June 2015 issue 47

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Photo: ŠP Nielsen


Issue 47 June 2015 www.nourishpublication.com



Musings from the Editor Here we are welcoming June with all its splendor. Dads, grads, and summer solstice will fill our month with JOY! This year has been chock-o-block full and we have not yet marked half way through this trip around the sun! On so many levels it is like the universe is saying “out with the old and in with the new!” Many beings are being called back to their essential “I am.” Mother Earth has been calling in Mother Nature and together they have been creating a whole new wardrobe for her to wear. The earth has been shifting, erupting, flooding and burning, all changing the landscape she wears. Change continues to be the theme and many here on earth are shouting “enough already!” If you are one of the many, you are probably contemplating a TIME OUT! Vacations filled with fun are being dreamed about and planned. Our thoughts, rightfully, turn from the daily chaos to new hiking trails to explore, lakes to dip our toes into, sun drenched patios on which to sit and enjoy a frosty beverage, fireworks being displayed against the night sky, and lazy days spent languishing out in our yards. Yet through our desire to escape we need to remember to not drop the ball on important plans concerning our life evolution that will continue to unfurl over the summer. Burying our toes in the sand is ideal this time of year but we should never bury our heads. Take a few days here and there, a few hours each day to renew, revive, heal and imagine. Our imaginations warm and blossom with the arrival of summer. Freedom seems to arrive with the summer breezes and our demeanor seems to brighten along with the sun. Enjoy the splendor of summer, starting now. Taste the freshness being offered at every opportunity.







One Life Goddess Antivirus for the Soul Why Didn't I get this Sooner Connection to the Land Why I Do Emotional Clearing Creativity & Magic in the Day to Day Soul Gardening Heart Healing Ledum Essential Oil Adventures of A Group Sound Session June Messages from Spirit Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - June 2015 June 2015 Horoscopes Crystal Reading for June Lunar Cycles for June Rune Casting For June Power Animal - Horse 48 Angel Message for June 2015 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 38 40 42 44 46

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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada www.nourishpublication.com All content Š2011 - 2015 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to nourishpublication@gmail.com


Marlene Cobb

Photo: Šnatalyfoto 6


A recent life event has me feeling vulnerable, torn open and exposed.

To have no regrets seems a tall order, for in life we will stumble, fall, take wrong turns and wonder why the hell we did what we did. We all make choices that, in the moment, seem perfectly valid and acceptable. Time might turn those choices into regrets, however it is up to us to realize that during the exact moment of their conception, they were valid. The trick to not having regrets is to make peace with them as soon as they arise.

When you are 10 years old you think 30 is ancient. Over time, as one ages, the number that appears ancient changes, and I discovered that at 52, 72 was too young and far too early for a person to leave behind their wife, daughter, sons, and grandchildren. Yet Dad and God had different plans, and so that is exactly what Dad did. Peacefully, in his sleep, no goodbyes lingering over a weakened worn out body, or on fragile lips as he breathed his last breath. No prior warning that his time was soon to end.

We could debate, that with death, our regrets die as well, so why deal with them? To a degree I believe this, yet I feel that we carry them with us. While we might have clarity once we reach the other side, here on earth, during our human time, they rob us day after day, year after year of fully living life in each moment.

My relationship with my dad was close. He was the one I shared my life with, and even though he didn’t always support my decisions or choices, he was still a safe haven I could share with. Sunday was our chat day, as I write this two Sundays have gone by and with each I found myself wanting to dial up dad and say “hello! Do you have the right ear?” (Our little amusement since he received his pacemaker last year.) Then once the phone was on the “right” ear, I would carry on and share with him how the most influential person in my life was gone. He would listen, and eventually turn the subject to something that would make us laugh. Dad was not big on emotions, he had them, understood them, just didn’t dwell on them. Anger and laughter were probably his biggest releases of emotion during his whole life. I am not sure if I ever saw him cry, a tear might form in his eye for me to witness but that was the extent.

Part of having peace revolves around our choices. The top three regrets of dying people are; I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself – I wish I didn’t work so hard – I wish I was brave enough to express my feelings. As you can see each of these regrets can be changed by us. It might be hard to do the work of shifting them, but at the end of the day it will make a difference.

Part of knowing peace is to use our words. Ask questions when we don’t understand something. Seek forgiveness if we hurt someone. Seek answers if someone is hurting us, find out what we have done to them, and get clarity so that we can heal. Far too often, it seems to me that those hurt or upset, talk to all and sundry about the person who done them wrong and never to the person. It becomes a matter of “being right” at the cost of never healing the issue and remaining the victim.

I know in my heart, and my mind grasps it as well, that he is in a far better place, and he is free. With time, the sense of loss, the ache I feel, and the tears that silently slip down my cheeks will ease. Yet the void in my life that is left by his passing, will forever remind me of how much I love him. Dad’s presence has not left me, it is like he is not here, but walking beside me at the same time. The signs he has given to me and to my daughter since his passing are proof that our loved ones don’t really leave us, they truly are just a thought away.

Perhaps the best way to have peace, is to know that everything is happening to YOU. It is being processed by you and your mind. It is not happening to anyone else in the exact way it is to you. This then means that we need to heal ourselves or that aspect of ourselves that is not being true, is working too hard, is lacking courage, is frustrated, irritated or hurt. At the end of the day all our experiences come from us.

During a hike with my daughter, son in law and husband, Dad came to me. His voice ringing clear and true in my ear “Live each moment to the fullest, Marlene. Get out and do stuff, explore and don’t let fear stop you. If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space!”

Living life fully means to experience all the emotions a human can have. It means not holding onto the experiences that cause pain until you draw your last breath. It is about weighing the pros and cons, then determining if you can cast your fear aside and jump in with both feet. What is right for you, might not be right for others, but the life you are living is yours. Make it yours now, don’t hold back, for this leads to regrets far more life scarring than having lived the moment and facing any regrets that arise later.

I had been home a week, when a message popped up on Facebook, “one life, no regrets.” I knew dad was sending it to me. Supporting me, and letting me know that missing him was ok, but I had to live life as best I could, even during this time of loss. You see the day of our death only comes once. We will not celebrate this day ever. Others left behind will mark this occasion. First with shock and sadness, then as time passes it will become another day on the calendar. A glass will be raised to honor you, by those left behind. Memories of the time spent together will surface and the gifts of self you bestowed upon the one raising the glass will be acknowledged, and cherished.

That is the legacy, and perhaps the challenge, dad has gifted me with. Far richer than any material item he could leave me. Instead he shares the wisdom to live my life to the fullest, and in doing so, reduce the risk of regret. On the edge Marlene, on the edge!

All the other days of our life are ours to celebrate, cherish, and make the best of. Each marks the passing of our human time. We should honor each and every one of them by making it the best we possibly can. Make wonderful memories, not only for ourselves in later years, but for those whose will be left after we pass. Leave a mark that will be acknowledged, honored, and cherished. Not for the sake of one upping anyone, but for the sake of having lived life so completely you leave behind a legacy. A happy legacy. One that is rich enough and filled with enough laughter, that those grieving your passing, will have the memories to draw upon when a rough day hits them. A legacy of love, so that they may have a sense of peace wash over them for a moment, to ease their sorrow.

Connect with Marlene at www.merrlina.com facebook



Beach, picnic, popsicles, flip flops, shorts, sun, hot, fun, water guns, pools, fireworks, berries, watermelon, bar-b-que, concerts, parks, hiking, camping, outdoors, mosquitoes, flowers, sprinklers, sand, surf


Photo: Š danielati 8




Dear the goddess within you,

I know that there might be some days that you don't feel like a goddess. Perhaps you're tired and the weight of life is teetering unevenly on your shoulders. Life can place layers upon you telling who you should be and what goddesses should look like. But you are uniquely your own goddess shining a light on the world that no one else can. As you break away all the layers that the world has been piling on you since the day you were born a light begins to shine through. You are the source of life and as the walls begin to fall the goddess within you comes alive. You are beautiful, you are you and you are indeed a goddess. Sincerely, My inner goddess

Photo: Š Jessica Barratt

Connect with Bianka at b-nash@hotmail.com 10




Gwen Randall-Young



A while back I had the unfortunate experience of having a virus invade my computer. I had become a bit complacent about upgrading my antivirus program, and what happened next was frightening. The virus proceeded to send itself out to everyone on my mailing list. Fortunately, most of my contacts were more conscientious about virus protection than I, and were unaffected. However, an interesting new metaphor had made its way into my consciousness. Consider the way in which our personal programming is affected as we go through life. We are born into this world pure, innocent and trusting. As our lives unfold, things happen which may cause us to ‘quarantine’ some of our feelings. If those closest to us were untrustable, we may have an issue with trust, and may not be able to access that part of our program. If we were unloved, or loved only conditionally, we may not be able to access that part of our wisdom which allows us to love and honor ourselves. If our worth and capability was never reflected back to us, we may have a hard time believing in ourselves. These are all ways in which we lose access to our inner resources. The more insidious aspect of ‘faulty programming’ occurs when we take that negativity, insecurity, lack of trust, for example, and project responsibility for those onto others, and especially those in our primary relationships. This is the way in which an unconscious part of self sends the ‘virus’ out to others in our lives. It took me a couple of days to get my computer sorted out, cleaned up, and ready to use again. With humans, if our system is ‘infected’ with a psychological ‘virus’, we may never use it (our body/mind/soul) for its intended purpose. Instead, we may spend a lifetime struggling one way or another with people, situations and relationships, trying to get our lives in order, and to find our true path. The number of self-help books alone reflects our preoccupation with ‘fixing’ our lives. Life will never be all bliss, joy and com13

fort. There will be joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, beginnings and endings, birth and death. The ‘darker’ sides of life are not ‘bad’ or ‘unnecessary’ – they are real and unavoidable. These are not the ‘viruses’ in our programming. The ‘viruses’ are things like judgement, criticism, or blame of self or others, a need to control, being codependent, and a lack of trust or belief in oneself. The antivirus programs are compassion, love, understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, and tolerance of self and others. ‘Psychological viruses’ can only affect the ego, not the soul. Indeed, ego viruses can and do block access to soul. Soul is connected to a larger network (all that is), and being conscious enables ‘live updates’. We may have to ‘shut down’ ego programs in order to run soul’s ‘rescue disk’. Once the system is corrected, of course, it is advisable to run ‘virusscans’ often, and to keep your ‘antivirus’ programs updated. Running such ‘virus scans’ requires a deep commitment to self-honesty – a willingness to genuinely confront our own need to judge, to criticize, or to make others responsible for our happiness. Updating our ‘antivirus’ programs means opening ourselves to grow in wisdom, being centered and grounded, and, like a plant reaching for the sun, to lean towards, and into increasingly deeper levels of integrity in both our inner and outer lives. When we do this, there is no need to search for the path, for we are on it.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to www.gwen.ca


Photo: Š Fisher Photostudio 14


At the end of any life experience or lesson we invariably ask ourselves ‘why didn’t I do or get this sooner?’ Isn’t it easy to think that we could have done something better, faster, or more easily after we get through it? Because once we ‘get’ a lesson or arrive at a new level of understanding, we forget where we started and can’t figure out why it took us so long to get to the end. Time condenses to that point of understanding and everything that precedes it looks like a huge waste of time. Then we judge and criticize ourselves for having been so dense because at that moment, it all looks so easy and clear. We can’t figure out why we couldn’t arrive at that understanding sooner but it was all part of the process.

group of ingredients in a pan, in a random order, stick it in the oven for a random amount of time and call it cake. It probably wouldn’t look or taste like a cake because there is a process to baking a cake that must be followed, starting with the right ingredients, put together with the right order and timing, and baked for a specified amount of time. And there is a process to life’s lessons that must be followed too, that we unconsciously follow so we can have our cake, so to speak, and then enjoy eating it. But by the time we get to the end of the process, we forget where we started and think that it was all a bad use of our time. It wasn’t and every element of every experience plays an important role in our learning, healing, growth, and transformation. Then we can evolve into a new level of awareness because the ‘old’ one no longer suits us. And then we can have our cake and eat it too, and it will be one that we enjoy from start to finish.

When I work with coaching clients I encourage them to listen to their first session recording occasionally, so they are reminded of where they began and how much progress they have made. It helps them maintain a perspective on their transformation process. Every part of any journey follows the right and best path, each step is important, and all of the steps together help us arrive at a new point of awareness. The journey could not have been shorter or less dramatic or painful, and we did what we needed to do so we could get to where we needed to be.

But it is a process, which follows certain terms and conditions, involves detailed timing, and takes as much time as it needs or rather, as much time as we need it to. And when we view the outcome as a new beginning, a fresh page on which we can write the story of our choosing, we will be less inclined to start the first paragraph with how we were too slow, dense, unaware, or uncoordinated to arrive at that point faster.

There are three parts to any life experience or lesson, process, time, and timing. Process is how elements must fit together, in the right and best order, so that we achieve the learning, healing, growth, and transformation we need and want. Time is the physical boundary we put on the process, the way we filter and drag energy through our beliefs and emotions so we can make sense of everything and align it with our own understanding, and timing represents the flow of energy in an experiential order, so situations and events are ordered according to our needs and growth. Things really do fall into place, like dominoes, but in the order that we determine by what we need to learn.

What do you think you could have done faster or better or more easily in your life experiences or lessons? Can you identify any of the steps you took as unnecessary in your learning process? Make note of them and intend to avoid them the next time by being aware of their potential and creating a higher outcome. Don’t judge or criticize yourself for what you did or didn’t do. Instead, make note of what you want to avoid so when that situation comes around again, you are prepared to make a different choice that will allow you to make a beautiful cake, and eat it too.

We cannot move through any experience or lesson without these three elements and we can’t make them move faster (or more slowly) either, although we would like to. Process, time, and timing work together, like baking a cake. It would be easy to dump a random

Copyright (c) 2015 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com 15


Abby Armstrong


A graceful force, co-creation invisible Across the land, pure perfection sweeps. Wind slides, lifts and moseys unseen. Spores, seeds, bees, beetles and butterflies Assembling, mating and pollinating. In all spaces, fields, mountains and places Scattered, spattered, afloat, Micro-organisms astray, at play. Innocent labourers in every molecule, raindrop and mist Preparing to explode, morph and bloom. Moment by moment, beat by beat, A scent, a murmur, a tweet, a call. Spring inviting new life, all multiplying and populating. Beyond the swallow, bluebird and eagle Above, below, inebriated and vibrating. Natures’ own divine concoction sweeping the universe A magical, mysterious dance begins, Our spring has sprung. Photo: Š mcobb 16




Nada Rose



places within us would likely falter. Emotional Clearing practices, when implemented each day (or as frequently or infrequently as a person desires), activates a process that works with all those inner characters and behaviours that emerge so spectacularly and intrusively when we are in crisis whether large or small. In the practice, itself, those difficulties that beset us are acknowledged, observed/witnessed and allowed to come into their fullest bloom; BUT, within the context of a safe and sacred environment where one doesn’t ‘act out’ but rather allows the sensations of those intense emotional (energy) pathways to unwind, reconfigure and release their suppressed content in a self-healing manner so that no one is hurt and so that we do not become re-enmeshed in their wily ways. Generally speaking, strong emotions often carry a backlog of other times and places where intense experiences have not been reconciled so that healing might follow. Doing this work steps into all those nooks and crannies where old emotional baggage resides so that the housekeeping needed, does indeed, proceed.

What is Emotional Clearing? It is a sublime method for unwinding the complicated emotional or feeling patterns that we carry within our psyche. These might be viewed as huge, overflowing suitcases that are trundling along behind us that overtake our equanimity with a sudden burst of momentum by careening through our sense of self and sometimes barreling into other, sometimes, innocent by-standers in the most inopportune situations. You know what I mean.

What am I noticing about me? Discerning that we occasionally run off-kilter and inflict what we’re feeling on another person who then reacts according to their own particular emotional content is a convincing clue that something is awry when he/she acts out too, through anger or sarcasm, by withdrawing emotionally or by simply disappearing. However, when we come to understand or ‘get’ and ‘see’ that how we behave in our exchanges with others when we are forcing into another’s awareness our rages, our pride or arrogance, our hurt feelings or other woundings, may actually point to our own dis-ease, subsequently initiates the possibility for a fresh and nobler journey to commence. We have seen our stuck inner places and arrive at a place where emotional clearing can truly be evoked and embraced. Moreover, included in this deep emotional well of archived feeling exists how we treat ourselves too, because how we treat others is a symptom of how we are within ourselves. Consider those selfnegating thoughts operating in the background of our days that occasionally run rampant through our mind and body creating a cycle of sadness, depression or low self-worth. Know that all of this contentious material when engaged within a healing space (either on our own or with a practitioner) eventually transforms into nourishment for the self and into peace for and with others.

Conclusion Respect all emotions and feelings; even body sensation, for they are but the messengers coming from the deep within. These are meant to be acknowledged so that we might hear their song, even if it’s a discordant refrain. Ultimately, even those inner missives can be healed through channels such as Emotional Clearing practices that actually do transform and heal our wounds.

What to do?

Connect with Nada Rose

Nada Rose www.goldensummersun.com 778-800-9640

The awareness that something is amiss begins the journey into emotional clearing for without that understanding, progress towards healing those difficult deep 19


Debra Rae

Photo: Š alpha spirit 20


We live in a magical time, where we have the freedom to create at will and to transmute and live with our beliefs around many other people who do not share in those beliefs without persecution.

Clear Quartz can be considered an all around multi purpose crystal, you can not go wrong with them in your kitchen If you wish to cook with additional love add a rose quartz to your environment.

To be who we wish to be on so many levels is a joy that for many of us is under appreciated because it now falls into the realm of being our new ‘normal’. I think it is fabulous to enter into a state of constant Grace and to be thank full for every little thing that makes us “us” and makes our lives so full of joy.

Citrine will add in a creative energy…play around with the crystals you have and see how they feel….have fun

Foods that are magical

Our day to day can be as easy or as hard as we want it to be as I believe we can most of the time facilitate how it flows and our responses.

There are too many for me to mention in this article so for those interested in more information I would suggest “The Magic in Food” by Scott Cunningham.

I have just browsed through Denise Linn’s new book called “Mystic Cookbook” and it brought a smile to my face as it re-connected me to the ‘magic’ I have used over the years to my food and cooking.

Papaya Planet – Moon Element- Water Energy – Love Want to bring more love into your life or home then eat and drink more papaya and give it to those whose affections you seek!

Magical tools and foods 101 1. A positive attitude and active imagination 2. A pendulum 3. Crystals

Asparagus Planet – Mars Element- Fire Energy – Sex Yes this is the vegetable that encourages our libido’s ladies...want to increase your sex drive? then eat as much asparagus as you want – if you don’t keep it away from your kitchen.

Going into a meal prep and visualizing the meal coming together with ease and it tasting amazing is a great place to start. If you infuse the cooking process with lightness and joy and even laughter and a good glass of vino and great music playing you food will come out tasting like ambrosia!


Using a pendulum to ask about food choices if you have any sensitivities or are unsure of combinations is really easy to do. I have a small heavy inverted jasper triangle pendulum that I use as I can place it in water and keep it clean easily.

Planet – Jupiter Element – Fire Energy – Love/Money/Protection A under used spice and one that can be use for more than just studding a ham. Use sparingly in your dishes, grounding them and adding them into stews and soups plus great with an apple slice and hot chocolate pudding.

If you are new to pendulums there are a few easy steps to remember 1.


When you first check them out buy one that feels right for you, put it in your hand and carry it around and ‘feel’ it and you connection. I prefer the ones on smaller chains but that is personal.

Enjoy your kitchen and your food...embrace the great qualities in the foods that are available to us in markets and home gardens...step out of your box...put on that music and drink your wine and think magic.

To start using your pendulum, you need to determine what you pendulums yes and no and neutral are. Normally a yes is a clockwise circle and a no anti-clockwise circle and neutral is a swing side to side or it will not move at all. You can also practice telling your pendulum that a yes is, what ever you have decided it will be and so on. Remember when using a pendulum to keep your mind at neutral as you will influence its outcome otherwise.

Namaste Debra Rae

Placing crystals around your kitchen to provide inspiration or to cleanse the energy of foods is also something that people of many cultures have practiced doing for generations. Connect with Debra Rae www.debraraespiritconnections.com 21


“The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one by one. But it will only grow in the mud. In order to grow and gain wisdom, first you must have the mud — the obstacles of life and its suffering. … The mud speaks of the common ground that humans share, no matter what our stations in life. … Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we are all faced with the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we are to strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow as a lotus and open each petal one by one. ” ― Goldie Hawn

Photo: ©P Nielsen 22




And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles. Frances Hodgson Burnett

Photo: Š pnielsen Photo: Š SRobinson 24


Soul gardening With Suzanne Robinson We have some workshops over summer at our Yewstone herbery starting ; 13 June 2015 , Herbs. Identification of different types of herbs for different purposes. We will work with a few herbs to understand about them , their way of working with us, how they like to be planted and harvested. How to use them in an harmonious way that respects all.

20 June 2015, Harvesting and making herbal teas, etc.

27 June 2015, Gifts with herbs like tussie mussie’s, rose petal spritz

Cost $10.00

If you are interested please contact Suzanne for more details.

Phone 604 607 7790 Email Suzanne777@shaw.ca



Robert & Jennifer



I have read with eager anticipation all the new articles that come from very knowing and talented souls.... much love to you for putting it all together.

really did accomplish, she cried for 10 minutes asking for forgiveness for putting such a strain on her own heart. We did a lot of Ho’oponopono, forgiving all the people she was presented with, the doctors who were negative towards her, but more importantly, herself. Knowing the why of emotional pain isn’t always the fix, you need to release it as well, and you need to release it with full understanding. After much pulling of emotion, we replaced the void with pure Christ energy, and I could physically feel her heart being repaired, being empathic I cried too.

This month is about the heart and its chakra. There are so many ways and means to this powerful center. It has been written and sung about for hundreds of years. We engaged a student who had painful heart arrhythmia, along with angina and unchecked blood pressure issues. Her doctor was having a difficult time taming her symptoms, and I believe it was over a 2 year period. When we first spoke, I picked up in her voice (which was high and stressed) the distress this was causing to her being, her speech was flighty, and when I saw her, she wore her pain on her face and the nails of her hands, which were spotted and chewed.

We still felt some unresolved blockage at her heart, so we went back farther in that lifetime to see the kerfuffle. At some time in her childhood, she had fallen in love with a neighbour boy. They were inseparable. One day while running and playing, he collapsed. Not knowing what to do, she clung to him until he opened his eyes, there was nothing there, and his spark for life and her were gone. After asking at great length, we found out he had, had a heart attack. In a small town in Europe, during the 1800’s, with no doctor to call upon, he dies in her arms.

During the first part of our session, we tuned into her energy, and did some meditative, calming protocols, in which I used the earth frequency, to ground her. We have found that some bodies are so ungrounded, that the thoughts and emotions supercharge the nervous system, and cause havoc. A good way to ground is a copper laced mattress, or mat, that is connected to a metal stake in the ground, used for sleeping or when you can’t get outside. When I felt the energy start to unify, I used Jen as a grounder, and pushed the stored energy out. Now having done this, doesn’t mean the emotional stress has left, rather it means we have removed the excess residual, and effects of not grounding properly. Our student was now open to receive.

She vowed never to fall in love again, and not knowing this, it planted a seed for her next life where she tried to repair the heart, which she eventually did through her work, but she never loved again. Again, we went back to the lifetime where she did fall in love, once there, we engrained in her all the wonderful emotions that go along with love. From that point on, we continued to find her romance and true love, and have her experience it in her heart, and forgive the boy who died, who had caused her to shut down her heart, and fill it with such hurt, anger and dark emotion, so that it would spark something in her later.

Using Dolores Canon’s technique, we went searching for some root causes of her heart issues. In a lot of cases, heart troubles are just that, love or abuse issues, but as she was in her 30’s, per her doctor, she was too young to be having these issues. We tracked back to a life when she was a doctor in Europe, mid 1800’s, and she was experimenting with methods for repairing the heart.

When a soul gives up a life for another, to provide a purpose, it is the greatest gift that can be given. I have been chastised for saying this, but it’s now coming to light, all that we’ve done as healers,...story after story...you see,, when you really dig deep into an emotional trauma that causes physical pain, or mental distress, the underlying cause, and healing of it, is...always...love. ANY energy, doesn’t matter what it is, all started and came from love energy...it’s all transmutable...When you can insert love into any dilemma, any painful moment, any closed chakra, any human condition, it is and can be healed. As for my student, she is doing well, she is off of all medications, and last i heard, she was engaged to a technician that assists with heart transplants....

At one point in her career, she was given the untimely task of figuring out how to replace and or repair a heart. Imagine, she was asked to perform these methods 100’s of years before Doctors started to attempt them in our timeframe, and her tools were not up to par. This issue in that timeframe, was she was given orphans and homeless to practice on, and with that came the inherent weaknesses of their bodies and such. She struggled until she died, never really developing anything to save a person with heart issues. Once the whole life mission was obtained, we went back to the moment of her death, and showed her all the research she had done, and how it created a baseline for others to follow, however, she held in her own heart, the pain, the loss, and the anguish of not helping those that were sent to her, no matter their condition.

love and light to you. Robert

Robert & Jennifer

While showing her afterlife, she was able to see all who would later benefit from her work, and upon fully realizing what her mission

Connect with Robert celticthunder51@gmail.com 27


Essential Oils

(Ledum Groenlandicum or Labrador Tea) Photo: Š Andrey Mirzoyants 28


I open the bottle of ledum essential oil and inhale a soft scent that makes me think of comfort in nature. Did you ever, as a child, sit down on a warm, mossy spot, filtered sunlight warming the air and the ground? The silence-that-is-not-silence of the wild outdoors. A smell that you couldn’t begin to define but that made you feel safe, secure, loved…that’s ledum. Ledum can help to boost your immune system, especially after a bout with cold or flu. It is helpful in balancing the liver and gall bladder. It soothes and calms one – so much so that a tea made from the leaves can make one drowsy! How can you use the essential oil? First and foremost I would inhale it straight from the bottle! Since I can’t carry the bottle with me all of the time, I put a drop on a cotton ball to be carried with me during the day. I can rub it between my fingers or lift it to my nose for a quick refresher. Ledum can be used directly on the skin, which is helpful if one is working trigger or reflexology points. I would dilute one drop in a teaspoon of carrier oil to rub over my liver or kidneys – a little bit goes a long way. If you are working with a client who is unable to let go of dissatisfaction or obsession, work a drop into the small hollow just under the shoulder blades on either side of the back. Use your thumbs for this.

Prior to giving a Reiki or other energy healing treatment, rub a drop on the palm of your hands. The energy will travel through the oil, transmitting safety and security to your client. In meditation, ledum provides that sense of safety needed for fartravelling. Rub it onto the hands and then on your scalp. Follow it with frankincense or Idaho balsam fir for ease in accessing your guides or points of information in your past lives. When giving a workshop, put a drop of oil between your palms. As people come into your space, take both of their hands in yours, sharing the ledum. Shared this way they will feel safe and comfortable throughout the session. Native Americans made tea from the leaves, both as a hot beverage and as a treatment for colds and sore throats. If you would like to try making tea from the oil, dip a toothpick in the bottle and then swirl it in a cup of hot water. Remember that the oil is very concentrated – a little bit goes a long way!

Photo: © youngliving™

Enjoy exploring this essential oil, and please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils. For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at lightvera1@gmail.com or go to the website: www.youngliving.org


Contact Vera at lightvera1@gmail.com



Michelle Hayes

Photo: Š ankdesign 30


Last week I went to a group sound session with the IQube technology from Quantum Sound Therapy. First Bill and Ann explained their journey and how the technology changed their lives as many new people were at the session. Then a group sound sample was taken. The interesting thing about a group sound session is, like the personal tones, the group tones are personally tailored to the specific group present. After recording the tones, it was suggested, that if during play back through the technology, any pain, discomfort, or uncomfortable thoughts came up to just say “let it go.” Pain during a session can show up due to releasing what no longer serves us. Every group session and how people react to them is different and can’t be predicted beforehand. Ann asked us to choose something we wanted to release into love and let the technology help to release those things. So with that in mind our group tones were plugged into and played through the technology. For me personally there was a lot of pain in my body during this sound session. I rolled with it, moving as needed into different positions, and repeating to myself over and over “let it go.” There was no stress, just acceptance and in that acceptance love. By the end of the session my body had released the pain and gotten comfortable. The song played to close the session always makes me feel loved. All is good. I love doing group sound sessions, the experience is always different. Many times I am filled with love and awe for all present, all of humanity and the earth. This is what it is all about love and only love. Raising our awareness to know love is all we are!!! With Unfathomable Love Michelle Hayes

Thank you Bill Little and Ann Sahadath for holding the space and doing the session. Check them out at www.clearlyconscious.ca

Contact Michelle bloghttp://whitestareagle.wordpress.com or email me at empathlove2003@yahoo.ca. I look forward to hearing from you! 31




This month’s messages drawn from “The Spirit Messages” deck by John Holland





Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day 1 Put as much JOY into your work – as you do your play Back it up …get an extra copy

7 Voc from 7:30 am Look before you leap

Time to step up and deal with old boundary or Fear related issues 21 Short Voc 9am to 10am Sun moves to Cancer Repeat the work you completed on the 14th 28 Short Voc 6:50pm to 8:21pm Could be a bit of a rough day energetically – find a beach and take it easy … don’t forget the sunscreen

Head down – one foot in front of the other

9 Voc at 11:00am

Watch that inside voice … think before you speak

Take no action today – unless absolutely necessary … proceed with caution

15 Great day to pay it forward, don’t forget to put food vouchers in the car – or grab and extra sandwich and apple 22 Another day to keep your inside voice … inside or unexpected surprises may result

29 Bounce Back

Wednesday Mercury-Day 3 No Exact Aspects

Complex day …


Don’t give more than you can truly afford

14 Voc until 11:00 am Saturn moves back into Scorpio

Tuesday Mars-day 2 Full Moon

16 Voc at 7:05am to 3:51pm New Moon No impulsive outbursts

23 Short Voc 10:15 to 10:45 Get passionate not angry If meditation is difficult today – just relax and listen to music 30

Don’t let your day run Amuck … Center often

10 Excellent meditation day

Good day to give that speech, book or poem

Thursday Jupiter-Day 4 Take short meditation breaks. Tackle the deeper issues head ON

11 Voc at 4:43pm Mercury is Stationary (Standing still) Your words may be more powerful than you think

Friday Venus-Day 5 VOC 3:54am to 10:02pm

Saturday Saturn-day 6 Talk it out

No impulse purchases Venus moves to Leo 12

13 Late Voc 3:06pm

Neptune is Stationary (Standing Still) Meditation a must today

Watch that you do not unconsciously overindulge Don’t reach for the Bon Bons





Light – short meditation breaks over the entire day. Don’t go too deep but allow for mindFULLness

Hunker down and get that work done – the weekend is on its way

Best Day – Let someone know how beautiful they really are.

24 Mars moves to Cancer

25 Late Voc from 4:22pm

Excellent day to journal. Mercury is starting to pick up speed. Don’t get caught without your back-up 26

Running at full speed in knee deep water can be exhausting … take it slow

Expect the unexpected

Nice day to go for a walk in your local park … enJoy

Excellent Meditation day 27 Meditation is a must What do you need to transform … go deep

Don’t say it out loud today …. Wait for a couple of days mull it over first

VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time



Planetary ‘Action’ at a Glance Month of June

Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for Planet to watch out for this month … The long Mer- the Month – 5, 12, 28… Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! cury Retrograde started on May 18th and lasts to June 11th, but don’t let this fool you … it will take Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It time for him to retrace his steps. The Mercury shad- is important for you to connect to and work with ow will last until June 27th. The shadow can some- your Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions times prove to be more dramatic so don’t let up on of action. Mars is still chit chatting away in Gemini, your computer due-diligence. continue to utilize this potential in the physical appliDouble Whammy Days for the Month – 2, 3, 8, most cation of gathering and organize your library, or othth challenging day ‘28’… take care – with short medita- er intellectual types of material. On the 24 Mars moves to cancer …. Pace yourself you may feel like tive breaks throughout the day – remember to you are running in knee deep water … breathe. Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the Month –10, 20… Experiment with different types of meditation, breathing - moving (chi gong) or walking - silent or music/talking.

Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 2, 9, 16, 23 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT

Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from old fashioned verbal & written – to communication that travels on air waves. Mercury continues to move through Gemini – this is a very comfortable position for him. The first part of the month Mercury continues moving retrograde but on the 11th he is stationary (standing still) then turns direct and works through the shadow period until 27th. After the 27th projects that you have been re-working will move forward (at lightning speed).

Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting themselves in your life. Jupiter continues to move direct through Leo – grab onto opportunities especially if they entail expanding your entourage of ‘admirers.

Mercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 2, 8, 22, 30 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY!

Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 7, 13, 28… Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage of your generosity.

Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitations and possibly fear. Just at the end of 2014 Venus … our planet of Love, Security (which often th shows up as monetary wants) and what we like to (25 ) Saturn moved into Sagittarius, and will travel surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. Saturn in Sagittarius will help you infuse colour, sparkly things) with a very individual flare and expression. Moves from Cancer to Leo around flexibility and passion into what you are manifesting, the 6th of June. I am woman … hear me roar (or your focus on healthy boundaries. Saturn continues his better half), be prepared to acknowledge the beauty long retrograde (inner spiral), he makes it all the way back to 28 degrees Scorpio for a final a hurrah – in your life. don’t let your fears get the best of you. If you have 36


birth the new. Inherently connect the genetic/ collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies. As above So below.

any planets between 28 and 3 degrees focus on creating healthy fearless boundaries. Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 1, 8, 14, 21, 28 …You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!

The Full Moon – June 2nd 11 Sagittarius 49’

The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon –shining light into every dark corner, allowing you to see what needs to happen in order to achieve completion.

Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments in our lives … be a rebel with a cause. Focus this energy on new and innovative ideas that make your life the best it can be!

We have a recipe for pure achievement, gather the information you need – write it out step by step – point your arrow and aim for the truth. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results. To boost your chances of success you may need to dissolve boundaries and let go of the ultimate outcome.

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is connected to the collective. Neptune starts a long retrograde from June 11th through to the middle of November, get ready to dissolve some inner boundaries.

The New Moon – June 16th 25 Gemini 07’ The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon together produce a dark night sky as they blend their energies, creating anticipation toward Photo: ©something dusk - Fotolia.com new.

Pluto … Our planet of transformation, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Pluto continues to push for change to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance). He continues his retrograde (inner spiral) – looking for change … use this opportunity to do some deep soul searching …

Opportunity to step up and meet the challenges that will re-ignite a special intellectual project that has been put on the back burner. Be aware of potential unanticipated control issues, ‘working it through’ could provide sporadic opportunities of growth. Right place … Right Time.

Sun moves into Cancer on the 21st … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Cancer folk out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality. Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then

Email: Tamira@silverdisc.ca for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 37




… Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Expand your approach in order to make new connections, don’t be afraid to move into uncharted water. Open your eyes and heart to the multiplicity of possibilities in your own backyard ... experience cultural diversity.

Aries (March 20-April 19) If you have been holding back i.e. failed to step up or action environmental issues as seen in the past – opportunity may present itself that will encourage you to let others know how you feel. Signs or symbolic messages embedded into your immediate environment could spark an increase of confidence… speak the truth.

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Don’t let yourself get to the point of burnout, investing in your future is an important goal but you may be overdue to stop and smell the roses. Is it time to let your hair down and invest in some fun and frivolity, then you can get back to work whole heartedly.

Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) Is it time to acknowledge that you are (or wish to be) the bread winner? Bring home the Bacon (tofu or otherwise) fry it up in the pan and enjoy. Both you and your family will feel an increased sense of security perpetuating greater success.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Significant long term relationships may be developed this month. Go back to your roots and reconnect with your clan, get to know where you have really come from. Honor those who carved the path for you to travel down then stretch the road a little further.

Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) Your physical body needs your attention. Get out of your head and get back into your vessel (body). Set workable goals that balance your busy mind with your physical life … your relationships will love you for it.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) If you feel you are being weighed down with an overload of work turn it into group Karma Yoga, you don’t have to do it all on your own. Many hands takes the project to a more practical enjoyable level, be the leader you know you are.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) You may feel like you are your own worst enemy … the solution is to build structure into your emotional life. Use this structure in order to connect to that which is greater – whether that is a Be-ing or a philosophy ... it is time to get out of your own way and dare to explore.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) It may be time to schedule a little bit of romance or spontaneous frivolity in your life. Check your boundaries to ensure you have not created an impenetrable wall of protection around yourself.

Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) You may have the midas touch all month long … see the spark of emotions that you create in others then tap into a reciprocal feedback loop. It only takes one inspired (wo)man willing to connect likeminded people together … raise the bar.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) You may be feeling a little emotionally drained, especially if you work from home or have a home based business. Create support by finding your balance point between your day job and your night job.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Your work reputation may seem like it’s on the line. Take this opportunity to build much needed partnerships by rooting yourself deeply (utilize family support). Once you gain confidence you can stretch yourself and get yourself out there. 39


A Crystal Reading for

June 2015 Sun.































Sat. 6






Contact Vera at lightvera1@gmail.com

The earth is heating up, soaking up the heat from the sun. You are invited to be outside as much as possible this month, enjoying the warmth, the breeze, the smell and feeling of summer. Allow the rains that come to cleanse away any dust that has started to cling to you. Listen carefully…your guides and angels speak to you in the cry of a bird, the whisper of water on grass, a small child’s laughter… make use of your tools to hear what your heart longs to know…. Namaste, my friend…you are love – always and all ways….



Week 1: June 1 to 6 – Lepidolite: This week is all about the heart. Are you following yours? Pay close attention to what is coming knocking at the door of your consciousness. It’s not so much about having something to latch onto and follow as it is about not following a path that makes you weep inside. Live your life from your heart. Fear never makes a comfy bed partner. Accept the challenge that is offered to you.

Week 2: June 7 to 13 – Agate: Weaving in and out – intense one minute and laid-back the next. You will be questioning everything this week, and that’s a good thing. Questions require seeking for answers, and they don’t all have to be serious. Be the wisdom you seek. Hit the beach/ grass/river side for some quiet ‘you’ time.

Week 3: June 14 to 20 – Selenite on dog-tooth calcite: A rocky start to the week, lots of little bumps that have you gritting your teeth and wondering ‘what next?!’ It smooths out by Thursday, clarity comes and your vision becomes clearer. See what is on the other side of the door.

Week 4: June 21 to 28 –Rose quartz: This week starts out as smooth as last week was bumpy. You are surrounded by a rosy glow – one of those times when it just plain feels good to be alive! Hug people this week, give freely of the love that is pumping through you. It all returns…

Tag end and Beginning: June 29 to 30 –Mahogany obsidian: This is a time for some deep grounding. Find yourself a patch of real earth to sink your toes into. Hug a tree. We are entering the intensity of summer. Growth is happening, what we have planted is beginning to bear fruit and ripen. Feast. Love. Be.



Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen

Marlene Cobb 42


Full Moon

Renew – Release – Thrive Delving into our sacred space. Personal sacred space is the stillness within you that supports you on all levels. It provides everything you need and does so without judgement, criticism, or force. It will gently and loving guide you through each step and phase of your life. For the most part, we don’t honor this innate gift we have been given, and don’t take time to connect with this sacred space. On this June full moon, known as the strawberry, honey, rose, or strong sun, moon, let us honor the strength and sweetness that we essentially are at our core. It is the perfect time to assess what we need to take charge of, if we feel we have lost some sweetness of life, or that our strength has waned. Full Moons are for releasing, hence anything that is holding us back from experiencing the sweetness we deserve in life can be released on the tides of this moon.

June 2

This month on the date of the full moon, take some time to connect with your inner sacred space. Set aside some time where you can sit in silence, close your eyes and connect with your soul. Ask your angels to help you carve out enough time, so that when you step out of your sacred space, you feel refreshed and renewed.

Ensure you have a comfortable space to sit. Think about this moon and gather items to have around you that mean sweetness and strength to you. Personally, I am going to have a few candles lit to represent my spirit, and some fragrant flowers to entice my senses. If I can find a single rose complete with its thorns, I will include it as well as crystals that represent strength – diamond and pearl – pearls are created from a grain of sand seen as an irritant to the oyster, diamonds are created from heat and pressure – both become beautiful under the most adverse conditions. I might include a cup of tea laced with honey and a few fresh strawberries. My personal angel music will be playing in the background to soothe my soul. Once my space is set I will release the tension from my body, calm my mind and ask to see with clarity the threads of my life that need to be released. I am going to ask to see the thread so I can follow it back to its conception and heal it there. That is what is required to truly release anything. First, we must heal it within ourselves, then we can release it to the tides. No drama, just clarity and gently releasing that which truly no longer serves me so that I may thrive!

new Moon

The June 16th new moon is in the sign of Gemini and offers us a platform for fresh ideas and inspired activity. Gemini is an air sign that is ruled by Mercury the planet that rules communication. I would like us to seize the opportunity and do a brief meditation to welcome “Magical Communications” from our higher self, Angels and guides. I feel this new moon is the perfect time for us to be wide open to new information, Gemini is all about inquisitiveness, curiosity and is able to learn new things quickly. Make this new moon a time to revitalize and energize our minds for the purpose of reaching higher and better levels of communication. Plant the seeds, during the two week period the energy of this moon reigns, in support of communication, information and learning.

Ensure that you have set up your sacred space, include items that mean communication to you and also include an item to represent air. Take some time to relax and prepare yourself ahead of time, this could include a relaxing bath with your favorite scented bubbles, going for a walk, or deep breathing. Once you have released the stress and anxiety of your day, head to your sacred space, get comfortable, and close your eyes. Say out loud “I make a commitment to success as I enter into magical communications. With my mind and heart clear and open I ask for clarity on how I can best hear and communicate with my higher self, angels and guides. I ask to receive fresh ideas for the next steps I need to take.” Take a deep cleansing breath, and slowly start counting backwards from 10 – using each inhale and exhale as one count. When you reach 1, a door will be in front of you, reaching for the handle, say “I open the door to magical communication”, and then opening the door, step through the threshold. Once inside close the door, take a seat on the chaise lounge and silently wait for your higher self to step forward. During the course of your conversation ask as many questions as you like to gain clarity on how to access this magical communication at any time without having to drift into a meditative state. You will know when the session comes to an end. At that point thank your higher self, angels and guides for the wisdom they have bestowed upon you, slowly walk back to the door, and open it to come back to your sacred space. Take your time, stretch, and gently come back to reality feeling refreshed and inspired.

June 16

Jot down any notes necessary so that you will not lose the magical communication you just participated in. During the next two weeks connect often with your higher self, angels and guides to strengthen the bond established. Gemini is the yin yang sign of the zodiac after all, helping us to embrace the duality of our human self and our higher self – which together bring harmony to our souls.



Phil Nielsen

Photo: Š mcobb



For June I drew three runes. The first, or question rune is Othala. The second, or course of action, is Perthro, and the third rune, or what is likely to happen if you follow the advice of the second, is Eihwaz.

would never denigrate a legitimate request from a querent as I believe the stones would show if the subject was valid.

Before you cast runes, always ask them to show you what they will and be open to that. It may not be what you wanted to know, but it will be true.

Othala is the rune of possessions, usually land or inheritance. In this instance, Perthro would represent unexpected gains and surprises, as in an unearned gain of money, possibly in the form of a gift. Eihwaz is a protective rune and a positive sign. In this cast, I believe it indicates a windfall of some type. This may not be immediate but the outcome should be favourable.

Until next month, Sk책l my friends


As with the cast last month, we see how the runes work together to give you your answers if you let them. The more you work with your runes, the more they will show. As long as your quest is true, I don't believe there are trivial questions. Everyone's path is theirs alone and I

Contact Phil at nourishpublication@gmail.com for more information.



Power Animal

Photo: Š michaklootwijk 46


Know great adventures await you as you move into the power within you

When I asked what the power animal of the month is horse showed up. So as the horse trots in the message to us this month is: “You are stronger than you think. Your strength and power is most assuredly divinely within you. We are not speaking about the power that creates war, anger or aggression that is different. We are speaking about the power of being you; the power of being assertive when you need to be. The inherent power that you are on a soul level. You see beloved ones this is the power you can rely on the power you are and were before you came to this earth from divine source, REMEMBER , REMEMBER AND BE. Know great adventures await you as you move into this power within you and draw strength from it. Move forward knowing always that what we said is the truth and stand in the strength and power of that truth within you now and always� With love and strength The Horses

Contact Michelle bloghttp://whitestareagle.wordpress.com or email me at empathlove2003@yahoo.ca. 47


Message from the Angels June 2015

Movement, movement, movement. Anticipation, anxiety, excitement. So many of you wish to move forward – break out of where you are. You have been guided to forge a new path, move to a new location, seek a different career, find new love, freely move or express yourself. Yet, you have no sense in which direction your first step must be. For many of you, it feels like the guidance was handed to you, and it keeps coming to you, yet your motor has stalled. You can’t start the engine to actually move forward.

start all over again, none of the pieces would create a picture that was recognizable. What a mess that would be and that is exactly why you are going nowhere right now. Just keep paying attention and soon enough you will know what your next step is. Have the courage to just pause and wait, no matter how much you really want something new in your life, pause. Wait for the next step to show up, rather than pushing brashly forward on a path that will need repair. You will be rewarded by choosing to patiently wait. It will not be long now, and once the picture starts to unfold, it will happen so quickly you will forget the anxiety you felt over not knowing what is next.

Keep listening to your intuition, trust that you are being guided correctly. Believe that you are going to start something new shortly, and that it will happen all in good time. There are many pieces of the puzzle being pulled together. Not all of them are fully colored yet… think of them as gray pieces, each piece looks the same and could fit into the current puzzle, in fact you could build the whole puzzle. Only once the picture started to show up, you would have to

By the power of three so this shall be Peace - love - joy - harmony Mcobb 48




Photo: Š pnielsen 50


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