July 2014 issue 36

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Issue 36 Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen

July 2014

Taking time to do nothing


often brings into perspective

Doe Zantamata Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen



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Boredom Work Place Survival Skills - Part 2 The Gift A Soul Experiences Source and Their Reason for Being The Trick is not to Be Locked into any Particular Direction Chaos Ancient Lore Effects of Denial on the Family and the Self Happily Ever After? Just 15 Minutes a Day - Journaling Be Thought-full June Message Words Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - July 2014 Earth Crystals - Crystals for Cancer Crystal Forecast - June 2014 Rune Casting Rune of the Month - Uruz Gone to Seed of Bloom Again Essential Oil - Blue Tansy Power Animal - Leopard July Message Words Channel - Your Blessed Beauty Angel Message for July 2014

Nourish is a global magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada www.nourishpublication.com All content Š2011 - 2014 by Nourish Publication Nourish is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.


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Celebrate all of your

milestones be

Proud of what you have

achieved Photo ©Marlene Cobb




Musings from the Editor Recently I had the honor of attending a Valedictory. One of the speeches hit a chord. The speaker spoke about being in attendance at the first assembly when the children started grade 8. She reflected on how they all seemed so small and unsure of what this next path of their journey would bring. Now 5 years later, she sees before her, young adults who are confident and ready to face the world as they leave the halls of school behind eager to find their way in the world. I sat there for a moment and just looked around me. All around me were family members of these young adults, beaming with pride. I reflected back 9 years ago to when I was sitting at another Valedictory, pride plastered on my face and in my heart, happiness mixed with a small portion of sadness that my little one was truly grown up. I was sure that many in this audience were feeling the same. I wondered how many people sitting there were thinking back over their life, back to when they stood in that very same spot as their child was today? My mind wandered in a different direction at that point. It seems to me that we celebrate so many milestones when we are younger, or have people who celebrate our milestones, our first words, our first steps, and our first day of school – there are so many special milestones that are mini graduations of success. This continues through our formative years and then they gradually become less. By less, I mean after we leave school, how many milestones do we celebrate with as much pomp and ceremony? We might celebrate our “decade” birthdays, our first job, purchasing our first house, perhaps we even celebrate new cars. Then if we are lucky, we have children, and we celebrate each of their milestones. I reflected back over time and realized that I didn’t know the last time I celebrated a major accomplishment in my life. I have had them, yet seem to denigrate these accomplishments due to my belief – real or imagined – that they are not significant to anyone else. The school trustee’s speech had me wondering – if I asked each person in this room “Where were you five years ago?”, and “How much have you accomplished/grown in the last 5 years?” Many might look at me with a blank look, trying to figure out what I was asking. Others might answer using the third person context – listing how they supported others accomplishments and growth, and if I was lucky, a couple might tell me of the courses they had graduated from, or the new business they built up from the ground. But each of these young graduates are looking at the world with fresh eyes – each knows unlimited possibilities – they have not been worn down by life, to them life is just beginning. They are just so darn happy they finished high school. They are living in the moment. Some have plans, others will be drifting trying to find their footing. They will make the best of what is thrown at them or they create. They are part of the new generation, the Millennials. This generation will have more milestones than most that have gone before them. They will switch career choices and life paths often. They are a new breed whose expectations and sense of entitlement exceed and confuse most adults. They are confident, not only in themselves, but the future as well. They understand innately that life is short and will reject the “business as usual” status quo, to have a balanced work –life ratio. The generations before them, Baby Boomers and Generation X, instilled in them the importance of self-confidence – we did a good job! The gifts they give to us– be ambitious – go for your dreams – don’t settle for second best- if it doesn’t feel right, switch lanes and find something that does. One of the grads quotes, that he was leaving the school with, was “I want to be happy”. Really that is what we all want – happiness. If our situation in life is not happy, it is up to us to adjust it. Happiness boils down to having the best life you can imagine in the moment and not looking back, other than to reflect on how far you have traveled. This month of July I declare we should all have a Valedictory. Even when we don’t celebrate milestones with pomp and ceremony, they still happen, some years more milestones than others. Celebrate your achievements over the past 5 years – no gown and cap required, just a sense of pride and happiness. Walk across the floor in your kitchen, pour yourself a glass of wine, and salute yourself. You deserve it, you have achieved many unsung milestones, and I applaud, smile, and raise my glass to your future! Well done everyone – well done!



Marlene Cobb



Boredom is a feeling most of us have experienced at some point in our life. It is not a comfortable feeling. The French word for boredom is ennui (pronounced änˈwē) which means annoyance, I like that! Ennui sounds much better than boredom. The first recorded use of the word boredom was in 1852 by Charles Dickens in “Bleak House”. Here we are 162 years later and I am not sure that we have a grasp on it yet. For scientists it is an anomaly, something that has been mused about since 1766. It has been identified as a “plague” on life, yet there is no consensus as to what it is. Making it akin to the cliché “which came first the chicken or the egg?” I was told throughout my life “boredom is the sign of a weak mind”. Boredom carries the connotations of laziness, irresponsibility, lack of motivation, and uncreativeness. None of these describe me, if anything I am an over-doer, I take on responsibility, even when I don’t have to, uncreative… not a chance. So why do I (or anyone for that matter) get bored? This was my question. I decided to try and understand what this feeling was a signal for. Could it be a defense mechanism that we have built in to warn us we are overwhelmed? Could it be that we truly are lazy and not wanting to deal with that shadow? Could we just not want to be bothered with motivating ourselves to do something? Or are we just not willing to accept that we can just be, instead of having to do something all the time. What is the first thing you do when you feel bored? From experience, and I am sure I am not alone here, I quickly find a direction to funnel my energy to alleviate, or perhaps a better word would be, avoid the feeling. Failing that, I get emotional – anger, sadness and depressed being some of the emotions that tend to come forth. I’ve noticed that joy, happiness, and peace do not tend to be present when boredom sets in. From what I have been able to discern, boredom is the result of not being in alignment with ourselves. Huh?! What does that mean? Are we not always in alignment with ourselves? Apparently not!! In the case of being bored, we are not energetically aligned with ourselves. It becomes a tug of war between our mind and our soul. We get wrapped up in wanting to do something (fix it) rather than just being with the energy of boredom and seeing what comes from it. My motto has been “I’d rather be busy than bored”. When the subject of boredom floated into my mind, I decided that the next time I felt like I was bored, I was going to just be in that energy and see where it led.


This led to some amazing discoveries! What we need to be whole, changes constantly. When boredom shows up, it is signaling us that something is not working for us any longer. It is not a bad thing, it is our soul begging us to look at our routine and shift it up! Change our vibe, our attitude and our perspective. We are being given a gift in this feeling called boredom. Only we toss this gift aside. Recall a Christmas or birthday when you were younger and really, really wanted a specific gift, but for whatever reason, you did not receive it and were deflated. Over time you might have actually come to love that gift as a favorite, but at that moment… not so much. That is boredom, in a silent but not so silent way it is telling you… look at this aspect, can you change it up? I promise it will become your new favorite, if you only give it a chance. Next time you feel that wave of boredom coming over you, don’t rush to fill it with something. Sit with it and see if you can understand what your soul is asking you to shift. What is no longer serving you? What have you outgrown? What are you unhappy with? Acknowledging that something is off kilter either emotionally, mentally or physically does not mean you don’t appreciate what you have in your life. Rather, it is helping to ensure you are living each moment in integrity with your true desires and higher self. The day I sat with boredom, showed me that I was not really bored after all. I was disgruntled about how my free time was spent getting ready for the coming week. Sitting with my feeling of boredom involved having a day to spend with myself and doing things that were quiet, instead of rushing around. I was given the gift of listening to my higher self and making a few shifts. It had me thinking about how I could do things differently so as to have some time just for me. It brought more joy into my life, just from not running from my boredom. It was a signal I was ready for something else, and once I acknowledged this fact, a whole new journey of discovery opened up. It recharged my battery and suddenly, by only shifting one thing, all other areas of my life felt better too. Boredom is a signal to accept that something is not working. Embrace boredom, it is an internal radar just for you. You do not have to advertise it to the world, you just need to go within and lovingly agree that you are unhappy with that aspect. Once you acknowledge your boredom with gratitude, you open the door for new energy to rush in. You are telling your soul that you are ready for new potentials, new dreams, new journeys, and a new purpose.

Connect with Marlene at www.merrlina.com 7

Today is my day, today I will

seize the day, I will explode with positive energy and be all I can BE! Why? Because I CAN





Debra DeFreece

Part 2

Photo: ŠTony DeFreece Photography & Design tony@defreece-group.com



Welcome back to Workplace Survival Skills. I hope you read the June issue of Nourish. In that article I defined feelings, emotions, actions/reactions, and explained why it’s important and how to center. If you haven’t had an opportunity to read the June issue I encourage you to do so now. I need to say that I may have told a little fib in the June article. I said it was part 1 of 2. I now know that I will require one more month to complete all I have to share. So, this is part 2 maybe of 3 but I hesitate to commit to a certain number. This month I’m going to teach you the second survival skill to ensure you succeed and thrive at work – grounding. The ways in which to ground are numerous. Those I am going to teach you are the ones I find most appropriate and beneficial for the average work environment. Whether you work for a Fortune 500 company or a small mom-and-pop shop, whether you are the president of a company or you are on the production line, I encourage you to experiment and play with these grounding tools. Place them in your toolbox, and you’ll know which one to pull out and use when you need a little (or a lot) of grounding. So, are you ready? Let’s ground. What is grounding and why does it matter? In closing the June article I explained grounding in this way: Imagine yourself as a grounding rod. Electricity (energy) strikes a grounding rod, energy flows directly downward with zero deviation to its surroundings – avoiding destruction. However, if energy strikes and no grounding rod is present, the result can be destruction and chaos. When I remain grounded at work, I am the stable, calm influence that drives decisions and creates resolutions through chaos. When you are the one that remains calm and grounded while your co-workers and boss are not, you become the one that others seek out for advice and resolution to problems, and you are the one that will receive the raises, the promotions, and become invaluable. Grounding survival tool # 1: DO NOT GOSSIP; PERIOD. When you listen to gossip, when you participate in gossip, you are wrapped in a cocoon of unhealthy emotion that prevents centering and grounding. Enough said; DO NOT DO IT. When people attempt to engage me in this activity, I simply respond, “Well, I don’t know about that. But I’m confident the situation will resolve itself.” Or, a similar version of that statement based upon the situation. Then, I change the subject. Simple. Do this a couple of times and your peers will stop attempting to engage you in their destructive activity. Grounding survival tool # 2: Begin grounding the moment you wake up in the morning. I wake with an alarm. The moment I hear the alarm, even before I open my eyes, I ground. It’s become an unconscious activity for me. I’ve done this for so long grounding kicks in without my conscious effort. How do I do it? Keeping my eyes closed, I envision an energy coming out the soles of my feet and connecting with the earth. I imagine stand-


ing on green grass. I feel the earth supporting my weight. I experience the energy from the soles of my feet penetrating into the grass, the dirt, the core of the earth’s surface, going deeper and deeper into the earth until the energy has reached the center; the core of the earth. There I see a beautiful ball of white light pulsing and spinning. I sense the loving, inviting energy. The white light merges with my own and I participate in the energy coming back up through the earth and into my feet. Up through my ankles, my calves, my thighs, my abdomen, my solar plexus, and surrounding my heart. I thank the earth for supporting me and giving me the exact energy I need to stay focused, balanced, and positive throughout my day. I open my eyes and I’m ready to tackle the day with a sense of wonder and adventure for what may come. At first, you may think you don’t have time for this exercise. However, you can do this as fast or as slow as you desire with the same effect. Over time, when you’re in a rush, you’ll connect and ground instantaneously. I highly encourage you to imagine the energy from the soles of your feet connecting with the earth’s core and returning to your heart as often as possible throughout the day. Definitely do so when you know you are “ungrounded”. At night, back in bed, before sleeping, I connect with the earth’s core energy again. Now, I thank the earth energy for its support throughout the day and ask for protection and a peaceful night’s sleep. The next grounding survival tools I offer can be used as needed or as appropriate. I recommend you pick and choose based on the environment you are in, who is present, and what situation is taking place. You’ll sense what’s right for you at any given time. Because you are centered and grounded, you can trust your intuition; that still small voice inside.

Stones There are some great stones you can keep close that will support you in remaining grounded throughout the day. I don’t recommend you start an altar on your desk; but, you can easily keep a few stones in a pocket, in your desk drawer, or wear as earrings, a pendant, or bracelet. Snowflake Obsidian is a stone of purity. It’s said to bring about a balance to body, mind and spirit. Snowflake Obsidian helps to keep you centered and focused when any type of chaotic situation in the office or during your commute presents itself. Snowflake Obsidian can remove negativity from a space or person with ease.

Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It’s said to guard against radiation of all kinds and to clear electromagnetic pollution while healing earth energies. Keep malachite near computers in the office. In the workplace Malachite protects against noise, over-bright fluorescent lighting, and harmful rays from technological equipment, negative phone calls and emails.


Debra DeFreece Lighting Full-spectrum: If you don’t sit near a window or work in an office with natural lighting, consider a full-spectrum light at your desk. The benefits of full-spectrum lighting in the workplace include: · Improved mood · Increased productivity · Enhanced mental awareness

you can, stand up and stretch. If standing isn’t appropriate, sit and stretch. Raise your arms up and stretch as high above your head as you can, then gradually stretch out in front of you and to the sides. As you do, imagine the energy that’s being propelled at you bouncing off and being sent out into the universe to be neutralized and dispelled. With your final stretch, push any last particles of energy that have not been neutralized back to the sender. Not with hate, not with anger, but with compassion.

No one but you needs to know why you have an extra light source at your desk. I’m fortunate to work in an office where I can turn off the fluorescent lighting above my desk and just use my full-spectrum lighting. I noticed a difference within two hours of having a small full-spectrum lamp on the corner of my desk. When you are in a good mood, you can be more productive; and, when you’re more mentally aware, you can remain grounded when coming up against difficult people or situations.

As you do this you create a boundary between you and the other person. Each time you push the energy out and send it back, that boundary grows stronger. Eventually that person will stop sending disharmonic energy in your direction. Why? Because their energy doesn’t “land” and therefore doesn’t take root and doesn’t give the sender the satisfaction they are seeking.

Himalayan salt lamps: If appropriate, consider placing a Himalayan salt lamp near your computer to help reduce fatigue and EMF (electromagnetic pollution) that is created by all electronic equipment. The salt lamp will also aid in improving your concentration.

Thymus tap: I use the thymus tap when I’m feeling stress or embark on a major challenge at work. Some people automatically tap their thymus point when under stress. Have you ever noticed how people hold the midchest when an emotional shock comes their way? You can also imagine Tarzan who would thump his thymus before moving into a challenging situation!

I have a USB-connect salt lamp that I plug into my keyboard. It’s small, it’s round, and it’s obscure. Movement Any one or any thing that disturbs your emotional energy center, that reduces your lack of confidence or trust, that prevents you from performing your job duties to the best of your ability, is a threat and ultimately harmful to you and your job. However, you can work for and with people that you do not like or agree with their actions and be successful. You can build a boundary that allows you to be in this less-than-ideal environment and still succeed. Why? Because your consciousness resides beyond your physical being. When you are working from your consciousness and not your ego, you can transcend what is happening around you. Here are a few of my survival tools that I pull out when I need emotional, mental, or physical distance from another at work. These are ones I use on an almost daily basis. They work. Try them, play with them, trust in them and watch the magic happen.

Tapping your thymus will: · Stimulate all of your energies · Help to regain lost balance · Boost your immune system · Increase your strength and vitality To tap your thymus, place the fingers of either or both hands in the center of your sternum. Tap or thump this area for about 15 to 20 seconds. Use your thumb and all your fingers (or your fist). As you tap, breathe slowly and deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this as many times as necessary until you regain your balance. While I have numerous other grounding tools, the ones offered here will give you the necessary means to succeed and thrive at work. Next month, I’ll teach you the importance of and the survival skill of protection.

©2014, Absolutra Hypnotherapy, Vancouver, WA. All rights reserved.

Stretch and push back energy: This is powerful. Simple, yet powerful. Its effect is immediate. I use the stretch and push back tool when I feel someone propelling unwanted energy toward me. This is how it works. Say you are sitting in a cubicle and you feel the energy of the person behind you watching what you are doing, consciously or unconsciously sending you their negative or jealous energy. Or, perhaps you are in a meeting and you make a statement that contradicts another and you experience discordant energy coming at you. Just notice; don’t absorb. If


Debra DeFreece is a Spiritual Counselor and Intuitive with certifications in Hypnotherapy including the specialized 5- and 7- Path modalities, NLP, PsychK, and Reiki. You can reach her through her hypnotherapy practice, Absolutra Hypnotherapy at 360-687-7817 or www.facebook.com/ Absolutra. Debra has served over 20 years as a marketing executive, entrepreneur, and is the co-owner of an award-winning marketing agency.


Margie Kivel

I live today as my last: embrace sailing clouds, gather smells of spring, squeeze the last drop from wren’s song bubbling the hedge. I see this moment as All: amazed by hummingbird maneuvers, magic of wild flowers scattered between the trees, eagles backstroking the sky. I seek out the power of touch: heat of a hand in mine, fierce 5 yr. old hug, soft purr of cat against my leg – it’s the engine in my Tardis. I bend into the earth, feel its pulse, find the circle of renewal, unwrap the gift, know I can board the train waiting on the side track Margie Kivel



Marilyn Dyke

At one time it was unheard of for someone to experience existence as Source during a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. But paradigms shift and occasionally we do have clients who visit source as this person did. You may think conducting a session where someone is experiencing Source would be interesting, exciting even but I’m here to tell you that for me it’s not that interesting. Cer-


tainly we are in awe as this person describes what it’s like to simply BE but I’m very limited in the questions I can ask. Source is an experience of bliss and nothing more, but of course that is everything. For the client it is a peak experience and often they just want to stay and continue to experience, but we have places to go, things to see and questions to be asked!


At first this person found themselves in space with stars all around, they then noticed a glow to the left and soon realized they were the ball of light. All that is seen is the white light. I moved them to a time when something different happened and the he client was immediately surprised when something flew by very fast, like a meteor. It’s black but has a red-orange tail. They feel this is meaningful, it’s going to destroy something and the client feels they would like to change the situation they feel is likely to happen. I ask what their body looks like now, but there is no body. They are a part of source and when they leave source they see themselves as something like a drop of water, but larger. The purpose or theme of this soul is to prevent destruction. They head after the meteor, but see that it goes past the planet just missing it, all is well. Do you think you had something to do with that I ask? “Yes, but not just me, somebody else, some other forces from the galaxy of this planet as well the client says.” Is this what you do? “Yes mostly”. Do you have a mission, what do you do next? “I’m quite free but now that I’m finished that mission I feel lonely and wondering whether to go back to source.” The client says. This soul decides to go farther out than the central universe and spiral galaxies catch their attention As they scan their surroundings they notice a huge “cargo space ship” in a galaxy. It’s physical and the client isn’t familiar with physical objects, this intrigues them. Curious, they look inside the ship and find physical creatures. These creatures look like humanoids, heads very round, no hair, something like ears, but turned opposite to ours and smaller. They have big eyes, no nose and sort of a mouth. These creatures are grayish green, they have two arms with 4 very fat fingers, two legs and a little tail. They all look the same except some taller and some shorter. Toes, I ask? “Sort of, more like duck’s, they answer.” The occupants in this vehicle aren’t aware of the client (invisible) and the client soon looses interest in the ship and moves on.

These beings refuse to communicate with this us but there is someone who will communicate they tell us who was there a little while ago. We find this being is Earth and Earth has agreed to answer my questions. What is the purpose of this soul traveling to the crystal structure, I ask? This soul was trying to help through the council (the light beings in the crystal structure). This soul was one of the council members. They are a council that keeps watch over the evolution of the planets in the systems around them. This council wanted to destroy life on a certain planet because the beings on the planet were considered dangerous. They were primitive souls, but had a dangerous ability. They have very powerful psychic abilities and they can send their thoughts out anywhere and influence anyone in other places. The client feels that the council is actually in fear of these beings and what they could do. The council sent the client to the planet to look at the situation. The client could see that these weren’t bad or negative souls, they just didn’t understand what was going on and this client felt the problem could be solved in other ways with time, but the council disagreed and decided to destroy the beings on the planet disregarding the client’s advice. As an energy being you are not suppose to have anger but when the council made their decision the client got angry with a very powerful energy. So it was decided it was better for this council member to go somewhere else for a while to cool off I suppose, and so this is when the client first came to earth. They were to check on Atlantis, to help them but this soul found the Atlantians had already destroyed themselves. What do you do now, I asked? “I loved the earth from the very first sight so I decided to stay and incarnate, they answer.” This client believes they are here in this life to help people but in fact they are working directly with the earth in this lifetime. Like so many here at this time they are here to help, this client’s focus is on helping the earth.

What they find next is difficult to describe in words. This is a very large crystalline structure hanging in space with 4 or 5 large systems around it. It looks like it’s made of light but it’s “sort of” physical. This is the council’s space the client tells me. The client is inside now, it is vast and empty with crystal walls and what looks like maps of the galaxies and star systems with dots and passages. Are they on paper, I ask? “No, no they are in glass (crystal?). Some are in the middle or on the wall, the client answers.” They are 2 dimensional, but they can be transferred to something else (and become more 3 dimensional). There are beings there now, energy beings, not physical like the beings on the cargo ship. They have sort of a shape and different colors made of light.

Marilyn Dyke is a Recommended Dedicated Practitioner trained in Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy© since 2009. She is a teaching Reiki Master (Usui). It is Marilyn's pleasure and purpose in this life to help support your quest for balance, peace and physical well being! Visit Marilyn at www.BodySoulApothecary.com



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Linda Adsetts



I wonder, wonder, wonder who wrote the book of ___________

to keep going and sometimes I change direction. The trick is not to be locked into any particular direction.

This song came to me as I was wondering about an Access Consciousness video I just watched. It was an intro class to Right Voice For You with Blossom. She is lovely!

Sometimes, I cannot find any direction that pleases me and I simply hand it over to The Group, who may be just the larger part of my own awareness. Again, I am not locked into who they be or even if they truly be. I just know, in every fiber of my being that the energies are loving and encouraging. Their messages are never conclusive, unless it comes to the magnificence of humanity and that joy is the best way to experience our journey.

I always enjoy watching how different people present a same basic concept. What makes one voice be heard more clearly by me than another? After watching this, I had my confirmation-it is the energies that someone carries and allows through, in that moment. She spoke about Martin Luther King’s “I Had A Dream” speech, which had been analyzed and dissected into a format, for creating a great speech. (I had someone send it to me a few years ago.) What wasn’t seen, noticed or acknowledged, by that, was that his speech came from his being. He allowed the energy to move through him-for the energy of the dream to move through him and invited others to experience it with him. So, no one writes the book of life but us. It is entirely our choices, which determine what our life looks like. We choose our response and we choose our next step. And what if you wondered with the curiosity of a child what that next step might be? And what if you wondered with the curiosity of a child what next choice you could make? And what if, what if? I write just about every day. I write because I get to play with words and play with The Group. I hope that the words, will change someone’s life, that they will experience an aha moment and more awareness. But, I don’t know if they will. I do know that as I write I am changed by the energies that move through me. Is my writing perfect? No and that is okay by me. As some of you may know I write Today’s Message from The Group, 4-5 times a week and I share it on Facebook, as well as my opted in e-mail list and in my weekly spot on Bliss Habits Blog. More often than I would have thought, someone writes back to me and tells me that those words were exactly what they needed to hear. I always go back and read the message or the writing and more often than not, I think to myself-I wrote that? When I step out of my own way and allow the energy to flow through me, be it mine or The Group, it always speaks to someone. I have no way of knowing that when I sit down at my computer. My only thought is to put words on paper and get it out in time perfect or not. Once it is done, it has a life of it’s own independent from me. Often, my husband will find me staring into space, as I muse on what I might write about. This time is as important as my timespent writing. Once I head in a direction it is usually pretty easy


And so, dear ones, who read this and the one who writes, we are a larger part of your awareness and we be as you be. We are part of the grand tapestry of the universes as you are. You have chosen to be on planet earth and to experience life as it is and as it could be on planet earth. You are the creators and your choices, your actions, your thoughts and your feelings change every molecule in some way or another. Some of it becomes more concrete as your desires strengthen to experience more, different or just plain more joyous. The joyous desire is the best in our experience. Through finding joy in whatever you choose to do or be, be it now or your next choice or next step, will always lead you into more expansiveness and more allowing. If it isn’t joyous you don’t have to do it-you always have a choice and if it isn’t joyous and it needs to be done, for whatever reason you have concluded, you might as well make it as joyous as you can. We are not here to tell you what to do; life isn’t a paint by number kind of thing. Your life is yours to merrily splash color on in whatever fashion is pleasing to you and as you do more and more of that you will find that others will want to know what your secret is. How is it that you are having so much fun? How is it that you have more than you did? How is that your life seems so much more? You can tell them-we don’t mind. It is all about finding your joy. Go For The Joy Linda and The Group

Connect with Linda on www.goforthejoy.com or Facebook page www.facebook.com/# !/GoForTheJoy 19

Gail Siler, PhD



Really, give me a break! You want me to write about chaos? I whined in disbelief as I heard the subject of this article being handed to me from my inner guidance, which I refer to as Butterfly woman. “Chaos is a gift,” Butterfly woman said. You sure could fool me! Every time chaos visits me, I fall apart. Even though I have been helping people and organizations create positive change nearly all my adult life, personally, I suck at change. Especially the chaos part! This, as I often share with my clients, qualifies me as an expert on change. I know the pitfalls… and I frequently go there… into the pit of chaos, to be exact. Earlier this week I received a swift kick into chaos, so I guess Butterfly woman had good reason for suggesting chaos as a topic. So let’s take an up close and personal look at chaos,

shall we? I wandered into the Merriam-Webster Dictionary on the internet and looked up the definition of chaos: complete confusion and disorder: a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything. Sure enough, that described the start of my week. Monday morning there sat an email sent at 3:23 AM from my publisher. The essence of it was one paragraph that said something like “Oh, so sorry, but even though we have a contract to develop the marketing program for your book, we aren’t going to be doing it. Here are some forms, so do it yourself.” I read it, choked, and suddenly felt as if my whole life had been threatened. Before I even finished reading I felt myself sliding down into discouragement. Then I wobbled and flew up into the air in anger. WTF! The email ended with “And that ends our involvement in marketing your book for you.” That’s what I read. But oddly, that’s not what was written… but I am getting ahead of myself. What happened next was a roll into the darkness of confusion and chaos prime. Every emotion I possess I experienced, except the positive ones! I had undertaken a contract with the publisher specifically for their promises to market my book. Swiftly I went from oh, woe is me, into loss of hope, just walking away and abandoning the book project all together, and most importantly confusion and betrayal. How could this happen? What will I do now? My career is over. And downward I spiralled. From the outside looking back at me this was remarkable because I have learned to be balanced and stable. But this little email I read had undone 25 years of hard work and my ability to achieve balance and stability.

Freeze frame for a minute. Now let’s have a look at what the scientists who study chaos theory have to say: Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. … Recognizing the chaotic, frac-


tal nature of our world can give us new insight, power, and wisdom. http:// fractalfoundation.org/resources/what-is-chaostheory/\ From my perspective of this week’s personal chaos crash I’d say that chaos is the surprise that knocks you off balance, confuses and dis-cabooberates (my mom’s favorite non-word) your life. It also leaves you feeling anxious, a-little or a-lot nuts, and definitely in the dark. Even as I felt myself sliding into that darkness of my fear, I fired off an email asking for more details and decided rather than curse them out or confront them, I’d try to handle things more ‘Abraham-Hicks’esque. Let me imagine it working out for my highest and best, I heard myself say. ‘When one door closes, another always opens, I heard myself say. Then I heard myself moan at the corny phrase. True as it was, I wasn’t up for inner pep talks. Ok, so my Abraham view lasted for a bit, but then I went back into worrying and losing trust in myself, and losing trust in my guidance who put me onto the publisher in the first place. I shared some four letter words with them in my mind. What I felt was shocked and betrayed. But this time I also felt that I could look at this from a bigger perspective. And while I didn’t feel cheery and positive, I knew that what Abraham-Hicks describes is right. We create our own reality, and it was up to me to determine how I would coach myself into delivering myself out of my current state of chaos and into something useful. I might not be able to control the chaos, but I could control the way I was handling and responding to the chaos! So I stood back emotionally and engaged the big picture part of my brain…. the right sided vision. Like a wide angle lens I moved back further and further and began to look at some things that were perking and parking on the sides of my vision and had been happening simultaneously or just previous to the email, things that had been building over several weeks. Several apparently disconnected things were sitting there in the outer level. While they looked like unrelated events, as I moved my focus into the bigger picture and winder perspective, I began to notice some threads that were pulling together. Out of the blue last week I’d signed up for a 30 minute teleconference freebie consultation for Thursday of this week with a woman who does marketing ala Abraham-Hicks style. Hmm, maybe there’s something going to happen there, I cheered myself on. Hold on until Thursday, I coached myself. Meantime, I determined a strategy that included holding off getting the lawyers and plotting revenge on the book publisher. Remember, don’t polarize, (Abraham-speak,) because you won’t get anything but pulverized. (Gail-speak) While things continued to fall apart for me, I received calls or ran into people who helped me keep myself encouraged. OK, supported me whilst I fell apart is a better way to say it, actually.


A day or two later I ran into a fellow healer friend and we went off on a totally different tangent about something that was WAY OUT, and she offered to run her healing form for me, which I allowed her to do. I was desperate and thought any ‘house cleaning’ might help my situation. It had to do with letting go of stuff that we pick up out there in the world that’s not ours and stuff that blocks us. When I came home, I followed suit with an inner-Gail EFT session and tapped more of that out and BLAM, I connected with information on how, for the past decade or so I have had real problems with reading directions specifically as it relates to filling in forms, particularly from bureaucratic organizations. In fact, I was certain I was dyslexic. A little voice said I should read my book contract again. As I had arranged an appointment later this week to speak with the offending email sender from the publisher, about 5 minutes before she called, I grabbed my contract and then I quickly reread her Monday email… Let me tell you, there was lightening, and a huge shock. The email words had changed completely from what I’d read earlier on Monday! What I’d read Monday wasn’t what the email said. And I found that the contract I had was speaking about only the social media marketing component of the marketing plan! In speaking to the publisher, she explained what the email said and why. And then she reassured me that all the rest of the marketing I’d been promised would indeed take place. I was so relieved, and whoa, embarrassed too, I think I told her I loved her! The Gifts of Chaos

I was explaining the week to someone earlier today saying how chaos includes the energy of destruction which can be so powerful. Chaos, as I see it, breaks the mirror of our current self-reflection and sense of reality - which includes the way we are viewing the world. In order to create change, chaos must first come to visit. Once that mirror is broken, we feel lost and in the dark. But that’s just the waiting period while the fractals of new possible opportunities present themselves to us. Just like the caterpillar passing into the dark immovable state of the chrysalis, we must go there too and chaos is what kicks us there. The dark and immobility can feel fearful and threatening. But I learned this time around that using positive self-talk and even tacky quotes, like ‘you have to fall apart to come together again in a new way,’ are ways of hanging out while we are hanging in the dark. KNOWING something good will come from it… well, that’s trust! In yourself, in the universe, and in your team. I think that the more we can trust that we’re going to come out OK on the other side of chaos, the faster we can realign our energies and create a new mirror containing the new reality. The lesson for me is chaos shatters your reality for a period of time. That period of time can be long or short. I believe that the way we respond whilst in chaos can shorten the time period. Seeing the bigger picture brings us surprises and yes, gifts. Looks like Butterfly woman was right! There are gifts in chaos.

When I got off the phone I was thrilled; I was also stirred and shaken. But I wasn’t a martini! I was realizing something about my trip into chaos. How could I have read that email so wrong! I took a deep breath or two or three as I opened the lens even wider to see what the Monday plunge into chaos had really been about. It had nothing to do with marketing and everything to do with the energy frequency that was stuck inside me and not allowing me to see the written words correctly. My team was showing me the pattern….. and the potential I could follow to alter that pattern. Back I went into my EFT session and this time the focus was to get rid of the energy block. In one short week, thanks to some pretty intense chaos, I have changed my life. Monday started with chaos and by yesterday, Friday, I had harvested an entirely new path for myself. Out of chaos came two gifts. One to remove the block that was making me mis-read things. And the second gift was a whole new direction for me to go in my marketing campaign, as well as now having two companies marketing for me. Wow, some gifts, indeed. Chaos Breaks the Mirror of Our Reality


Connect with Gail www.Decodingthebutterflypromise.com https://www.facebook.com/gail.siler.9?fref=ts http://www.whitewaterwellness.weebly.com


I’ve lived a life, fat and lean, nutrients absorbed, know about desires of trees, messages from beneath my feet, screams in the night — something received, wisdom gained. But my grey makes it out-of-date, the babbling of old ones. We have lived a life: mended fences, cleaned drain spouts, planted and harvested, watched the tides, heard calls deep in the forest. There is a map worn within, showing places and things forgotten, left floating in the bayous of consciousness... we could guide you home.

Margie Kivel



Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen





Lisa Schell

Photo; Š alphaspirit - Fotolia.com



There are two types of denial: denial.

individual denial and group

With individual denial, you may be denying that you have a gambling problem or an eating disorder. You may be blaming the issue on someone else or rationalizing your behaviour as a temporary thing or you may be telling yourself that you are in control and it’s no big thing. Denying reality enables us to continue engaging in an unhealthy behavior or when it facilitates the continuation of a harmful situation (e.g. abusive relationship, a job where you’re bullied, etc.) then it's pretty safe to say that it is harmful. Unfortunately, most people won't recognize the harmful effects of denial until they are knee-deep in a bad situation. If the same bad outcomes keep happening to us and we can't seem to figure out why, there's a good chance that we are denying reality in some way. With group denial, there is a family secret that no one every dares to talk about….a family rule. It involves the endless excuses like the alcoholic in our lives: ”They aren’t drunk again, they simply have the flu, over-stressed or just trying to relax. What's the big deal?" With group denial, we use a sort of twisted reasoning to make someone's behavior more manageable than it actually feels. We don't want to connect the addict's increasing unmanageability, or our own chronic anxiety, to living with substance abuse or addictions. This kind of denial is complicated. It requires constant upkeep because lots of little things that relate to what we're denying keep cropping up in front of us, and we need to keep rewriting as we go. It makes us doubt our sense of "normal" and question what we see in front of our eyes or feel in our guts to be true. The use of inappropriate language, or “labeling” doesn’t help the situation either. People may think they’re helping but in reality they’re making it worse. The family rule teaches children, growing up in this environment, not to trust their own judgement and perception of reality. Denial, in this sense, can lead to considerable dysfunction within the family system, because there is a "cover up," an ever-growing "secret" that family members do not feel free to talk about. When a family is steeped in denial, the person who is trying to talk about it is generally viewed negatively by those who are not willing to see what's really going on. This can have long lasting damage that effects the rest of one’s life. What would be the payoff for supporting this type of behaviour? Perhaps the family member is a millionaire and bringing out the truth would mean separation of the family thereby ending their lux life. Another payoff would be that it allows the co-dependents in the family the delay in having to deal with the issue. It allows other family members to temporarily cope with reality which may be more than we are capable of facing. The harsh reality is that children growing up in this kind of environment learn not to trust their feelings and thoughts. Subconsciously they recreate their family experience in their adult lives continuing the pathology until someone eventually opens up with frank dialogue and a plea for help.


The burden of keeping a family secret is overwhelming for family members. Taking on the responsibility to maintain a sense of "normal" in an abnormal environment is a burden that no child (or adult) should ever have to shoulder. It is one of the commonalities of abuse. Most of us learn our lessons well and keep the secret for decades. Children end up being denied their childhood due to the burden of having to grow up rather quickly just to survive….and in some cases take care of the adult(s) who is incapable of taking care of their needs. This is an unfair position to put our children in. Denial becomes a coping mechanism, a means of survival. Most children are threatened or coerced into compliance. Some children are physically beaten in order to instill sufficient fear to guarantee their silence. Most are shamed into silence: "See what you did". No matter the technique, silence is the guaranteed outcome Denial is paralyzing and can hurt everyone involved…permanent scars are formed unless the truth is revealed and people start opening up for healing and positive change. Denial is avoidance as we shrug off reality so that we don’t have to deal with it. Until someone has the courage to step forward and identify the family member as having a problem, the damage continues to fester. This may mean that some members of the family may disassociate themselves from the rest of the family as they cannot cope with the truth. This is the risk you must be willing to face so the “accused” and the “victim” can get the therapeutic help they need. With individual denial, if you don’t want to deal with the truth then the quality of your relationships will be affected and you become addicted to your story which keeps you from seeking help. This can have long lasting effects on your health too. My purpose for writing about this subject is to raise awareness about the effects of denial. If this is happening in your family or you know someone in denial, I hope this article finds you. Blessings,


Lisa Schell, Transformational and Spiritual Life Coach & Reiki Master

A Clear Pathway To You

Ph: (604) 612-1450 | clearpathwaytoyou@gmail.com www.clearpathwaytoyou.com or connect with me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/AClearPathwayToYou and via my blog ‘SoulFull Living’


Gwen Randall-Young



“Every end is a new beginning” Proverb Why is it that close to half of all marriages end in divorce? Are we more fickle, less committed, more restless, always searching for more? We do tend to think of divorce as a breakdown or failure of something that should have lasted.

Life’s journey, and relationships often go this way. While the ego plans to fall in love and live happily ever after, the soul’s agenda involves so much more.

We fall in love and it feels so wonderful that we want it for the rest of our lives. We get married, promising to love one another until death. We fall in love not only with the person, but also with the dream, the vision of what we think our life should be. At this moment in the evolving vision we press pause, and say that this is the picture I choose for my life.

Sometimes it seems like this: two people are drawn together with a powerful attraction and know they want to be together. Things go well as they plan their lives. Children come and they are overjoyed. A few, or many years later they are just not happy with each other and with life. Despite all of their efforts, they just cannot get the feelings back. The love has faded, if not died.

It is the very human, ego part of our being that does it this way. It is, at that time, all that we know. We think we are the director of our life story, and we can set the agenda. If this were true, marriages would not end in divorce, accidents would not happen, loved ones would not die before we are ready to let go, and we would achieve all we desire. Ego does not like to acknowledge that on this journey, the power is shared. We are only one half of the equation: the universe is the other half. This second half is the manifestation of soul’s destiny or purpose. Imagine a sailboat setting out to sea. All charts and weather patterns have been studied, and a smooth, enjoyable journey is expected. Imagine next that there is a sailing coach who as the ability to manipulate the oceans. He decides that while a smooth journey would be nice, he also knows that the sailor very capable, and would learn so much more if there were challenges along the way. He knows that while the challenges will be difficult, the sailor will gain strength and wisdom in struggling through them. So the sailor sets out prepared to have an easy sail, with lots of rest and relaxation. A few days in, he finds it will be anything but. He encounters rough seas with high waves, and has to push himself to the limit to manage them. Eventually the storm passes, and now, he thinks, the worst is over, and he can finally relax. Of course, when he really does, that is when the rogue wave hits.


It seems as though, while they were dreaming, the bigger agenda involved bringing the souls of their children into this world. Those souls picked this mom and that dad, and so they had to be together to fulfill this purpose. Once the purpose was fulfilled, there was no more reason for them to stay together. In fact, the universe had other agendas in which they needed to participate. Not knowing this, they go through all the pain and angst about how this should not have happened.

I think we still need to believe in love, make sincere commitments and aim for lifelong love with which some are blessed. At the same time we need to learn to accept that the universe has other plans and the marriage ending is really no one’s fault. With this, we can learn to let go gracefully, and honor one another for the gifts that surely were there, once upon a time.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and award-winning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit www.gwen.ca


A day at the beach restores the soul

Photo ŠM Cobb www.nourishpublication.com




Vera Enshaw


Photo: Š happystock - Fotolia.com


Do you have a favorite nemesis? A company, person, TV show that you love to hate? One that you can expound on at great length to anyone who will listen? Maybe we all do. Can we look at that?

about other corporations—pharmaceuticals, mining companies, oil companies. If we are seeking peace, if we want to be peace—how can we continue to act in ways that are obviously not peace?

Like most of you, I am on FaceBook (FB). Sometimes posts are shared that I read and I like—and so I either “like” them or I “share” them on FB. Depending on the article and site, I am then invited to read other items that are posted by them. Some of the posts are pretty innocuous. Recipes, art work, an amusing or touching YouTube video, a missing pet or stolen property. We all like to share those, right? We also like to think that we are doing our part in making this world a better place to be, a peace-full place to be. We share informative posts about what is happening now in the world of Big Business and Bad Government. This is where I am having my think.

What if. What if we all were very careful with our thoughts. What if, say, we were able to catch the fear-based thought about “Monsanto” and were able to replace it with a love-based thought. So that instead of saying “*!%*#! Monsanto is trying to control the world’s food supply!” we chose instead to say “The people who are working at Monsanto must really believe in what they are doing. I don’t like it—how can I make my opinion known and listened to?” (I don’t know about you, but as soon as someone starts yelling at me and calling me names I quit hearing what they are saying. Pretty much discount it.) When you change the thought, what is the answer to the question? The question being “how can I make my opinion known and listened to?” How can we do that in love, with love and as love?

Last month we looked at the power of our thoughts as they relate to someone who is going through a rough patch—how much effect do our thoughts have on that person’s ability to heal. And I wonder. Our thoughts are very powerful. So if we have a lot of people focusing negative and fear-filled thoughts towards, say, a corporation like Monsanto—what do we get? I have the personal experience of generally getting more of what I focus on. In other words, what I focus on expands. If my focus is fear-based I am generally blessed with that experience. Colds/flu in winter is a great example. So is a lack of available cash flow. If my focus is love-based, I am blessed with that experience. I was very careful about my thoughts this winter— and the result has been a winter free of ailments—for which I give thanks! I also know that when I am vigilant about my thoughts around personal finances I always have enough. When I am fearful—which isn’t often, thank goodness! - my finances can get kind of scary. Positive, love-based thinking is not about fantasizing. It’s about knowing that there is enough. Enough good health. Enough money, food, enough love—and recognizing it as its happening and being grateful for it. So…..lets go back to Monsanto. Everyone’s favorite kicking post, it seems. Please do not think that I am in agreement with most of what Monsanto would like to—or is—doing. I’m not. But “Monsanto” is a corporate name. It’s the name of a company—a company that employs people. People like you and me, who have homes, kids, mortgages. People who are doing the best they can given the information they have. I think we ignore that part about businesses, corporations, governments. People. If I “hate” “Monsanto”, if I call “Monsanto” nasty names, am I furthering love and peace? What about government? What


This month, pay attention. Catch those thoughts. Write them down so you can see them. Look at what is being spewed out on FB, in the media, by your friends. How do you feel after reading/hearing/watching? Write that down. Ask yourself the question. Write down your answers. Think about it. Feel about it in your heart. Every night take 5 minutes. That’s it, just 5 minutes. Begin with awareness of your Self. Visualize the world as a place where all people are loved and honoured, a place where there is abundant food and clean water and fresh air for everyone. Give thanks for that. Now visualize the corporation you most love to hate. Visualize the building that houses that corporation. See the people coming to work there, see the love in their hearts. Surround that building and all the people in it with love. Hold that for a time and then gently pull back, leaving them surrounded in love. Every night. All of us. Namasté. Vera

Contact Vera at lightvera1@gmail.com


Journaling is perhaps one of the cheapest forms of therapy out there. It has many health benefits yet to most of us it is a daunting task. One that seems too big to take on, we excuse ourselves from journaling saying we don’t have enough time, and what would I write about? The fact is that journaling has been proven to increase your focus, improve your writing skills, release stress, work through problems, and allows us to practice the lost art handwriting. All it requires is something to write in – you can make it as plain or as elaborate as you desire, a pen – or pencil, colored makers, anything that will record your thoughts from your mind through your hand to the paper, and as little as 15 minutes a day. For the month of July let’s see if we can each commit to journaling for 15 minutes each day. We are not going to be really stringent and if we don’t journal one day we are not going to beat ourselves up over it. Here are just some of the benefits: Stress reduction – whatever you write on paper releases it from ricocheting around in your mind. Clarity – free writing about what is going on in your life often brings something to the paper that you were not consciously aware of. It is in this moment that solutions appear. Memories – journaling is a great way to recall when you did things. Not just the bad things that happen in day to day life, but the nice things that happen. You can journal about the compliment you received that made you feel wonderful, you can journal about the people you helped out, you can journal about buying that special pair of shoes or even replacing your toaster. Once they are down in your journal they are there to live again when you re -read. Also if you are having a crappy day, looking back over other days often relieves the sadness, tension or grumpiness. Know yourself Better – journaling forces you to examine yourself, delve a little deeper than the surface. If you allow yourself to ramble, not be held up by wanting to write about Z and your mind wanting to write about A - but you are holding A back, you get your true thoughts down. From these you can start to gain insight into the patterns of your life. For example, harping about the same issue over and over or a repeated behavior. This gives us the awareness to shift that behavior or find a solution to the issue we keep harping about. Journaling gives us personal awareness which leads to personal growth through learning about who we are. Non-Judgment – your journal is the place where you can let it all hang out! No one but you will be reading your journal. I have a hard time with this sometimes as I think – what if someone were to read this and also there are times when I think that I should be nice always and not express darker thoughts. I mean really, when you put words to paper it makes it real – and that can be scary! The point is the more you can un-censor your writing the better it becomes. Your journal is not going to judge you, it is there to encourage, empower and enlighten you. So be free and enjoy the process.

Photo ©M Cobb www.nourishpublication.com




The Inukshuk acts as a reminder to all of us that our efforts are appreciated, and the difference we make today, does count in all our tomorrows. Photo ŠMarlene Cobb Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen






Month at a Glance Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day

Wednesday Mercury-Day

Thursday Jupiter-Day

Friday Venus-Day

Saturday Saturn-day

1 Very powerful day for communication

2 Your instincts may feel a little off. Watch that you don’t replace lack of … with shopping / food

3 Keep your inside voice intact today

4 Keep a positive outlook today – Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. Keep tension and stress at bay

5 Take care today – slow down

11 Intense emotional connection to your source is possible, move to observer mode and out of your monkey mind

12 Full Moon at 4:25am

17 Be mindful … you may feel the need to share your deepest inner feelings and thoughts today … once something is out there … its forever. 24 Actually a very nice day – just watch that you don’t blurt something out but very energetic …

18 Venus moves to Cancer

19 Overall a very nice energetic day … just don’t give away the farm


Power up

Meditation is a must

6 Give what you can … nothing more … nothing less Great day to go back over things that are bothering you and talk it out

7 You may feel a little challenged today… remember you do not have to do everything on your own … ask

8 Watch for unexpected – uncomfortable situations … keep in mind that you are well supported and protected

9 Expect an unexpected surprise today… a good one of course J

13 The push pull of magnetism is in focus, step up to the challenge of shaping this in a positive direction … you attract where you are at

14 Very nice day Build on yesterday, connect with your desires, passion, emotional mind and your ability to focus

15 Work you have done over the last two days can be taken to the next level by merging with your source – higher self

16 Jupiter moves to Leo

20 Saturn`s Station Direct Very powerful & not feeling up to the challenge – don’t let work get you down – just pull up your socks and work it ;-)

21 Uranus Stationary Retrograde today –

22 Sun moves to Leo

23 Love Passionately and with every ounce of your being … You have everything to gain

27 You may feel a little exhausted today, take it easy and go with the flow today

28 No exact aspects – “Amuck”

Watch for lightning bolts don’t push too hard in Meditation

Expect a nice surprise today. Write down any inspirational thoughts you may have 29 Have the courage to face illusions (or delusions) we have crated. Stay focused and grounded on your reality.

Continue grabbing onto inspirational opportunities

30 See all the pcs coming together as you magnetize your personal grid to receive

VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time


Work hard play hard – grab any opportunities coming your way 10 Others may sound very needy today – instead of pushing them away … try opening your wings to guide them

Connect to passion not anger. Expect the unexpected today … drive in observer mode today

Mercury moves to Cancer – the intellectual – has to balance with emotional

Remember you are the creator

25 Mars moves to Scorpio

26 New Moon 3:42pm

Get ready to action that To-Do list …

Integrity is Key

31 Mercury moves to Leo Be spontaneous Check your goal list - what can you get done right now

Email: Tamira@silverdisc.ca for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.


Planet at a Glance Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions –5, 12, 18, 26…Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions –7, 13, 20, 27…You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Jupiter Squares and Oppositions –6, 12, 19… Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage Venus squares and oppositions –2, 10, 16 …Heartache/ domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mercury squares and oppositions-1(Stationary Direct), 3, 10, 17 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Double Whammy Days –10, 17, 28… take care – take short meditative breaks – remember to breathe. Favorite Meditation or relaxed days –1, 14,15, 22, 28… Experiment to see which days you achieved deeper connections and then look on the chart above to see what the overall energetic signature was. Mercury … Moves direct on July 2nd but will still be working in a shadow until July 15th – continue to take extra care when signing contracts and making commitments. Push yourself to release all excess paperwork including old emails – get the cobwebs off your bookshelves and out of your mind. Venus … Continues through Gemini and is looking for a mind meld ;-) – change is required either in your style or something in your house that will reflect a new you – on July 12th she moves into Cancer – this is a nice placement for Venus where is a little softer around the edges. Mars … Mars continues his travels through Libra – giving and taking – walking a tightrope. He slips into Scorpio on the 25th – so get ready to dive deep into adventure. Mars is powerful in Scorpio which provides opportunity to evoke your Martian side in order to complete any tasks that you have had trouble actioning! Jupiter … Moving powerfully through Cancer where you should continue to look for opportunities and growth. On the 16th you will find he moves into Leo – where he wants and deserves the spot light. Saturn … Finally Saturn moves direct on the 20th everything you have been internalizing will now be released (or unleashed) into your environment. Dig deep – release your inner fear. Neptune … moving through Pisces (slowly) continues his retrograde that will last until the middle of November. Use this time to transcend within and explore your inner-verse Uranus … Hold onto your umbrella’s Uranus is about to start a long retrograde from July 21st to December 20th moving from 16 degrees Aries back to 12 degrees Aries – if you have anything in these degrees you may continue to feel


like you are on shaky ground, use this time to un-root any patterns that have been holding you back. As an update Pluto continues his long long retrograde in Capricorn Sun moves into Leo on the afternoon of the 22nd … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Leo’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to our sky, both at night dusk dawn and during the day sunrise - sunset. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. Tracking the conditions of our solar and lunar patterns (both collectively and personally) provides insight on the regeneration of our whole being. By tracking this information you awaken to consciousness of patterns and habits that lie deeply within you. This can be easier said than done, but each time you awaken you get closer to experiencing yourself as a participating co-creator in your life. The Full Moon – July 12th at 4:25am … 20 degrees Capricorn The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon – shining light into every dark corner. What choices you have made in situations of owning your power – have you given it away and in doing so it meant that that you felt you have impacted the quality of your future. There could be some underlying anger over what you have given away, but now it is harder to take that power back …but take it back you must. Your quality of life is only impacted by what you do and how you utilize the energy in the moment – grab the ball and run with it. Take care that you do not become overly passionate leading to being uncomfortably generous – Completion of knowledge is possible. The New Moon – July 26th at 3:42pm … 3 degrees Leo The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies toward something new. We have a very powerful New Moon: Moon (emotional patterns) Sun (individuality & will), Jupiter (opportunity & growth) –all having a great conversation, blending the energies into one. If this new moon connects to your chart the goals you set or focus on may take on a life of their own and have the potential to throw you into the lime light receiving accolades or recognition. You may feel overly excitable and jittery so channel or focus your physical energy toward a purpose. A deep need for security and love may become confused with power, establish your sense of selfworth before moving forward. Integrity is key.

… Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.


goal that allows you to be the driving force in your world. (the Chariot – driving victoriously through life) Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Goal setting on the evening of the 8th and all day 9th

Combine your own Sun sign (ego/identity/core), Moon sign (emotions/Patterns/ Habits) and Ascendant sign (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month.

If there is any way to travel in order to experience other cultures – no is the time to plan for it. Set a goal involving travel. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Goal setting on the 11th and the 12th until 7pm

Aries (March 21-April 20) Goal setting on the 17th and 18th Re-commit (or) commit to a romantic relationship (new or old) this month. The goal is to skillfully bring passion into the picture. Taurus Horoscope (April 21May 21) Goal setting on the 19th and 20th You may feel a strong need to connect to your community – writing or speaking. The goal it is find a way to include your family. Gemini Horoscope (May 23June 20) Goal setting on the 21st and 22nd Connect with a solid sense of self-worth. How do you feel about the way you contribute to self-growth (innerverse) vs your contribution to the whole (uni-verse). The goal is to see yourself via observing … like looking through the eyes of the other in order to see how you are re-acting. Cancer Horoscope (June 21July 20) Goal setting late on the 23rd and all day 24th

The theme for the month…

How Great Thou Art (Sun conjunct Jupiter)

Swedish folk melody written by Carl G. Boberg (1859-1940)

Take care to not develop patterns or habits that are self-sabotaging. Set a goal that allows you to experience security in a new way. Stop second guessing yourself. Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) Goal setting on the 26th and 27th until 5:30pm The sky is the limit, Jupiter is visiting your sign for the next year. Set big goals, life is a free fall … Trust is key. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23Sept. 22) Goal setting on late on the afternoon of the 1st and all day on the 3rd then again 29th and 30th


Get involved in groups or fun social events. Set a goal to get yourself out and about Joyfully Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23Oct. 22) Goal setting on the4th and 5th then again on the 31st Fast track to achieving the career of your dreams. What goal do you need to set and work toward in order to achieve your highest level of expectations Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23Nov. 21) Goal setting on the afternoon of the 6th and all day on the 7th

You may find you have an incredible opportutnity arise that will set a bar for you in giving back … or paying it forward. Set a goal in order to manifest for the collective. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21Feb. 18) Goal setting on the 13th and 14th until noon Be a leader – that means that you cannot do it all on your own – you have to let others follow. The goal for this month is to give over control of at least 1 project you are working on. Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18March 20) Goal setting on the 15th and 16th until 6pm Your health is completely in focus with optimum health achievable. Set a goal to take your health to the next level of wellness. Allow this into your life. Tamira@silverdisc.ca

No more indecision. Set a


Connecting you with your Angels and Guides

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A reading is a snapshot that can help you wade through the uncertainty that creeps into life. With your Angels you can explore your roadmap. Where should you focus your energy, what paths are open to you right now and which ones should you walk with caution. Your Angels and Guides are always with you offering comfort, support and guidance, together we will call them forth. Shining some angelic light and love on your path!

Photo ŠPhil Nielsen www.merrlina.com 41

Earth Crystals

All crystals have beneficial properties but each astrological sign has crystals that are said to support those born under that sign. Often one crystal will show up under more than one sign yet offers something totally different. Just as there are many aspects to each astrological sign, each crystal has many aspects that vibrate with different aspects of our body, mind and soul and what works for one person is not necessarily true for the next. Start to collect the crystals associated with your sign and keep them in a small bag you can carry in your pocket. Not all the crystals associated with your sign will resonate with you, as always keep the list for your sign handy and carry around those that do. If a stone does not resonate with you now, still find one that you are attracted to, down the road you might find you are drawn to that one crystal.



The main gemstones are: Emerald - provides Cancer with stability and alleviates mood swings. It's deep green reflects life's meaningfulness and it absorbs negative vibrations and protects against them. Moonstone - teaches Cancer that one makes progress only by striving for the highest ideals and forces them to stop daydreaming and face reality. Aventurine - can bring Cancer peace in heart and mind. When caught in the turbulence of their powerful emotions, they can find solace and calm in green aventurine.

Chalcedony - the milky white, silver variety is best for Cancers. It is especially helpful when they feel like retreating into their shell and can't find a way to share their feelings. It also helps them fight off negative influences, so when it feels like the world is closing in on them, Cancer can regain their creativity and break free of the bonds that imprison them. Jade - gives Cancer the confidence to trust their feelings. Keep a bit of jade in your pocket as a touchstone to provide you with a sense of security in difficult situations. Opal - impresses upon Cancer that they are entitled to their own feelings. This allows them to find a way through difficulties and supports their striving for harmony. Pearl - because of their luster and smoothness, pearls are natural symbols of beauty and perfection. They confer wisdom and sincerity on Cancer, helping to guard against


danger. They also provide comfort in old age and moderate mood swings. Olivine - the Cancer who is beset by the anxiety and depression that come from holding too much inside should turn to olivine. It is also effective in treating skin disease and metabolic disorders. Chrysoprase - has a calming effect on Cancer. It helps them reach a balance between conscious and unconscious spheres. It encourages them to strive for harmony and deepens their ability to connect with others. Chrysocolla - gives Cancer serenity and tolerance and stimulates both intuition and imagination. It is an antidote against the poison of hate and anger. It helps its possessor see the world as a beautiful place. Its benign influence will enrich the lives of those born under the sign of the crab. Other important stones for Cancer: Carnelian - channels the earth's magnetism. It can aid the Cancer who feels abandonment and loss particularly keenly. It teaches that nature is constantly changing and that nothing in the universe can stand still. Rhodochrosite - its combination of pink and orange lends new strength to Cancer's self awareness. It opens their eyes to unimagined possibilities which Cancer would normally dismiss as untenable. But this attitude would lead to the dimming of one's spiritual light and rhodochrosite prevents that from happening. Sodalite - strengthens one's mental faculties. Its blue color helps Cancer keep a cool head in the midst of powerful emotions. It also encourages them to return to face the challenges from which they have retreated.


Serafina Christine

Photo: © Serafina


Connect with Serafina: Serafina Christine – Willow's Lavender on Facebook www.willowslavender.com serafinachristine@willowslavender.com 44

Crystal Forecast July 2014

Dear Beautiful Beings, we offer these words of wisdom to you for the coming time this month of July in the year of 2014. We offer these in hopes to serve your Higher Mental bodies and Emotional Bodies and to serve as a reminder to the Truth of All That Is. That is all these words can be – a reminder of a Truth you know deep within, a reminder of what your own soul might be telling you. All things around you may be that reminder of what your Soul is trying to say to you. In order to understand you do not need to go deep into the mind or deep into the emotions. The Soul speaks simply, so let it be simple and you will know what is trying to be said to you.

Turn the page for the week by week forecasts



June 29 – July 5

July 6 – July 12

July 13 – July 19

Rose Quartz “Forgiveness”

Hematite, “Spiritual Grounding”

Peach Calcite “Harmonize

This is a soft and gentle card for this week. Such a beautiful card that asks for the truth to come always through the heart and from nowhere else. This card comes accompanied by an image of a pink rose. The pink rose is beautiful, delicate, and can hurt you. The rose is easier to pick at certain times in its growth. But our attention is not on the thorns, it is on the delicacy of the petals. The petals are firm, will fall with a touch, and very vulnerable. They open up to show the heart of the rose, and they softly and gently hold that heart for all to see. They allow the rose to express itself fully, its full beauty coming to height with a wide open heart, held gently, high above the thorns that protect it. It knows it is fully protected and loved so it can open wide and show its full self to the world and the world gasps and falls in love with its beauty.

This is a beautiful card! What is seen immediately are wings fully unfolded and ready to take flight! This is an exciting week for many people! Things that you have desired are coming into fruition because of your patience. I feel that this week there is an energy that seems to be picking up the pace, especially in projects that involve other people. I see this week many people excited about a lift off of projects, ideas, relationships, community endeavours coming to fruition.

This is another beautiful c peach fuzz. I see lovers co heart chakra merging wit see connections. This we tions. Your connection to nection to others. I feel t tion to others will be look

Nature is intuitively smart. You are nature. You are intuitively smart as well. Trust yourself. Let your heart open up and be vulnerable when you need to be, when you can be authentically yourself and learn that it is okay to show your heart in that way. As you do you will find yourself going deeper and deeper within your own self and becoming much more aware of what is going on for you. You increase your emotional intelligence as you learn more about your own inner world and the world of others.

This week there's a reminder to stay balanced and in tune with yourself. Don't loose yourself in your excitement – enjoy it, and enjoy it even more by ensuring you are centred, balanced, and deeply taking care of yourself.

It feels like this week wil be honest with yourself a your relationships and wh harmony within your life. parties happy? What wou in your life? Are your rela what is happening inside t

I feel this is a time to about the connections yo fulfilled and to learn wha bring those connections to

You will find that this is an apt time to forgive yourself if need. You will find this is a time to really let go of those past regrets and hard lessons. Its time to simply breathe into your own intuitive beauty and vulnerability. I see great shifts happening this week in the heart space that have already begun this past week, morphing even greater now to connection, deep connection with oneself and others.



July 20 – July 26

July 27 – August 2


Howlite, “Spiritual Beginning”

Chrysoprase, “Fearless Movement”

card. I see the softness of oming together. I see the h another heart chakra. I eek is all about conneco yourself and your conthat heart chakra connecked at.

Another initiation for you this week! A new job, a new home, a new partnership! This card feels like something new has come into your life and it is a learning curve. Keep your throat chakra open but not too open and allow your heart filled wisdom to guide you at this time.

Its another shifty week but this is not a week to fear. This is a week that feels fully of fast moving energy and decision making. Its a week to be prepared for: know your answers, trust your instincts. Last week you graduated to a new level of insight, and this week it serves you well, very well, but you must trust it. You must let your intuition guide you. When it says jump, you jump and miss the banana peel you almost stepped on!

ll bring an opportunity to about what is going on in hat would bring them into . What would make both uld make you feel satisfied ationships a reflection of the rest of your life?

be honest with yourself ou want and need to feel at it is you need to do to o you.

It feels like there is a lot to learn. It can be scary and sometimes overwhelming. It is okay to ask for space or extra time as you adjust. It is okay to state your needs. It is okay to allow yourself to really enjoy this change that is happening for you right now. It may be subtle: you may be receiving an initiation of a new level of clarity. Doesn't that feel good? To be able to see beyond, to suddenly see the world out of illusion and more of what is really going on? Do you notice suddenly that the trees look a bit clearer than they did before even though your sure nothing has really changed? Its a subtle sign of a new level of awareness somewhere in your life. Thank yourself for it. Honour yourself for it. Enjoy it. Stay grounded, open, and expressive with your love.

This is a time to allow your heart to speak its truth. This is a time to allow yourself whatever it is you need to make the best decisions possible. This is always the time to ensure that you are grounded, centred, and honest with yourself and others. This is the time to allow yourself full expression of your heart and your dreams. This is the time to allow yourself to be open to the shifts that happen when you jump onto your dreams and desires and allow the rest to follow! Ensure you are taking responsibility for whatever it is you need to be responsible for, from that centred and grounded place, and you will find that this movement is easy and done with grace. There will be nothing to fear because you have taken care of everything you need to and you will find that others support you because they can see and understand what you are doing. With much love, We give you this month, ~

Connect with Serafina: Serafina Christine – Willow's Lavender on Facebook www.willowslavender.com serafinachristine@willowslavender.com www.nourishpublication.com






Phil Nielsen



This month we will learn about The Agenda Spread. Its purpose is to define the growth and eventual outcome of specific plans or projects. First, as always, we offer a suitable sacrifice to the runes and the gods so that they will show us their true intent. Then, for example, if the querent was planning on building a new home we would have them draw four runes and place them in a circular pattern. Starting from the right and proceeding in a clockwise pattern. The first rune selected is the subjects true intent, upon which the layout depends. The second rune is placed at the bottom and to the left of the first and is the beginning of the project in mind. The next stone is placed opposite the first stone and signifies the middle stage. The last stone is placed at the top and is the final outcome indicator.

rune of family and birth. Ingwaz in the second position indicates that the forces needed to undertake this project are readily available as Ingwaz shows a successful conclusion. Dagaz in the third position is the middle of the project and shows that there is significant energy to carry through. This is the rune of increase and growth and Jera promises a successful conclusion as it is the rune of harvest and a reaping of rewards for efforts expended.

Let us imagine that we drew Berkana, Ingwaz, Dagaz, and Jera in that order and laid them as indicated in the picture example. Berkana in the first position shows that the subjects intent is favorable because their home is to be built for family and Berkana is the

Sk책l to all my brothers and sisters

This spread could be used for any project in which the querent needs answers, including business deals. Next month we will look at one of the most in-depth casts but until then,


Contact Phil at nourishpublication@gmail.com for more information.



Rune of the Month

Strength Virility Good Health Change The rune that came to me for July is Uruz It is much like Fehu but where Fehu represents tame, domesticated, predictable farm cattle, Uruz represents the Auroch or wild ox, and wild, vital energy. This is not an easily controlled rune and nor should you try to control it. Uruz is symbolic of strength and virility and is considered to be a powerful indicator of good health and strong natural powers of resistance. Whenever this rune arises where health is an issue, it indicates a speedy recovery from illness or the affliction in question. Uruz can indicate the male in any relationship and signifies strong emotions. It can also represent the true will of the subject, that which they truly desire. Depending on the surrounding runes, it will probably come to pass. This is a forceful, driving, masculine rune and one to never take for granted. Uruz rules over changes, usually ones where you have to go within yourself to gain strength. These changes are often natural ones and should not be avoided. Examine the things in your life that you may be overly attached to at this time, depending on the accompanying runes, you may be called upon to give up these things. If the cast has to do with business or finance, this rune indicates an eventual improvement but only through diligent application of your resources and effort. Uruz often is a portent of a promotion or a new career, usually with added responsibilities. In this instance, its appearance assures you that whatever extra burdens you are expected to shoulder, you will have the strength to deal with them. It cannot be stressed enough, this is a rune of raw, archetypal force and must never be taken for granted.


If Uruz is reversed it shows that you have or are about to fail to take advantage of the moment. Search your memory, have you passed up an opportunity due to fear or insecurities? Sometimes it indicates weak willpower and can manifest itself as a lack of motivation and a desire to let someone else, someone you may view as a "stronger individual," dictate your beliefs and how to live your life. This is particularly indicated when paired with Gebo or Wunjo. As a primary rune of health, Uruz reversed can show low vitality or a minor illness that will soon have to be faced. For the male subject, it can also suggest problems, whether psychological or physiological, of a sexual nature. Even reversed, Uruz can still indicate surprise changes in your life. Paired with change runes such as Ehwaz or Raidho, it can show that your lack of motivation caused you to pass up on a fortuitous change for the better. If the reading is mainly negative, Uruz indicates that you should let this change pass as it will only bring you trouble. Reversed, as when upright, Uruz can herald a major change, although when reversed, this rune signifies a change you probably will not like very much. Things may still turn out for the best though, especially if it is an otherwise positive rune cast.

Contact Phil at nourishpublication@gmail.com for more information.


A friend of mine caught my attention when he said, "I can tell, she has gone to seed." I am a senior, do not want to go to seed and am an enthusiastic gardener. However, his words spurred me on to re-frame the idea and believe in another approach. We can reinvent ourselves at any age or stage in life. Just like found in matured plants, we can harvest the seeds, replant or trim and new growth appears. My earthy experience tells me every plant needs nurturing soil and a climate in which to flourish. A process takes place. We human beings need to recognize the various stages of our lives, assess the challenges and welcome new opportunities to adjust and grow. The question might be, do we need to have a complete over-haul, push for new insights and reinvent ourselves. We all deserve a second chance to shift gears, catch-up and bloom again. The world is waiting for you. Abby Armstrong www.nourishpublication.com

Photo ŠM Cobb 53

Essential Oils– Vera Enshaw



Blue Tansy. Yummmm. You have only to smell this amazing oil to feel instantly calm and centered. Blue Tansy is steam distilled from the flowering plant, and it is the distillation process that makes the beautiful blue colour. I am drawn to the distinct odour, especially if I am feeling a bit stressed. The blue colour and the rich aroma make it easy to spot in blends….Peace and Calming™, Dream Catcher™, Australian Blue™, Acceptance™, JuvaFlex™, JuvaTone™ and Valor™ all contain Blue Tansy. I am drawn to it like a bee is to honey—and so will you, as soon as you smell it. Blue Tansy is also known as Moroccan Chamomile….but it is not a chamomile. The correct botanical name is tanecetum annuum L. It is a great oil that has many uses. Dilution is a key to getting the best effects—dilute 1 drop oil to 10 drops carrier oil. It is very calming and relaxing, but there’s far more to it than that. The oil is wonderful as a treatment for sinus irritations caused by allergies. Rub a little diluted oil on the sinus area in order to alleviate the irritation. Also seems to work as an anti-histamine for allergy-related issues. Blended with ravensara it is helpful for alleviating respiratory problems such as allergy induced asthma. Blue Tansy’s calming can also be put to good use on aching, sore muscles. It’s an all-around wonderful oil! Put a drop in your bath when you are looking for some downhome nurturing. We all need to step back from time to time and just give ourselves the gift of love, and the deep calming available when using this oil can help to prepare you for whatever is ahead—and that’s after soothing whatever came before! Diffuse it into the room to share all the benefits with your friends, prior to a meditation or workshop or even at work when there is tension. Put this oil into Epsom salts and into a tiny jar so that you can open it up and experience the aroma no matter where you are! I love seeing the effects of these oils on other people. I wear them on my body all the time and people who come near me say, “hey! You smell good! Kind of like….home cooking!” Imagine wearing an oil like blue tansy, coming into the same room as a person with sinuses that are irritated from allergies, and within minutes hear them mention how much better they are feeling. That sort of thing happens regularly when wearing these wonderful oils! For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at lightvera1@gmail.com or go to the YL website: www.youngliving.org

Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils. Vera

Contact Vera at lightvera1@gmail.com



Michelle Hayes



For the last week I was watching a mural go up on a wall across the street from my favorite cafe. First came a leopard and I thought how pretty, but since I had not thought of writing yet I thought nothing of it. I thought the next part of the mural was going to be an owl. However, as I arrived at my favorite cafe again this morning, another leopard greeting me lying lazily on a tree branch on the mural. This new arrival got my attention because today I was ready to write the power animal article. So with the arrival of another beautiful leopard and two roars of greetings the leopard’s message to us this month is:

“Stand in your power!!! Stand in the full splendor and beauty of who you are like we do. You are stronger than you know or believe. Now is not the time to be the shrinking violet that does not have or feel the power of who you are. Now is the time to leap forward and seize the day and your dreams!! CARPE DIEM!!! The glory of your strength and power moves worlds!!! If you only knew your own strength and power you would know the world in a much different way. So seize your strength, power, beauty and dreams and run with them free like the wind. Know these things are yours, now and always and find your power in them. “ Yours in the magnificence of your being The leopard

Contact Michelle bloghttp://whitestareagle.wordpress.com or email me at empathlove2003@yahoo.ca. I look forward to hearing from you!



Relax Enjoy a slower pace

Wish upon a star




Spending time alone in quiet thought will clear your mind.

Enjoy Life Without guilt

Have Faith

Everything is going to be ok

Laugh Clear out the worries and cares www.nourishpublication.com


Michelle Hayes

Hello Blessed Ones; The beautiful sun of summer has found you. It brightens your day and warms your soul. We hope that with its coming your spirit and heart warms and frolics in the warmth of it and your beauty. Yes, beloved ones your beauty, your exquisiteness of who you are. Let nothing diminish its splendor for it shines as bright as the sun itself. Let it burn across the skies of infinity forever, leaving its mark on all of creation. Do you know that you are amazing in your glory. Do you know the angels sing to the glory of the light you are. The very heart of the infinite is blessed by you now and always. Feeling the vibration of what we are conveying for its vibration of love emanates from the very core of you, every atom and beyond. Your blessed beauty is beyond measure of time and space. Know this and be blessed dear ones. With infinite love and beyond The Angels

Š nik962 - Fotolia.com


Contact Michelle bloghttp://whitestareagle.wordpress.com or email me at empathlove2003@yahoo.ca. I look forward to hearing from you!


Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen



Message from the Angels

July 2014 It appears that the walls are tumbling down. The bigger the walls that you created to surround yourself with, the harder, louder and faster they are going to fall. Oh, you have been building walls for years, another hurt – another brick, act this way – another brick, do this, do that – more bricks. The bricks you kept stacking one on top of the other, often threatening to fall in all around you, yet by the grace of magic stood… until now. The weight of them is too much to bear, the bottom layer is crumbling, returning to the earth. The truth needs to come forth, no longer can you take solace behind your wall and pretend to be less than who you are. No, the time is now, to stand on your own head and see the world you have created. Stand on your own feet and see the world you created. Lay on your side for a while, then switch sides and have a look at the view from there. What do you see? Hmm dearest? What do you see? Our hope and wish is that you see a life that is beautiful. One that you can be proud of. One that you can honestly look at and go “wow-wee look at how grand my life is!” “look at all that I have achieved”. For you have. No matter how dark www.nourishpublication.com

some moments have felt, no matter if you feel like things are spinning out of control right now, know that you have created something beyond compare. No one else in this entire universe has what you have. You have been the master planner in your life all these years and have achieved more than even you thought possible. Yet we knew, oh we knew, you were destined for the great adventures that would lead to marvelous achievements and profound success! WE had no doubt that you were one of a kind, a treasure that we feel honored to walk beside and provide assistance, comfort, love and guidance too. We see your heart, the way it opens up to everyone and we glow with pride each time… do you? Do you see your heart, how big and beautiful it is? We see your strength, when you just don’t think you can go another day… and yet you do, somehow you find the reserve and soldier on. Do you see your strength? You can (and often do) move mountains. We see your compassion, not your pity, your compassion, extending a helping hand to those less fortunate than you. Do you see the difference you make? We see your beauty, skin deep, a river runs through it, sexier than sin, 62

every dimple, rumple, wrinkle and droop – we see your beauty. You do know you are beautiful, right? We know who you are, every inch, every smile, every tear, every action you have put into play, every emotion you have ever felt, and we love you. We admire you, and the time has come for you to embrace this wonderful being we know as you. So let the walls tumble down. About time we say!! Don’t stand there trying to clean it up or waste your time trying to figure out where you went wrong. Like all things in your life that you have not understood when they were happening – one day it will make sense, for now just accept that it is happening. Take a good look at the new view you are gaining. Smell the fresh air that is rushing towards you. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done and climb as fast as your legs will carry you over the rubble and onto the green grass that awaits you. Do not despair, for you have this covered every which way to Sunday… and we’ve got your back! Carry on dear one, go forth, keep conquering the crazy moments and enjoy the rest! Faithfully yours through thick and thin Your angels www.nourishpublication.com

Photo ©Marlene Cobb


Photo ŠPhil Nielsen

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