Nourish Your body mind soul
Photo: ŠP Nielsen 1
Issue 49 August 2015
Photo: Š mcobb 2
Musings from the Editor As we dip our toes into August I am reminded that soon fall will be here. It gives me a sense of urgency to capture all the summer fun I can now, while the dog days of summer languish lazily along. If I can capture a memory each day, the short darker days of winter will be brightened by these warm memories. In July I discovered my first jellyfish! I was overjoyed and at the same time wondered how it would survive out of water as the tide had receded and left it stranded on the rocky shore. I researched to see if it would survive, but my google skills that day must not have been at their peak as I could find nothing. In the end, I decided to look up what jellyfish had to offer as a totem animal since it had appeared to me. “Take the time to simplify things today. No need for complications. Shine from within. Allow those around you to see who you really are and reach out to them with love and affection. There is no need to feel vulnerable when you come from the heart because the heart knows that love is the power and strength from which we all grow. Trusting your heart and its guidance is key for you right now so go with the flow!“ Did you know that jellyfish rely on movement for the sustenance of their lives - but have almost no ability to move on their own? They are at the mercy of the tides and currents for their travel. This means that they must constantly make the best of their environment and depend on the resources at hand. Talk about going with the flow!! Yet they survive and thrive. The wonders of life never cease to amaze me and gently guide me in understanding that all of us benefit best when we go with the flow of life. As a jellyfish relies on the help of the tides and currents, it reminds us all that sometimes we need to ask for help from those around us. It is ok to not be able to do everything on your own. This month's issue of Nourish has some delightful articles that perhaps will gently guide you to some universal understanding or best of all a personal Ah-ha moment. Enjoy the remaining dog days of summer, fill your winter memory bucket to overflowing and let your light shine as bright as the sun!!
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Prioritize All Life is Sacred Renewal Simplicity Healing Parenting Patterns Re-Activating Your Star Gate How to be Self-ish Without Being Selfish Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - August 2015 August 2015 Horoscopes Lionsgate Portal 08-08-08 Crystal Reading for August Lunar Cycles for August Lavender Essential Oil Health Benefits of Sweating Watermelon August Message Words Rune Casting For August Power Animal - Unicorn The Blessing of Neutrality Angel Message for August 2015
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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2015 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to
Marlene Cobb
“You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage—pleasantly, smilingly, nonapologetically, to say “no” to other things. And the way you do that is by having a bigger “yes” burning inside.” Stephen R. Covey It would seem that right now I am being presented with the opportunity to learn about priorities and prioritizing. I will let you in on a secret and tell you I did not think I had to learn these, I am good at prioritizing and managing my time. Yet it kept coming to me, so I decided perhaps I should stop sloughing it off and take a deeper look.
I decided that instead of investing in outside influences, it was time to invest in me. Take a deep breath and hunker down. First I needed to discover what was important to me. I find that keeping things simple works the best, no need to make a thesis out of it, who has time for that anyway? Oh wait, perhaps if I turfed the distractions I would have time! Nah, simple is best.
No matter where I turned for advice, it all seemed to be the same “focus on your highest priority.” I had no clue what that was and actually felt it was best just to be present in each moment. Thereby, I thought, my highest priority would show up and I would affirm I was focusing upon it. So why then did “prioritize” keep showing up? Probably because I was not really focused on anything, it was an illusion I was deluding myself with, I was just bobbing along on the tides of life.
First, I made a list of the most important aspects in my life right now. Second, I made a list of how I spent my time during the past month. Third, I compared the two lists. Through assessing exactly what was going on in my life, it was easier to understand priorities and why it kept coming up for me. It gave me the gift of awareness and the perspective of where things needed to shift. It did not mean that I had to fix or correct this in a single day. Typically that is my motto, reach the root – fix, fertilize – move onto the next root. If you find yourself drifting through life, take the time to assess what is going on. Drifting is akin to not caring enough about yourself first or making a difference in your quality of life. If your life seems cluttered, busy, stressed, or you have become dissatisfied, it might be time to look at your priorities.
A great quote was presented to me “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates"--The Kybalion. Which reminded me that for everything there is an equal and exact opposite. To truly know what my priority was, I needed to know what it was not. Coming to that conclusion my friends was the easiest part of the whole equation.
I needed to take some time and ask myself “what truly matters to me?” Where to start? And even in knowing that I must take this time, I procrastinated by filling my life with distractions to avoid doing the work necessary. That is part of being human, we don’t fully engage in what matters. We are distracted by our fears, egoobsessions, drama (in our own life and in the world around us), our ambitions, survival instincts and emotional reactions. We clutter up our lives with these distractions for the simple reason that it is actually scary to focus on what truly matters. It is easier to disengage and merely react to what’s going on around us. Somehow the clutter allows us to feel important in a world where we are trying to keep up with the Joneses.
To know what matters to us with certainty amongst all the conflicting beliefs, agendas, and ideas of the current day, is not easy. If we get it figured out, living in alignment with our values can take courage, commitment and thick skin.
Make a list of the most important aspects of your life right now. These aspects can and do change over time, so a checkin once and awhile is advised. If you wish, rank these aspects in order of importance. Take inventory of how you spend your time. Go back a week, two weeks a month and include everything. Be honest with yourself and don’t edit out the activities you are not proud of. Ensure you include thoughts as well, what you spend your time thinking of takes your focus and time. Rank this list in the manner of where you spent the most time. Compare the two lists. They will probably differ, no judgement, and don’t be hard on yourself, this is meant to point out the differences. Often the aspects we say are important to us receive the least amount of our time, energy and thought. Spend some time inquiring why this is the case. Ask yourself how you can create more alignment with the two lists.
What would your life look like without some of your major distractions? Prioritizing means that you are fully conscious of what matters to you, and you place your focus upon those aspects. “Focus on your highest priority” should mean to each of us – focus on what truly matters and distraction clutter will fade away.
It is sad, but for each new ambition, relationship, or experience we find ourselves in, something must be eliminated. This might hold a key as to why priorities take a back seat, even if they would make us over the moon happy in life. Often our energy is invested in holding something together because of the backlash we will receive from society, our family or our peers if we stepped away from it.
Connect with Marlene at facebook
Gwen Randall-Young
One Saturday recently, I awoke to a beautiful summer day. My home backs onto a greenbelt, with an expansive view, and every day I look out and marvel at the beauty of nature. Each day is one frame in a magnificent time-lapse portrayal of the changing seasons: an ever-present reminder of the journey this wondrous planet makes around the Sun. I still feel an innocent awe at having been somehow blessed with the experience of life here. As scientists explore deeper into the Universe, with as yet no other signs of life, one cannot help but appreciate the uniqueness of every living thing. That life sprang forth on our planet, in the myriad forms that it has is truly miraculous. This knowing forms the backdrop for all that I do and all of who I am. On that particular Saturday, I was blessed to have my children all at home for the weekend. Busy in their twenty-something urban lives, they look forward to the peaceful, grounding respite that home has always been for them. They enjoy and appreciate nature in the same way that I do. So when we all woke up that day, the first thing we did was to go for our usual long walkand-talk. The first little while we all remained in silence, just taking in the beauty of the day. Soon we were laughing and sharing, catching up on each other’s lives, and philosophizing about the meaning of life, and our respective pathways through it. As always, we stopped to marvel at the butterflies, the birds, and the gophers playfully peeking out at us.
As my children and I returned from our walk, we saw a father and some young boys by the creek. They had a gopher with a string around its neck, and it appeared they had been attempting to drown it in the creek. My children were horrified, and I was shocked. Once we passed them, we heard them all laughing, as their prey struggled with what was, no doubt, a painful, drawnout death. A sense of sadness filled me. Although I know that, for farmers, gophers can be a real nuisance, they do not seem to be bothering anyone, frolicking in the greenbelt. In the many years that I have lived here, they have 9
never taken up residence in my yard or been a bother to me.
I later saw one of the little boys, again laying out his rope around a gopher hole, standing quietly at a distance, waiting to tighten the noose around the neck of another unsuspecting victim. When I went to talk with him, I was surprised, as he seemed no more than eight years old. I told him that I did not think it was right to kill animals, especially if they were not bothering him. Children should be taught a reverence for all life. In Quebec, a 16-year-old crushes the skull of a 15-year-old girl from Cuba because he hates immigrants. Here at home a young boy kills a gopher because…it’s not an ‘acceptable’ animal, like a dog or a cat? And what of the adult in this story? Would he be surprised if, ten years from now, his son participated in a beating, or worse, of some poor classmate (or senior) who was deemed to be a ‘pest’? Honoring life cannot be conditional upon how much we value that particular life. History has shown the danger in deciding that it is okay to ‘exterminate’ one segment of life. Is it not megalomaniacal of us, as only one of the species inhabiting our world, to determine a ‘value’ of any other individual or species? If we are not teaching the sacredness of all life to young children, how can we be outraged by growing urban and global violence? And what does it do to the psyche of a young child, who, upon participating in the cruel death of a living thing, immediately goes out to do it again? A beautiful summer Saturday. Scary.
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to
Photo: Š bnash 10
When I was a little girl my Oma would frequently take me for walks along an old railroad track tucked in the mountains of Nelson. It was so peaceful up there that I could hear nothing but the crunch of snow as my little pink shoes hit the ground. If you stood long enough, you could hear the sound of the snowflakes falling like the quietest symphony that most people would miss. The mounds of snow sliding off tree branches that had grown dreary from the weight of winter would make a big plunk sound and would propel thousands of little tiny snowflakes in the air like fireworks. We would walk along the tracks without words, me focusing fully on all the things taking place around me. As the sun hit the snow it looked as if God had swooped down a dusted the narrow and windy tracks with tiny white sparkles. The trees on the mountains where the forest animals would dwell looked as if they were perfectly designed with acrylic paints, each and every brush stroke as magnificent as the last. My Oma would stop every once in a while and take my little frozen hand into hers. Her face would then light up with the warmest smile like she was an angel placed on this earth just for me. We would carry on, sometimes like we were in a hurry. No matter the pace I knew the old rickety train bridge was our next stop before turning around and heading home. I always felt safe with her and the quiet and snowy mountains had become my home. With every breath I would pull in the energy from the land, turn into love and exhale it out of my cold little nose. The walks that filled my days as a little child have become my blueprint as an adult. I have a deep appreciation for the trees that surround me and the mountains that wrap my small little town. Whenever I am feeling drained by the world, I find a quiet place similar to the majestic tracks that I toddled along as a child and begin to adventure renewing my childlike wonder of the world.
Connect with Bianka at 11
Friends-The most important ingredient in life Photo: Š P Nielsen 12
Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Maya Angelou 14
I was recently asked, rather told,
with her ex, dad. This was good, because this gave her the chance to be alone, which gave her thought to seek help. Without going into the modalities used, this is what became of her perception of events. Now before all you mothers raise the hair up on your necks, read until the end.... Ok?
“You should write for Harlequin books as your healings always have a happy ending or connection to the person, place, or thing they were healing" Well, I must say my ego rose up for a moment, as I thought she was belittling my healing work. As I thought about what she said, I saw the link that she would see, not being able to fully understand the healings that take place.
What happened was, the daughter mirrored to mother how she was treating her. When mom kept asking her to clean her room, she would purposely mess it up. When mom asked her to study until bedtime, the daughter would listen to music. When asked to dress in a certain way, the daughter would dress the other way. The examples go on, but you get it… what should Mom do? The first thing we did was learn mom’s background history, and her perception of her childhood. You guessed it, she was shoveled all those experiences and more in her young life - she had no chance to play, to experience life in the city - her parents cocooned her, made her safe, kept the wolves at bay, etc. All her emotions of growing up were pegged to the bubble effect; i.e. some parents put their kids in an emotional, physical bubble so that they will learn the right way, and not be distracted by the outside world, because......all together now...they wanted their children to do better than they did. OMG...that’s perception! Mom perceived to put all that on her child, BUT, because we have new souls with greater insights and higher vibes, the daughter rebelled. However this time, the daughter mirrored. At dads, her room was kept clean, she did her homework, her cell phone was minimal, she did laundry, ironed, even learned (self-taught) how to knit.
It is true that for the most part, the majority of my/our students, are healing a piece of themselves that they have carried with them in past lives, or sometimes in this life. I find that for the latter people, they are here for the final push of 5D earth, and just need a small awakening to set them off on their journey. I also note, that in recent years I have been healing more healers. Their stories vary, from, past issues, being afraid of their skill set, or not knowing if this is what they should be doing. I will tell you, if you are scared, fearful, not understanding your present situation, and you are doing healing work - you are exactly where you need to be. It’s just that ego can overpower us when we weaken, or take another path. There is no way to destroy ego, all we can do, is understand it, know when it comes, and ask to have it lowered or pushed away until your work is done. For some healers, ego is tied to their work. I have been witness to healers who have been placed on a pedestal by their students, they accept and stay there and do the work of god, universe from that state. Don’t get me wrong, I know some great healers who have tamed ego, and therefore know how to use it to their advantage when needed. However, ego unhindered, creates misleading healing sessions, and gullible students. We all know now that WE are not doing the healing work.... Right? We are conduits of a certain modality to serve other souls when they need it.
I presented to Mom that she was holding onto her daughter too tight, by doing so she wasn’t allowing her to experience. Her perception was not in line with her daughters, I explained that her daughter knows and understands all that she had taught her, but she must let her go to experience what she was taught.
When my ego rises up, I am able to recognize it, ask the whys, and send it back down until needed. Sometimes, when a person sees something they don’t understand, they access their history and try to equate the new experience to an event that they understood. Sometimes, when you are healing a new student, and/or you have a witness to that healing, many different perspectives may arise out of that one event, which brings me to perception. Lately, the students coming for a healing have had to understand what perception is. As I am guided to heal a student’s issue, I find that the answer is usually how they perceived an event that gave them the issue in the first place. As some of you know, I work with the perception of these events, most of the time we go back and change that perception to a better one, or the opposite of the emotion which they tied to that event.
The mother didn’t want her daughter to turn out like her, which was like her mother before her - a single parent. I asked her to change her perception of what a parent is, I asked Mom to create a new beginning for her and daughter. I asked her to try flying kites, build sandcastles, color pictures, give her a hug and say its ok for you to be you. Do what you would have done with this new insight, and she did. Mom pretty much had a second childhood with her daughter, one she never had with her mother. The drama raising a child the old way was stopped by her. This can be a karmic debt or soul family issue, whatever the reason, it is a beautiful thing to see a parent change their perception to change a child. Now mom and daughter know each other’s boundaries, mom is now a support structure when the child asks. The tension is gone, because the expectation of perception is gone. We need to allow our children to scrape a knee, fail in something, learn a social faux pas, experience that which lends itself to growth, and not have a child held by a leash to protect them from an unseen event. Perception and ego have their place, it’s just a matter of when and how to use it for the greater good.
We are all guilty of tying an emotion to events that scare, threaten, weaken, or hold us in fear. It can be about money, health, job, relationships, healing abilities, or assumptions you should write for Harlequin.... Lol. I know and/or have read the writers' columns in Nourish, and I know that we all have experienced this perception. Understanding the event that causes pain or walls in this life, goes a long way in healing. This perception of events that leads to a healing, or directs the many of you who choose to do the healing (in whatever capacity you are blessed to do it in) is always going to be powerful and loving, as long as we know and understand where our ego comes from, we can use it properly.
Oh! The woman who thought I should write for harlequin, was my wife. love and light to you. Robert
A good example of this, was a student who had issues with her daughter. The mother, being the “doting” type wanted her daughter to excel in life. Do well in school, know how to knit, iron, cook, keep fit in body and mind... etc.., but her daughter’s rebellion caused great angst and arguments between them. By the time we had a session, her daughter had moved in
Robert Connect with Robert 15
Photo: Š 16
Many of us on this winding/narrow/rollercoaster/awesome/horrendous (choose appropriate word for your mood right now) path of remembrance, talk of empowerment, freedom and how we are supreme beings of light choosing a human experience. We all follow the synchronicities in our days, introspecting and reflecting, until there is nothing left to reflect. At this point the inner shine starts to explode from within, we start to exude light! Whereas previously, all that could be felt were the constant implosions from within! This luminosity is a remembering from the deep. It is where you have reached a specific frequency of light which there is no going back from. This frequency is able to hold steady, the light which you are becoming. You have started to remember your own star origin, the Stellar gateway is starting to open. Heart energy within has opened enough and your energy field has enough clarity to allow the stellar gateway frequencies, to be received from above. What is the Stellar Gateway? Your stellar gateway is a transpersonal chakra, existing outside of the auric field. It’s the energy centre that connects you to our sun (star) and the Great Central Sun where the divine intelligence is transmitted from. Some call this chakra 12 and others call it chakra 13. It doesn't really matter about the number! All you need to know is that, it is a part of your heart that currently exists at the outermost edge of your perceived aura. In time once it is fully activated, it comes into the centre of your energy field and resides within the heart. This is your Star Gate - It is where you can enter and leave the matrix to visit other realms and dimensions. It is if you like the foundation stone of your stellar temple. The ultimate lock which has to remain locked until you have a consciousness which can work with this energy. How can you connect with this energy? In meditation you can bring in this energy and get a feeling and a view of where you are at with this energetic, much wisdom can be gained on how to take your next step to opening up this awesome energy. It is extremely important that when working with this energy that you have incredible connection to the Earth and the crystalline core of the planet. This energy is so high in frequency that you really need incredible roots! If you think of the fastest broadband connection that is available right now, then that is the connection you require with the earth. Much love - Ryan
Diamond Light - Ryan
Facebook - Oriondiamond Copyright Š 2014, Orion Diamond. Diamond Light Worker, Shadow Specialist, Sacred Attuner & Soul Alchemist. All rights reserved feel free to share this content with others - post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. - but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/channeler. 17
Jennifer hoffman
When I was growing up I heard ‘Don’t be selfish’ a lot from my mother. As the oldest child in the family, I always had to share everything with my siblings and cousins. And when I didn’t feel like sharing I was called ‘selfish’. So I learned that if I wanted to focus on myself I was being selfish and that was a bad thing. But if we don’t learn how to be self-ish, meaning to own our power and to be in our own energy, then we never develop a strong foundation of self identity, self control, and self awareness. Things have changed, it’s selfie time and becoming more self-ish actually makes us more powerful, fulfilled, and whole. Isn’t it interesting that we can actually take ‘selfies’, photos of ourselves, at a time when taking care of our needs and being self-ish is required on this next part of our journey.
one else gets them first. Self-ishness lets us see the world from a point of infinite abundance and unlimited possibility and potential. Whatever is right and best for us can be ours, when we intend it as our outcome. Otherwise, we aren’t interested. We use our energy to set strong boundaries that allows everything we need to connect with us in powerful ways. And from this point of confident power, we know that we will always be fulfilled and in the joy we allow ourselves to have, we don’t ever feel isolated, abandoned, or unsupported because by being self-ish, we are always whole and complete, fulfilled and filled full of what our heart desires. Is it time for you to be self-ish? Here are 5 ways to be more selfish in your life:
There’s a way to be selfish that is not the bratty way where we insist on being the most important person in the room, in ways that exclude everyone else’s needs or wants. We become self-ish without being selfish through self awareness. When we’re self aware, we know what we need and channel our energy into creating those outcomes for ourselves. We are in a state of receiving, not taking, and we are consciously creating our reality, step by step, outcome by outcome. In fact, it’s when we aren’t allowed to be self-ish, or take care of ourselves, that we become selfish, as a response to never having our needs met. As our needs are always met through our energetic intention, which also allows them to be fulfilled in miraculously creative ways, we connect with others at the point of fulfillment, and not from the point of being needy. So we are always whole and complete, which creates feelings of confidence and joy in us and that expands into other areas of our life. Taking care of ourselves, maintaining strong energetic boundaries, being clear about what we do and don’t want in our reality may be something others call selfish, but being truly self-ish, taking care of ourselves, is the only way to manage our energy. From that point, we are able to share with others easily and gracefully, because we share from our whole self. We can easily be both giver and receiver, giving from our abundance instead of trying to fill our needs any way we can, and receiving effortlessly because our intention opens us to receiving blessings, while fear shuts us down. We also don’t engage in jealousy, envy, and harbor feelings of lack. What others have becomes an option we can create for ourselves, if that is aligned with our intention and outcomes.
Be clear about what is important to you and what you want. And ask for exactly what you want, not what you think you can get. Don’t worry about what anyone says or thinks about it. You are responsible for what gets manifested in your life.
Know that what others have is available to you when you are aligned with it. There is enough for all and what attracts your attention is an invitation for you to set an intention for it.
Set strong energy boundaries, my favorite is ‘Everyone in my life loves, honors, and respects me and everything in my life is a source of love, peace, and joy.’ Use it daily, it helps manage your energy boundaries and keeps your energy flowing towards your intentions.
Release what doesn’t serve you or make you happy. If it isn’t a source of joy then it isn’t something you’re aligned with. Let it go so something else can take its place.
Realize that you aren’t hurting anyone by being self-ish, or taking care of yourself and fulfilling your needs. Everyone is responsible for their own joy and abundance and when you take care of yourself and show them how confident, happy, and at peace you are, you set an example they can follow.
Set an intention to be self-ish, to take care of yourself and set an energetic path to have your needs met. You can be selfish without being selfish and when you meet your needs, you become a source of inspiration for others.
But being self-ish doesn’t mean that we keep everything for ourselves and never share. In fact, we can afford to be more generous when we’re self-ish because we have more to give.
Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to
How can we be both selfish and generous? As a self-ish, selfaware person, we use our energy to get our needs fulfilled, which doesn’t mean we’re out in front, grabbing things so no 19
“at the
life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun.” anonymous
Photo: © P Nielsen 20
Sunday Sun-Day
Monday Moon-day
Tuesday Mars-day
Wednesday Mercury-Day
Thursday Jupiter-Day
Friday Venus-Day
Saturday Saturn-day 1 Short VOC
from 3:00 to 3:36pm
Saturn is Standing still … bit of an intense day, don’t get too intense 2 Excellent Meditation day … Use dream time to build it, then drop this vision into your external environment
3 VOC 1:35pm
10 Short VOC
Another excellent Meditation day
16 Use your words wisely … write down that to do list 23 Sun moves to Virgo … yes it really is all in the details J 30 One last look at how you are organized to hit the ground running in September
Work hard and then turn it into Playing hard… make your own opportunities
4:45am to 5:08am
Today is a good day to say what you wanted to say … but could not find the words 17 VOC 10:16am
4 Go for a walk in the park … Hug a tree
11 Jupiter moves to Virgo Don’t get caught up trying to count the grains of sand …
5 VOC 4:29pm to 6:29pm
Are you immersed in an unexpected event that you find difficult to action? Breathe… 12 VOC 10:44am
Make Love not War
Be prepared to bring the extras
to 1:52pm
19 VOC overnight
Get it Organized
Get it done
A little effort goes a longlong way
24 Evening VOC
Inside words again today… don’t get caught blurting something out 31 You may find someone – simply irresistible … but keep those words to yourself for now
Great Meditation day … hit the beach
to 1:23pm
3:04 to 9:22pm
6 Beautiful words flow from the universe … but they may be difficult to get down on paper. Listen!
7 VOC 9:40pm to 10:40pm
Mercury moves to Virgo Get the words down on paper from yesterday 14 VOC over night
New moon in Leo
20 You know what you want … but to get it you need to step up to the plate
21 Don’t be too hard on yourself – pick yourself up … dust yourself off
An unpleasant unexpected even may just turn into an incredible opportunity
It is a day of words … but not a day of action … hold onto that thought
28 Use kind words when you are describing yourself …you really are fabulous!
starts at 7:56pm
8 Mars moves to Leo Watch that inside voice
15 Think happy thoughts .. Best Day
22 Short VOC
12:31pm to 1:41pm
You will need to push in order to get it … or just take the day off J 29 Full Moon in Pisces
VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time 23
Planetary ‘Action’ for August Planet to watch out for this month … Saturn turns direct this month. He has been busily going back over the things that need changes, diving into a very deep core level (esp. bringing up old fears from 30 years ago). During the retrograde you may have experienced a need to uproot and get rid of old boundaries, limitations and structures within yourself. During the stationary period, when Saturn is moving from an inner spiral to an outer spiral there is a moment created between the bounds of time and space … like when you focus on the space between an inhale and an exhale. Use this time to contemplate the following questions: What fear(s) can you let go of in order to reach your highest potential? (fear of failure, disapproval, rejection etc) What can you organize and structure in your life in order to actualize this potential? (look to your strengths, support systems, to be informed) What healthy boundaries can you put in place in order to achieve these goals? Are perceived limitations showing up … what is the plan/goal to surpass these? (Environmental or self-imposed? How can you turn them into a strength?)
Take time between the 30th to the 5th (especially on the 1st) to move into a meditative contemplation of your long/short term goals. Take your abilities to a skilled level by recognizing potential obstacles, allowing you to imbed solutions into your goals right from the start. Visualize and allow inner and outer worlds to powerfully sync as you move forward, creating an unstoppable force. YOU! Double Whammy Days for the Month – 1st, 7th, 22nd, 29th. Most Challenging day … 1st … use short meditative breaks throughout the day – remember to breathe. Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month – 2nd, 9th, 10th, 25th Experiment with different types of meditation such as deep breathing moving (chi gong) or walking - silence or guided. Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written to communication that travels on waves. Mercury continues to move through Leo until the 7th when he meanders into a very comfortable and familiar script with Virgo – best time to take care of the finite details… then he is off to Libra on the 27th …
getting ready for a few hot debates. Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 8, 24, 31 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Venus … our planet of Love, Security (which often shows up as monetary wants) and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things …) with a very individual flare and expression. Venus continues to move on an inner spiral (Retrograde) in Leo passionately building up your ability to magnetize from within … this is a great time to do some inner searching for what really makes you happy and secure. Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 1, 7, 21, 28 … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is important for you to connect to and work with your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. Mars moves from Cancer to Leo on the 8th – get ready to finally get things done. Hot – passionate – a doer utilizing a slow and steady powerful pace. Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 5, 12, 20, 27 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter moves from a fun passionate Leo to a more difficult script in Virgo (on the 11 th) don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with details – leave all that counting of the grains of sand to Mercury. Try not to sweat the small stuff. Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Month –1, 7, 22, 29 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity. Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations and possibly fear. Just at the end of 2014 (25th) Saturn moved into Sagittarius, and will travel through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and passion into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy boundaries. Saturn moves direct on the 1st of the month,
but during the retrograde he moved all the way back from 4 degrees Sagittarius to 28 degrees of Scorpio. He now needs to make the trek back over familiar territory kind of like a deja vu – this lasts until Nov 7th. This may evoke even more changes as inner work begins to filter out into an external environment. Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 1, 7, 14, 22, 29 …You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Uranus has turned retrograde (inner spiral) allowing you to bring out your personal Rebel. Be a Rebel with a cause – make radical changes within! Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is connected to the collective. Neptune starts a long retrograde from June 11th through to the middle of November, get ready to dissolve some inner boundaries (look to Saturn for what needs to be dissolved). Pluto … Our planet of transformation, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance). He continues his retrograde (inner spiral) – use this opportunity to do some deep soul searching …
habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. As above So below.
The New Moon – 21 Leo at 10:31 am The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies, creating anticipation toward something new. You can expect new ideas to present themselves, but your ‘bean counter’ may feel like it is out of control focused on every detail – take this energy to a skilled level by bravely addressing the details (in a calm and orderly fashion), this will allow room to embrace larger opportunities. You may feel a zealous desire to let your hair down and unleash your passion for life, but that being said be sure that your actions are in line with your goals.
The Full Moon – 6 Pisces at 2:35 pm The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon – shining light into every dark corner, where you will find answers regarding what you need to do in order to reach your goals. This is a very dynamic Full Moon where you find you are confronted with many opportunities for growth. Keep from being overwhelmed with an overload of © dusk - information by utilizing your ownPhoto: internal truth meter, filter through which opportunities are right for you and which ideas are a wild goose chase. Look for new or innovative ways to keep everything organized allowing a logical disbursement of all of the facts you have gathered. It is important to share and put these facts into a venue that others can easily connect to and understand (social media).
Sun moves into Virgo on the 23rd … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Virgoian’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.
Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 25
Photo: Š mcobb 26
Cartesian Co-ordinates … incorporate these questions as you work with your monthly goals: What will happen if I do achieve this goal? … What will happen if I don’t achieve this goal? What won’t happen if I do achieve this goal? What won’t happen if I don’t achieve this goal? Marry this with your Saturn work this month and you will be well on your way to manifesting your deepest desires!
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Feel secure and happy with your choices about ‘time well spent’. Let go of holding onto guilt about getting the job done. Communicate to others if you need short term assistance or to share your tasks with co-workers in order to bring back a balance your life. Search out new technology that will help you be more efficient and spend less time worrying about how others might feel. If you are happy they will be happy. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Expressing yourself authentically requires a balancing act between the responsibilities you are carrying, especially social commitments, and infusing your life with some spontaneous acts of fun and frivolity. You may need to lighten the load, organize your thoughts and clearly indicate how much time you can or wish to give to other people’s projects, and dreams. You can delegate – break free from the chains bound around your energy.
Aries (March 20-April 19) Be proactive, find a balance between work and your desired spiritual practices. You do not have to give up one in order to be successful in the other. Go ahead and immerse yourself, head to your favorite spiritual retreat, with the magic of technology you can still make the vital Monday morning meeting. Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) You may be asked to take risks and get yourself ‘out there’ developing new relationships from one-on-one to entire groups of like-minded. Don’t forget you are always being supported and protected. Create a balance between what you know you need to do and feel you must. Take it up a notch … get back in touch and stay in touch.
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) You may be called into action in order to steer a group consciousness in the right direction, (could be a simple as your family members or as complex as a business). You currently have access to the perfect balance between work and home, the timing is right … utilize this strength. Organizing your group with a straightforward schedule will keep everyone on track and informed. No secrets – just tell it like it is.
Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) In order to achieve long term health goals you may need to create a detailed balanced schedule between your home, work and health needs. Communicate how important it is to stick to it … ask for support when you need it. Yes, there are enough hours in a day, utilize the latest techno device, stay present in the moment and focus on the task at hand – less talk more action.
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Look to your own back yard in order create resolutions that have social impact on a global scale. Focus on cleaning up your immediate environment with the thought that, one having impact on the many. Organize the facts by putting them into a format that allows easy communication of ideas and cascading inspiration. What can you do to inspire others with a dominoeffect. Be the leading edge.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) In order to infuse your life with more creativity and joy, start the search at home (in your local neighborhood) immerse yourself in the diversity of experiences right on your front doorstep. You may find a new state-of-the art technology allows you to go even further. Explore without limitations and boundaries – look to the skies … don’t wait for the possibilities of tomorrow… do it today.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Take care of your daily bread - keep an eye on your daily expenditures and balance your cheque book. Tighten your belt now and you will easily meet your long term goals – invest in yourself – you are worth it. Explore different ways to organize your goals that will allow you to gather day to day facts that catapult you into your long term potential. Who are you … Who do you want to be … Get excited about the possibilities … make the changes today for tomorrow!
Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) Connect to your roots, the deepest part of your being. Look to your family ancestry, here you may find hidden secrets and memories carried forward and held in the very cells of your DNA. Find the markers that will guide you to see your cup is ½ full and ready to go to the next level. Create a balance between the details of the past and the potential of the future – don’t forget to exhale. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Express, write, shout out, let the world know who you really are, now is not the time to worry about what other people think or who they want you to be – especially those with an emotional investment. Throw yourself into long term opportunities and goals, no limitations … if you have a writing goal to want to get published, stay on the leading edge of technology to get your message out there.
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Don’t worry about details or vast amounts of information that has gathered, swirling around in your energetic body. Allow your thoughts to become structured into a creative upward spiral pattern that your audience will be able to easily connect, relate and use – think mandala, think publishing. Be the change, put yourself on the line and everyone benefits.
We now have entered the star sign of Leo, in this infinity year of 2015 (8 numerological value). It is the 3rd such portal since, the Opening of the 2012 new harmonics and represents a completion of energies and experiences, which we have all been working through since 2012 blew up (quite literally) in our faces. This Portal energy which peaks, on the 08-08 and ends on the 12-08, will bring to our attention huge energies to realign with. Many soul groups during this time, will take the next shift towards unified awareness, with telepathy and pure sight becoming clearer by the day. Gnosis and the higher mind will take more precedence in your lives, revealing much to each individual, about their path and the next steps which are to be taken to enact the group plan. Purging of Fear - During this period and especially at the Leo Full Moon at the end of July, your remaining shadow aspects will show themselves, in all of their Dark glory. So breath deep and go through this integration with as much grace as possible. Or use any means necessary (that doesn't create more karma) to let this out and let more love in. This will only be temporary and is needed to prepare you for the 08-08 receiving of harmonics. Unity is very much a theme for this portal. It is of paramount importance that the manifestations now, are working with the group mind for the highest good of all. The inner child blue print within you, will be most successful when you are engaging in the group plan. Alongside physical souls in your sphere of influence, this also means the off planet souls whom are assisting your from above. Daily meditation and journaling is recommended during this period, as much information will flow that may not make sense now, but will in the near future. Empathy for other souls will also increase alongside a loving detachment. As it is important that you do not drop into the drama, karma and pain bodies of those whom are starting to awaken. If you are still in the mode of the rescuer/saviour, then you know that there is more work to be done to ensure that you remain centred in your heart and influence only what feels right to you. Kundalini activations will continue to increase and upgrade the circuitry within you physical vessels. This can feel incredible alongside feeling horrendous, so make sure you stay centred and follow your intuition always. Low impact Body work and stretching will become more important, as you try and assist your body with the new energies. The day of 08-08 where Harmony Descends - On this auspicious day many downloads will happen and they are all Coded harmonies (sonic codes), which will enrich your lives and bring much acceleration to your path. During this day try to do as little as possible, going into your heart deeply. Become vulnerable to your higher light and let love in. This energy feels very liquid in its nature, feeling deep and expansive. The message here is to go with the flow. During this Lionsgate period I am offering a series of 4 distant sessions period for those who need some cosmic assistance to clear the way for this great day. Please do see for full details of this 4 part distant energy series which starts at the beginning of August. So whatever you do, open up and just BE. Much love - Ryan
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A Crystal Reading for
August 2015 Sun.
Sat. 1
This month there is so much to be excited about – the air vibrates with it! The energy of the Universe is flowing faster now than at any other time this year. Welcome it. Embrace it. Feel it, allow your Self to be nurtured by it. It feeds you, it tempts you, it is there for you always. August…. Namaste, my friend…you are precious, you are loved, you are an angel….
Contact Vera at 30
Week 1: August 2 to 8 – Carnelian: Sexual energies are running high this week. The heat of the summer has soaked into your being and calls forth romance, joy, dancing in the streets. Feel it flow around you, open your awareness to how it is manifesting in the world you inhabit. Breathe deeply of the heat, storing it in your bones to comfort you in the long winter ahead. Someone has been questioning whether she should have her left breast checked and the answer to that is yes. Now, while it is still young, when you can choose a less invasive form of treatment. Pay attention to your intuition.
Week 2: August 9 to 15 – Coral on red stone: You may feel heavy this week, as though the energies you need to walk through are thick, as though you are weighted down. The answers to your questions elude you, you feel as though you are searching through a twisted mass. Sit in silence, allow the gentle forces to flow through you. You will hear the answers, you will know what you need to do. Stick with it, do not despair. Use “I am dearly loved” as your mantra. Tip: search out frog.
Week 3: August 16 to22 – Apophylite: Do not rush into anything this week. Make sure that whatever you do you first seek the heart of the matter. Heart being not just the meat but the heart energy that flows through all. It seems clear-cut, yet there is more there than meets the eye. All of creation stands behind you – and before you. Use your senses of touch and smell to guide you. Trust your heart. Again – trust your heart. And a third time: trust your heart.
Week 4: August 23 to 29 –Banded Agate Egg: This week pay close attention to your intuition. Make time to sit, to be. What is your third eye doing? Have you cleared the energy there lately? What is clinging to you? Find a piece of agate, gold and brown tones preferably. Place it on your third eye while you are meditating. Write what comes to you. If you are seeking the answer to that question, write the question down before you begin the meditation and immediately after finishing the meditation start writing. Do not edit, worry about spelling or question it. Write upside down and sideways if it feels right. Make sure that you give yourself the gift of time to complete.
Week 5: August 30 & 31 – Citrine: Do you have a labyrinth in your community? An outdoor one? Find it and make use of it. Focus your attention on what you wish to create in this lifetime. With each step in the labyrinth, see yourself at the end of your life having completed that. How does it feel? Give thanks. Over and over, as you step on, feel the completion, feel what completion feels like, and give thanks. Make gratitude your focal point for the week. Every day, when you awake and when you retire, give thanks. You do not have to be specific….giving thanks is powerful all ways in all ways. 31
Marlene Cobb
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen
new Moon
August 14
The August New Moon appears in the astrological sign of Leo. Leo imbues the characteristics of strength, being positive, leadership, confidence, generosity, kindness, success, personal validation and charisma. For this new moon I think we should take one of these characteristics – success – and make it ours. Personally, I believe that successful people all have one thing, confidence, and to have confidence they must be secure in who they are and know they are capable of achieving anything. For this meditation we will work on personal validation, with a simple ritual of “I AM”. Before the New Moon gather these supplies, beads in your favorite color, something to string them onto. On the evening of the New Moon gather your supplies, prepare a cup of chamomile tea and place a slice or two or orange in it, then head to your favorite chair. Take a few deep grounding breathes, have a sip of tea, and then start stringing your beads. With each bead you pick up say “I am________” (the blank can be things like – beautiful, kind, smart, joyful, abundant, amazing, colorful, incredible, sincere, charming) and slip it onto the string, the choice is yours if you wish to seal it with a knot before placing the next bead on the string. You could also place a clear crystal bead between your “I AM” beads, doing this will amplify the decree. Continue doing this until you are guided to stop, holding your piece of beaded cord to your heart give thanks for all that you are, and for the success that comes to you easily just by being you. Take some time and just enjoy feeling how powerful you truly are while you finish off your tea. Carry your string of beads with you until the Full Moon and when you feel yourself wavering in your conviction to manifest your desires into your life hold them close to your heart and silently say “I AM!” The full moon in August happens later this month and is known as the Sturgeon or Corn Moon. I find it interesting that full moons happen in the opposite astrological sun sign, making this full moon in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is an interesting sign to say the least (I am a double Pisces) it is a dual sign and often making a decision is difficult which can then draw out another trait – escapist, rather than make a decision just leave it. The sun sign is Virgo, the organized, analytical, reliable, fussy, interfering sign who just likes to get things done. Good thing Pisces is also adaptable and compassionate as Virgo’s energy will not let them escape making a decision.
Full Moon
August 29
As the full moon is about releasing we will use the help of Sturgeon to see clearly below the surface to discern hidden meanings or motivating factors. Pisces and Virgo are both considered intuitive signs and by joining forces with Sturgeon we can discern from our hearts and soul what needs to be released and a gentle way to release it. Think of a situation in your life that you would like clarity on. Not in the context of other people involved, but the role that is being played by you and what you are to learn from it. Take some time after you have chosen which situation you want guidance on and allow it to float through your mind as you sit quietly in meditative thought. Remember, meditation is not truly about focused thinking, rather it is allowing thoughts to float to the surface. Think of a pond where bubbles magically rise from the silt on the bottom to the surface and burst. You don’t know what is causing the bubbles in the silt, but you enjoy the bubbles without much thought. What is hidden is bringing forth little pockets of air, or in our case little bits of useful information that we can use. Using a journal, enter the date, your situation you were seeking clarity on, and any bubbles of information that floated up while meditating. If you have another situation you would like guidance on, by all means do so in the same meditative fashion. No need to analyze, organize or decide what to do with them right now, rather just jot them down for later reference. When you have received guidance on each situation you want to know about, call upon the energy of the moon to infuse clarity with its brightness so that you may see clearly the messages sent to you. Perhaps doodle a moon and some stars on your journal page along with a few bubbles. Anything that will seal it for you. Over the next few days look over your notes. What light is being shone on your situation? Is there something you can do now so that you will benefit down the road? Is there a clue as to how to have peace in the situation? Once you have clarity on what needs to be released in the situation/s, think of the bubbles rising to the top of the pond. Be the hidden factor, and slowly, gently release that portion, see it rising slowly to the surface, bursting, and leaving nothing but a small ripple on the surface. Know that you have released it and feel a sense of relief wash over you. If your bubble sits on the surface, ask to be shown what else needs to be released in order for you to be at peace. 33
The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back. Photo: Š MCobb 34
Essential Oils
Lavender’s blooming in my town – is it blooming in yours? A sweet, delicate aroma just waiting to be released by a gentle squeeze on waiting blossoms.
on it will bring the energy of the lavender back into your system. If possible, bring the cotton ball out and smell the lavender. You may find that people in your office are drawn to your work space because it’s so calming!
Lavender essential oil is one of the must-have oils. Carry it in your pack, keep it in your first-aid kit and always have some on hand in the home. It is seriously the one oil that I could not do without! It has so many beneficial uses – a few are noted here, but feel free to explore and experiment on your own! ·
Experiencing a headache? A drop of lavender on the neck just at the base of the skull can work wonders. I also put a small amount on my temples, about a finger-width away from my eyes. Beware – if you aren’t used to essential oils the intensity of it may cause your eyes to water a bit. (It doesn’t last for more than a few seconds, though.)
Enjoy your lavender. Make absolutely certain that the oil you have is lavandula angustifolia, and that it is third-party certified therapeutic grade.
Lavender essential oil is very famous as an antidote to burns. Put the oil on very quickly – it can help to cut the pain, prevent blistering and speed healing. I have mixed a drop of lavender in a handful of water in my palm to spread on sunburn – very soothing!
For more information on how to acquire the highest quality oils and blends, please contact me by email at
Lavender is known for its calming and relaxing effect. A drop on feet at bedtime can help a child or adult who is having difficulty getting to sleep. Two or three drops on a tissue or a cotton ball can help to calm someone who is having an anxiety attack or is very stressed. Just having the smell in their proximity is often enough, although smelling it directly helps it work its wonders much quicker.
Scrapes, cuts and bruises heal much quicker with a bit of lavender on them. It can sting when it first goes on, so if you are working with children dilute it in a bit of aloe vera gel. If I am using a bandage, I often put it directly on the bandage before I cover the cut. Make sure you don’t get it on the adhesive – it won’t adhere to your skin if you do.
Make lavender the oil of choice in your tub at least once per week. It is not only restful and relaxing, but its antiseptic qualities can help keep you in good health!
If you are working in a high-stress situation, diffuse lavender into your work place at least once a day. If you can’t diffuse it, put a few drops on a cotton ball and keep it in your pocket. Just rubbing your fingers
Diffusing lavender into a meditation or yoga space can be very helpful for bringing ease and comfort to the participants. If your group has people who are sensitive to smell, diffuse the lavender well before they arrive, or in the evening after the day’s classes are completed. It will clear the air, and the benefits will linger in the room until the next day when needed.
Vera Photo: © youngliving™
Contact Vera at
WATERMELON SALSA INGREDIENTS: 3 cups finely diced seedless watermelon 1 large jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced 1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1/4 cup finely minced red onion 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste DIRECTIONS: In a medium bowl, toss watermelon, jalapeno, cilantro, and onion with lime juice. Season with salt. Serve at room temperature (or chilled). Nutritional Information per serving: Serving size: 1/2 cup Calories per serving: 26 Fat per serving: 0g Saturated Fat per serving: 0g Fiber per serving: 1g Protein per serving: 1g Cholesterol per serving: 0mg Carbohydrates per serving: 7g
This month’s messages drawn from “Messages from your Angels deck by Doreen Virtue
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š mcobb
Recently I had someone ask for a reading. They wanted to know about some family issues. I asked the runes to show me what they will and had the subject draw three stones, one at a time.
ceive some sort of aid or cooperation regarding the problem at hand. Because all the runes in this cast are positive, Mannaz appearing indicates that now is a good time to implement any new plans.
The first rune, which is the problem rune, was Ehwaz. The second stone, or the course you should take regarding your difficulties, was Dagaz, and the last rune, or what is likely to ensue if you follow the advice of the second rune, was Mannaz. All were upright, and together are a very positive reading.
My interpretation may not be what someone else would get but this is what the runes showed me in this particular instance. I have been hearing people lately, say that theirs is the true way and anything else is wrong but I believe the runes speak to each of us in their own way. We each have our own truth, your truth may not be the same as mine but it is no less valid. Whether one is a follower of the old ways or someone who has taken from many belief systems, we each must follow our own path. Tolerance is the most important thing we can learn, and hopefully, teach to our young so that they may, in turn, pass that on to their children and so on.
Ehwaz stands for gradual development and steady progress. It's main significance is change, but a change for the better and usually anticipated. This change often involves travel of some sort, possibly even a change in locale. Dagaz in this instance, symbolizes the subject's inner strength to turn things around if only they will use it. It also shows an increase and growth and a major period of increase and prosperity. This will be slow but steady, rather than overnight. Therefore, as changes are happening, one may not notice them, but one day you will wake up and things will look much brighter. Dagaz has much to do with one's attitude as it is the rune of the dawn, a new beginning.
Hopefully I am able to help you understand more about runes, but remember, it is the runes that teach us. The more you use your runes, the more they will show you. Until next time Sk책l min venner
Sometimes, this rune will mark a major change in the subject's life, perhaps something so radical that you will never live your life the same way again. Usually this deals with making a new start on some level, but it could also show that you must make the best of a situation over which you have no control. Because the third rune was Mannaz however, it indicates that things will improve.
Contact Phil at
Mannaz is the rune of mankind and is a symbol of interdependence. The subject can therefore, expect to re- for more information.
Power Animal
Through the eyes of purity and innocence, everything that was broken will be made whole!! As I asked what the power animal is this month unicorn came floating into my head. I smiled a delightful smile because I myself love unicorns. As unicorn comes softly into view, their message to us this month is: “The purity of your soul is everlasting and eternal. We are the symbol of purity and in it a reminder to you of yours. The purity of heart that one possesses is the key to the kingdom within, for your heart is where love resides, where the Divine essence of Creation and “All That Is” and All that ever was are One. You see, through the eyes of purity and innocence everything that was broken is made whole. In your wholeness you will find love is all there is and in that love you will find your divinity.” Yours in the purity of you The Unicorns
Contact Michelle
blog or email me at 47
We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light. Mary Dunbar
Photo: ŠP Nielsen 48
In this time of change your souls are rapidly changing to suit the present expansion of the earth and the growth that is needed for your souls. I am aware, dear ones of your duality that you would like to rid yourselves of. Neutrality is the key dear ones. In neutrality all is possible for in it, your duality just is. It is neither good nor bad, it just is in the present moment. Since the present moment is all there is, be assured that you are safe within it. Beloved souls in your neutrality everything is possible everything expands into infinity. It is in this way you to expand and grow. You too are aware of your duality in your neutrality. So you in that awareness do not rid yourself of it, but accept it and in that acceptance find peace in the present moment. Yours in the peace of now Melchizedek
Contact Michelle blog or email me at I look forward to hearing from you! 51
Message from the Angels August 2015
Dearest souls, your inner wisdom is the key to freedom, listen to it and you will enjoy the gift of freedom.
smile upon this wisdom. Eventually the confusion will lift. We are asking you to try this, not to make your life crazier but so that you will start to feel and realize there is so much more to your life than what you presently focus upon and see. When you open up to acceptance and allowing you will notice that everything is bigger, everything is connected and there is only one direction you are taking. You will see that you are always truly free, freedom is not a prize to be awarded for good behavior or a battle well fought, but your natural right, a gift that has always been with you.
Inner wisdom is not the small voice in your head that you are prone to listening to. That voice carries all your wounds, it feeds off of those wounds and has no interest in allowing your inner wisdom to speak. Yet if you could turn off that voice for one day, you would start to see that healing your wounds is easy. You have become trapped in the perpetual cycle of being ready to be wounded. You have forgotten how wonderful it is to have positive energy flow through you. Energy that is not on the lookout for the next challenge, hurt or upset. We challenge you to set aside your head voice for one of your earth days. Really, we would like to challenge you to having a headless day, but don’t think many of you would take us up on that. If your head voice, which really is what you call ego, speaks, thank it and carry on with accepting whatever is happening, no judging, and no reacting, just allow it to happen. Don’t be clever and try to fool the head voice. Nothing will change, you will remain the same and the same wounds and experiences will keep being relived. Your head voice will probably shout louder, just to get your attention, but if you still yourself for a few moments, inner wisdom will prevail. Nothing will be repressed, rehashed or refueled. Clarity will start to come forth and if you are confused by this clarity, just allow it, know that you are confused and
Listen to the voice of your head if you must, but do so passively. Do not forget you are the one who feeds it or starves it as it twists its tales of life done wrong. Your inner wisdom will open doors for you that you have never walked through before. Now is the time to accept life and all of its glorious changes. It is easier than your head will allow you to believe, you don’t have to wait. Nurture your inner voice, allow it to stretch and be heard, then watch as the energy that flows through you shifts, returning to you the sweetness of life and all the blessings you deserve. By the power of three so shall it be.
Photo: Š pnielsen 54