Photo: ŠPNielsen
Issue 39 october 2014
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Music Review Thoughtforms Riding the Wind This Energy Business Is Magical Emotional Peace Be Your Self Loving Our Depths Why You're Still Single Dancing the Divine Duet Hello Creating Change The Path of the Diamond Light Are You Brave Enough? October Message Words Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - October 2014 Lunar Cycles for October Crystal Reading for October Earth Crystals - Crystals for Scorpio Power Animal - Monkey Essential Oil - Idaho Balsam Fir Channel - Circle of Life Rune Casting Angel Message for October 2014
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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2014 by Nourish Publication Nourish is a monthly publication dedicated to empowering readers with knowledge that can help them feel fulfilled on this journey called life. All articles are the express views and beliefs of the writer and are provided as guidelines to the readers. Ultimately each reader is responsible for their own choices and decisions. The articles are meant as guidelines and the reader is encouraged to expand on the knowledge presented within these pages to form their own opinions.
Photo: Nielsen Photo: ©Phil ©PNielsen
Music review The Soothing Sounds of the Crystal Bowls by Alain Lemay In September Alain Lemay reached out to Nourish asking if we would like to do a review of his new CD. I love when artists reach out to us as it gives Nourish the opportunity to discover what is fresh and new out in the market and in turn share it with all of you! The internet is a vast network and more and more artists and businesses are happening solely on the net. From the moment I clicked play and heard the first soft notes, I knew deep in my soul this music was meant to be shared. The deep, soulful clarity of the crystal bowls cleared a space within me that I did not realize I was holding onto so tightly. I felt relaxed after 2 minutes and totally at peace. It was like I was taken from frazzled to Zen in that two minutes. After listening to one complete track it was like my chakra’s had been cleansed and balanced. I highly recommend this music for meditation and relaxation. Have a listen to the sample of the album on YouTube, I am sure you will feel the same and finding yourself downloading it from iTunes just like I did! You will not be disappointed. This music is only available in digital format, which I personally feel is the way it should be. You can purchase Alain’s music on iTunes. A tagline on Alain Lemay’s website - (please check it out for a complete repertoire of Alain’s music) – says “Discover these crystal music compositions created to awaken the senses.” I think it goes much deeper than your senses and awakens your soul! If you like what you hear connect with Alain through Facebook: Collection Musique Santé or
Connecting you with your Angels and Guides
Find out how you could showcase your business here!
A reading is a snapshot that can help you wade through the uncertainty that creeps into life. With your Angels you can explore your roadmap. Where should you focus your energy, what paths are open to you right now and which ones should you walk with caution. Your Angels and Guides are always with you
Mixed Blessings
Musings from the Editor As I sit to write this on the 30th of September I am given the sign “mixed blessings”. In my Marleneism I pictured a tossed salad, which, while it looks lovely, sometimes the flavor combinations you get with a forkful are terrific and other times they conflict with each other. I mean radicchio, blueberry and spinach is a weird flavor profile. After a giggle, I realized that the month ahead could be filled with mixed blessings. Life is a mixed blessing at the best of times, you get the good with the bad, for everything has an equal opposite. In the conflicting times we draw on our inner strength to see us through. In the favorable times we float along on cloud 9, joy and bliss abound. Life has many complex flavors, and while we might get a few forkfuls that we would rather spit out as quickly as we put them in, we chew and swallow. We learn along the way that no flavor stays around forever and each is to be savored, never to be recreated exactly the same way again. This month if mixed blessings come your way, remember with time they will diminish. Enjoy the highs, and see if you can make them last longer, for that first rush of happiness is different each time. Honor the lows with gentleness and compassion, they will linger as long as they need to and not a minute longer. Take some time this month to watch the transition of the seasons. Enjoy the full moon with a tea ceremony. Find a day to relax with friends. In Canada we will celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends sharing a feast that will leave us stuffed, along with a few laughs and memories to store away. Of course Halloween comes at the end of the month… dress up this month and be a different persona for a day! Find quiet ways to shift up your life and welcome all mixed blessings that come your way!
Blessings Marlene
Marlene Cobb
To ride on the wind of the universe and allow it to carry you is a rather hard job. I say this because, while I think I ride the universal tide, I have come to realize that I still want to have control. This control slapped me in the face over the course of a couple of days. Picture, if you will, ,me working towards a goal and being turned down and told that before “A” could happen “B”, “C” and “D” would need to take place, along with being questioned on my actions to date, in a way that implied I did things wrong. First emotion was disheartened, second emotion - shame, followed quickly by a full blown pity party and rant which resembled a full on child tantrum. Yes in spiritual fashion but still a tantrum.
something we place on ourselves. Shame comes from the directive of others. Both can be crippling. Most of the things we don’t want to have happen in life are beyond our control, and the list can be extensive, depending on what has happened in our life and the experiences we have to draw on. Yet everything that we come into contact with is our life. It effects our personal space, our outlook and our health. One of the biggest fears is if we say “yes,” we will be stuck in that circumstance forever and ever amen! Yet, by accepting (saying yes) the things that happen to us, we are affirming that we trust we can get through them. We trust ourselves, and we trust that there is a universal power bigger than we can imagine, that is going to be with us each step of the way guiding us along.
I have been following this path for many years now and am fully aware that what I resist, persists. Hence I like to get out of resistance mode as quickly as I can and into going with the flow. However this particular cog in the wheel of life was something that needed a deeper healing.
Once the realization came to me, I let go of control. Was it easy? NO! It was very hard because after something comes to me my immediate reaction is to fix it and move on. To let go of control meant I had to acknowledge that I did not know how I was going to fix this situation. At this point in the process it would have been so easy to just throw the goal out the window, and start working on the next. However this goal seemed to be important on levels I could not begin to comprehend.
Imagine my surprise when I asked for help from the gang and heard “you have no one to blame but yourself.” Me “what do you mean I have no one to blame but myself” and trying to cast blame anywhere but on myself. I was not ready to take responsibility for this one. When the realization came that, yes, I was the only one to blame for the situation I found myself in, I could have cried. It would not have done me any good but it might have released some emotions that needed to be released. The next advice to come through the angel airwaves was “You are the only one who can correct it. Do not look outside of yourself, for you are very capable of facing this and winning. Accept that this is part of the universal plan and go with it. You have overcome bigger obstacles and will overcome this as well.”
A trick I use when I find myself faced with what seems to be insurmountable is to think back to occurrences that have happened in my life, even the ones I never thought I would make it through. I see that somehow (even if I don’t understand how) I have arrived at today. Somehow I coped and found solutions to see me to the other side. This technique gives me faith, hope and the courage to press forward. Saying yes to whatever comes our way is the first step in acknowledging what is not working for us. We are honoring that it is in fact happening, like it or not. Once we acknowledge its existence, we can begin the process of changing it. We open the dialogue that we are willing to learn how to deal with the situation and work through the process to achieve the desired outcome. Even if the desired outcome is as simple as having peace of mind.
Perhaps the hardest aspect of truly letting go and riding the universal tide, is accepting whatever life puts in front of us. This means we are saying yes to the universe no matter what is presented. A hard pill to swallow, and hence why pity parties, rants and tantrums occur. We go through our day to day life saying yes to what we like and no to what we don’t like. When life (the universe) throws us something we don’t like and we react with a resounding “NO”, it is our fear coming to the front. This fear creates a defensive stance, which often has us grasping at straws to place the blame on anyone but ourselves. Even people who say they are not afraid of anything have fears that are triggered by life circumstances. Most of those fears are derived from guilt or shame. Guilt is
It does not matter if we come up against something that we can’t deny, ignore or hide from and have to face, or it is something we could put to the back burner of life (knowing full well it could show up again). A time will come when, consciously or unconsciously, we will have to say yes. It will be scary and there could be pain, but the more that we can say yes to each step that comes along, the easier it becomes. 9
We start to see proof that we are surmounting the obstacles placed in our way. WE are conquering the challenges and will have a sense of pride and self-confidence that go hand in hand as we learn new solutions. By agreeing to say yes to the universe and take responsibility, I have my work cut out for me to achieve my goal. I have said yes to the universal tide, and realize that as each moment comes along, I will have to keep saying yes. I will have to keep acknowledging my fear, and work on releasing whatever emotions (guilt or shame) come up. It is a work in progress and one that I am glad has presented itself for healing at this time. Sure it could have held off for a while, and sure I could ignore it‌ for now, but at the end of the day I want to move forward. I do not want to be stuck in the past and have demons following me into my bright future. So for me the pity party, rant and tantrum have been celebrated and cleaned up, it was a great party! But now I am knuckling down to work. I have relinquished control on how it will happen, but I am willing to do what it takes. No matter what your dreams and goals, if life throws a curve ball, don’t run for cover, stand proud and catch that ball and use it to your advantage. Saying yes opens up opportunities that we cannot imagine. Saying no holds us in a place of not accepting that there is more than one way to solve, achieve and realize all dreams.
Connect with Marlene at facebook
Sally Brown Photo: Šmcobb
Linda Adsetts
Photo: Š rolffimages -
I had an experience a few days ago that showed me again, exactly how this energy business can be magical, when you make a conscious effort to find the flow of ease and joy.
why! We had a lovely conversation with him and shortly after we were on our way to Bellingham. We never did find out why we were called in! On reflection I realized that it unfolded the way that it did because I didn’t make myself wrong for the comments I made to my husband and bless him, he was willing to be teased into something that felt lighter.
This past week had been very challenging for my husband. He had numerous issues to resolve with customers and dealers. He is in the RV industry and is a manufacturer’s representative for a Canadian Class B motorhome company. (Class B is the smallest motorhome on the market)
It is really that simple for everything that you do in your life. The difficulty is your ability to stay in an energy that is lighter when you find yourself in a situation that pushes at your buttons. Sometimes, you don’t want to be teased into something else. We understand. However, all the time it will serve you better to either tease yourself into a better feeling place or let someone help you do that.
His territory includes parts of the U.S. in the Pacific Northwest and he has been crossing the border frequently over the last ten years. A few months ago a U.S. custom’s agent decided that he was taking jobs away from Americans and told him to get a letter from his company. He did this and it was logged in to the system but to his dismay, he still gets pulled in. Apparently, once the letter has been logged in, it can take months before they are at ease with the situation.
Often, we see those of you wondering why that person or this person has such a magical life. Why do they get all the good things? Why do they not have more problems?
A few days ago we headed down to the U.S. and we ended up in a slow lane. My husband commented that he always gets in the slow lane. I agreed. (he does) We showed our Canadian passports and they asked us where we were going. He told them we were going to Bellingham to replace my cell.
Whys will get you nowhere! How about you ask what is it that they are doing to enjoy the good that life can be? Can I do that? What do I have to change to do that? Can you see the difference in the questioning, dear ones?
To my husband-“Why do you have a U.S. cell?” Go gently into your life, with no judgment or criticism about yourself or others. Find a way to be gentle with yourself, knowing that you can find a way that will work for you. It is different for everyone, the path or the direction or the technique that you will use to tease yourself into the energies of more ease and joy. It is a letting go of old thought patterns and old ways of being. It is shedding that which doesn’t serve you and allowing your true being to shine through.
He explained- we have U.S. phones because I work for a Canadian company with dealers in the U.S. and at the time, financially, it was the best choice for us. To me-“You were born in Bermuda?” They placed an orange sticker on our car and told to go in. I made the mistake of saying to my husband that perhaps he should have just told them we were going shopping.
You are magnificent beings of light and love. The planet is being bombarded with energies to help shift you into more of that. Some people have are having a difficult time of it and you may be too but, dear ones, the more that you stop judging what is wrong about life and even what is right about it and finding the joy of what it can be if you just let yourself be-then all will magically begin to unfold in ways that will be quite delicious.
Because of his anxiety level over work, that one comment set him off and we missed the other custom officer that wanted us to stop on the way in. We got told off-we were supposed to stop when we were told to stop. We hadn’t heard him. (smile)
We see what is unfolding and we are in appreciation for all of you as you move along, sometimes struggling, but not always, thank goodness and we know that all is well. For us it is like reading a good book. What will come next?
We entered the building and my husband was less than joyful. The line-up was very long and it was very quiet. After a few minutes all of the agents left their stations for what turned out to be a rotation. I decided then and there that I had better find a way to be happy and tease him into a happier state of mind because as the agents came back, they included the one who sent us in and the one who yelled at us. We surely didn’t want to be facing them!
All of it is a real page-turner and there is nothing boring about any of it!
I said to my husband we could sing and I softly started singing-America, the beautiful…. and couldn’t remember more words. My husband shushed me but honey; the song is stuck in my head! Okay, maybe another song I told him-we could start a flash mob! He smiled. I rubbed his back and put my head on his shoulder.
We thought so…sooner or later it you always are. Is now your time?
So, sweet beings- are you ready to step into more ease and joy-more lovemore abundance?
Go For Your Joy Linda and The Group
We chatted lightly about this and that and I waved at a couple of young toddlers that were with their parents and they waved back. Their parents smiled at me. The energy was shifting in the line and magically voices began to rise in conversation and laughter. Even the agents that were processing the line looked happier.
Connect with Linda on or Facebook page!/GoForTheJoy
As we reached the head of the line, it could have gone either way. The original agent or the one who yelled at us might have called us over. However, a young man, with a lovely smile, gestured to us to come up. He also asked us why we had an American cell and Marcel told his story. The agent replied that T-Mobile had a better plan and proceeded to tell us
Gwen Randall-Young
Photo: Š Elena Ray -
Go slowly, breathe, and smile. Thich Nhat Hanh
The most valuable commodity in the world is inner peace. Health, wealth, fame or fortune cannot be enjoyed or appreciated when life is filled with emotional turbulence. Yet, we are human, and things happen in life. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, determination, and affirmations, we find ourselves caught up in an emotional reaction to a person or situation. If only things would just turn out right, and people would behave as expected, then we could be at peace, or so we think. The problem with this thinking is that we are waiting for things to be peaceful on the outside before we can be peaceful on the inside. Actually, it works the other way around. When we create stillness and calm within, then our lives become more peaceful. Emotional upset occurs when things do not go the way we want them to. Struggle is created when we try to ‘make’ things go the way we want them to.
Emotional peace, on the other hand, comes when we learn to accept things as they are, and let go of our need to control them. Of course this does not mean that we put up with abuse or inappropriate behavior. It does mean that we are more accepting of things we cannot change, more respectful of boundaries (ours and other’s), and more realistic. Sometimes we just have to accept people and situations as they are, and sometimes we have to bless them and move on. If we know a situation or relationship is not good for us, we cannot hope to find peace until we do
something about it. In the meantime, we can still cultivate emotional peace. Imagine a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary. Think of it as a safe, healing place. Hold it in your consciousness, perhaps in your heart, and, quieting the mind, go there regularly. When you practice this often, you come to know that peace is always a choice. You can always tell yourself, “A well of peace exists within me, and I can choose to be there any time.” Emotional turbulence is generally fuelled by thoughts, so if we just stop the thoughts for a time and drop into this peaceful space, we see that it is the ego-mind that is having the problem. Without the thoughts, peace returns. Achieving emotional peace does not mean that everything in life has finally settled into a state of perfection. Nothing does. It means that we have freed ourselves from the entrapment of the mind, we are no longer held hostage by our thoughts. We can observe them, see them for what they are, and then let them go. We will still have to deal with the stuff of life, but then we can step back into our place of peace. Practice this, and notice how much more peaceful your life becomes, both inside and out.
Gwen Randall-Young is an author and awardwinning Psychotherapist. For permission to reprint this article, or to obtain books or cds, visit
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen
Vera Enshaw
Photo: Š Eugenio Marongiu -
In the midst of a series of articles on be-ing closer to everything around you, it seems that we have come to the place of be-ing your self. “I already know how to be myself,” you say as you prepare to turn the page. I ask you to read just a bit further. Sometimes the information we have been seeking is right smack dab in the middle of something we already know.
are gifting yourself with the opportunity to fly very, very high. To soar, even. Receive this gift to yourself from your Self. As you breathe you will begin to experience a lightness. It may be tempting to stop and explore this. If that is the case—do. You will very quickly notice a shift away from your heart to your head. When your are ready, begin again— breathing, focusing on heart centre. This time allow yourself to keep breathing through the lightness, into the lightness. Oh, my dear one, This is what is meant by BE. HERE. NOW. This place of light, of total awareness of all that is you, of all that surrounds you, is BE-ING. HERE. NOW.
I love to connect with all the aspects of the world that surround me—creatures of blood, insects, creatures of sap and minerals. Water and I go back a long way….and in the very act of connecting and be-coming one with them, I find myself opening to a place inside of me that seems to have no boundaries. It can be a wee bit unnerving to carry on, to embrace that. But if I refuse, turn back, as it were, I limit myself to a very small experience. Opening to my Self also opens me up to a magnificent experience. It gets a bit addictive after a while.
It is the most incredible ‘high’ that has ever existed. People who are unable to allow the wall of the heart to dissolve turn to drugs to achieve this high. What a marvelous gift you have given yourself this day: the gift of be-ing. It is a gift that will resonate throughout your whole life. Places where your have felt ‘stuck’ will begin to loosen. Other gifts will open until you are experiencing a fullness of life you have previously only dreamt of.
You have already done most of the work related to this, dear ones. You may even have done it all. Still, there may be something new for you here, so I ask you to carry on with me for a bit.
When you need to return to the more complex part of your life, simply focus your attention on your toes, wiggling them and then flexing your fingers until you are totally in your physical space.
You have heard it said that we cannot go without if we do not go within. So find yourself a quiet space and time. Close the door, turn off the lights. Set a candle glowing or allow the sunshine or moonlight in. Oh, if you are somewhere warm and clear, sit in the evening shadows or morning clear and let the natural light of the planet come to you. Allow your physical body to relax and begin to breathe. In. Out. Expand your breath so that you experience thee feeling of I in your whole body. Breath becomes Self. Self becomes breath.
Make this a daily practice. Gift yourself daily with Be-ing your Self. Soon you will be with your Self, aware of the allness of your be-ing, all the time.
Focus your attention on your heart centre—keep breathing—focus, that’s all. Breathing in, out, focusing on heart. If you experience a tightness, just keep breathing. Acknowledge it and keep breathing. If breath becomes a struggle, acknowledge it—and keep on breathing. If you feel joy in your heart—acknowledge it and keep on breathing. When you feel tears, acknowledge them—and keep on breathing. Focus on heart and keep on breathing.
Contact Vera at
This is the garden that is You. Sometimes—often—the garden is surrounded by a wall. The wall can be very flimsy or it can be very thick and rigid. There may be many layers to this wall. In the breath, in the focus on breath and heart centre, the wall will begin to evaporate. This is a good thing—it must be or you would not be here now to begin the process. You
We NOW need to plunge deeper, deeper than we ever have before into our being! This work is imperative to produce the impeccable self that we have to anchor in order to hold the new vibrations of creation available to us. We must open up into the deep recesses of our heart, opening up vital new channels of energy that will assist us on our path. We must encounter and release the blocks of our old selves to increase flow into each and every meridian and light pathway.
doesn’t like dealing with them. Because guess what's hiding behind these shadows? Your light! Those massive energies of light that are here to fulfil your Truth on this planet! These shadows may terrify you and shake you to your core, but once they have been loved back into Alignment and transformed you will have embodied the warrior of light stage in your journey. We all have the supreme ability to deal with our own shadows, but for some you may need the help of a Light worker whom specializes in aligning the Shadow. Again, there is no recommendation I can do for you here, but tune into your heart and see what happens.
We must become adept in our daily lives at opening that heart center and flooding each and every one of our 700 trillion cells with this deep love. A simple and easy way to do this is - see the light from your heart, allowing it to expand and flooding your body with light until each cell of your body is shining and you can see yourself as a luminous being of light. Each time you do this, something will shift in your life! You will become stronger each and every time you do this.
Diamond Light - Ryan Facebook - Oriondiamond Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond. Diamond Light Worker, Shadow Aligner and Ray attuner. All rights reserved feel free to share this content with others - post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/ channeler.
Every time we go deeper into our heart/core energetics, we access new truths to be integrated and old energies that need realigning with this supreme force of love. Sometimes this brings up challenges and fears to be purged, or waves of love like we have never experienced before. It’s a little bit of a cosmic lottery, what is going to come up each time you plunge deeper, but rest assured that if it’s coming up it means that you are ready to deal with it and what it brings! Remember that it is our soul's intention to be in total love and clarity, so all that is not love must be released. Deeper we must go, Deeper we go, Deeper I go When we become stronger from the heart level, we are able to shift more energies and we are able to bring up old energies that so far in this life we have not been strong enough to deal with. These shadow energies are the undercurrents of your limitation and must be acknowledged and accepted then realigned into the light. These are parts of ourselves that have existed in the universe for so long, that they feel like they are us. They are entwined like a vine in our deepest recesses, living off of our life force as if everything is in order!
Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond. All rights reserved: http:// Please feel free to share this content with others – post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. – but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/Channeler.
We must clear these shadows so that our energy reserves and vitality can increase. It is these shadows that are really a huge gift! Although the lower personality of ourselves
Well, it’s a marvelous night for a moondance With the stars up above in your eyes A fantabulous night to make romance ’Neath the cover of October skies And all the leaves on the trees are falling To the sound of the breezes that blow And I’m trying to please to the calling Of your heartstrings that play soft and low... ~Van Morrison
Lisa Schell
Photo: Š Eugenio Marongiu -
There’s nothing wrong with being single if that’s your choice….all the power to you! However, if you’re wanting to be a twosome like I do, I hope this article finds you.
from their perspective. What is happening for them right now? Get your own emotions in check and then ask them how you can help them.
Maybe you’ve had a series of failed relationships and you’re looking for Mr. or Ms. Right. Maybe you just haven’t found that special someone in your life yet or maybe your expectations have been set too high. At some point in your life, you may be wondering why you’re still single. If that’s the case, now is the time to reflect back on your past relationships, and figure out where they went wrong. Here are some significant factors that could be contributing as to why you’re still single.
Practicing conscious communication involves identifying the event that triggered your emotional upset. Just outline the facts as if you were an outside observer. Next, take responsibility for your feelings and choose words that express what you are experiencing which is far better than blaming them. Thirdly, don’t expect your partner to know how you are feeling. Taking the guessing out of your relationship in favour of clear communication. You are more likely to get what you want. Ask for what you want rather than demand. When someone demands something from us, we naturally resist but when someone asks us for what they want, our selfesteem is preserved and we are given the opportunity to think about fulfilling the request.
Being Critical If you are too critical about your partner, you are driving them farther away. Lower your expectations and allow people to show up authentically. When you judge others you are seeing in them what you see in yourself. That would be an opportunity for you to fix what may not be working for you and keeping the focus off of your partner. Once your partner sees a change in you, you will be a positive role model for them to do the same.
Unreasonable expectations Lower your expectations of what you are trying to get out of the relationship. In fact, don’t expect anything out of your relationship at all. When you lower your standards and trust that the right person will come along, you are more likely to attract them. When you have high expectations of your partner, you’re setting them up for failure. Not everyone has to have the house with the white picket fence, a dog, two children, and a Ferrari parked in their drive way. Let people be who they are. Getting together with someone to fill an empty void within yourself won’t give you the results you expect. Only you can fill your own void. Figure out what’s missing in your life and then resolve it. Once you feel happy and whole, then it will be the right time to be looking for that special someone. Rather than running away from yourself into the arms of another, have the courage to deal with your stuff so that you can meet a person whose life would be enhanced by your grace.
Insisting your partner doing everything with you Just because you like to play golf doesn’t mean your partner has to. Just because you like skiing, doesn’t mean they have to hit the slopes with you. What creates healthy relationships is being able to spend time apart so that when you are together its quality time. You can go out with your friends and your partner with theirs. Making them feel guilty if they don’t want to participate with you is hurting your relationship and won’t lead to anything long term. Hurt feelings are a key factor in breakups. Lack of intimacy or being too casual about it Intimacy in a relationship is extremely important as it keeps the “flame burning” between you. It’s a sacred act between two people that is completely healthy and normal. If you’re choosing too many hobbies, or you work really long hours instead of making time for physical touch, your partner may get the wandering eye and start looking elsewhere to fulfill their needs and desires. Never let it die! Make romance a priority in your relationship. You may both work full-time, and have children but there is always time for romance. Hire a babysitter and go out on a date on a regular basis to keep the flame burning.
Relationships are cultivated together and you can both create wonderful romance for everlasting love…but that takes conscious and focused attention on a regular basis. Sitting there and expecting a fairy tale romance won’t get you anywhere. Love, Light & Blessings,
Poor communication Great relationships are based on a solid foundation of clear communication. If you aren’t the best communicator, you can learn. Perhaps you didn’t have great role models growing up, or open and transparent communication wasn’t encouraged so as an adult you have a difficult time expressing our feelings. Great communication starts with listening. People need to feel heard and understood. Take the time to see if
Lisa Schell, Transformational and Spiritual Life Coach & Reiki Master A Clear Pathway To You Ph: (604) 612-1450 | or connect with me on Facebook: and via my blog ‘SoulFull Living’
Gail Siler, PhD
Finding the Other Half of Our Self
Photo: © svetaorlova—fotolia
Yesterday I decided to draw a card and got ‘Start writing! ’ Well, OK then! So I drew another card from a different deck. It was a beautiful flowing design of a couple gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes.
thought!) This all happens when we stop being the caterpillar we all think is a human being and allow the alchemical magic to melt us and meld us into the next stage of ourselves: our butterfly being-ness.
Now that’s what I mean! When the Empress of the Universe makes things THAT clear I know I have to step up to the plate. OMG, I groaned with a huge smile. She’s smoking me out, isn’t she!
OK, hold your breath ….it’s really real! When we first came to earth, in order to experience the polarities of life on the planet, we split ourselves apart! Seriously. One piece of ourselves became a female and the other became a male. We kept the same personalities, but expressed them through either female or male bodies and polarities. (Even for people who are same sex focused, we still express our maleness or femaleness unique to our body, regardless of the body’s gender. And we have our partner out there too. That’s a whole other really interesting story, btw.)
Ok for starters, my life’s passion since a young child has been finding my completion partner. I didn’t have a word for it then, I just knew that those prince and princess fairy tales were true. Then in Grade Six I wrote a play called Valentine Castle and my classmates and I produced it for the school and our parents. I was the fairy godmother! And my job was helping the Prince and Princess find each other. I got to carry a heart-shaped wand too! Frankly it’s a bit scary for me to realize how long I’ve been on this completion partner track.
Remember the movie The Butcher’s Wife played by Demi Moore? ( She was looking for her ‘split apart’ as she called him. She followed what she thought were the signs but, alas, took a left turn when she should have taken a right turn and ….well it’s a great story of the search for the other half of one’s Self. It was expressed beautifully through this movie.
What ARE completion partners? Let’s get this out in the open. We aren’t just half a person looking for the other half of ourselves out there somewhere. OK? Each of us is a wondrous and complete entity unto ourselves. And one of our first and most omnipresent lessons is to grow ourselves into a finely honed inner balance between our sacred personal feminine and masculine selves.
More and more people are reaching the state where we are whole in and of ourselves and in achieving this, we are drawing to us the other half of ourselves. Our completion partner, as I call them. The reason I call it that is that is we actually can complete our time here when we realign with our other polar aspect of self.
Mind you, we all live lifetimes growing ourselves and both of our sides…our female side and our male side within ourselves. You can see that as right and left brain talents for starters. I wrote in detail about this part, which I call our inner journey in Issue 12 of Nourish titled “Do you know what your sacred twins are doing” p. 24.
Three Powers that Completion Partners Bring Forward There are three things I’d like to share with you about coming together with our completion partner.
It can take many lifetimes to achieve our personal balanced state but when we do….voila, we become creators in our daily life story. Not too shabby, right? But there’s more. Oh so much more!
1. First, when we do come together, we also take on a new role. We naturally begin to serve the greater good by working together. The power of completion partners coming together is immense. Abraham Hicks has a quote that brought this home to me with intense understanding.
The Automatic Clarian Call to Our Other Wing Here comes the exciting part for me. When we get to our personal best and balanced state we enter into another very exciting adventure. This adventure is finding our wing man or woman. What do I mean? As a whole and completely balanced person, we activate a magical DNA packet that begins to draw us to the other part of ourselves. Its automatic, so don’t worry about locating the magical button to turn it on. Oh, and it can’t be forced on, either. But being balanced trips the switch.
One who is connected to the Energy Stream is more powerful than a million who are not. And two who are harmoniously focused and connected to the Energy Stream brings about a co-creative endeavor that cannot be matched by anything else in all of the Universe. Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote. Fri, Jul 31, 2009
I know I just said above that we are whole and complete within ourselves. But the exciting part is there’s way more to us that what we’ve been told and experienced. There’s another part to us. (ok many other parts, but hold that
2. The second thing we do as completion partners here on earth is we advance to fast forward in our personal growth and partner relationship. White water rafting here we come! Only the other half of us knows how to bug the heck out of us
and vex us so easily. And we do it with great perfection! The end result is we grow forward quickly, we challenge each other to the maximum, but in a loving and helpful manner. Ok, and there’s a lot of arguing in most cases! But it IS tumultuous. Oddly, as wild as the white water can get, there’s a constant here too. The constant is our unshakable trust in our partner. There’s openness beyond words and with that openness comes a deep abiding and automatic trust in the person who is the other half of us. Surprisingly so.
One morning, as I moved from dream state into awake-ness he handed me a bouquet of flowers! They were beautiful and I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face for the entire day! He delights in doing these wonderful things. And it does please me so! I have several other friends who have completion partner experiences. One woman watches what he is up to in his life from her own inner visual connection to him. She has for years. Another woman has a child who lives with him and they connect through meditation. Both of these women are in constant connection with their partners, but their partners are only, for the present, in the invisible realms. Often times, this is how the connections start.
3. The third thing that happens is we activate a doorway with our actions that opens us to recombining with our multidimensional team members. As we come together, we initialize a process that reverberates right up the ladder and consists of coming together of the rest of our own multidimensional team members. We are the activators of the realignment with other and larger parts of ourselves in these other dimensions. (See a pie wedge with us as completion partners in our human form as the small point and as we go up the steps, each dimensional foot print of our Selves gets bigger and the energy moves exponentially faster in frequency. Which is also why we can’t see our multi-dimensional team in our awake reality, only in our sleeping and dreaming state. They simply vibrate faster than our human eyes can see. Is this cool or what! But often we can hear them or feel them, and in dreaming we have contact with them.
The important thing I want to share is finding our completion partners is what we have in store for us as we move forward in our growth. It is real and it is valid. Fairy tales about princes searching for their princess: I feel strongly they are to remind us subliminally what is in store for us, and like a beacon they draw us forward. There are ways to reach out to our partners across the realms from our place here and wherever they are. We will discuss more about completion partners in future articles.
If you have completion partner experiences, I’d love to hear about them. The most important thing to understand is that they are real….and they are the other polarity of us. Don’t let anyone take your belief in your completion partner away from you. Do know that yours is out there searching as hard for you as you are for them.
How do I know this? Well, I met my own completion partner and that is a story I have shared in my book, Decoding the Butterfly Promise. How do you know when you have found your completion partner? Well, for me, when I sat beside him and simply held hands with him, I felt HOME. That’s the best way I can describe it. I felt as if I had come home. I felt peace deep in my Soul and I no longer felt alone here. It is such a powerful feeling and event I was instantly changed. I think of it as being crazy- glued together. Instantly we began to mind-talk and carry on conversations no matter how many miles were between us. We were no longer two beings but became one in our energy stream, despite having two different bodies. He also comes to me at night and I can feel his warmth. And he loves to send me songs. This afternoon while I was taking a nap he popped in and brought me Burton Cummings’, “I will play a rhapsody.” He loves doing that and often surprises me with wonderful poetry from songs. I’ll hear them as I begin to awaken, and write them down on a note pad. Once awake, I rush off to the computer and find out what he is saying by the words in the song. That’s one of our ways of keeping in touch with each other until he returns to me here. Today he sent:
Connect with Gail
“I will sing a lullaby…. Let you know I'm near you through the night to keep you warm.” Burton Cummings.
Photo: © iceteastock –Fotolia
Photo: ŠPNielsen
Margie Kivel
Hello I was thinking of when I was given a tentative diagnosis of Sjogren's disease years ago. I told a friend I was going to go on the internet to see what I could find out about it. He told me not to, that it wouldn't help. I told you to look up COPD on the internet, but on reflection, I would say don't bother. Not all information is useful. There are a lot of variations between here and the goal post. I think the worst part of aging is the lessening of the energy well within the body, and all the things that follow that - the comparison to who you were before...I remember when I could open jars, walk without reeling, trust my body to do what needed to be done...That just pulls me out of the present moment, which still has potential, but I can't see it because I think potential disappeared years ago. I look at my gnarled hands with sorrow, because they are no longer useful, yet when I do Tai Chi they move with grace and beauty. The more I dwell on decline, the steeper the slope. I need to focus on today without the brain chatter of the internal critic's constant daily broadcast, and receive what is being offered. Right now it is the vibrant orange of a nasturtium blossom among dancing saucer leaves on my deck. So, dear brother, live in harmony with your physical handicaps, express and share who you are with those around you, and be joy.
Margie Kivel
Debra Rae
It's getting close to that time of the year once again, 'Christmas'. For many of us it is a time of increased stress and depression. The media hype has taken a celebration of the birth of Christ and turned it into a billion dollar industry and created an unachievable holiday for many people,
Close your eyes and continue to breathe thinking IN with your in breaths and OUT with your exhales.... do this for as long as you like until you have stopped all of your inner mind chatter. Visualize a golden white cocoon surrounding your body – protecting you and supporting you.
It is time to take back personal control and create an authentic experience for yourself and those around you; to buck the trend of spending for the sake of spending, to throw out the hype! HOW? Take a pen and paper and spend time contemplating:
Feel a gently pulsation in your 3rd eye and also from your heart chakra.... see a golden cord leading out of both of these chakra points and connecting together > at the connection point you will see a golden door that I want you to go through.
Understanding first what Christmas really means to you, is it only about the gifts? This is not a judgment it is for you to understand what your motivation is. With understanding comes clarity and without clarity how can we change our habits.
On the other side is a vibrant garden with a seat in the center of it.... slowly walk to the seat and allow expectations to leave you and disappear into your garden. Sit down and relax into your seat.
Now that you have achieved a level of clarity, we switch gears and now we need to understand our emotional honesty. This is where we get real with ourselves, where concrete changes take place. It is easy to say we will change something, but if we are not emotionally on-board with those changes then they will not occur. Be honest with yourself over what you know you will change.
Think of the changes you wish to make around Christmas. Look down at your feet and you will now see a clear pond and as you look into this pond you will see the Christmas you want with total clarity. Breathe and allow the feelings that may emerge to take hold within you.
Let go of the fear around judging yourself or allowing others to judge you based on one day of the year and the money value attached.
When you are ready take in a deeper breath and reconnect with your body and open your eyes.
See and feel and believe.
Take stock of how you feel with the new reality you wish to create... this is the time to fine tune any of the changes are to let go of the ones that you do not 'feel'.
Make a plan for yourself and stick to it. Learn to say NO both to your inner self and also others if what they want does not fit in with your new agenda
Take the time to do this simple visualization every day for 21 days to take it from an idea to a belief.
Have confidence in yourself and your beliefs. Remember, you are a powerhouse and you are in total control of any change you wish to make, so believe in yourself and step forward into the life you wish to lead with the conviction that you already are living it NOW.
Congratulations, now how are you feeling? Give yourself a grade from 1-10, that should tell you with honesty, if you are ready to make these changes. If you have decided that you need to make a 360 degree change, my suggestion is to take the top 3 things you wish to change and start there first. Overwhelming self with a total transformation leads to us sabotaging ourselves and then letting go of creating any change at all!
Have a great month of October and breathe deeply every day as part of your inner connection with self and enjoy the changing seasons.
Namaste Debra Rae
I know from personal experience that I have to feel the changes I am creating. This is one of my methods: Breathe work and visualization: Find a quiet spot and sit down comfortably – approx. 15 minutes Take a cleansing breath to the count of 8, and breathe deeply into your stomach, then exhale loudly to the count of 8...repeat 3 times
Connect with Debra Rae 35
Photo: Š Sondem -
In the early years of the new energies of Earth since the 2012 portal was passed, we are becoming aware of many new energies which we can utilize for our path back to love. One of those energies is the Diamond light of unconditional love. This is the path I have always known I would be taking back to the source of creation, but only recently did I start to feel the magnitude of the transformations that would be required to complete this task my Soul chose to achieve.
much as you can handle at once though, your spiritual guidance system will make sure of this. So don’t fear being given too much! Know that this clearing process must take place in order for the facet of the Diamond to become polished.
Some Souls choose the Diamond Energy straight the way as they feel that it is home for them. Others choose other energies to traverse and master before working with the Diamond Ray Frequencies. These other rays include the Silver Ray (Divine Feminine), Gold Ray (divine masculine), Platinum Ray (cosmic service, balance and communication ray), and Rainbow Ray (Blending Ray of higher truth). All of which are incredible energies which I have worked with for a long time and have devised Distant Activations which are available to assist souls in their remembering process. I will talk more on these other energies in Future Posts. Today though, is starting at the highest love we can imagine “Diamonds Are forever”!
To take this path a supremely loving decision has to be taken if this is the path for you? When you make that decision from your heart and soul to follow the path of the Diamond your life will change forever! That decision means that you have chosen to let go of everything that is not Love.
Now this is a pretty big statement! Imagine how much energy this even involves? It means releasing every kind of fear we have ever chosen to experience, letting go of every conditional love we have garnered and all shadow emotions, thoughts, behaviors of all aspects of our soul!
Diamond Light - Ryan
We need to be fully complete and whole in order to BE this energy which is our undeniable truth. Every aspect of our soul from all realms, dimensions and existences throughout creation has to be called back into wholeness. We require the sacred 144,000 energy back within us and be free flowing mastery with sacred geometry, frequencies, numerology, and color ray vibrations. By doing this we become Sound and resolute in our truth which is immovable by all other forces. We become Sorcerer's of our own creation!
Copyright © 2014, Orion Diamond. All rights reserved: http:// Please feel free to share this content with others – post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. – but keep the integrity of this article by including the author/Channeler.
The Diamond Energy is 12th Dimensional and above. Most people on the planet right now are in the NOW moment of dealing with their 3rd to 6th Dimensional Aspects. It is vitally important to clear all 3rd and 4th dimensional misalignments in order for the physical changes to start to manifest in your life, which is the “EnLightening Process”. Once you have balanced and empowered your 3rd and 4th Dimensions then Life starts to fill with love and things start to get incredible. Once you are beyond the 5th Dimension, there are no words created yet for how awesome things will get. We definitely will have to write a new dictionary.
The Diamond energy works at light speed and polishes the facets of your Diamond quickly! Old energies fall away quickly as each aspect is polished. This for some can be quite painful as the releasing happens as the Diamond only knows love and just pushes up lower/fear energies for clearing at light speed. You will only be given as
Emily Cleland
I recently had a past life reading with a very lovely woman that gave me some great insight into some of my core patterns in this life time. I’ve done a few of these readings with various practitioners and also with my Self and find them to be extremely beneficial for restoring memories and seeing the bigger picture of who I am.
deeply ingrained in our cellular memories and is constantly reinforced by how we are choosing to live here. The true global epidemic is the denial of our own Divinity. Of the gifts that are innately unique to you and me. Gifts that would serve all of life. So, in order to reclaim the Self I will do what makes me extremely uncomfortable. I will stop hiding. I will speak up and be the voice again that I once was. I will embody my Divinity with confidence once again. When I feel like saying something, I’ll say it. When I’m feeling shy, I’ll stand out. In whatever way the denial of Self shows up, I will do my best to overcome it. In my case, my natural gifts are that of Divine communication and Self expression. I will once again accept the responsibility of having these gifts and using them in Divine service and Love for the betterment of All. When I avoid embodying these gifts by de-valuing or distracting my Self with other non-important things I re-create the pattern of Self Denial. It’s been VERY uncomfortable for me to be ‘noticed’ or ‘different’ and yet my SOUL longs for this! Keep in mind that we all have our own unique gifts and so Self denial looks different for everyone.
If you haven’t done this, I highly recommend it. Each life time presents a story that always leaves us with a lesson. It also shows us how and what negative patterns were created which suggests how they can be corrected (essentially by doing the opposite of what we did in the first place). For example, if someone has a core pattern of isolation, they would begin to break that cycle by choosing to integrate and associate with people again, however difficult or uncomfortable that may seem. Knowledge of how this pattern was created (the story) validates the stressful experience of ‘integration/association’ and gives extra motivation to clear it. Many of these negative patterns have been travelling with us for a long time after life time we continue to make the same choices keeping us stuck in this never ending karmic cycle. We make these choices again and again because they feel familiar and comfortable to us. Every repetition of the pattern anchors it more deeply into our being thus making it more challenging and difficult to break.
I invite you too to embody your Divinity. To do what makes you uncomfortable. To break your own karmic cycle and just BE YOU – in all of your power and glory.
This powerful karmic cycle is not only a personal one. It’s also a global one. As a collective, we have also made the same choices over and over again...leaving us in the same position we’ve been in for 1000’s of years (at least). The good news is that we can always make different choices. This is where our support teams come in. Making new choices can be extremely daunting and overwhelming. There can be a lot of fear that comes up which makes us very uncomfortable. So, when we see our loved ones looking for new ways of living, let’s support them. We can all support each other to change our outdated patterns and create new and better ones. The best way to do this is by practicing non-judgement, compassion and unconditional Love. None of us know everything about either ourselves or others so, keeping an open, loving heart and practicing compassion and forgiveness is essential during this time of deep personal and planetary transformation.
Are you brave enough? Check me out as a co-host! Every other Monday from 12-2 pm EST aired on WeEvolve TV – Love & the Nature of Human Consciousness with Medea Chechik & Guests I’m just starting so be gentle! I also work with people to explore their Divine gifts and shift karmic patterns through the Akashic Records. If you’re interested you can order your Soul Profile Reading / Soul Realignment Session from my website Thanks for reading! In Love & Unity, Emily
The core pattern for me is Self denial and I’m sure many of you can relate. This is a pattern that is absolutely pervasive throughout our society and culture. It is a pattern that is
Month at a Glance
Sunday Sun-Day
5 Excellent meditation day Go for a walking meditation – or just sit for a few minutes in silent contemplation … how do you feel!
12 You may feel like you are lacking drive – but step up and take any opportunities that come your way … excellent potential awaits 19 Get your Passion going on … You Attract Where You are At … Be in a great place
26 Mars to Capricorn
Monday Moon-day
6 VOC at 12:38pm You may want to get some work done – but the energy levels might not be there. Don’t push yourself
13 VOC from 10:58am to 4:30pm Contemplate and get working on those Mercury re-do projects 20 Watch your temper does not fly out of control (especially verbally)
27 Meditation day Go for a walkGet ready to take ing meditacharge tion at lunch today …
Tuesday Mars-day
7 Get ready for tomorrow’s Eclipse – you may already be feeling a little unsecure or shaky Ground all of your bodies into the core of mother earth…
14 Be sure to laugh at yourself today Unexpected surprises or faux paus may be waiting around the next corner J 21 VOC – No Aspects all Day Don’t let your day run “amuck”
28 Great day to pay it forward Be a earth angel – give a helping hand
Wednesday Mercury-Day 1 If you are struggling with security/love – today is a good day to talk it out but …no ego – no drama – no surprises please 8 VOC at 7:20 am Lunar Eclipse – 15 degrees Aries 3:51am Overall a very nice day - take it all in but do not action anything right now
15 Late VOC 4:30pm Keep it to yourself ;-) … let it go and work it out tomorrow 22 Get ready for tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse Don’t let anything knock you off your game plan 29 Late VOC Watch that inside voice today – you might 42 just blurt
Thursday Jupiter-Day 2 VOC all Day Get’r done – today is a great day to put your head down and nose to the grind stone 9 Another day to think – before you speak
Friday Venus-Day 3 Totally keep that inside voice … inside
Saturday Saturn-day 4 VOC at 11:32am Very energetic day today (stay skilled)
Work on Glass ½ FULL today 10 Mercury moves back into Libra
Mercury is Standing still very powerful 11 very early VOC until 8:51 am
Good to stop and reevaluate on regular intervals today … how are you doing?
Opportunities might seem lacking today making it hard to step up to the plate to take it on
Today is a great day to stay in your PJ’s and read a good book
16 Hit the ground running this morning – get up an extra 15 min early 23 Solar Eclipse at 0 degree Scorpio – 2:57pm
No guilt – just do your best 17 Excellent meditation day Go over your list of personal strategies Be … the change 24 Just float through the day …
Venus to Scorpio … Sun to Scorpio VOC 10:22am to 2:10pm 30 VOC until 6:52am Take it easy on yourself today
31 Play hooky from work if you can … work on spontaneous
18 VOC from 6:10am to 4:08pm Play today do something spontaneous 25 Mercury standing still getting ready to move forward. Get ready to burst forth with new ideas. (best to wait a week or so till Mercury speeds up)
Planets at a Glance
change our old and outworn patterns of dictatorships (although you will continue to feel the resistence).
Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions – 6, 12, 20, 28 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and accidents! RED LIGHT
Sun moves into Scorpio on the 23rd … Happy Solar Return (Birthday) to all you Scorpions out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality
Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions – 4, 10, 18, 25, 31 … You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE!
Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to our sky, both at night dusk - dawn and during the day sunrise - sunset. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multidimensional bodies.
Jupiter Squares and Oppositions – 4, 10, 25, 31 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, over-indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not take advantage
Tracking the conditions of our solar and lunar patterns (both collectively and personally) provides insight on the regeneration of our whole being. By tracking this information you awaken to consciousness of patterns and habits that lie deeply within you. This can be easier said than done, but each time you awaken you get closer to experiencing yourself as a participating co-creator in your life.
Venus squares and oppositions –1, 7, 15, 30 …Heartache/ domestic and security challenges. LOVE and EMBRACE LIFE anyway! Mercury squares and oppositions - 3, 4, 9, 15, 29 …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISELY! Double Whammy Days – 4, 10, 15, 21, 25, 31… take care – take short meditative breaks – remember to breathe.
Special Edition – Lunar and Solar Eclipse
Favorite Meditation or relaxed days – 5, 17, 23, 27… Experiment to see which days you achieved deeper connections and then look on the chart above to see what the overall energetic signature was.
The Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees 05’ in Aries October 8th The Full moon is the opposition of the Sun and Moon –shining light into every dark corner. A Lunar Eclipse bring a feeling of destiny into the picture, if you have anything around 15 degrees in your chart – you will feel this eclipse for up to 6 months – this is an inner expression of energy – feelings, patterns and habits all get “lit” up.
Mercury … starts its last retrograde for the year on October 4th moving from Scorpio back into Libra – re-member it is about re-do, re-work and re-innovating. Pick up where you left off and take the project to the next level. Take care with your purchases you do not want to re-turn ;-). Mercury turns direct and begins moving forward on the 25th
The Lunar Eclipse connects on an inner emotional level and will set the stage for Countries and Leaders, as well as on a personal level. It is a full moon (but on a much grander scale) helping us to see into the dark recesses of our collective psyche … Are you up for the task?
Venus … is hot hot hot … as she travels in style through Libra – she moves into Scorpio at the end of the month where you may feel you are looking into eyes of the deepest, darkest pools of mystery… merge into a oneness of love Mars … is in good shape all month, great time to get on that tread mill and run off the excess...
This is an interesting Eclipse – We have a beautiful triple Grande Trine – in this particular Eclipse configuration … we also have a Kite (named after its shape). This Grande Trine has an expression point – so it is not just a frivolous feel good (eating bon-bons on the couch energy) - it has direction in which to express itself! The expression of this Grande Trine is centered around owing our sense of self-worth (do you deserve it … are you worth it?) our ego as in our identity (individualistic right of expression and finally) and finally the path forward which seems like one of least resistance (which is actually pushing or herding you in a particular direction of growth) it can feel like it is the most difficult because it requires faith on our part.
Jupiter …continues to trek through Leo – sounding out a loud but playful roar Saturn … Continues through Scorpio - happy manifesting all of those deep desires Neptune … moving through Pisces (slowly) continues his retrograde that will last until the middle of November. Use this time to transcend within and explore your inner-verse Uranus … Uranus is in a long retrograde from July 21 st to December 20th moving from 16 degrees Aries back to 12 degrees Aries – if you have anything in these degrees you may continue to feel like you are on shaky ground, use this time to un-root any patterns that have been holding you back.
This Grande Trine is tied into where we have been and where we are trying to get to (both) in our evolutionary development. The
Pluto …slowly moving through Capricorn – Continuing to help us
Continued next page
Grande Trine is also connected to unexpected changes and demands we action these changes (whether skilled or unskilled actions – the energy itself is not bias), at times we could try to fall into (auto-pilot) with emotional patterns deeply engrained in our psyche. Thank goodness it is also linked to the planet Jupiter – who provides optimism (the little train that could… this chart has the feel of a locomotive – once it gets going there is no stopping) a sprinkle of luck and of course the opportunity to grow.
Mars (our planet of action and passion) pushing us to Do and Be. We have opportunity to start something new, (what new opportunity will come your way? Depends on what area of chart is lit up for you – but if you have planets intimately involved in this Eclipse there will be no doubt – externally you will see the signs) you may find yourself passionately engaged in a project and this signature carries the potential to create a highly evolved charge. The catalyst may be that we still have a (soft) T Square to deal with, but it is far less potent than the Lunar Eclipse and carries a little different energy signature than the T Square we dealt with earlier. Instead of self-esteem building - we are working on old communication skills and issues. Deep productive change is the facilitator and the goal is to re-work and re-organize a lost project. What may have previously crashed has the potential to be re-established, re-paired, re-organized in order to bring the energy of this T Square into dynamic movement forward (instead of hitting a block and getting stuck). Mercury is supported by its great friend Jupiter who can help turn any road block into an opportunity.
Now normally a Grande Trine does not require any work to achieve its energy signature it is considered easy and in this case we are working with an extra point of expression (the tip of the kite), and on top of this we have a T-Square (yep that is exactly as it sounds … like when you are traveling down a road from point A to point B and you see a road coming from another direction joining in … you can turn into a different direction and abandoning your original destination … take a long detour … or if everyone is not careful and following the rules – or a blind spot occurs before the roads conjoin … the energy could hit square on … a big crash). This requires that we take into consideration any security issues lingering that require us to deal with our emotions, as well as acknowledge our past decisions, which could include fear of change … In this case the planet helping to express this difficult energy is Pluto, helping to work toward deep changes on a level that we are re-invented when we come out the other side, to ensure the changes are permanent. The T Square is in a weakened state as some of the planets involved have already delivered the message and started to wander away – other messages are still trying to get delivered – nevertheless we must be aware!
… Make sure your smaller goals align with your larger goals.
The New Moon – Solar Eclipse is at 0 degrees Scorpio 25’ on the 23rd of October The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies toward something new. If you have anything around 0 degrees in your chart you will feel the effects of this Solar Eclipse for at least 6 months – this is an outer expression of energy in your life – so it may feel like things are happening to you. In this Solar Eclipse we learn how and where we are going to express these inner feelings and patterns that was lit up during the Lunar Eclipse. The Solar Eclipse may also be an indicator of the external forces that will shape the actual experience in our environment. Look to see if you have anything at very early or very late degrees in your own birth chart.
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.
This Eclipse is quite beautiful with a conjunction of the Moon, Sun and Venus (opportunity to identify with our patterns and habits in a loving and self-supportive way) these three energies are in a pleasant conversation with Neptune (illusions, delusions, spirituality and mystery) … this is supported by an energetic and eager
Photo: © dusk -
Combine your own Sun sign (ego/identity/core), Moon sign (emotions/Patterns/Habits) and Ascendant sign (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month.
Special Edition – use the above technique to discover what energy patterns (like a layer or thread weaving through your life) you will be working with for the next 6 months. Go back to the April edition to see if you can relate to the theme flowing through your life for the last 6 months for you. Editors note -- I have included April’s forecast for you on page 48
The goal is to appreciate your personal space and footprint, embark on a project that will enhance your living space. The quest is to move into a deeper connection to your immediate surroundings (and therefore people who surround you).
October 2014 Horoscopes Aries (March 21-April 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 7th and the 8th (if your birthday is between the 3rd and the 6th you will be significantly impacted by the Lunar Eclipse)
Become more aware of your interaction with your immediate environment and how it actually reflects where you are at. One way to better understand this reflection is to use an “art of placement” such as Feng Shui – or Astro Cartography.
The goal is to realize the importance investing in yourself and others. The quest is to develop deeper relationships without the fear of losing who you are.
Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on 19th and 20th
Bring more genuine romance, intimate love and spontaneous fun with a partner. It is time to be more authentic about who you are, including the reputation you have acquired compared to who you really want to be (known as).
The goal is to recognize and appreciate the support you receive from your environment, vocalize your understanding of this support and ask that it be increased. The quest is to enjoy abundance – but first you must figure out what that actually means to you.
Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 9th and the 10th
Increase your awareness of the unending support from the universe, and its ability to guide you (synchronicity) – you will find symbolic messages everywhere … Be open.
The goal is to realize the importance of your relationship to your body – as it is ultimately connected to all that is you. The quest is to become aware and make positive changes in your daily habits and health on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 21st and 22nd
Find a trainer that will help you build consistency or increase your skill level. Work with a friend to change your habits and make it stick, join a gym together or go for daily scheduled walks.
The goal is to find a balance that will create a sense of security – and let your light shine through. The quest is to take a journey of discovery, “who you are” vs “who are you projecting”.
Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 11th and the 12th
Make a list that will help you understand who you are (or wish to be) and who you are projecting because of how you think others want you to be. Get involved in a group that is of like mind (based on your authentic intentions) and develop a part of you that you have been dreaming about.
The goal is to create a daily routine that truly meets your needs, and puts a smile on your face. The quest is to play more, and do more to nurture your own wellbeing and happiness.
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Write out a daily routine that will help you achieve your wellness goals. Utilize all the tools in your toolbox … include your community of friends to help inspire and spur you on. Less researching and more action is needed in order to accomplish what is most important on this list – your future is in your hands (and actions)…
Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 23rd and 24th (if your birthday is on the 22 to 25th you will be significantly impacted by this Solar Eclipse) The goal is to Be more authentic about who you are projecting, ie. “Walk your Talk”. The quest is to take time out to enjoy just Be. Find new ways to wake-up into the moment – the now.
Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 14th and 15th The goal is to create (or schedule) more fun and spontaneous activities for you and your family to enjoy. The quest is to find ways to spend more time on your home life, and less time at work.
Do more of what you find joyous – what makes you smile, in doing so others around you get to experience the true you. Let this filter into the expression of your career – your earnings could increase significantly. Focus more on the influence your energy has on those around you (skilled/unskilled).
Work smarter – how can you get your career organized in a way that will allow you to have more family time. Don’t worry about the money it will be there when you need it, when you are happy – it will come naturally. This will have a profound and deeply moving effect your relationships (both work and home).
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 26th and 27th The goal is to deepen your understanding of the connection to everything that is … oneness. The quest is to enjoy your social activities, never say never to an invitation to get together with friends and acquaintances.
Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 16th and 17th
Get yourself out into new social and group situations that will push the boundaries of your understanding of humanity. You carry passion, enthusiasm and wisdom into everything you do – make sure you share this with others. What about teaching something you love to a completely new group of knowledge seekers.
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on Oct 1st then again on the 28th and 29th The goal is to find a way to combine your passion and leadership skills and utilize them to leave the world a better place having been here (yes big shoes to fill). The quest is to actually enjoy your drive and passion to lead others (let go of the bossiness guilt trip J ) as you do not as you say. Find new ways to balance and develop your skills – you don’t want to be a lopsided butterfly…it is only then that you will find your passion to lead. Taking ownership and finding balance is the key.
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Monthly Review and Goal setting on October 3rd and then again on the 30th and 31st The goal is to take your reputation (whether that be in your career or hobby/talent) to the next level. The quest is to (joyously) develop your cultural and intellectual skills in support of your goals It is time to “get your work out there” whether this is work from your chosen career or work from a talent you have been developing it is time to step it up a notch. This may entail – speaking engagements, teaching a class – or it simply could be that you are ready to network. Don’t miss out on this opportunity – push yourself…
Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Monthly Review and Goal setting on the 5th and until noon on the 6th The goal is to deepen your knowledge of faith and devotion. The quest is to know your worth and feel good about it! Go outside of your personal clan into your environment in order to experience (non-judgmentally) all the different types of faith that might be available. Learn about the values and authenticity of each think about the benefits they might add to your life. Whether or not you might become devout in the faith(s) you are studying – ask yourself what value they might add to the quality of your life.
Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life.
Photo: © dusk - 47
Combine your Sun (ego/identity/core), Moon (emotions/ Patterns/Habits) and Ascendant (projecting your identity) by reading each sign and combining them into one fabulous guide for the month. Aries (March 21-April 20) New goal setting opportunities are on the 26th, 27th The Eclipse is significant for your sign If you want to make changes in your life – now is the time – go for it. Walk, talk and dress the part and it will come. You will find power in the ability to grow your roots (deeply) in order to reach out to the stars. Taurus Horoscope (April 21-May 21) Confirm your new goals on the 1st and the 2nd as well as the Solar Eclipse on the 28th and 29th Meditation is key to making real change, if you can’t go to the mountain – bring the mountain into your life spend time each day in a dedicated practice. Your power is in the ability to immerse yourself into other cultures and philosophies and apply them inward toward selfgrowth. Gemini Horoscope (May 23-June 20) Confirm your new goals on the 3rd and the 4th and again on the 30th It is important to get social and let others know who you are and what your passions hold. Your power is in the ability to have money flow right in, allowing you to share with others, be sure to save a little for a rainy day. Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 20) Confirm your new goals on the 5th and 6th Growth is inevitable – especially in your career/reputation. Your power is in the ability to transform by recognizing who/what you attract into your world. Leo Horoscope (July 21-Aug. 22) Confirm your new goals on the 8th and 9th Writing and publishing is highlighted. What are you waiting for Shine your Light for all to see (read). Your power is the ability to be (happily) of service to the greater good. Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Confirm your new goals on the evening on the 10th and the 11th Long term goals are extremely important for you right now, work it out - focus. Your power is the ability to find humor in the moment and help others to connect to a good belly laugh, even if that comes from a dry sense of humor ;-)
Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Confirm your new goals on the 13th and the 14th as well as the Lunar Eclipse on the 15th The Eclipse is significant for your sign Inner emotional balance is possible, you need to focus on both sides of the coin. Focus on relationships … which is probably not much of a surprise to you. Your power is in the ability to connect to your roots, combine environment and shadow work to better understand the balance point. Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Confirm your new goals on the 15th (afternoon) and the 16th
Service to others is key over the next 6 months. Reap the JoyFul benefits of spontaneously lending a helping hand. Your power is in the ability to communicate to others how they might lift themselves from life’s disappointments. Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Confirm your new goals on the 17th and 18th Avoid gambling and affairs – this will just get you into trouble ;-). Your power is in the ability to utilize investments and make them grow larger than life … in order to reach long term goals easily and quickly. Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Confirm your new goals afternoon of 20th and 21st Home, clan, predetermined patterns and habits, are all in superfocus during this Eclipse process. Your power is in the ability to utilize your personal or intimate relationships in order to further your knowledge about what you need in order to be successful. Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) Confirm your new goals on the 22nd Communication and writing is highlighted perhaps even to the extent that you may find it provides new ways to increase your income. Your power is in the ability to utilize your connection to that which is greater than yourself. Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Confirm your new goals on the 24th and 25th Security, and income (in the same sentence) are highlighted. What do you really need/want in order to feel like you are in control of your own Destiny. Your power is in the ability to allow sudden and sometimes harsh changes take place, these will propel your income and transform your Career.
Full Moon
October 8th
The full moon in the month of October is called the Hunters Moon. It was named that because the harvest was in from the fields and it was time to hunt for meat that would sustain them through part of the winter months to come. It is said that due to winter looming on the horizon, it was an important feast day in some parts of Europe and among Native American tribes. We enjoy Thanksgiving in Canada around this time. While game hunting still happens around the world for many people as a source of nourishment, most of us do not hunt game during this time of year. I have been thinking about that and how we can honor this Hunters Moon. I am guided that we should use this time have an inner “hunt” to suss out what is really important to us and what we are hanging onto and no longer know why. This full moon is particularly bright in the night sky. A perfect time for a simpler, quieter releasing ritual. Reflecting and dreaming, setting up the last three months of this year, a time out for a few moments from life, where you give yourself a gift of savoring a sweet and allowing your mind to wander gently. What you will need; A round white candle would be ideal to represent the moon, however, if you do not have or cannot find one to purchase any white candle will work. Hopefully you have the luxury of being able to sit in the moon’s light comfortably as well. If not the candle will suffice.
Some dark chocolate. As dark as you like it, if you don’t like dark chocolate then choose something you do like. Splurge on the chocolate – no run of the mill bars today unless that is all you can afford. Pomegranate tea in a white mug or special cup. If you do not have pomegranate don’t stress and worry, pick your favorite tea and enjoy. This is meant to be a simple, relaxing time for you to enjoy the beautiful moon, a cup of tea, and a bit of heavenly chocolate. Take your time and alternate between a sip of tea and a bite of chocolate, enjoy the flavors and whatever comes up in your mind.
new Moon
For this month’s new moon let’s plant some seeds or bulbs to represent our goals so that they can manifest as the plants grow. Planting seeds or bulbs are a beautiful way to support what you wish to have in your life. Each time you water and care for your plants you are reaffirming and nurturing your dreams. Amaryllis would be a perfect bulb, they are a classic holiday addition and add a beautiful splash of color to our homes in the darker days of winter. Amaryllis bulbs typically take 8—10 weeks to bloom, if you plant on October 23rd you should see blooms between December 18—January 1st. Choose something that you like and give it a try. Think of the colors that will be showing up in the dark days of winter and pick a palette that you like.
October 23rd
A beautiful way to manifest and bring some lovely plants and color to your home.
Week 1 Moldavite
A crystal reading for October When you look to Spirit for answers to questions, for resolution to problems, you are always, always answered. You, dear ones, are connected to the entire universe. Everything you want to know has already been answered, every problem, every dream, every thought has already been made manifest. It is up to you to see it, to hear it, to know it. You are dearly loved‌.
Week 2 Clear Quartz Point
Week 3 Azurite
Week 4 Fire Opal
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Week 5 Rutile on Hematite
Week 1—October 1 – 4 Moldavite: Oh, dear ones – prepare yourself to receive messages! The messages could be from people who have passed on in one way or another. They could take the form of signs from spirit or they could simply be from your Self in the form of your intuition. Where ever they come from, whatever form they take, these messages have the potential for healing wounds from your past. Fresh winds will blow through your life carrying the scent and the energy of release and renewal. Very definitely clearing out the old. Week 2—October 5 – 11 Clear Quartz point: Clear quartz amplifies that which is already present. The point enables us to direct the flow of energy to a particular place in or part of our lives. Looking into the crystal helps us to see our problems with clarity. This week, we are offered an opportunity to see our problems clearly, to recognize which problems we can solve and which problems we need to let go of. Use the energy of clear quartz to connect with and communicate with your Higher Self so that you can access the peace that exists within. Direct that peace, that healing energy, into those dark corners so that all is brought out into the light of day. This can also apply to issues in the work place and to a particular relationship – most likely a friendship that you have begun to question. Week 3—October 12 – 18 – Azurite: Gratitude is a powerful form of prayer. This week is about Thanks Giving – gratitude – for all that you have, for all that you are. Feast, for that is one of the ways we show our gratitude. Share the feasting with others because this is also a form of gratitude. Then prepare to have blockages simply dissolve, slide away with ease and grace. You will be given opportunities to receive powerful information for someone else this week. Listen, do not question – simply share the information and move on. Do not get caught up in helping the receiver to make sense of the information you receive. You may begin to question the amount of money that you are spending on things that do not reflect the person you are rapidly becoming. Week 4—October 19 – 25 – Fire Opal: This will be a good week to begin to clear out that which no longer serves you. You will be given opportunity to take these steps, and assistance in recognizing the opportunity. It may be clearing out a closet or releasing a relationship – and you will find the intensity, the fire needed to make it happen. Some of you will experience a passion that you have been seeking. It is good to give a clean sweep, and fire opal is here to help you do that! Week 5—October 26 – 31: Rutile on Hematite: The turmoil of the past couple of weeks eases into a period of calm. You are feeling love both for yourself and for others. Healing is no longer a question but a certainty. Fetch yourself down to a river or stream, or some type of moving water, and watch the sun glint and glimmer. Each flash of gold serves as a reminder that you are wrapped in the highest regard of spirit of all entities that serve us. Make this week a time of honouring. Do not fall into old habits of self-denigration. They do not serve you, nor do they serve the world. Get ready to be anointed.
Earth Crystals
All crystals have beneficial properties but each astrological sign has crystals that are said to support those born under that sign. Often one crystal will show up under more than one sign yet offers something totally different. Just as there are many aspects to each astrological sign, each crystal has many aspects that vibrate with different aspects of our body, mind and soul and what works for one person is not necessarily true for the next.
Start to collect the crystals associated with your sign and keep them in a small bag you can carry in your pocket. Not all the crystals associated with your sign will resonate with you, as always keep the list for your
Hematite – offers patience and peace of mind. It enables Scorpio to compromise and be more trusting of their partners, put aside their own wishes and give themselves to another.
Coral – red coral helps Scorpio to fully enjoy life. It brings joy, energy, and sensuality and protects them from envy and resentment. It also helps deal with jealousy and selfdoubt. Fluorite – promotes intellectual development. It harmonizes the positive and negative aspects of the intellect. Fluorite helps Scorpio use their intellectual gifts, endurance, and will power for the good of others and saves them from overbearing egotism. Obsidian – loosens rigidities. It not only eases psychological problems, it also relaxes constrictions in the shoulder and neck areas that often plague Scorpio. This comes from their iron will, which does not allow them to let go and give their thoughts free rein. Sard – is the gemstone of justice. It encourages Scorpio’s sense of justice while keeping their fanaticism in check. Sard sharpens the mind, promotes openness with other people, and solidifies friendships and relationships. It guides the egocentric and introverted individual to become more outgoing toward those closest to them. Spinel – red spinel promotes determination. It helps Scorpio recognize worthwhile goals and gives them the energy to reach them. It lessens fears, especially of major changes in employment or divorce, which can discourage even the hardy Scorpio. Spinel strengthens the soul’s healing power. Tourmaline – red tourmaline helps Scorpio relinquish plans and ideas that their extraordinary will power cannot bring to fulfillment. With this stone’s assistance, Scorpio can let go without falling into depression or losing their self-esteem. Red tourmaline allows them to approach others with greater awareness and respect for their wishes and ideas. Garnet – allows Scorpio to transform their emotional strength and sexual desire into true love. Its red rays bring them into harmony with the heart of their beloved.
Other important stones are: Agate – give Scorpio the purity and clarity to recognize their inner nature. It helps them maintain this inner purity and face any difficulty that life has to offer. Chalcedony – supports Scorpio in difficult times. In their darkest hour, when all seems lost, chalcedony can restore self-esteem and trust in their own abilities and creativity. Having regained their self-confidence, they can return to the fray with new energy and succeed in all their plans. Jade – gives Scorpio confidence and joie de vivre. It enables them to acknowledge the beauty in the world and accept it without compromise. This will help Scorpio become more sensitive and sympathetic and allow them to enjoy life even more, as their happiness will spread to those around them. Malachite – gives Scorpio the ability to acknowledge their shortcomings and better deal with them. It increases their compassion for themselves as well as others. It helps Scorpio to speak hard truths in a more tactful and gentle way. Ruby – this gemstone can transform Scorpio’s emotions and sexual desires into true, lasting love. Ruby’s red glow ensures harmony in love relations. It teaches constancy and points the way to perfect oneness with the cosmos.
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen
Power Animal
Photo: Š SeanPavonePhoto-
The power of monkeying around and curiosity This month monkey has come in as the power animal. The signs were many. One of which was I received a stuffed monkey as a new friend to help and hold space for a variety of things. It has become quite amusing given I’ve seen monkeys every day since and they have been playing with me and making me laugh. So as monkey comes in monkeying around their message to us is: “Be curious!!! Curiosity opens you up to infinite possibilities!! Curiosity brings to you the spark of life and the imagination and encouragement to fulfill your dreams. Life is meant to be fun. So we are here to remind you it does not need to be serious all the time. In fact the more fun and curiosity you have in life and from your heart the better. Play opens you up to infinite possibilities and solutions. If you are stuck have some fun and play this will open the energy up for solutions and possibilities to appear. Be curious and innocent as a child. Let your child like self free and be proud of them. Curiosity did not kill the cat it made the cat discover worlds it never would have before. Swing with great joy and curiosity into your dreams. Swing into your joy. Swing into the next great adventure within you and your life. From this vantage point the bigger picture can be seen and a leap of faith to swing to the next tree can be taken with much joy in the discovery of your next adventure whatever it may be.” In the joy of curiosity and monkeying around The Monkeys
Contact Michelle blog or email me at
Essential Oils– Vera Enshaw
Photo: © venshaw
Idaho balsam fir is an oil that inspires poetry. It’s an oil that brings to mind mountains and warm misty days when the scent of the forest slides through the air and tickles your nostrils. I was fortunate to be at a second level raindrop technique training in Coeur de Lain, Idaho, when Gary Young introduced this special oil—and I was able to watch the distillation process at the farm at St. Marie’s the same weekend. It was absolutely wonderful to see the branches with their needles go into the huge distillation vats and watch the first droplets of oil appear. The excitement was palpable throughout the whole weekend. It is easily one of my favorite oils. I invite you to try it…..
can: diffuse it, carry the bottle around and regularly inhale the scent, put it in your bath water, mix with warm water and spritz it into the air, mix a drop or two with Epsom salts and leave open on your desk….so many options! You can also rub a drop on the bottom of your feet or at the nape of your neck. Not only will you begin to feel better but everyone around you will enjoy the delicate scent. Put drop on your moistened washcloth after your shower and give yourself a “washdown” with it! Idaho balsam fir has a fresh, light quality to it, in contrast to the heavier scents of cedarwood and pine. This makes it more tolerable for anyone with sensitivities to fragrances. It makes a great cologne for men!
The botanical name of this oil is albie balsamea—make sure that you get what you are paying for. Young Living steam distills the oil at very low temperatures, so it maintains a very high level of all the wonderful chemical constituents that make it so beneficial.
This oil is about clarity. Put some on a tissue and place it by your pillow to help with your dreams. Bring it to a meeting, diffuse it when trying to work out a problem. Mix it with peppermint oil when studying for exams. Truly a diverse oil with many applications. This is what I know—as soon as you open the bottle you will know exactly what you are going to do with it!
Historically the oleoresin from albie balsamea has been used to assist with respiratory complaints (asthma, bronchitis, chronic coughs), as a sedative for nervous tension and anxiety, and for helping with the pain of overworked and sore muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. It seems to give an extra “boost” to other oils used for pain relief such as basil or wintergreen. Layer it for best results, using the balsam fir as the top oil.
Enjoy! For more information on Young Living Essential oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website: Please remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.
The fragrance of this oil has the potential to lift one from the low valleys of despair right up to the mountain peaks of peace and clarity. Surround yourself with the aroma any way you
Contact Vera at
Ever expanding, growing and flowing
Hello fellow travelers of life; We come to you joined in an eternal circle. That circle is the circle of life ever expanding, growing and flowing. We are the Druids of the past, the present and the future. You are the goddesses and gods of great power within and without. Do you understand? Connect with the land and the ancestors of old. More importantly, connect with your own landscape and the landscape within. We all have this landscape that is connected to the circle of life, the earth, its lands and to each other in a never ending circle that connects everything in all dimensions of time, space and beyond. Follow this circle and discover the many gifts, worlds and the wisdom it has to offer. Feel your connect with the earth, the ancestors and “All That Is” and know you to are all of it. You are the great I AM..
Yours within the circle always The Druids and the Druidess of “All that Is” and every was Contact Michelle blog or email me at
Photo: © bittedankeschön -
Photo: Šmcobb
Phil Nielsen
Photo: Š mcobb
For people who wish to have children but so far have had no luck, this rune signifies eventual success, especially when paired with Ingwaz. Reversed: Berkana will usually indicate family problems and domestic troubles. It can show much friction between you and those closest to you. Even reversed, it is not a portent of certain doom; it is merely a warning, unless surrounded by truly negative runes. On its own, it does not point to irreconcilable differences. Berkana reversed can forecast an unfortunate family situation or foretell the receipt of worrisome news about a family member. Frequently, its presence signifies anxiety about someone close to you. (Now that is the part that speaks to me, I just never saw Berkana as reversed). We should always look at the surrounding runes for clues as to who that person may be. Gebo would indicate your spouse or partner, Ansuz for a child, or Othala points to an older relative. My rune for October is Berkana This past month or so has been quite traumatic for my family and I. First, my dad had a heart attack, which thankfully, he is recovering from and then, this past Saturday, my sister in law suffered a fatal heart attack. My dad is 89 and my sister in law was only 50 and it shows the fragility of life and also that we should never take it for granted. Please send lots of positive energy to my brother and his two teenage children as they try to cope with this devastating loss. The rune that has been coming to me this past week or so is Berkana. I am still not sure if this rune is mine or more for one of my readers. Hopefully it will speak to you. It is the fertility rune – a rune of birth and of family. This rune always presages a birth, whether it is an actual birth or the formation of an idea. Berkana represents your true home, the “home is where your heart is” as opposed to where you might be living now. It also represents your mother or children, and it usually indicates an event which brings joy to the family, such as a birth or a wedding (both of which my nephew and his new wife also celebrated recently).
When the question asked is solely about business, Berkana reversed usually indicates that any venture contemplated now will fall through, but it isn’t a totally negative rune, it may be merely showing that prudence and restraint is in order, and these plans could be brought to fruition at a later date. I hope that this has been of use to you. As always, remember that the runes are not fortunetellers, they are merely oracles and it is up to you to help yourself. If you don’t like the future rune in a cast, you can draw another stone. It is an indicator of what will happen if you stay on the path shown by the rune in the present position, but as the future is not written in stone, you, and you alone, have the power to change that end result. Until next month, Skål my brothers and sisters
When this rune shows up in a cast regarding new ideas, you should proceed with care and awareness. Berkana is always indicative of a tangible result and is a very helpful rune whenever a new project is being contemplated. It suggests that any schemes in the works should be implemented right away.
In the result position, Berkana shows a fortunate outcome to any question asked; in other positions it can signify a new beginning – a new project, new romance – which will bring much happiness. When surrounded by positive runes in a cast, it shows a favorable outcome, while negative runes indicate that your success will be short-lived.
Contact Phil at for more information.
Message from the Angels
October 2014 Blessings dear earth angels!
In the mad rush of life, you cannot begin to see what is working for you and what is working against you. You are too caught up in just surviving day to day, to notice that other options are available to you. This forced stall was gentler than having a chaotic experience come your way. You will now see where you have been going through the motions, instead of seeking a new solution. You will be able to clearly see where you need to focus your energy, and where you need to pull it back.
Some of you feel like you have been stalled. Like a tornado picked you up and tossed you around for a couple months, only to suddenly freeze you in one place while the spinning continued around you. This month you will be released, and the tornado will gently place you back on earth. It might take some time to feel your legs beneath you, but you will quickly regain your balance and start to move forward. You were held in this pattern while other patterns caught up to you. You could not move forward until certain things fell into place. You needed to learn how to move forward by observing what was going on around you. Had you not been stalled, you would have been pushing when you should have been pulling and pulling when you should have been pushing. Some of you still pushed and pulled even within the stall, to no avail.
Releasing what is no longer working or serving you might be hard, but all judgments need to be released. You have not failed dear one, you have accepted that no matter what you try it, is not working. You have given it your all, and now can put it aside with a clear heart and conscience. Relax, where you direct your thinking and energy, you direct your life, so let go of anxiety and be flexible. Be patient and open to a peaceful redirection, the time is now for renewed action that is not frazzled or frenzied, go forward in centered calm.
Often you need a time out, and for whatever reason, you think you are fine and carry on instead of taking a rest. Take a break and relax, enjoy a slower pace, you have earned it. No need to rush around with an urgency any longer, for that era has shifted and passed. The time has come to embrace patience and see how things unfold, instead of trying to make them unfurl in your fashion.
Blessnings of peace and patience dear ones, Your angels mcobb
Photo: Šmcobb
Photo: ŠPhil Nielsen