NFA Instructional Handbook

Page 47

Instructional Handbook 8891 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118-2718 Phone: 215-247-3811 Norwood Campus, ext 200 Fontbonne Campus, ext 220 Ryan Killeen, Ed D , President Kathryn Henry, M Ed , Principal Shannon Craige, Director of Curriculum and Innovation
1 Norwood-Fontbonne Academy Instructional Handbook Mission and Vision................................................................................................................................................................3 Portrait of a Graduate..........................................................................................................................................................4 SSJ Mission Infused Themes By Grade Level.................................................................................................................5 Curriculum Programs By Subject/Grade Level.............................................................................................................. 6 Middle School (Grades 6 to 8) Course Descriptions.....................................................................................................9 Middle School ELA........................................................................................................................................................................9 Middle School Math...................................................................................................................................................................10 Middle School Spanish 11 Middle School Science 12 Middle School Social Studies..................................................................................................................................................13 Middle School Religion............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Middle School Enrichments 17 Intermediate (Grades 4 and 5) Level Course Descriptions.......................................................................................18 Intermediate ELA........................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Intermediate Math...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Intermediate Science 20 Intermediate Social Studies.....................................................................................................................................................21 Intermediate Religion................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Intermediate Enrichments 23 Grades 1-3 Program and Course Studies Descriptions (Primary and Montessori)............................................24 ELA/...............................................................................................................................................................24 Language......................................................................................................................................................24 Math 25 Science 25 Social Studies................................................................................................................................................26 Culture...........................................................................................................................................................26 Religion 27 Grades 1-3 Enrichments 28 Ages 3-5 Program and Course Studies Descriptions (Primary and Montessori)................................................29 ELA/.................................................................................................................................................................................................30 Language 30 Math 31 Science..........................................................................................................................................................32 Social Studies................................................................................................................................................32 Practical Life 33
2 Sensorial.......................................................................................................................................................33 Culture 34 Religion 34 Ages 3-5 Enrichments...............................................................................................................................................................35 Technology Integration..................................................................................................................................................... 36 Digital Platforms and Subscriptions..............................................................................................................................37 MyNFA- Teacher “How To” Guide...................................................................................................................................39 Lesson Planning..................................................................................................................................................................40 Homework Expectations: Middle School......................................................................................................................40 Assessment Practices........................................................................................................................................................41 Grading and Reporting......................................................................................................................................................42 Student Assistance.............................................................................................................................................................44 School and Classroom Culture........................................................................................................................................45 Classroom Observations and Teacher Evaluations....................................................................................................47

Mission and Vision

NFA Mission

Founded in 1920 by the Sisters of St. Joseph, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy is a Catholic Independent academy for preschool to eighth grade students. Committed to a strong academic program, Norwood-Fontbonne Academy offers both Montessori and creative interactive education enriched by service learning, outreach, and co-curricular experiences. Within a faith-filled community, students are challenged to become self-directed persons who live gospel values, enjoy learning, make reflective choices, and treasure themselves, others, and the Earth

NFA Student Vision Statement


Portrait of a Graduate

The Portrait of all NFA learners is broken down into further age/grade level concentrations. Access it here

Below is the overview of the vision statement success indicators:

here to get to know the NFA
to Prepare for your Work in the Classroom

SSJ Mission Infused Themes By Grade Level

You will see the below themes weaved into the vision statement success indicators. We’ve broken down these below SSJ infused themes to connect to each grade level These themes guide the work of the teaching and learning that takes place at that developmental stage.

All May Be One…

Through 5 year old level

Through Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Treasure self, others, and the Earth

Unioning Love




Social Action



Curriculum Programs By Subject/Grade Level

Grade Level Subject Book Publisher Copyright Kindergarten Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018 Social Studies Me and My World TCI 2016 ELA Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 ELA ZanerBloser-Handwriting K Zaner-Bloser 2016 ELA Fundations Level KStudent Kit Wilson: Fundations Level K 2020 Math GO Math Houghton Mifflin 2015 Religion SEEDS Pflaum Grade 1 Math Go Math Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math Go Math Houghton Mifflin 2015 Religion Finding God Loyola Press 2013 Handwriting Handwriting - Grade 1Zaner Bloser 2016 ELA Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 ELA Fundations Level 1Student Kit Wilson: Fundations Level 1 2020 Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018 Social Studies Social Studies Alive! My School and Family TCI 2017 Grade 2 ELA Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 ELA Fundations Level 2Student Kit Wilson: Fundations Level 2 2020 Math GO Math Textbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math GO Math Student Workbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018 Social Studies SSA! My Community TCI 2016 Religion Finding God Loyola Press 2013 Grade 3 ELA Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 ELA Exercises in English Level C Loyola Press 2013 Math GO Math Textbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math GO Math Student Workbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018
7 Social Studies SSA! Our Community and Beyond TCI 2016 Religion Finding God Loyola 2013 JLM Math Steck Vaughn Core Skills Mathematics Gr. 1-4 Steck-Vaughn 2014 Language Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 As supplement to the Montessori materials Religion Finding God Loyola Press 2013 Grade 4 ELA Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 ELA Exercises in English Level D Loyola Press 2013 Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018 Math GO Math Textbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math GO Math Student Workbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math Simple Solutions Student Workbook Social Studies SSA! Regions of Our Country TCI 2017 Religion Blest Are We RCL Benzinger 2018 Spanish Sonrisas Level 1 Sonrisas Grade 5 ELA Reading and Writing Fundamentals Schoolwide 2022 ELA Exercises in English Level E Loyola Press 2013 Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018 Math GO Math Textbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math GO Math Student Workbook Houghton Mifflin 2015 Math Simple Solutions Student Workbook Social Studies SSA! America’s Past TCI 2016 Religion Blest Are We RCL Benzinger 2018 Spanish Sonrisas Level 1 Sonrisas Grade 6 ELA Various Novels ELA Exercises in English Level F Loyola Press 2013 Math Big Ideas Course 1 Cengage 2015
8 Math Big Ideas Course 1 Student Journal Cengage 2015 Math Simple Solutions Student Workbook Religion Blest Are We RCL Benzinger 2018 Science Elevate Science Savvas 2018 Social Studies SSA! Ancient World TCI 2017 Spanish SOMOS Spanish Level 1 Curriculum The Comprehensible Classroom 2019 Grade 7 ELA Exercises in English: Level G Loyola 2013 ELA Various Novels Math Big Ideas Math Red Accelerated Cengage 2015 Math BIM Red Accelerate Student Journal Cengage 2015 Math Simple Solutions Student Workbook Religion Blest Are We RCL Benziger 2018 Science Elevate Science - Life Science Savvas 2019 Social Studies myWorld Interactive American History Savvas 2019 Spanish SOMOS Spanish Level 1 Curriculum The Comprehensible Classroom 2019 Grade 8 ELA Various Novels ELA Exercises in English Level H Loyola 2013 Math Big Ideas MathAlgebra 1 Cengage 2015 Math BIM Algebra 1 Student Journal Cengage 2015 Math Simple Solutions Student Workbook Religion The Catholic Connection St.Mary's Press 2009 Science Elevate SciencePhysical Science Savvas 2019 Social Studies myWorld Interactive American History Savvas 2019 Spanish SOMOS Spanish Level 1 Curriculum The Comprehensible Classroom 2019

Middle School (Grades 6 to 8) Course Descriptions

Middle School ELA

English Language Arts at the Middle School Level allows students to deepen their reading, writing, listening, and speaking, vocabulary, and grammar skills through literary analysis. Novel studies are at the core of Norwood-Fontbonne Academy’s Middle School ELA program, where students are encouraged to drive their learning through inquiry and direct application of reading and writing skills. The themes within the novels selected are aligned with the grade level’s SSJ mission infused theme, allowing for deeper connectivity for each learner.

Grade Level Novels

6th Grade Theme: Identity

Harbor Me- Jacqueline Woodson

The Giver - Lois Lowry

Additional subtexts

7th Grade Theme: Social Action

I am Malala: How One Girl Stood up for Education and Changed the World (Young Readers

Edition): Malala Yousafzai

The Outsiders: S.E. Hinton

A Midsummer Night’s Dream- William Shakespeare

Additional subtexts

8th Grade Theme: Justice

The Diary of Anne Frank - (within Anthology)

Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare

12 Angry Men- Reginald Rose

This is My America- Kim Johnson

Additional subtexts


Middle School Math

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Middle School Math Program pushes students to take passionate ownership of their learning, persist through challenges, and show independence as they prepare for high school Students develop a positive relationship with themselves and mathematics through the various components of math class. Students experience direct instruction, independent practice and group work, working with technology to assist in math problems, real-world problems and projects, as well as tests, quizzes, and assessments.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

6th Grade

Big Ideas Math: Course 1, A Bridge To Success

7th Grade/ Pre-Algebra

Big Ideas Course

2 Math: Accelerated, A Bridge To Success

8th Grade/Algebra

Big Ideas Math: Algebra I, A Bridge To Success

● Percentages, rates, and ratios

● Integer operations

● Basic pre-algebra concepts of solving expressions, equations, and inequalities

● Statistics and data collection

● Pre-algebra concepts including work with integers and rational numbers

● Geometry concepts:

○ area, surface, area, working with circles, angles, triangles, etc

● Solving linear equations and inequalities

● Graphing and writing linear functions

● Solving systems of linear equations

● Exponential functions

● Polynomial equations and factoring

● Quadratic functions and equations

● Stock Market Game


Middle School Spanish

NFA’s Middle School Spanish course work focuses on immersing students in the Spanish language in order to increase proficiency and prepare students for real world scenarios Through the use of the SOMOS Spanish Curriculum in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, students acquire Spanish via comprehensible reading and listening activities, writing assignments, and speaking opportunities. Because of the nature of the SOMOS program, students learn about current events, geography, and the various cultures and traditions of the Spanish-speaking world in the target language itself, furthering students on the path to language proficiency set forth by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

6th Grade

● Interpretive Skills: Identifying main ideas from texts on familiar topics

● Interpersonal Skills: Communicating in spontaneous spoken and written word

● Presentational Skills: Presenting information on familiar topics

● Cultural Themes

○ The Running of the Bulls

○ The Panama Canal

○ Colombian Music & Culture

7th Grade

● Interpretive Skills: Identifying main ideas and evidence from texts

● Interpersonal Skills: Communicating in elevated spontaneous spoken and formalized written word

● Presentational Skills: Presenting information on newly introduced topics

● Cultural Themes

○ Education around the world

○ Bullfighting in Spain

○ Ecuador & The Amazon

8th Grade ● Interpretive Skills: Identifying themes and evidence within a text; making inferences

● Interpersonal Skills: Communicating in comprehensible spoken and written word

● Presentational Skills: Presenting information on unfamiliar topics

● Cultural Themes

○ Festivals & Traditions

○ Food Culture

○ Myths & Legends


Middle School Science

NFA’s Middle School Science experience imbues students with an appetite for experimentation, discovery, and understanding of the world around them Students learn to treasure self, others, and the earth by developing a keen sense of the scientific components in their natural surroundings. Through interactive lessons, laboratory analysis, and a thorough knowledge of appropriate scientific procedures, students will become more aware of the delicate balance upon which our world depends and their roles as stewards to maintain that balance. With a perspective of the world as a collective, students walk away from science class with an ability to care for each other and themselves as individuals and an awareness of community on a global scale.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

6th Grade

● Scientific Method

● History of Genetics

● Weather in the Atmosphere

● Geology/Earth’s surface system

● Atoms and Elements

● Solar System

● Engineering

7th Grade

● Scientific Method

● Study of living things (responses to stimuli, classification, and taxonomy)

● Kingdoms of life

● Structures and functions of cells and cell division

● Human Body Systems

● Ecosystems

● Engineering

8th Grade

● Introduction to Matter

● Solids, Liquids, and Gasses

● Potential and Kinetic Energy

● Thermal Energy

● Waves

● Magnetism

● Electricity

● Information Technology

● Newton’s Laws of Motion

● Periodic Table


Middle School Social Studies

The NFA middle school Social Studies program allows students to further reflect on their place in our world Through the content and research, students gain a deeper understanding of the importance of historical influences on society. Our students gain knowledge to support their efforts to be global-minded citizens.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

6th Grade ● 5 Themes of Geography

○ Movement, Region, Human-Environment Interaction, Place, Location

■ How to read a map

● Early Humans and the Rise of Civilizations

○ the emergence of early humans and language

○ early human migrations and adaptations to the environment

○ hunting and gathering and the division of labor

○ the domestication of plants and animals and the effects of village agriculture

● Characteristics of a Civilization

○ System of Government

○ Writing

○ Social Structures

○ Religious Systems

○ Stable Food Supply

○ Advances in Technology

● Ancient Civilizations

○ Ancient Egypt and the Middle East

■ the environmental influences on the growth of civilizations in the eastern Mediterranean.

■ trade routes between ancient Egypt and Kush.

■ religion and monarchy within these early civilizations

■ the development of the arts and architecture in this region

■ the origins of Judaism and the kingdom of Israel

■ how Judaism still thrives in the modern world

○ Ancient Egypt and the Middle East

■ geography of Greece and the Mediterranean region

■ the expansion of Greece along the Greek peninsula

■ the many cultural advancements that developed in ancient Greece

■ the conflicts that Persians and Greeks faced

■ the similarities and differences between Greek city-states such as Athens and Sparta.

■ the changes in government and the idea of citizenship that developed during this time.

■ the spread of Greek and Hellenistic cultures in Afro Eurasia.

■ the lasting achievements of Alexander the Great.

○ Ancient Rome

■ the early Roman Empire.

■ Roman government and life.


■ the origin and spread of Christianity

■ the legacy of Rome

● Cumulative Project:

○ Model Magic- Cuneiform writing

○ My Own Civilization Project

7th Grade Trimester One

● Identity/Enslavement

● Early Americas

● American Indians/Pilgrims

● Puritans

● Bacon’s Rebellion

● European Exploration

● Spanish, Dutch, English Colonies

● New England Colonies

● Geography

Trimester Two

● French and Indian War

● Bill of Rights

● Constitution

● Revolution

● Federalism

● The Early Republic

● Presidential Investigation

● War of 1812

● Geography

Trimester Three

● Timelines

● Geography Part II

● Westward Expansion

● God, Gold, Glory

● Society and Culture Pre-Civil War

● Geography

8th Grade Trimester 1

Society and Culture Before the Civil War (1820 - 1860)

- Industrial Revolution

- Industrialization and Immigration

- Cotton and Life in the South

- Abolitionism

Sectionalism and Civil War (1820 - 1865)

- Conflict and Compromise

- Growing Tension

- Outbreak of Civil War

- Course of the War

- Emancipation and Life During the War

- The War’s End


Trimester 2

The Reconstruction Era (1865 - 1877)

- Early Reconstruction

- Radical Reconstruction

- Reconstruction and Southern Society

- The Aftermath of Reconstruction

Industrial and Economic Growth (1865 - 1914)

- Railroads and the Economy

- Industry

- Hardships for Native Americans

The Progressive Era (1865 - 1920)

- A New Wave of Immigration

- Urbanization

- Rise of Progressivism

- Progressive Presidents

- Progress and Setbacks for Social Justice

- Changing American Culture

Trimester 3

Imperialism and World War I (1853 - 1919)

- Expansion in the Pacific

- War and Empire

- U S Power in Latin America

- A European War

- Entering the War

- Winning the War

- President Wilson and Isolationism

Prosperity and Depression (1919 - 1939)

- Presidents Harding and Coolidge

- Social Change

- The Roaring Twenties

- Division and Inequality

- Entering the Great Depression

- The New Deal

- Life During the Depression

World War II (1935 - 1945)

- Aggression Overseas, Isolation at Home

- Entering World War II

- The Home Front

- Winning a Deadly War


Middle School Religion

Religion classes at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy are designed to support our students in their growth as faith-filled persons in Catholic tradition Weaving SSJ spirituality and history through our lessons, students become rooted in the mission of our Sisters and the importance of unity; a unity that unites neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God and includes a strong emphasis on care for our Earth. Grade level SSJ infused themes provide a lens for our students to understand their role in being anti-racist and ways in which they can actively advocate for social justice. Opportunities to participate in Service-Learning and Outreach Projects, students are able to embody a spirit of service as they build relationships with our Dear Neighbor, while also growing in their ability to show empathy, respect, and compassion. Time in our Centennial Chapel rounds out the religion classroom experience.

6th Grade

● Old Testament Studies

○ Pentateuch - The first 5 books of the Bible

○ The Tribes of Israel

○ The Psalms

○ Song of Songs

○ The Proverbs

● Confirmation Preparation (2nd half of the year)

● Model UN Experience

● Chapel Focus - Lectio Divina

7th Grade

● New Testament Studies

○ The 4 Gospels - Syntopic vs the Gospel of John

○ The Story of Jesus

○ The Parables

● Confirmation Preparation (First Trimester)

● Chapel Focus - The Lives of Saints

8th Grade

● The History of the Church

○ Life and Ministry of the Church

○ The Role of the Apostles as the Foundation of the Church

● The Influence of and the Intersection between Church History and the Formation of the Sisters of St Joseph

● Chapel Focus - Student Led Prayer Services centered around the Parables, Gospel Writers, etc


Middle School Enrichments

Art The middle school art curriculum is centered around a TAB based philosophy. TAB, or Teaching Artistic Behaviors, is a pedagogy through which students learn to think like artists. It develops critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity skills. The teacher's role in this pedagogy is to work as a coach, often with individual students, and to introduce the class to new concepts through mini lessons which begin each class period These mini lessons include demonstrations on how to use different art mediums, or discussions on various artists and art concepts Students use class time to experience the process of making art, fully immersing themselves in the creative journey from conceptualizing a piece to evaluating the final product

P E Physical Education at the Middle School level is an avenue for engaging in developmentally appropriate physical activities designed for children to develop their fitness, gross and fine motor skills to enable them to participate in lifetime sports and activities They learn essential skills to become physically literate Physical Education at the Middle School level allows students to explore team and individual sports They learn game history, playing techniques, strategies and how to play the game at an accelerated level.

Media Advocacy

The middle school Media Advocacy class is an exciting and innovative course that empowers students to explore and address global issues through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The curriculum seamlessly integrates STEM learning, the engineering design process, and media literacy to create a dynamic and comprehensive learning experience. Throughout the course, students engage in hands-on activities and collaborative projects that challenge them to identify real-world problems related to the SDGs. They use STEM principles to analyze, design, and propose sustainable solutions, applying critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Media literacy plays a pivotal role in the class, as students learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and advocate for change. They study various forms of media, including digital media, social media, and journalism, to understand their impact on society and develop persuasive communication strategies. Students create engaging multimedia projects, such as videos, podcasts, and social media campaigns, to raise awareness and inspire action around the SDGs


The Social-Emotional Learning curriculum at the Middle School Level is designed to support students in learning the skills and attitudes needed to develop healthy identities, self-awareness, and social awareness It also teaches students the important skills needed for managing emotions, feeling and showing empathy for others, establishing and maintaining supportive relationships, and making responsible and caring decisions Through this work, students begin to deepen their understanding of themselves and others, take pride in their identity, foster inclusivity, and become a productive member of the community


Intermediate (Grades 4 and 5) Level Course Descriptions

Intermediate ELA

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Intermediate English Language Arts (ELA) program uses a Reading and Writing Workshop model. Through the use of teacher-read mentor texts, shared texts, novel studies, and active independent reading, reading strategies are taught through mini-lessons and practiced independently. By providing explicit instruction, teachers focus on a writer’s craft and create a predictable, safe environment where students take ownership of their writing, share their writing, and become competent with the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing). Students are exposed to a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry All students are encouraged to see themselves as readers and writers and develop a love of the written word English Language Arts at the Intermediate Level allows students to develop as readers and writers while incorporating spelling, vocabulary, and grammar skills through a rich curriculum

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

4th Grade Reading and Writing Workshop

● Foundations

● Poetry

Read Aloud Front Desk by Kelly Yang - Theme of Belonging

Black History Month focus

Poetry anthology and poetry share

● Non-fiction

○ Biography Unit - Living Wax Museum Presentation

5th Grade Novel Studies:

● First Trimester: Frindle by Andrew Clements

○ Create It Project

● Second Trimester: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt

○ Co-curricular, Art Project

● Third Trimester: Literature Circles

○ SSJ Infused Theme: Good Neighbor / Resilience

■ Inside Out and Back Again by Thanna Lai

■ Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan

■ The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz


Intermediate Math

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Intermediate Math Program pushes students to take passionate ownership of their learning, persist through challenges, and grow in independence Students develop a positive relationship with themselves and mathematics through the various components of math class. At the intermediate level, students will focus on mastering basic math facts, learning the process to solve multi-digit multiplication and division problems, and focus on fraction and decimal skills. A heavy emphasis is placed on solving word problems which fosters the growth of critical thinking skills in the subject area.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

4th Grade ● Mastering of basic math facts

● Focus on operations of whole numbers

● Introduction into fractions and decimals

● Geometry

○ Basic practice of finding perimeter and area, measurement, classifying triangles, angles, etc

5th Grade

● Continued focus on mastery of basic math facts

● Operations of whole numbers

● Focus on operations of decimals

● Focus on operations of fractions

● Geometry

○ Identifying shapes and finding perimeter and area


Intermediate Science

NFA’s 4th and 5th Grade Science experience provides students with opportunities for investigation, experimentation and discovery that will help them understand their surroundings Students learn to treasure self, others, and the earth by developing a perceptive sense of the scientific components in the world around them. Through engaging lessons and a strong knowledge of appropriate scientific subject matter, students will elevate their thinking while applying both science and engineering skills. Students will find that exploration is the heart of science, and also the heart of caring for the world that we live in today.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

4th Grade ● The Scientific Method

● Physical Science

○ Energy and motion

○ Human uses of energy

○ Waves and information

● Earth Science

○ Earth’s features

○ Earth’s natural hazards

○ The history of planet Earth

● Life Science

○ Structures and functions of plants

5th Grade ● Physical Science

○ Properties of Matter (Physical Properties, Boiling Point, Freezing Point, etc and Chemical Properties)

○ Changes in Matter (Physical and Chemical Changes)

○ Mixtures and Solutions

● Earth Science

○ Earth’s Systems & Water (Water Cycle, layers of the atmosphere and the geosphere)

○ Human’s Impacts on Earth (Global warming, Alternative energy, fossil fuels - impacts of each - positives and negatives)

○ The Solar System

● Life Science

○ Energy and Food (Food Chains)


Intermediate Social Studies

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Fourth and Fifth Grade Social Studies program takes students on an interactive tour of the United States While exploring the regions of the U S , students learn about geography, history, civics and government, and economics. Through research and projects, students work both independently and collaboratively to deepen inquiry and understanding of key ideas.

Grade Level Focus on Curriculum and Projects

4th Grade ● Map Making

● Civil Rights Project - Making a Monument / Poetry writing and Poetry Slam

● Biographies - Wax Museum Presentation (cross-curricular with ELA)

5th Grade

● Basic Geography Skills

● Native Americans

○ Native American Origin Stories

● Colonial America

○ Colony Commercial Project

● Citizenship and Structure of Government


Intermediate Religion

Religion classes at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy are designed to support our students in their growth as faith-filled persons in Catholic tradition Weaving SSJ spirituality and history through our lessons, students become rooted in the mission of our Sisters and the importance of unity; a unity that unites neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God and includes a strong emphasis on care for our Earth. Grade level SSJ infused themes provide a lens for our students to understand their role in being anti-racist and ways in which they can actively advocate for social justice. Opportunities to participate in Service-Learning and Outreach Projects, students are able to embody a spirit of service as they build relationships with our Dear Neighbor, while also growing in their ability to show empathy, respect, and compassion. Time in our Centennial Chapel rounds out the religion classroom experience.

4th Grade

● The Church

○ The Ten Commandments

○ The Sacrament of Baptism as a Sacrament of Initiation

○ Examination of Conscience and the gift of Forgiveness

○ The Eucharist

● Social Justice

○ The Works of Mercy

○ The Beatitudes

○ Becoming Disciples of Faith

● The Chapel Experience - Ways to Pray

○ Music Mediation

○ Reflections around prayers - The Lord’s Prayer, The Hail Mary, The Apostle’s Creed

○ Integration of cultural studies rooted in faith traditions

● Service-Learning experiences and special projects centered around our grade level theme of Belonging

5th Grade

● Overview of Sacraments

○ Sacraments of Initiation - Baptism and Confirmation

○ Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick

○ Holy Orders and Matrimony

● Social Justice

○ The Works of Mercy

○ The Beatitudes

○ Project on Gifts of the Holy Spirit

● The Chapel Experience - Ways to Pray

○ Music Mediation

○ Reflections around prayers - The Lord’s Prayer, The Hail Mary, The Apostle’s Creed

○ Integration of cultural studies rooted in faith traditions

○ Introduction to Lectio Divina

● Service-Learning experiences and special projects centered around our grade level theme of Resilience


Intermediate Enrichments

STEM Students will do projects that will grow from what they learned in the lower levels. In this part of their STEM careers, Students will dive into coding, circuits, and 3D design Students will have group projects in which they need to do research, build prototypes, and figure out how to improve upon their prototypes to reach the final goal set for them

Music The Intermediate School music program strengthens students’ musical knowledge and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate learned skills. Students will develop knowledge and skills related to the elements of music, such as music notation, rhythmic dictation, dynamics, tempo, meter, expressive qualities, performance, singing, orchestral instruments and musicians These skills will be demonstrated in classroom activities.

Art Students in fourth and fifth grade build on the skills they learned from previous years to hone their technical abilities in various art mediums. Through hands-on projects students continue their art making journey in fibers, paper mache, plaster, wire, recyclable materials, natural materials, installation, pastels, painting, drawing and printmaking With these repeated exposures to various mediums students prepare for the TAB approach in middle school where they will have the freedom to propose and execute self-directed projects

Spanish The Spanish curriculum for the intermediate level is aimed at preparing students for middle school by training a critical eye for linguistic concepts in the target language

Physical Education

Physical Education at the Intermediate level is an avenue for engaging in developmentally appropriate physical activities designed for children to develop their fitness, gross and fine motor skills to enable them to participate in games, sports and lifetime activities They learn essential skills to become physically literate Physical Education activities include Locomotor skills, non-locomotor skills, manipulative skills, and team games and individual activities The curriculum introduces the students to the skills necessary to participate in the Middle School curruculum

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

The Social-Emotional Learning curriculum at the Intermediate Level is designed to support students in learning the skills and attitudes needed to develop healthy identities, self-awareness, and social awareness It also teaches students the important skills needed for managing emotions, feeling and showing empathy for others, establishing and maintaining supportive relationships, and making responsible and caring decisions. Through this work, students begin to deepen their understanding of themselves and others, take pride in their identity, foster inclusivity, and become a productive member of the community

Media Studies

The 4th and 5th Grade Media Studies curriculum scaffolds students ability to research information in text to research online. Students are taught how to be a digital citizen, how to create a clean digital footprint, and the importance of being safe online. Furthermore, students will apply their learning by creating a variety of projects ranging from iMovies, interactive timelines, digital posters, and more


Grades 1-3 Program and Course Studies Descriptions (Primary and Montessori)

Primary Grades 1-3 Program:

The grades one to three primary program uses a child centered approach that is rooted in the SSJ mission and highlights shared responsibility, independence, and love of learning. Students take passionate ownership of their learning. Teachers create an environment where students are guided through whole group, small group, and one on one instruction Collaboration within the class and across grade levels provides opportunities for interdisciplinary exploration. Our classrooms lay the academic foundation to prepare students for lifelong learning fostering curiosity, empathy, and twenty first century skills

Montessori Grades 1-3 Program:

The Junior Level Montessori 6-9 year old experience is one of individually paced learning where students think critically, become engaged and enthusiastic learners, and take responsibility for their own education. Using beautifully crafted, naturalistic materials the students can explore and discover meaning through movement and multi-age collaboration Our Montessori program follows the path set forth by Dr. Maria Montessori and continues her legacy in philosophy and practice to foster independence, accountability, and passion for their own educational path.

Course Descriptions

Primary Montessori



ELA/ Language

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Primary English

Language Arts (ELA) program uses a Reading and Writing Workshop model Through the use of teacher-read mentor texts, shared texts, and active independent reading, reading strategies are taught through mini-lessons and practiced independently. Students in primary grades focus on building phonemic awareness, phonics and word recognition, fluency, and vocabulary through a systematic, multisensory approach By providing explicit instruction, teachers focus on a writer’s craft and create a predictable, safe environment where students take ownership of their writing, share their writing, and become competent with the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, publishing).

Students are exposed to a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry All students are encouraged to see themselves as readers and writers and develop a love of the written word.

● Workshop model for reading and writing

● Guided Reading and Literature Circles

● Phonics and spelling program to develop strong understanding of English language

The Montessori Language curriculum focuses on communication and building understanding through words Using a constructivist, concrete-to-abstract approach we focus on phonics as the foundation to build an understanding of the written and spoken language. We emphasize the importance of grammar through symbols and storytelling that denote meaning and create a practical understanding of the function of words The teacher serves as a guide to further the intrinsic flow of learning


Grades 1-3 Math

Primary Montessori

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Primary Math Program pushes students to build independence with math skills, persist through challenges, and apply math to the real world Students develop a positive relationship with themselves and mathematics through the various components of math class. At the primary level, students will focus on mastering basic math facts and gaining confidence solving multistep problems Stepping into a primary math class, you will see students engaging with manipulatives to gain a concrete understanding of abstract mathematical concepts Students are challenged to explain their mathematical thinking while engaging in discussion about their strategies and approaches to various problems.

● Place Value and number sense

● Number relationships including basic facts and computation

● Concrete Skills: time, money, measurement

● Fractions

● Geometry

● Focus on problem solving, representation, communication, reasoning and proof, and connections within a mathematical world

The Montessori Math curriculum emphasizes the importance of logic, order, and reasoning. Using a beautiful set of materials in order to cultivate their critical thinking skills, children build their higher-level abstract understanding of numbers and patterns. The child will spend time learning how to apply their knowledge with a degree of precision to real world situations

Grades 1-3 Science

Primary Montessori

The science program at Norwood Fontbonne Academy integrates scientific concepts with literacy skills. Students develop critical thinking through hands-on exploration, investigation, and collaboration Inquiry guides young scientists to draw conclusions about life, physical, and earth science concepts.

- Matter and Its Interactions

- Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

- Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity

- Earth’s Systems

- Engineering Design


Grades 1-3

Social Studies

Primary Montessori

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s primary social studies curriculum provides students with a background in government, economics, geography, and history with the goal of creating global citizens. Students participate in map navigation and creation, study of:

- Civics and Government

- Principles and Documents of Government

- Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

- How Government Works

- Economics

- Scarcity and Choice

- Geography

- Basic Geography Literacy

- Human Characteristics of Places and Regions

- Physical Characteristics of Places and Regions

- History:

- Pennsylvania history

- United States history

- Significant state and country symbols

Primary Montessori

Grades 1-3


The Montessori Culture curriculum is designed to build an understanding of the interconnectivity of the world and global citizenship of each child Children develop a grade level understanding of environmental relationships and their place in the universe. Through self choice, open exploration and self correcting materials, the child will apply their knowledge of global oneness to solve problems, build resilience, and formulate a moral awareness. Culture in the Montessori room encompasses the study of botany, zoology, geology, history, and political and physical geography


Grades 1-3


Primary and Montessori

Religion classes at Norwood Fontbonne Academy

● Catholic Sacrament preparation for grade 2, including the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist

● Understanding the aspects of the mass and names for people and sacramentals in the church

● Bible stories

● Liturgical Seasons, meaning and traditions

● Chapel Experience

○ Prayer Etiquette

○ Reflections

● Service-learning opportunities and special projects centered around the cohort theme of Unioning Love


Grades 1-3 Enrichments

STEM Grades 1st - 3rd STEM program introduces the LAUNCH cycle of design thinking Students will start by learning how to work together to solve various problems, learning that there are different roles needed in every group From there, students will learn how to use various engineering tools they will encounter in their STEM careers and eventually use them to build larger projects. Students will also spend some time learning the basics of coding. These early stages will help them with projects not only in the STEM classroom but through all their academia

Music Grades 1st-3rd music program strengthens students’ musical knowledge and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate learned skills Students will develop knowledge and skills related to the elements of music such as dynamics, tempo, rhythm, pitch, tone poems, musical stories, instruments of the orchestra, echo singing and vocals These skills will be demonstrated in classroom activities.

Art In art class, students in the first, second and third grade primary and JLM levels get messy and engage in the art making process through hands-on projects The teacher introduces different mediums, artists and techniques to expose students to the rich history of fine art Students have hands-on experiences with fibers, paper mache, plaster, wire, recyclable materials, natural materials, installation, pastels, painting, drawing and printmaking Through exposure to these mediums students build a foundation of abilities, which they will eventually use as a springboard for self-directed projects in middle school

Spanish The elementary level Spanish program continues to build on the child’s foundation for foreign language learning After we review and expand on all elements introduced at the preschool/kindergarten levels, we develop Spanish language skills in conversation, writing, song, prayer, movement, and global perspective.

Physical Education

Physical Education at the lower elementary level is an avenue for engaging in developmentally appropriate physical activities designed for children to develop their fitness, gross and fine motor skills to enable them to participate in games. They learn essential skills to become physically literate. Physical Education activities include Locomotor skills, non-locomotor skills, manipulative skills, balance and dance They learn modified games and sports The curriculum leads the students to participate in the Intermediate grades curriculum

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

The Social-Emotional Learning curriculum at the Elementary Level is designed to support students in learning the developmentally appropriate skills and attitudes needed in order to develop healthy identities, self-awareness, and social awareness It also teaches students the important skills needed for managing big emotions, feeling and showing empathy for others, developing the skills to create and identify positive and supportive relationships, and making responsible and caring decisions. Through this work, students begin to deepen their understanding of themselves and others, take pride in themselves and their uniqueness, foster inclusivity, and become a productive member of the community.


Ages 3-5 Program and Course Studies Descriptions (Primary and Montessori)

Pre-Primary and Kindergarten Program:

In our Pre-Primary program (ages 3 and 4) and Kindergarten (age 5) our students progress through the curriculum in a teacher-directed environment that encourages interaction, exploration, and investigation In first, second, and third grade, students learn the critical skills of decision-making and responsibility as teachers guide them through their academic subjects (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Religion) and enrichment classes using themed projects and independent learning centers

Montessori Ages 3-6 Program:

The Montessori 3-6 Curriculum offers children five key areas of study: Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, and Culture. Each learning area is made up of a set of Montessori materials that each teach one key knowledge area or skill. Montessori teachers present key lessons to introduce children to the name and learning outcomes of each Montessori material After a key lesson, the children work independently with the Montessori material to practice, explore, and make connections to learning outcomes. During this time, Montessori teachers stand back, observe how the children are learning, and document their progress A teacher will only intervene if needed, to encourage children’s independence, as there is a direct link between children’s sense of empowerment and their ability to retain new skills and information. New lessons are provided when a child is ready to progress to the next stage Through repetition and practice, children master the progression of the Montessori Materials and develop a fundamental understanding of each curriculum


Ages 3-5

ELA/ Language

Course Descriptions

Primary Montessori

The primary path provides explicit phonemic awareness taught through Heggerty utilizing a multi-sensory approach This approach allows students to hear and work the sounds in words within the phonemic awareness lessons, then match the sound to print during phonics instruction Our hands-on and direct phonics instruction is taught through the Wilson’s Fundations curriculum Readers and Writer’s Workshop models employed through the Schoolwide, Inc. Reading and Writing

Fundamentals and Handwriting Without Tears curriculums. Literacy concepts are taught and practiced in multiple ways (whole group, small group, and individualized interventions) to target multiple learning styles. Students have opportunities to meaningfully engage with content and practice skills and strategies through sensory bins, differentiated literacy centers, and dramatic play Teachers provide both guidance and immediate feedback during practice so that correct responses are reinforced

PrePrimary Series Followed:

● Learning without Tears

● Varied Literature

● Scholastic News: My Big World

● Wilson’s Fundations

Kindergarten Series Followed:

● Reading and Writing Fundamentals (Schoolwide, Inc.)

● Fundations Level K (Wilson)

● Varied Literature

Montessori Language exercises focus on increasing listening skills, comprehension, and vocabulary Listening skills develop through Oral Language, Pre-Reading and exploration of sound activities. Developing strong vocabulary sets the foundation for communication and increased reading and writing skills. All of these skills lead to the Montessori concept of Total Reading, as the child’s decoding activities lead to a full understanding of the author’s intent

● Oral Language Activities

○ Oral Language -

■ stories, book corner, poetry, rhymes,finger plays, story awareness

○ Picture Story

○ Nomenclature/Vocabulary

● Writing

○ Auditory perception

○ Basic orientation

○ Visual perception

○ Visual discrimination

○ Classification

● Writing

● Reading

○ Phonics

○ Puzzle Words

○ Little Books

○ Reading Folders

■ Special Sounds

● Total Reading


Ages 3-5


Primary Montessori

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s Primary Math Program is designed to help learners move from basic conceptual understandings towards mastery of specific skills and then apply that knowledge to real-world scenarios and experiences. Students are provided different contexts for students to develop a strong mathematical foundation. Our early childhood math program includes:

● Numeracy skills, addition and subtraction with a focus on base 10 concepts

● Enabling recognition of flat and solid shapes and their properties

● Strengthening fluency in basic measurements

● Sorts more complex objects into categories; explains reasoning

● Uses concepts of spatial relationships and ordering

● Use of hands-on materials, digital resources, and projects for instruction

● To enable students to think, reason and communicate mathematically

● To provide different contexts for students to develop a strong sense of number and to master numerical skills.

Stepping into a primary math class, you will see students engaging with manipulatives to gain a concrete understanding of abstract mathematical concepts. Students are challenged to explain their mathematical thinking while engaging in discussion about their strategies and approaches to various problems.

Montessori 3-6 Math Materials create tactile mathematical experiences for the child The child uses concrete materials that isolate each mathematical concept. Montessori Math Materials allow the child to use their sense of touch to grasp mathematical concepts of quantity The mathematical concepts covered in the Carriage House are numeration, the decimal system, computation, the arithmetic tables, fractions, and positive numbers. Arithmetic is the process of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Additional work is introduced with the number chains–which are separate chains of beads one through ten–that demonstrate squares and cubes of numbers Children love to skip count using these bead chains, which forms the concrete basis of the multiplication tables The simultaneous learning of numeration, decimal structure, and computation are fundamental in any Montessori environment.

PreMath Skills and Concepts

○ Skills of order, concentration, coordination, independence

● Logical Quantifications

○ Encouraging thinking in mathematics

○ Number Concepts

● Quantities and Symbols

● Decimal System 1-1000

● Linear Counting

● Addition

● Multiplication

● Subtraction

● Division

● Paths to Abstraction


Ages 3-5


Primary Montessori

The science program at Norwood Fontbonne Academy pushes students to

- Matter and Its Interactions

- Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

- Earth’s Systems

- Engineering Design

Ages 3-5

Social Studies

Primary Montessori

Norwood Fontbonne Academy’s primary social studies curriculum provides students with a background in connecting in communities. Students participate in the study of:

- Civics and Government

- Principles and Documents of Government

- Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

- How Government Works

- Economics

- Scarcity and Choice

- Economic Independence

- Geography

- Basic Geography Literacy

- Human Characteristics of Places and Regions

- Physical Characteristics of Places and Regions

- Interactions between People and the Environment

- History:

- Pennsylvania history

- United States history

- Significant state and country symbol


Ages 3-5

Practical Life

Primary Montessori

Practical Life Activities are the activities of everyday life The child observes these activities and gains knowledge through the real experience of accomplishing life skills in a purposeful way. The activities involve four areas: Care of Self, Care of the Environment, Grace & Courtesy, and Control of Movement All activities in Practical Life support the development of order, concentration, coordination, independence, and control of movement. Food Preparation is an integral part of Practical Life as children have opportunities to juice oranges, peel hard boiled eggs, prepare apples, and peel carrots

● Grace and Courtesy

● Fine motor development

● Control of Movement

● Care of Self

● Care of Environment

● Food Preparation

Ages 3-5


Montessori Sensorial exercises focus on developing your child’s ability to understand and adapt to their surroundings. This area of learning includes the manipulation of specifically designed Montessori materials that isolate the senses Exposure to sensory information, such as dimension, color, shape, texture, smell, and taste, helps your child classify and categorize the things around them as they explore their world. Sensorial exercises allow your child to refine each of their senses of Sight (visual), Touch (tactile), Smell (olfactory), Taste (gustatory), Sound (auditory), and Stereognostic (kinesthetic).

● Visual Sense

○ Size, color, form

● Muscular-Tactile

○ Surfaces, textures, stereognosis, temperature, pressure

● Auditory sense

● Olfactory Sense

● Gustatory Sense


Ages 3-5


Primary Montessori

Montessori Cultural exercises focus on allowing your child to experience their place in the world and gain an appreciation and respect for differences These exercises explore their culture and others while teaching that all beings are fundamentally related This area of learning helps your child discover the world around them and understand their own significance in it. Cultural exercises explore a variety of topics, such as: Geography, Zoology, Science, Botany, Art, and Music

● Cosmic Education

● Ecology Theory (Stewards of the Earth)

● Geology

● Botany

● Zoology

● Cultures of the World

○ Physical

○ Political

● History

○ Timelines - personal, communal

○ Art, Music

● Science

Primary and Montessori

Ages 3-5


● Seeds Activity Booklets

● Bible Stories

● Saints

● Feast Days of Saints and Holy Days

● Good Citizenship

● Respect for others

● Kindness


Ages 3-5 Enrichments

Music The 3- 5 yr old music program strengthens students’ musical knowledge and provides opportunities for students to demonstrate learned skills through movement/motions, singing, dancing and musical instruments. Students will develop knowledge and skills related to the elements of music, such as steady beat, hgh/low, fast slow, loud/soft, and echo singing These skills will be demonstrated in classroom activities

Art In art class, our youngest learners are introduced to different artists, art processes and methods The teacher shares a passion for the arts and encourages students to try different art mediums and techniques Students learn about nature art, sculpture, fiber art, pastels, printmaking, painting, and drawing They learn to trust their minds and hands to lead them in their creative endeavors The focus for these students is the process The goal is less to create a finished product and more to fully experiencing each medium with all its wonderful challenges and surprises Students learn that the process of art is part of the fun in creating art

Spanish Through age 5 we acquire the following skills and knowledge: yoga, breathing exercises, vowel sounds, the alphabet, animals, colors, days of the week, months, parts of the body, basic classroom instructions etc

Physical Education

Physical Education at the preschool level is an avenue for engaging in developmentally appropriate physical activities designed for children to develop their fitness, gross and fine motor skills to enable them to participate in games They learn essential skills to become physically literate Physical Education activities include Locomotor skills, non-locomotor skills, manipulative skills, balance and dance The activities will enable the students to participate in the Lower Elementary curriculum


Technology Integration

Student Tech Expectancies

This is a helpful guide to incorporate age appropriate tech skills that should be addressed, developed, and/or mastered Use this guide as you plan your classroom lessons and activities All skills are aligned with the ISTE student standards Using this guide will support teacher planning and technology integration

Student Technology Expectancies Guide


Digital Platforms and Subscriptions


Our school information system and learning management system for data about employees, families, students. Used for directory information, creating assignments and homework, grading, and report cards

Accessing MyNFA

1) Go to

2) Bookmark this page in Chrome

3) Sign in through Google

4) Follow steps outlined in training from MyNFA Ambassadors (Summer/Fall 2022)

5) Reach out to Shannon, Megan or Suzzanne for one on one assistance


Seesaw is a student driven digital portfolio subscription that is our primary source of classroom communication in grades PK-3 but is used through grade 5. Each student has an account where they can add photos, videos, links, documents, etc. to show their thinking and interact with classmates and their parents Parents can receive notifications each time a student or teacher uploads something to Seesaw. Great for daily/weekly communication about what is happening in the classroom and to show learning. Takes the place of a written classroom newsletter.

Accessing Seesaw

1) Go to

2) Select that you are a teacher

3) Log in through Google

4) Your classes are set up with students and ready to go!

5) Get on and start playing! View the Seesaw tutorials on their website!

6) Record a welcome video for your students and post it to their journal within the first two weeks of school.

Academic Subscriptions and Digital Platforms

We use Google and Clever (a single sign on tool) for most of our academic subscriptions. You use your Google account to log into Clever

See below for how to log into your teacher accounts for academic subscriptions. Students often log on the same way The student password for the programs in K-5 is NFA19201 Students in grades 6th-8th will use the personal password they created. There are a few select programs where students have unique usernames and passwords. This information will follow soon.


Academic Subscriptions

Name Curriculum Area Grade Levels Notes Teacher Username Teacher Password Big Ideas Math Math 6-8 Clever (Google) BrainPOP Jr. High Interest Nonfiction content and assessment K-3 Clever Code org STEM 3-8 Clever (Google) Epic Books ELA K-5 Clever Fundamentals Unlimited ELA K-5 (Teacher only) IXL Language Arts/Sci/SS/Math 1-8 Go into the platform to select the students in your class Google You should receive an email
from IXL Keyboarding Without Tears ELA 3-4 Clever Lexia Core 5 ELA K-5 Savvas Elevate Science Science K-8 Directions will be provided Savvas MyWorld History Social Studies 7-8 Directions will be provided Procreate ELA/Art 6-8 Seesaw Digital Portfolio PK-5 Google Simple Solutions Math 4-8 Clever TCI Social Studies K-6 Clever Waggle Math K-5 Clever Wilson Fun Hub ELA Primary K-2 (teachers only)

MyNFA Teacher “How To” Guide

MyNFA is our SIS and LMS. This should be the hub for everyone. Teachers use the LMS to post announcements, create and post assignments, grade assignments/assessments, and enter report card grades Students access all classroom materials and grades through this platform, and families have a view of the materials and posted grades. Access the full guide to provide video and text tutorials for you on the following topics:

● Login and Navigation

● Bulletin boards

● Topics

● Creating assignments

● Sending batch emails (to students and families)

● Guide to entering report card grades

● Day to day teacher “tips and tricks”

39 MyNFA- Teacher
“How To”

Lesson Planning

At NFA, the school administration trusts teachers to plan effective lessons for their students Lessons plans are written to support the teacher in their daily and weekly instruction In lieu of submitting weekly lesson plans, teachers will contribute to a monthly curriculum map which will provide an overview of the standards covered within their content area over the course of that month. The framework for this as well as emailed reminders will be provided by administration

In case of an unplanned absence, teachers submit (3) days worth of emergency substitute plans to the Director of Curriculum and Innovation at the beginning of each school year. This is outlined in more detail in the Employee Handbook.

Homework Expectations: Middle School

Middle School Homework Expectations

Math Monday-Thurs day

● skill practice

○ paper/pencil practice is necessary

○ digital resources should be for additional practice

● tangible preparation for quizzes/tests

ELA Monday-Thurs day

● reading every night

○ follow through in class with conferencing, response to prompt, prep for a book talk, etc

● writing- long term assignments

● skill practice

SS Science Spanish Religion

1-2 nights a week

● Varied

○ Response to reading content

○ Preparation for class

○ Long Term assignments

○ Projects

○ Study guides

○ Follow up with classwork


Assessment Practices

Assessment Planning

Grades 4 to 8 teachers: In small group planning, (4 and 5) and (6 to 8) and based upon your current teaching schedules, create an assignment and assessment schedule that meets the needs of your students Please work together to apprise each other of this Students should not have more than two assessments on one day.

Assessment Schedule


● Early Literacy Skills Screener

K-5 Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment (Reading)

● Identification of students’ independent and instructional reading levels

6-8 Midterms- All resources linked here

● Math


2-8 Terra Nova Now Standardized Test

4-8 Finals- All resources linked here

● Math (all 4-8)

● ELA (6-8)


K-3- October and April

4-5- As needed


Grading and Reporting


All grades are entered into the MyNFA gradebooks, and instantly published to parents and students. Report cards are generated from MyNFA within a timeframe provided at the closing of each trimester. Assessment grades should be entered within one week of administration time All comments should be informative and provide parents and students with a full understanding of success and/or areas of growth

If a student fails an assessment or major project, the teacher should communicate with the family directly through email. If the student is at risk of failing for the trimester, the teacher should communicate with the family and the principal

Any cases of academic dishonesty must be reported to the student’s parent/guardian as well as to the principal. Consequences for plagiarism are dependent upon the assignment and the number of times the offense has occurred. Students are at risk of failing the assignment without the possibility of retaking it, or failing the course for repeated offenses.

Report Cards:

Report cards are generated every trimester according to the dates on the NFA calendar Teachers prepare the report cards, and administration provides a review Report cards are then published on MyNFA for parents to access

43 Grading Scales: Letter Upper Grade Scale A+ 97-100 A 93-96 B+ 88-92 B 84-87 C+ 80-83 C 76-79 D+ 73-75 D 60-72 Number Lower Grade Scale 1 Proficient 2 Developing 3 Emergent Attribute Scale + Indicates Strength S Satisfactory I Improvement Needed N/A Not Applicable Enrichment Scale S Satisfactory I Improvement Needed Vision Statement Scale R Regularly NR Needs Reminders

Student Assistance

Teachers who are concerned about student progress should refer the student via email to The Student Assistance Team and Principal.

Services Include:

K-5 Learning Support

● Provides intervention for Reading and Math

○ Fundations, Wilson

● Provides overall academic support

6-8 Learning Support

● Provides overall academic support

NFA Counseling

● Available to all students

● individual counseling, classroom lessons, and parent consultation

CORA Services

● Parent permission is required

● speech and language, educational/psychological testing, counseling, remedial reading and math, occupational therapy


School and Classroom Culture

Access this growing list of resources for building a positive classroom culture. Connection over content!

In partnership with our families and our community, we strive to create an environment of collaboration where all people can live and work so that all may be one The NFA student vision statement is a profile of our students that guides teachers in establishing a positive classroom culture. It is important for teachers to establish clear student expectations, strong rapport, and a welcoming classroom community This foundation is laid during the first few weeks of school and should be consistently upheld throughout the school year.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) System

Universal Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports nurtures a positive school climate in which all students can learn and grow. These systems provide immediate, intermittent, and long-term reinforcements, given by adults, to any student displaying desired school-wide expectations, behaviors, or associated rules.

NFA implements PBIS in grades 4 through 8 This includes the following:

Grades 4 and 5

Grades 6, 7, and 8

NFA Proud Tickets - Drawings bi-weekly on Fridays during morning announcements.

NFA Shout Outs


PBIS Calendar

Dress Down Days - Last Wednesday of every month

Trips and other events at the classroom or grade-wide level

Month Event(s)


Expectations Assemblies held by Principal and Admin Team

● Develop expectations for classroom

● Teach expectations for hallway, cafeteria, bathroom, and playground

October Halloween Parade & Celebration

Middle School Homecoming Dance

Fall Sports Pep Rally

November Minute to Win it

Grandfriends Day

Thanksgiving Feast


Winter Concert

Polar Express/Pajama Day

Christmas Lipdub Video


Expectations Assemblies

Legacy Week

February Houses Valentine’s Dance

Snowball Tournament

Winter Sports Pep Rally

March Pi Day

Alumni Career Day

March Madness


Spring Break

May Student Talent Show

Blue and Gold Day

Leap Up Days

4-8 grade field trips

June 8th Grade Dinner Dance


Classroom Observations and Teacher Evaluations

Classroom observations are essential to the teacher evaluation process The Principal conducts formal classroom observations to gather and document evidence of effective teaching practices Additionally, in order to gather more information, the Principal and Director of Curriculum and Innovation conduct informal observations NFA follows the Danielson Framework for observations as well as a Montessori-aligned observation tool

● Formal observations are announced and encompass one complete lesson. These happen once per school year.

● Informal observations are unannounced and focus on components in Domains 2 and 3 (see below).

● Ratings and feedback from formal and informal observations are shared via email.

Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching

Danielson’s Framework for Teaching encompasses the foundational ideas on which the observation process is based and guides how we define effective teaching in grades 1-3 primary classrooms and grades 4-8. The framework offers a description of practices that, based on research and empirical evidence, have been shown to promote student learning.

Danielson’s Framework for Teaching consists of four Domains, each with five to six components of teaching This framework serves as the guide for rating classroom observations The Domains and respective components are described below:


Montessori Observations

Observations in the Montessori settings aim to direct attention to not only what children are doing, but what they are learning as a result. Observations in Montessori environments focus on how classrooms are designed to support student growth.

We observe…

● What children are doing (choosing work, collaborating, planning and reflecting, caring for the classroom, etc )

● What adults are doing (observing, modeling, encouraging exploration, redirecting, conferencing etc )

● How the environment is prepared (clean, orderly, child-accessible, supports independence, etc )

Peer Observations

Teachers are strongly encouraged to conduct peer observations We believe that people learn best when observing others Peer observations are a part of high-quality professional development that allow the observed teachers to share and demonstrate their expertise within the context of their classrooms, and gain valuable feedback and ideas. Have you heard about a teacher doing something interesting in their classroom that you’d like to consider implementing in your own classroom? Contact the Director of Curriculum and Innovation to arrange a time to observe it in action in your colleagues' classroom.


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Articles inside

PBIS Calendar

pages 47-49

Academic Subscriptions

pages 40-43, 45-46

Ages 3-5 Enrichments

pages 36-38

Grades 1-3 Enrichments

pages 29-35

Intermediate Religion

pages 23-28

Intermediate Math

pages 20-21

Middle School Enrichments

pages 18-19

Middle School Religion

page 17

PBIS Calendar

pages 48-50

Academic Subscriptions

pages 40-43, 46-47

Ages 3-5 Enrichments

pages 36-38

Grades 1-3 Enrichments

pages 29-35

Intermediate Religion

pages 23-28

Intermediate Math

pages 20-21

Middle School Enrichments

pages 18-19

Middle School Religion

page 17

PBIS Calendar

pages 48-50

Academic Subscriptions

pages 40-43, 46-47

Ages 3-5 Enrichments

pages 36-38

Grades 1-3 Enrichments

pages 29-35

Intermediate Religion

pages 23-28

Intermediate Math

pages 20-21

Middle School Enrichments

pages 18-19

Middle School Religion

page 17

Academic Subscriptions

pages 38-41, 44-45

Ages 3-5 Enrichments

pages 34-36

Grades 1-3 Enrichments

pages 28-30

Intermediate Religion

pages 23-27

Intermediate Math

pages 20-21

Middle School Enrichments

pages 18-19

Middle School Religion

page 17

Academic Subscriptions

pages 40-43, 46-47

Ages 3-5 Enrichments

pages 36-38

Intermediate Enrichments

pages 25-35

Intermediate Religion

page 23

Intermediate Math

pages 20-21

Middle School Enrichments

pages 18-19

Middle School Religion

page 17
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