September 2015 issue 50

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Nourish Your body mind soul

Photo: ŠP Nielsen

Issue 50 September 2015 1

Photo: Š pnielsen 2

from the Editor As the sun sets on summer this month we need to remind ourselves that summer is not officially over until midnight on the 22nd! Since the middle of August, I have heard on more than one occasion “did you have a good summer?”, or “how was your summer?” Trust me when I say I had to bite my tongue really hard to not put my two cents worth in.

It reminds me that as a society we really don’t enjoy the now enough. Too often we are racing onto the next event, the next idea, the next… I thought about how we rush forward, always wanting what is just out of reach, wishing for things to hurry along. I understand when life is tossing us lemons we would rather it moved along quickly and didn’t linger a moment more than was necessary. Yet deep within my soul, I am constantly reminded that life is to be experienced fully. All aspects of life. To wish something along quicker only means that all experiences rush by too fast. Before we know it, we will be close to the end of our days, and my thought is that then we will wish we had just allowed the natural course to happen. To have done more being, and less doing. I believe we should take our cue from nature. We don’t go to bed on the eve of a solstice or equinox and wake on the day of said event to see that nature has waved her magic wand and poof, we are in the throes of the next season. No, it gently transitions from one season to the next. Slowly, over time, Mother Nature is savoring the last flavors, scents, and beauty of one season, while welcoming the new season that is on its way. I imagine she gets just as excited as I do to see the first flower reach to the sky in spring, feel the first warm heat of the sun’s rays in summer, watch a tree shift from hues of green to brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red of autumn, and bask in the joyous miracle of the first unique snowflake winter has to offer.

Now, we are presented with an opportunity to grab the last days of summer with gusto. Take a stroll on the beach, wear flip flops as long as you can, shorts too! Find a path lined with trees that you can walk along and enjoy the changing of the guard as the trees begin their transition. Enjoy the briskness of a crisp breeze across your skin and enjoy the dance of the leaves as the winds serenades them to the ground. Express gratitude for these wonderful days and enjoy the life cycle that began in spring transition towards winter - which we will all will be wishing would turn to spring! Namaste

Marlene 3

Photo: Š pnielsen 4

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Awareness of Acceptance Yearning for Contentment International Chocolate Day Stepping Forward Celebrating the Circle of Life Letting Go Isn't Always Easy Monthly Astro Tid-Bit - September 2015 September 2015 Horoscopes Crystal Reading for September Lunar Cycles for September Orange Essential Oil Health Benefits of Chocolate Power Animal - Flicker September Message Words Rune Casting For September Autumn Equinox Squash Apples International Angel Day Angel Message for September 2015


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Nourish is a digital magazine that is produced in Burnaby BC, Canada All content Š2011 - 2015 by Nourish Publication All requests for copying or reprinting should be addressed to

Marlene Cobb


I love how the Universe gently brings to my awareness, things which I am to work on. Life is all about personal growth, personal healing, and shifting ourselves to be healthier, wiser and stronger. When acceptance was brought to my awareness, I thought “you’ve got this!” Acceptance basically is the premise that you accept whatever is coming your way because realistically, most of what comes your way is out of your control. It is about stepping into the unknown each and every day and making the best of what is presented. Same goes with accepting the behavior and ideals of others. You have no control over them, and if something does come up as an irritant, the only person you can change is yourself. It becomes a cycle of letting go, and allowing.

away – only allowing them to flow when no one could see or hear me.

I sat with that information, and honestly accepted it. To do otherwise would be judging, and I was not the victim nor were my parents to blame. By accepting I simple understood that all situations, and people, are in constant flux. I did not have to stay locked into that pattern. In fact, acceptance necessitates recognizing and acknowledging situations or attitudes that exist, and not giving approval or staying with the status quo if I feel differently. I accepted that, while I did not believe that crying was wrong – in fact I support others and encourage them to cry freely - deep within me I had been programmed tears were wrong. For me personally it was wrong to cry, and perhaps that is why I encourage others to let them flow. I personally want to be free to do just that.

Midweek, from when the universe presented acceptance to me, I was presented with the next leg of the journey. It would take me deeper into the process of acceptance. Everything we have ever been told skews our perception of what is acceptable. If you are told something is good, that is what you believe and so that makes it acceptable. If you are told something is bad, that is what you believe – even if you don’t really see what the issue is – and that makes those behaviors not acceptable.

Which brings me to the other side of acceptance, being accepted! Can you see how the circle goes around and around? We listen to the wisdom and advice being doled out to us. Because we don’t know differently, it becomes a part of our psyche, and when we act appropriately we are accepted and not reprimanded or frowned upon. It becomes the go to reaction even after we have “learned a new way.”

Let me tell you, over the course of my life I have been told many things are wrong/bad! Perhaps not in the words of, “that is bad,” but in ways that you just know you are going to hell quickly if you act that way. Recently my dad passed. I have cried, and many times I have held back the tears, but one day recently, the floodgate was triggered opened, and I had a major meltdown. The trigger had nothing to do with my dad’s passing, it just brought forth all the held back emotions and tears. I cried more in that one session than in the 3 months since his passing. I was drained and exhausted! I realized that instead of allowing my feelings space to be, I had been stuffing them each time they rose to the top. I had not been accepting them, or allowing them to be processed so that I could let them go and thereby begin the process of healing.

Each of us are, at any given moment, in the process of changing. If we can accept ourselves and own that, perhaps what we accept or don’t is a programming, we truly begin to understand who we are. Acceptance then becomes freedom from the need to retain preconceived notions, not to mention other areas control of others, favored outcomes, or the anxiety that can come when the unexpected occurs. It becomes more than tolerance, it is a patience and gentleness that extends outward. Beginning with our own self, first, then extending to others and the world at large. Next time you find yourself in a place of non-acceptance, see if the belief extends from your own truth and personal values, or from the belief of others. Once you discern this, release the need to judge the situation, and just accept, that you personally don’t agree with it. Understand that each person, place, thing, or situation is as it is meant to be. The result will be serenity in knowing every individual, situation, or difficulty is unique and valuable in some way.

I was at a crossroads as to how I could change this habit I had and be open to allowing tears to flow freely. I asked my guides and angels for help and guidance on how I could better serve myself so that I did not get to meltdown stage. Within a couple of days, while washing my hair, it came to me. The whole thoughts around what we are told shapes us, and loudly in my parents voices I heard “stop crying, or I will give you something to cry about.” It would appear that crying was unacceptable and had been programmed. I was a sensitive child, and did cry easily. I recalled many occasions of hearing the above phrase, and learning very early in life to “stuff” the tears down, swallowing so hard and blinking like crazy. I also learned to hide my tears

Connect with Marlene at facebook 7

Gwen Randall-Young


I have recently begun to wonder if we have created a culture of chronic dissatisfaction. It is unsettling to realize how many of us are continually striving for more. Yes, there are those materialists who must have the newest, the best, the most. We may feel smug if we have evolved beyond that form of ego gratification. But wait a minute. How different is it to be striving for more simplicity in our lives - or to be striving for more inner peace, more enlightenment, more spirituality, or deeper meditations? Is that not ego, just the same? If we are striving, it is because we have not realized the perfection that we are. It is like a drop of water in the ocean wishing it could be a big wave. Only in the process of seeing itself as separate from the whole, can that drop diminish itself. It must first, in its own mind, reduce itself to relative insignificance, before it can have any sense of something grander towards which it could strive. It takes itself out of the greatness, perceives the greatness and wants to be a part of it, and then struggles in vain to ‘grow’ into a wave. If it simply forgot about its ‘self’, surrendered into the oneness, ‘merged’ its consciousness, it could be nothing other than ocean, manifesting as wave after wave. What we, as humans, yearn for, is a sense of contentment. Contentment implies satisfaction: a mind at ease. When we are content, we are not yearning, wishing, or striving for anything. We are at peace with what is. And when are we most content? Is it when we have acquired many things? Is it when we have made it to the top? Does it come from a weight loss program, or winning the game? Such things may bring gratification, but contentment has more to do with letting go and not needing, than with acquiring or achieving. Our deepest sense of contentment comes in those times when we have forgotten about all the things we want, and are just appreciating the moment. When we stop thinking about ourselves and just feel into the moment, we transcend that sense of separateness, and however briefly, we ‘merge’, like that drop in the ocean, with something much bigger. We experience a moment of bliss, heart opening, love, or perhaps 9

even divinity. In that moment, it is all there. There is absolutely nothing outside of ourselves towards which we might strive. Our highly developed left brains may tell us it cannot possibly be that simple. We have been taught, since kindergarten, that the right answers reside outside of our own consciousness, and that learning means filling our minds with that which is consensually validated. No wonder it is hard for us as adults to suddenly do a complete shift, and consider that the answers to life’s most complex and seemingly unanswerable questions, reside inside of us, and not out there somewhere. Dare we suggest that heaven and hell reside there too- because there is no in here /out there, other than an illusion created when we evolved beyond the intuitive right brained early humans, and analyzed ourselves right out of the loop? What an incredible amount of energy and thinking it takes to maintain that illusion! Did we really need quantum physics to ‘prove’ that we, like the mountains, rivers, birds, rainbows, stars and galaxies are part of an integrated, living, breathing oneness? How could we possibly be separate?

We can take a deep breath, relax our bodies, and surrender in the realization that we do not need to create our own separate world, and then carry it on our shoulders. We will eventually have to put it down anyway, so why not do it sooner, and savor the lightness of just ‘being?’ This does not happen by trying or striving. It is a shift in perception, and can happen in an instant. When we align with our intuitive knowing, we go there instantly. The trick is staying there.

Gwen Randall-Young is an author and psychotherapist in private practice. For articles, and information about her books, Deep Powerful Change Hypnosis CDs and the “Creating Healthy Relationships” Series, go to

Improves Heart Health Controls Blood Sugar Slows Aging Lowers Cholesterol Sheds Pounds Eases Stress Provides Sun Protection Eases Pain Heightens Libido Deepens Sleep 10


Debra Rae


The last month has been one of deep contemplation for me. I have had a favorite Uncle die unexpectedly and my mother in law also having to move into a retirement home after a medical scare. It brought back to me the fragility of life and the cycles we all go through on our journey. It is a reminder that I am on the later stages of my journey as well and I am in a Now or Never period of my life. For me this period of my life means that I need to honestly look at my self and start making decisions on whether I want to make changes and also if I want to step forward into creating any new pathways or adventures for myself. What at this stage of my life do I want to achieve or what do I want to let go of. Believe me when I say for me both of these choices are not easy ones to make. Creating a change requires expelling energy and effort so I now choose to only do that if I am truly committed to this new direction both from my heart space and my mind. I have found that letting go of any old ideas that I have held onto but not materialized is just as hard to do, as I then rush into judgment around why I have not created these wishes. Over the years of growing emotionally and spiritually I have come to the realization that like many other people I have been taught to dream big and I have no problem with that and I certainly would never encourage anyone to let go of their Big dreams BUT I also have come to the realization that I have never been taught to celebrate the small events that I have succeeded at or to be fluid in my thinking as I view my 'big picture' as I travel through my day to day realities of life. When I view my big picture it is a magical place I have created for myself one that has no worries or problems associated with it and I have to now ask myself is that why I am not living in my picture. Life will happen and the worries and the unexpected will pop up just as often as the joys and the normal does. As I sit in one of my cycles of this life I know that it is time to create only what I truly want and to let go of the old dreams that are more fairy time than real time. I know that it is really important as I walk down the pathway that is mine that I actively celebrate the small achievements and to keep focus on the larger goals I have set for myself so that it I can feel it is obtainable and not a fairy tale that I have created.


I have learnt that it is completely OK to let go of expectations and to move into acceptance of embracing my small moments and successes of my day to day. I try to live in my Now and to stop my ego mind from creating drama that is not real and to be open to living with a mindset of gratitude and joy, some days I am more successful than others but I am happy that I live in awareness and that I am catching myself more and more when I cross over to the 'dark side'. I value self awareness and self empowerment as tools that I have to aid me in my journey and I actively choose to re-evaluate my path at least once a year, but as I age I also choose to do this much more gently and with open eyes and to let go of the blame game when things don't go the way I had assumed. My affirmation for this month is :

“ I am open to letting go of any fear that is keeping me captive of being me. I am stepping forward with an open heart and mind. With gratitude and joy I walk into my Now “

Namaste Debra Rae

Connect with Debra Rae

By all these lovely tokens SEPTEMBER days are here, with summer’s best of weather and AUTUMN’S best of cheer HELEN HUNT JACKSON

Photo: © P Nielsen 14



Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Maya Angelou 16

The summer is soon leaving us and so to our plans of heat related fun, which means we need to find some fun fall and winter activities. What’s been brought to my attention this month is death. We all have experienced the many emotions, and experiences of death. Because your readership is already aware of the emotions of death, it might be prudent to talk about it anyway, as there is a lot of preconceived ideas surrounding this.

the way we did it 100 years ago. The Louisiana woman was there, and the people who celebrated her life were overjoyed for her sharing her experience. For those that mourn a loss, they are mourning for themselves, again no right or wrong here, just that those that carry that burden of grief, don’t understand the life experience here yet. As we learn that we are here to experience, to grow in wisdom of the god self, we find that the experience of a death of a loved one is only the human death, for as we all know, because of our experience here, our soul enjoys the human death that much more, for we are set free of the denseness, the fear, the binding of our love. We all choose to come here, albeit for a million different reasons, but we are volunteers none the less.

Yes it’s true, death of a loved one, be it human or animal, spiritual or emotional, the fact remains, it is still based on laws that are human, and laws that are universal, i.e. spiritual. Over one hundred years ago, humans perceived death, for the most part, as a part of life. Go figure! We as a species, though, have tried to turn that thought process upside down.

It’s when we forget that we are a spirit having the human experience that these new ways of thinking gets in the way. Big pharma is going down, we are seeing doctors turn against the old ways and embracing the new ways of thinking. It has taken us too long to embrace the old ways of medicine (before the 1900’s), and the new wave of souls that are entering at this time are turning the tide. We are the last generations that will hold on to the big pharma lies, the new science of the 1900’s. As we see that we no longer need to suffer the 5 steps of dealing with death. We just need to re-member that we are here for experience, to re-connect with the love that we were expelled from, and for most of us this is happening voluntarily.

During the last eighty years or so, we have been constantly told that science, or big pharma, will help us to life longer than we normally thought was possible. Now for some of you, if not most, we know what big pharma is, but unfortunately, there is a vast majority that still believes in this. Our job is to help enlighten those that are willing to see the darkness for what it is, but as we all know, free will dictates what they will see. There are some students of mine that are young, and they see through the veil of the denseness of this age, but there are still many others that need to be awakened. I have had the privilege of being at the deathbed of many different souls, and there some who see at the end, but others who still cling to the earth bound thinking. By seeing at the end, I mean that they know to go to the light, many authorized books have thousands of near death experiences whereby all see a light and feel an immense love they can never fully explain. However, there are those who don’t want to see, as they are tied to this plane so fully in the material or emotional connection of dense earth. Though there is no right or wrong in this thinking, it would none the less help in their passing to the realm of pure love.

The souls that have emerged here in the last 100 years, had the experience of new technologies, new western medicines, the money and monetary system, but thank god, we are going back to what we know is true. We are learning that death is the pain of the living, we mourn not for the soul that passed, we mourn for ourselves, as we must live without them. I have talked too many who have passed, including my own life paths, and it is always told by them that they pray for us to let go, to give thanks for that souls experience, and to know that we will always meet again to decide what new experience we will share with each other. To decide what we want to experience anew, for we all come here to do just that.

A good example is my father, he had suffered a stroke 25 years ago, I tried to connect with him at that time, but he would have none of it. However, 2 years ago he had another stroke, and I spent the good part of a night, connecting to him, shamanicly. I facilitated him meeting Jesus to discuss his next move, but there was no denying that he did not want to leave unless my mother was coming with him. I made a deal with his soul, that if he did come back, that he would be less of a burden on mother, i.e., that he came back with full speech, full use of his arms, legs and hands, to this he agreed. During the next 4 days of recovery, he was normal in all regards, then I noticed something, all my family was so used to catering to him, i.e., feeding him, walking him, talking baby talk to him, that over the course of a week, he eventually went back to his stroke like body and mannerisms. My family did not understand the healing that was given to my dad, and the doctors were of no help, they explained his condition away as abnormal spontaneous psychosis. Too bad we have so few knowing doctors in this region, but it is changing, as many of you know.

When we learn to see the life experience for what it is, we can embrace it, we can love more deeply, we can forgive easily. We can begin to understand that we have many more lifetimes ahead of us to mold our souls, to take us to that next level of awareness. Know that your loved ones are waiting for you. If you have soul family karma, know that they have already incarnated in your life to help you. If you see someone or something that has a familiar ring to them, it just might be someone that has passed and decided to help you now, in this life. Much love and light,


I had the privilege of attending a wake for a woman who owned a Louisiana style restaurant in Hamilton. Her wish was to have a jazz band march her ashes down Locke Street and have her life celebrated, this is

Connect with Robert 17

Karen Downing

Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Maya Angelou 18

There are things in life that cannot be monetized, like happiness, freedom and inner peace. Yet, many individuals do not know how to get to a place where they can live a life with these qualities. That goal can be accomplished through the practice of Letting Go. Letting Go is the process of identifying and releasing old patterns from your life.

when it can become a physical pain or disease, if not dealt with. Once the energy is fully released, then you can truly say you have let it go. It has been asked if there is a quick way to release this energy, just by wishing it to be gone. However, this is not how the emotional body works. Imagine if all of the sad emotions in your entire life were written down with a pencil on paper. One day someone comes by and says “you don’t have to experience that anymore, because I have this magic eraser.” So you erase and erase the words, but you still don’t feel any better. This is because the magic eraser cannot eliminate the imprint that those words left behind.

Some of the energy of the past is hidden so deeply, that it may take a series of events to bring it to the surface. So, why is letting go so important? Letting go is not about forgiveness, it is about understanding. Letting go is a process by which you do not forget about things that have come to pass, but instead you acknowledge them and build up a renewed viewpoint of them.

To get rid of those emotions, you need to let go of your attachment to those words; to bring up all of the emotions attached to those words until the imprint fades totally away. Does that mean that the words go away? No, they will always be there. Instead, through the process of letting go, you are now able to look at those words differently. And, one day you will be able to pick up that paper and it will feel like freedom, instead of despair.

By dismissing past events or by not discussing them, you continue to let them have power over you. By acknowledging them and allowing all of the emotions and energy to be released, then you are finally able to come to that place of peace within yourself. Everything in your life is there to teach you something about yourself. Even in the darkest, most difficult circumstances, you are taught about your own strength and reliance to overcome obstacles.

Everyone has moments that define them in their life, some good some bad. But, do not let those moments have power over you any longer. Whether good or bad, they are not a representation of the totality that is you. If you are defining yourself by just a few experiences in your life, then your vision of yourself is actually quite limited.

You can also learn about yourself from the smallest events in life. For example, what does waiting in line teach you about yourself? Maybe it teaches you to be at one with your surroundings, or to have patience, or even to appreciate the Divine timing of that experience. If you find yourself getting angry or frustrated about something in your life, this is an indicator that you have yet to fully let it go.

You are truly unlimited and the more that you release the wounds of the past and allow them to heal, the freer you become to be attuned to the Now moment: the moment when creation and manifestation begin, the moment when you can always choose what to do and how to feel about it. Do not let your Ego pull you back to what someone else said about you, instead use affirmations to find a new mantra.

When you do not let something go, it can become the center of how you define yourself. Many souls have been mistreated by someone in this life; this is not an uncommon experience. If you have experienced such a mistreatment, then to say that everything is good and perfect in your life would be inaccurate. Yet, this is how some choose to cope with pain. But, to let go, you need to move beyond that denial and say, “yes, this person did this or that to me,” that is the first step of acknowledgement.

You can be renewed in every moment, so why not let go of those things that hold the emotions of the past. It is time for you to release those anchors of fear, doubt and anxiety and instead shift your perspective to a peaceful understanding of how strong you really are and how much you are capable of. You are truly amazing.

Next, is getting into the emotions that you felt, and may still feel, about those events or circumstances. Let yourself understand and express those emotions. There are many safe and healthy ways to do this including, journaling, exercise, art therapy, meditation, yoga and talking to a friend, an expert or counselor. Find the right combination of healthy expression for you to allow the emotions and energy to be released safely.

Karen Downing Please share this material as you feel guided. It is requested that the copyright information and the URL are always included. Thank you. Copyright 2009 - 2014 Karen Downing

When you do not take time for this last step, you actually end up burying the energy deep inside of you and that is 19

In the other gardens And all up the vale, From the autumn bonfires See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over And all the summer flowers, The red fire blazes, The grey smoke towers. Sing a song of seasons! Something bright in all! Flowers in the summer, Fires in the fall! Robert Louis Stevenson

Photo: Š P Nielsen 20



Who’s being Naughty or maybe a little bit Nice Giving bag – for someone who is in need today – saw it on face book and loved the idea. Take a clear large zip lock bag – put some crackers – handy wipes, pc of fresh fruit, apple sauce, bottled water and a couple of surprise items. Sunday Sun-Day

Monday Moon-day

Tuesday Mars-day 1 All day VOC 9:40am

Push/Pull dig deep and make the inner changes 6 VOC until 10:40 am

Venus is standing still today.. Very powerful … What are you drawing toward yourself? 13 VOC 7:10 pm to 7:40pm

Must Meditate Day

7 Watch your inside voice, think before you speak


8 VOC 6:30pm to 7:40Pm

Unexpected burst of energy – use it to organize something long overdue 15 Unexpected surprises Pay it forward with your Giving Bags

Wednesday Mercury-Day 2 Throw your Giving Bags in the car – Pay it forward

Thursday Jupiter-Day 3 Avoid conflict today, head down and one foot in front of the other

Friday Venus-Day 4 VOC 3:20 am to

Saturday Saturn-day 5 VOC 4:05pm

Don’t promise more than you can truthfully give

All in all not a bad day … EnJoy the great outdoors – Hug a Tree

9 Thoughts may run deep , let them go there but don’t dwell especially if you go to the ‘dark side’

10 Deepest Desires …Today is the day to Go out and Get it…

11 VOC 6:00 to


16 VOC from

17 Mercury Stationary stay skilled Saturn moves into Sagittarius – so lighten up

18 VOC 12:50pm Proceed with caution …

19 It may seem like you are being called into a collective cause … but at what price

24 VOC from

25 VOC until

26 VOC from

Mars moves into Virgo

Play Hooky

Inner contemplation – no long term commitments today


Meditation a must



22 VOC 4:15pm

Don’t overdo it – slow and steady Stay Focused 23 VOC until

Excellent meditation day

International Day of Peace

Don’t get caught blurting out that inside voice …

Sun moves to Libra

Get passionate – Be Generous


Excellent day to get the job done

27 VOC until


29 VOC until 12



Inside voice again … unexpected thoughts may bubble up

… rain or shine

Must Meditate

Work out – do Yoga or just get outside for a walk in nature

What is on your list to Re-do …


Harvest Moon



4:50 am

6:55 am

Play Hooky and contemplate tomorrow - today

to 8:30pm


Don’t engage



VOC = Void of Course … No impulse purchases or Long term commitments during the void of course, opportunity to look within all times are in Pacific Time 23

Planetary ‘Action’ for September

Venus squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Planets to watch out for this month … We have a very Month – 3, 17, 24 busy month with planets going in and out of retrograde … Heartache/domestic and security challenges. LOVE and making script changes. Venus moves Direct on the 6th – EMBRACE LIFE anyway! get ready to show the world the inner changes you have Mars … Our planet of action, passion and anger. It is made. Saturn moves to Sagittarius on the 17th – let’s all important for you to connect to and work with your lighten up … just a little. Mercury moves retrograde Martian energy – utilizing healthy expressions of action. (inner spiral) for the last time this year – 3rd times a Mars moves from Leo to Virgo on the 24th … stop thinkcharm … dust off the old project book and hit the re- ing about getting organized and do it. Create a detailed start button. Pluto moves direct on the 24th – be the ob- list each morning of what needs to get done – and then server. Mars moves to Virgo on the 24th are you pre- go for it. pared to action and organize all those little details? Get Mars, watch squares, conjunctions and oppositions with Ready – Set – GO! the Moon for the Month – 3, 10, 18, 25 Double Whammy Days for the Month – 3, 4, 14, 18, 25 …Use Caution! Be careful of temper tantrums and acciMost Challenging day 25 use short meditative breaks dents! RED LIGHT throughout the day – remember to breathe. Jupiter… Our planet of growth, wisdom, opportunities Lots of great favorite Meditation or relaxed days for the and excess. Jupiter is very slow moving which allows us Month – 2, 6, 16, 20, 21, 30 Experiment with different to settle in and grasp what opportunities are presenting types of meditation such as deep breathing - moving (chi themselves in your life. Jupiter continues his trek gong) or walking, music - silence or guided. through Virgo don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with Mercury, our planet of communication in all forms from too many details – leave all that counting of the grains old fashioned verbal & written to communication that of sand to Mercury. Try not to gather too much infortravels on waves. Mercury continues to move through mation, don’t sweat the small stuff. Libra, where we go into our final retrograde (inner spi- Jupiter Squares and Oppositions with the Moon for the ral) for mercury of the year. That’s right … it is time to Month – 4, 19, 26 … Don’t lose sight of your budget, over redo – rework – revise and … re-organize. This is the -indulging or over-committing, watch that others do not perfect time to go through old files and emails – I bet take advantage of your generosity. your computer filing system could use some revamping. When we get closer to the end of the month you may Saturn… Our planet of boundaries, restrictions, limitath get some support from Mars (the planet of action) who tions and possibly fear. Just at the end of 2014 (25 ) will be working with one of Mercury’s favorite scripts. Saturn moved into Sagittarius, and will travel through this fiery optimistic energy for the next couple of years. SatUse this time wisely and get’er done! urn in Sagittarius will help you infuse flexibility and pasMercury squares and oppositions with the Moon for the sion into what you are manifesting, focus on healthy Month – 7, 22, 28 boundaries. Saturn continues his trek through Scorpio, …Think before you speak, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS WISE- moving into Sagittarius on Nov 7th. You may feel the LY! weight on your shoulders lift. There may be presentaVenus … our planet of Love, Security (which often shows up as tions of multiple opportunities – that require focus – organization – and the willingness to take on extra remonetary wants) and what we like to surround ourselves with (art, greenery, food, music, colour, sparkly things …) with a very sponsibilities. Step up to the plate, the hard work will individual flare and expression. Venus moves direct on pay off in the long run. September 6th – take special note of this day as she will be standing still, inhale and connect to your inner most needs and desires, exhale and begin express what you need to surround yourself with . She travels through the shadow until October 9th – during this time make adjustments. Build up your passion and shine your light for all to see.

Saturn conjunctions, squares and oppositions with the Moon for the Month – 4, 11, 18, 25 …You may feel that life is hard work. STEP UP and MEET THE CHALLENGE! Uranus … Unleash your Genius, this is our planet of sudden ideas and change. Uranus is slowly moving through Aries – creating impulsive moments that focus on new and innovative ideas. Uranus has turned retrograde


(inner spiral) inspiring you to bring out your personal Rebel. Be a Rebel with a cause – make radical changes within!

is an over layer of energy that draws the theme out over 6 months.

Contemplate the goal(s) that you would like to put on your list which you have only been dreaming of …grab onto passion and confidence. There is a special push/ pull with this Solar return, simply push your energy out to gather what you need to start your plan – and it will gather energy/items with lightning speed and boomerang back – So Mote it Be! This Solar Return will be evoking a need to diligently collect and develop information and ideas, take care not to get caught in an insatiable desire for more or promise more than is reasonably possible.

Neptune … Our planet that dissolves boundaries and limitations. Neptune continues through Pisces so take care with experimentation of drugs and alcohol and Be MindFul of what you are creating that is connected to the collective. Neptune starts a long retrograde from June 11th through to the middle of November, get ready to dissolve some inner boundaries. Take care not to over-indulge in the 7 deadly sins. Pluto … Our planet of transformation, control (ego) and power. Pluto slowly plods along moving through Capricorn – Pluto continues to push for changes to our old and outworn patterns of dictatorship and inflexible leadership (although you will continue to feel the resistance). His retrograde (inner spiral) will end September 24th when he moves direct. This may create challenges that need to be met especially for those with (planets) Sun in Capricorn – Cancer – Aries and Libra.

The Full Moon – Lunar Eclipse: September 27th at 4 Aries 7:50pm Harvest Moon The Lunar Eclipse is the opposition of the Sun and Moon. This is an internal, emotional, subtle connection. The feminine soft light shines into every dark corner. It is an Inhale. Use this to see what you need to do in order to reach your goals. The Eclipse is an over layer of energy that draws the theme out over 6 months.

Sun moves into Libra on the 23rd … Happy Solar

This is the perfect Moon to accomplish those goals you set-up 6 months ago –tidy up loose ends and push forward into completion? This harvest moon is packed full of energy that will help you finally make the change to integrate this goal(s) fully into your daily life. You may need to be a little bit selfish and put Photo: © dusk - your goals above others, remember that when you are happy and fulfilled your loved ones will be happier too. Unexpected completions are possible, especially if the goals relate to the Venus retrograde where you made changes internally (in matters of beauty, looking good, love, artistic abilities and overall sense of security). You may be pleasantly surprised with the results. SEE the finish line.

Return (Birthday) to all you Libra’s out there. Allow the Sun to infuse you with health and vitality.

Solar cycles … New and Full Moons – it is important to step outdoors and connect to the early evening sky, and again in the early morning just before the Sun peaks out from the horizon, consciously wake from one dream and step into another. The lunar cycle is a monthly marker giving us a time line in which to complete old tasks, then birth the new. When we do this we inherently connect to our genetic/collective habits and patterns of our multi-dimensional bodies. As above So below.

Connect to your night sky – light a fire and sit under the stars … Experience your New and Full moon first hand, set a covered clear glass of water out under the beams overnight then drink in the energy of the moon the next morning. The New Moon – Solar Eclipse: September 12th at 20 Virgo – 11:41pm The Solar Eclipse is externalized and often feels like it is happening to us externally or environmentally. It is when the Sun and Moon are sitting together blending their energies, creating anticipation toward something new and d it is more masculine or outgoing in nature – it is an exhale. The Eclipse

Email: for more information on how a Phone or Skype Consultation can help you with any transitions you are experiencing in your life. 25


Cartesian Co-ordinates … incorporate these questions as you work with your monthly goals: What will happen if I do achieve this goal? … What will happen if I don’t achieve this goal? What won’t happen if I do achieve this goal? What won’t happen if I don’t achieve this goal? Marry this with your Saturn work this month and you will be well on your way to manifesting your deepest desires!

Use this lunar eclipse to finish the book or how to manual – set up a space & time to go every day in order to get it down on paper and finally tell your story, and share the knowledge you have been gathering, with others.

Libra Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Things may feel like they are in a premature state of evolution. If it appears that things are elusive or being hidden from you, connect with a regular, consistent, practice of centering and meditation (same time - same place - same practice). Use this Lunar Eclipse to unveil a gift or talent that you have been long working on. The timing may be just perfect to uncover what you have discovered. Move deeply within, gather your confidence and shine your light for all to see,

Aries (March 20-April 19) During the Solar Eclipse make a plan for an outdoor action adventure – no matter what shape you are in - get your body ready to do something that will take you out of your comfort zone and push your fitness to the next level (whatever level or age you are currently – from a hike on the Machu Picchu trail to one of the 7 wonders to jumping out of a plane or hand gliding). Take a look at your goal list – what task is on the list that requires incredible focus and an ability to gather many things into one basket, use this Lunar Eclipse to complete that task especially if it requires co-operation

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Good things come to those who wait – call in those favors, fast tracking career opportunities may be on the horizon. Make a goal to come out of the darkness, release your fear of success and move to the next level. Use this Lunar Eclipse to connect to your personal authenticity in a quest to find your essential distinction – what can you contribute to the greater good. It is time to pay it forward.

Taurus Horoscope (April 20-May 20) The main focus this month is on your home – feeling safe secure and loved. Use the Solar Eclipse to open yourself to opportunities in a creative endeavor or focus on artistry. Lunar Eclipse is focused on health goals, think back over the last month with Venus Retrograde – what realizations did you discover about yourself? How can you move a goal from a want to be … to an “I Am!”

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 20) Career potential is in focus all month. Make a whole new list of obtainable goals, watch for opportunities – and don’t be afraid to set the bar high. It is time to create something out of all that fire. Use the Lunar Eclipse to move forward and solidify connections with groups or associations. Eventually these new networks will be a large contributing factor in the ‘big’ picture

Gemini Horoscope (May 21-June 20) Embrace your ability to gather information – but set a new goal to get it all organized in a way that allows the information you have gathered to be useful ;-) Use the lunar Eclipse to dust off that goal where you get out of your head and just let your creative juices flow … stop reading about it and ‘Be’ the creator.

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec. 21-Jan. 20) Set a new goal to take your dream journaling to the next level (or start if not already) Explore Lucid dreaming, dream symbolism – look outside your own culture for new techniques (Tibetan Dream Yoga ). Start a dream group or a dream blog get others involved, work it out on the astral. If you have been working on your abilities in the healing arts – use this Lunar Eclipse to push yourself to the next level. There is a fork in the path – decide the route and then show others the way.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21-July 21) Take the time to set new goals of communication – express yourself in a healthy and happy way. Stay on top of the rumor mill and nip anything that is not the absolute truth – right from the moment you hear it. Focus on bringing balance to you home environment. There is no “I” in team – take care not to be too I oriented when it comes to your career, understand the needs of ‘the family’ and your career will blossom.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan. 21-Feb. 18) It may be time to set a new goal that will face your inner most fears about death, dying and decay. Set a goal to journal, explore and confront these inner most thoughts. Is there an education goal on your list that you have been putting off, or that you have been slowing working on but have not accomplished? Sign up – jump in and take the plunge. It does not have to be formalized but one that will take you to the next level of understanding (could be in the healing arts).

Leo Horoscope (July 22-Aug. 22) Time to set goals on establishing new lines of communications, get involved with the locals, Be the change you want to see in your neighborhood. This Lunar Eclipse brings focus to your resources and support systems. Do you have the right people in place – if not make the required adjustments. Surround yourself with the best and you will Be the best. There may be a goal long on your list that needs to get dusted off and re-started - ask for help if/when you need it.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb. 18-March 20) Make a goal to immerse yourself into your relationships – take it to the next level – go deeper/bolder – give more of yourself, give it all … reciprocal motion in action. This Lunar Eclipse asks you to take yourself out of the box. This is something you may have been hesitating to do, focus on long term commitments … to yourself – your growth – your future. It is about you and the feedback (constructive) and support, which your “audience” can give you so you can take your skills and talents to the next level.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Be larger than life, is it time to set a monetary goal? It is all about ‘how’ you are attaining wealth and making your money. Are you happy about what you have gathered? 27

Oh, when I look back now That summer seemed to last forever And if I had the choice Yeah, I'd always wanna be there Those were the best days of my life Bryan Adams/Jim Vallance Photo: Š PNielsen 28


A Crystal Reading for

September 2015 Sun.






































Oh, my precious ones…see what you have created! Look around at your life. Are you satisfied with what you see? Dissatisfied? Only you can shift and change what your life looks like, only you can shift and change how you perceive events. It is hard, sometimes, to remember that what looks like a tragedy may actually be a blessing. And what looks like a blessing may actually be a tragedy. Think on it. Perhaps perspective is what it’s all about. Is it? How are you perceiving what is going on in your life? Are you in the midst of a blessing? And….is that what it looks like to you right now, in the living of it? Blessed be, dear ones. You are…in love, with love, as love. Remember this. Know this. We do….. Namasté


Contact Vera at 30

Week 1: September 1 to 5 – White quartz: Sky searching. Oh, my blesseds, look to the skies this week. Evenings, go outside so that you can look at the expanse of space that surrounds us. As we are to this earth, so our planet is to the Universe. Seeming small and insignificant, yet so important to so many. You think that you have no power, no place in the scheme of things and yet….and yet, without you, my dearest, the entire course of human history would be altered, forever changed. Think about that. Ponder it this week as you gaze into the night sky. Write your insights down, so that you can reflect on them at a later date. Week 2: September 6 to 12 – Jasper: This week search out events and talismans that connect you to earth. Grounding is more than planting your feet deep into the soil of our planet. Grounding is more about your connection to this being that we live on. Where are your roots? What is it that nurtures you? What enables you to feel comfortable and at home? And….what connects you to Earth and at the same time allows you to fly amongst the stars? Tobacco, drugs, alcohol: these things dig you into the ground even as they seem to release you and let you fly. Dispense with excess. Be very, very careful that what you ingest into your physical body is going to have the result you want. Of course, some of you are wishing to release the physical in order to fly….make sure, positive certain sure that you are choosing this ending…

Week 3: September 13 to 19 - Septarian Nodule: What music allows you to fly? What music brings you home again? The vibration of music is elemental to our soul, we are drawn to it, it seems to seek us out. Pay attention this week. Do not listen carelessly to whatever is playing. Choose the vibration you are immersing your being in. Hard rock, gentle relaxation, hip hop, rap…whatever you are immersing your being in, pay attention. Why have you chosen it? What are you seeking to experience? When you have finished….have you achieved your goal? When you choose the vibration you allow yourself to reach the stars and the core of the earth. Take care that you do not choose a vibration that numbs you, that pushes awareness away from you. This is not the time or space for numbness.

Week 4: September 20 to 26 – Nuumite: Water. Water allows us to float, to see and feel our reflections. We are composed largely of water, the same as our Earth is. Take yourself to water this week. A lake, the ocean, simply watching or walking in the rain. Feel it enter your body as you drink it, sliding down your throat. Water. Feel it on your face in the shower, lift your face to the rain. All too often we seek to keep ourselves out of the water. This week, celebrate water everywhere. If you can dance in the rain, lift your face to be kissed by it…do it! If you can be lulled by gentle waves on the ocean, soothed by clear, clean lakes….enjoy it. Re-establish you connection to water.

Week 5: September 27 to 30 – Clear quartz Mercaba: Water, earth, stardust…we are all of these. Elementals that create the physical body we inhabit. Vibrations that surround us, that are us. We have the ability to increase our vibration at any given point in our lives. Soar higher, feel more, establish our energetic presence where we live. As we live. Dare it. Be bold, be brave. Seek the fullness of all that you are by becoming aware of all that you are. Share that which you are with others. Do not hoard your awareness to yourself – yet do not force it onto those who are not yet ready to receive. By being the fullness of who you truly are, you invite, you allow others to do the same. Each of us, our physical being, is surrounded by an energetic body that is our merkaba. This body connects us to all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. Open your heart. Open your being to receive….. 31

Marlene Cobb

Photo: Š MCobb 32


new Moon

September 12

September 12, 2015: Solar Eclipse New Moon in Virgo

For this new moon manifestation we are going to pop some popcorn. Huh? You say, what? Gather together some popcorn kernels, a paper bag, nontoxic writing instrument, a stapler, olive oil, and seasoning of your choice. To begin, while the paper bag is still folded flat, write or draw symbols that represent your wishes. Next, we are going to measure out ¼ cup of kernels and pour them into the bag. Notice how many kernels it takes to measure ¼ cup, think of them as the small details you will be attending to for your desired outcome. Alone, the kernels are not much to think about, and would not be easy to chew or digest. Add a tbsp. of olive oil to your bag of kernels, along with whatever seasoning you are adding, fold the top of the bag down a couple times, give it a shake to mix the oil, kernels and seasoning, then staple to top once, or twice to help hold it closed. Now microwave this on high for 2 minutes. Carefully remove the bag once finished, open (watch out for the steam), and pour into a bowl. Not all of the kernels will be popped, and that is ok. See how these small details became the whole, a snack you can now enjoy – chewing and digesting will be easier. As you enjoy your snack, ask the universe to bring to you the small details that require your attentions so that you may see the kernels of your desires burst to life.

The new moon this month will come between the Sun and Earth, causing a solar eclipse, which will disrupt the normal energy flow, blessing each of us with the opportunity to create changes that will last. Some of these changes will be out of your control, fated or destined, and there will not be any thing you can do to change their course. The best course of action is to be okay with them and know they are for your highest good. Think of this new moon eclipse as being similar to your computer freezing and having to do a hard reboot. Only you are not going to be rebooted, rather your unconscious will become conscious. This is important to understand when you are preparing your manifestation –wishes for this moon cycle. Virgo is all about attention to details, responsible, organized, don’t waste the energy on temporary solutions. It is about noticing the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us (or pushing them to the side), working on ironing them out so we can move forward confidently. As the unconscious will come to the front it is the perfect time to pay attention, heed what is coming your way and again know your soul is bringing forth what is for your highest good.

Enjoy this new moon eclipse and know that small can become great! Dream big and expect delicious treats to start bursting into your life over the next few weeks.

Instead of working with “when will my boyfriend call?” or “I want to heal ____” or “when will my job get better?” Phrase your wishes differently, like “What do I need to do in order to have a relationship that serves and respects me?” “What can I do to see the healing happen that I need?”, “What steps do I need to take to have my job align with my values?” This facilitates the universe showing the smaller details needed to make lasting changes towards your desired outcome.

Note: if you wish to use a packaged microwave popcorn, by all means do so. As you are writing your desires on the bag, visualize the small kernels inside, feel the little bumps they create and think of them as the small details.


Full Moon

September 27 The September full moon is known as the Harvest Moon. It will take place on September 27th in the astrological sign of Aries. It also happens to be a Lunar Eclipse, so prepare yourselves for the energy this one is going to throw at us!

To deal with this energy, and not leap before we should, we are going to do a slow motion meditation. When the harvest is brought in it goes through a quality check to ensure it is safe to consume. For this meditation, think of tai chi, or martial arts, you learn the sequence of moves in slow motion. You practice in slow motion to find precision, then when action is needed it is swift and hits its mark. It flows in exactly the way it should without any thought from you.

Powerful, that is how I would describe what this moon is going to be. Lunar eclipses have a tendency to do a great job of purging and releasing things. While the full moon is all about light and illuminating areas for us to release, the shadow cast by earth upon its surface gives it the duality of being like a new moon. Which in basic terms we can understand, means that it will bring to the surface the issues we have been trying to keep in the dark. However what keeps coming to me is “yin and yang”, balance will prevail, and in the end that is what this moons energy is helping us with, bringing balance into our life.

Take more time than you normally do to get comfortable in your mediation spot. If you normally have music playing in the background, select something that has a slower rhythm and beat. If you drum or rattle your way down into meditation, slow down the beats. Breath slower and deeper, feeling each breathe slowly fill your lungs and then exit your lungs. Count yourself down using two breathes for each count instead of one. Once you are in your sacred spot, slowly look around, as if everything was happening in slow motion. Take a slow motion walk, where you can see each movement in precise accuracy before taking the next. What do you notice when you slow things down? Probably more than when it is in normal pace or when you are rushing. Take as much time as you need exploring all the nuances of your sacred space. Ask that your guides and angels bring to you messages and signs that will help you see the rotten, diseased fruit that needs to be released. When you are ready, slowly make your way back to reality.

The beautiful thing about the moon being in Aries is that the energy should be short lived. To be on the safe side and have all bases covered, prepare yourself that this could last up to six weeks, and is only because of it being a lunar eclipse. You might be motivated, leading up to this full moon, by a strong desire for a fresh start. It really could coincide with any area of your life. A fresh start could include relationships, career, health, or education. Even though this is a time to harvest all that no longer serves you and release it, releasing most certainly is a fresh start. I am being given – turning over the fields, preparing them for the next crops. During a harvest only the fruits, vegetables or grains that can be consumed are kept, the roots and stalks are returned to the soil to help fertilize next year’s harvest. When we release what no longer serves us, we are keeping the lessons learned, the fertilizer, and giving thanks for it being in our life for its time, then gently knowing that it can no longer sustain us, releasing it. One thing is certain, anything you have been procrastinating about is likely to rise to the surface and you will have no recourse but to deal with it. Remember this is all about releasing, and will not necessarily be things you want to release, you could be involved in someone else’s harvest.

You should feel well rested and content. Relaxed and invigorated at the same time. Ready to harvest what no longer serves your highest good and return it to the earth to fertilize the next crop. If you feel stressed during the six week time period after this full moon, do a five minute slow motion meditation. It can be as simple as getting a glass of water in slow motion, or slowly preparing a meal. Slowing down your actions will help bring clarity to the any situation, it will help you to see vital steps and clues to releasing whatever this moon is asking you to release.


Photo: ŠP Nielsen 36

It is a new season. A perfect opportunity to do something NEW something BOLD something BEAUTIFUL


Essential Oils


School is starting this month and stress levels begin to rise before those little feet head out the door and down the street. School clothes, school supplies, shoes. Stores – in and out with children who know what they want and don’t want. For the student it’s a mixture; happiness to be back in school (maybe!) and nervousness about starting a new grade with a new teacher. And if you’ve gone up a whole level, from elementary to junior/middle school, or up to high school or college….ai-yiyi-yi-yi!

A note of caution: If you are planning on applying this oil topically, avoid direct sunlight on that part of your body for 12 hours after the application. Orange being a citrus oil is phototoxic and could cause severe sunburn or uneven skin discoloration – best to use it where the sun doesn’t shine! If you are having a bath with it, make sure it’s an evening relaxation so that there’s lots of time between the bath and the sun. Enjoy this oil. Diffuse it, smell it, put it on a cotton ball in your dresser drawers. Please – always remember to use only 3rd party certified therapeutic grade essential oils.

What you and all your littles could use is a dose of calm, and orange essential oil can help with that. A drop on a piece of tissue, or diffused into your home, can help to soothe ruffled nerves – yours included! School mornings, put a drop on a cotton ball and tuck it somewhere in the bathroom. Everyone uses that room and will get a brief dose of it. If you are transporting children in your vehicle, a drop on the floor mats could make your life and theirs a lot more pleasant! A drop on a pillow at bedtime can help relax a child and help both of you get a good night’s sleep.

Vera For more information on how to acquire the highest quality oils and blends, please contact me by email at or go to the website:

If you or your child are likely to find a particular day stressful, consider putting a drop of orange on a cotton ball and carrying it with you. Almost everyone loves the smell of citrus, so it won’t likely be offensive even to scent-sensitive folks. The colour orange relates to the sacral, or naval, chakra. Emotions are associated with this chakra and the essential oil of helps to calm and soothe emotional distress.

Photo: © youngliving™

If you are running a workshop and wish to help the people involved stay balanced and calm, diffuse orange essential oil into the room prior to the workshop and during breaks. Again, put some on a cotton ball in the washroom to give a sense of safety and balance. Consider a meditation in orange, see what comes up for you. Who knows? You could come out of it feeling balanced and centered, ready to take on the world! I like to put a drop of organic, cold pressed orange essential oil into a glass of cold water (oil first, water second). It adds a whole new dimension to the flavor! Contact Vera at


Power Animal

Photo: ŠP Nielsen 40

Flicker has been swooping in and out of my life since Summer Solstice. Last weekend it woke me with its beautiful song. It sat atop a telephone pole and cheerfully sang for 45 minutes. So many beautiful notes, I really did not realize that they had such a wide range of sounds. I enjoyed my coffee while being so beautifully serenaded. During this 45 minutes, a phrase from a song kept repeating over and over in my mind was “I sing because I am happy, I sing because I am free! His eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches me.� I realized it was a message and gift from my dad. Flicker represents new rhythm of growth and healing love. The rhythm they beat out on trees, or in my case, on the transformer box, with their beaks is spectacular. It can be soothing and healing to hear. Each time is different and I have often wondered if they had a song playing in their mind they were keeping time with. Think heart beat and you can see the tie to healing love.

Insights and intuitions are activated when flicker appears and perceptions are changing. Flicker can teach us how to connect with the earth to ground ourselves. Flickers are woodpeckers which are down from the trees, meaning they peck the earth to find food. A little known fact about Flickers is they have long tongues used to extract nutrition from the holes it pecks. Flicker aids in our ability to find deeper meanings and hidden qualities of patterns and coincidences. The flicker also has two toes in front and two toes in back of its feet. Teaching us balance and harmony Flicker shows tenacity, patience and straightforward actions to accomplish endeavors at this time. Listen carefully to Flicker medicine for she will guide in perfect timing. M. Cobb 41


This month’s messages drawn from “the Soul’s Journey” deck by James Van Praagh


Phil Nielsen

Photo: Š mcobb


This month I asked the runes to guide me without me asking any question. I wanted to let them show us what they will. The result was a very different reading from what is normal. I do thank the runes for their deep insight into the state of our evolution.

I was struck by the realization that this reading is so on point for what is happening worldwide. China's monetary system is on the brink of collapse, Greece is bankrupt. Stock markets are taking a beating. The runes show us that this all must happen to bring about change. Capitalism and communism have had their day, we no longer have a middle class, just 1%'rs who think only of themselves and how much they can acquire, and the 99% who try to muddle along as best they can. The wealth differential is so top loaded that 5% of the total human population have over 50% and the 95% have to divvy up the other 50%.

I drew three runes, the first or problem at hand rune was Ehwaz, the second or course of action was Othala, and the third or what is likely to come about if you follow the second rune, was Uruz. These are not runes I usually draw when I am asking something personal so I was intrigued. I read a few books, hunted down different meanings and then I was led to a specific site and the meaning of this cast became crystal clear.

If the majority figure out they have all the power, we could see a change, the like the world has never seen before. Handled properly this would be a benevolent governing system, Iceland is a good example. They either threw the heads of the banks in jail or kicked them out of the country. The Icelandic government then assumed control of the banking system. They then looked at the loans and mortgages of their citizens and if the loan or mortgage exceeded a percentage point above what a person earned, it was forgiven.

Ehwaz in this instance, indicates that we are walking toward a new beginning. Patience is called for at this time. We are not to rush, but take our time, be in the present and do not become attached to the outcome. There may be obstacles, so carefully think and clarify your feelings in order to proceed. This is a good time to organize your home or business.

The world needs a serious overhaul before we see an oligarchy of corporations running every country.

Othala shows that it is time to release that which is no longer appropriate in our lives. This may relationships, work, or our beliefs. In order to become more of who we are meant to be we must discard that which we have outgrown. I think in this instance, as it is a broad reading, this is about the world discarding the system we live under and creating a new and more equitable system.

I thank the runes for expounding what we already know and showing us there is a better way if we only grasp it.

Until next month, Sk책l


The last stone is Uruz, and it is all about wild unfettered power. We are coming up against a challenge or test. There may be something or someone we need to release or a pattern in self that is in need of transformation. We are being tested and our courage and strength will bring personal growth. This may be a painful time but we need to work an acceptance of, it is what it is. We are free to accept or reject this initiation, however, remember that by accepting this challenge the new way of life will be greater than the old way.

Contact Phil at for more information.


The beginning of the sensual time of year when the leaves change from hues of green to gold, orange, red and yellow. Early morning dew, the crispness of the air across our skin, tingles with the fading warmth of the sun. The harvesting of late fruit and vegetables, the preserving for winter days to come. Bounty swirls all around us as the wind whispers “fly leaves, fly”. Birds take to the sky, and begin their migratory flight, calling out to each other “keep going, you can do this! Soon we will be home.” Mist swirls, suspending us in the magic that is autumn, letting us know that the calendar has flipped another page. Soon darkness will win out, and daylight will become shorter. Embrace the beauty and give thanks for hearth, home, family and celebrate the abundance of love in your life.




BUTTERNUT SQUASH MAC & CHEESE INGREDIENTS: 1 Small/Medium Butternut Squash Olive Oil Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg 1.5 Cups dry macaroni Butter 2 Cloves of Garlic 1 Small Onion Herbs of your choice (basil, rosemary or parsley)

2 Cups Milk 1/4 Cup flour 1/2 pkg MacLaren’s Imperial Cold Pack Sharp Cheddar Cheese 1 Cup grated Old Cheddar (or cheese of your choice, be creative) Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg Extra grated cheese Bread Crumbs

DIRECTIONS: Peel, seed and dice the butternut squash, place in a roasting pan sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper, and nutmeg - give a good stir. Place in 400° oven 20 - 40 minutes (roasting time will vary depending on how big you dice the squash) Once roasted, either mash with potato masher or place in blender and puree. Personally I like bits of squash so mash with masher. If you want a smoother consistency, blending would be the way to go. Meanwhile, cook macaroni according to package directions. In a good sized frying pan, sauté onion and garlic in butter until soft and fragrant. If you are using herbs, now would be the time to place them in, just before this next step and give them 1 to 2 minutes to release their flavor. Sprinkle with flour and cook for a couple minutes, being mindful not to burn the mix. Pour the 2 cups of milk over this and stir until it starts to thicken and bubble. At this point add in your mashed squash, and both cheeses. Stir or whisk until blended, and the cheese has melted in. Taste and adjust seasoning as necessary. Add in the macaroni, ensuring you mix it well. You should have a saucy mac and cheese at this point, that is part of the yumminess. At this point you can serve the mac and cheese, or carry onto the next step. Place in baking dish, sprinkle with extra cheese, top with bread crumbs (you can mix the crumbs with melted butter if you wish) Pop into a 350° oven for 20 - 30 minutes, let rest 5 minutes when you pull it out and enjoy! 49

Health Benefits

Get whiter, healthier teeth Avoid Alzheimer’s Protect against Parkinson’s Curb all sorts of cancers Decrease your risk of diabetes Reduce cholesterol Get a healthier heart Prevent gallstones Beat diarrhea and constipation Neutralize irritable bowel syndrome Avert hemorrhoids Control your weight Detoxify your liver Boost your immune system Prevent cataracts


Rose Apple Pies (Serves 6) 2 Apples (Red Delicious) Juice of half a lemon Water 1 Puff Pastry Sheet—Flour to roll out pastry Apricot Jam - water to thin Cinnamon How to make them: Chop apples in half and core, do not remove skin. Thinly slice each segment (the thinner the better). Fill bowl with water and add the lemon juice. Place apple slices in bowl and microwave for three to five minutes. Check that they are pliable, I needed to leave mine in longer. (you could cook these in a pot on the stove) Drain apple slices. Sprinkle your counter with flour and place one pastry sheet on top and sprinkle with flour. Roll the pastry sheet out making it thinner. Using a knife, cut into six strips approx. 2” high.

Mix the apricot jam and water, place in microwave for 30 secs to 1 minute so it is easier to spread. Divide between the 6 strips and spread evenly across the length. Place your apple slices so the skins hang over the edge of the pastry. once you have layer them on the top edge, sprinkle with some cinnamon. Fold up the bottom of the pastry over the bottom of the apple slices and then roll from one side to the other. Place them in a cupcake tray and place in a 375° oven for 40—50 minutes. Leave to cool slightly and serve warm.

My Rose Apple Pies! Even though they got a bit charred on the edges of the apples, they were very tasty! Click here to watch a video on how to make them. 51

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Message from the Angels September 2015

Our message for each of you this month is

feels with regards to your inner star. Rest easy and understand now is not the time to chase false dreams or to confront those who persuade you to chase them. Retreat and seek solace within the sanctity of your being and revitalize your soul. Just like the harvest, it is time to prepare for the dark months ahead.

“Look within, explore your star” Your earthly month of September is one of magic and mystery. The magic lies within you, and the mystery lies in the world events around you. It is tied to the number 7, remember this and the message behind the number 7- No matter what shows up this month you are on the right path and even if chaos seems to be winning the day – the outcome will exceed all expectations.

Remember that the mind is powerful and can protect, structure and uphold. Ensure your mind and heart are in sync so that they support each other. That will be a key factor as you make your way forward this month.

It is an auspicious time energetically right now for all earth beings. Collectively you stand on the edge of unprecedented change. Your earth paradigms are radically shifting. From our point of view, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, while you might see only more chaos and wonder when it will end. Understand this change has been playing out for some time now and is reaching the dark night of the soul. This means many are in a state of fear, and more will be added to this each day. Those of you who would hear our words need to anchor the process in love. Do not allow the drama unfolding to plunge you into the state of fear. Know that you are surrounded by many of the Angelic realm, and carry on, business as usual, with only love and light.

Explore your shining star, find peace. The previous struggles you have been going through are nearing completion. Don’t fight against them, allow them to finish without your presence. Clarity is dawning and with this, freedom. The old is slowly dying, soon the last threads will be unraveled. A new beginning is at hand, be open to this, welcome it without expectations, for you do not need to understand everything. Your inner star is like the North Star – use it to navigate your path on this leg of the journey and cut yourself free from attachments, all attachments – those that don’t serve you any longer and to outcomes and how things should be or will be. Have faith that all potentials being offered now will shape your future. Use the magic within you to cut through the mysteries surrounding you. Look within, explore and see how strong, bright, and rich you are, and be satisfied in knowing you are enough. Have courage, you are the change you wish to see. You are the magic that will unravel the mysteries.

Magic will be swirling around you like a fine autumn mist, supporting you as doors of opportunity are opened. Embark on a journey this month, destination within - “Look within, explore your star and see how bright it shines.” Release the need to look outside of yourself to fulfill any voids in your life. Do not be seduced by the illusions being presented to you as something better than what is. Now is the time to withdraw, retreat, and watch how things unfold. Be the observer, and explore how it

By the power of three so shall it be. Through Mcobb



Photo: Š pnielsen 56

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