY News of the land sale and your role in it 44 WC4WD YEAR-END NOTES Update on developments from 2022 51
-Cindy & Chad, Northology Adventures
YETI LOADOUT YETI LOADOUT GOBOX 30 GOBOX 30 RUSTICCAMPING CLINICS&DEMOS ticketsonsalenow midwestwomen's offroadweekend awoman's awoman's placeisinthe placeisinthe woods woods MAY5-7,2023POLAR,WI



by Northwoods Overland Adventures

We started teaching adventure safety and trail trauma clinics at events this year. Alex is a registered nurse who works in an ICU at a level 2 trauma center Because of this she has to keep up multiple certifications in order to be qualified to administer care Please see our blogs for more detail on the topics we cover in the clinics.



As the temperatures drop, a cold weather medical condition you may encounter is frost bite Be in tune with your body and recognize the symptoms-

Frost Nip:

Frost nip is the first stage of frostbite and does not cause permanent damage to the skin

Symptoms of frost nip include:

· Cold skin

· Prickling feeling


Inflamed or discolored skin

As frost nip worsens to frost bite skin can become hard or waxy looking You can treat frostnip by rewarming All other frostbite requires medical attention because it can permanently damage skin, muscle, bone, and other tissues

Frost Bite:

Frost bite is an injury that is caused by the freezing of the skin and underlying tissues Exposed skin in cold, windy weather is most vulnerable to frostbite, but it can affect skin covered by gloves or other clothing You may not realize you have frostbite until someone else points it out

Superficial or mild frostbite: Mild frostbite is the next step of severity from frost nip this is when frostbite is truly taking hold

Symptoms of mild frostbite can include:

· Reddened skin may become pale or white (this means that ice crystals are starting to form in the skin)

Skin may feel warm to you (this is a sign of damage)

After re-warming the skin after mild frost bite occurs you may notice:

· Purple discoloration to the skin

Fluid filled blisters (may form up to 36 hours after re-warming skin)

Latest blog posts-

Safety & Communucations

Administering First Aid

Heart Attack & Stroke

Frost Bite & Hypothermia

Mild frostbite requires medical attention to help minimize damage done to the skin and tissues

Severe frostbite: Severe frostbite occurs when the frostbite has gone beyond the outer layers of the skin and affected the deep tissues underneath

Continue reading on the Northwoods Overland Adventures blog.


Thismorning,tocelebrateanotherrevolutionaroundthesun,Ijumped in Lake Superior. Large, close-out waves humbled me, but I couldn't stopsmiling Therewerelarger,cleanerwavesbreakingfurtherout,but Iwasaloneand"safety!"shoutedmyyear-olderbrain Thisfreshwater ocean keeps me honest, inspires, and speaks to an undefinable kinship The mainland these waters surround does as well, maybe more so I feel a deep connection here Any time I am adventuring in its waters, on its small mountains, or in its forests, l encounter a profoundsenseofcentered-ness Sohowdoesonegiveback?


Over the last two years I have dedicated themajorityofmytimeadvocatingforthe Keweenaw Peninsula My work with KORC (@keweenawoutdoor)continuestoshape howIrelatetothismarvelousplace,andin lieuofanywell-wishesonthisday,Iwould implore you to become a KORC member Even a member in name only, no financial donation necessary We are now nearly 1,000 members strong and I have a personal goal of getting us there before the end of the year If you have had the distinct privilege of experiencing the Keweenawinperson,orarejustawestruck and love it from afar, please consider joining Thatwouldbethegreatestgift

Anotherrevolutionaroundthesunwillcome, and many more after, and I know I will find myself here in the Keweenaw The work has been rewarding, and much has been accomplishedinashorttime.Ithasalsoled me to tough questions, ones I have been reflecting on-Where has my arts practice gone? Has it been here all the time? Is grassrootsactivismandcommunitycarean arts practice? Can large-scale land conservationbeanartwork?

Idon'thaveanysolidanswersyet,butIlove the dialogue it generates, and the privilege tolivethefindingout AllIknowrightnowis that 32,661 additional acres of Keweenaw land is protected; yesterday morning the snowyslopescalledme;thismorningitwas the wind and waves; and kin knows what tomorrowmorningwillbring




I just can't take the stress anymore!

Overlanding has taken over my life and something needs to change… it all started out innocently enough with my first jeep back in 1996, an 89 Jeep YJ. Almost immediately I began exploring back roads and 4 wheeler trails around the UP. Little did I know that this would pretty much be my life from this point on. Day trips turned into weekend trips, vehicle modifications, recovery equipment, and camping supplies. Back then we didn't know what overlanding was. We set out with our 35mm film cameras, maybe a few maps printed off from MapQuest, and the old reliable gazetteer. The object was to go down roads we've never been, and to find the most difficult way to get from point A to B. Most of the time back then it was a surprise where you popped out. We didn't have a name for what we were doing, it was just 4 wheeling and camping

How it all started...

My first Jeep, an 89 Wrangler YJ with the very underrated 2 5L 4 cylinder, AX5 manual trans I added a set of white spoke steel wheels and some very cheap mud tires A little further down the line it got a cheap little superwinch brand winch on the front This little guy taught me alot about how to fix vehicles It also taught me it was better to buy tools and learn to fix things myself than pay someone else to do it, a valuable lesson

The term "overlanding" goes back hundreds of years but has recently gained popularity mainly due to social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. A few people started sharing their adventures online and fast forward a few years we have become so separated from true overlanding that most people don’t even know what the term means anymore.

Here is a transcript from a recent evening news broadcast discussing the origins of overlanding.

"Ron Burgundy: Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it overlanding, which of course in German means a whale’s v****a.

Veronica Corningstone: No, there’s no way that’s correct.

Ron Burgundy: I’m sorry, I was trying to impress you. I don’t know what it means. I’ll be honest, I don’t think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.

Veronica Corningstone: Doesn’t it mean car camping?

My most recent “overlanding” vehicle is a 2015 Wrangler JKU that has some pretty minor mods to get it trail worthy The main ones are a 2 5” AEV Dual Sport suspension system, 35” BFG KO2 tires, 4 10 gears, rear factory Rubicon E-locker, and a 9500lb winch on the front bumper I pulled the rear seats out so I could sleep in it, I added an Iceco brand 12 volt fridge, and built a little storage system for tools and camping gear.

Ron Burgundy: No. No.

Veronica Corningstone: No, that’s –that’s what it means. Really.

Ron Burgundy: Agree to disagree."

I don’t think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.

What more could you ask for? I had a bed out in the wilderness, I could practically live here indefinitely. I even Macgyvered up with bug screens for the windows and a few curtains and lights to make it more homey… Looks pretty inviting, right?

I often hear the question, “what items do I need to go overlanding?” I mean I don't really hear the question, but it’s posted multiple times a day across all social media platforms. The answer isn’t a cut and dry, one size fits all answer. It really depends on what level of comfort do you require? How much disposable income do you have? Do you already own a drone? Do you already have a youtube channel setup? Are you a brand ambassador for any products? Can you follow a route you downloaded off the interweb? And, do you like expensive gadgets and toys?!

For myself, I don't really require that much to be comfortable. I will admit though, the older I get the more comfort I require. I used to be perfectly fine sleeping on the ground or in the bed of a pickup, or wherever an alcohol induced sleep happened. I think this is where “overlanding” starts to come into play. Most people think overlanding is about exploring, finding off the grid places, and being self sufficient…

Ok, ok… I’m exaggerating a little bit, this is a satire piece after all. This is supposed to be about my personal journey and experience with overlanding and my eventual drawing the line in the sand that no knock off traction boards can get me across The biggest evolution for me was transitioning from sleeping on the ground, to sleeping in a “bed” off the ground, specifically inside my Jeep No longer was I four wheeling and camping, now I was “ car camping” It seemed like a natural evolution of things at the time I was warm, dry, happy, comfortable, and cozy This served me well for many years Over the years my vehicles have changed but my car camping setup has remained more or less the same

I used to be perfectly fine sleeping on the ground or in the bed of a pickup, or wherever an alcohol induced sleep happened years ago.

Life was good for a few more years, but in the background I kept hearing “ you need a 12 volt fridge if you ’ re going to overland successfully”. Finally I started to realize; yes, I do in fact need a 12 volt fridge. Welcome to my next evolutionary step towards overlanding. How have I lived this many years lugging around a cooler with melted ice and soggy food? In all reality the 12 volt fridge was a pretty big game changer for me and I would recommend purchasing one to anyone. After some extensive research I ended up going with the ICECO JP30, it used the same German made Danfoss (SECOP) compressor as the big dollar units. So far it has worked perfectly for going on 3 years. Again, life was good for a while…

My next big issue I was struggling with was how to make setting up camp each night more time consuming and troublesome for no real reason. It turns out the answer was adding an awning to my vehicle. According to Instagram and YouTube the proper way to set up camp for the night is firstly deploy your awning and then post on social media about it. So I took the plunge and picked up an ARB 2500mm X 2500mm awning with a built in LED light strip.

Somewhere along the Mojave Road showing off all my stuff, really I was chasing a mouse who decided to travel with me and take bites out of all my food.

The ICECO JP30 has plenty of room for 45 days worth of food for 1 person, maybe 3 days if you bring along a co-pilot.

My budget only allowed me 180 degrees of awning, although 270 degrees was recommended In all reality the actual reason I went with this setup was the availability of adding a screened in room for camping in Michigan Michigan has the largest population and variety of carnivorous bugs in the entire world and having a screen room to escape to would make overlanding a bit more bearable It's been said, Michigan has 2 seasons; bugs and winter FYI, winter just means there are slightly fewer bugs

For the 5 months I spent on the road around the SouthWest this was my setup, life was good It was all working in harmony, everything I needed and nothing I didn't I had all the comforts of home, refrigerated food and drink and a comfortable bed My setup was like a well oiled machine, seasoned, tried and true But I had this nagging feeling I could make it better Roof top tents were not a new thing, I’ve seen them being used, I've seen people reviewing them on social media, I’ve seen them for sale on Craigslist and Marketplace

My budget only allowed me 180 degrees of awning, although 270 degrees was recommended.
Clear skies, sunset… better deploy the awning for Instagram. I rolled it back up after this picture. Camping in Johnson Valley, CA. The wind and sand storms were particularly fierce, it was so nice to be able to get out the elements to rest and cook dinner.

A few weeks later I found a smoking deal on a GFC superlite RTT. And by smoking deal I mean a good price for a tent that goes on your roof as opposed to one that goes on the ground for about a thousand dollars less. I had some reservations about putting too much weight on top of an already top heavy Jeep. This RTT was advertised as only weighing 80 pounds! It was also very slim at only 8” thick when closed up.

I had hoped that the light weight and lower profile would not cause any ill effects. It's not like putting a giant wind catching sail on top of a poorly handling jeep would make things worse, right?? Have you ever tried to run in the wind while carrying a sheet of plywood above your head? Meh, it's probably fine. So for a while life was good, I still had a comfortable bed, off the ground, and now with a great view! I actually used the RTT just about every weekend, every chance I got. It was pretty good, I didn’t even care about all the little nagging side effects… For the price I paid for this thing I just ignored the dramatic drop in fuel economy, trying to actually wheel without damaging this thing (I started pulling it off and leaving it at the campsite while I wheeled), not really fitting 2 people in it well, and it still being a tent. Was the honeymoon over?

The final nail in the coffin for me was driving 1600 miles round trip from Michigan to Kentucky to do some overlanding at a little event you might have heard of, Overlanding the Red (shameless plug) Back to that last coffin nail though, the RTT made the drive on the highway miserable, it was stressful and tiresome It also dropped my fuel economy enough that I could have probably paid for hotels the whole way, well maybe one night in a reasonably sketchy one Truth be told I was really hoping to sell it in Kentucky so I didn't have to drive back home with it, I was completely over it For me the RTTdidn’t have enough pros to outweigh the cons So here I am again, car camping

My cozy bed in the back of my JKU, keep it simple…

by smoking deal I mean a good price for a tent that goes on your roof as opposed to one that goes on the ground for about a thousand dollars less.
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So am I going to quit overlanding?

Obviously not. Perhaps the title of this article was a bit “click-bait” ish (laugh out loud). Am I poking fun at “overlanders”, yes but only slightly, moreso at myself than anyone else. How you decide to go overlanding depends on your particular needs and sometimes your wants. If you ’ re the type that needs to keep up with the Joneses to not feel a socio-economic or vehicular inferiority, then by all means go for it. If you require a specific piece of equipment to be comfortable, go for it. Really this whole thing is about making your adventure fun and enjoyable. But as you ’ ve read, my early attempts at an overland setup went through several preparations. Preparations A through G were a complete failure. But now, ladies and gentlemen, we finally have a working overland setup, which I shall call... Preparation H!!

And for a while Life was good

“When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would itch this. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. Four hoarse blasts of a ship's whistle still raise the hair on my neck and set my feet to tapping. The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage. In other words, once a bum always a bum. I fear this disease incurable. I set this matter down not to instruct others but to inform myself.... A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find after years of struggle that we not take a trip; a trip takes us.”

John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

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Rhino USA Pro Tire Deflator Kit

Let’s face it, airing down is a pain in the ass and takes forever Skip it and you’re liable to be stuck in an unfortunate situation that takes even longer, do it wrong and you can easily lose a bead So how does one avoid dirty knees and 20 minutes of holding open schrader valves while breathing the stench of vintage tire air?

This is where auto deflators come in handy. These little units screw onto the valve stem on each tire and are set to a specific pressure Set up correctly, these clever devices drop your tire pressure to a pre-set number while you enjoy a cup of coffee and quietly mock your fellow off-roaders and their now dirty knees

The $30 Rhino USA Adjustable Tire Deflator kit includes four brass valves, air gauge, schrader valve tool and spare schraders all in a sturdy plastic case. Set up is basically dropping a tire to your preferred off-roading spec and installing each valve, adjust it until it stops bleeding air, the assumption is going forward the valve automatically shuts off at that specific pressure

Unfortunately, the valves are fiddly and only three of the four actually functioned In Rhino’s defense, a message sent through their site had a replacement to me within a week The gauge is fairly accurate, but the valves are somewhat inconsistent, Sometimes hitting the pre-set 15lbs, other times 12 or 18 lbs Close, but not really close enough The Rhino units will get the job done, but require babysitting to get there, which kind of unwinds the very premise of the tool, netting a Torture Test rating of 5 3 out of 10 and a continued search for a higher quality version of what should be a mandatory off-roading tool



The idea of cutting your own Christmas tree in the national forest seems so romantic- fluffy snow falling, the boots with the fur, pretty evergreen forests bursting at the seams with just the perfect Christmas tree waiting to be cut and tied to the top of your grandpa's Jeep it all seems like a too-perfect scene out of a pine-sappy Hallmark Channel Christmas movie

The Wisconsin Overland group has been hosting an OverlandXmas tree "hunt" for about five years now and the fact that the yearly average number of trees taken is about 1.1 trees per year, leads me to think that maybe we should just change the name of the event to the annual OverlandXmas tree drive-by. Most of us just come for the camping, trail riding and camaraderie, and the tree hunt is just an excuse to get out in the woods



Winter is definitely a place where your flaws come to light The forest knows your weaknesses and lays them bare for all to see Cold temps gel up diesel & camp stove fuel, awnings freeze, traction boards crack, batteries die and driveshafts fail We have hosted the tree hunt in the front acre at dad's place (I lovingly call it the "family cabin") mostly because I don't feel like I am ready for winter camping at that point in the season Yes, I stay warm and cozy in the house and dream in front of the fireplace while hearty souls shiver on their way to the outhouse around back On one scouting trip the night before a few years back, we had so much snow that I was barely able to safely make it a few miles down a familiar path turned unrecognizable with trees laying across and leaning in on the road I plowed my jeep through keeping a steady foot on the gas and a prayer on my lips as I dashed through over a foot of new snow. I decided then to minimize risk and stay at dad's We spent the next day hacking through blow-down from the 2019 derecho and got five miles in four hours Really

Not to pick
The Rover Club is all set up for the weekend Do you smell pancakes? Scott hooks up the solar panels to the battery on this monster trailer Bill's Tahoe setup complete with frozen awning.

The OverlandXmas Tree Hunt is also a needed outing at a time of year when it's been way too long since the last campout And nobody tries their diesel heater out in the summer, why not use this opportunity to test it? One thing that always needs testing is your fellow camper ' s kitchen creations Lesson learned, frying donuts in subfreezing temperatures is not the easiest thing to do

For the hunt on Saturday, we met a few day trippers at the gas station in Mountain and Scott Hrincik was nice enough to allow me to pressure him into leading the convoy for the day I tracked 75 miles from the station back to the family cabin It was freeking cold and the wind was wicked but we managed to have a great time and stopped a couple of lakes for pics and a lunch break (thank you Ben for the ride and the ziplock baggie pizza )

This time around, there were actually TWO Christmas trees harvested, although it was on Sunday after the group broke camp and most of us had gone home This is a wonderful event and will use this excuse every year to get out and have some fun, trees or no trees

14203 M26 Copper Harbor, MI TRAILS END CAMPGROUND TRAILS END CAMPGROUND Campsites & Rustic Cabins
Nick and his adorable daughter, Mary, spent the weekend in a cozy Gazelle ground tent The Letcher camp compound- three vehicles, three rooftop tents and a lot of propane




Who doesn't love waterfalls? We chase them despite warnings from TLC, and the social media community made a special day every week to celebrate them (#waterfallwednesday.) It may not come as a surprise that there is actual scientific evidence that explains why we love them so much. "A waterfall releases negative ions, and when we are near them we soak those ions up as positive energy Once they enter our blood stream, our production of serotonin is increased, therefore making us naturally happier," says TravelAuthor com

There are over 300 waterfalls in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. A great place to experience some of the most dramatic falls is in Munising. In the winter, these falls take on an even more spectacular character with ice curtains and blankets of snow quieting the landscape, allowing you to experience the full effect of the unique sounds of rushing water

Munising Falls

Munising Falls is one of the easier falls in the area to visit in the winter due to the fact that the road leading there and the parking lot at the falls is plowed all season. This does not mean that this waterfall is universally accessible for all tho- the path leading to it is not maintained and can be treacherous as the snow accumulates and turns icy Those who make it to the waterfall will find it impressive Water rushes over an almost 50 foot cliff in a sandstone canyon and the resulting ice formations can at times completely ensconce the water, leaving a static display of ice with the sound of the thundering fall echoing from within a frozen rust-colored column.

Wagner Falls

This stunning 20-footer is about a ¼ mile walk from the trailhead (park along M-94 ) Leashed dogs welcome, bring a camera- the creek & falls are gorgeous

Scott Falls

This waterfall is one of the easiest to visit- it can be viewed from the highway but we recommend parking across the street at the roadside park (the lot is not plowed but there is a wide shoulder there ) It is a straight plunge off of a 15-foot hill with a cave underneath and yes, you can go behind the waterfall! As you can imagine, it is quite icy Do yourself a favor and visit the roadside park while you are there to see Lake Superior and find the "face in the cliff" if you can!

Au Train Falls

The lower falls is not as spectacular as some but the gradual grade of the falls over the stepped bedrock, the footbridge and the powerhouse add interest, plus you can walk to the other side for a different view. Hiking here can be slick, so tread carefully (the road is plowed regularly.) The Upper Falls drop about 40’ and there is parking at the first turn This path is very slippery! The lower falls are 10' or so and are accessed past the gate at the end of the road


The paved and well-worn hiking trails to the waterfalls are a bit more of a challenge to get to after the snow flies, even the fully-accessible trails that many effortlessly enjoy in the warmer months. Trails are not maintained and snow piles up to be trampled into an icy, domed snake of a path that can be rather treacherous. Ice cleats or snowshoes are recommended for even the shortest distances.


Laughing Whitefish Falls

One of the most impressive waterfalls in the area, this one is a challenge to get to in the winter- you really gotta want it! The road in is not regularly plowed, there is a 1 mile walk from the trailhead and back, and there are over 150 steps to get from the viewing platform at the top to the platform at the bottom And did we mention that the steps will probably have 3' of snow on them and have transformed into a sort of death chute of snowy doom? I have not visited this in the winter myself but include a picture here from a visit our friend and regular contributor, Mark Cocco, made. He said that day was pretty sketchy!

Not-quite a waterfall Honorable MentionSand Point Ice Curtains/ Lakeshore Trail

The Lakeshore Trail along Sand Point Rd follows the base of a cliff and ice forms along seepages and flows that drain here. Very popular with the ice climbing community, you may be treated to climbers having their fun as you traverse the icy path. Parking areas for the Lakeshore Trail are plentiful along Sand Point Road near near Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Park Headquarters Follow the trail east to view the many frozen falls and columns of ice


"With open lake water throughout the winter months, lake-effect snow can fall continually across the Upper Peninsula and Canadian snowbelts. From the Porcupine Mountains and the Keweenaw Peninsula to Whitefish Point, snowfall is dramatically enhanced by lake effects. In some areas, annual snowfall totals commonly exceed 250 inches per year. "

Munising, Michigan Area Falls Highlights

Last words ...

WATERFALLS- only a fraction of waterfalls in the area have been included here and mostly those that are easy to access in the winter months For those of you who want a more pure outdoor winter adventure, the many falls in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore could add snowshoeing, skiing, winter camping or a snowmobile trip to your itinerary NOTE: park roads are not plowed except for Sand Point Road Winter snow will shortly close all other roads. Unplowed roads are designated for snowmobiles only (no other motor vehicles permitted).

SAFETY- Winter in the U.P. is as wintery as winter can be. NO JOKE Lake effect snow can blow in on a sunny day leaving you in whiteout conditions Forest paths can be treacherous Cell service can be spotty at best Be prepared! Always make sure your vehicle is stocked with an emergency kit including food, water, blankets, and extra fuel is not a bad idea Emergency communication devices like a personal locator beacon or satellite device can mean the difference between a minor inconvenience and a life-or-death situation. Paper maps are also a must-have even if you have down-loaded areas on google or Gaia. Have fun but be safe!

Au Train Falls Scott Falls Laughing Whitefish Falls Rock River Falls Eben Ice Caves Munising Falls Wagner Falls Alger Falls Sand Point Ice Curtains
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Is an overlanding trailer the answer for you?

making them easy to drive and economical to use Additionally, they often require less maintenance and storage space than traditional campers an RVs, so they're easier to take care of and store when not in use The smaller size generally allows you to access more remote areas and gives you more flexibility in terms of parking and camping options If you aren't sure if a small trailer is right for you, please read on, and join the conversation in our Northology Community Facebook group


The decision to move from a rigbased setup to a trailer is a big one You probably like the idea of a basecamp or the ability to bring more adventure gear out on trips But how do you choose which setup is right for you? Here we will discuss three styles of trailer and the pros and cons of each

Small cargo or utility trailer. Think Space Trailer Tentrax or the old school Coleman trailers These trailers are light, small and easy to tow and stow

Expedition-style trailer. These are the Turtlebacks, the Xventures and any larger unit that while not offering living quarters per se, may be upgraded with rooftop tents, awnings and configured for max storage and gear


to anything at any time inside the vehicle.

& turning around is easy

Pros Cons R I G B A S E D S E T U P
Teardrop Trailers- offroad versions of the teardrop with interior living and kitchen or galley space Think Offgrid and TC Teardrops Pros Cons T R A I L E R B A S E D S E T U P
is always trail ready.
Everything is in the car & adds to the vehicle weight
on the rack may be hard to access
limited to what you can fit in or on your rig. Breaking camp & packing up to use vehicle.
No need to pack up to use vehicle or leave camp.
is lighter on the trails with gear stowed in trailer.
storage for all your adventure gear.
& compensation for towing a trailer
& turning around can be difficult
weight to pull on the trail
more scouting & planning required


Small cargo trailers can be a great asset for overland travel and they offer many advantages over their larger cousins These small trailers are much easier to store than large trailers, and they can be parked in areas that larger trailers wouldn't be able to fit, some can even be stored upright These trailers are much more cost efficient than larger models, both in terms of their initial price and maintenance costs Small utility trailers are extremely versatile, and can be used to transport a variety of items, from camping gear, water and power systems to atvs, motorcycles, and can accommodate rooftop tents Small utility trailers offer great mobility, allowing you to set up camp quickly and conveniently. Overall a great choice for overland

"Space trailer gives us exactly what it promises, space, it enables us to pack more adventure Whether it be kayaks, our roof top tent, or our bikes plus all our other gear It helps us take more so we can adventure more We were able to test one this past season and we loved it! It kept the pace was durable and easy to pull." -Cody Eschen

"The Xventure XV-3 is the ultimate compact, fully-featured overland trailer It’s the perfect choice for any tow rig, including Jeeps and lighter SUVs The definition of buy once cry once This is trailer #2 for us from them and we couldn’t be happier. We haven’t been stopped due to rough terrain once, only by trail closures " -Jeremiah Oschwald


Expedition-style trailers offer numerous advantages that make them an ideal choice for outdoor adventurers Their lightweight construction makes them easy to tow, saving on fuel costs and reducing the strain on a vehicle’s engine They are also highly maneuverable, allowing you to explore remote areas that might otherwise be difficult to access In addition, an expedition-style trailer offers plenty of storage space for camping equipment, power and water systems, supplies and other items you may need for your trip. Some expedition- style trailers offer the ability to bring along your ATV, UTV or dirtbike Look for trailers with a durable design that can withstand off-road conditions and harsh weather. The versatility of the expedition trailer makes them easily customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and preferences All in all, an expedition- style trailer is a great choice for anyone looking to get the most out of their outdoor adventures.


The TC ORE gives us the assurance we can take our home wherever the next adventure leads -Christina Goodwin

“I love Off Grid Trailers because they redefine camping with innovative offroad designs, connecting you with nature, inviting you to explore the wild with new adventures Bringing backcountry camping into the mainstream these durable off-road camper trailers can withstand any climate and any terrain. Built to last a lifetime as an engineered all metal camper, to challenge and conquer terrains off the beaten path! More importantly Off Grid Trailers bring likeminded individuals coming together as a community to engage with nature d f i ff h id ”

Teardrop trailers are lightweight and off-road teardrop trailers have high clearance and improved, offroad specific suspension upgrades, making them easy to tow and maneuver and are also more fuelefficient than larger trailers. Teardrop campers are often more affordable than other types of RVs and campers and usually require less maintenance Most of them are pretty aerodynamic, which can help to reduce drag and wind noise when driving. Teardrop trailers provide a comfortable, secure, lockable sleeping area which can give you peace of mind in areas with a lot of wildlife activity They usually include a small kitchenette, or galley making meal prep on camping trips a breeze Many can be outfitted with water and power systems You can add roof top tents, awnings and annex rooms to increase living space without too much modification They are also

"The TC ORE gives us the assurance we can take our home wherever the next adventure leads " -Christina Goodwin

a hard-sided teardrop camper gives us and the ability to leave it at camp and go about our day is one of the biggest advantages of a trailer -Chad Pope

YourHollerwoodparkollerwoodparkandbeyond andbeyond ttrailguide. railguide.
justiceexplores@gmailcom "Sam and his crew are awsome they know the trails well and have good eye for what your jeep is capable of " "Sam was awesome. Give us exactly what we wanted and then some. HIGHLY RECOMMEND him if you want to explore some awesome trails " "Sam is amazing! He knows his area, his spotting, is conscientious of what he’s bringing you through and is extremely patient!! Excellent and I would give 150 stars!!! You need to be able to trust your spotter and I would follow him anywhere!!" justice explores JusticeExplores
Got Your Six Coffee Co. #BrewingBetterDays USE CODE "BOREAL" FOR 15% OFF YOUR PURCHASE


To our readers who have been interested in the land sale issue in the Keweenaw, I am happy to announce that the good guys won. In the effort to keep historically accessible forest lands well, accessible, the KORC organization has been the catalyst for gathering support and directing voices to the organizations that needed to hear them. Here is an excerpt from the KORC year-end newsletter-

"Your incredible response to KORC “Calls to Action” made this happen! The hundreds of letters you sent to our elected officials, the DNR, and the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund resulted in the DNR applying for $5 million this year and $5 million next year to expand the Keweenaw Tip land. On December 15th, we learned that the DNR's request for $5 million to add land to the Keweenaw Tip was recommended for funding by the Natural Resources Trust Fund Board " It also resulted in The Nature Conservancy coming on board to participate as an intermediate buyer for all 32,600 acres that were at-risk. In 2023, KORC will be working with the DNR, TNC, and other partners to develop a long-term community ownership plan for this newly protected treasure "

Northology's Cleanup Campout attendees join area organizations to pound some grilled hot dogs after cleaning up roadways and trails at the KORC Spring Cleanup event

Northology has been honored to partner with KORC in raising awareness, encouraging membership and partnering on cleanup events. In 2021, our Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat (KOAR) attendees participated in the inaugural KORC- Alliance for Great Lakes Beach Cleanup, with KOAR supporter Chris Holloway from the MOORE Expo challenging attendees to become members with a membership dollar donation match. We returned in the spring of 2022 with a Cleanup Campout for the KORC Spring Cleanup event and our KOAR attendees returned for the second Beach Cleanup this past September.

We believe KORC when they say their mission is to preserve access for everyone. Our mission is to be a voice for the vehicle-assisted adventure traveler and to make sure our voice is heard. These recent changes in land ownership have raised questions about what this means for those of us who love to visit the lonely wild in the Keweenaw, and if there are any changes that would effect how we enjoy the Keweenaw The response to that question was "nothing has materially changed with the new land ownership as far as access goes."

The work is never done, and KORC is working to secure private inholdings to transfer to the state of Michigan for longterm protection and access. Please go to the KORC website for more info, updates, and to become a member.

KOAR attendees pitching in last September Cindy and Sarah sign waivers at the Spring Cleanup Nick, Cody, Scott, Jill, Bill and Sarah at the Cleanup KORC and the DNR shared a $10,000 Mandan Road repair for better access for search and rescue KORC’s pit toilet infrastructure will soon be completed at High Rock Bay
Hooray! You found the drawing winner name for January! If this is you, email us at info northologyadventures@gmail com to confirm the rest of your email and we will send your prize! If this is not you, check the next issue to see if you won All subscribers are automatically entered in the monthly drawings so sign up for your free subscription today! Claim your $10 in Hipcash credit towards your first trip. $100 NORTHOLOGY GIFT CARD WINNER What's your story? Share it with us. Northology Adventures digital magazine - A free monthly publication focused on vehicleassisted outdoor adventuring info northologyadventures@gmail com to submit content or request ad deck NORTHOLOGY ADVENTURES

Wisconsin Coalition of Four Wheel Drives

A non-profit organization of 4WD clubs, groups and enthusiasts in Wisconsin. We are dedicated to promoting 4WD recreation on public & private lands, responsible land usage, safety, education & trail conservation.


I’m always excited when i look at my calendar and see a Rigs and Coffee event is approaching This has been the first year for R&C in Michigan and We weren’t sure what to expect or how well it would be received, but the Michigan (and even Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois) community has been exceptional!


Our host, Derek Becker manages Auto Alley Car Sales and is starting a Toyota 4x4 only Dealership, Restoration, Custom shop on his own, has graciously supplied us with delicious home made snacks and coffee for every event as well as organizing the event and working with local vendors to build support

The events themselves have been a awesome way to meet new people, check out cool builds, and build the local community Some of our attendees even make a weekend out of it by camping in the nearby state forests! I have met so many cool people and shared stories about our favorite trips, camping spots, rig builds, and upcoming events

If you haven’t gotten a chance to join us yet I highly encourage it! We have averaged between 50 and 100 trucks this year and we ’ re expecting even more for 2023 You can find our group on Facebook as “Rigs and Coffee Michigan” I want to also thank our supporting vendors and groups for helping organize these events: Rado designs Dunetrucks com Mitten State Tours

Rigs & Coffee Michigan Location: 5775 Balsam Dr Hudsonville MI 49426 Next meetup: TBA

The day was misty and overcast but the temps were mild as we gathered downtown to eat cookies, drink coffee and warm ourselves by a portable propane firepit. We gave away prizes for the best holiday decorated rigs and collected donations of sleeping bags, boots, food, personal items and other necessities for Miss Carly's A check for $500 was presented to Miss Carly, who stopped by to delight in the offroad and overland-outfitted rigs and tell the story of her organization and mission (she says she has fond memories of offroading as a kid in southern California.) Afterwards we convoyed on a gravel road route down to Lowden State Park, had some laughs and learned some local history along the way

We owe a huge thanks to Rocktown for hosting us, to Rigs & Coffee for the meetup format & inspiration and especially Chris from XJPOverland/Xvanture (MP Heating & Cooling) for coordinating the generous funds donation in all our names It felt good to meet with this community and to see their generosity and character in action RECAP & PHOTOS BY NORTHOLOGY ADVENTURES Rigs & Coffee IL/WI Location: 313 N Madison St Rockford, IL 61107 Next meetup: January 14 ILLINOIS




2022 proved to be another busy year for the WC4WD. We hosted events and trail maintenance days, participated in other events, represented the 4WD community in various meetings and presented one of the communities strongest advocates with an award The year started with an invitation from the Wisconsin ATV Association to participate at their annual convention and workshops WC4WD held our Spring General Membership and BOD meetings in conjunction with the WATVA schedule WC4WD also participated in a panel discussion with other motorized user groups and the Wisconsin Department of Tourism.

The weekend was capped off with an awards banquet Saturday night. The WC4WD was especially proud to present our first ever Lifetime Achievement Award to Luana Schneider. Luana has been a proponent of 4wd activity for countless years. Luana was instrumental in the development of The March OF

Dimes Wheeling for Healing events, represents the 4WD community on the Governors State Trails Council, Member of various state and national associations and I can’t imagine how many miles of trail rides Luana has been on

WHO WE ARE WearetheWisconsinCoalitionofFour WheelDrives,anon-profitorganization of4WDclubs,groupsandindividualsin Wisconsin Wearededicatedto promotingfourwheeldriverecreation onpublicandprivatelands,responsible landusage,safety,educationandtrail conservation.WC4WDproudlysupports TreadLightly,BlueRibbonCoalitionand theUnitedFourWheelDriveAssociation (UFWDA).


As it turned out Quarry Meadows was a challenge this year. We started to build a rock crawl area and plans for the 1 st Quarry Blast were in place only to be postponed due to rain. Then the tornado hit, OH MY GOSH what a mess. Thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help clean up. Some brought chain saws or equipment, some brought a strong back but all brought a great attitude. Next up was Cranberry Crawl. As luck would have it, rain again but the show must go on It started lightly during the drivers meeting and by noon full on downpour Even the “101” trail proved to be a challenge Some pulled out at lunch some went back out for more punishment


In June the trail maintenance started in Mole Lake Very thankful for all the volunteers who showed up so that the 26th Annual Northwoods Jeep Jamboree was a huge success It’s worth noting that this JJUSA is one of the favorites, selling out by Feb with 16 states represented as well as Mexico and Uruguay. All in all there was over 125 Jeeps and nearly 300 people in attendance.


Apple Valley Farms ORP was once again the host site for the 15th Annual Great Northern Trail Ride Apple Valley Farms has been a great venue for this event with awesome trails and the infamous Saturday night Bon Fire but 2022 was the last year to host the GNTR. We’ll be moving this to Mole Lake in 2023.


The last official ride of the year was the Ronnie Buggy Fall Color Ride. Another great turn out with amazing people. This event draws a different crowd that the typical trail ride groups. Newbies and veterans, stockers and modified, small and large rigs, returning and new friends. The morning ride and lunch stop were great, unfortunately the afternoon turned into a dusty ride.


In addition to our major events WC4WD participated in many other activities. Slinger stock car race, Cars in Kewaskum car show, Jefferson swap meet, SODA races (Member Josh Wendt was the official pace truck for the season) and the World Championship races at Crandon More notably WC4WD was invited to do a presentation for the Governors State Trails Council to explain what our recreation is about This was followed by a VIP ride along trail ride at Tigerton This was an eye opener for some and all had a great time. Lastly the NFS reached out to us as the point of contact for communications and representation for the next round of MVUM mapping.


te and Individual memberat an all time high in 2022 We new business membership in nd Daves Jeeps & 4x4, please o solicit these new members. usiness


Bender, Extreme Terrain and ucks. The WC4WD wants to r members for their continued


apped up with our annual t ride through Evergreen park n Our Police escort kept our her as we proceeded to the ur decorated rigs We also ouple hundred pounds of food onetary donations for the ank.

ward to another busy year in will be more activity in Mole arry Meadows so watch our details and our calendar of l

THE MIDWEST BringingyouthedownlowonfreecampsitesacrosstheMidwestthatwehavefirst-personintelon.Subjecttochange withoutnotice.Pleaseconsultlocaljurisdictionalinfotoconfirm.Thisresourceisnotintendedtobelegaladvice. Alwaystreadlightlyandpackitout!Ifyouhavesitestoshareorupdatedinfoonsiteswehaveposted,letusknow! 40.41394,-93.66599 FreecampgroundwiththreesectionsonConservation
LakePahoConservationArea MISSOURI 39.599882,-90.012824
WaverlyLakeCampground ILLINOIS
land.Almostemptyonagorgeousspringweekend. The good: Free. Way out in the boonies about halfway between Des Moines & Kansas City Gravel pad sites with picnic tables and firepits, some sites right on the water.Pittoilets,trashcansandwateravailable. The bad: Sites are right next to one another and not veryprivate.Noelectrichookups,whichwedon'tmind but that means other campers might be (will be) runninggeneratorsallnight Lotsofgeesepresent
Not dispersed camping but a free campground we have first-hand accounts of from the community Definitelymoreofastop-overthanadestination. The good: Free, with porta-pottys, picnic tables, trash receptacles and ground fires permitted. On the water Download a fishing permit application fromthecityofWaverly'swebsite The bad: Some Google reviews mention that they picked up litter and the porta pottys were not the cleanest, there is considerable noise from the train tracks and regular police patrols to enforce the 4 daylimit(thatmightactuallybegood)
a creative space for product photography and video 606.375.6177
Give the gift of experiences with a Northology Gift Card
Protecting the Keweenaw's vast landscapes. For everyone. Forever.

Welcome to the CABIN

We don't always camp and we definitely have standards when it comes to non-camp lodging. Chain hotels? No Haunted log cabins? Maybe Never-remodeled-or-upgraded-in-60-years? Only if it's kitschy enough! We do love the rustic, the quirky, the historic, the off-the-beaten-path stays In this monthly feature we review some of the places we have stayed and give you an honest opinion

We are compiling a listing of our favorite Hipcamps, Air bnbs, cabins, lodges, yurts, whatever- if its fun, fresh or funky, we will let you know.

If you are an establishment owner, please reach out and let us know about your place, we want to find the unique and share it with other adventurous travelers! If you are a traveler who wishes to submit review, please email us immediately!


Winter in the Keweenaw Peninsula is something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime, and if you like your accommodations rustic and simple, the camper cabins at Trails End are perfect for you. Jotul wood stoves warm the little cabins and there is enough room for everyone with two queen beds and two single bunks (BYO bedding!) Rustic is the name of the game here, and although there is solar lighting, you will have to bring your own water and the pit toilets are a short walk away.

Ahmeek Coppermine Camp, Mohawk Fresh Coast Cabins Eagle Harbor Keweenaw Mountain Lodge Copper Harbor Trails End Copper Harbor Th O t t Bi B MICHIGAN Rockford Ski Club ILLINOIS Callie's Lake & Campground KENTUCKY CAMPING CABINS RV CAMPING CABIN & CAMP DIRECTORY ATV, UTV Park & Ride & Stay THE FIELD THE FIELD Pembine,WI (920)609-1752 ATV/UTV&trailerparking RusticRV&tentcamping.
EVENTCALENDAR BROUGHTTOYOUBY ALLTHINGSOVERLANDING WANDER.WONDER.REPEAT OFFROADGARAGEPODCAST LADYOVERLANDERRADIO WOMEN'SWEDNESDAY ALLOVEROVERLAND OVERLANDRADIO PODCASTS F r e e s u b s c r i p t i o n D e l i v e r y t o y o u r i n b o x B i m o n t h l y n e w s l e t t e r E x c l u s i v e d i s c o u n t s P R E S A L E e v e n t n o t i c e s S u b s c r i b e r ' s d r a w i n g s Adventure to your inbox February 9-12 Truck Camper Adventure Rally March 3-5 Southeast Overland & Outdoor Expo April 21-22 MOORE Expo May 5-7 Midwest Women's Off-road Weekend May 19-21 Overland Expo West May 19-21 Cleanup Campout for KORC July 7-9 Overland Expo Pacific Northwest August 25-27 Overland Expo Mountain West September 29-30 Big Iron Overland Rally September 14-17 Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat October 6-8 Overland Expo East October 12-14 Rendezvous in the Ozarks October 19-22 Overland the Red CALENDAR Monthly Rigs & CoffeeIllinois/Wisconsin - second Saturdays Michigan Missouri To submit events for this calendar, email

A monthly feature bringing you our favorite YouTube videos from some great creators- check them out and be sure to subscribe! To watch the videos featured, click on the thumbnail on the right.


We are a little biased with this first pick! Shot and edited by the talented and handsome Jeremiah Oschwald of Overland Pioneers, (who was also partner with us in hosting this inaugural basecamp event in the Red River Gorge, Kentucky) this video just drips with gorgeous scenery and juicy creek crossings. We had to dab some happy tears watching the smiles of all the folks from across the country enjoying this event, we are sure you will love this ten minutes of off-road joy.

Mountains! Mayhem! Murder! This is the full feature length version of Venture 2 Roam's Idaho Back Country Route Overlanding adventure series and is at the top of our list for its fast-paced story telling and beautiful drone footage. Especially endearing is what the story of how the Magruder Corridor got its name means to Will, "its about justice, its about friendship and its about doing what is right." For a different angle of this story, see Revere Overland's Incredible Idaho video.

This is the Overland Pioneer s video recreation of the Trans America Trail- 3,100 plus total miles from North Carolina Coast to the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line. Jeremiah edited this from previous segment videos to show the proper order that the trail should be done if one was to do it from east to west Get your popcorn ready and snuggle up with your sweetie to listen to the dulcet tones of "the Barry White of overlanding" narrate this beautiful journey across the south.

One of the magazine's most ardent supporters and friend in the Nissan world is Jason Fletcher of All Things Overlanding. He is a prolific creator, and his videos on overlanding, camping , gear and vehicle modifications make his videos a library of knowledge in the overlanding space. We included this video to give you some background on Jason and his channel, and to see what he has in store for the new year both for the channel, his podcast and planned travels in 2023.

First in a series where Jonny & Colleen backpack Pictured Rocks in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They start out on a cold, 41 F October day at the Grand Marais Visitor Center and hike approximately 7 + miles to AuSable Campground in this first episode, and give you a glimpse of the vibe in Munising before setting out. What I love about the Kuehl Kuest kids is their enthusiasm, love for each other and getting to know them better as they bring you along into the woods.


Quick Fist Clamps

Can be used with a variety of tools and mounted almost anywhere. Secure storage and easy access for your go-to items


Packable Puffy Blanket

We ordered one of these from Amazon and it is amazing. Warm and affordable, but don't count on the color being as pictured For less than $30, who cares?


Reusable Food Storage Bags

These are awesome. Sturdy bags with positive contact zippers that you know are closed Stow them in the fridge or freezer and maxi-mize your storage space

Decked X Uncharted D-Bag Emergency Kit

This looks like the ultimate survivor kit

"We combined our famous DECKED Desert Tan D-Bag with all of the guts and know-how of Uncharted Supply Co. to build the must-have accessory for every DECKED owner Includes a Seventy2 Pro survival kit and Zeus power station.



This jug acts as your own personal hydration gear with a built-in straw that flips up for clean, fresh sipping. The double-wall vacuum insulation keeps the cold in longer Take it where you need to go the rugged handle and built-in fence hook also provide portability and convenience.


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