Photo: ŠPNielsen 1
Issue 41 December 2014
8 The Spirit of Giving 12 The Dance is Getting Very Interesting 16 The White Parcel
20 A Challenge 22 The Cosmic Dance of Time 24 December Message Words 26 The Myth of Meditation 28 The Power of Forgiveness 30 The Health Benefits of Cranberries 32 The Griffin Door Into Uniqueness 34 Subtle Energies
Connect with Nourish
40 There is a New World Arising
42 Connections 44 In The Land of You Nourish is a digital magazine that is
46 Rune Readings 50 Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - December 2014 54 Lunar Cycles for December
produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2014 by Nourish Publication
58 Crystal Reading for December 60 Your Very Being is Stardust of Love 62 Rune Casting For December 64 Oils for the Season 66 Dinosaur 68 Angel Message for December 2014 2
Nourish is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 3
Musings from the Editor As this calendar year winds down, all of us are busy preparing for the festivities that will help us celebrate a year of wonderful. Perhaps this is why December is one of my favorite months. The weather turns cooler, and if you are lucky, you live where the snow begins to arrive, gently falling creating magic in its wake. Colorful lights and decorations bring joy to darker nights. We celebrate with family and friends and share copious amounts of yummy treats and tasty beverages. Calories are a conscious thought, but get pushed aside for just one more bite! We laugh, we cry, we sing off key, we cheer and we smile so much our cheek muscles get a work out. The year of 2014 has been a busy one with roller coaster hills and valleys for many, changing as quickly as a roller coaster ride as well. There have been many who have lost loved ones this year, and are grappling with the age old question “why?” Many have been “downsized” from jobs they held for many years, while others have been let go with reasons that are vague and leave them asking “why?” Some have found love and others have released love, leaving each of them to ponder “why?” For each of us 2014 has been a year of wonderful. It might not seem like it now, but years from now, when we are sitting and reflecting, we will have the knowledge that we survived – if only narrowly – to see 2015 come to life! In 2014 we dove deeply into the goop of life and started to shift things within ourselves so as to bring more peace to our lives. We have been awakening, but to what? I don’t fully know the answer, but I feel it is an awakening to our truest selves. NO longer do we seem to be as concerned about “what other people think of us,” we are becoming more at ease within our own skin. It has been a year of transformation, probably only the start of this wonderful transformation, but one that, over time, WE have a front row seat to see the beauty unfold. We had many “ghosts” of years gone past visit – childhood memories, old relationships, and old patterns that simply did not seem to fit us, or serve us any longer. We are all different people now and reside in a different space of mind. As each “ghost” came to visit, we reflected and spontaneously or hesitantly, set them free, and focused on the new we have been fervently creating. All of us have been revisited by our ghosts, cleared the closets, and shaken off the cobwebs. It might have felt and seemed like we were alone in our journey, but many around the world have been walking right alongside of us. Clearing their closets, shaking off their cobwebs and being visited by their ghosts of years gone past. In this, the last month of the year 2014 – raise a glass to your fellow “Ebenezer Scrooge’s” for not only having the courage to face the “ghosts” of years gone past, but to walk bravely into new, uncharted destinies!
Peace for each of you. Namaste Marlene
There are many ways to celebrate the holiday season and all of them include family and good friends!
Connecting you with your Angels and Guides
A reading is a snapshot that can help you wade through the uncertainty that creeps into life. With your Angels you can explore your roadmap. Where should you focus your energy, what paths are open to you right now and which ones should you walk with caution. Your Angels and Guides are always with you offering comfort, support and guidance, together we will
Find out how you could showcase your business here! 7
Marlene Cobb
The season of gifting is upon us! It does not matter what holiday you celebrate this month. The ritual of gift-giving can be a beautiful experience or one that you dread.
your children before you indulge yourself, having the whole box for herself and being able to put her feet up… priceless! My point is that it is not “the thought that counts” it is the “thinking that counts”. A gift card to a restaurant for a friend would probably be enjoyed more if you took them to dinner and enjoyed their company. Too often we get wrapped up in the whole idea that we have a list to check off, our lives are overloaded with to do lists that must be handled efficiently. We don’t pause long enough to remember that the simplest of gifts can delight our recipients more than the most costly item in the store.
The season has shoppers scurrying about looking for just the right gift. While some of us lament that the season has become a blur of commercialism – I mean really –the stores start pushing the giving season well before Halloween, and the commercials on TV are aimed to show new items before October arrives. Everyone wants to be in on the frenzy and garner their piece of the pie. I love to give gifts, I enjoy the whole ritual of finding the perfect gift. Deciding what to give, and making sure it suits and fits the recipient’s personality. It brings me great joy to find that elusive gift that will bring the recipient as much joy as the gifting gives me.
When you truly put “thought” into the process, you convey the message that you gave pause and considered who they were. It could be that your friend loves chocolate chip cookies and you bake a batch just for them to enjoy. The cost is not large, but shows you put your thinking cap on and did something truly just for them. It allows them to feel special. Which in turn gives you that warm feeling, just like the Grinch- whose heart grew three sizes that day! The joy of seeing others express their surprise, joy and true gratitude upon receiving the gift, brings immense satisfaction to the giver.
Gift giving has long been a favorite subject for the study of human behavior. It is a surprisingly complex and important part of human interaction. Giving of gifts helps define relationships and strengthen bonds. It is the universal way to show appreciation and gratitude towards our fellow men, and can also indicate our interest towards them. Psychologists have said it is the giver who reaps the largest rewards psychologically. Perhaps that is how the saying “It is better to give than to receive” came about.
While I can personally scale back how much I spend and trim the number of gifts I give, I cannot escape the clever holiday advertising enticing all of us to spend our dollars on the next best thing since sliced bread. I refuse to become a hermit just to avoid the marketing. It is easy to get wrapped up in the magic of the songs playing over the store intercom, the sparkling lights and decorations. The cheerfulness of the season makes it easy to allow the dollars to float away from my bank account, only to become dust collectors in someone’s home.
Many of us were spoon fed that phrase growing up, wise words of wisdom. Yet, over time, the commercialism of the season has many avoiding gift giving all together. Traditionally, we exchanged gifts with our immediate family. Somewhere along the way it grew and we gift not only our families, we include friends, neighbors, paper deliverers, dry cleaners, co-workers, instructors, etc.! Add the never ending count down that happens by marketing geniuses, and it becomes easier and easier to jump off the gift giving merry go round.
I don’t like being held hostage to “spend, spend, spend!” The manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers would have us believe that is the only way any of us could possibly enjoy the holidays! This time of year is about sharing, creating magical moments and memories and should not leave us feeling down trodden and depleted both energy wise and financially. Although gift-giving can be a destressor and create balance, the hunt for the perfect gift for friends and family can also cause a lot of stress. The costs of gifts and what it takes to package them can be a financial burden.
Many of us do believe it is better to give, but I believe there is an innate desire to receive when we give. Consciously or unconsciously the desire is there. The whole circle of gifting and receiving can be a source of frustration, for both the giver and the receiver. If we receive and do not have anything to offer in return, we feel guilty and/or beholden, real or imagined, it does not matter, to that person. If we exchange gifts and the value of said gifts appears lopsided, we can feel undervalued or cheated and harbor resentment, vowing to return the favor next time around. At times like that we are reminded of the age old adage “it is the thought that counts”.
This year be creative, spend some time thinking about each person on your list. What they would enjoy the most? Give the gift of yourself, share your special talents – bake, craft, or frame a special photo you took. Don’t avoid purchasing a gift, in fact, support your local small business owners, visit craft fairs; just negate the stress that can be associated with it. Instead, enjoy the magic, keep within your means, make the people you gift feel special and enjoy the holiday in the tradition is was meant to be.
Truly, it goes beyond that, and I am not sure why we have not figured it out before now. I have heard many a tale in my life about the “best Christmas” and most of them don’t include high priced gifts at all. One that comes to mind and is a favorite, was the gift a husband gave his wife. With four young children and barely enough money to keep food on the table, he gave her a fifty cent box of chocolates (things have really changed over the years… this same box would be around ten dollars now). He waited until the children were tucked into bed and then whisked her off to the couch, put a Christmas movie on the television, and presented her with the small gift. He finished the dishes, and then joined her on the couch. Now some of you are probably thinking… what kind of gift is that, but to her it was a welcome respite from the norm. She loved chocolates, yet as any mother will attest, you share or give to
It truly is better to give than receive, and you do not have to break the bank to do so. Enjoy the month ahead and remember… Christmas doesn’t come from a store, the spirit of Christmas is much, much more.
Connect with Marlene at facebook 9
Linda Adsetts
Photo: Š photo-nuke - 12
The other morning I got up and felt a tug in my back. This was not totally unusual for me. My back has always been a clear indicator of my responses to my life. Any big changes occurring in my life and it begins to clench and contract. This, of course, causes me to feel varying degrees of discomfort. Frequently, as I begin to move it dissipates. This week it didn’t. I had difficulty moving after I sat to write at my computer. I decided a visit to my chiropractor was a good idea. I don’t always go because of pain. I will sometimes go just because my energies are feeling blocked. I feel less than joyful in my body even with no pain. This time was a little different. He adjusted me and commented how different it felt this time. My body talks to him and he listens. He said the voice was different this time. It was more vibrant and a little commanding. He heard “No you aren’t done. Wait!” He asked my body “Are you processing?” “Yes” This is why I love my chiropractor. He consciously asks my body where to go. He makes no assumption. This time he unleashed blockages that sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I asked my body “Do you want to go back?” “No” “Do you want to have a massage?”
in clearing them for myself. It isn’t a conscious process. It is just a natural result of the work that many of us do. If you remember that like attracts like then it makes sense. It actually is a pretty wonderful cocreation that occurs on planet earth. “Your planet is shifting into a new way of being, dear one and it is shifting because you are shifting. There are enough of you now to create the shift that you have all been asking for in one form or another. Of course, shifts can come in all sorts of ways, shapes and forms. Your bodies that are composed of mainly water are conductors for the energy. Wherever in your body that you hold any old injuries that were a result of old ways of being are the places you will feel the intensity the most. Emotions will arise that are less than pleasant as you catch up with your being that truly is a magnificent being of light and love. This being wants to acclimate you with its essence in a more full and delicious way. It doesn’t always feel like that. But, your being often feels contracted when it takes your body into account. You are not your body but your body is a reflection of all the thought forms that you have thought, all the thought forms that have accumulated over eons of time. That is a lot of thoughts of not being good enough and of never being enough. Those, dear ones are sitting within your body. So as the new energies, which you have been asking for, are entering your planet and shifting all of you then you will feel all of that come up for review. Are you really not good enough? Are you really never enough? What makes you think that you would land on planet earth yet again and not be up to the task? The task of being exactly who you are?
“No” “Do you want to go for a walk?” “No” It turns out that I just needed to lie down and process the energies that had been blocked in my body. I slept a lot and I had vivid dreams. I can’t remember most of them as I write this and truly there is no need to. But, I did ask The Group what was going on. “You are processing energy.” they replied. “I already knew that! What is going on with that?” I asked Truly, I shouldn’t be surprised. My clients have been processing too and the stuff that is ready to be released is ready to be released! I also know that when I am working with my clients that if there are any commonalities that I will also be working along with them 13
You are enough-always have been and always will be. You, dear ones, just have to allow all those aspects of yourself-the joyful aspects-the good enough aspects to reveal themselves to you and acknowledge them and in that acknowledgement call them forth into this space and time. It is more than time for you to acknowledge you the being who is more than enough. So, dear ones, sweet ones, when you step more fully into the gifts that you are to your world, you also give others the permission to step into their gifts. Your being is not selfish in that it would not want others to fully be who they be. Unfortunately, you are often not selfish enough to want that for yourself. You are misguided if you think that being less is the way to go.
Being less is never the way to go. You can all be who you are in totality without making yourself smaller.
Are you ready to listen? Are you ready to welcome them onto your planet and allow them in their full expression? They will be challenging to those who are not allowing. They will push all the buttons that you have about being in control. Control is a useless tool. The only control you have is over yourself. Let them be who they be and listen up when they have an answer. They may have the answer to something you have been puzzling about. One clue is all that is needed for those of you who are ready to hear. One clue will have you musing upon things you had not mused upon before and you may find yourself asking a child-what do know about thisand this and this?
Smallness does not work. It is in your greatness that you will accomplish far more than you will in playing small. It is in your greatness that you will share the stage of your life with others, who are in their greatness. It does not mean stepping aside. Think of it like a dance, a waltz perhaps where everyone is twirling around the dance floor, giving over to others as they dance yet always continuing the dance of joy. No one has to remove himself or herself from the dance floor unless they choose to. Some of you will be choosing to remove yourself from planet earth. You have done enough, you have been enough and you choose to dance in another time and space. Some of those that have exited, will exit and will return quite quickly and others will be happy to continue somewhere else and others will eagerly await their turn on planet earth.
Dear ones, we want you to get this one thing. You are a magnificent being of joy and everybody else is too. There is a symphony of notes being played now and if there are discordant notes it is only because some of you have forgotten the clear and pitch perfect note that you are. Sing your song and dance your dance. You are not alone and you never were and the more that you are singularly you-without constraint the more that you will attract the joy of others who are being singularly them without constraint and the joy, oh the joy, will build and build.
It is a time like none before. It is about inclusion and most everybody is ready for inclusion and allowing on planet earth. Most everyone is ready to see something else unfold, as it is doing, that is more allowing of everything including the allowing of your beautiful planet to blossom into more of who it be. It is a living and breathing organism that is fully reflective of the humans upon her. The only difference is that she is more than willing to adjust as necessary, to accommodate what has gone before and more than willing to flourish in a way that will confound your experts. They didn’t think it was possible to have such a full regeneration of the planet.
The dance is getting very interesting-the music is becoming celestial – new notes will be played and you dear ones are in the midst of it all. Your beings know this and now perhaps you will remember too.
Go For The Joy
Your planet will flourish more quickly than you. It is responding to the masses and the masses are truly becoming more aware of what that co-creation means. Even those that seem dense as coal (truly coal isn’t as dense as you would think) are quickly realizing what the effects of industry have had and are having on your planet. They will listen and they will be eager to adjust as necessary. It is all coming about. It is a big ship, planet earth is a big ship and the turning of that ship has been slow but the winds of change are quickening and with it the course of the ship will be turned.
Linda and The Group
Your part in this is to do what you need to do to clear your energetic bodies to allow the energies to move through easily. Your part in this is to be in joy. Your part of this is to be allowing of yourself. Your part in this is to step out of judgment and allow soulutions to bubble up. They will. They are. There are many being birthed on your planet that have been waiting for this time to occur. They bring with them knowledge that has been squashed in previous times. It will not be squashed this time. They have a mission. Their mission is to be who they be. Their mission is to be joyful. Their mission is to let those that are willing to see and hear that there is another way. You have been asking and they are your answer.
Connect with Linda on or Facebook page!/GoForTheJoy 14
There is a symphony of notes being played… and you are one
Photo: © agsandrew 15
Abby ARmstrong
Every year of my childhood just before Christmas Eve a box neatly wrapped in white paper and bound with strong string would arrive at our post office two miles away. Of all the cards, letters and packages that were handed to us by the postmaster, this one was vitally important to all of us. The writing on the front in bold print said, “Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jones and Girls.� I was one of the four girls who loved to know it was in our possession. It was mailed from my father's older sister, Alberta, who lived in Kendrick, Idaho, U.S.A. This meant she was our American aunt.
was sheer agony as we impatiently waited for him to stomp in from the cold, freshen up, join us as we listened to Christmas carols playing on CBC and sample the homemade fudge and shortbread. In our family we opened presents on the evening of December 24th and hung our stockings for Santa to deliver a special chosen surprise as we slept away. Sometimes my father moved faster than other times and might pull out a bottle of Port or Sherry to offer adult visitors. Once he was smiling and relaxed, we would started our gift opening but the white box was left until the last. My father handled it with cherished reserve as the love tumbled out of the Christmas parcel. Each gift was attractive and suitable for our age. My father's gift would be hand-knitted gloves, socks or a vest as well as a store bought piece of clothing. His sister knew the colours he preferred and what her Canadian country brother needed.
For this parcel to arrive in our isolated corner of the world, Francois Lake, B.C., Canada, it must have been mailed at the end of November. In fact, I was certain Santa Claus had an important role to play in the delivery of our gifts. We often had two or three feet of snow, 10-20 below Fahrenheit and a threatening blizzard in December. Yet, it never failed to be under our tree in time.
This package brought love and hope as well as a feeling of being connected to a bigger world. The gifts reflected upto-date trends. The rhinestone necklace for my mother, the bottle of Evening in Paris for my two older sisters and the powder blue nylon sweaters for my younger sister and I. These were 'up-to-date' treasures. Our American aunt loved our father and all of us very much.
In our household in the forties we received few modest practical gifts and many had been chosen from the mail order catalogues such as Sears, Eaton's or Woodward's. Items sent from our American family were waited upon with great anticipation. This parcel helped create the mystery and magic to be found under our tree each year. On Christmas Eve we all waited for our father to finish his farm chores and join us around the decorated spruce tree. It 16
You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world. Oprah Winfrey
Photo: Š Sebastian Duda 17
Photo: Š PNielsen 18
Everything is equal in the snow: all trees, all lawns, all streets, all rooftops, all cars. Everything is white, white, white, as far as you can see. Covered by snow, the well-kept and neglected lawns look the same. The snow hides the shiny newness of a just-bought car as effectively as it does the rust and dents of a ten-year-old one. Everything looks clean and fresh and unmarred by time or use. Snow, like the silent death it counterfeits, is a great leveler. Adrienne Ivey 19
Vera Enshaw
Photo: Š cienpiesnf 20
Set the intent for the coming year, for 2015. Set your intent – what are you aiming for, who do you choose to be in 2015? This past year we have worked on be-ing. BE-ing. You have walked further along the path of be-coming who you truly are. Along the way you have experienced love in many formats. You have been courageous. You have opened doors that exposed truths about you and your world – and you left them open as you explored what was behind them I am going to set you – and me – a challenge. I am going to start by asking you a question. What if….what if you and I truly do hold the key for world peace? What if? That sounds like a loaded question, and it sounds like a question with no good answer. At least to me it does. But I pondered it, when I got it, and I wondered. What if? What would it take, exactly? Am I willing to do what it takes? What if it took 10 minutes a day? Just…10 minutes. That seems doable, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it? Surely I could commit to 10 minutes a day in order to see our world at peace. Couldn’t I? But wait…aren’t there a lot of people doing that? People with way more ‘spiritual’ know-how than me? What on earth could I contribute? I kept coming back to the question, though. What if I hold the key to world peace? And so I invite you to accompany me. One year. 365 days. 10 minutes a day. Any time of the day at all – morning, evening, lunch time. Here is what we do: We begin by breathing deep and becoming aware of ourselves. All of who we are. As we settle into the awareness, we begin to focus on loving ourselves. Just ourselves. If we have a hard time with that we can bring our mind to a moment when we felt love very strong for someone or something, and then bring 21
that memory into focus and know that it is love we feel for ourselves. Then think of the people you know, people you are close to. Family. Friends. Co-workers. Allow your love to permeate them, to cover them. Make sure you include people you are mad at, people who might have a grudge against you, people you don’t particularly like. Everybody. Now expand that love out so that it covers your community. Make sure you feel that love. Get the woman you really like at the bakery, and the homeless person you cross the street to avoid. Move out from your local community into the larger community – the city, the country….each breath expanding your love further out. Cover your continent, the oceans, and breath by breath cover the entire world. Every single person in every single piece of skin….encompass all of them. Love them. Love them so they will know love. Not so they will change. Not so they will make your life better. Love them so they will know love. Do this meditation in private or in public. Do it on your own. Once a day. 10 minutes. If you want to share the process, feel free. If you feel like bringing others into a meditation, feel free. But once a day, every day for the next 365 days, do it on your own. Who knows? I do know this: it can’t hurt. And it might, just might, be the key.
Until next month….Namasté
Contact Vera at
Gwen Randall-Young
Photo: Š Vjom 22
The turning of the calendar always causes us to reflect on the past and the future. When the calendar turned from 1899 to 1900, no doubt there were many who wondered just what the next 100 years would hold. Few could have imagined the world as it is now. We can try to project ten or twenty years into the future. One hundred is a stretch, and 1000 is so far away as to seem irrelevant to us. In one sense we can feel the insignificance of one human lifespan. A mere blip in the history of time, how could the experience of that lifetime have any meaning to the whole?
tossed by the storms of ego. It is then when we feel lost, despairing, purposeless, unfulfilled, and homesick for a place we scarcely remember. Only the ache of longing remains, and the sadness of being lost, being disconnected from someplace we once knew as ‘home’. It may also be that the Universe only finds existence through human consciousness. Like the tree falling in the forest, we can ask, if, without human consciousness to perceive it, the Universe would exist. It may require each one of us to bring the Universe to life. Like the magic eye pictures, the mass of lines is only ‘created’ as a picture, when human eyes see into the heart of it.
When we think in a linear way, our lives can seem meaningless to anyone other than ourselves. It begins, continues, then ends. Then it is in the past, disappearing from awareness like the vapor trail of a jet. If we shift to a holographic perspective, wherein every part contains the whole, everything changes.
What is the significance of entering the next 1000-year period of recorded time? About as significant as the time it takes for a child to be born, or the distance it travels down the birth canal. Such measurements are truly insignificant compared to the magnitude of what it is that is happening. Our experience of this Universe is an eternal journey, of which this lifetime is but one small part. The duration of our lives is relatively insignificant in the scheme of the Universe. The magnitude of our soul is immense. Identifying with soul is like identifying with the sun rather than the rays of light shining at any given time upon the Earth. Identifying with ego is like identifying with the light which is cast, rather than the source of the light. Earth experiences light and dark: the seeming birth and death of light. That birth and death is only an illusion, for the source of light beyond our limited view is constant. Similarly, the cycle of birth and death is also illusory. Yes, physical life comes and goes, but the light of our soul, beyond the limited view of ego, is constant. It never goes out, it neither begins nor ends. It is beyond time, beyond space. It is still, silent, boundless and eternal. You are in it, and it is in you. It is not going, not doing, but simply, elegantly, being.
Our energy, our lifetime, our essence are all part of a cosmic dance. We exist as matter or energy within a pulsating, living organism that is our Universe. We change shape, form, and location, but never leave the dance. Just as the hydrogen and oxygen remain even though the water turns to ice or vapor, so our soul is a constant in the Universe, though its configuration may change. While in physical form, unaware of our own souls, we are analogous to the ice, rigid, and locked into one ‘shape’, characterized by personality, gender, career, or life roles. We can ‘know’ and ‘recognize’ one another, but it is only from the outside. We cannot experience the inner nature of another, or even connect with our own inner being, as yet locked into a fixed form. As we become aware of our souls, allowing soul’s energy to move us, we become more like the water: still a physical presence, but flowing. We can allow our soul essence to blend with that of another, dissolving and entering into the shared experience. When we leave this world, letting go of the physical form, we then become like the vapor, vast and diffuse. Souls return to the non-physical energy field, sometimes called Oneness. Soul is timeless, boundless and eternal. When we identify with soul, there is no rush, no going anywhere, no doing things. There is only being. We can literally watch the world go by. We can watch the life of our mind-body play itself out. We can notice ego attachment, and the ripples of emotion which move through our lives in the wake of ego interpretations. We move in and out of that ego place, returning to soul now and then for a ‘time-out': soul is our peaceful retreat. We do not take the dramas of ego too seriously. If we do get wrapped up in the drama, forgetting to keep in touch with soul, we may find ourselves drifting, and being
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to 23
Andrea Bath Y.T., R.H.N.
Photo: Š akslam - 26
I have been surrounded by the idea of meditation for many years now, having practiced yoga for over 10 years and teaching it for about 5. Meditation is a big part of yoga, classes are typically started with sitting for a few moments in silence trying to quiet the mind. When I tell people that I have trouble meditating on a regular basis their response in usually one of both judgment and relief. A combination of “what kind of yoga teacher doesn’t meditate?” and “Oh wow, she is human just like me.” Let me elaborate a little. When I was doing my teacher training and even since in immersion worships that I have done, we have always taken time (typically 30 min) to sit in silence, with the goal of trying to ‘clear the mind’. What does that even mean ‘clear the mind’ and is that even possible? The mind it built to think… that IS what our brains do, and now you want me to shut that off? Go against what I am designed to do? Hmmmmmmm. How about we try something different. Instead of trying to shut our brains off (a task that constantly makes me feel like a failure) why not sit in the quietness of listening to what is actually going on in our mind? Mindfulness rather that mindlessness. Quoted from an article I read in Psychology Today, “Mindfulness, paying precise, nonjudgmental attention to the details of our experience as it arises and subsides, doesn’t reject anything. Instead of struggling to get away from the experiences we find difficult, we practice being able to be with them.” Mindful meditation is not a new concept, nor is it mine, what it is though is brilliant.
So how is mindful meditation done? Find a quite place to sit, close your eyes, tune into your breath and begin to pay mindful attention of what your brain is thinking. You may find your mind creeping into a dark little corner or perhaps lighting up with enlivening experiences. By paying close attention to this we can learn to direct our minds to stay away from the dark corners that leave is feeling down, to focus more on the enlivening thoughts that leave is feeling…… well enlivened! To get into a brief scientific (ish) explanation, if you look at your thoughts as Neuro-pathways, and these Neuro27
pathways like muscles; exercising positive muscles will strengthen these thoughts and feelings, and exercising negative ones…… well, you get the picture. I have a bum knee these days that has been keeping me from running and holding me back in my yoga practice. I hate it. It is frustrating and for some reason is not getting better……. Do you see what has happened here? On a daily basis, and multiple times during the day I am strengthening the neuro -pathway muscles to keep my knee feeling unloved and hurt, and my mind believing that I am injured! Instead, I have started sending positive, loving messages that my knee is strong and able to heal. It is slowly starting to feel better and no doubt in my mind, I will overcome this with the positive intention of my mind. So the next time you are drawn to or asked to sit and meditate, rather than following possible guidance to clear your mind of thoughts, try instead paying keen awareness to the thoughts that you are having. With this you will soon start to learn the default path of your thoughts and over time, develop the skills and strengthen your ability to keep your thoughts on a more positive and rewarding path that will begin to get you where it is you really want to go.
Andrea Bath Y.T, R.H.N.
Connect with Andrea
Lisa Schell
Does forgiving someone mean you’re admitting you were wrong? If you forgive someone time and time again does that mean you’re a doormat?
ond chances, however, when you have to forgive a third, fourth, fifth time and on and on then you need to draw the line in the sand at some point. If you find this difficult to do it may mean that you haven’t taken the time to ask yourself why you’re allowing this pattern of behaviour to be your experience. Don’t allow someone to take advantage of your good will. Being taken advantage of, time and again, and forgiving them again and again, does make you a pretty well used door mat. That cycle needs to be put to an end.
When we harbour bad feelings about experiences we’ve had with other people, it puts added extra strain on us emotionally, spiritually and physically. Over a long period of time this can lead to insecurities, bitterness, anger, resentment and sadness. On a physical level this can manifest in the body as illness. Where do you feel it on your body when you’ve had an argument with someone? I feel it in my stomach and heart center.
Why should I forgive someone who’s hurt me? It allows you to move forward with your life in a positive way rather than staying in bitterness, anger, resentment and sadness. It will clear your mind and heart to create the space necessary for you to live with more love for yourself and others. Forgiveness will help you achieve a deeper sense of peace and wellbeing and gain increased clarity about the lessons and blessings available to you. You will learn a great deal about yourself, and that is always a good thing. You will begin to see yourself, your life, your every experience, and every person in your life from a new point of view. Forgiving others takes courage. Don’t see it as a weakness. Forgiving others doesn’t mean you are admitting that you were wrong. For-
When you forgive someone, it doesn’t mean that you’re admitting that you were wrong. It means that you’re willing to let it go and move on. It may mean that you both agree to disagree. With long term relationships that you value the most, the relationship is more important than the argument itself so forgiveness is easier to give. If there is someone in your life that you’ve had to forgive time and time again, it doesn’t mean you’re a door mat if you tell them NO, I’m done after the first few times. You can forgive someone but you can also tell them not to hurt you again. It’s okay to be tender hearted and to give people sec28
Photo: © lschell
giveness clears the negative karma created through the con- all out then say to them that you are willing to forgive them flict. now, not for them but for yourself. Now throw the rock with all the power you have and let it go! The next day grab anothYou are also gifting yourself with emotional freedom. You will er rock, think of someone you need to forgive and repeat. Do be overjoyed and energized about how good it feels and how this ritual for the next 21 days. There may be more than one much you will learn about yourself. Stop choosing to play the incident with the same person so you may need to throw sevprisoner holding onto the chains of negative feelings. You can eral rocks. As you do this, a huge weight will be lifted off your only forgive when you are ready to heal, evolve, and grow. shoulders and you should start feeling more peaceful and Forgiveness isn’t easy but it’s doable and it’s the most imcalm. It takes a lot of energy to hold onto anger but it takes portant inner work you will ever do in your life with your mind very little energy to live in harmony with others. and heart. It will cure whatever is ailing you and requires dedicated work and focus. Are you ready to stop feeling bad, be- You may choose to keep this to yourself or perhaps you are ing wounded, holding grudges, and giving yourself reasons and ready now to talk to them. If this person is no longer alive, it excuses to have less than you desire? If you answered yes, doesn’t matter in terms of your healing, evolving and growth. then you are ready for my 21 day forgiveness ritual to experi- Try writing the person a letter in your special forgiveness jourence miracles in your life. nal….whatever works for you. Everyone lets go in their own way. What matters is that you have chosen to do the work Ritual: Go for a walk, collect 21 rocks, and put them into a and to do it for at least 21 days as anything practiced for a pebag. Every day take one rock from the bag and go for a walk riod of at least 3 weeks will have the long lasting changes that by yourself. Think about someone you need to forgive. Bring you desire. back the memories of the issue(s) by remembering what happened. What did this person say or do to you that upset you? Blessings, Allow yourself to get mad and/or sad and let it out all. Tell them how they made you feel. When you feel you have let it
Anti-Aging properties Antioxidant protection at the cellular level Anti-Cancer Benefits May prevent tumors from growing rapidly or starting in the first place Optimizes balance of bacteria in the digestive tract Anti-inflammatory benefits lower the risk of periodontal disease Benefits cardiovascular system High in antioxidants Vitamin C & Fiber Improves the immune system Lowers frequency of cold and flu symptoms Contains proanthocyanidins which act as a barrier to bacteria in the urinary tract Only 45 calories per cup
1 ¾ cups
Preheat oven to 300°F (150°C). Grease and line a 9” x 13” (3 L) baking pan with parchment paper overlapping two sides for easy removal.
(425 mL) Flour
½ cup
(125 mL) corn starch
½ tsp
(2 mL) salt
1 cup
(250 mL) unsalted butter, room temperature
¾ cup
(175 mL) icing sugar
1 tsp
(5 mL) vanilla extract
½ cup
(125 mL) dried cranberries
½ cup
(125 mL) white chocolate chips
Combine flour, corn starch and salt in a large mixing bowl. Beat butter icing sugar and vanilla until creamy. Stir in flour mixture, cranberries and chocolate chips. Pat evenly into prepared pan. Prick with a fork. Bake in preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes or until deep golden around edges. Let stand in pan on wire rack for 30 minutes. Using parchment paper, lift out of pan. Slice into bars while still warm. Cool completely. Dust with icing sugar if desired.
icing sugar for dusting (optional) 31
Photo: Š dnaveh - 32
The mythical energy of the griffin has been with us for thousands of years, appearing in many sacred texts and structures of ancient times. It’s energy adorns many heraldic coats of arms and supports the energies of some of our major brands through use of its energy in a logo.
connecting with the deep earth to remember divine heritage and the roar of our inner light.
It is well known in shamanic tribes that people with no fear can stand in the presence of lions without fences and remain unharmed. This is down to their clear energy fields and reverence for the divine meeting. Do you feel you are at this level of clarity?
It is a creature of magic and mystery a hybrid if you like of 3 sovereign energies of the animal kingdoms which have individually their own spiritual lessons and energetics. It can take many years and life to master the energies of all three parts of the griffin and then the fourth (quantum) energy of the griffin itself.
Eagle - (the head) The King/Queen of Birds. Soaring to new heights we use our Sound to elevate us further, viewing situations from new heights. Using natures powers to support and guide our directions and flow. Our true sight develops and sharpens to penetrate even the deepest depths of our conciousness. Here we hone our energies and work out when to act and when to wait. The heights of the heart enable us to move without time influences and inter dimensional sight becomes normal. Attack changes to Accountability and then flows into Divine.
Lets Look at the 3 individual aspects of the Griffin & then the whole: Snake - (the tail and spine) The snake represents our primal creation abilities and hold within it our deepest emotions and sexual urges. Snake is the master of emotions and is closely linked with our sacral centres and our third eye (higher emotion). Can we master the snakes movement, flow, patience and knowing that all will be well? Can we release the deepest fears of human kind and shed them like old skins? Within our own physical bodies the snake represents the energetics between our root chakras and the earth. This is the third sacred line of energy that flows from the kundalini energy of the earth and into our root chakras, usually the most hidden aspects of ourselves as we have no physical point of correlation for them in the physical body. Work is needed within this invisible energy line to empower and become sound before it enters our foundation (root chakra).
The Sound of the Eagle penetrates all levels of deception. I had the incredible experience of holding a Golden Eagle once. His screech definitely did clear all levels of my auric field! The Griffin - The guardian of the ancient treasures, the keeper of the keys and the guide through the doorway into the realms above duality. The master energies of the snake, lion and eagle working as one new energy of Love. A Quantum energy which has made manifest from the perfection of the trinity. “Griffindor” was no accidental name in harry potter. To work with this energy you must surrender all fears and lower energies to raise yourself up into the Light. Your unique talents and gifts reside here!
Do you have a fear of snakes? What is it that is being mirrored by this fear? Snakes were used in many civilisations during initiation ceremonies (both light and dark) to test that the initiate had overcome their fears. An example is found within the snake charming shamans of the east, masters of their own snake energetics. Also we know that the King Cobra was adorned on the kings crown during the Egyptian era. There are many ways of working with the snake energy from taking a remedy in homeopathy, shamanic work and meditation.
Diamond Light - Ryan
Facebook - Oriondiamond Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond. Diamond Light Worker, Shadow Specialist, Sacred Attuner & Soul Alchemist. All rights reserved feel free to share this content with others - post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/ channeler.
Lion - (the body) The King/Queen of Beasts. Working with this magnificent energy to master the carnal nature of our lower selves. Are we ready to rise up and rule our own domain and not be subjected by anyone or any energy that is not our true self. Working on our Walking through life and 33
Chris Lovelidge
Photo: Š umnola 34
My personal journey of discovery into the mysteries of Subtle Energy Fields (SEF) began in 1975 when I had a Near Death Experience (NDE); it frightened the life out of me. At that time there was no information available about these transcendental experiences. I concluded that I had developed a psychosis and I awaited with much trepidation the next episode. It never arrived. Unknown to me at that time, Dr. Raymond Moody, a psychiatrist investigating this phenomenon, published his findings in a book entitled “Life after Life”.. Fortunately for me I heard the book being reviewed on the CBC radio; I purchased it and read it in two days. The information in the book was startling and very healing. First I discovered I was not mentally ill (a great relief); secondly I was not the only one who had had an NDE (an even greater relief). But significantly I decided I had to discover just exactly what had happened to me, how and why. You may now be wondering what the connection is between an NDE and Subtle Energies; stay with me on this one.
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It is in constant motion through and around the body; No edge or limit has been found, suggesting there isn’t one, further suggesting the SEF is disseminated throughout the universe; Blockages or congestion in the flow or movement have been shown to relate directly to either disease, injury, past or present, and can be a pre-cursor to disease; The SEF can exist in cohesive form free of and independent of the body; The field can be altered by thought alone; There is no field where there is no life; It is speculated the SEF can or does exist outside of the space-time continuum.
Here’s a question: if blockages in the flow relate to disease, and where there is free flowing energy there is no disease, does it follow that removing the blockage will relieve the disease? If that is so and one can alter the field by thought alone, this suggests you can remove the blockage with your own thoughts and heal yourself. It works. I’ve done it. There are over 150 different modalities of energy healing in use throughout the world today and all appear to operate in a similar manner. The healer requires loving intent to heal and be able to focus on that intent by invoking assistance either from the higher levels of consciousness or some greater power. Many healers can actually feel the blockage in the flow as either warm or cool areas on the body; a few others can actually see this field as vague colours. Apart from using hands for healing there are other modes that use various equipment or items such as crystals. Below are scans of a quartz crystal before and after healing. The changes in the center of the crystal and surrounding field can be clearly seen. Note the presence of reds and pinks in the first scan and greens and blue in the second signifying the change in density of the fields.
There are references to the SEF or Prana,( Chi, Ki, ect) field in several ancient texts. The most well known is probably the Ayurvedic Yoga Kundalini Upanishads, written between 1400 BC and 1000 BC. The texts refer to the chakras and this is the origin of this word used to describe the rotating energy centers in the body. Below is a scan showing the shape of some of the chakras on one person. The shapes and sizes appear to differ from person to person depending on their physical and mental, even spiritual condition.
The Chakras as they really look I was introduced into SEFs in UK by a man who had developed a very interesting system that appeared to have the ability to reveal an energy field around people. Not only around but through and not only people but animals. Amazingly, there were even indications this field was associated with all life. Even red blood cells have one.
This is the crystal before being energized
The crystal after being energized
It seems the SEF contains some quite astonishing data; here are a few: 35
The scans can detect quite fine details of the field and its density. Below is a scan of a girl with a head cold.
This is a scan showing the state of the Energy Field before a healing session. Note the large area enclosed by the red, indicating congestion in the upper lungs and high cellular activity leading to a denser field.
There are several areas of interest here: the throat area has an enclosed area of red indicating infection and high cellular activity where the body’s immune system is highly active. An enclosed area also shows the energy is motionless. This also applies to the red areas on the sinuses on the forehead and cheeks. So, how does energy healing work? How can intent or laying on of hands change anything? There is now clear evidence that thought has energy or is energy, and it is this energy that has the power to manipulate the field. One of the foremost researchers in the field of Subtle Energies is William Tiller, Ph.D.,Professor Emeritus at UC Stanford . His seminal work has brought the SEF into mainstream science or at least the open minded form of science. He has published many papers on the subject which he has named “Psychoenergetic Science”. He quotes “We humans are much more than we think we are; Psychoenergetic Science continues to expand the proof of it”.
This is a second scan of the same man after healing. Note the change in the shape and colour of the field. The Green indicates balance and absence of cellular activity.
Different modes of healing appear to achieve the same result. Here are scans of someone before and after receiving acupuncture healing.
There have been many experiments on the subject of thought having energy including one undertaken by Prof Tiller where he was able to alter the pH balance of water up or down simply by thought or intent. The experiment has been repeated many times and is therefore considered empirical. A second, more famous experiment was done by Masaru Emotos using the formation of ice crystals. He discovered that by projecting positive thoughts at water as it was crystallizing the crystals formed beautiful cohesive patterns. If negative thoughts we project the crystals were chaotic. This experiment also has the advantage of being repeatable.
Again, notice the changes in the shape and colour of the SEF, particularly the enhanced green area indicating a balanced field.
Another scientist involved in subtle energy fields is Prof. Rupert Sheldrake but he has named them Morphic Fields and the physical changes relating to these fields Morphogenesis. 36
He suggests that animals, particularly dogs, have an innate ability to know not only when an owner is leaving work to come home but when the owner decides to come home. This is telepathy in animals and he suggest telepathy in humans is normal rather than paranormal. For information to be transmitted from one person (or dog) to another requires energy, it must be thought energy. What I find so interesting is how the dog appears to be “tuned in” to its owner. The dog does not get excited when anyone else leaves work to come home. Now that the existence of the SEF has been revealed and established scientifically we now have something tangible to experiment with. One of the dilemmas we now encounter is the nature of the SEF. It seems it is neither thermal, atomic nor electromagnetic. The nature can only be determined by further experiment. From what we know of the field it is an energy form, and to quote Einstein “energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one to another form”. It seems then the SEF must be eternal. The indication that the field can exist in cohesive form was taken from a scan of a cadaver in a morgue. The scan revealed an energy field hovering above a body of a man who had died in a road accident very suddenly about 18 hours previously. Did this field come from that body? It cannot be proven but I believe it did. Ghosts appear to be subtle energy in human or other form. I say that because of personal experience. I came face to face with a ghost some time ago. It was on board a cargo ship and I was laying on my bunk reading one afternoon. I looked up and saw an East Indian man looking at me about 5ft away. He was transparent. Now there is a method to determine if a ghost is real or hallucination, if you have the presence of mind. I did. I looked at the ghost and crossed my eyes. The reason for that is by crossing the eyes anything you look at will become double. Anything being imposed on the visual cortex from another part of the brain (as in hallucination) and does not pass through the eyes and optic nerve will not look double. Yes, my ghost looked double and no I was not scared, after all it was only energy.
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed
from one form to another.” Albert Einstein
With the data amassed on the SEF we can now make some hypothesis. It is clear the SEF is a mysterious and ineffable form of energy. If this energy were conscious, aware and sentient it could explain many strange phenomena. Perhaps it could incorporate our own thoughts, memories, likes and dislikes, all we are. If this is so it would explain ghosts, telepathy, out of body experiences and yes, the Near Death Experience.
Chris Lovelidge © 2014 email: 37
If you are cold, they are cold. Bring them indoors or provide them with an insulted, heated shelter.
Nada Rose
In the place between the worlds, shamans spin the songs of creation Once more calling forth the numinous from the deep within While in the high sky filled with heavenly bodies attending Colours swirl ’round feet pounding Rattles and bells sounding as sacred geometric forms materialize To bind the world’s new template with time and space again.
And so it has always been that as one world ceases Those summons emerge from within the Hearts of All Who can hear the rising up of the dance to take their place In this unified field of creation intertwining earth and firmament With threading lines of radiance to birth a new paradigm one more time.
Deep in the Himalayas, the monks rumbling chant eternally resounds Evoking transformational awareness into the planes where all sentient beings abide Beyond the range of hearing yet nudging an awakening The murmuring mantra washes multi-dimensionally throughout the lands So all who call this place home might rise from the ashes of the passing world.
Within the heart and intention of the many beings The chanting dance weaves the dawn, the newly created tapestry into existence Moving that which seemed immovable, shifting that which seemed intractable Always available, the never-ending offerings provided by these compassionate souls Allowing loving connection and goodness, once lost in the realm of confusion To be born in each being again.
There is a new world arising…
By Nada Rose
Photo: © lembit-fotolia 40
Debra Rae
Photo: Š jamenpercy 42
I was outside last night and as I breathed in the crisp night air and gazed up at the stars, I was reminded of the power and energy that is our universe. I also tried to remember when was the last time I went outside to just be 'one' with the stars, and realized that it was last summer when I went R.V ing.
cleansing and nourishing energy in deep breaths into your stomach. Sit and be with the night and when you are ready blow out your candles and thank yourself and any other energy being you feel has aided you for this connection and release and have a Blessed and Peaceful night.
Most of my ceremonies are indoors or during the day, so for me this was a gentle reminder to remember the power of the Moon and the clarity of energy that having a clear night sky brings forth into our ceremonies and our energy bodies. For me the female energy of the moon is a great time to work on releasing emotional ties that build up and are stored in my physical body.
Second Method for those who have a private yard: Tools: Candles Crystals Drum Method: Same as first by placing candles and crystals around the four directions of your yard and lighting them, inviting the guardians of each direction to be present and also any angles/guides or helpful beings etc..
I have TWO Methods for doing this and I would ask that you choose which one is applicable to where you live and the amount of private space you have.
Take in a deep cleansing breath with eyes raised to the moon, feel the energy fill you and surround you. Start drumming and allow the energy of the beats to move you, dance or move from side to side. Feel the internal vibration of your chakra centers becoming larger and larger until the energies and emotions and ties stored in these centers are now floating within your auric body. If you need to, this is the time to become aware of any emotion that is around you and acknowledge it and anyone that emotions maybe attached to. Keep drumming – the louder the better – keep dancing and if you need to chant – do so. Do what feels natural to you. As the energy rises to the highest level – stop drumming and shake your whole body – feeling the energy being released to night and to Luna Breath deeply into your stomach Sit and reflect or meditate When you are ready close your circle like in method one.
If you live in an apartment with a small deck: Tools: paper pen lighter pot with lid candles blanket crystals Place a candle and a crystal in four locations – north/south/ east and west on your deck. Take a deep breath and feel the energy of the Moon flow down to surround you. Turn to the south and light the candle and ask for the energy of the guardians or angels of that direction be with you, then do this for the South/ East and North. Sit down and close your eyes and welcome the increasing flow of Moon energy flowing in and around you. Ask to 'see' and 'feel' any emotional blockage that you are currently carrying with you. When you are ready take your pen and paper and write down what you feel and why, express your anger/hurt/pain etc.. When you have finished read and feel what you have written down, allow the emotions space to be expressed and when YOU are ready, stand and have your lighter and pot in front of you; take your paper and say; “ I freely release this ( state your feeling and also the person or people you are feeling this attachment to ) from my body and my energy field to LUNA ( moon goddess)”
“ You are your own source of power, so whether you Soar or stay Still, is up to how you choose to tap into and use that power”
Namaste Debra Rae
Burn your paper, and then say “ Thank you Luna and helpful guides/angels and beings ' Connect with Debra Rae
Raise your eyes up to the Moon and fill you body with her 43
Margie Kivel
“Wouldn’t your every moment tell the story?” –Robin Wall Kimmerer Wouldn’t your every blink tell the sky when to move, raise the sun under your bed, fling a moon above the trees, call in the tide with your boat of dreams? One by one your every thought shapes a life, shares a heart, takes a hand, keeps it safe. You are the sailor, sail and sea, coordinates along the lines of each moment – a kiss, head nod to open the gate begins and ends the tale of you ... live it true.
Margie Kivel 44
Photo: 45
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š PNielsen 46
Some people have asked about rune readings and whether you should let others touch your personal runes. Others wanted to know if the blank rune (Wyrd) should be used. Still others wanted to know how they should begin, should they meditate, Galdr, offer sacrifices to the Gods, etc. Every runemaster has their own beliefs. Always ask the runes to show you what you need to know. They will guide you. If you are new to runes, find a couple of good books to help you understand their meanings. Don’t get too hung up on one person’s interpretation, they will all be a bit different. Eventually you won’t need the books; your intuition will take over. As for contact with your runes, this is something that personally doesn’t bother me, but some runemasters are very particular. Again, let the runes themselves guide you. The more you work with your runes, the more they will show you. Sometimes I lay my bag of runes on my solar plexus while I am on my computer or watching TV. You can also put them under your pillow when you go to sleep. It makes for some interesting dreams. Galdr is shamanic singing and at this time not something I have gotten into. There are lots of books on the subject and those writers are far more expert than I am. As to sacrifices to the Gods, I am more esoteric than literal. I give myself as an instrument of understanding. You can also pour a glass of whatever you have to share, and maybe some food. The Gods will accept anything given in good faith. Giving your time is a most honorable sacrifice, especially in this day and age of scurry, scurry, scurry.
Find yourself a quiet corner, lay out your casting cloth, ask the runes to show you what they will, and start whatever cast style you need. Whatever you decide is the exact thing you should be doing, use your intuition and if you have any questions, feel free to email me through the magazine. Skål Brothers and Sisters
Contact Phil at
Phil for more information.
Photo: Š PNielsen 48
Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments, embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour. John Boswell
Month at a Glance
Sunday Sun-Day It is a long and busy month – if you become physically /emotionally tired take short walking meditations or use deep breath-work just 5 short minutes … it will make all the difference! 7 Don’t be so hard on yourself – it is what it is, changes need to be for the long term good 14 Deep unexpected memories may bubble up to the surface … release
21 Uranus is Stationary direct – powerful day for meditation and Winter solstice Activities Sun moves into Capricorn New Moon - tonight 28 Unexpected surprises … keep everything in perspective
Monday Moon-day 1 Unexpected surprises – great day to pay it forward
Tuesday Mars-day 2 Do you see what you want … don’t get mad … get busy and get it done
Wednesday Mercury-Day 3 Excellent meditation day – deep quiet connection
8 Jupiter is Stationary Direct
9 Work hard – much can get accomplished
10 Venus moves to Capricorn - don’t lose track of your emotional well-being
16 Mercury moves to Capricorn
17 It all comes together… Gather your last minutes items for the Winter Solstice – Bayberry Candles a must
Very powerful – don’t forget to exhale 15 No clothes purchases or beauty changes today … wait a day or two
22 Slow down – and stay grounded … Everything will work out Don’t get Mad get Passionate 29 Great day to take back the gifts you need to exchange … its ok to be picky but not critical
Walk the Talk – step up to the plate
23 Saturn moves to Sagittarius Lighten up – listen to some festive music and EnJoy
30 Relax – Evaluation – Strategic Planning
Happy Hanukkah 24 You may have unexpected opportunity to let others know how you feel – connect to your passion not anger … get on that soap box and tell it like it is 31 Happy New Years
Thursday Jupiter-Day 4 Mars moves to Aquarius Don’t give away the whole kit-and caboodle – hold back a little 11 Be sure to go for a walking meditation today Great day in the neighborhood 18 All that Glitters is not Gold
25 You may feel like you are not working hard enough … remember you can only give what you can … no more no less Merry Christmas
Friday Venus-Day 5 Journal – your genius may be a little more aligned with what you need to action
Saturday Saturn-day 6 Full Moon Gemini/Sag
12 Don’t push too hard. Envision – create – move forward – baby steps
19 Work Hard … Play Hard … but don’t give away the farm
20 Venus is under heavy influences today be sure to stop and smell the roses
26 BEST meditation day of the month … maybe the whole year ;-)
27 Another great day to relax and EnJoy your family and friends
Watch your inside voice it could get out of control
It is all in the details
Happy Boxing Day! Kwanzaa
Remember what do you and spend tonight you have to pay for in the New Year ;-)
VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time 50
Mercury … moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn on the 17th Try to stay on the lighter side of the conversation while Mercury travels through Capricorn
Planets at a Glance Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions – 2, 10, 18, 31 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT
Venus … moves from Sagittarius to Capricorn on the 11th Great time to get serious about what you need to feel comfortable and secure as you move toward the New Year
Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions – 4,12, 19, 25 …You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!
Mars … moves into Aquarius on the 5th try not to engage in any long conversations about RPM (Religion, Politics, Money) you may find yourself – or others become very opinionated (and perhaps enraged) on how to solve the world’s (or universe’s) problems. Remember this is the month of letting go of old ways and accepting a new order or way to move forward …
Jupiter Squares and Oppositions – 4, 19, 25, 31… Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage Venus squares and oppositions – 7,15, 29 …Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mercury squares and oppositions – 6, 14, 29 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY!
Jupiter …continues to trek through Leo – where he will move into a retrograde (inward spiral) on the 9th this will last right into the New Year. End the year creating your own luck and magical moments.
Double Whammy Days – 4, 19, 29, 31 … take care – take short meditative breaks – remember to breathe.
Saturn … Continues through Scorpio until the 24th when he moves into Sagittarius. We will talk more about Saturn in Sagittarius in the ‘Special New Year Addition’ of the Astro Tid bits but for now continue to connect and focus on the deeper more difficult desires that you have been accessing over the last two years.
Favorite Meditation or relaxed days – 3, 26 … Experiment to see which days you achieved deeper connections and then look on the chart above to see what the overall energetic signature was. As we move toward the shortest/darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice compounded with the New Moon, the night sky is a reflection of our need for completion. The long dark nights prompt us to walk back through our goal list brooding over what goals have been completed, and what goals have we struggled with elusively slipping through our finger tips. Embrace the New Moon and Winter Solstice as it awakens our innate potential and unlimited possibilities as we dream of the light to come.
Neptune … moving through Pisces, take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating. Uranus … Uranus will be standing still from the 18th to the 25th – this is a very powerful time as Uranus shifts from an inner spiral to an outward spiral. Unleash your Genius. Pluto …slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Continuing to help us change our old and outworn patterns of dictatorships (although you will continue to feel the resistance).
I like to do as much journaling as possible between the collective Full and New Moons as I organize and structure my thoughts in order to ride the wave of energy. I utilize my personal New Moon to set goals in motion. Treat each dawn as a fresh start, a chance to engage in this incredible elaborate lucid dream … each day you become brighter and brighter as you skillfully drive your team of wild horses across the universal sky.
Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Cap’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality
Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step
Helius god of the sun, Athenian red-figure krater C5th B.C., British Museum, London
outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete tasks, then birth the new. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. As above So below.
The Full Moon – December 6th at 14 degrees 18’ Gemini The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon –shining light into every dark corner. We start this Full Moon in a vortex between the brilliant virtual mind and the routine functioning mind, combined with a depth of
Continued next page
insight that may at times be a little uncomfortable but incredibly transformational, tap into this energy if you have been working on/ in an observer state of Be-ing. The key to utilizing this energy is to keep your emotional inside voice in check. This is a great time to revisit goals, note which ones have been creating an uphill battle and which ones feel like you are moving in a fast flowing stream. Hint… the goals that feel the most uncomfortable yet somehow you are surprisingly being propelled toward them are the ones to focus on and further develop. ;-) Note to self: during this long holiday season – think quality not quantity …
direct today –powerfully standing still - pausing before expressing all that pent-up energy (get ready for some lighting strikes). There is a long line-up in Capricorn in this New Moon Energy encompassing maturity, responsibility and the old order of things and yes it is connected to Uranus who is screaming for change … just make sure you are not a rebel without a cause. Utilize this doubly dark night (Winter Solstice and New Moon) to heighten your senses, move forward with a skip in your step and a song on your lips … like the ‘Fool’ move forward with trust, a sense of hope and renewal for the future. … Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.
The New Moon – December 21st 0 degree 06’ Capricorn The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies, creating anticipation toward something new. Uranus the planet of change, electric ideas and genius is stationary
Combine your own Sun sign (ego/identity/core), Moon sign (emotions/Patterns/Habits) and Ascendant sign (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month.
Where ever you place your (Santa) hat is home … home is where the heart is. Have some fun with your festive holiday decorating – go all out.
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 17th and 18th
Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 1st and the 28th – 29th until 4:46pm
Communication is one of the keys you already hold in your hand. Are there changes that need to happen on the home front? Live and let live.
This is the season of getting out there and getting social – shaking hands and kissing babies Are you ready for a career shake-up?
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20)
Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21)
Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 19th (afternoon), and 20th
Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 3rd and 4th as well as the 30th and 31st
Your income statement is highlighted You may just find a new philosophy or motto that will change everything
Know the value of who you are and the wisdom you offer your fellow (wo)man Put on that pair of candy stripped-coloured glasses – tis the season to be jolly
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting late on the 21st and the 22nd until 7pm
Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 5th and 6th
Work hard so you can play hard (and not feel guilty about it) Invest in changes to your physical appearance (with a healthy approach of course)
Sex, Death and Taxes … Investments come in many forms Are you ready to be emotionally, physically and spiritually invested in yourself?
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18)
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 7th and 8th
Monthly Review and Goal setting late on 23rd as well as the Photo: © dusk - 24th
There may be sudden changes in your relationship status this month. Do you like who you see looking back at you in the mirror?
Meditation – contemplation Take the time to notice … are you moving at warp speed and need to slow down in order to smell the roses.
Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22)
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20)
Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 10th and 11th
Monthly Review and Goal setting late on the 25th and on the 26th
Your daily habits and health routines may need a bit of a shake up this month. Where/when growth comes … wisdom will follow
You don’t always need to be the life of the party … but it sure can be fun Get on a health kick to be the best – eat breathe sleep and be merry
Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 12th and 13th Shake your hair loose and have a little bit of fun this holiday season. Get out and get dating or for all of you married couples time to create a date night
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 15th and 16th 53
Photo: ©Phil Nielsen
Full Moon
We have come to the last full moon of 2014. December's Full Moon is called the Cold Moon, or Long Nights Moon. It is the month when winters cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark. Moonlight glitters on the frosty earth, time seems frozen, and the night air tingles with energy. This is the moon of completion, it is time to release the year, making way for the cycle to begin again with the turn of the calendar page to January. Typically we envision “peace on earth” during December , making this full moon perfect to work on inner peace. Turning inward and making peace with all that has transpired during the year, coming to a place of acceptance and alignment.
December 6
For many, turning inward is difficult, it requires a willingness to explore our deepest inner caverns. This month we will work with the angels, making our inner explorations divinely guided, and peaceful, non-judgemental. Pausing and reflecting on the paths that lead us to this day, then setting the intention to clear the debris so that the path is perfectly manicured. It does not matter if your path for the year was full of twists and turns, this releasing with the moon will be focused on acceptance of what has transpired, knowing that each twist and turn was in alignment with your higher self no matter the chaos that was felt in the moment. First we will call upon the angels to be with us, “I ask that the angels in all directions be with me now. Please surround me with your divine light of protection so that I may clearly see the areas I need to release to allow inner peace to reign. In your protective circle of love, compassion, and forgiveness we will explore all that has transpired this past year together. Thank you.”
Take some time once you have called the angels in, sit quietly noting whatever comes up in your thoughts. Jot down notes on what is coming to you. Take as much time as you need with this, there is no rush or hurry, in fact, I recommend you take a few days to jot down notes.
“I ask that the angels in all directions to be with me now, as I release these intentions to the universe for healing and transmutation. With love and light, realizing inner peace for myself, which serves the highest good of all, I release them now. Thank you!” One by one, take you intention notes and read them aloud, then gently place them in your fire. Watch them as the burn and feel at peace as the flames slowly turn them to ash. Continue with your intention notes, one by one until you have released them all for healing.
Now you will write out intention notes, the thoughts from the past few days you wish divine help in healing and releasing, either internal or life situations. During the evening of the full moon, take a few moments to get yourself set up. Light a candle, place some crystals (Moonstone and Celestite come to mind while I write this) to help with this divine release, light a fire in the fireplace or find a way to safely have a small contained fire in a secure pot, ensure you have a pail of water nearby. Safety first!
Before dousing the fire, sit for a moment in quiet reflection, enjoy the contentment and peace you have created in this moment. When you are ready douse the fire. Know that you have invested, from a place of love, in yourself a gift that will unfold over the coming days. Stay open to the miraculous and watch as all that you let go in this beautiful ceremony with the angels will manifest as peace.
When you are ready, call upon your angels to be with you,
new Moon
December 22
The December new moon is in the sign of Capricorn. Interestingly enough, we started 2014 with the January new moon being in this very sign. The new moon in Capricorn translates to letting go and paving the way for rebirth. Sound familiar? It has been a year of letting go and rebirthing for many! I feel it is very appropriate that we end the year with the new moon in Capricorn. The Winter Solstice signals the return of the sun, and with New Year’s Eve approaching, now is the time to release 2014 and prepare for 2015. In the days leading up to the 22nd, clear the clutter in your home, clean, dust, and light some incense to cleanse the energy. It is amazing how much you can shift with a good clean and freshening up. Use the scents of the season – pine, cedar and fir which symbolize fertility, cinnamon which symbolizes love, frankincense which symbolizes serenity, orange which symbolizes vitality, also clove, ginger and nutmeg are welcoming and motivating – to release stuck energies and clear the way for the new. A simple solution if you don’t have incense or essential oils is to place a pot with 4 cups of water on the stove, toss in a cut up orange, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves and cranberries – or lemon, vanilla, and rosemary – or a combination that works for you.
The New Moon in Capricorn urges us to align with that which is healthy, loving, and empowering. Keeping this in mind, we are going to transform any stuck energy we are holding onto with a simple meditation. I ask that you simply close your eyes, call upon Archangel Michael and ask that he vacuums away any thoughts, patterns and ideals that are no longer healthy, loving or empowering. Visualize a large vacuum 3 inches above the top of your head sucking the unnecessary energy particles from your body. This vacuum is super powered, much like the “roller ball” vacuum, and will easily dislodge even the toughest stuck energy. Take as much time as you need with this, intuitively you will know when the vacuum can be turned off and at that point say thanks to Archangel Michael for lightening your load. Next we will prepare for the new. Whatever you produce or manifest, let it be with integrity and deliver a quality product. Think about what you would like to see in your life, what areas would you like to see change in? This is your opportunity to pave the way, a fresh slate is being offered to you, one which you will set chalk to board and start mapping out the course of the coming year. Start writing out all your desires and dreams, be realistic, there is nothing to fear, but far better to be on the side of caution and wise decision-making than have regrets. Once you have prepared your “wish” list, ask that the energy of the moon weave its magic to co-create with you the birth of your desires. Give thanks for all that you have received from this list, and place it in a safe place to pull out at a later date. Remember, there is no rush with Capricorn, patience and timing are of utmost importance, but don’t think it is a slouch, for this energy is dynamic and focused like a laser beam. It will go wherever you point it, so be careful in what you wish for. Brightest blessings for a rich, healthy, loving and empowering 2015! 55
Ever expanding, growing and flowing
In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Mahatma Gandhi
Week 1 Rhodocrosite
A crystal reading for December When you look to Spirit for answers to questions, for resolution to problems, you are always, always answered. You, dear ones, are connected to the entire universe. Everything you want to know has already been answered, every problem, every dream, every thought has already been made manifest. It is up to you to see it, to hear it, to know it. You are dearly loved….
Week 2 Spirit Quartz
Week 3 Agate
Week 4 Malachite
Ahhh, dear ones – there is so much to be excited about this month! Read on…..
Week 4 Charoite
Contact Vera at
Week 1 - December 1 – 6 Rhodocrosite Prepare to be lovingly and joyfully balanced this week! Connecting with your Higher Self will be easy, and the information will be easily understood. That which was puzzling you will be made clear – or you will cease to be disturbed by it. Layers of confusion will peel away and you will be able to see that which is underneath, and see how it pertains to what is going on now and to your life path in general. Make sure that you write the information down – what you receive is quickly gone when the mind engages in day-to-day. Week 2 - December 7 – 13 Spirit Quartz Welcome new energies and possibilities into your life this week, and watch them appear. There is a need to balance the old with the new, releasing, letting go of that which no longer serves you or that which is hindering the total acceptance of this new path or area. This doesn’t need to be a painful process. When we accept someone or something new we always need to make a place for it. Sometimes we have to clear the old out of a cupboard in order to make way for the new. Usually we are quite happy to release the old! The question for you becomes “which old do I release?” Simply sitting back and allowing the question to be will provide the answer. (For some of you the answer will be crystal clear immediately. No hesitation!)
Week 3 - December 14 – 20 Agate We are here to help you achieve the balance necessary to make the transition from darkness to light. This is the final week before the solstice. Tempers flare; people are caught between the excitement of the festive season and the melancholy brought on by the long nights. Living in a place where there is lots of sun, you will not notice this so much. Those who live in climates where the skies are grey and dark, or farther north where there are few daylight hours, will need to pay attention. Ask for help, both from your guides and Spirit and from your friends (notice the crystal angel in the agate). Walking into a warm, bright coffee shop to meet a friend can provide you with light and love in full measure. Make beautiful music an integral part of your life. This is when those of us who are balanced are asked to look around and make note of the ones who struggle. Reach out and offer a kind word, a loving hug. We are all richer for the gesture. Week 4 - December 21 – 27 Malachite This powerful week begins with the Winter Solstice. Make sure that you have a ritual in place that symbolizes for you the end of the sleeping time and the beginning of awakening. If you struggle at this time, seek solace in warm baths filled with oils and bubbles and delicious candles. We are looking for balance in all the chakras by the end of the year. Now is the perfect time to begin that process. Stay balanced in your relationships. Remember that this week is as much about peace and stillness as it is about merriment and noise. One of you will need to find the balance between sorrow and acceptance. Stay afloat. Week 5 - December 28 – 31 Charoite Are you ready to accept your role in the world for the coming year? This is your time to be called to help even more than you have in previous times. Support your community by helping in the physical and by carrying the energy. If you choose to sit at home make sure that you are putting energy into a balanced community. As we make the transition from the old year to the new, look forward to a year filled with joy, abundance, wealth and fun. Imagine this week what it will be like to feel the way you most desire to feel as you greet each day – and then give thanks for that feeling. Your spirit is calling you…can you hear? 59
Dear ones, Now is the time for love. The more you awaken to the love you are, the more your authentic self shines through. Your very DNA is love. Your every vibration and frequency is love. Your very breath is love. Know this at the core of your being. You are the universe and the universe vibrates love now and always. Know this and BE IT!! Just be love!!!
Your very being is the stardust of love. The stardust of the universe is love and you are one and the same. Divine source is love. That divine source vibrates everything and everyone. It is the very essence of the unknown the unseen and beyond. You are loved and all you will ever be and ever are into infinity and beyond is love. Yours in love Archangel Zadkiel
Contact Michelle blog or email me at 60
Live your TRUTH. Express your LOVE. Share your ENTHUSIASM. Take action towards your DREAMS. Walk your TALK. DANCE and SING to your MUSIC. EMBRACE your BLESSINGS.
Make today worth remembering! Dr. Steve Maraboli
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š mcobb
The rune I chose for December is Gebo. Gebo is very appropriate as it is the rune of gifting. It has no reversed meaning and when one draws it in a reading it should truly gladden your heart as it almost always in acts in a positive fashion. When drawn in a result position, it signifies a fortuitous outcome to any undertaking made during the time span indicated by the reading. Gebo usually shows a partnership of some type, either business or personal, and it is not uncommon for this rune to herald an important development in a romantic relationship. If it indicates a gift, be it money, love, or wisdom, that may be coming your way, there is also a warning that “nothing in life comes for free.â€? To the Norse, a gift received implied reciprocation of at least equal value, either in this life or the next. There is a karmic quality to this rune, so it is wise to remember that Gebo may well prove to be very productive, but there are always responsibilities that are to be ignored only at your peril. Until next month, SkĂĽl and I wish all of you a God Jul
Phil Contact Phil at for more information.
Essential Oils– Vera Enshaw
Photo: © youngliving™ 64
There are many reasons to use essential oils at this time of year. One of the most obvious is to have a home that smells of the festive season – pine, fir, spruce, orange, cinnamon, ginger….and probably many more, depending on where you live and what your traditions are. Back in the day we filled our homes with boughs and trees of various species. In my home, my mother took the mandarin orange peels and set them on the back of the wood stove. As they dried the air was filled with the pungent aroma. We had a Christmas tree – usually fir or spruce – and in the warm air of the house the scent of the tree mingled with the anticipation of the holiday, creating an aromatic memory that is triggered each year.
blends such as Thieves™ can also help. Diffusing these oils is great, putting a drop on the bottom of our feet in the morning and again at night helps to get the most from them. Eucalyptus, ravintsara, melaleuca alternifolia are other oils that are useful in cold and flu season. ‘Tis the season for gifties! People love to receive something that you have created for them, using your time and talent while thinking loving thoughts of the recipients. Essential oils are pleasant additions to bath bombs, soaps, candles and bath salts. There are glass spritzer bottles available in aromatherapy stores, some dollar and craft stores and through on-line websites such as Put some purified water with a couple of drops of a lovely essential oil and label it with the characteristics of that oil: “Fresh” for lemon or eucalyptus, “Calming” for orange and grapefruit, “Rejuvenate” or “Revitalize” for peppermint and “Uplifting” for pine or spruce. Have fun making up a kit as a gift, either with several spritzer mixes or with a spritzer mix, bath salts, massage oil….the possibilities are really endless!
You can create – or recreate – all the aromatic memories with essential oils. There are many types of diffusers on the market these days, from the lovely, often inexpensive candle-heated water ones to the fancier nebulizers and cool mist ones. A small cone coffee filter with a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil, placed over an upright paper towel holder, will fill a room with a delicate aroma within minutes. I have placed a pot of water on the back of a wood stove then put in a drop or two of orange and cinnamon essential oil. As the water heats the scent of the oils permeates the entire house. Ginger, frankincense, clove, lemon – any oil that strikes your fancy will do. Diffuse a variety of oils and truly make an aroma memorable time.
Whatever use you make of them, make sure that therapeutic grade essential oils form an integral part of your festive season. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:
Another reason to use essential oils is to help our immune systems deal with the flu and cold germs that abound at this time. Cooler weather keeps more people indoors - we tend not to be as active outdoors as in the warmer weather. Whether you live in a rainy climate (damp indoors with clothes, umbrellas, etc. drying) or in a cold, snowy climate (damp indoors with snowsuits, mittens, boots, etc. drying) the conditions inside our homes, schools and places of work are ideal breeding grounds for those little bugs. Oregano is a very powerful little oil to help keep the seasonal pests at bay. Oil
Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
Vera Contact Vera at
Power Animal
Today I asked, what the power animal of the month is and my eyes fell on a children’s book called “Dinosaur Train.” I had reservations about dinosaur being the power animal of the month, however, with my eyes falling on this book twice more the message was clear. The dinosaur is the power animal this month.
So with a loud roar the message to us this month is: “Be strong!! You are stronger than you think. The ancient wisdom of the ages is with you. We are a symbol of the ancient wisdom of the ages. You can tap into this ancient wisdom. We want you to know this ancient wisdom is in the very earth you walk on. It is in the very water you drink. It is in every cell of your bodies. Feel the strength of it and the strength of you. This strength within you stands, millions of years strong. You have an ancient wisdom to share that only you can. Like us it is time to share it with the world and each other.” Yours in strength Contact Michelle The Dinosaurs
blog or email me at 66
Promise Yourself To
Be So Strong that nothing
can disturb
your peace OF MIND. Christian D. Larson 67
Message from the Angels
December 2014 The message that floated in for December was “Calling Cards. Get yours in order!” I sat with that message and also questioned the message… “Calling cards? What exactly do you mean?” It took a day and then a quote came to my attention – “Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark.” – Jay Danzie
bring your spark back. Do not continue to look to others to fulfill your happiness and light your spark. Each of you has what it takes to shine brightly at all times, not just in moments of joy. As you move forward be aware of faking your smile, as this leaves a negative imprint. A true smile is easy to present to the world. Just think of love and your smiles will shine brightly.
With that the gang took over;
Your personality is reflected in how you behave, what you wear and how you face the world. Are you shy and reserved or are you gregarious? Do you enter a room and take over, leaving all in the room feeling less than sure of themselves? Or do you encourage others to be themselves and step out of their perceived notion of who they should be? The time has come for all to stop hiding their light under the proverbial bushel and show their true colors. Ensure that your personality is coming through and not the personality you think others should see. You are responsible for your actions and decisions, no one else will own your actions or decisions, and you had best make sure they are yours. When your personality shines through, you allow others the pleasure of seeing how they too, can step into their light. Collectively you are all awakening, you are brighter, be confident that no matter what has come before, now it is safe to be your truest self in every sense.
“You are each your own calling card, your very energy leaves an imprint on everyone you interact with. How you present yourself to the world shows who you are. Take some time and ensure that what you are presenting to others is a true reflection of who you are. There is so much focus on being in your own skin, we feel you have forgotten that in each moment you leave your mark with others and in each situation you find yourself in. Is your current calling card up to your standards? Is it leaving the energy imprint you wish to leave? Your smile is the doorway to your light. It can fill a room and leave others with a smile on their face, which means their light is shining brightly out into the world as well. If you have so many pressures on you that you find it hard to smile, you need to let go of some obligations and figure out how to 68
It might be difficult to evaluate your trademark, for you never truly know the full effect you have on others. Ensure that you feel you are doing your best to leave others feeling optimistic, happy, and loved. It only takes a brief second to show compassion and leaves others feeling richer for the experience. As you move out of your current year, prepare your calling card. You will need it to be accurate in the coming months. Take it out of the drawer, dust it off and review it. There is no hiding behind masks anymore, the truth is coming to light; do you like your truth? Does your truth match who you believe you are? Or is there a different being showing your calling card? If you were to meet this person and be presented with this “card�, would you pull back, or would you want to spend more time in their energy? Be blessed in knowing you have the power to change your calling card so that it reflects a true representation of you.
Reach for the you that exists beyond drama. There you will find your soul and all that you are. mcobb
Your calling card is the total sum of you, your soul will guide you and your ego will hide you. Allow your soul to shine true. We bless you and stand by you as you shake off the dust and polish your light. Blessings of brightness to each of you, Your angels mcobb
Whatever you choose to celebrate this month Blessings from our house to yours Happy Holidays!
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen 70