NWM - June 2022

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While everyone remembers Russell Grant from his Breakfast TV appearances in the 1980’s, most people don’t realise that Russell was the first astrologer in over 300 years to present a horoscope forecast to a member of the Royal Family (HRH Queen Mother). Now dubbed the “Royal Astrologer” Russell has appeared on numerous television shows, including Strictly Come Dancing. He divides his time between London and his North Wales home near Portmeirion. www.russellgrant.com

June’s horoscopes brought to you by Russell Grant ARIES (March 21st – April 20th) Obligations are a burden over your head. It’s common to put other people’s needs as an essential priority, but it’s time to get rid of what is creating stress and take care of yourself. If your life has been stressful for several months, take a break, let your hair down and smile again. Friends always ask you for advice on their relationships. It’s time to consider your relationships and life.

TAURUS (April 21st – May 21st) Scale back social plans. Instead of dining at expensive places, invite friends to your home for a delicious dinner. You can still enjoy yourself without spending a lot of money and as you wait for additional cash to come in, you could begin making plans for a trip with your loved ones. You have the chance to try again at something that you have failed before – take another go at it and be sure that it was returned to you to help you understand why. GEMINI (May 22nd – June 21st) Accept any opportunity to make money offered to you. Utilise your talents to make a difference in the world, and it could be the beginning of a successful business. The buds will soon appear when you nurture your ideas. The fruits of your efforts will begin to appear very quickly. You’re an outstanding professional and those at the top are beginning to notice you. Don’t be shocked if you are appointed to some critical department or committee.

LIBRA (September 24th – October 23rd) Make sure your thoughts and behaviour remain positive, and you’ll be able to change your mindset for the better. You think that other people should work harder and make financial contributions to your home. It’s essential to let people know that you’re not interested in paying their debts or clearing up their mess. An alternative source of income could be found on the 24th, but it will require you to take on new obligations. SCORPIO (October 24th – November 22nd) You and your mate might be going through difficult times, but you’ll do your best to be back on an equal footing. A domestic project you initiated a few months ago requires completion. You’re now ready to move forward and conclude complex jobs. You’re exhausted from keeping track of the pennies. The idea of borrowing money from a friend could strain your relationship. SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd – December 21st) Find activities that connect with your inner child in the middle of June. Are you dating? Participating in activities you’ve never attempted before will expose you to new people. If you’re looking for work, ideas to earn money or an opportunity to showcase your creativity, be confident, and you’ll get it. The key to success lies in your charismatic and warm personality.

CANCER (June 22nd – July 23rd) An intimate friendship is likely to grow with people who share your goals. A few financial mismanagements from the past will be resolved on the 18th and you’ll be determined to ensure an incident similar to this one can’t and won’t happen ever again. In addition, an agreement will be reached with your partner or family members to establish an updated and more prudent budget.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 20th) The environment in your home is one of love and cooperation when you come together to support each other in achieving a mutually beneficial objective. Are you dating? If you’re in a relationship that has the potential to blossom, then it’ll develop organically and you’ll be able to tell from the outset that this is precisely how it should be. It is possible to spend extra cash this month to pay for home repairs.

LEO (July 24th – August 23rd) Cash may appear more accessible at the end of each month than the financial situation you had earlier. There’s excitement in the air. This could become too much if you aren’t careful and manage just one thing at a time. Be careful not to continue running ahead of your peers since they’ll not be able to keep pace with you. Be patient, stay away from unnecessary stress and take advantage of the moments of enjoyment and laughter.

AQUARIUS (January 21st – February 19th) Sincerity and honesty will open the way for a more intimate relationship. Are you not married? Don’t let your friends force you back into dating before you’re at your best. Enjoy your freedom and enjoy yourself. Mid-June is the ideal time to deal with financial issues. One method to stop yourself and your partner from spending your money in a way that isn’t necessary is to set up a reasonable budget.

VIRGO (August 24th – September 23rd) Disputes can erupt about joint finances or inheritance. It is a cause for concern that some people are obsessed with material matters and you’re inclined to leave an unpleasant situation. If you have a legitimate claim to a certain amount of money, get an expert to advocate on your behalf of you. A legal agreement can alleviate some of the burdens. Don’t let your partner make the crucial choices.

PISCES (February 20th – March 20th) You’re an affectionate and sensitive personality, but someone is profiting from it and it’s time to be alert to this. What are they trying to hide? Your boss shouldn’t continue to push you to do something without rewarding your efforts. You only have so much patience before you recognise that you must protect your interests. Make yourself heard, stand on your own and be confident in what is really suitable for you.

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