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Article by Debora Slingsby
St Botolph’s, Shepshed 8.00am, Holy Communion (except on the 2nd Sunday of the month)
10.00am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion
Possible to join online: www.shepshedandoaks.co.uk
10.00am on Wednesdays, Holy Communion
Family Service, 1st Sunday of the month at 10.00am with Holy Communion
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We are situated off Forest Street, at the entrance to the Iveshead School site.
As a small group of Christians who "Seek to know Jesus Christ & to make Him known" we gather for worship at 3pm on Sundays & for Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesdays at 2.30pm.
You are invited to our meetings & will be sure of a friendly welcome. Enquiries to:
01509 829166 (Ian) or 01530 223625 (Malcolm)
Children take a central role at this service which has crafts, action songs and much more!
St James’ Church, Oaks in Charnwood
8.30am on Sundays, Service with Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
11.00am, 3rd Sunday of the Month Family Service
Everyone is warmly welcome to all our services
For further information please visit www. shepshedandoaks.co.uk or ring the Parish Office on 01509 502255.
Article by Maureen Walbey
10.15 am Morning Worship & crèche
Mondays 9.15 am-11 45 am Prayer time in church (come and go as you please)
10.00 am-2.00 pm Warm Hub with refreshments
2.30 pm & 7.45 pm Bible Study on Zoom
Wednesdays 9.00 am-11.00 am Little Lambs Toddler Group (Term time only)
2.45 pm Wednesday Fellowship
Sunday 9:30am
Prayers 10:30am Morning Worship with Communion
Tuesday 6:30pm Bible Study Thursday 10:30am
Prayers 6:30pm
All are welcome Phone: (01509) 264 169 Packe Street, Loughborough, LE11 3EZ
From Thursday 9th Feb. 7.00 pm Lent Course
Fridays 6.00 pm Girls Brigade (Term time only)
Article by Nigel Holmes
Sundays 10.30 am Morning Worship including Sunday School and creche
6.00 pm Evening Worship
Thursdays 7.30 pm Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays Term time only
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FRIDAY 11th MARCH 2023
Refreshments available
Proceeds to St Botolph’s Church funds
10.00 am Ladies’ Bible Study
2.00 pm Ladies’ Fellowship
Wednesdays 10.30 am-2.00 pm Day Centre for Senior Folk
9.30 am-11.00 am Kirkhill Kangaroos (parent & toddler group)
Fridays 7.30 pm-8.45 pm Young People’s activities plus Christian message for around year 7
For more information on any of these activities please visit www.shepshedwordoflife.org and click on ‘regular meetings and activities’, or ring 07473 952161, or email us at contact@shepshedwordoflife.org
Article by Ripon
Spice Lounge Restaurant was proud and honoured on Sunday 27th November 2022 to be a sponsor of a fantastic fundraising event for SHEPSHED FOODBANK.
In total, we donated £410 to help support this wonderful local charity in Shepshed. Everyone who dined, thoroughly enjoyed this great night for a great cause.
Article by Brenda Snape
Winner - Hallcroft Opticians Bonita Irish with Chairman of Council, Cllr. David Northage
Runners up - Gasworks Sam Gee - Love Heart Home Marian Preston
Our frontline staff follow Government guidelines for visiting you in your home and they are fully vaccinated. LevLaw Ltd remains here for you.
Most people hope that their estate will pass on to their children and grandchildren eventually.
But this will not happen for many, unless careful arrangements have been made to protect their assets from being taken towards the end of their life to pay for care home fees. The solution to help protect your estate is a Will incorporating a Property Protection Trust (PPT).
A testamentary PPT can only be executed whilst both partners remain alive. Upon death of the first partner, their Will specifies that their share of the property is placed into trust and names the ultimate beneficiary of this share, normally the children and grandchildren of the deceased. The surviving partner, under the terms of the trust, has the unequivocal right to remain living in the property for the rest of their life. On the death of the second partner the Trust comes to an end and the property passes to the beneficiaries.
As the surviving partner does not own the deceased’s share of the property it is fully protected for the beneficiaries, so if the surviving partner requires care, or even remarries, this share of the children’s inheritance is protected. This last point can be particular interest to couples who have come together and have children with different partners.
A PPT can help each person in a relationship ensuring that their children inherit their share of the property, while giving their surviving partner the ability to live in the property for the rest of their life. If the surviving partner wants to move to another property, they can still sell the property and the proceeds to be used to purchase a new property, the terms of the Trust remain over the new property.
Well here we go again tapping away at the computer key board and making comment about all that affects us. I have had six weeks taking time from all this media stuff. Any project whether paid or unpaid needs time away from the coal face, time to reflect and fire up new ideas. Artists tell us material is gobbled by T.V, but even in a local way it’s difficult to keep projects fresh. Its a fine balance to keep what works and implant new or fresh ideas.
The podshows aimed at Shepshed and all that goes on in the Parish and neighbouring outposts has picked up from last year when I put the mantle down for the short break. As I write this we have had the first snow of the winter, and to me it doesn’t seem right if we don’t see the white stuff early on. My birthday drops right in the middle of February, and thats not a hint for a celebration, I very rarely had any birthday parties as a youngster due to blizzards and ice. So in birthday parties Im about six, thanks Feb.
By the time you read this the interview I did with our local M.P. Jane Hunt will be out on the Feb 4th, first pods how of this year. I spoke with Jane about the job of an M.P. in Westminster, what it takes, a little about her week. This is a non political conversation as I know not many of us have a grasp on how our system works. My interview was aimed at any M.P. and what they would face week in week out. Good constituent members are very rarely given the credit by the media, they only go for the headline grabbers. You and I have totally differing ideas as to what is needed in our towns and villages and how to achieve it. I hope with this small insight I have given some indication on how things work.
Last Summer I interview three Shepshed authors and one of them Rosemary Blake inquire of me, had anyone asked to interview yours truly about my life and this podcast I put out on Facebook. Well thats been complete and is out on February. 11/18, and my thanks goes to Rosemary for taking time out to help me put this together. We all have interesting lives and experiences that mould our characters and our relationships, anyway I hope you enjoy it and find it interesting.
The new year for some is full of fear or maybe loss, anxiety. Having someone to speak with or have a cuppa on a cold day may be all it takes. In Shepshed we have several venues through out doing just that, providing places to chat and have a tea or a coffee. Go to my page on Facebook if you can; Al’s Electronic Shepshed Experience.
Keep safe and back in March. Al.
Article by Graham Burton
On the 12th members will be going on a rearranged visit to the Birmingham Military Tattoo. The 14th members meet at Rolls-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm.New members will be made welcome to this event. March events on the 7th members of the walk & talk group will meet. The 14th members will meet at Roll-Royce Leisure from 12:30 to 2:00pm New members will be made welcome to this event. On the 22nd members are going on a day trip to York.
Having run the London Marathon in October 2022, along with my wife Val, and finishing in a time better than expected I decided to apply again for the run in April 2023. Sadly I was unsuccessful in the ballot but have now received the wonderful news from Brain Research UK that they would like me to run for them again. This is amazing considering they had over 6000 applicants for only 300 places. This is indeed an honour.
Now I need to turn such faith placed in me into further training - this time through the winter months which will bring its own challenges. I hope people will get involved in this next phase of my journey.
There are only 3 months to go until the marathon on 23 April. I have set up a sponsorship page and the link is below. Every pound raised goes into important brain research into dementia, Alzheimer’s, strokes, brain injury and tumours, epilepsy and degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s. We and our loved ones all benefit from this research. By supporting this research we are leaving a hopeful legacy for future generations. My own severe brain injury in 2017 has made this cause very close to my heart.
Donations in cash or cheque paid out to Brain Research UK can also be left at Ryatt’s Optometrist in the Bull Ring in Shepshed.
Article by Steve
Hello, and welcome to LeiceExplore, my name is Steve, and I'm a lover of our abandoned and out of sorts industrial heritage in not only Leicestershire, but beyond as well. Join us on YouTube where you will regularly find not just myself, but also my buddies, Delighted Dave, IndiAndy Jones, Rare Rob and the walkabout Wazzock, battling the undergrowth in search of abandoned Railways, Canals, Watermills and so much more.
So head on over to YouTube, search for LeiceExplore and click the subscribe button!
What are you waiting for!
Let's go for a Noseh!
You heard it here first!
Article by Keith Bailey
Sunday Services
10.45am Morning Worship on: 12th February
19th February (Church Anniversary)
26th February
5th March
6.00pm Evening Worship on: 19th February (Church Anniversary)
Coffee Mornings: Every Friday 10am until 12 noon
Article by Stephen Woodcock
We are an independent, nondenominational group of Christians who want to love God and serve people. We meet at the Shepshed Community Centre, 47A Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QE
• Worship: Sunday, 10:45am.
• Bible Classes for all ages: Sunday, 11:45am.
• Bible Study: Thursday, 7:30pm.
Contact: info@ shepshedchurchofchrist.co.uk Phone: 07917260297
You will receive a warm welcome to any of our meetings. Find us on Facebook.
Article by Chris North
Central Meditation Group will soon resume meeting after a winter break. Our first event is a Meditation Super Sunday at 2pm on 26th February: two periods of meditation guided by an expert teacher, plenty of wide-ranging discussion, and free tea and coffee! Our weekly meetings resume on 1st March, every Wednesday from 10am until noon. All the events are at Charnwood Road Community Centre in Shepshed, newcomers are always welcome, there is no advance booking (people can just come along on the day), and the cost is minimal (a small charge just to cover the room hire cost). Anyone who would like more details can phone Chris on 01509 506585.
After its Christmas break Shepshed & District Camera Club returned from to St Botolph’s Church Hall for the first meeting of 2023. On Tuesday 10th January Mandy Sheringham, from Sileby Photographic Society, gave an interesting talk on her trip to Sri Lanka in 2020 showing pictures of the people, architecture and wildlife.
The meeting on17th January was a Macro Photography Practical Evening. Club members took multiple photographs of an object and the used Photo Stacking to produce a single photograph.
The first round of the clubs League competition for 2023 took place on the 24th January with a themed category of “Scapes” (Digital) and the Open category (Printed). A high standard of photograph’s was entered into both categories and after some constructive comments and a lot of consideration the judge, David Gibbins, chose the following;
PDI: Scapes
First: Mick Jelly - Charnwood Dawn
Second: Mick Jelly - To Manhattan
Third - Alan Harris - Foggy Day in Bradgate Park
HC - Pete Richardson - Purnululu Sunset
HC - John Loan Clarke - Fading Away
Prints: Open
1st Mick Jelly - Trident
2nd Pete Richardson - Osprey with Catch
3rd Chris Coxon - Bikers
HC Alan Harris - Train
HC Jamie Humphrey - Nuthatch
New members are always welcome and further information, including the programme for this year, can be found on the club’s website www. shepshedcameraclub.co.uk. Also, the club has a Facebook page which can be found at www.facebook. com/ShepshedCameraClub
It’s that time of year when we could all do with something to lift our spirits, so why not banish the winter blues by popping along to the Loughborough Flower Lovers’ Club’s next meeting on Thursday, 16 February. This will feature the NAFAS National Teacher and Area Demonstrator, Louisa Rigden, with her demonstration entitled ‘Spring Delight’.
Visitors and new members can always be assured of a very warm welcome, and are charged a small entry fee. Particularly welcome are those who are new to flower arranging. Meetings are held at the Amherst School, Gray Street, Loughborough LE11 2DZ from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm on the third Thursday of each month. There is parking within the school grounds, and the venue is warm and spacious. All you have to do is relax and watch beautiful flower arrangements being produced during the evening, and perhaps buy a raffle ticket to try to win one.
If you would like to know more, please ring 01509 853740.
On the 13th of December the Shepshed History Society played host to the society’s Christmas Social meeting. The evening started with a regular and well liked speaker by the name of Jo Golby who gave a highly entertaining and amusing talk on her adventures as a Tour Guide mainly at Warwick Castle and later Calke Abbey, she went onto tell many amusing tales of the many predicaments she got herself into and related how quite a few famous personalities also visited the Warwick Castle over the years and tried to belittle her but she always came out on top. Meanwhile while listening to the many hilarious tales, members of the society enjoyed a welcome glass of Christmas punch. And finally the society provided a luxurious Christmas supper for its members and the evening was a great success.
On the 10th of January Shepshed History Society enjoyed an excellent talk given by Mrs Sandy Leong. It was a follow up talk given earlier on the origin of our tea that we all take for granted these days. In the 1840’s a plant hunter and adventurer one Robert Fortune was employed by the East India Trading company to go in disguise dressed as a native to China. His task was to investigate the many sorts of teas there were as well as learn their art of refining it into the tea we know today. 6ft 1” tall Robert had many hilarious and dangerous adventures as he went under cover. However he was able pass the vital information onto India and they were able to grow the tea themselves. He survived to tell the tale and finished working up as a plant specialist in Kew Gardens.
The February speaker on the 14th is Mr Keith Blood who will be telling tales of the supernatural. Newcomers always welcome and for more info please contact 07563164315
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd July 2023
Share your beautiful garden, large or small, with the community and raise funds for Shepshed Volunteer Centre
Contact Shepshed Volunteer Centre
9a Charnwood Rd; 01509 508040
To enter your garden is free and can be done over the phone
This year at Shepshed Volunteer Centre we are celebrating our 40th year of helping the community in Shepshed. During this time, the services we offer has expanded, however the basis of what we do remains the same, to help those most in need in our community. Currently we offer community transport, a befriending service to those who are socially isolated or housebound and gardening.
As with many voluntary organisations, demand often outstrips supply and we are always looking to recruit new volunteers. Volunteer drivers use their own cars to take people to doctors, dentists and hospital appointments, as a driver you choose whether you do local journeys or ones further afield, as well as getting paid 50p per mile expenses. Befrienders visit Shepshed residents in their own homes, or speak to them by telephone, usually once a week. To be a volunteer driver or befriender we ask for two references and also a DBS (identity check), which we do in house. If you are interested in volunteering with us, call in and have a chat, the office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 12noon, 9a Charnwood Road, Shepshed.
To raise funds to ensure we continue in the heart of the Shepshed community, we run the Open Gardens weekend and Scaresheep Festival each year. This year the Open Garden event will be help on the 1st and 2nd July 2023, 1-6pm each day, the Scaresheep Festival will be on the 17th and 18th September 2023 10am to 4pm each day. If you would like to register early for either event as a household who will open your garden or will make a scarecrow with a sheep theme, please contact Shepshed Volunteer Centre 01509 508040.
Article by Ngaire Hall
Shepshed Rotary Clubs Annual Xmas Tree Festival was back on track after a three year Covid delay. 43 highly decorated trees from Groups covering all corners of the Community lit up St Botolph’s Church. We give our sincere thanks to the Church for giving us the opportunity to hold the event. All funds made over the weekend are poured back into the Community and the Rotary Charity Foundation. The public vote for the best trees in Three Categories, and
Shepshed Lions ‘slayed’ it again this year (see what I did there!) with ferrying Santa around Shepshed for 11 nights before Christmas. We would like to THANK the whole town for their generosity and good will. With the money collected we will be able to help many more people in Shepshed. We hope the children enjoyed meeting Santa and of course Mrs Claus as well.
Because the people of Shepshed have helped us raise much needed funds we have been able to help many people and organisations lately. We were able to donate to Wild Life Cheer which is Shepshed’s Gymnastic Cheer Leading Group, via Elevate Elite, to help their own fundraising for their trip to Florida to compete in The Varsity Summit this April, the most prestigious competition for their age group and level, competing against teams from all over the world. This was after competing in Amsterdam and coming first. We also gave our annual donation to The Loughborough branch of the Salvation Army and Shepshed Food bank.The Cancer Support Club at the Glenmore Centre have received a contribution too amongst other donations we were able to give.
We shall be putting our large Easter Eggs in the local pubs again so don’t forget to choose your number to win a real big chocolate feast!
We are beginning to organise this year’s Carnival and invite local people and businesses to get in touch if they would like a stall at this, the largest community event in Shepshed every year.
Please remember that we are here to help and if we are not told, we can’t do that. So if YOU or anyone you know needs help, physically or financially please write us a letter and we WILL consider the request (we cannot guarantee that all requests will be successful - our resources are finite). If YOU would like to help us help you, and would like to join us or The Fosl’s, please e mail lynnjac19@gmail.com.
All that it remains to do is to wish you all a Very Happy and Healthy 2023 from Shepshed Lions.
The Adult winner group retain for one year a mounted Bell cast by the Bell Foundry in Loughborough. This was handed over at the Church’s Advent Service on Sunday Evening.
Women’s Community Choir
2nd Woolley Beardsleys & Bosworth Solicitors
3rd SSAFA Norton House
1st Newcroft Primary Academy
2nd St Botolph’s C of E Primary School
3rd Oxley Primary School
Highly Commended: Belton C of
E Primary School and St Winefrides Catholic Voluntary Academy
1st The Oak Tree House Nursery
2nd Shepshed Rainbow Guides
3rd 3rd Shepshed Brownies
Mrs Clause and friend Wild Fire Cheer Leading Group Presentation of Adult Trophy and Certificate: Fiona Soar, Michael Torne, and Rotarian Phil Marriott........IN
Foot Health Check | Callous Reduction
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Tel: 07961 327075 (up to 6pm)
slimming-friendly spag bol
Wednesday’s 9.30am
Shepshed Bowls Club, Charnwood Road, Shepshed, LE12 9QF (opposite Asda) with Christina 07486 532978
#YesYouCanWithSlimmingWorld slimmingworld.co.uk
Wednesday’s 5.30pm & 7.00pm Christchurch
Field Street, Shepshed, LE12 9AL with Claire-Lou 07488 243173
T: 01509 557701
E: cllr.keith.harris@charnwood.gov.uk
I hope everybody is coping with the economic strains of the times. If anyone is in need of advice or support, I can refer them to the appropriate contacts in the council or other agencies.
Our little library is thriving again. We held our 7th birthday party in January. Many residents came in and we got some new members. The tombola and book sale raised £300 on the day for the Shepshed Foodbank. We kept the tombola open for the week after and I noticed that a lot more prizes had gone. So the final amount will be higher. Elwira has just published the stats for 2022. More people visited the library and more people were active borrowers compared to the previous year in every month except December. We are blaming the awful weather for that little blip. There were as many new joiners as in 2021 and a real surge of 23 in September. That is not an easy target to keep up as there are many members already. Please keep visiting and borrowing so that this wonderful facility can continue. Several volunteers have withdrawn after many years’ service and we are looking for new people to do some shifts. You can get some training and then learn on the job with another person always there to support you.
I have noticed in my staff sessions that some people are unaware of the hold facility operated by the County Library system. You can go on to the library catalogue on the county website. Search under Loughborough Library and choose the county one (the university library comes up ahead every time – ignore that one). Scroll down the left side and you will see you can renew and reserve. Click there and you get a search engine to find if the system has books you want. Put the author or the title in there. Look at the list. When you find one you want, click ‘select an action’ on the right and then click ‘place hold’. You put your card number and pin number in. Then choose Hathern Library as the pick-up point and click ‘place hold’. There will be a charge of £1 and the book will be delivered to our library for you to collect. So even if you have read all the books we have, you can get any book in the county sent to you. If you can’t be doing with all this clicking, just pop in and the staff will do it for you.
The woodland has been fully planted. Unfortunately, some stakes were not far enough into the ground and quite a number
blew over in the wind. IdVerde have replanted them. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave time to plant on the four volunteer involvement days. There will be opportunities in the future to do some maintenance. The Parish Council will announce these in due course. The 14,000 trees will contribute to the council’s target of planting 100,000 trees.
There will be a jumble sale on February 5th from one to three at Hathern Club in aid of the Youth Club. Entry is £2 so bring some cash. Please pop by on the day to get some bargains and contribute to the excellent work done by volunteers to give the village youth somewhere to go and enjoy themselves. I still haven’t got round to playing a game on the pool table I got for them with my Member’s grant money. I am moving house and have just found my old cue, a relic of a misspent adolescence.
Don’t forget the seed swap at the library on February 18th. If you have any spare seeds, bring them along. If not, come anyway and get some new ideas for your garden and/or allotment.
The wonderful Hathern Village Association is having an AGM at the Club this month. Sharon Thorold is keeping tabs on numbers attending. If you are interested in going, get in touch and let them know. I have the impression that this is an important meeting with some big decisions to make.
I am hanging up my boots as a councillor in May. I have enjoyed working with and for residents and I will continue in my volunteer activities in the library and the HVA. Hathern is my adopted village and I want to remain involved in the vast range of events there.
Jane HuntMember of Parliament
T: 01509 262723
E: jane.hunt.mp@parliament.uk
Residents to consult on the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy.
Since I was elected, it has been extremely important to me to ensure that the Loughborough constituency gets the best possible support from government funding. In fact, over the last three years, while I have been your Member of Parliament, Loughborough has received the most funding, from any government, to date. This is primarily due the success of the Loughborough Town Deal, which will be receiving £16.9 million as a result of the Levelling-up fund, including £2.6 million to go towards a new Digital Skills Hub which will help unemployed and semi-skilled adults from in Shepshed, Hathern and across the constituency to up-skill. So, I am pleased with the support we have had so far from the government with regards to levelling up, but what more can be done for our area?
I am aware that housing is a topic frequently brought to me as an area of concern by residents. Be it in Hathern, where there is concern around the village remaining a distinct settlement, or in Shepshed where many new houses are being built.
Currently, there is a consultation period on the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: reforms to national planning policy. The bill renews the government’s commitment to levelling up across the country. Balancing the need to build more homes to increase home ownership while empowering communities to make better places, restoring local pride and regenerating towns and cities.
To achieve this, the Bill will deliver much needed planning reform, including updates to the framework to ensure development delivers infrastructure - something that residents frequently highlight as a priority of theirs with regards to new housing developments.
Around 8 months ago, I asked the Secretary of State what his department was doing to address the problem of a lack of a 5 year land supply circumventing local planning decisions which has led to additional building taking place. In his response, he advised me that the issue would be
addressed in this Bill. Moreover, it brings much needed reform to the 5-year housing land supply rule to incentivise local authorities to agree to local plans and give communities more of a say on development in their local area. Additionally, the Bill proposes to remove the Duty to Co-operate on housing numbers. An alignment policy will be implemented following further consultation, but this will assist our council area in allowing us to keep to our number of houses needed, without having to include houses from other areas. This is something I have spoken about in the past and I am keen is put in place. We need good, affordable housing for our local communities, without the additional build needed to make up numbers from other areas. Furthermore, I am a keen advocate for building on brownfield sites before greenfield sites. Although we do not have any green belt in Leicestershire, we have areas of separation which are designed to keep places like Hathern as distinct villages, and we also have a duty to preserve as much of our beautiful countryside that we have here in Leicestershire for future generations to enjoy.
I hope that you would agree that the reforms and measures set out in the bill are good news for residents of Shepshed, Hathern and indeed the rest of the constituency, which is why it is important that we have our voices heard by government. The Bill is currently open for consultation, which closes on the 2nd March 2023 at 11:45pm. It would be very helpful for residents to write in with your thoughts on the measures which the bill sets out and your priorities for the area. You can find all the details that you need to submit a response here: www.gov.uk/government/ consultations/levelling-upand-regeneration-bill-reformsto-national-planning-policy/ levelling-up-and-regenerationbill-reforms-to-national-planningpolicy
I will be submitting a response, and I would encourage you to do the same. If I can be of any assistance with this or another matter, please get in touch with me via post, telephone, email or drop in to the office anytime Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm at 18 Pinfold Gate, Loughborough LE11 1BE.
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
We hope you all had a good Christmas and that New Year has started off well. As Cllrs we get the blame for everything, such as vehicles being parked on pavements or double yellow lines, speeding and dog dirt. We try our best to get this sorted, BUT it is residents that are causing these issues not your Cllrs.
Planning – Garendon Park SUE
P/22/2094/2 – Land West of Loughborough – discharge of condition 37 (arboriculture Method Statement) of P/14/1833 (outline planning permission for residential development up to 3,200 dwellings.
P/22/1994/2 – Land West of Loughborough – discharge of condition 9 (Phasing Plan) of P/14/1833/2
P/22/2003/2 – Land West of Loughborough – discharge of conditions 10 (development Framework) and 13 (Employment Parcel Design Brief) of P/14/1833/2
P/22/1918/2 – Land West of Loughborough (SUE) discharge of condition 20 (Strategic Link Road) of P/14/1833/2 amended plans received 22/12/2022
P/22/1474/2 – land off Tickow Lane – discharge of condition 19 (phased landscaping of P/18/0586/2)
P/22/1934/2 – 51 Brick Kiln Lane
– erection of raised children’s playhouse with raised decking area, Rope Bridge and climbing wall to rear of dwelling
P/22/2078/2 – 99 Oakley Road –outline planning permission for the erection of 3no. Dwellings following demolition of existing P/22/2079/2 – 73 The Meadows –proposed single storey extension (following demolition of existing garage) and render to house
P/22/2085/2 – 16 Glenmore
Avenue – erection of single storey extension to rear of house
P/22/1917/2 – land off Ashby Road
West – discharge of condition 9 (archaeological investigations) of P/20/2088/2 (residential development of up to 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and sustainable drainage (Outline –access only to be considered)
P/21/2428/2 – 41 Iveshead Road – erection of 2 storey and single storey extension to rear of dwelling
P/22/2106/2 – 70A Brick Kiln Lane – outline application for 5
no dwellings (all matters reserved except Access)
P/22/2198/2 - Boal, Ashby Road
– application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed Installation of Solar Photovoltaic array to roof (Schedule 2 part 14 class J of GPDO refers)
P/22/2201/2 – 90 Grange Road
– proposed construction of 1no single storey dwelling
P/22/2205/2 – Blackbrook Farm, Ashby Road West – prior Approval Application for erection of Agricultural building
P/22/2191/2 – Lindum Mill, Ashby Road East, (LE12 9BS) - installation of single combined heat and power (CHP) engine (Retrospective Application)
P/22/1606/2 – 10 Northwood
Drive – change of use of part of garage to dog grooming business
P/22/1359/2 – 214 Charnwood Road – retrospective application for a pergola and raised decking to rear garden
P/22/2205/2 Blackbrook Farm
Ashby Road West – Prior approval application for erection of Agricultural building.
P/22/2229/2 – land east of Iveshead Road – outline planning application (all matters reserved except for access) for up to 55 dwellings with associated access, public open space and landscaping, drainage and infrastructure works
Planning application for 210 dwellings at land junction of Tickow Lane/Ashby Road West
P/22/1524/2 – reserved matters approval for 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping open spaces, sustainable drainage and other associated infrasture, following approval of outline app.
Ref: P/20/2088/2
The amendments comprise of the following:- to the layout and design to include, east-west footpath connections, young person’s play provision, amended the ancient woodland buffer in line with existing ditch, changed house types and parking to reflect LCC Highways comments, rendered local units for prominent locations, affordable housing - M4(3) requirements and the need to provide safe access to Jubilee Way.
Planning applications granted subject to conditions
P/22/1437/2 – 9 Ring Fence – the erection of replacement timber double garage with first floor office
and storage over, two dormer windows and external staircase. Erection of single storey front porch extension. New first floor rear window.
P/22/12/1212/2 – 3 Glenmore
Avenue – demolish existing garage to be replaced with proposed single-storey side extension and two storey side extension and two storey front infill extension rendered in a white/cream colour
P/22/1155/2 – land rear of 14-22 Field Street – erection of detached three storey building to provide two self contained flats.
P22/1540/2 – 5 Purbeck Avenue –demolish existing conservatory to be replaced by the proposed single storey rear extension
P/22/1864/2 – 23 Paradise Close – conversion of garage into habitable space with changes to fenestration (Lawful Development Certificate for Proposed Development)
P/21/2428/2 – 41 Iveshead Road – erection of 2 storey and single storey to rear of dwelling
P/22/2198/2 – Boal, Ashby Road East – application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed installation of Solar Photovoltaic array to roof (Scheduled 2 part 14 class J of GPDO refers) (Prior approval from Council is not required)#
P/22/2205/2 – Blackbrook Farm Ashby Road West – prior approval for erection of Agricultural building (not required for consideration)
Applications refused
P/22/0242/2 – Land rear of 10 Pick Street – Proposed erection of detached bungalow with associated garden and parking area
A Planning application your Councillors are looking into and keeping an on
Persimmon homes are asking for a discharge of condition 9 (phasing Plan) on application
P/22/1994/2 which shows that the developer has brought forward the employment area to phase 3, this will have an impact on Hathern Road especially the Hathern Road junction which for many years has seen an increase in traffic. The only access to the employment area for construction will be via Hathern Road, as the main link road through the development (Garendon Estate) won’t be in place. We feel based on this change to the phasing plan it is extremely important that the Hathern Junction is upgraded prior to any works on the employment area, as you may be aware Persimmon are asking that they do not carry out these improvements which was part of the original planning application condition.
We are working with officers at Charnwood to get TPO’s on trees on Jubilee Walk and also on land off Tickow Lane which could in the future be part of development applications. Thanks must be given to the Town Cllr Ken Lowson who did this survey which was submitted to Charnwood.
At the December plans meeting which Cllr Popley attendented and spoke on the planning application concerning Aldi’s desire to purchase and build a new complex near to Leicester Road/Ashby Road East. Cllr Popley spoke mainly in favour of the item. Cllr Popley raised concerns regarding the need to improve the highways nearby to account for this change, not only in relation to the prospective store itself, but also, any other additional businesses which may be built adjacent to it. TPO’s have been put on the trees nearby. We look forward to continuing the discussion about the road layout ahead of the scheme’s main build phase.
Jubilee Walk
We are pleased to report that Charnwood managed to successfully lodge the foot path as an Asset of Community Value. We are very grateful to all the residents who have completed the forms to ask that county make this as a permanent right of way, lodging these forms with the Town Council and Cllr Radford as the County Cllr has taken them into County’s Right of Way department. We will keep you all informed as to what is happening. (A full report from Cllr David Northage Chairman of Shepshed Town Council is in this magazine)
Over 60,000 has been awarded to 15 fantastic community projects in Charnwood
Two groups in Shepshed received grants. Passion based in Shepshed which engages and works with young people across the borough to help develop their skills to make them employable and offers a safe space. They have been awarded £5,000 which will be put towards staffing youth workers at the hub to continue their good work.
Shepshed Dolphins Swimming Group has been awarded £2,500 towards pool hire costs. The group supports disabled residents. Subscribe to Charnwood email alerts Charnwood residents are being urged to stay in the loop with news from the borough council by signing up to its email alerts.
Singing is fun and good for your health. Why not join us for a great time and get to meet new people. We welcome all who wish to participate and especially those with mental health challenges or memory loss.
Charity no: 1119209. WOW Church.
135 Main St. Stanton Under Bardon, LE67 9TQ.
Whether you are interested in general updates, or something more specific such as news about planning business, events or the community and voluntary sector, they have got something for everyone.
To sign up to the Council’s email alerts, please visit www. charnwood.gov.uk/alerts
There will be an election on 4th May 2023 for Charnwood Borough Council and Shepshed Town Council. You may have thought in the past that you would like to be a Cllr and have a say in how Shepshed is run. You can either stand as an independent or for one of the political parties do not hesitate to contact Charnwood for advice.
As you may already be aware, the UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station. This new requirement will apply for the first time in England at the local elections on Thursday 4th May 2023 and will include the borough and the town elections in Charnwood.
The requirement is only voters
visiting polling stations. A list of accepted forms of photo can be seen on Charnwood website: www.charnwood. gov.uk/VoterID, if you do not have photo ID you can contact ELECTORALCOMMISSION.ORG.
UK were you can follow the link on how to apply for a voter Authority Certificate. We believe that if you have a postal vote this will not be necessary. Alternatively, residents can request a paper form by contacting the election team on electoral.services@charnwood.gov. uk or by calling 01509 634546
Those who require a Voter Authority Certificate are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The deadline to apply is 5pm on Tuesday April 25th, 2023. Residents should first make sure they are registered to vote before applying.
Councillor contact details Cllr.robin.popley@charnwood. gov.uk, 07909 447105 cllr. john.savage@charnmwood.gov. uk 550508(Shepshed East)cllr. christine.radford@charnwood. gov.uk 502974, cllr.ian.williams@ charnwood.gov.uk 07739 389960 (Shepshed West). We meet the first Saturday of the month, 10-11 am in the Town Council offices, 47a Charnwood Road (opposite Tesco)
SHEPSHED LE12 9QE 01509 650531 sscb9a@gmail.com
T: 01509 502974 M: 07796 544817
E: christine_radford@hotmail.com
It seems a long time since we were all looking forward to Christmas and the New Year and putting away the decorations for another year. The nights are getting shorter thank goodness. I hope this finds you all well and have managed to avoid all the bugs going around.
You may be wondering, as I did, as to why there are surveyors working at the junction of Leicester Road with A512. I have spoken to them and they are checking where the services are, this is for the building of ALDI at this junction, not more road alterations. (thank goodness).
Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care services continue to face high demand, which is presenting a challenging position for the Council; both in respect of the capacity of providers to meet increasing levels of need and the capacity of the Council to fund services.
Recruitment and retention remain a challenge for adult social care providers supporting people in Leicestershire. The Council and care providers have continued to maintain services to ensure flow through hospitals and provision for new community requests. The Department’s Home Care for Leicestershire framework has been reopened. New agencies joined the framework on 1st November 2022, doubling to 87 the number of care providers that the Council can call upon to deliver home care services to ensure people can be supported at home. To this end the Council is continuing with its programme of introducing Technology to support people to live at home.
County’s carers urged to apply for their Carers Passport through the Leicestershire for Carers Service
Whether you or someone you know has recently become a carer, or has been caring for a while without support or has been caring for many years, it is important that all carers understand their rights. That means they can access the support available to them as soon as they need it.
The Carers Passport is one way to do just that, I want to encourage every unpaid carer to come forward and register for their Carers Passport through our Support for Carers Service. It is a quick and easy way to get your caring role recognised by other organisations.
The service is free and offers invaluable advice, information and peer support to unpaid carers across the county, including a telephone advice line and access to a range of carers support groups.
To apply for a Carers Passport, or for more information, visit supportforcarers.org or call 01858 468543 or email maureen@ supportforcarers.org.
Inspiring care workers
An awards ceremony honouring adult social care professionals was hosted and organised by Inspired to Care, a Leicestershire County Council team promoting the work of care professionals and encouraging people to consider employment in the care industry.
The winners were recognised for having a variety of success stories, such as their dedication and service to others, or for overcoming personal difficulty. This included Julie Rudd (from Vista Care Homes), who scooped both the Lifetime Achievement Award and Care professions of the Year Award after 45 years in the sector.
I had pleasure in attending this event which was held at Leicester Racecourse, with finalists and their guests in attendance and handing out the award to Julie.
County Libraries and Heritage Services to receive a national funding boost
Leicestershire County Council’s Libraries and Heritage Services, which operate from 21 venues across the county, are to receive more than £0.75 million funding from Arts Council England’s National Portfolio Organisation (NPO).
The programme has four main strands which explore creative practitioners working alongside local people in Libraries and Museums to enliven and give greater impact to their cultural experiences. The service will work with Art Council over the next few months to finalise details, with funding due to commence in April 2023 until March 2026.
Loughborough Library
Loughborough Library now have in stock some books for children and novels in the Ukraine language. Please pass this information on to people who you think would find this useful.
An extra bank holiday will take place across the UK to mark the coronation of King Charles lll on Monday 8th May, two days after the ceremony at Westminster Abbey.
The bank holiday will provide an opportunity for communities or streets to celebrate the Coronation. I understand the Town Council will be holding an event on Glenmore Park on Saturday 6th May similar to the one held for the late Queens 70th anniversary. If you are thinking of holding a street party, please contact eventsnetworkmanagement@leics. gov.uk for an application to close your street. You must apply for a street closure before 31st March 2023.
Iveshead School
Iveshead School has joined the Mowbray Education Trust. Iveshead is now the seventh school to join the successful Midlands -based Trust.
Energy Recovery Facility (Incinerator)
The plant is still in its commissioning stage, which is due to be completed in May 2023. The Plant in 99% constructed. During December 2022 it was run up to 100% capacity using 24,000 tonnes of waste. When it becomes operational, the facility will annually be capable of processing unto 455k tonnes of residual waste every year. Without facilities like this, it would be sent to landfill.
Highly efficient and carefully controlled incineration of this waste will generate more than 43 m.watt of reliable, safe, lowcarbon electricity per year, enough power for 80K homes.
Special technology has been fitted to the plant to keep emissions well within safe and legal limits, so far during commissioning these standards have been met. Investigations are on going for a 3rd party to utilize the excess hot water generated from the plant for businesses or properties in the area. (This article was written by Cllr Peter Grainger- a member of the Liaison Committee)
Advance Notice of a Temporary Traffic Regulations (TTRO)
A TTRO is to be made for the following; Queen Street/Church Street. The proposed TTRO is to allow Severn Trent Water Ltd to safely undertake pipe works in the carriageway.
The TTRO will incorporate a temporary road closure and temporary suspension of one-way systems.
The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 3 days commencing on the 24th April 2023.
The works can be viewed here https://one. network/?tm=GB132462584.
Your help and support – my contact details
Without your help in keeping me informed regarding issues around Shepshed, I would not be able to do my job. For help and advice on County matters, I can be contacted on 01509 502974, or 07796 544817 or e mail christine_radford@hotmail.com or christine.radford@leics.gov.uk , my monthly surgery, is held on the first Saturday of the month in the Town Council Offices, 47a Charnwood Road, (opp. Tesco) You do not need an appointment; I will be there from 10-11 am
Next Council Meetings Mon 20 Feb 19:30, Mon 03 April 19:30, Mon 15 May 19:30
Clerk: Maureen Spencer Tel: 01509 842813 Email: clerk@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk www.hathernparishcouncil.org.uk Like us on Facebook: @hathernparish
Councillor: Roy Dann rdann@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Martin Clayton mclayton@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: John Boyes jboyes@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Ben Murdoch bmurdoch@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Rachel Bennett rbennett@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Dave Neville dneville@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Councillor: Shona Farmer sfarmer@hathernparishcouncil.org.uk
Shepshed Town Council has entered into negotiations to purchase Jubilee Walk from the owners, Grace Dieu Estate.
It came as a complete shock to everyone, including Shepshed Town Council and Charnwood Borough Council, when a section of the old railway line forming part of Jubilee Walk was put up for sale by auction last October.
Charnwood Borough Council had just completed the re-surfacing of the entire length of the path from Charnwood Road to the Tickow Lane bridge, thus honouring their agreement dating back to 1984 that they would fully maintain Jubilee Walk, including the first section from Charnwood Road to Rockingham Close, which Charnwood Borough Council own, and the rest of the path from Rockingham Close to Tickow Lane bridge, owned by Grace Dieu Estate.
Shepshed Town Council was successful in registering the land as an Asset of Community Value on 5th December and subsequently submitting an "intention to purchase" notice which prevents the land being sold on the open market for six months. The land was withdrawn from the auction which was to take place on 8th December.
Charnwood Borough Council have kindly agreed that they would continue to fully maintain Jubilee Walk should Shepshed Town Council be successful in purchasing the land. This is critical as with this agreement in place there would be no ongoing costs to Shepshed Town Council.
The community of Shepshed as a whole were quite rightly outraged that Jubilee Walk could be sold and many hundreds of people petitioned the Leicestershire County Council to include Jubilee Walk on the Definitive Footpath Map. Angela Kilpin and Tracey O'Brien, with the help of many more concerned residents, managed to submit in excess of a thousand forms to LCC and we can be confident a Definitive Map Modification Order will be made.
The structural report following a survey of the Tamworth Close/ Jubilee Walk bridge indicates that costly repairs will be required at sometime in the future, this along with the inclusion of the path on the Definitive Map, will hopefully deter other potential buyers, thus enabling Shepshed Town Council to preserve this much loved asset in its present form.
A relaxing social and non judgmental group for you to meet others affected by dementia, take part in a variety of fun activities and reminiscence, enjoy a cuppa and receive support from our team.
Thorpe Rd, Shepshed, Loughborough LE12 9LU
Every 3rd Thursday of the month
A Free IT help! 3rd Monday of the month 11am 1pm Shepshed Library Hall Croft LE12 9AN NO NEED TO BOOK – JUST DROP IN!
meet of fun and Places 0116 Hospital Discharge Grants for Carers Are Free “Drop In” session from Age UK to help you use a smartphone, tablet, I Pad r laptop computer. Never used a computer? No problem! We can lend one to get you started! www.facebook.com/OpenBoxPromotions | 17
Start date tbc
Local business owner, Laura Goodsell of Hathern, launched her book ‘Design better and build your brand in Canva’ on Friday 13th January through PACKT publishing on Amazon to rave reviews and hitting the Number 1 spot in the Computer Graphic Design category for paper back and Number 1 in Desktop applications for the ebook, among other categories.
The book ‘Design better and build your brand in Canva’ came about when Laura was approached by PACKT publishing to write it, after having seen her work on social media. After 6 months of planning and writing, the book was published January 2023.
This book is an in-depth guide to Canva, perfect for all small business owners who are looking to create a brand they love, graphics that are consistent and professional and looking to up their skills within this brilliant design platform.
Founder of the Business Design Academy and a Canva creator ambassador - The first one in the UK, Laura creates templates for Canva and loves to help small business owners to use Canva for their business needs through trainings and courses, as well as encouraging women into the online digital space.
Laura said, that when the book reached number 1 in multiple categories on Amazon, she was amazed but realised it showed that this book will benefit a lot of small business owners, she has plans to write future books, as Canva is a growing platform that can help all business owners.
Here’s a couple of quotes from people who have bought the book I absolutely loved this book. I'm already an experienced user of Canva but even so there was so much that I learnt from reading this. I particularly loved the section around smart mock ups and how you can use those. Definitely value for money, packed with practical advice and lots of tips and tricks.
This book has it all. From your first tentative steps into Canva to your flamboyant, speedy creations that propel your brand and those of your clients towards the stars. What Laura doesn't know about designing and creating inside Canva isn't worth knowing. Honestly, if you only buy one book, buy this one. Everything is clearly set out, with easy-to-follow instructions, step-by-step guides and handy hints. Suddenly, Canva is no longer a huge, unwieldy and confusing world but your easy-to-use, go-to app and website.
This book is one I will be using again and again for both my own business and for my clients. It's a real gem!
‘Design better and build your brand in Canva’ is available on both Amazon and Waterstones website, you can purchase the book direct through Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3gA5hzI
If you would like to find out more about Laura and what she does please visit her website www.businessdesignacademy.co.uk
976 can be a lot or it can be very little – it depends on what it represents. For Paul Lewin and Lisa Sharp of Pixel Cove Photography and The Bridge (East Midlands) this number is much too much as well as being heart breaking.
It represents the number of homeless people who died in the UK in 2020. When Paul Lewin saw this number shown during a presentation The Bridge gave at one of BNI Tigers Chapter meetings, he knew he could not ignore it.
He went home that day and could not stop thinking about that number. Moved and puzzled by it, he spoke to his life and business partner Lisa. They both agreed that something must be done to help. That’s how this idea developed.
On 11th September 2023
Lisa Sharp and Paul Lewin will be setting off on a 976 mile cycle ride to raise money for The Bridge (East Midlands), an amazing charity that work with the local community to prevent and relieve homelessness.
Lisa Sharp, Owner at Pixel Cove, said: “The challenge we have set ourselves is a monster! But what an achievement it will be crossing that finishing line knowing what a difference those gruelling 976 miles will make.”
Paul added: “Both Lisa and I have never done anything like this before. We only purchased proper bikes in September. Our furthest distance to date has been 70km – and we are going to have to do twice that distance, daily for two weeks. But, we are determined to complete it in order to raise funds and awareness. Our fundraising target is also ambitious as we aim to reach £30,000 for The Bridge. Would you consider helping us?”
The Pixel Cove Team will be training hard to make sure they are physically and mentally ready for the challenge, but they will also be working hard to smash their fundraising target. Working with The Bridge (East Midlands) they have created sponsorship packages that will include: nationwide brand exposure benefits for fellow businesses as well as banter and gift in kind offers. Individuals will also be able to get behind through fundraising activities and auction. Don’t hesitate to follow this journey to see how you can get involved.
The team is supported by the newest member: BridgeIt The Bike Pump. After some tough negotiations, BridgeIt has kindly agreed to be the mascot on the 976 mile charity bike ride. She will be following the two cyclists everywhere during their preparations until they complete their journey on 22nd September 2023. It would make BridgeIt happy if you could follow her on this epic journey #WhereIsBridgeIt
Magda Korytkowska, Community Engagement Lead at The Bridge highlighted: “We are grateful to Lisa and Paul for making it happen and in this way inspire others to join us and make a difference. We need support more than ever with the ongoing cost of living crisis. The harsh truth is that without the involvement of the local community we won’t be able to help around 6,000 people we work with on yearly basis. What would happen to them if we were not here? Thank you Pixel Cove for doing what you can to keep us going!”
Donations: www.justgiving.com/page/976forthebridge
For sponsorship packages please contact Paul on paul@pixelcove.co.uk
If you care for someone and would like to meet others doing the same, drop into our new Carer Support Group. Peer support, rest and relaxation and a cuppa.
Monday 1.30-3pm at The Glenmore Centre
January 23rd
February 20th
March 20th
April 17th
June 26th
It will be your group so come and let us know what you would like to do.
Meet your Local Area Coordinator, Sarah Burton.
Sarah BurtonLocal
Area Coordinator ShepshedLeicestershire
County Council Public HealthEmail: Sarah.Burton@leics.gov.uk
Mob: 07526928524
model of support which focuses on id entifying and supporting those who need help before they hit crisis and working towards building an inclusive supportive community around them'.