NWM - June 2022

Page 27

© Nia H Jones

Seabird Spectacular

For a brief few months, Cemlyn Nature Reserve on Anglesey is home to one of the most amazing seabird spectacles in Wales…

Meet the terns Join the wardens for a walk around Cemlyn Bay and Sandwich ter

a chance to hear all about the tern colony – one of the

n © NWWT He

nry Cook

largest in Wales. Visit Cemlyn Nature Reserve Situated on the wild north coast of Anglesey, with its

Each year, as winter turns into spring and summer,

unique, elliptical shingle ridge, Cemlyn is an incredible

thousands of birds from all around the world make their

site to visit. The site is best visited from May through

long way back to our coasts to take advantage of the wealth

to July when the islands within the lagoon host the

of food and opportunity. These include three species of

nesting colonies of Sandwich, common and Arctic terns.

terns: remarkable and beautiful birds (their ‘sea-swallows’

It is the only nesting colony of Sandwich terns in Wales

nickname is perfectly descriptive) who travel thousands of

and a true wildlife spectacle – not to be missed!

miles from the southern hemisphere to raise their young on the small islands in Cemlyn’s lagoon.

Virtual tour Discover what makes Cemlyn Nature Reserve such a

Linking North Wales with the seas and oceans across the

great place for terns and what the North Wales Wildlife

world, Cemlyn is one of the most important seabird colonies in

Trust is doing to help them make it their home! Visit

Wales. Its Sandwich tern colony is the only one in the country

their website to take a virtual tour with their interactive

and regularly one of the largest in the UK; with smaller


numbers of common and Arctic terns and black-headed gulls. Throughout the summer months, visitors can watch quite a spectacle as the birds go about their daily life. Sandwich tern pairs dance around each other in courtship displays and later bring sandeels in to the nest to feed their hungry youngsters; whilst squabbles and fights break out regularly. Away from the colony, other spring and summer visitors are also busy – dunlin and sandpipers are often seen feeding around the lagoon, while the churring call of grasshopper warblers can be heard from the surrounding scrub. And every year at Cemlyn brings renewed promise of a rare visitor – golden oriole, bee-eater, sooty tern, wryneck and isabelline shrike have all visited in the past, and brought plenty of human visitors with them soon after! Throughout the summer wardens will be on site to welcome you and help you learn more about the wonderful world of

More details are available at:

terns. Bring your own binoculars or get up close on one of the


guided walks. n

NWM 2022 Page 27

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