NWM - June 2022

Page 15

© Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock.com

Royal connections As the countdown to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations begin, Lowri Llewelyn looks back at the part North Wales has played in her reign…

On a very special four-day bank holiday beginning on Friday

Her Majesty has visited the length and breadth of North

3rd June, the UK will come together to celebrate the Platinum

Wales, the first in the capacity of Queen being the Coronation

Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, marking an astounding 70 years

tour of 1953. With what must have been the weight of the

as the monarch of the United Kingdom. According to a 2018

world on her shoulders, this was an opportunity for Elizabeth

YouGov survey, a whopping 31% of us have either met or seen

to meet the Welsh public and prove herself worthy of this

the Queen in real life – that’s almost one third of the British

new role.

population! The next visit to North Wales, in 1958, would be an As Her Majesty rings in a milestone never before celebrated

opportunity for the Queen to attend the Royal Welsh

by a British monarch, the Jubilee brings opportunity to show

Agricultural Show.

gratitude towards the woman who has guided us come what may. Indeed, a 25-year-old Elizabeth was thrust into the role

In 1963, the Queen would visit Caernarfon Castle, with Lord

of Queen following the premature death of King George VI,

Snowdon presenting Her Majesty with an enormous key to

learning of his death while enjoying a visit to Kenya with

the castle! During this visit she would also visit the burial site

husband Philip.

of Lloyd George, who led Britain to victory during World War I and remains history’s only Welsh-speaking Prime Minister.

Her visits have brought her to every corner of the United Kingdom and many of us have fond childhood memories of

During this visit she would also wander further afield, taking

trying to catch a glimpse, or if we were lucky, being able to

the trip down to Pwllheli to meet no other than Billy Butlin! On

hand her a bunch of flowers.

her way home, she would also stop in Trawsfynydd to marvel

In 1953 The Queen visited Llangollen to see the International Musical Eisteddfod

NWM 2022 Page 15

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